Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Philly that sounds like some fun to get it in for this weekend!

LOL@ your story bout shorty doo-whoop at your job... :rofl: I have one of them over here that I support...he's younger than me and just passed the bar last year...good on passing the bar and all but stop walking around quoting the laws and you don't know how to apply them... :angry:

Then one day, he had me go accept some of his dry cleaning from his is that even in my job description and the little blue suit looked like it belong to the gekco with the accent from that insurance commerical :rofl:

Den's you made my day with Shorty-doo wop girl you know that's what I will be calling him from now on LMAO :rofl: :rofl: Good thing he is on the West Coast and not in my office cause he would be getting the evil eye all day long!

NO dude didn't have you accept his dry cleaning wha deh raas?? LOL @ the gecko suit I can only imagine. I guess we all have 1 person who is off the chain at the gig huh, actually prolly a few LOL

Welcome back Sus.

I almost is our 5th wedding anniversary :wub:

Shemmy (((waving) that is so fabulous Congrats 5 years you are my hero!

How deh belly?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-07 13:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

I had an eventful trip, to say the least!!

SUS I missed you! Welcome back I think I need a picha :star: !

How was the sun and sugar cane? :crying:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-07 12:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Good Morning!

Hi JG no I didn't go into work...the kids are home from school so I am staying home with them. Wink Wink. LOL We only got a delayed start at work for 10:00 but I am just staying put.

Maybe it is the fact that I grew up in Colorado but for what is outside...they would have NEVER canceled school in a million years. It just amazes me how quick they are to cancel school hear.

Have you heard about the shooting at ABB?

Dillon how many inches you get? What is ABB?

Speaking of cellphones, I managed to do something I've never ever did...I left my cell phone at home. I didn't realize it until I was too far from the house to turn around...I'm pissed to say the least... :angry: but seriously what am I going to do? Nothing just wait until I get home after work cause I refuse to drive all the way home and come back to work for my phone! Okay that's my woe is me for the morning!

What else is going on? Anybody got big plans for the weekend? :star:

Oh Den''s I hate when that happens, its like we can't function without a cell phone these days!

As far as this weekend I think I want to plan a family day out, and have a Yardie link up with Steve and Tee :yes:

I think you would like H20...I was there once and Den was summoned on stage to relieve another keyboard player and I look up and Tanya Stephens was just walking around talking and hanging out with folks. She ended up getting on stage and performed some was awesome!

This medial situation has my boyshorts in a bundle...I mean WTH? :unsure: I guess when its time to AOS we have to try to do the best we can and pray for the best but plan for the worst! :blink:

LOL @ Den's that is too funny

I'm working on it now.... :whistle:

LOL Dada its all good, I know yuh busy girl I got like 18 projects if I had a wig on it would be crooked! There is a new Sales dude and he is like 4 ft tall and a pain in mi raas Ughhhh I have to restrain myself today cause he done worked my last nerve with his Phockery requests! WOOOSAAAAHHHHH
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-07 12:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Well, as you can see I made it in. I'm not happy about it.

Last night was awful. I was waiting around firehouse for him to check my oil and antifreeze and all that #######. My car is old and I've been running it hard. They had so many runs cause of the weather that I didn't get out of there till 9:30ish. Streets were a mess. People are such fools.

So this morning I waited around for him to get off work and come get me. I shoveled my sidewalks and driveway and threw down salt while waiting. Streets are not horrible once you get to mail routes. But, they aren't great either. We aren't supposed to get out of the teens today, so tonight the freeze is going to make it nasty once again.

How did you do, Dillon?

I won't be here all day. He got little sleep last night at firehouse so he's really dragging today. Probably leaving after he gets his check from other job he works around 2ish. I don't even want to be here at all so whatever.

Lawd JG mi cyaa manage this winter! :crying: We are getting snow in the a.m. YIKES!

Morning, All!

I don't know WHAT happened with my cell phone this morning! I use it as my alarm clock & had it set for 8:15am.
Last night I took 2 Nyquils at 10 and was asleep before 11pm.

This morning, I woke up at 8:59AM :o I'm supposed to be to work for 9 at the latest.
I looked at my cell phone & it showed that I was snoozing (as if I'd either pressed snooze or didn't turn off the alarm) and that I'd missed a call.
However, I heard nothing.
I got to work & tested by calling my phone, and instead of making noise, it made some weird vibrations (not the ones it makes if on vibrate).

I guess my 2+ yr-old phone is ready to be replaced. :( I want another just like it, but they don't make it anymore.

Girl must be in the wata cause I woke up @ 7:50 when I am supposed to be out of the house @ 7:30 heading to NJ UGHHH Friday soon come!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-07 11:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Mawning Yardies :star:

OK so we just submitted the AOS payment last night and the DS-3032 by email and i wake up this morning and my $70.00(AOS FEE) was gone from my account so i call to find out if about the AOS and was told that the DS-3032 was accepted and the IV VISA Bill($400) will be sent in 24-48HRS :wow: :wow: :wow: ok now i am in shock since they told me it takes 2-4 weeks for DS-3032 to be accepted :help: :help: Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image :lol:

Im so happy for you I told you girl! I spoke it :yes: Yuh on yuh way!

Den's you got mail...

Whatev where's mine?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-07 10:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
Mawning Ladies Dens Wifey, Always Blessed, IrieCat Lawd yall can chat , I didn't log on last night and look at all I missed. Ok gwaan try and catch up
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-07 09:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
Nat don't kill me LOL but this is funny

W11 fit Parody


Aight I'm out ladies long day Holla
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 18:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
OMG Irie

the Snuggie Parody :rofl: :rofl: My Husband loves his Snuggie, they even have them for animals I am rolling!

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 17:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Oh I am sure there are more requests I have not heard about.
His uncle wants Extenz!! LOL ... $40 at Rite Aid.. but Louis doesnt want to go buy them and I sure dont want to!!! hahahah

OMG not EXTENZ that is hilarious that commercial has me in stitches!

This Parody is killing me softly!

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 17:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

I'm out too my boss just said I could go home!!!! Yippiee!!!!

Bye Dills I was good today No Feva! :yes: :devil:

I love your new pic as well it's SESSI!

Ok.. how come the whole island of St Lucia knows Louis is coming and they all want something???

Male Enhancement drugs..
Curling iron
new shoes
a Blackberry

Too BAD!!! Maybe if they sent us some money 1st!

One of his friends asked if we could help pay her rent! AHAHAHAHA!!
Another is now e-mailing asking for some kind of "help"..

They all think he is married to the rich AMerican lady.

OMG Irie I am rolling cause that sounds like some my requests, Iphone, Astroturf :blink: 5 cases of Pampers I could go on and on I know it all too well.

I am cracking up about the male enhancement drugs , come one now it's an Island I am sure they have some Noni juice around :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 17:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Alright yall its been real today...I'm gone be quite for the rest of the day! I will chat with you all in the safe with your travels and commute home!

Bye Den's ((((waving)))

I'm going to act like I didn't see this.

LOL but your are so good at it!

You should be pickled by now! :blink:

LMAO @ JG right!!!!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 17:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

My eyes hurt because she is always typing so BIG as if we can’t read. :wacko:


I got yall! We will start our classes on monday entitled "Gonna bring sexy back to our marriages" classes start at 10:00 am lol

Lawd knows mi nuh need dat class wait till yuh get my PM He almost sexy mi raas inna deh hospital LOL

Im leaving folks.. Im so congested... likkle more.. I had FUN with you guys today! :)

Nite Tee check yuh pm :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 16:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Let me ask you guys this...what is the deal with rubbing alcohol? I told hubby last night that I didn't feel well and was all stuffed up last night so I crawled into bed. Next thing I know he is coming at me with some rubbing alcohol and rubbing it all over my face and head. LOL I really don't think it helped but he swore by it.

Anybody else tried this or heard of it? I think it actually made my face break out since I have a big zit on my cheak today.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Dillon my Hubby swears by Alcohol he goes through a bottle a week and will only use the Wintergreen what is up with that????

work is really getting in the way of my vj time here....


what's for lunch?

I had Chinese, vegetable stir fry and hot and sour soup, I have to get my big Batty in my dress in less than six weeks!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 15:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

You forgot Philly and her pickney drama

LOL JQ Yall might as well keep my pickney drama on the ongoing update list :blush:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 15:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

VJ recap for January 6, 2010...DaDa I'm gon try this....

DaDa and me being bad talking bout size does matter...I'm also still clowning my baby bout that dang gold suit

IrieCat, don't have to beg for it

Lady C and Always...trying to adjust to their manes' laid back attitude

JaHoney...slowly coming back on to VJ and trying to book early flight to JA

*JG* friend, Daniel, passed out drunk in the cold and slept in someone's yard

Shemmy...ready for a mini-vacay bringing sexy back for the married folks

Finesse...can't go too low no mo at the sexy parties and she picked out some bedding for the babies

Dillon...trying to figure out how many inches of snow they gon get

Bunz- trying to catch up

Nat...trying to handle this I-693 and Steven's repeat medical

Mamajew...changed her name to reflect her boo, Eric

JQ...preparing for her step-daughther's interview

McA...getting down low too with the moves....

Philly that's pretty much it!

Did I miss anything ladies????

OOH Den's thanks girl I needed that! :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 15:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

I remember some negative talk from my brother at first. I just use to say him, believe what you want and speculate on what you know nothing about. When he arrives here, you will get your answers. You will see for yourself.

Its not always that easy to do but if your peeps geniunely love you and respect you, once Den get's here they will respect him too.

That's right Tee too many people are negative but alot of times with good reason because they don't want to see you hurt. It's good to be cautious but I always say actions speak louder than words and he will show and prove!

Well me personally I always tell folks unless you have walked the walk and talked the talk you’ll never understand. I mean think about it had we all not done it we might think we were crazy too. Most of us went on vacation and ended up finding a man we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with. That does sound a little crazy. I think folks tend to criticize the unknown. Like they have no idea about it so they talk about it and your right after hearing some of the horror stories I think they are just trying to protect us from getting hurt.

When I was in my relationship so many people thought I was crazy and others thought it was cute. I just stood my ground and told my loved ones this is my life and I have to live it as I see fit. Sad to say when it came to topics about him I didn’t talk to those folks as much instead I talked to Quana or someone else who could understand. I always asked myself if it didn’t work out would I enjoy the ride? Well I must admit my relationship didn’t work out but got darn I really enjoyed the ride!!!

Speaking of rides Spangles will be riding to the airport today Dam is due to arrive.

Dada I know that's right, I went through the same with my family and you know we are West Indian! My Momma had her Sister's circle praying for me that this wasn't looking bout a green card :blink: and my Father was not happy none at all :angry: . I know they wanted to protect me but give me some credit as well going back and forth between both Haiti and Ja since a pickney I have seen a whole hell of a lot and know when it is and when it aint, plus my Yard family schooled me from a youngin! Now that he is here everyone loves him they even call him before they talk to me LOL go figure :luv: In these matters it is always safer to be cautious cause I have seen some thangs so you can't blame them but don't let anyone influence you and you have to use some commons sense as well :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 15:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

See yall not feeling me...yall don't understand that gold suit... :no: It was real bad. An utterly hot rass mess It must have worked cause I'm dang ol' sho with 'em :rofl:

You are killing me softly with the Gold suit mek mi see picha LOL

Morning everyone!! who's got some drama?

Hey Finesse How deh Belly? yuh knoa mi have deh same raas pickney drama!

:bonk: No drama Finesse sit down!!! lol

I will however say that, during my sexy party performance I think I may need to see the chiropractor.. I didn't even know my body could go in that direction!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

LMAO Tee I just LOL'd

check out my nursery bedding mi juss order..


Luvs it! :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 15:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
Hey Ladies (((( waving))))

I see we have a full house, been so busy in and out of meetings and just came from a lunch meeting with my Manager. Soooo I will have to catch up today, unless Dada the Scribe wants to give me a recap LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 14:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

adjustment is going well ..we have had our moments more so me then him of mom actually seems to be having a hard time with it ... me and her do everything together now she has to share..

Hey My2, uh oh sounds like the same adjustment issues I am dealing with stay strong Sis!

Good Morning Yardies......

:help: ...My husband really ticked me off last night. I am trying to get all of the paper works in order to send off the AOS by the end of this month. He left his Birth Certificate & Vaccination Records in JA. Thank god someone came from JA on Monday so we have them but his mon forgot to send one of the shot records. She did send the one with the shhots he got at his medical. So I asked my husband? G what 2 shots did they say you needed to get? His reply: I dont know, the woman wrote it on a paper and I dont know what I did with it. Ok this is where I gat mad because things like this you need to be more aware of. Then he said to me "WHATS THE BIG DEAL" :bonk: :devil: :angry: I just lost it a bit and now he thinks im being unfair. I told him this process is very stressful and the least he could do is to be involved. I do not want to be running around like a damn chicken without a head. I will give him the quiet me for a little longer. :devil: .

So will the clinic be able to tell what 2 shots he need?

Thanks Yardies :thumbs:

Hey Lady C I empathize with you, my Mista isn't that way but my StepDad is and I have been helping him with his business lately so I feel your pain. Sometimes I just look at him like :blink: :blink: I realize I have to have patience with him ( like my Mamma didn't LOL) so I understand what it's like going through that and my Husband always tell me that's what wives are for LOL :luv:

Good Morning Ladies, Happy Hump Day!

Sorry LadyC and Blessed about the bad evenings. I always seem to have more of a sense of urgency with things than Louis as well. He never seems to think thigs are as important as I do. We are STILL getting used to each other's "style" of living...

It is so cold up here.. I have my sweats, slippers and big comfy bathrobe on! I wish I could just crawl back into bed.
I hope the next 3 years FLY by... I want Louis to get his citizenship .. then we will head on down to SLU for an extended time. OH I long for warm winters.

Hey Irie, It is soooo cold! I do agree it's all an adjustment :no:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 14:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Philly, I played this at home and Steve started singing :rofl: He might be the third person with the FEVA :rofl:

Hey Tee, LOL see I am not the only one who recognizes the FEVA I see :yes:

Note to self: Keep extra pants/shoes in trunk.


Thanks Philly they have not generated it yet but they said we should be getting it shortly by email :blush:

Awwe Sweetie is soon come, Keep the Faith girl!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-06 10:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

I am out of here for tonight hopefully when I log back in the FEVA will be gone!

I just can't take it anymore!!!! !

:devil: :rofl:

DaDa, did you make it home? Poe thang, I had that happen to me before. I had brought a pair of slacks from a cheap store that shall remain nameless :angry: but anyways I know they weren't tight or anything because I tried them on and all...chile why they were ripped in the front after I was doing some filing on some cases? I felt a little draft, I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, :o poe thang I walked around all day looking like a dang fool! :wacko:

oh no Den's are you serious yall are killing me softly today :yes:

Hey ladies,

wha gwaan this evening?
im starting to think i actually miss VJ a bit ( shhh dont tell anybody) this is my second day in a row or is it third logging in.....WTH?

Hey JaHoney wha yuh deal wid tonight?

ok gonna watch my DVR'd soaps wid Hubby :luv: soon come
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-05 20:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

evening yardies :star: i have been calling NVC day and night for them to send the damn DS-3032/AOS Bill so i can get this thing moving :bonk: :angry:

:help: BTW did any of you email the DS-3032(Choice of Agent) or did you mail it in or both??(all my CR1/IR1 filers)

Hey Sheka

I emailed and mailed the DS-3032, I emailed from my address as well as my Husbands address and it took a few days to get a response. So your DS-3032/AOS Bill wasn't generated yet, I have to look at your dates in your timeline to see if your info. It's easier to get them at night, good luck girl, I hope they mailed it out to your already. Keep the Faith, this part will go by pretty quickly for you, Power of the spoken word! :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-05 19:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Now yall know I'm special! :innocent: Remember my story of how Den and I met...that bright gold suit shinning all through the resort and in the club!!! :no: Poe thang!! So one of my girlfriends jokingly ask him if he is going to wear that gold suit upon his arrival in the U.S. :bonk: :rofl: He replies, "No, cause I don't want to stand out!" :wow:
"I'm sure you don't baby," was my reply cause I love him too much to tell him that it will not be standing out in a good way, but a dead wrong way... :rofl:

:rofl: Yall got me rolling tonight LOL @ the Gold suit in the airport :lol:


Happy New Year finesse...did you sign up for a Facebook account yet?

Dillon, thats what I wan knoa too She dash weh?

Man wait till Philly sees this. She is going to do cart wheels fi sure....

LOL yes mi kungpupulic down deh aisle @ wuk LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-05 17:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

***O.k. News Flash ***

Now I know I have to leave the donuts ALONE. Why did I just sit down and my pants ripped :blink: . I mean they really ripped. So how the hell am I supposed to get home :blush: !!!!! U all know I’m an admin so people have came past asking me for things and I have to direct them where to go or ask them “ Can I get this to you tomorrow?” :unsure: Ughhh I so don’t know what I’m going to do!!!!! Well I guess I can’t leave at 5:00 with everyone else. I’ll have to wait until 5:15 when the place clears out a little or I could leave now? Ummm

Eric yuh betta not be laughing at me!!!!

:rofl: I think alot of us did!!! I never knew why he came around in the first place. I mean he wasnt marrying anyone that I knew of.

Dada Hush you made me almost choke on a carrot, I know its not funny but :lol: how you gonna leave the office without anyone seeing? Do you have a long coat or sweater?

OMG DaDa...I feel your pain that happened to me once. You don't have a long coat or anything that covers that area? I'm not laughing at you....heeheeehee...well maybe just a little.

LOL @ Dillon

yup...all is well here....just slowing down a bit..

my sexy parties have been a bit compromised lately :angry:

wooh I am sure

no bed rest...thank God. babies are good...had ultrasound yesterday...everything proper...did yu have to be on bed rest? that would suck...

I am so happy all is well with you and the babies :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-05 17:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Dens!!!!!!! Why, why, why...did you just REQUEST Jermaine!!!!! We have been Jermaine free all year!


MRStee, am I wrong for having a burning desire for Jermaine? :rofl:

Girllllll let me tell you the history, I am the original Jermaine Jacksonista and I had to daily fend of the haters with every fiber of my being! I never knew there was so much Hate for this man who has rocked my world since I was a pickney with his soulful pipes. I made it my mission to share him wid mi VJ Sistren I am so happy I have found a kindred spirit who shares my fondness of the velvet voice that is the FEVA Girl I'm about to start a FB group LOL

Yes Dens you are wrong for having a burning desire for Jermaine. I thought Philly was :wacko: for it but now there is 2 of you!!!! Oh lord the end of the world must be near!!!!

:rofl: I'm over here rolling

:rofl: Come on guys, he had like some hits back in the day...okay two hits but I loved "Don't take it personal" and "Perpetrators" :dance: :dance: :dance:
That's okay Jermaine I still gots some love for you... :blink:

I can keep them coming too!

Thats exactly why I didn't answer because I knew Dillon would hahahahahaha

*whispering "If you say my eyes are beautiful" One of my favorites!

That is my song I that is one on my songs for the wedding!

Jermaine Jackson - If You Say My Eyes Are Beautiful pure FEVA
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-05 17:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
Jermaine Jackson - Don't Take It Personal

1st request for FEVA of the New Year Just for mi gyal Den's

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-05 17:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Hi Sexy Ladies!! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I have been off work for a few weeks and now starting to work from home a couple days a week. What is new?

Anybody hear from JaP?

Hey Finesse Happy New Year mi gyal weh mi picha ? :P

Mean ole' Shawn is who I think she is talking about. :bonk:

YESSSS that's him I knew JG would know! :hehe:

Yes...He got a laptop. He even signed for it when it was delivered to the house. I got him good. Woke him up early Christmas morning. He was trying to use the thing in the bed. I had to put a stop to that though. I told him that I don't use my laptop in the bed and would like for him to follow suite. I feel that the bedroom is a place for us to connect, not to be on the laptop. He agreed then took it to the den. LOL!!!!

Yes he does use the screen names. Some times he even puts the excitment in it the way yall type it. It is too cute. Now he is supposed to be getting the AOS paperwork together. But I can guarantee that he hasn't done that. (this is his hint).....

LOL MamaJew that is me all the time with the laptop gladly it doesn't bother him but he does put a limit on my usage lately if its not work related. :yes:

Hello everyone!!!!!! So much for me to read!! That's good though. I will catch up tonight sometime. Spanglas grl, I read up to your goodnews!!! Congrats. I've been wondering what was your outcome b/c our interview dates were near. All the best. I know you would have wanted it sooner but the beginning of the new year is great 2! Take care everyone until I forward back.

Hey MoAcory7007 (( waving)))

Yeah guys the joy is still on and popping!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: In spite of the fact, I just found out one of my problem cases will probably go to trial on Tuesday while I am on vacation! Gotta love it!! Cause everything that can go wrong will when you're out of the office! :angry:

Not sure if you guys have this problem at your places of employment but over here it can be the "blame game".... :unsure:

Yes when I worked in the Crypt with the Crypt Keeper it was the blame game all day erday so I feel your pain! So glad I escaped the CRYPT!
Posted Image

MoAcory, Hey lady! Know you enjoying your man being here. Enjoy! :devil:

Hi Philly, I feel like I need some Jermaine Jackson...what was that song I use to love..."Don't take it Personal"? :unsure:

OOOH your wish is my command mi gyal !!!!!!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-05 17:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Yup. I wouldn't bring an article of clothing if I knew I wasn't getting at least 2 uses out of it (except underwear). I had my outfits planned for each day & night I was there in order to pack the bare minimum.


Well you know how men are with der gadgets. I’m sure he was like a kid on Xmas.

OMG my son plays this song ova and ova at home. Its on the radio and I’m at work jamming to it. See even though my son gets on my last nerve I tell you he keeps me young. I’m sitting up here bobbing as if I was 16. My co workers are like :blink:

Its Fresh by 6Treg

LOL @ Dada I know that's right, why do I now lik that song, Call me Flinstone I can make your Bedrock LOL That line cracks me up. I love Loyd his voice is like Butta!

Dats it Private Practice thank you. Did you see how it ended with Madison’s mother and father? That was too funny…I felt for the guy that his wife was still using meth and burned herself and their daughter. I couldn’t blame him for being angry.

On Grey’s the intern that likes Chan is very easy on the eyes.

I missed the last episode I need to catch it online before it comes back on? Intern and Chang? I thought she was all into Ex Military Doctor dude?

Me 2!!!!

Memba the guy that used to chat with us?

LMAO YESSSSSS and Kimmy cussed him I don't think he ever came back since the last time has he :rofl: hot mess!

The Eagles suck! :angry: :angry: :angry: They always get us there and drop the ball!!! :angry: Dallas 24 Eagles 0 :angry:

Don't all the Philly Teams do it Ughhhhh its so annoying but girl when they are winning we are DIE HARD PHANATICS eating green pancakes and turning the fountains green in the city :lol:

Whats up with Iverson is he bringing the pain or what?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-05 17:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

:thumbs: that is great my hubby loves the computer too.

Mine too Dillon :yes:

Don't be upset. My home team is celebrating getting the first round draft pick. They suck so bad!

Yeah, about that fantasty team. After dominating fantasy baseball, I finished dead last in fantasy football. What a letdown. I'm living for pitchers and catchers to report to spring training in a month. The playoffs and Superbowl just filling the void for now.

Can you give me a prediction for the SuperBowl?

Dada thats how I am too...Grey's & Private Practice...People know dem nah fi CALL MY PHONE when they are on...Im hi fiving you right back girl... :luv:

When Private Practice 1st came on I wasn't crazy about then they started with the Greys crossovers and I was hooked!

My hubby got hired FULL TIME. out of 300 they kept 50. He is no longer on the 7pm to 7am shift.

He works 7am to 5:30 pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, He makes fun and says I got a better :P schedule than you. :rofl:

That's great JQ Good for him!

OH better say "Hi" to Mr. Mamajew since he is a lurker! (waving)

:rofl: @ Mr. Mamajew

I think he needs to create an account so he can chat with us throughout the day!

Yes :yes: I agree!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-05 17:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
QUOTE (Marie87 @ Feb 10 2009, 10:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
2009 Yardie Interview Schedule

Member Name --- Visa ---- Date Case Complete --- Interview Assigned on --- Interview Date
Ontheedge--------- CR1 ---------- 09/30/08 -------------- 11/24/08 ------------- 01/
12/09 (9am)
LadyT------------- CR1 ---------- 09/23/08 -------------- --/--/-- ------------- 01/21/09
IslandWoman------- K1 ----------- --/--/-- -------------- --/--/-- ------------- 01/22/09 (9am)
MrsBuggy---------- CR1 ---------- 10/14/08 -------------- 01/06/09 ------------- 02/17/09 (730am)
Made2luvg--------- CR1 ---------- 10/07/08 -------------- 01/09/09 ------------- 02/19/09
Pecky------------- CR1 ---------- 10/10/08 -------------- 01/06/09 ------------- 02/18/09 (730am)
Shrewdgal--------- CR1 ---------- 10/28/08 -------------- 01/06/09 ------------- 02/19/09 (830am)
Meliss3108-------- CR1 ---------- 11/18/08 -------------- 02/10/09 ------------- 03/10/09 (7am)
Shellybelly07----- CR1 ---------- 11/18/08 -------------- xx/xx/xx ------------- xx/xx/xx
Javesgirl--------- CR1 ---------- 11/21/08 -------------- xx/xx/xx ------------- xx/xx/xx
Jengles----------- K4 ----------- 01/19/09 -------------- xx/xx/xx ------------- xx/xx/xx
Phillyfashionista- CR1 ---------- 01/21/09 -------------- xx/xx/xx ------------- xx/xx/xx

Thanks for adding me to the Schedule, I am about to call them now and try my luck yes.gif Many VJ'ers have been successful this week maybe I'll get lucky

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2009-02-11 09:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
QUOTE (Meliss3108 @ Feb 10 2009, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you're hoping for a March interview- now is the time to call. They scheduled McKoy for March 10 at 7 am! Just found out today!

Congrats! good.gif The countdown is on yes.gif
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2009-02-10 13:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
QUOTE (shrewdgal @ Feb 3 2009, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (phillyfashionista @ Feb 3 2009, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Meliss3108 @ Feb 3 2009, 09:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey all... anyone waiting on a march interview? I'm hoping and praying...

HI I called last week and they told me I "missed the February interview slots due to capacity" and to call the second week in February to confirm if I was able to obtain a March slot. Their seems to be no urgency with the scheduling at the NVC at all !!!! helpsmilie.gif I am now wondering if I should have processed the K-1 that was approved along with the CR-1 and see which one I was able to obtain an interview with 1st! unsure.gif

they always only schedule the second week of the month for the next month (sometimes they do earlier..but officially this is their scheduling date)
The NVC can only schedule after the embassy gives them the time slots. So, it isnt that they are not in a hurry it is just that the whole system is messed up! haha

do you mean a K-3?
K-1 is only for unmarried people.

Hey Shrewd gal, Yes the K-3 you know what I meant , LOL these NVC folks have got me all crazy today. I couldn't get through on the phone after several phone calls and was hung up on twice! crying.gif I'm going to start calling again after 6:00 when I get home from work.

You said it the system is so messed up! I have a friend of a friend in the embassy and I am trying to get a picture of what these slots look like and maybe it will provide us with some insight as to what we may receive down the line. As soon as I get that information I will post it ASAP! It's just the not knowing that is frustrating, because you need to make plans. I'm just going to keep praying for a swift appointment.

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2009-02-03 17:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
QUOTE (Meliss3108 @ Feb 3 2009, 09:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey all... anyone waiting on a march interview? I'm hoping and praying...

HI I called last week and they told me I "missed the February interview slots due to capacity" and to call the second week in February to confirm if I was able to obtain a March slot. Their seems to be no urgency with the scheduling at the NVC at all !!!! helpsmilie.gif I am now wondering if I should have processed the K-1 that was approved along with the CR-1 and see which one I was able to obtain an interview with 1st! unsure.gif
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2009-02-03 15:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

My husband is Rasta. I can tell you that "The Rastafarians" by Leornard Barrett is a good book. It is a non bias book on the history of the religion.
Also, "Rastafari: For the Healing of the Nations" is a good one as well.

The Rastafarian Wiki page gives quite a bit of info as well.

I can say I read the Barrett book many years ago just because I was interested and found it very good. It was not a boring read.

That's good info Irie was studying previously as well and found a wealth of info on the internet and we have the book "The Rastafarians" by Leornard Barrett :thumbs:

Thanks for the good info Irie :thumbs:

That was a good movie Philly thanks sweetie (F) (as the kids would say "No **") lol good nite all

LOL you so silly that movie was different right, I will post another today this one will be about revenge and despair with your girl Beyonce!

Hey Ladies and Eric! My thoughts and prayers are with Philly, her family and friends and all those in Haiti who are going through this awful experience. Philly- I hope you have been able to get through and find something out, not knowing is the worst.

I'm anxiously awaiting to hear Den's good news tomorrow. I don't know "Rasta and Sam" ( I think that is the name), but I think their interview is tomorrow too and I hope the best for them as well. Then the next day is JaP's day she has been waiting forever on. Postive vibes to all of you ladies.

I just looked up our case looking to see if we got an RFE for the medical like everyone else who filed in Dec., well it atleast seems that way. I was pleasantly surprised to see our case was transferred to Cali!! I'm excited we don't have to go to another interview (for now). I asked in Nat's Dec. filers forum, but wanted to ask here too. Does this mean we are past the point where they would ask for another medical? Any other info on being transferred to Cali? I know Dillon was and she got approved fast.

We're doing good and I can't believe it's already been 2 months. Ever since Dada brought up Ells being an only child and how that might affect adjusting to married life, being an only child myself I find myself analyzing that. So far I find that I love always having a playmate and I don't mean that sexually. I just love always having someone to "play" with for a lack of a better term. When I was young I had friends that would play with me, but they always had to go home. I love that V never has to go home and come back anther day to play. Secondly, for the first time I'm having to participate in joint decisions. I find myself saying "oh no what if V doesn't want to go here and I do". Luckily he's very laid back and down for most anything. I'm just used to doing what I want, when and not having to discuss it with anyone. Maybe this is a transition for everyone who goes from single to married. I just thought that maybe people with siblings are more used to having to come to a joint decision (compromise). Maybe I'm reading into the affects of being an only child and adjusting to married life too much, but I just found it interesting when Dada brought it up. OK enough babbling and really I'm not even drinking tonight...honest.

Thanks Brooke for your prayers (((hugs)))

Yes Marriage is all about compromise and I think I am in the same boat with you about making decisions independently and now needed to include your mate. The transition and adjustment is not perfect and its a work in progress trust me but communication is the key, always talk it out and everything will be Cris! We are here when you want to chat and we have your back cause we are all making this journey together! :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 10:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Thanks for the good info Irie :thumbs:

That was a good movie Philly thanks sweetie (F) (as the kids would say "No **") lol good nite all

Philly sarry mi wake u dis mawnin, but mi forward the information...the news says that all communication is down, but that's not 100% true, my co-worker is sitting in front of me talking to his mom and his sisters were able to get through to some people in Haiti. I've done so much volunteer work in Haiti and have so many friends there, have yet to hear from some of them...most of the info we're getting is trough facebook or twitter the pictures are horrible (not) what you can show on the news. Had a sleepless night...and Bunz you were not the only one that felt it in Kingston.

I love you Lawny you are a true friend, thanks so much for helping out I am a ball of nerves! I am so happy my Mom was able to get through but I am worried about my cousin Dominique everyone depends on him so much too because of his US ties. I joined 2 groups on FB and asked if they new anyone in our community of Mariani and if they were able to reach anyone. A few people friended me so we are going to rally together and try to reach out together and see what we come up with. The cities you were probably thinking of this morning were Petionville probably Cap Haitien or Carrefour we also have family and friends in Jacmel.

I need to put more credit on the phone now so I can start dialing.

Thanks everyone for your prayers I spoke to Hubby last night and we are definitely going to make the trip later this year and do all we can to assist in the rebuild.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 09:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

I havent started the latest movie, I was a bit busy today... but I think I may have seen this one.
Louis worked at a TV station in SLU and played all the African movies.. his sisters, aunts, cousins would all ask him to play certain ones! It would be funny if we could all call our local stations and make requests! haha!

When you said the mold of his face... I am sure I saw it.
There was another where one girl was possesed with the devil or something. I remember everyone she had sex with dies or maybe it was a guy and when the girls slept with him they would die... ehhhh I don't remember..??

Irie oh I hope you get a chance to watch or you already saw, they are the same actors from Beyonce the president's daughter. LOL does Louis like the movies they played at the station, I wish I was able to get an African cable channel I would love that! LOL @ the Devil rooksin ooman there are so many genre's and they keep coming up with new movies every week luvs it!

Ok Ladies Hubby is calling me to rest and stop stressing over today's events so here is the last part of the movie I hope you have enjoyed. Latah Ladies

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-12 20:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Philly you, your family and the people of Haiti are in my prayers......

Thanks Lady C yes please pray for the people of Haiti you just can't imagine what this type of devastation could do to an already impoverished Nation (L)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-12 20:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

Awwwwwwwwwwwww Philly Im praying right now for you! and here i was fussing cause I watched the last movie... awwww Im prayin

prayers going out philly ..

Thanks Ladies (L)

Tee wait don't tell me you skipped ahead? did you see her doing the mold of his face that doesn't look nothing like him :blink: :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-12 20:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-12 20:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)

awwww philly i wish you could be there too! i know sus is def going and i am hoping and praying a few other VJers will magically apear!!!!!!!!! but one of the last minute things i didnt do was mail out the invites to people i told i track mind on focusing on the 25 people flying down with me that day! i just cant beleive how quick its all going now.....we have awaited this day a longggggggggggggggggg time and i will have a bazillion and 1 pics to post via FB i am quite sure of that LOL

soooooooooooooo tamisha and both of course are still invited and i know i said i would be mailing off your invite.....i printed them but never mailed them.....i just realized i have 10 invites that were supposed to be mailed that werent......i am a horrible person when it comes to mailing anything and am in awe i let this happen LOL......its short notice but any of my VJ sisters are welcome!

Cara you know I would be right there if I could but I wont arrive till 4 days later :crying: I miss Sus too double :crying:

I am so excited you will begin your journey again I will be praying for you and a speedy approval :star: :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-12 20:39:00