Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

omg who watched for the love of ray j reunion?!?!?!
i just saw a 9 min clip

Hey Bunz,

I tried to watch last night but was Hustled into watching some Dolh Lungdren movie :blink: so It's on DVR I can't wait to see.

Did Drag Race come on last night and what about the Celebrity fit club I missed everything due to am impromptu sexy party LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-09 11:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Mawning Yardies

Positive Vibes for KJ and AMQween and have qa fabulous day Yankees Girl ( throwing confetti in the air) LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-09 10:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

@ Philly I can understand not wanting to do both. I can't wait to see your pictures. You are sounding like you are looking extra fabulous. Can't wait until you try the diamond ones though.

Hey B thanks girl, I wish I could do both, figure better not press my luck :no:
Why out of the blue we decided to practice reciting our vows and we couldn't stop laughing :no:

He was like "You are my angel of love that has wrapped me in your wings of light and led me out of the darkness" :rofl: I was like this sounds like a Sci-fi movie what in the world??? We were rolling :rofl: . Then I looked to him and I said " My African Warrior King before I met you I ....... couldn't get the rest out before I heard BlooooooodClotttttttt African warrior what??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: We were dying laughing for a good 10 minutes. I have no idea how we gonna get through the vows without cracking up :no:

We are a hot mess :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-09 01:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Is no one else going to say it????????????????? MAKE A SPREADSHEET, NAT!!!!! (sorry, couldn't resist!)

All good ideas. It takes a lot of work to get into a rhythm with this stuff. Once you do, it's second nature.

LMAO @ JG :rofl:

Your welcome.... crazy isnt it?

Not to make fun of someone in a moment of dispair but....
This is a "why oh why" moment......

WHY did my co-worker who is short and weighs about 320lbs have a big rip in his pants from his inner thigh to his outer thigh on the back of his pants, want to stay at work like that :blink: I said "Oh nooooooooooo you gots to get outta here" I will tell our boss what happened. He lives close enough to go and come back. Better yet, there is a Target about 2 minutes away from where we work.. I said why don't you go buy a pair or do you need needle and thread.. I almost went blind in one eye from that sight! I looked like this :blink: :rofl:

HUSH that is just a hot mess wait please don't tell me his gentlemen parts were showing :lol: :help:

Ummm that would be a NO to scribin and what? it was heartfelt! :innocent: :whistle: :rofl:

LOL @ no scribin :rofl:

IMO, you should never feel bad for NOT helping someone. It's up to you what you do with the money you earned. And, you have your own priorities. I'd also never loan someone a dime if they promised to pay me back and didn't. Borrow means Borrow. If I GIVE, then I'm not as harsh. Fool you once, shame on them. Fool you twice..............

I agree 100% JG

Everyone have good weekends?

We went and Saw "Dear John". It was really good. Daughter and I cried our fool heads off.

Yesterday, I didn't get to root for my team cause BF had money riding on the Saints. Bad karma if I root for the one's I wanted to win. Probably all my fault the Colt's lost! (frown) I ate way too much spinach dip too!

I want to see that movie let me see if the link is up yet
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-09 00:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

are we talking jamaican dollars here? because that difference is really just about $5[/b]
but then i supposed it depends on how many days you renting it for
i am inclined to say you may have overreacted, but then you said you emphasized to him how much money its costing you and he still neglected that detail
so i can kinda understand

Wait why was I all over this topic but never realized the amount of $ as the $ equivalent why did I just LOL

lol i saw him
poor thing looked so scared
is when yuh coming again?

HAAA poor kitties and Damian was flinging them up in the air and they were totally buried and traumatized he is such a harasser LOL.
He is in here now threatening to give them all baths :blink: right now

We will be there on Sunday and Dada soon forward :yes:

Hey Philly How are you?

I'm good girl trying to stay warm its colder than a witches ####### out there!

i just had a chicken chilli garlic salad..............and i'm starting to feel hungry again!

that sounds good I'm gonna get some Cambells Select harvest soup don't feel like a salad today :no:

i'm good
saturday was the hardest goodbye ever
but i'm good now

Awwe yuh soon be here Sis :yes:

:ot: Ok Yardies I need to rant real quick!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

I'm just trying to figure out when did the branch of "Bank of Ash" open up in the U.S. cause I have had two different friends call me and ask to borrow money...knowing that Den is just getting here and not going to be able to work for a while! One of them I loaned it to her as we go back to like middle school...she promised to pay me back like a week later...that was almost two months ago and still no money! :o

I mean I understand, that it can happen to anyone we all can fall short but dang why I always have to be Captain save a Ho!!!! Should I feel bad for saying no :no:? I mean its not just about me anymore...I will be married in 6 days and the thing that burns me up is that one of these friends in particular was the same one talking about don't let Den use me and this and that and damn here she go with the poe mouf and her hand out... :whistle:

People let's be more responsible with our money...ughhhhhh! :ot2:

Girl why you got me rolling over here, :rofl: :rofl: @ Captain Save a Ho
Oh hell naw you shouldn't feel bad this is one of the most important events of your life you are embarking on and you need every one of your dollas to holla LOL ( I love that) med dem gwaan!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-08 16:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Thanks Philly and everyone, she will always be in my heart, Guardian angel for real.

Somebody please catch me up, I have never asked for an update but I need one.


Going into a meeting for 1 hour.

Hook me up PLEASE....................

Dada is usually the scribe but she deh pon hiatus and Den's same way so I nominate Tee :yes:

I just had some good news. I should receive my marriage certificate in a week. Now I can file AOS. Everything else is on ready set go :thumbs:

That's what's up TEE :dance:

Good morning Yardies! I need to go back and catch up with what's happening with everybody.

Den and I went to apply for our marriage license this that's a wrap. We just ready for this Sunday to say "I do"!

Dens I am so happy for you Sis wow the day we have all been waiting for is finally approaching (L)

LOL! Yes I'm very anxious and so ready!!!! I just love him so...we had a real deal talk on Saturday night when we were returning home from dinner and we talked about our expectations of marriage and what we expect from each other and it was just very open and honest! It was very deep! :crying: :crying: :crying: I'm going to try to not cry too much on Sunday! :whistle:

Don't you love the real deal talks, but I always say no matter what its all about communication is the key and talking about it together makes a world of difference and can get you through anything~ :star:

I have to be honest, Steve and I didn't write our own vows but the Rev. allowed us to say "first words" to each other as husband and wife... We did cheat and got them off the internet but boy were they honest and truthful feelings. The Rev. was so touched she almost cried. I however, was able to fight the tears because I had two shots of coconut rum before I left the house and one before I got out of the car :rofl: I was right as rain, ready to do cartwheels down the aisle if I had too! Then Steve capped it off by asking early on if he could kiss me before the part even came up.. had everyone laughing, not to mention even in my lil heels I still had to reach waaaaaaaaaaaaay up to kiss him.... That's why I love him so! (L)

Wait Tee why is this a heartfelt post but you got me rolling bout the coconut rum :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-08 14:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Interview March 12 at 8:30am!!


I am so happy fi yuh SIS I am over here doing the cabbage patch and Hubby asking wah wrang wid me LOL Mi just tell him and he put up his thumb wid a big smile :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-08 13:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Good Morning All wishing all of you a blessed day!

Hey Always

Good Morning Ladies!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

I am going to get my butt in gear and get some work done and bookings made! I need to make some money!
I just found out that some co-workers are getting ASSISTANTS! I need to be up there on the selling list and get one of my own!

:) work work work!

Hey Irie, that sounds like a plan Sis work it out!

Thank you so much Brooke! Partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy time! :) I can't wait :)

Yes I did!!!! Goooooooooooooooooooo Saints!!!!

Good morning Yardies :)

That is so nice going down to support fellow Yardies! I can't to see pics of the festivities :yes: :star:
Ok why was I clueless about the Superbowl I thought it was just another game, shows you how much I know about or care about Football LOL. I am just thrilled the Saints won that is great for New Orleans in the light of all they have been through!

He is 19 and I don't do it all the time... He's been catching the bus since he was 8! Rassclot :angry: I'm not a taxi service and as much driving as I do home, school and work hmph. I also know how to start ignoring my phone. Im over it now though...:)

Oh Lawd I know you :bonk: him!

I saw that one with the woman in the wheelchair it was good!!! :) It couldve ended a little better... I will see if they have the one you requested

Damian is yelling at the TV now poor Ooman is stuck in the chair but I bet they both will get whats coming to them. This was one of my free movies they sent me for being a platinum status customer :yes:

Good Morning ladies! Hope y'all had a great weekend. Well I'm just hours away from getting that approval, I'm super excited :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

That's what I'm talking about girl stay positive yuh approval soon come

morning yardies

Hey Bunz, yuh see the pics of my Kitties they were freaked out by the snow LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-08 13:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Hey Yardies,

Havent been on here in about 2 weeks. Everything is ok with me. They buried my granny today and it was so hard becaus its FINAL.
But I am moving on and staying strong

Wow,CONGRATS to all the Yardies doing big things in February.
Love is a beautiful thing, respect it. Respect your hubbies, and respect their opinions and you will go far.

I love Flash he has been so supportive since my granny left and that just confirms the reason why I love him and married him. He was a pallbearer, and was willing to help the whole time from the death to the funeral what whatever he could do. :thumbs:

Thanks you all for the help and strength through my time of need. (F)

:help: I need to check on Den's post. Last time I was on here she was getting ready for her hubby to come. !!!!!!

Im ready to bring the Jamerican Smiley Queen back. I miss you all :yes:

(F) I have been in your shoes and it was the hardest thing I have to endure in my life, just take comfort in her legacy and know that she is now in the arms of the Creator.

Just don't get Cricket, my daughter had one and it would not work in the basement or on any trip out of town. She would be at her dad's house next door in the basement and had to call me from another cell phone. :no: FAIL!

:rofl: @ FAIL!

Good afternoon everyone!!!

Philly- I'd love to see a picture too. Are you doing the diamond lashes for the wedding or later on?

Hey B, oh I can send you a pic sure hit me up on FB. I want to do the diamond lashes but I know how he will backside ooman me a million times LOL for the 22 inch hair and diamond lashes :help: If I have to choose it will the hair down to my but and just extra long lashes. :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-08 10:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

OMG someone please hold me back :angry: My SO just ruined my night. Just as I'm about to wonder off to la la land he calls and tells me "oh babe I forgot to tell you, the car isn't 3500, it's 4000" So I go off and hit the roof and he thinks I'm over reacting :unsure:
Listen, this is me: when I make a budget I stick to it and try my best not to go over it coz times are hard and as Dens would say "make a dolla holla" but in this case I ain't gone make my dolla holla for no car rental. He's so laid back I wanna choke him :girlwerewolf2xn:
Someone please tell me I didn't over react... We talk about how much this trip is gonna cost almost everyday and all of a sudden he forgot to tell me. Damn

KJ no you didn't over react IMO the LDR is expensive enough without unforseen additions. I totally understand that extra 500 per day can surely add up especially when its not in your budget. I hope you are able to work it out and find a cheaper rental, when he gets here he will definitely understand the value of a dolla and how you need to make in holla in this economy.

That is on the site I subscribe to also gonna watch that one...

Sorry I missed you, I was all into the Nollywood movies :)

Hey Tee I really enjoyed this one especially this one actor who cracks me up,we have 4 left I am about to pop one in now its about a woman in a wheelchair and some Phockery with a woman trying to steal her Man I am sure there is a twist to it!

See if they have Love lies and Lust on that site, that is my favorite movie by far we was both hooping and hollaring in here watching that one unfold.....
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-08 09:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
working from Home today YAY!!!!!

Mawning Yardies how is everyone this fine Monday!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-08 09:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I am feeling pretty confident and excited all at the same time. I' just happy that I'm just 2 days closer and it will all be over soon and I can join my hubby. :dance:

Hey KJenkins! 2 days to seeing your boo, 4 days to that approval. Are u ready?

Thats great Tam keep that momentum going :thumbs:

Hubby cooking, kities sleeping guess I'll finish packing :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-07 16:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Mawning yardies! hey Philly, MRStee ((waving))

Hey Tam hope you feeling confident today and not nervous, I know you are counting down. :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-07 13:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Warm him up :devil:

philly van vicker crying ...... AGAIN lol

LMAO I didn't get not one movie with him this time all that crying :crying: even Mrs Bootsy clown him :rofl:

its like he is type cast in one role lets see him expand like Micheal Majid he is the Man!

We are about to watch
Posted Image
It's Damian's choice today :yes:

Edited by phillyfashionista, 07 February 2010 - 12:43 PM.

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-07 12:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Goodmorning yardies!
Welcome back JQ!
Have a great day everyone!

Hey KJ (((waving)))

Do your thing Shemmy! I aint mad atcha lol

philly, move away from the donuts :angry:

LMAO D caught me and had a fit :unsure: says no Bday cake later :crying:

I wanna see the pic too! D is so helpful awww... 584? *gulp*

I'll send you the pic too, yes girl that price is steep told Mom to pay half she was like :no: :blink:

Philly - please send it to my hotmail address...I can't wait to see it.

We are renewing our vows in 2 us time to save money and do it right and lose before and after baby fat LOL. Not sure if I want an actual wedding...Damien does. I want to be carefree barefoot on the beach with my afro blowing in the wind lol. We have to figure out which way to go..formal or informal.

Damien thinks he is superman for real. I kept calling him to bring his butt in the house but he would not listen. When he finally made it in...his hands and feet were almost frostbitten :o. Guess he'll listen next time.

I sent it Shem LOL @ supernatural but he is helpful, just be careful frostbite is no joke!
Thats what we are doing carefree on the beach with my weave ans lashes blowing in the wind :rofl: :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-07 12:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Awww man Philly, well you have done all you could just take Q and enjoy yourself in JA sweetie.... back away from the juju too lol just trying to make you laugh...

Girl i done signed up to buni buni. com and watching Blind Kingdom... thanks alot you got me addicted to these movies woman!!!!! :rofl: :rofl:

LOL I'm afraid her juju is stronger than mine , prolly why my head is killing me :blink: I just looked up tickets ughhhh 584.00 :crying: I'm just thinking what im gonna do. In a fit I screamed I wasn't going but thats not fair to D this is just too much stress. Today is Q's Bday and we stuck in the house , his presents weren't delivered but he is ok with that I want to make it up to him somehow. Think we'll play Mario to take our minds off things.

LOL u watching online that's wonderful, I just ordered some flicks last night to take with us to watch when we're in the country. Lots of new releases so I'm excited!

Oh no...not a donut. Are you wearing a white dress for your ceremony? I am trying to find a pic of the bride with her lashes. She all was bling bling so it didn't look bad.

I feel good this morning. Damien doesn't feel well...he shoveled snow for 5 hours last night. His whole body is aching so I get to play nurse :devil:

Hey Shem nah not wearing white oh the horror LOL its actually from the House of Dereon I'll send you the pic.
Awwe poor D 5 hours my word was he helping the whole block? LOL @ u playing nurse he he thats fun :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-07 11:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Hey Shemmy

how you feeling this morning? I have such a headache so D is cooking for me my favorite liver, irish yam and dumplin and I just snuck a glazed donut and now I feel guilty. :dead:

I'm gonna DVR Bridezillas right now LMAO
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-07 11:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Awww philly im sorry you have to keep going through all this fockery. Even if you have to take Q just go and enjoy yourself mi friend. This day is all about you and D. (F)

Thanks Sis you are right but I know she doesn't want me to leave :angry:

Your mom needs something to occupy her time beside you and D's affairs and what you are trying to accomplish with your children. I hope the boys don't turn on her one day because she is going to be hurt by it. My son did that to my father and then the light came on when I would constantly ask my father not to come between what I was trying to do for my son...Hang in there...

One of the biggest issues is that she takes sides with all of us, me Q and A and it drives me crazy she treats A like a King and us like peasants. All of a sudden having them over is an issue and she wants my Dad to stay here while we are gone but I'm gonna be honest he is flaky I mean he will be here but watching :blink: LAWD. She has a 7 bedroom house and because her boyfriend has an issue they aren't staying there and now some drumming class takes precedence I'm just done Tee
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-07 11:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Hey MrsTee! How r things going? How are u and ur husband adjusting?

Hey Philly! How r u?

Hey Mrs P Whagwann

Well God forgive me but I just had to cuss my Mom Lawd she is a piece of work when it comes to the kids looks like I'm going ot try and find a ticket for my youngest son to go wid wi cause [I'm not taking that ungrateful other pickney no where!

Why all this family drama!!!!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-07 10:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Hi Yardies! Hope you're all having a fun-filled weekend with your loved ones! Den and I are still adjusting to him being here... :wacko: all and all its been amazing! (L)

That's great girl enjoy every minute!

We got the AP document in the mail today! Now Steven can TRAVEL and come back and WORk!! :dance: :dance:

The status has not been updated online and we had no idea it was already approved (since Feb 1).

congrats :dance:

philly, lawny was saying canned breadfruit smells like goat piss hahahahahaha

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :rofl: :rofl: Hubby is shaking his head too :bonk:

Also go to produce junction Philly great prices on fruits and veggies :)


I saw some like that philly and was gonna do those on my wedding day but didnt want to be XTRA lol

The produce junction has great prices on plants but no one beats the Hustle Fruit and Veggie Man's prices with his Dollar bags girl trust me on this
LMAO @ Xtra that should be my middle name! you know I'm getting them right :lol:

Finally all caught up now we watched and African movie today I loved it , kind of a spin on Edgar Allen Poe;s Tell Tale heart well thats IMO anyway but it was great. Called the Darkest Link.

I just gave Mrs Bootsy a stack of movies she said Mr Bootsy will be thrilled LOL and she is gonna bake Damian and Q a cake. I (L) her.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-06 21:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Since my daughter was so good at the strips, I will probably go that route again I don't know if I can do individuals :unsure:

Yes I would say get used to the strips then upgrade to the individuals and they become like second skin :yes:

I spend between 300 to 400 on food per month, for the 2 kids,myself and Steve, but it isn't Steve... them dayum kids eat EVERYTHING... but when Rashida comes out they calm it down. Since I do the shopping without them I buy things that are healthy so they tend not to eat as much lol...Im bad lol

Same over here :rofl:

I use coupons and ONLY buy things on sale.. I shop at a Shoprite supermarket because they double/triple the coupons... :thumbs:

Me too that's my spot!

Good morning Yardies.. what a snowy day.. its STILL snowing in Philly...

Ughhhhh we didn't go out to shovel until 2:30 I took lots of pics I just need to post on FB. Even the kitties came out to have some fun

Morning all! At the airport - it's snowing but still on schedule to leave. I got caught this am though, lol -- I told my terminally late pain in the butt that my flight landed 2 hrs earlier than it does - he called, and couldn't believe I hadn't boarded the plane! I told him I was boarding right then - when in reality I was sitting in the hotel, lol

Have a good week all, and good luck with weddings / interviews

:dance: YAY :dance:

During their 30 years of marriage, the most appreciated gift my mother gave my father (according to my mother) was a GPS a few years ago.


:angry: :angry: I just called the one company that I haven't received 1099-Divs from, asking where they are. The lady said that they have until February 15 to mail them out, and usually do so on or just before that date. They don't even have them online until they mail them out.

So.... I will be moving my money from that company to somewhere else, somewhere that sends out their forms earlier instead of making people wait to file.

I had the same issue ( kind of) but they were available online. I feel you I would do the same exact thing that is too damn long!

Dis negro think he slick! smh

LOL this was a good one

Hi people!!!! Its weekend and i havent been on here in a few days. Dens, glad to hear that you and Mr Dens are doing well.
Presently a dusting of snow is outside although weather man predicted a blizzard.
SS card arrived yesterday. So now we can begin to open bank accounts.
Last night we went bowling again w/my son. We enjoyed ourselves! We also went to Applebee's.
Take care and enjoy you alls weekend. Stay warm!!!

Great news congrats on getting the SSN
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-06 21:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

LMAO your hubby is tooo funny. So did he take the picture or not? Now the lashes with diamonds have me intrigued. He sounds like a sweetie though and is just saying he loves you just as you are, but you are right he married a diva so he must deal.

Hey B LOL that's what I said LOL

check these out I love them

Posted Image

LOL, so you'll have some company waiting on you when you reach home huh? I love St. Maarten and want to go back there soon.

My Mom has a condo there the 1st time she went she fell in love so now she is there a few times a year :star:

No that is just 'groceries' but we don't spend much more eating out. The eating out is more 'discretionary' & I try to limit that to about $60-80 per month or LESS. I don't buy organic & I actively only shop sales & buy the things I need on the weeks they're on sale at whichever stores we shop. We only have Safeways, Luckys & other places like that so I have to always be on the lookout. I wish we had more of those 'bag your own' places where it's really cheap but those are somewhat out of the way. Some months I do go over a bit but usually that's when I've already met my allotted amount & find something on sale to stock up on so I just get it then.


Ells, you've inspired me to spend WAAAY less on groceries. I recently started cutting coupons, but now I'll also limit how much we spend on a grocery trip. That's not an area I've ever monitored, but from the reactions of the ladies today, I guess we're spending way more than necessary.

That's whats up Nat!

I just came in from the grocery store. It's so slippery out there, but the grocery store was empty.

Why did the grocery store have about 50, YES 50 grocery carts full of food to be put back. I asked the cashier what happen and he said people just left carts in the isle and some got to the register and didn't have enough money. That's just crazy. I couldn't believe it.

:wow: I spent 1hr and 45 minutes in the market on my lunch break :wacko: it was a madhouse no carts security holding people back from jumping the line I was like WTH and this was in a Jersey suburb not Philly :blink:

Philly - your post had me cracking up :rofl:


Hey Nat. Clipping coupons and saving money on groceries is definitely my area. Its time-consuming, but well worth it. When I shopped at the regular grocery store (kroger) if I don't save over $30 on my $100 grocery bill, I was a little upset.

Grocery Saving 101
1.) Clipping coupons is essential. Buy at least two newspapers every Sunday to clip your coupons
2.) Find a good coupon organizer to organize your coupons
3.) Take advantage of savings cards i.e. (Kroger cards)
4.) Make a shoping list, but ensure that it is very specific by creating a daily menu of what you plan to eat over the following weeks
5.) Also take a look at the weekly mailer for each grocery store to see what is on sale (some stores will price match)
6.) Compare your coupons to what is needed on your list. Try to use coupons for items that are already on sale. If you have non-essential items that are not on sale, wait until the next grocery trip.
7.) Try not to make purchases outside of your list
8. Try not to be brand specific, some store brands are just as good.
8.) Watch the sales monitors to ensure that all coupons are counted. If they say it doesn't work, tell them to figure it out!!
9.) Watch your savings grow!!!

You guys will have to excuse me. I write manuals at work....I hope this helps!!

That's what I'm talking about that's my method verbatim!

(L) (L) February is such a beautiful month. Not only because it contains my birthday (Feb. 28 :whistle: )...But because so many beautiful yardies are getting married and renewing vows. My heart is filled with joy because there is so much love in the air. (L) (L) (L) Here's a run down of all of the special events this month. Please let me know if I missed someone.

1.) YankeesGirl 2/9/10
2.) RegAl 2/12/10
3.) EricJew aka (Mama/PapaJew) 2/13/10
4.) DensWifey 2/14/10
5.) Philly 2/14/10
6.) Always 2/14/10
7.) My2 2/27/10

Congratulations to you all!! May God continue to bless your union. (L)

Thank you so much this was so sweet for you to list everyone's special day :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-06 20:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I just started getting the Sunday paper 2 weeks ago, so that I can get the coupons.

The thing is, we're not even wasting food! ALL the food gets eaten. I used to have a freezer full of stuff, but now, even the freezer is bare after 2 weeks. I think (hope? pray?) that the amount of food "we as a household" consume will decrease when Steven is going to school/work & not just sitting at home all day.

Yesterday, Steven grilled 8 fillets of fish. All gone by the end of the day. The day before, I cooked 2 lbs of organic beef to make chili, thinking it would last a while. Nope! Not even enough for lunch the next day. Part of what happens is that my very generous husband shares food/beverages with a friend he made in the apartment complex. Granted, the sharing goes both ways.

WOW I thought you would be all up on coupons I am surprised that is a huge monthly contribution to my budget and savings! Yesterday alone I saved 36.79 in store coupons and 6.90 in clipped coupons. I don't play when it comes to budgeting and feeding my family and that includes to non-stop hungry 2 teenage boys. I only shop every payday and I go to different stores to accomplish my goals. I was at the hustle man Fruit and veggie truck by Temple University yesterday morning on the way in to work and got 5 bags of fruits and veggies for 12.00 I don't play no games! :no:

Oh no he didn't/doesn't!! If Lehi went through food like that, we'd run out before the end of the month cause our food budget is $200 & I only get paid once a month. We'd both be hungry after a couple weeks!

Ells I truly feel you girl, my Hubby knows I am only shopping on payday and let me tell yuh he knows how to make the food stretch :yes:

Hey Ells and Honey.. lol

We are getting snowed in... Ugh! They are calling for up to 24 inches. Yikes! Hubby went on to work like he's crazy and didn't listen when I told him to take a blanket and pillow. His tail is going to be in trouble trying to get home in the morning.

Yeah we got snowed in too I hope Ray made it home ok and didn't have to go back out to work today in this mess

Nat, wrap his cologne back up and give it to him anyway for V'Day. lol That's something that Ray would have done.


Does that food budget include dining out as well? I'm very curious as to how you make $200 of groceries stretch for a month with a man. I'm guessing that Lehi hasn't gained 30+ lbs since he's been here (like unnamed people have).

Nat yup I know this wasn't directed at me but yes my Hubby gained 30 lbs since he has been here and yes he was ordering cheese steaks while working and whatnot but now he makes them at home cause he realizes how much $ can be saved and he swears his taste better anyway LOL. I mentioned this before we only eat out on payday and that isn't included within the monthly food budget as that is an extra. I don't see why a $ 200.00 food budget is an issue with 2 people if you know how and where to shop to stretch your dollars :yes:

Funny you should happen to ask that. He's actually headed our way right now. Hubby's Mom asked his Dad to give him some $$ so he can get his hair done & other stuff (I don't have it right now) & she said she'll pay him back when she has it. None of this stuff makes sense to me but hey, not my problem. His Mom is in St. Maarten & got a holiday bonus but it has already been distributed to his siblings. She wanted to send him some but apparently ran out. Now she's asking his Dad to give him $$ & she'll pay him back. I know she hardly makes what would be considered a living wage here in the U.S. so I don't know why they are insisting on this. Anyway, he's headed here to give him some $$. He's going to spend $60 in gas with his hog of a vehicle when a 44 cent stamp could've done the same thing. Of course, now he also wants Lehi to cook some cabbage for him. All of this is just very very confusing to me. It doesn't make good sense. But I guess I'll be seeing him when I get home from work in a couple hours.

Ells that statement made me LOL :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-06 19:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

That was one reason I changed mine over when I did. It was expiring on my b-day so I figured it would be pointless to renew it under my maiden name & went down there & waited the couple hours to get it changed.

Does that mean your b-day is in a couple weeks??

Hey Ells yes, I so was not looking forward to changing everything officially but now I have to cause like you said it doesn't make sense not to renew under my maiden name so here we go LOL :wacko:

Yup my Bday is the 17th so I will be home then getting some SUN :dance: :star:

I did it....I signed us up for V-day brunch!

Posted Image

This sounds really nice especially since you love animals. We have a Zoo Balloon here in Philly you would love it you can see the whole city from up there. Sometimes they do the weather up there too :yes:

Posted Image

Philly .... I bought some of that breadfruit in a can.... HOLY GROSS BATMAN!!! It was deeeescusting!!!!

:rofl: I am crackin up haaaaaaaaa

Ells! That Zoo thing sounds awesome! I read to Louis... he was "ooooh that is sounding interesting"... with his pervy face! LOL!!!!

LOL @ Louis

Irie; I could have told you that. It smells like GOAT PISS!

Lawny haaa yes I agree the zoo smells but its so much fun :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-06 19:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Mawning where are you in the country are you getting bombed with snow too? SOUTH FLORIDA no snow for me. I was born and raised here so first time I saw snow I was in Russia Dec. 2007 and Geesh I saw alot of it. I do not think I would like living in it though.

I'm in Philly and Girl the snow hasn't stopped falling since 6:00 pm last night we soon take some pics and post deh pon FB

Top 10 Valentines gifts for men

I like this Sus Hubby wants GPS and I guess weights is whats popping this year cause that's all he talks about :yes:

LOL LMAO...Philly you are a nut. Poor D. He has to deal with hair, fake lashes, cats, plants and being put out of the room to eat his snacks. Oh, how can I forget knuckle head boys. :rofl: :bonk: :help: :rofl:

Hi ladies. I'm in a pissy mood today. gggrrrr

Jawiiiiiiii LOL yuh see it ,I guess I am a handful :rofl:

I hope you are feeling better today :luv:

I knew you would understand JG. I just feel like screaming, ripping someone's hair out (of course not my own)...and punching someone's teeth out! :angry: :blink: :crying:

Oh dang I have those days almost everyday at work ughh I hope you made it through ok!

99% of the time, i m a very considerate person.. i think i am bout to see the 1%
pray 4 me vj!!

uh oh Q I hope everything is ok Sis

Ha, that's funny! For whatever reasom men don't really like the fake stuff, or so they say! I truly believe they don't want us to look too pretty so other men won't look at us.
Girl, stay looking good :star:

Thanks Sis I surely plan to, but you may be on to something there :yes:

My new ring came today...his fit perfect, but mine is tight

Wow I know u r excited, are you gonna have i resized?

just use a little butter to get it on! :devil:

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-06 11:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Philly... He brought me back a small painting, earrings and a bottle of my favorite rum. Oh and some breadfruit! :)

Lasik isnt as expensive as I thought! I should check it out again. What I wouldnt do to not have to wear glasses and look cute in some cheap shades!
I have a severe a stigmitism in both eyes... my eye balls are football shaped instead of round. Its pretty bad! I am blind without glasses... like walking into stuff blind. I used to get contacts at $600 a pair just so I could look cute going out... still couldnt see right. Couldn't wear them to work or drive.
I like to think I have pretty eyes, and like to wear eyeshadow, makeup etc... but with glasses its all too much!

Irie those are fabulous presents, I love breadfruit. Why do I have Tin breadfruit and my Hubby won't touch it oh well?? ( shrugs shoulders)

I have a stigmatism too and had t get special contacts which I refuse to wear, this lasix is intriguing but I'm still scared. :yes:

Philly you have me ova here :rofl: :rofl: about your lashes... Poor D! lol My hair slaps Steve all upside the head but when I told him I was going to cut it, he said I had no faith... Im not cutting it, just wanted to see what he'd say haha I think Im doing lashes when I go outta town in two weeks ;)

LOL @ Tee and he kept shaking his head " NO MORE " :rofl: :lol:
You and the locs haaaa my Mom is the same way they are to her batty and woh she better not make a sudden turn and wop right inna yuh face and that stings!!
Are you getting individuals or the strip?

Well I brought Den into work with me today and he's a hit!
! Everyone is so glad to finally meet him and all the Yardies here at work have been coming into my office this morning to meet him and give him the real deal about adjusting and all. It's been nothing but love! :thumbs:

We have a jammed packed just wanted to drop in real quick!!!!

That is so sweet Dens, I bet he is loving every minute of it!

morning ladies! I tried to join but it only caters to Americans :(

My most expensive expense is rent. We only eat out on Payday Fridays. :D

Maybe there is a Canadian equivalent of
That's a great rule same with me only eat out on Payday and its usually Pizza with coupons from Pizza which is a great deal for the whole family! :yes:

LOL ur hubby is too funny!!

Yuh see it :huh:

Aww Tierra was so happy to see him. :)
They will be arguing tonight...LOL...

:luv: :luv:

who in here wears half wigs? I permed my hair in august 2009 and have not permed it since. I am going back natural. My transition style is braids. Well after a while it looks tired looking. I dont know I thought wigs were for old ppl...hubby loves them!! He says I dont have to weave/braid my hair anymore and when we are invited to go out I dont have to make up the excuse my hair is not done!I tried some I wish I knew how to post but I dont. Well do so on FB on the weekend

Yup I wear all kinds of false fake and fraudness as per my Husband LOL. Girl go on and rock those wigs! Have you tried a lacefront yet?

Actually usually they are really high but there are charter flights from St Louis. The ticket I found for him is only $296.00 with taxes and everything.

That's what's up Dillon!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-05 16:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Morning Yardies!! TGIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!! I am so ready for the weekend. Don't have anything special planned, just happy to be off from work. Enjoy your weekend.

@Nat - I don't think I need to go to My highest area of spending is in-grained in my brain...I had to skip the grocery store and start shopping at Sam's Club. My grocery bill went from $175/month to over $400!!! We also spend alot of money on entertainment. Entertainment for one was already pretty pricey, but now that I am entertaining two we are going to have to make some adjustments....

It wasn't really a hassle. Just time-consuming...Expect to spend several hours of your time...I guarantee you will also see some interesting people. Just be sure you get several copies of you marriage license to cart around. Also be sure to be cute on driver's license day. They made me take a new pic and get rid of my cute pic. They also have a rule now that gives you a paper license until your permanent one arrives. I was like WTH!! What do i look like whipping this out at the club???

Hey Char, Sam's club is great you can get some awesome deals there :thumbs:

Yes here in PA they give you a temp license that has TEMPORARY plastered ont he front of it until they can verify your identity and there is no fraud.

I actually will be taking care of changing my info next week my license will expire in 2 weeks so no time like the present :yes:

Looking at the trends from September to January, here are a few areas that grew significantly.
Groceries: $247 --> $ $456
Int'l Calls: $55 --> $134
Fast Food: $25 --> $195
<unnamed>: $15 --> $316

Just in those 4 categories, spending is up $759/month. So you see why I don't mind keeping a $120 housekeeper, when we can cut that out so easily in another category.

I did ask Steven yesterday if he felt like we should get rid of the housekeeper to save $$. He said we shouldn't do that to her considering she was just robbed Tuesday. I'm sure if I wait a few months, he'd have another reason not to get rid of her (which is 100% fine with me!).

:rofl: :bonk:

wooh that's alot for food, that is one of the areas I am great in budgeting I am am the recessionista!

Mawning YardiesPosted Image today is evidence day :yes: i am sorting through 5 years worth of proof trying to decide what to take to the interview( well i know what i need i just can't make up my mind :blink: ) :help:

You on a roll girl you gonna be just fine!

Nat, are you on something? All I saw when they did my lasix was it go black for like a heartbeat and then he was pretty much done.

So no horror and psycho music playing in the background?

I fly out tomorrow am, I am praying I don't get snowed in either! I am driving down tonight and doing park, sleep, fly at the airport so that I don't have to stress driving in snow if it happens. I heard from Yankee this am - they reached Charlotte, and were boarding their connection to JA. So wish I was on the flight with them!

I hope everything works out for you Sus, they are going to close the airport here in Philly this evening and re-open in the morning.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-05 16:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Goodmorning yardies, TGIF!!
Hopefully the weekend will go fast and by the time you know it I'll be outta this damn cold, I can't wait!

*3 Days Til I See My Honey Bun, 6 Days Til Interview*

Typing that just now made my heart skip a beat coz now it finally sunk in that I'm almost there. But I'm pretty confident though, got my pink binder full of evidence and everything that they require just in case my SO "forget" anything.
Have a good day all...

Wow the day is truly drawing near that's whats up! Yes girl you make sure you carry everything cause you as the petitioner should have copies of all the original docs sent! If you need a checklist I can email you the one I used and sent to a few Yardies as well. Are you deh pon FB?

Good Morning ladies and Happy Friday! I am so happy the weekend is finally here . I cant wait to get off work today and just relax.

Mawning where are you in the country are you getting bombed with snow too?

Morning all! KJenkins, you land in JA on Yankee's wedding day!

Hey Sus, I hope your flight is not in jeopardy!

Good Morning! Happy Friday!

Louis made it home safe... he is cold, but happy to be home.

:dance: :star: :dance: YAY! wha he bring back?

Good morning!

Hey Nat TGIF
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-05 10:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

You were a late night vjer tonight for sure.

Isn't watching movies with hubby the best...well best G rated activity anyways. :devil:

Can't wait to see a pic. I almost think you should name your lashes. :rofl: :rofl:

Who still is down there? Ells, Sunray?? Well hello to anyone still left.

Hey B,

LOL I finally went to bed last night haaaa

But Girlllllll why did I ask Hubby to tek a piccha of my lashes so I can post. Then Lawd why mi tell him dat I wanted the longer lashes for the wedding then he chat bout mi gwaan bruk yuh out deh false false ting mi cyaa manage ie. Yuh have long hair den yuh guh sew in bags of hair when we sleep its all inna me face and all ova deh place mi cyaa breathe! :wow: :bonk: :blink:

I was like WHATEV :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I told him straight up no chaser we when you first met me I had a weavalicious do, and long lashes and you know I am extra its part of my DNA and you loved it!!!! I feel I am natural cause I don't wear alot of makeup only gloss and some eye shadow creme only when I step out. I told him I am a natural beauty and I don't need all that but I love mi hair and lashes and if this is and issue then I guess we both have one. OOOOOH why mi seh dat so he tell mi nuh worry myself I am ok with it, somehow I know he is not..........

This morning he tells me he loves me no matter what and doesn't want me to feel a way but sometimes he just thinks its a bit much. He is proud that I am always working on my myself to improve anyway I can but why can't I just be au-natural.

Well I guess I shouldn't have shown him the lashes with the diamonds on them LMAO he was like I'm gonna put out the trash. :bonk:

Mawning Ladies Happy Friday
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-05 10:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Nite Sunray and Ells

Zombieland done wuk caught up and mi tyad chat to yuh inna mawning

mi post next flick tomorrow
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 23:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Every Playboy has his day!

hey Ells ((( Waving)))

I wish I had some of those onesie pajamas tonight LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 23:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 23:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

He is caught!!!!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 23:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

He is terrible now why he do that to Grams?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 23:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 22:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 22:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 22:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Yea I'm a night owl for sure. Just had too look at the time because I was like is it night owl time already??

Yea you should do it. It will be over quicker than it probably takes to put your lashes on. You are too funny with your extra long lashes. I can't wait to see a picture now.

I admit, I was a false lash virgin.

Hey MsSheka. :)

I guess I'm a night owl tonight huh LOL?

I'm up watching movies with Hubby and catching up on work from today's meetings cause I plan on running out early tomorrow since its supposed to snow.

LOL @ lash virgin haaaaa I luv that

Yes I need to take a close up of my lashes lets see if I can get Hubby to do it for me stand by
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 22:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

His cheesey lines are killing me LOL

Edited by phillyfashionista, 04 February 2010 - 10:35 PM.

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 22:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 22:26:00