Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
The Rock Tooth Fairy

this better work!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 16:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I'm going to my grade school reunion Saturday night. Should be interesting.

Grade School, I don't think I would dare LOL

As well he should have. :lol: You have no reason to be upset on APPROVAL day!

Nat I'm so spoiled and very sensitive about my age no one believes it but dang you had to scream it! He could have even done hand signals :rofl:

I'm cussing :angry:

And it better have THE ROCK in it and not Roc or I will be really cussing you!!!!!!

Well, I went there 7th-10th grade. That's what it is.....through FB people. Oh, and get this....It was a Baptist school. No drinking. No dancing. Long skirts. Blah blah blah. And, yes, I admit, I got kicked out of there after 10th grade. Go figure :innocent: . They are holding it in a BAR!!!!! I am dying at the location.

Uh oh LOL so its not the Roc :lol: :bonk: :help:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 16:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Finesse, yuh belly get big? How yuh feeling?

Hey Philly? When you guys going back to JA.

Quana: We are going back June, so if anyone will be around the Ochi area the beginning of June let me know.

Sun, we are going back next month to renew our vows on the 14th our Anniversary :yes:
We will be back in the summer I am sure but we never get over near Ochie :no: sorry

I'm going to my grade school reunion Saturday night. Should be interesting.

IF you get me a link for a good movie, I will be watching it at the firehouse tomorrow night.

LOL I don't know what the deal is stand by

Try this, it better work

The Roc Tooth Fairy
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 16:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

i DON't KNOW..
the kids will be w/ there dad so the sky is the limit..but honestly since roger came, i don't have the vibe to get up and get dolled up and get out anymore.. its soooo disappointing.. am i getting old???
i did go dancing solo 2 weeks ago.. i will have to take roger this time or he will be thinking i got something up my sleeve LOL :blush:

maybe i will try a 3 nighter like i used to back in the day (last year) :rofl: :rofl:

] :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

leave his toupe alone LOL..
that movie looked so good.. NOT huh???

LOL @ yuh 3 nighters mi knoa yuh can party! I still love that pic of you and Rog wid yuh lips puckered I was like git it girl!!!

Yeah that toupe was a hot mess. I want to see the rest of the movie but D is always like nope you have to watch it alone cause I already saw LOL and that never happens so I usually burn it and just watch it months later or when it comes on cable. I can never stay up anymore, when I hit the pillow I am rocked!

Hello yardie folks. I haven't been around much lately, but I hope all is well with each or you new and old.

I'm great and hubby is great! :D

Hey Sunny great news! any plans for Valentines Day?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 16:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
The Book of Eli Starring Denzel with his fine self!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 16:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Newly Released Movie Legion
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 16:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I've heard that at Nigeria Embassy the spouses/SO can't even go inside for the interviews! :unsure:

Oh Wow, that sucks I know the middle Eastern embassies are really strict as well I get stressed out reading in their thread.

I am so ready to go home, Hubby said he had a treat for me I have no clue!

Last night we watched Surrogates with Bruce Willis, girl I watched half the movie and Bruce Willis and that bad wig was killing me softly. I shut my eyes for a minute woke up it was off #######. Oh Well I will not be burning that one :no:

Edited by phillyfashionista, 28 January 2010 - 04:26 PM.

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 16:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Hey yardies,
Work is cutting into my VJ time. :no: I think I'm about to go have a talk with my boss.

Me 3!

ooohhh, one of the posters from FDR has a pic from a fashion show they did at the resort.. TOOOO cute..
i wanna go tomorrow..

LOL your girls would love it!

why am I thinking about cakes and pies? :crying: :blink:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 16:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

philly you are CRRRAAAZZZYYY! wooo.. girl everybody prolly wasn't even looking, just your mind LOL

roger says he thinks they try to intimidate you by having everything so public like that..

Q girl they all turned around and looked right at me and you know I had the ice grill haaaaa

Yuh see it though, it is very intimidating I would love to see the set up of the Embassy's in other countries and the variations between.

So what you got cooking for the weekend?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 16:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I been that way for 4. It ends TODAY!!! :dance:

Thats good JG I need to get back into the spirit!

philly, you might have something..
i think i am getting on the dancefloor this weekend.. been feeling kinda blah myself..

This morning i woke up feeling fabulous now I am blah again LOL I just need to get out and have some fun and eat some Indian food :star:

review posted: http://www.visajourn...le.php?id=65358

Bunz that's awesome fast ans easy that's what I'm talking about!. Yeah that guy cracking jokes does break the tension I wonder what his actual job description is Embassy Jester maybe? :lol:

The only thing I didn't like about my embassy experience was that it's too public, I would think it be more private since there is so much sensitive info being handled. I hate that everyone knows when people are denied or blue slipped its so insensitive! When they interviewed D Separately he was screaming all of his answers through the window, most I wouldn't have cared but my age and everyone turns to looks at me :blink: . I was hotter than fish grease when he was approved I snatched all the documentation off the counter and gave him such a look and he knew exactly why but we were approved and I was happy until we got home and I asked couldn't you have slipped him a piece of paper or something, he just ignored me LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 15:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Hey JQ you and your fam are in my prayers ((((big Hug)))

Tee wha yuh deal wid, I think I need an outing this weekend I have been very blahhhh for the past 2 days
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 15:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

i need some baby bust..
man i loved how my girls looked right after pregnancy.. :crying:

you so crazy :rofl:

Dens: I will be in Germantown Maryland once I arrive. But I will most definitely be coming to your neck of the woods cause that's where all my In Laws are. I only pray nothing goes wrong cause I tell you chile, my fiance bought my ticket already. Ain't we bodacious? :jest:

I jsut saw Germantown and said hot damn she coming to Philly then I saw Maryland Womp womp :lol: :bonk:

I hope all goes well. Never buy a ticket before visa is in hand.

I agree!

what is yo ville..
i miss ja eng..
and how is jengles doing too..anymore j names LOL

Thats what I want to know but I am not gonna be adventurous and try it, why are people addicted to Cafe world? LOL

Yeah where is JA Eng? and Jeng we haven't seen them in a minute!

I know...I miss it too. Those were the good old days on VJ. Work is driving me insane on most days.

Jawi I am still trying to figure out what is gonna happen with my Girl Maya and Tradee LOL. I just finished my last book about Obeah and I think I am ready to go and read Shades of blue :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 15:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Reminder---Cell Phone Nos. Go Public This Month

This is a connection associated with and supported by the Federal Trade
Commission. I just made the call.

REMEMBER: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month.
REMINDER..... all cell phone numbers are being released to
telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls.


To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone:
It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your
time.. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must call from the
cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a
different phone number.

HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON .. It takes about 2 seconds.

Didn't htis happen 2 years ago too ( shrugs shoulders)

Dens - I am so happy for you. We planned on coming back to ATL but doctor told me to take it easy :(

JG - I feel sickness or anything. Thanks for asking. Sunny is fine...talked to her crazy butt yesterday.

Philly - trust me, I've been blowing baby bust on everyone I know :yes: Can't wait for Monday RuPaul. We need to do some maternity shopping now.

Thats great Shemmy I surely don't look forward to morning sickness.

LOL @ baby Bust. Yeah lets get the maternity shopping on! Don't get me started LOL

I have heard good things about Holiday Inn Sunspree, Breezes Trelawny, and Starfish

I go to the beach next to Starfish when I'm in Trelawny I love it there so peaceful

Sorry Q I don't know a thing about the resorts, but I know the Ladies got you!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 14:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Philly you on it today, huh ma?

:help: girl im still a hot mess over here LOL so much work to do now I have another spreadsheet to track ####### I swear this is getting crazy and it seems like I am the only one doing this stuff I want to scream but I will just chill and pray I get more $$$ :whistle:

I'm gonna heat up my cabbage from last night and listen to an African Movie while I do my work :bonk:

Yeah JG where did everybody go?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 14:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I don't watch it...I couldn't tell you what channel it comes I know, I know...I'm so lame for that!!! I heard its a very good show! :whistle:

Girl this is the final season and woohoo I am so hot I will certainly miss this show its the BOMB trust me!

Just checking in...

JQ - my prayers are with your family.

Jawi - keep me posted on baby prayers are with you and A.

Philly - have fun working on that baby...good luck to you and hubby.

Sorry for leaving people out but it's hard to keep it with the board.

Oh yeah...congrats on the visa Dens Wifey and Bunz.

Thanks Shem I appreciate it sprinkle me some baby dust LOL how are you feeling today?

Can't wait for our girl Ru I am so glad they gave her another season I'm sure its well worth the wait.

Hey Everyone ((( waving )))
jamerican, *SunRay*, Dens Wifey, Always Blessed, Shemmy, 1luv, IrieCat, justucia, sus
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 13:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

It will happen according to God's Will and plan Philly. I want another one too...but that is not possible for us.

Thanks Jawi you are so right, I miss you! hope all is well with you. Praying for your Stepdaughter I have faith that she will recovery quickly!

I miss Stella too ( hint hint wink wink ) LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 13:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Who watches Lost? I am so gearing up for my LOST Party next week! 3 full hours I am so hype!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 12:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Hope you get a bun in the oven soon Philly...have fun trying!

Thanks Dillon, you know the issues we have had int he past and more recently other issues popped up but I am feeling good so we gonna work it out. I am just praying on it as well cause I am not getting any younger :no:

I also have a million things to do. I had about 4 email messages that I spent a lot of time typing & was almost done... when Lotus Notes crashed. So now I get to start them all over again. Then I found out that all this trouble I went to yesterday for my project wasn't even necessary. What can you do? Smile & keep on truckin.

Don't you hate that, chile its all I can do but :bonk: someone
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 12:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

:thumbs: :devil:

Girl yes the Wata is powerful and finally I am feeling better and we are trying again and today as it's the 1st day of ovulation so you know there was an early morning sexy party! I am claiming it :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 11:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Good Morning guys chatted way to much yesterday for me to go and catch up so I will just start from today.

Thats what I said LOL

Thanks. Yeah I'm going to have to just relax and do what I can...I'm not taking any time off work, however I will be working from home on Wednesday so Den's first full day here I will be with him...poe thang. I already know he probably going to be so bored all day while I'm at work but I've been taking notes from others on here and gettting some ideas about things we can do to keep him busy! :thumbs:

That's great Dens I didn't take any time off either, Hubby just jumped into the swing of things and took control of the homefront. He will be fine :star:

Keep in mind, I am of the belief that bombarding them is best.......

First of all, they ask for the page your 2 year GC came on. If you have it, send it along. If not, it's not the end of the world.
copy of both our DL's showing address
Copy of his greencard
Copy of first page of Passports
Copy of all insurance policies showing address and who's, health, dental, etc.
Tax returns and up to date W-2's or check stubs showing address on them
Copies of any bills with both names and address on them
3 avadavits from family and friends stating they knew and saw us together
Copies of bank statements.
Pictures and any receipts from pretty much everything we did.....6 flags, City Museum, Grant's Farm, Ball Games, a VJ gathering we had here, family parties, holidays, Chicago, and our 2 trips to D.C., etc. Remember I am a scrapbooker, so that's the easy part for me. I already had pages dated and had details written down.
Rental Agreement
Junk mail we got at our address

In your case, birth certificates on the babies would be included.

I am probably forgetting more. But, this is off the top of my head.

Pretty much, my theory was anything addressed to us and included both of us, should be in that package. Not in the order I listed either. I still have it all bound at home. When you are ready or if you need more information, I can dig it out and be more clear.

Thanks JG I'm getting my list together as well and you have some good ones on here I missed too thanks

Dens: I am so ready, just waiting on the day to come. Even though I'll be attending the interview alone I'm confident everything will be just fine. I just need to get that approval so my fiance can come take me home.

That's right the power of the spoken word! Just speak it and claim it all will be fine and yuh soon come to the US :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 11:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

So ready!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Are you girl, that's wonderful you know the VJ wata is powerful!

morning yardies
visa in hand, picked it up yesterday
i got the infamous big brown envelope that everyone talks about
but i was always of the impression that i would not be able to see the contents
they cut a corner of the envelope, so even though u can't open it, u can see what's inside
so when the lady at dhl tells me don't open it, i point to the big gaping hole in the envelope and ask her "it's already open?"
she says they do that so they can see what's inside :unsure: i was like oooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaay

I'm so happy for you girl, told yuh it wouldn't tek no time! LOL @ the envelope I thought that was odd too but whatev :star:

you can at least accept my neighbour request for cafe world

Hell to the Naw I will be blocking this ap thank you very much :bonk:

OK, just got the confirmation. She was a year behind me and no one talked to her much. Now, I think I feel worse. Hope I wasn't mean to her.

ruh roh
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 11:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Mawning Ladies, another rough day at work but I won't let them get to me today! Feeling Fabulous and plan with that vibe all day!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-28 10:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Ok Hubby invited his Brederren over to watch African movies, no fair.

Th egangsta one we watched last night was so good I want to see it again LOL. Tee I will post that one for you :P

OK Ladies I am going to mi yaad wuk was a beast today I need to tek it dung and relax. Soon come on the night shift
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-27 18:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

(L) @JQ - I'm so sorry for your loss. I will send a prayer up for you and your family!! (L)

Ok. I'm not going to ever catch up. I just need to lock myself in a room for a day with no distractions.
Things are pretty good on this side. Yesterday was not my best day, so today is 10 times better. How should I start...

(Rant started)
1. Was invited to a meeting at work 3 minutes before it started and asked to gather a bunch of $#$@# (lack of preparation on your part, does not constitute an emergency on mine)
2. Had my brother to take Ivan to get his TB test read for his medical. My brother didn't have any gas money to get here...asked 5 million questions...and can't follow simple damn directions... By the time I answered all his stupid rass questions, I could have taken Ivan and been back to work.
3. Ivan called me from the Dr's office telling me that they wanted another $20 copay. I'm like for what? To read some damn test results? I've already given you a $20 copay to take the test, $100 to complete the I-693...Yall know Shenequa had to come out. All Ivan said he could hear was loud talking through the phone. I'm like so you mean to tell me that if I take an AIDS test and I pay $20 for my copay, I have to pay again for you to tell me my results. What the rass??? Needless to say, their drawer was $20 short on yesterday.
4. Ivan's skin TB test came back positive, so now we have to go today to get chest x-rays. Thank God, for my flexible spending account debit card. Otherwise, I would have to be on some clubs pole droppin' it like its hot to make some dough!! (rant ended)

Thank you, girl

I will have to tell Ivan that he will be here soon. I know he will be so excited.

Girl, not the jeri curl juice :rofl: :rofl:

Char you got me rolling with your rant, but I hope all works out with the TB test and Chest X-rays

i feel ya my dear char.. the expenses never stop man..
have to get inspection for roger's car 2 moro.. well i guess i can pull that outta the money tree thats in my afro!!!.. LAWD we really love these men..
that $20 to come look at the darn patch of skin don't make NO SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:rofl: yuh see it!

but when we think bout it.. we would not trade them for the WORLD..
ive been more happy with him broke than in all my years of middle classdom LOL

he makes the crazies and the stressies go away.. oh i can't wait to go home :D

You took the words right out of my mouth! :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-27 17:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Why do I have eczema on my wrists & forearms?? I haven't had a rash like this in years! I think my husband is stressing me out.....or I'm allergic to him! :lol:

Girl Hush LOL like I am to my pickney :rofl:

Are you saying my email address, Philly? I want them all if you have them or can get them.

Haaaa I got it already I will hook you up, may even give you my ancient Chinese Secret :devil:

Who wants to read a gross story?

Okay, well let me preface by stating that I'm very aware that I've got some extra junk in the trunk & everywhere else & I try not to hate on anyone. When people are mean & say things like 'fat people stink' I always say BS to myself cause I know for dyam sure I'm not stinky. I'm quite hygenic thank you very much! Anyway, there's this woman at my work who is severely obese...probably about 350 or more. For her to just walk from her desk to the bathroom it sounds like she just ran a marathon she's so winded. I feel sorry for her but am disgusted too to be honest. Once, she was sick & couldn't make it to the*t herself & left a trail down our hallway all the way to the bathroom. I had to get our custodians to come clean up after her. I'm sure she was mortified but got dyam! Today I see her heading from the opposite side of the hall & I'm going to the bathroom. I'm in a stall & what seems like a full 3 minutes later, she finally comes into the bathroom (you can hear her huffing & puffing) & picks the stall RIGHT NEXT TO MINE! There are 11 stalls....perhaps you could give us a space between?? I always try to do that if it's not full....give someone a '1-stall clearance' ya know? So as I'm finishing my business, suddenly this HORRENDOUSLY pungent smell of BO wafts up from the floor & that's all I can smell! Now I believe when people say fat people stink. Not all of them obviously but when you get so big you can't properly clean yourself, it's time to get some real help!

:blink: Ells, mi cyaa manage yuh post no you can't be serious about the poo trail :blink: I am mortified and sad at the same time. :crying:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-27 17:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

i want precious

You got it!

Rant -

Why call my Number THREE times from a private call, and ask me "Who dis?" when I answer, and when I respond that you called me, who is this? she hangs up? ####### - if you want to know who I am, or found my number in your man's phone, I can guarantee that it is purely platonic, for the last several years - But what do you think you are accomplishing by not giving me more info, besides making me wonder whose woman found my #?

Oh Hell Naw!

jg whenever philly starts talking "techie" talk.. my eyes glaze over and start picturing the lil ppl from charlie and the chocolate factory singing.. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

dw.. i meant to tell you its good you are getting prepared for the fact that den will miss his bambino..

some days i felt guilty for having so much fun w/ roger and my family while his kids didn't have their daddy, some days i felt disappointed cuz he would be so bummed missing lil mama's first words/first bday etc.. like i wanted my love to fill that void for him, which it can't but its all just crazy the feelings you go thru in that situation..

i felt like an evil stepmother sometimes, but things are better now that i know he will be there soon. i can't wait till either we are all together or he can just go see them a lil more often..

LOL @ Q you should hear my Boss even at times I'm like :blink: :blink: :blink: just sounds like blah blah blha womp womp womp haaaaa

Awee Q I understand how you feel I'm sure its truly hard for him, when is he going to be able to go home and spend time with the babies?

Sammy Davis Jr. is singing "The Candy Man" to me right now. I'm listening to what I call PROZAC in my itunes library. I forgot the damn ipod today.

LOL @ the Prozac playlist!

Yeah girl thanks...I maybe PM you or calling you one of these how do I deal? :unsure: I know it must be hard on any Father...but I told him as soon as he can go back...we'll be back to see lil'man! So Den is excited and looking forward to that in the upcoming months! :dance:

I'm still dealing as well cause any one that knows me knows how bad I love kids and that was something I was looking forward for us to share and embark on together as a first...please don't get me started talking and sharing feelings and emotions
... :whistle: lol

Den's are you looking forward to having children?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-27 16:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I was watching this thing on Annie Oakley the other night on history channel. She would shoot the ash off a cigarette in people's mouths. It was awesome. Ironically, she did that with Kaiser Wilhelm before War and is quoted at saying if given a chance to do it again, she would "accidentally miss" and hit him in the head. It was such a cool story.


I could try and watch it online. Although, I have no idea wth you just said. Can I just turn on the computer and watch it online? I'll be at the firehouse Friday. We could probably watch it Fri. night or next time he's at firehouse, which is Tuesday, I think.

Otherwise, I will take on CD. Dying to see that one.

Trying to think what else is out there I want to see...........Oh, that Rock Toothfairy movie. The Lovely Bones. It's Complicated. Nine. Sherlock Holmes. The Blind Side.

You name I can send you the link :wow:

Quana did you see my e-mail I sent today?

Oh Hells naw :bonk: thats it I'm hitting the Tpike to the burg tonight!

im listening to gospel music to keep Rashida at bay :angry: already had to let one co-worker what it is...

Girl I need to be listening to that too, but instead its Alicia Keys, these Sales fools done tapped my one good nerve! mi phone deh pon ignore deh rest of deh day!

I hit the stop asking me about this application button or whatever that is.

LOL I'm gonna take your advice :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-27 15:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
ok :ot: Why did I have 67 :help: Farmville, Petville, Fishville, and Cafe World Requests ???? Sorry but my finger accidentally hit the ignore button :oops: :jest: :ot2:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-27 14:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I watched Twilight the other night - I wasn't that impressed. The books, I LOVED - I didn't think the movie was all that

The female character is so annoying, I don't know what it is :blink:

I need Legion. But, how can I get it on my home computer without internet access? Can you burn to a CD?

Book of Eli too....wth. What else you got?

JG, I used to DL them and then convert the files to AVI but that took forever and ISO takes even longer so I stopped and now just watch them online. It's easier for me to just burn a bootleg version which would take 10 minutes. My Mom has a bootleg copy but I haven't seen the quality I could burn that one for you, I'm sure they will get Legion this week her Boyfriend gets them off the base Hustle man shows up 3 x's a week LOL

They have lots of movies I watched, Precious, This is it you name it but they usually don't get it until its released but I can normally watch the weekend it is released...
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-27 14:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Good morning Yardies!!! I'm back at work today. Den and I had a great day yesterday! He is just bright eyed and trying to take everything in. I saw him get really upset yesterday when they told him that since my ring was customed ordered it would not be ready for another 6 to 8 weeks! :crying:

I told him the most important thing is that I'm marrying the man I love...the ring will be ready when its ready! So no worries! He has met some of my friends and they all are in love with him! So far, so good. We just getting ready for next Sunday!! (L)

So what's been up? What have I missed? :unsure:

Sweetie I am so happy for you, yes and don't despair bout the ring, that is a small thing the most important thing is that you are jumping the broom and committing yourselves to each other :star:

Morning! :D :D :D :D :D

Every day when I see your countdown, I smile. It's clear you're very excited!

Not for me. That type of thing doesn't bother me much. I'm more bothered by things that affect my (our) $$ and that stays pretty constant.
Now how much I SHOW any annoyance may vary from time to time.

I receive that! I woke up in SUCH a good mood today & don't even know why, but I'm going to accept the blessings that come my way.

Hey Nat LOL I know that's don't mess with my $$$ Glad you are in a good mood spread the joy Sis!

MsSheka, so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome back to work Dens! We want arrival pics - did he wear the gold suit?

I know that's the question of the Century :rofl:


Thank you! You're so right...I saw your message on FB, but haven't had a chance to respond are too much! :D

I also saw that comment about your co-worker...chile she is totally out of pocket for even saying that. It's all good her better than you can tell her!!! Old raggedy (you fill in the blank) :rofl:

Wha mis miss bout a coworker?

OH girl I just can't wait to go to that interview and get that approval, anxiety is killing me and hubby. Only 5 more days and then we'll be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Hey Tam, nuh worry yuhself it will be ok, I was nervous too but like Lawny said it was the easiest part of the process!

Philly (((((((((((((tump))))))))))))

Mi tek deh tump, soon come I promise (L)

Thanks Sus, Dens and Philly i will link you on FB thank you so much :thumbs: :dance: :dance:

I hope the checklist helps you girl B-)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 13:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Mawning yardies! Hope everyone have a blessed day.

Mawning, you to Sis

Mawning Yardies :star:
ok so i'm done with NVC and now waiting for my interview date which i was told will likely be next month :help: I would like to know what i need for the CR1 interview? (evidence and #######) :help:

Sheka, link me deh pon FB I will send you my checklists

Bunz did you ever use the ones I sent you?

Good morning VJ family.

Working from home today.

Good luck on all the upcoming interviews.

Hey Shem how you feeling this morning?

Today is Diva Thursdays :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 09:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Or this:


And that's the end of my searching father daughter songs cause now I am getting teary!

Sus this is beautiful too, Wow these are hard choices....

Good morning all! So stressed - too much to do and no time to do it, and now they moved the snow forecast up to Friday into Saturday :cry:

Sus I feel you I'm trying to get some posts in cause my day is gonna be swamped! Like you said not enough time in the day! Maybe we need surragates, anyone see that movie?

I am so stressed about the snow I have plans this weekend for my Son's Bday and he has been making great progress and I don't want to disappoint him at all..... :huh:

Good Moring Ladies!

Waving Irie! I'll really try to get that link up today I know your daughter will love this movie

Good Morning Everyone hope you all have a wonderful day!

Hey Always now we are freinds on FB :thumbs:

when you guys were in ldr (for those that aren't anymore) did you ever realize that the little things that annoy you seem to not matter too much once the time to leave draws near?
suuuuuuuuuure you can leave the cup on the dresser
who cares if you ruffle up the bathroom mat and don't straighten it out, etc etc

how bad are they anticipating its going to be?
hubby goes back on saturday

Hey Bunzy I owe you an email soon come....

Well yes and no, I think I just used to get miserable because of the stress of leaving and would use any excuse to argue. Just the pressure of having to leave him and go back to being alone was too hard and I would act out. When I got on that plane I realized I would do anything to have him by me and leave the cup on the dresser or ruffle up the bathroom rug, those things were insignificant in comparison to being apart...... :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 09:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

or this one


I really like this My2 he lyrics were beautiful

It sucks - it's one of the biggest reasons I don't want a big wedding or to get married where I live -cause like every little girl, I always pictured my wedding and how it would be - But my Dad is not here to walk me down the aisle. If I think of my wedding here, I start to cry - if I think of a wedding in JA or Vegas - I can handle it - makes no sense, I know!

Oh Sus I totally understand how you feel, as I feel the same as well :luv:

Likkle more to catch the bus home!

Ells mi miss yuh again :unsure:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-04 09:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

To fulfill my threat that if hubby falls asleep on me like he did last Valentine's Day, he'll never see me in another piece of lingerie AGAIN! All he'll see are onesies!

You know they have to be super comfy! :yes:

LOL Ells I have faith in Lehi he is planning something fabulous my spidey senses are tingling! :yes:

to get on tv and free trip to ny

I always wanted to be in the studio audience for either show it's pure foolnish but hey tix are free and I'd be on TV, although I have no idea when I'd be in CT.....

Yeah, he better not! :angry:

:rofl: @ the drawz.....I also like to call them 'Granny panties'....usually reserved for the 'unpretty' time of the month! :lol:

Yes Granny drawls!!! :lol:

Hey everyone!! My countdown begins to my fiances interview!! 7 more days!! So exciting! And nervewrecking! Hope all are well!


Thats fabulous AMQ you will be just fine, yuh man soon come!!!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-03 22:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

:lol: Hopefully he won't fall asleep again.

I asked Damien what he wanted for V-Day and he said for me to stop wearing killa vibz drawz (big momma undies). I almost died laughing :rofl: . Guess I gotta go shopping :whistle:

HUSH I just LOL'd Shem haaaaaa

Ells, extra money is definitely a cause to :dance:

I'm excited because I FINALLY got my LASIK referral fee in the mail yesterday... for a friend who had it in AUGUST.
I'm still waiting on another referral fee for someone who had it in September/October.

Plus, I braved going on TMobile's website to see what our new monthly bill will be, since I had to get this data plan. I found a $10/month savings!
At the store, the guy signed me up for the $35 unlimited web/unlimited text plan.
On their website, I saw a $25 unlimited web/400 text plan. That suits me much better as I have only once gone over 400 texts.

Thats whats up Nat!

I need to get home so I can really catch up Latah Ladies
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-03 18:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I just found out (previously unbeknownst to me) that I received the BOGG Fee waiver for school tuition that went retro back to Fall 2009 & included this Spring registration. Looks like I get to ask the college for a $208 refund! :dance:

:dance: YAY you go girl :dance:

Now you can get that sexy plaid onsie for yourself!

:rofl: :rofl: @ Irie

I was looking a those pajamas that Sus sent yesterday and why Hubby said we should get some :bonk: I said I'm down LMAO we are so crazy :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-03 17:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Maybe I can catch up now only 1 conference call left LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-03 16:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Philly.... it MUST be Jermaine.... Andre Jermaine!

:rofl: :rofl:

Who hasn't been on the boards much lately? Dillon LOVES him too!

:angry: :angry: :angry: uh huh :angry: :angry: :angry:

Jamaine though. Which is worse to me then Jermaine.

Steven Segal LOL

Nothing can be worse than Jermaine....please don't let Philly get a case of the FEVA!

Dills I am too busy for the FEVA today but nuh worry yuhself it soon come! :devil:

I'm gonna post and link for you and Irie for the girls tonight stand by
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-03 16:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I can't tell you what Andre's is..........Philly will drive me insane if I do!

Where you looking?

AWWWAHHH tell me :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-03 16:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Nope @ Dillon, no announcements to make :)
but feel like my biologicall clock is screaming lately, with my old a$%...LOL

so if one day i am fortunate to stumble across a willing and able bodied young man, :) then im not opposed to one more child now that JR STRIPPER is almost out mi house ...LOL

Girl HUSH chat bout JR STRIPPER, :rofl: I miss you girl!

@ Philly mi knoa eat the SEED of nuttin, not a goat, not a pig, not a cow NUTTIN

i will eat a chicken back if i dont know what it is, heck it all taste the same but im not in the grocery store SEEKING out no backs...LOL

I cant even cook chicken without getting ill, i just throw it in pan cover it up and come back when the blood part is gone....LOL

Honey you are too much, then yuh nuh wan to come to our house and eat we always have some liver, balls or backs cooking LMAO
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-03 16:01:00