Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
JG I thought of you this morning I was driving by the the fire station I pass everyday while taking my son to school, and the guys were getting ready for a call and they jumped into their boots and pulled up the uniform. CLUTCH THE PEARLS if that wasn't the sexiest move ever! :devil:

My son was like you are staring too hard LOL and I was waving at them too :jest:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-26 13:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I'm so happy right husband is spending the day with my grandmother and she sounds so strong and happy...she all run go get dress and put on hat and lipstick

That is so sweet, I know that just makes your heart smile

Afternoon Ladies!!!!

At work, tired and full. I cooked jerk pork, brown rice, and dumplins for dinner last night.

Hey Jew ((( waving)))

Awwwww that's sweet!

Funny story from the weekend - We took my friend's Grammy out to lunch (she's 93) - she wanted seafood and some live music, so we went to this spot that had a jazz band - During the break, the band members came over to sit with us - The 84 year old drummer asked us if Grammy was a Cougar - After we picked ourselves up off the floor from laughing, we then had to explain to her what a cougar was!

:P LOL I luv that!

I don't care for cornmeal porridge.. I love plantain porridge.. wonder if I'lll like peanut porridge

Me neither my cousin used to force me ti drink ie off :no: :no:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-26 13:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Bunz (L) !!! Yuh memba!!!!! Oh and you too Philly (L) . I thought you all forgot all about me. Yes gurl he called can you believe that after all these months. When I hung up the phone I was just dumb. I sat still for the longest time. All I can do is shack my head :no: .

Of course Sweetie I could never forget! :no:

Bunz; u must have been really hungry...before you buy some flowah n mek dumplin


i could never forget that story
to this day i remember how he did you
his spidey senses must be telling him you coming to jamaica soon lol

That's what I was thinking! Nuh fall fi it Sis!

Philly....mi still perched....

Mi send ie lang time wha'ppen stand by

Gurl I filed Saturday!!!!

I’ll be hood rich next week!!!!!

LOL I know thats right!

ooooohhhhhh....would you look next time. I paid $15 here last time. I might send you some money.

Ughh its 12.99 ( tief) a can here I can't wait to bring back a suit case full when I go.

Ive never had peanut punch.. can someone elaborate for me

think og a peanut milkshake kind of watered down. Hubby makes it with Guiness I swear that;s all I can taste LOL

Ingrediants actally say it is made with peanut butter.

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-26 13:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Philly u are no longer allowed to tell us what your hubby says. He be having me DYING!!!!! No you didn’t drop kick the pus??? OMG I have tears in my eyes picturing it…

LOL you know I am a hot mess :devil:

We will see how it works it's way through congress. When I am ready, I am filing.......amend if need be. I'm never hold my breath for this stuff.

Hopefully they will send the additional funds like they did when we got the stimulus credit :yes:

gee, i dunno, maybe the glass bottom boat
or the blue ocean
or the lady pointing at a sandcastle we can't see
ooooooooooor the white saaaand
i don't see anything else :innocent:

:rofl: :rofl:

Girlie, if you lived the life right now, you would know I need specifics. I've seen people who fake more things then you can even imagine being faked.

If you are talking orgasims....then, no. If I have to fake it, wth am I with that person? I don't care what anyone says, there is more to life then sex; but if the sex sucks.....and I mean all the way around, well rounded, you better be ALL about me sex.......if the sex sucks, he has to go. It's important to me.

That's what I am talking about!

what's for lunch
i must have lost my mind this morning when i bought a muffin for almost 300 bucks :blink:

Lawd damn that's dear!
I am having salad I whipped up with morning with my favorite dressing ( honey Mustard) and chic peas yummmmmm
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-26 12:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

A whole bunch of foolishness. When I first got the private call I thought it was my soon to be ex so I answered it with attitude. When I heard his voice my heart almost stopped. You could tell he was nervous too. I acted as if I had no clue who it was when I did. I kept asking him who dis while he was talking. He tried to sound hurt I didn’t recognize his voice. When he finally said his name I was dry like yeah what’s up. He was like nothing. He was just calling to see how I was doing. I told him I’m good and its good to know he is alive. I asked him was he here in the states and he said no. I was like oh if you say so. He told me he couldn’t talk long he just wanted to check on me. I asked him was he going to say sorry. He told me he would say sorry when he explained everything. I told him no need to explain a sorry will do. He said he was truly sorry. I told him cool and hung up.

He called right back and told me I hung up too fast. He wanted to wish me Merry Xmas and Happy New Years. Umm its only two months later but thanks. I didn’t scream or bite his head off I didn’t ask him the zillion questions I wanted to like why??? There was no need to because honestly at the end of the day I don’t think he would have told me the truth. For once I wished I was Sus or Jawi. They always think of something slick to say but nothing would come out. He did end up explaining what happened which is some phockery to say the least. His story had so many holes in it, it looked like Swiss cheese but I didn’t throw the holes in his face why bother. I wanted him to think I didn’t care. He did ask me if I ever thought of him. I told him months ago I did. He kept talking but I knew I had to end the call I was becoming too comfortable holding the phone so I told him I needed to get back to work thanks for calling and hung up.

Even though I don’t know the truth I still feel some closure and its like I’m cool now. I know he isn’t dead. It’s the weirdest feeling but I’m cool.

Girl I am so glad that you can see through the BS but I know how you feel about the closure issue. It's hard when you give your all and they ulterior motives! But like I told you it happened for a reason and next time you will see. ((( hugs to you girl)))

Nuh worry yuhself when wi link in JA mi cyaa tell yuh stories from back inna deh day dat will mek yuh head spin!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-26 12:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

That's why I like Turbotax - They keep track of your prior returns, import the info into the current, help to maximize your deductions, etc.... very simple to use.

HR block does too :thumbs:

Nat any imput on taxes?


I used to go to H&R block, then a few years ago started Turbo Tax... Last year's return was GREAT ($4000) since I had married Louis and he didnt work.
Now with Sus saying she upgraded and it got her more $$ I may go with the $14 version. I think Turbo tax is fine.... if you dont have any complicated stuff I would do it.

Philly - no real "tight girlfriends" at school. She goes back and forth between kids.

At the moment she has 1 good little friend and she is moving to Italy in the spring!
Her "best" friend is my friend's daughter so we don't get to see every day.

OOh I can't wait to see what I get Lawd knows I need it! The 2 pickney drain me :blink: I think I will try Trubo too just too see if there is any difference but I can't imagine there would be with the same #'s being plugged in.....

Awwe Lil Diva will find someone, that has to be rough her friend is moving away Im sure she is sad. I think is she creates that bond with someone that the issue will cease :luv:

lmao @ philly trying to take the cats
last night hubby admitted he missed his cat
i was like haaaaaaaaaaaa yuh wretch! you luff di cat!

Haaa they kitties are infectious you can't get enough! Same with D I often catch him carrying her around in his hoodie hood :lol:

did any of you watch fantasia's show last night?

her speaking voice .............. :blink: i just can't!

:rofl: Yuh so crazy yeah it is unique but I love the show!

it says my shipment was picked up monday and its on hold
i know i heard some of you talking about shipment on hold
what does that mean again
can't call them right right now

Nuh worry yuhself, yuh soon get it, :yes: we would have gotten ours in 2 days but it was over Easter holiday Good Friday and Easter Monday and the visa arrived Thursday and the interview was the previous Thursday.

If ur filing 2009 taxes, I would say hold on until Pres. Obama plan is implemented. He is doubling the child tax credit, allowing one to itemize deductions for the Haiti relief, taxing 10% for the fed school loan. I think its a great idea to help struggling middle class citizen.

I was reading this yesterday girllllll I am so waiting for the double child tax credit. I am sure I won't get any deductions for sending funds to family in Haiti :help: But I love Obama he is all about the middle class working folks! I hope this will be implemented this year!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-26 11:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Morning all!!! We have sunshine & cool breeze 2day in NY. Tolerable weather. Well yesterday I received package containing AOS, EAD, & AP. I must say it, that being the AOS, requires alot. Just as K1, I will fill it out via internet. But having packet gives me the chance to read everything & check off what I have as I begin lenghty process. Wish me lots of luck when I do begin which will be in the coming weeks.
2mrrw makes a month since SO is here. Everything has been peace with us. He's just so used to getting up & going to work. This is obviously close to impossible in his situation unless we know someone willing to give him an off the books job. He also misses his son which is quite understandable. The child was petitioned for as well, but lets just say the childs mother is "a stay @ home mom with negativity in her heart". So wish us luck where the petitioning is concerned.
Apart from that, he loves it here & most of all, being with me day in & day out.

Hey Mo, good luck with the AOS, remember it's an adjustment and things don't happen over night, its all a process bu glad he is loving the US, Good luck with petitioning for the child, it will all work out Sis!

Poor cats, first you tried to give one a concussion with the pressure cooker and then... you tried to drop kick the other... dem po po kitties! lol

LOL I know right and I saw the War pus at my Mom's last night :rofl:

I'm laughing.....and, I'm the menstrual part


:wow: now that is a new one 3 Woman can initiate the divorce but they would need to wait 3 menstrual cycles before re-marrying.

I'm cooking! and the other thing is he won't eat if I don't eat with him...well he's about to get skinnier cuz I'm getting fatter eating with him! ( plus not exercising like I used to)... I'm about to take an early lunch now and head to the , Char and my tight pants are my inspiration!

Girl the same thing happened to me, D cooks too good and too much LOL and Sexy Partying is not qualify as the Cardio I need to be doin :rofl: Yes my skinny jeans are hanging up staring at me begging me to lose the weight so I can be one with them again :lol:

Tax question:

Since some of us will be filing "married/jointly" this year, is it better to go with a tax service like, Turbotax - H&R, or is it better to go with a tax guy? Im asking because the IRS had an article stating that TurboTax is a really good service to use because of its accuracy. However, looking at what some folks were saying on FB, they were saying its not... Could it be its not because they don't use it correctly?

Hmmm I use Hr Block online and never had an issue I would say they are on par with Turbo Tax with ensuring you maximize your refund. I will continue to utilize the online service and continue to read the IRS site for all the nuance to ensure we are filing the best way...... If you are unsure I would go to a professional :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-26 11:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

awww thanks everyone! i wish all the yardies could be there! sus is staying with us so she will have to rep all the yardies who cant be! sus you ready to rep everyone????? and if bunz is still in JA that day i hope she can be there!

i cant beleive how soon the day is approaching.....after 5 almost 6 years i am ready! i am nervous as all hell casue i do not do well in front of groups of people i know so i am either gonna cry like a baby or laugh hysterically due to nerves.....and this isnt the wedding of 10 or so peopl elike i thought.....its more like 60-80 ppl......oh lord

Awwee Yankee this day is long awaited and well deserved you are such a strong Woman to have endured through so much and still standing May God Bless your Union (L)

Can I remind you all..........all of you with men still in JA............this is one of the main reasons I say make sure they bring ALL important papers WITH them to the US:

A couple of birth papers
shot records
school records if they can get very least diploma
A letter of recommendation from their job
And MAKE SURE that passport has at least a year left. I'd go as far as to say 2.

It's a lot easier to get stuff from JA when in JA. It's possible, after; but not easy.

If you go back and read my billion posts thus far, I've said this over and over and over again.

Yes JG Scream this from the mountain tops too!

You did not say Clutch the Pearls!!!!

I am rolling!!! :rofl:

I know when she said that yesterday DaDa I was tearing up with laughter at my desk :rofl:

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-26 11:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Good Morning Yardies.....Whats Good? I cant go back to catch up. Is there anything I need to know? Any good news?

Good Luck to all the Husbands/Husbands to be who have Medicals today :thumbs:

Hey C ((( waving)))

morning yardies!

Hey Bunzie, I can't wait to see you I am so counting down! :luv: ( trying to bring my kitty African Storm I don't want to part with her for too long :no: ) Hubby said Lef deh pus nuh mon! :lol:

good morning yardies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Yankee Wow soon yuh a married ooman (F) (L)

I just don't like this picture. His belly button just grosses me out.

LOL it looks like an EYE I never even noticed LOL

Good morning Philly. I finished Emerald but I see there is a part 3, so I may watch that tonight.. Im so hooked on the movies, but like I was telling you, they take my mind off things, so thank you :)

Hey Tee LOL I just love them too, my new movies are sitting on the entertainment center I'm excited about the new released ones that won all the awards. So Emerald was good? It looked like mad drama LOL I may post one of the ones that won the awards today just catching up at work since our Network was down.....

Sorry I’m responding so late. Yesterday I got side tracked.

The weirdest thing happened. For us old school Yardies after all these months he finally called.

Yes I do watch Ray J and I was pissed last night that it was recaps instead of the Season Finale. I don’t think either of his two choices are right for him. Ms Berry is to classy for him. I think she is looking to get married and settle down again where as Ray he just wants to have fun. She is very pretty though. The other girl I think if her X just looked in her direction she would go back to him. I’m sure after her being on Ray I wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t contacted her already.

I got a text yesterday that said Day 26 left Bad Boy and signed with Atlantic. I also heard they kicked Q out. I guess they got tired of all his crying. I wonder if him and Dawn are still together.

Dada HUSH Stop the presses!!!! Soooooo do tell and where the hell is my PM????? Does this mean yuh coming to JA girl tell me tell me tell me as I bang on my key board!!!! :yes:

Really they left WOW so I guess Making the band is ova?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-26 10:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I can tell him for you - or I used to be able to - the WWF headquarters is right down the street from me - used to see him in McDs all the time, lol - actually my friend used to make me stalk McDs to find him!

Yall are killing me softly with all the Roc talk :rofl: I can just imagine you Sus acting like you are getting ketchup and straws but stalking the Roc :lol:

Afternoon Yardies!

Yeah, he's doing a lot better now...he can't believe how quickly the weekend flies by when you only have 2 days off now! One of these years he'll believe that I have good reasons for doing things.

Tell me about it!

Congrats PHILLY 11 lbs that the business GO PHILLY GO PHILLY

Thanks girl , this morning I did my first Brazilian Capoiera workout to my favorite Brazilian instructor( I LUV her LOL )

Hubby woke up like Wha deh raas yuh kick the pus inna deh odda room yuh a mad ooman :rofl: Poor African Storm was walking by and I did a drop kick and she was inthe way and she went flying :luv: :blink: the funny thing is she loved it and came back for more LOL Lawd there is never a dull moment in our house :no:

Goodmorning yardies, I hope everyone has a great day!
As from my knowledge 3 of us are doing medical today (including my SO) so goodluck!
*16 Days Til Our Interview*

Good luck on the medical, tell him to take some food wid him!

Morning everyone - Good luck on the medicals today - remind them to just say no, LMAO!

:yes: Scream it from the Mountain tops!

Good Morning Everyone!

Today is the first day in a very long time that I do not have a migraine woohoo! Maybe the chiropractor is working :) or maybe I have took the advise of others and slowed down a bit.

My wedding plans are coming along just fine and just about finished with everything so that is one less stress for now. This weekend bringing everything up to my parents place since the wedding will be by them in Orlando, Gosh 19 more days and I will be Mrs. Gilmore. <3

That is so fabulous, I hope this is a trend Sis! :thumbs:
Awwwe the countdownt o the wedding is on :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-26 10:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

:lol: Reason # 5974...

Actually, with my company's excellent 401k match (they give 7% if you put up 6%) & my Roth IRA retirement account, it will be possible, with some moderate assumptions.

Well that definitely sounds like a plan good luck Sista!

OMG people... as much as I like my "alone time".... it is boring around here during the day without Louis!

I just called him and the crickets are chirping, he has had a couple drinks and he said its "hot as he!!".... I AM SOOOO JEALOUS!!!!!

Awwweee Irie I know how you feel I would feel the same exact way. What happened to Motor Booty LOL ( that cracks me up)

Hi my fellow yardies...long time no chat

Hey Reg (( waving)))

Hi Mrs Tee! yes it's me! OMG!! our food options MUST expand...although I did forget one..he likes cheesesteaks too

LOL sounds like D! Are you cooking for him or is he cooking ?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-26 10:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

JG, if you want to go cheap, you can always do a timeshare seminar and refuse to buy at the end. Vegas is full of Time shares. Also see if one of your friends have a timeshare and buy a week from them, that works aswell.

LOL I know that's right! Now you done put me on to something LOL

I want to leave $$ behind for my posterity. Plus, I want to retire with at least $1 million.

Thats a great goal, so I take it you don't plan on breeding :devil:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-25 17:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Thats really good Nat for the price of 4 nights.

Yes it is I would love to go to Vegas this year :yes:

Likkle more.. Philly going to finish watching Emerald

Ok girl let me know how you like it, its still on my list LOL I just checked my site they have so many new upcoming releases I am excited!

Damian just mentioned bowling and D&B again LOL, but I do plan to take Q for his Bday on the 7th since he has at least he is trying to do better. Well we shall see we still have 2 weeks to go LOL. I think Damian suggested it cause he just wants to go with Steve LMAO

And my whole bus can't take it with you.

Exactly JG!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-25 17:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I want her to tell Den she's in love with a man who is wearing a tooth fairy costume in his new movie. I'd love to be a fly on the wall to all the bumba that come out of his mouth.

:rofl: :rofl:

Ya'll try so hard. But I wonder if finesse will ever get on there. Some people are just opposed to putting their personal info on the Internet.

Yeah I agree some people nuh into it

I see your point, but you also have to live a little. You work hard and you deserve a little extra every now and then. As long as you plan and budget then you're good. You'll be fine. I remember you saying your goal is for you guys to buy a house this year and that's exactly what I'm gearing up to do...we going to get it done girl! :thumbs:

I agree girl, you still have to enjoy life while sticking to your goals :thumbs:

Steve doesn't really need the GED classes, I just wanted him to have something to do. He is so good. Never complains about being bored or nothing. He studies my math books from college. He has expressed an interest in Lincoln Tech, like my son is doing so I think we are going to try that. My son is supposed to be bringing info. I told him school is important, but getting a job is much more important. If he wants to do both he can do that too. I just need him to let me know what his plans are so I can help him get there. My brother just applied at CCP so I was thinking of that too so he can give him a ride to school too.. Just trying to do as much as we can you know?

Oh ok, well maybe Lincoln tech is a good option. Damian has 13 years of experience but no certification and we are finding that is needed for most good paying mechanic gigs so that is the route we are gonna take. He is really good and with more training he will have what he needs to start his own business! Looks like we both have a few things to add to our goal list now :thumbs:

That's awesome! You not playing you bout to shut it down in a few weeks!!! I can't wait to see the pics...awww I know its going to be beautiful.

I'm trying girl, as long as I put Hubby out the room while he is eating cakes and pies LOL girl do you know he had the nerve to ask me to bring home a pizza cause they running a special at Dominos chile please :blink:

Well at lease Hubby is noticing he said you will be able to get into those pencil foot jeans again LOL yesssss and I plan on taking them with me on my trip too
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-25 16:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

are you watching rayj?

Yup and I hate his choices ####### :blink:

Girl why did her baby daddy, Lil' Jon, her drummer do her like that? Word on the street is that he bounced shortly after their son was born...I haven't seen much of her since her son was born...I guess she wanted to take time to focus on being a mother! I just love her.

Stop no he didn't now I need to go find this dirt, I luvs me some Jilly from Philly!

Girl he is so, so, so lame. I don't like either one of them girls...Ms. Berry gets on my nerves! :angry:

I agree he is corny LOL but I can't stop watching. What is up with final his choices????

i know. i can't stand ms berry either...and platinum is not even son got me sucked into watching this show...ray j needs a do over cuz them girls suck...

LOL @ your son watching, I am so not feeling his choices I wonder who will win tonight, I see a part 3 in the works.......

So how am I suppose to tell Dewayne "The Rock" Johnson that I'm moving on and getting married? I just don't want to break his heart yall. I've been loving him since I can remember. Poe thang, I will try to let him down easy! :rofl:

He is beyond fine! Cot dang!!!! :devil: :ot2:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: HUSH :bonk:

Well Den just called me and said that the Visa still not ready! Seriously, I shouldn't be worried, right? :unsure:

Oh I'm sorry Sis, I am praying for you it soon come :yes: (F)

:no: Pets sound too expensive to me. (Plus I'm alergic to the saliva you mentioned)

Yes Nat I won't even hold you up they are expensive but I save some $ on vet bills cause Mrs Bootsy is the self proclaimed Cat Dr. LMAO
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-25 16:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

BTW...I have officially started my diet today. Wish me luck. Ivan started his quest to stop smoking and so far he is on Day 4. He seems to be moving along smoothly, so I have to stay strong on my diet. We are going to start working out 5 days a week so everybody pray that I don't pass out. :crying:

Hey girl great news, I have lost 11 pounds so far and working out like a crazy person. I did my prune juice and seasalt cleanse this weekend and Lawd I never left the house :rofl: Can't wait to get home and do my new step routine with this fabulous guy on Fit TV! ( emphasis on Fabulous LOL ) Hubby is supposed to be dieting with me but he ain't fooling no one LOL
You can do it girl, I just love the results when my clothes are loose fitting it gives me all the motivation I need. I gotta get in that dress LOL is all I keep thinking as I eat my steamed veggies :yes:

Keep up the good work girl! :thumbs:

Hi everyone!! Dens, no visa in hand yet?! I'm surprised @ that. It's a rainy day here in NY. SO & I went bowling over weekend. He really enjoyed this. Maybe b/c he gota higher score than me. It's all good, I was warming up as I told him. Lol. Take care all!!!

Hey MoAcory7007 sounds like a great time :yes:

Good morning.. tell me about the day :angry: I almost got carried down the marble steps at work. I had to hold on to the railing and I started praying. I was scared to death... ugh

I tried to register Steve for GED classes this morning and it was full :angry: what a waste of time... I just feel :angry: today...

Oh my goodness, girl you have to be careful cause I bust my @ss bigtime coming down my mothers steps one time in he rain and all this cushion I got I swore I broke my but bone :rofl:

Don't give up I called a program this morning for D he wants to get certified in his field, just keep trying! :thumbs:

I take it you stayed on the toliet? :rofl:

Did anyone see Home Makeover (not sure if that is the correct name) last night? They made over the home of a Jamaican family. I was so happy for them. I think Cara posted it on FB and I turned it right on.

That show does beautiful things!

I also watched The Pregnancy Pack on Lifetime. It was a little slow moving to me but not to bad. I fell asleep on the last five minutes so I have to catch it again. Jill Scott wile b in a Lifetime movie airing next month. I love her roles so I can’t wait to see her. She had a series on HBO but they don’t air it anymore.

I also watched Project Runaway for the first time this week and Bad Girls Club. Not bad I plan on tuning in again.

Hey Dada,

No I never watch the Home Makeover show but I hear so many good things, I think it conflicts with other shows on Sunday.....

I know they didn't cancel the # 1 Ladies detective Agency I love that show :angry:

I have been DVRing the Bad girls still haven't watched it LOL

yes, thanks for asking. had ultrasound this morning and we got some great 3D pics of babies faces and OMG, they look just like my husband!! we were in there making whole heap a joke. hubby said that if a woman hates her hubby during her pregnancy, the babies come out looking just like the father.....and its true......cuz mi nah easy yuh knoa!!!

Awwwe that is so awesome, wish we could see them on FB :devil:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-25 15:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Good moning all!!! Long Time no read....

Work has been kicking my butt.. And it seems like no matter how nice of an evening Eric and I have, the morning after is always a fuss. He walks in the room and won't even say good morning. I am not used to that and don't plan on getting used to it. So of course I am always the one to say it first, then I am like what you didn't see me sitting here? Oh and when he is leaving out the house, he says I am gone now. No kiss no I love you no nothing. So of course I get a case of the #### then. Cause I make it a point for him to know that I love him and to give him a kiss.

Burns me up :ranting:

Awwwe sweetie I would feel the same way, but I always stress communication is key! Tell him exactly how his actions make you feel and I bet you can work it out and tomorrow morning will be different! :thumbs:

Morning, Everyone!

Then I got revenge on someone at the drive-thru carwash. That made me night even better

Ruh Roh LOL

I would be pissed too. I get a good morning beautiful words or text every morning. And, I am really superstitious....I say I love you at the end of every never know if a bus will hit you that day or something.

It's new still. Give him a little more time. Hang in there.

I'm the same way too JG I swear I must tell that Man I love him 100x's a day because the next second is not promised......

Booooooooo to Dens Wifey & JG for cheering for the Colts. :angry:

Two weeks ago, Steven & I went to this gas station for a car wash. From where you turn into the gas station, you can either drive around in front of the building or behind it to get to the car wash line. Steven noticed that back way, which I'd never noticed before.

Well, last night I was driving to the gas station for a car wash when some other car cut me off. He then proceeded to drive at the speed of snail. I was frustrated with him. He turned into the gas station just before I did. But since I knew about the [shorter] back way to the car wash queue, and he went around front, I beat him!!! :dance: He got to wait for my car wash to finish, which he deserved since he never should've cut me off & gone that slow.

Go Nat I know that's right I am sure dude was hotter than fish grease too :rofl:

We used Dr. Nipun Patel at Premier Family Clinic in Chamblee. He was under my insurance provider so we saved a little money. Paid $20 for copay and $100 for him to complete paperwork. Other quotes I received for a full medical were around $185.

that's fabulous! Char I am happy to see things are moving for the 2 of you :yes:

Thanks for all th replies ladies. I tell you, I love this web site. Thank God for VJ!!! Some of my girlfriends just don't understand. I know I have to be patient and I am trying. (very very hard). He did better this morning though. He didn't say good morning, but he did give me a kiss before he left and said I love you and will see you later. So that made me feel a little better. All the kind words from my girls here in VJ, are keeping me strong.

Thanks Ladies!!!! :star:

Awwwe Baby steps :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-25 14:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Pretty much. Just waiting for the time to throw all the evidence on the table and say booya! LIAR!!!!

LOL @ Booya! We all can't wait! :yes:

Dang Philly! One of the ladies here as her hobby goes to cat shows all over the country and even out of the country showing! We always joke that the wrong "puss" is getting all the attention! Poe thang, she's a sweet older lady though...we all love her but sad that's your whole life is them cats!!! :no:

Awwweee I watch those cat shows and girl yes you see the same folks at alot of them too. Funny think is Mrs Bootsy would love to get her cats involved in those shows but she has issues with her legs and think the strain will be too much on her health.

Yes you are right some people's lives are cats, there is a whole disorder created around this issue. I am so happy Hubby puts his foot down and tells me no more PUS inna deh house!
Cause I can't turn my back on a stray I would have a house full of them.

When he arrived in April I had 6 and 1 passed away I went on vacation to my Mom's and we took 2 to the shelter cause they were crazy :blink: LOL. So now we have 3 cats and Hancock the Dagger Master is working on a litter with Foxy Brown so who knows what we will have when Spring arrives :luv: I'm sure I won't have issues with takers because they are long hair and will be so beautiful. Awwweeeee I love animals (L)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-25 14:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Yes, Im on 2 4 it goes up to 7 so gonna watch the rest.... Gonna keep watching them on you tube. I love it. That Michael Majid is a piece of work. I need to find more with Van Vicker... mmm...He can cry on me anytime lmaooooooo....

Welcome back to VJ your home away from home! :)

Hey Mamma, LOL I love me some Micheal Majid he can play all kinds of parts. Van Vicker is good but he cry cry too much LOL. I just love watching the movies on the big screen and watching all of the previews we crack up at all the different movies some are like :blink: and others we get ready to purchase LOL. There are new releases this week I need to check out and get ready to take with me too yard too.

Philly, hope you had a good weekend! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Hey Den's yes girl I had a great weekend Sexy parties a gwaan 24/7 LOL I should have called out today :devil:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-25 13:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Well, the cops were fairly useless. I have a cop friend working on a different angle.

I did, however, score a bit this weekend. In fact, I think I nailed her ####. So, we shall see.

That's whats up JG you know I am cheering over here in Philly!

Yes.....NAILED. Documents and pictures. I just have to be patient now. Soon come!

Yes now you are just waiting in the shadows to pounce like a jungle cat LOL I watch too much discovery channel!

Morning everyone! It's a gray and rainy day :cry: would have been a good day to stay in bed!

I know I felt like Indiana Jones and the Temple of doom trying to get to work this morning with all the rain :blink: Ughhh but the upside is its 62 degrees :dance:

Morning Den. Yes she is feeling better, I dropped her off at school this morning.
She just has a stuffy nose now. Throat is much better.
I actually think she is allergic to cats! She has been around them since she was little but now when she goes to my mom's she leaves all congested, sneezing, sore throat...

Oh no allergic to Cats, clutch the pearls :crying: I am glad she is feeling much better. Here is a little kitty trivia the allergic reaction is caused by an antibody in the cat's saliva, so when they lick themselves they allergens spread and hence human interaction with the hair ( and kisses LOL) we are develop the allergies. There is only 1 cat that does not have this antibody in their saliva and its not the hairless cats either. ( yes I watch all the cat shows LOL)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-25 13:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Hey Ladies,

our network has been down all day at work Ughhh I been missing VJ LOL

Happy Monday, soon Catch up

Tee you watched Emerald? that one is on my list they are my 2 favorite actors I love Genevieve I am slowly building her collection.... ok catching up
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-25 13:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Was just scrolling through my friend's pics from Barbados and found this:

Posted Image

SUSSSSSSSSS haaaaaaaaaaaaa why does it look like the Bull is driving :rofl:

Nah, she is feeling crummy. Her tonsils are HUGE... and she is sneezing like crazy. But she is taking after me. I had my tonsils out at 27... she doesnt get strep, just sore throats and swollen tonsils. she slept all morning.

Oh and yes, Louis had to take the GC with him. But from now on he is keeping at his mom's with his passport.

Awwe poor baby I hope she doesn't have to have them out :blush:

Glad to hear that Irie I knwo that puts your mind at ease :thumbs:


The End
Tee LOL this one was different haaaaa

Ok ladies I'm out running to the Blockbuster for Hubby to grab a free flick then on to get my African flicks they arrived :dance: Have a great weekend!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 17:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 17:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Yes, I'm going to sign him up for the local soccer league as soon as possible. I also want to seriously pursue getting him signed up to volunteer with this one agency that sends people out to visit with the elderly. He loves old people & was ready to jump on it....only problem is that I inquired around the holidays & we were too busy with out-of-town things to get started. I think I'm going to inquire again & he can start volunteering there.

Yes, I know everyone is giving their opinion from a positive place & that's why I truly appreciate all responses. Oh man does he love his new classes! That's all we talked about the whole lunch time. His first class the teacher is really nice & called on him a lot & all the ESL students were in awe of his accent. The second class, the teacher is not as nice & he felt a little picked on but I told him to just hang in there & soon the teacher will probably give him a break. I don't think hubby likes male teachers as much....they must seem a bit tougher. He already has homework due Monday & we have to buy his textbook (that's all you pay for) & he'll be set. He was so proud & happy to be in a 'real school' just like he's seen on TV (LOL!) & is glad to be going every day. My heart just sang when I heard the change of his heart! :yes: :luv:

That's great Mrs. P! Hey, any job is excellent in this economy....

I had a perfect score!
:rofl: :rofl:

Seriously though, you did REAL GOOD Nat! Way better than I would've done. I'm much more guarded with my finances because I just don't have any leeway to be any other way. Paying $850 a mo. rent for a jr. 1 bedroom doesn't leave a lot of extra so I do all the purchasing. He never wants for anything (most always) & once in a while he'll get some spending $$ from one of the parents (mine or his Dad) & has to decide what to do with it. He's learning that $4.50 for a hot dog downtown isn't really worth it. Anyway, I do have his name on one credit card & he has made one purchase for dinner with it that will be paid off as soon as my pay day comes. I'll be using his card when he's around (& he signs for it) but it stays in my possession for now....until he understands U.S. money. I'm doing the credit card thing so he'll be 'in the system' & when it's time for him to apply for his own, it will hopefully make the approval easier. Anyway, I think you used a great deal of restraint & as long as you set your expectations, it's now up to him to meet them. If he goes out of bounds again, I think you're entitled to use a little less restraint next time! :yes: Sorry, but for now, you're the one keeping things afloat so he has to respect that. Just like if it were the other way around, we'd have to do the same.

HUbby can't wait to start playing Soccer again too , it's just too dard cold right now!

I am so glad Lehi Loves his classes LOL @ his classmates loving his accent too cute! Regarding the other teacher , girl he don't have to like him just teach him! I go through the same thing with my son, they get over it LOL. Lehi will be just fine he has ambition and that along with hard work is the key to success!

Yes girl I am with you on the $ issues, Hubby knows I am a recessionista so before he uses our joint card he knows to call me no matter what it is. When we are in the market he is surely learning the value of a dollar and its better to buy the fixins for the cheese steak and make 4 than to go pay 6$ for 1 on the street. :yes: Now he tells me we don't have to eat out there is plenty of food in the freezer we can cook and save the $$! Now that's what I'm talking about :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 17:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 16:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 16:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Well, ladies, I am about to start the ball rolling on something I should've probably done long ago.

For about a year now, I have been stalked via the internet, friends of friends, and just this week, I found out people have found out where I moved to 7 months ago and are now driving by my house frequently. I am getting a little sick of constantly having to deal with this. And I'm getting tired of the words being spouted. So, I have a grade school friend of mine who is a police sargent. I have been chatting with him all day on FB about how someone could've gotten my address. First of all, I KNOW who is behind it. And, her friend is a court reporter who has friends who are lawyers, policemen, the daughter of our city tax collector, and a car dealer. We talked all day about who has access to what information.

Long story, short, I called the Regional Justice Information Center and asked them to run a search on ME and see who accessed my information recently and for what reason they gave. I have to call and make a police report for them to do that search. I called police department and tomorrow, when I am home all day, I will call non-emergency number, have a car come out, and I will start the ball rolling with that report.

I am not sure where I go with the information after this. I have actually been keeping a journal of dates, times, etc. for over a year now of her antics. And, I have a CD of taped conversations where she threatens me, my job, and now this drive by #######. So, whether I go for the restraining order or not, I don't. I do know my reason for not thus far....why make anything worse, just can't get any worse IMO. So, we will see. I do know I want to know who gave out this information and if disciplinary action is in order, I want it done.

So, wish me luck and I will keep you all informed. Right now, I'm feeling better that I can actually do something about it.

Sus, this does have to do with what I talked to you about earlier.

JG I wish you luck I hope you are able to take this fool DOWN for good!

Have a great weekend :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 16:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Lawh Have mercy Tee wha gwaan wid deh Husband him a rooskin in the upstairs room and call out him dead wife :o
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 16:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Quick update: Hubby just called from down in the lobby of my work. He LOVED it & wanted to say sorry about yesterday for having attitude & that the class was great! I'm heading out for a little celebratory lunch across the street at Chevy's with him! TTYL!

I am so happy to hear Ells that is awesome news I know it made your day!

I just went back to work on maternity leave this Jan and we are planning a family trip in Dec so I don't want to do both...Idk...will see cause hubby does want me to go and his brother is buying his ticket so we just have to worry about mine and baby is free...i guess its still up in the air...

I'll put a couple of the baby pics on facebook 2night...

I'm happy ur hubby likes his school...hubby was doing the library thing but had to stop because of work...i do want him to go back but want to look for more of a school setting cause the library to me was kinda slow paced...the college around me has AL classes too and its free ( :thumbs: ) but there is a waiting list...i help him at home so he is ok for now but its really not enough...hubby needs a little push himself...he's the type if he sees you are not stressing it he won't stress it either even if its suppose to benefit him...

I hope he moves up on the waiting list I know how important edcuation is for all of us! Can' wait to see the pics :yes:

Yep. And, I sent in a ridiculous amount of stuff. We were approved without interview.

Wow that's what i'm talking about!

Speaking of Western Union........I got one of those fishing emails today asking me to log on and verify information. It is very obviously not coming from Western Union. I did just report it to them though. Be very careful.

Oh yeah I always am, I never click on those types of emails! DELETE is my friend LOL but good looking out :luv:

Hey Folks! Just checking in---it's been a LONG time!! Congratulations to Bunz on the approval and to MsSheka on your case moving along--it soon come girl! Quick update: Gregory and I are still adjusting to our new way of life together. (I've decided to say "we're" adjusting instead of "his" adjustment cause it's been trying for both of us). We've had a lot of good times, and we continue to have our days, but overall things continue to go better than I had hoped for. What's definitely started to help now is the fact that he is finding stuff to do on his own. A couple of months ago I signed him up for a competitive soccer league because he LOVES to play and misses doing so. Well, he was picked up by a team and their first practice was last weekend! He was like a kid in a candy store--grinning like a cheshire cat from ear to ear! :lol: What's even better is that the coach told him that he was the best player on the team, and then proceeded to send out a mass email to the team members saying this very thing and how far my husband and the rest of the team will be able to go in the league this year! Not that he needs this add'l stroking of the ego, but it was good for him and I was proud). So he's doing that on weekends, and games will begin at the end of Feb. He's already enrolled in the GED program at the community college, and is in class 4 days a week. He's managed to navigate the bus system to some degree by himself, which has also been helpful and I think makes him feel more independent. Still not working (but filling out tons of applications), but lo and behold a few minutes ago a message was left on the phone from a manager at PetSmart asking him to call to set up an interview for next week!!!! We just filled that application out last nite, and while it is not the "perfect" job, it's something to hopefully get him started and build up his resume here in the states!! I hope that something comes through soon, because it has definitely been tough. Keep us in your prayers! :star:

Hey Mrs P, thanks for the update chica glad to hear all is well good luck I hope you get good news about the Gig :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 16:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

LOL! Well, she's not so easy...she's (rather was, she has since kicked him out) making him pay about $400 a month rent too. He put up with it because now he needs to go to a shelter. One day, Lehi was sick of her giving him a hard time & told her to leave him alone & that she had a belly that flapped way over (but in Jamaican...LOL) & she hated him even more after that! I've never seen her but apparently she's not that desirable! LOL! :whistle:

Tuck in yuh Belly? :blush:

Welcome back Char! Glad you had a nice honeymoon!

Mrstee, YAY Maritimers!

Philly, I CAN'T watch the movies! I know I'll get caught up but then I have to watch my back so the boss doesn't sneak up on me & catch me so, none for me. :(

LOL it's ok I know all about the Crypt Keepers trying to hold you down LOL I can't get enough of the drama of these movies and Mrs Tee is hooked LOL

Yes and I just heard about the portable hospitals.. Im so impressed! Ive been with these folks for almost 22 years now.. It's a wonderful unique industry... Im in the purchasing department so we will be supplying the materials they need..finally I feel a little part of the Haiti mission...


Hey everyone...Long time no "write to"... :star: ...I see a lot of new names wow...this forum just keep growing and growing...

As most of you know i had my baby girl Hailey...she is a little over 3mths now...she is a gem if i do say so myself... :innocent: ...doesn't cry much and sleeps through the night (starting at 2mos)...she laughs a lot and is always smiling...I'm going to post a pic on my facebook...haven't been on that either...but will post a pic there for ya'll to see her...

Philly i saw your message on facebook via my cell phone but my cell phone is acting up so couldn't mom has a sister who is still in Haiti with her 3 kids...she is ok but they are sleeping on the streets because they are too scared to sleep in their house since they are still having mom wants to try to get her kids over she wanted me to see if there is anything out there that will allow family members of american citizens for urgent visas for loved ones in haiti...let me know if you know anything about that...

Adjustment update: Me and hubby are still going strong...he is still working at his job and still working on my nerve...sometimes...but all in all we are happy...he is planning to go to JA in April cause his brother in Canada is throwing a party in JA and wants him to come down with him...He wants to bring the baby but not sure if i feel comfortable yet with him traveling down there by himself with her...especially since he is going to do a lot of running around...his mom could watch her...but me she is still too young...

Hey Mamma, good to hear from you, you were on my mind! I am sorry to hear about your Aunt and cousins. I got word that most of my family members went to St.Marc because the houses are gone. We are still waiting to hear from others, its been 2 weeks I just don't know...... I know there are alot of exceptions being made for Haitians surrounding immigration. I pray I can bring some family and it not take 10 years :blink: . Can't wait to see pics of the baby and glad to hear you are Hubby are going strong :luv:

i keep joking with hubby telling him he can dump me now (once LOC is done)....but he nah get di joke :bonk:

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 16:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Happy weekend Yardies...I'm off to work today (ARRRRGGHHH!!!) husband is the sweetest guy...but not always the most romantic... :blush:

Yesterday, we were chillaxing around the house...just enjoying each other's company...anway we are standing in the garage talking...he pulls out his cell phone and puts the earbuds in my ear. Then, he tells me listen to this and walks back into the house:


I thought it was so sweet and have Kartel serenade me....LOL! Sometimes you have to take what you can get....2004 and still going strong! :luv: (L)

Hey Jawi (((( waving))) I hope this is a habit you blessing up with your presence :yes: He is so sweet , what were the lyrics that's the real romance kicks in :devil:

That's great kjenkins.

Good morning VJ family.

My2 - I'm happy to hear you stopped stressing everything will work out.

Jawi - that was sweet of A.

I'm getting out of here today....bored outta of my mind. Damien sleeps enough for both of us.....It's only 10:30 and he's already napping. Just eat and sleep :wacko:

Hey Shem yup you were right we kept missing each other yesterday sorry (F) How much snow did you get? We didn't even get 2 inches and I chat bout snowed in :rofl:

Well you know what they say the men feel sympathy pains and go through the same symptoms we do while pregnant eat and sleep :blush:

Morning all! Jawi, that's sweet - He gets an A for effort, lol!

Shemmy, Damien is having sympathy pains - sometimes pregnancy makes you sleep alot, lol!

My2, glad you are sorting things out - is this your other Gram that you are trying to get there? Maybe you can find a service to bring her?

I am doing homework and packing and laundry today - yuck!

Hey Sus, I'm packing too :thumbs: still wish i could meet you :crying: :crying:

Sus - I know but he has it bad. Family members started calling him 6am yesterday morning so it woke me up. Their conversations were so loud which lasted for hours. We had breakfast then he exercised to Billy Blanks. He fell asleep right after for 4 hours while I could not get a nap for nothing. He took 3 other naps for hours. Maybe I'm just jealous LOL.

How long is your trip?

Chat bout Billy Blanks this weekend was a bust for my diet ughhhhhh I will have a date with Billy Blanks the Body terrorist this evening to make up for it :unsure:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-31 15:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Hey Philly! Yes I'm a night owl and have turned Vaughn into one too. I'm a real estate broker and can make my own hours so I always tell clients I'm busy in the morning with a closing (closing of my eyes really :rofl: ) or something. Since I always have new people they don't catch on that I'm never available before noon. I just have always been up all night even when I had to get up for school.

Yes you do owe me something, but don't worry about it until after your renewal/trip. I know you have enough going on. I love your song choice and poem that you posted on FB. Can't wait to see pictures.

Good evening yardies!!

Hey girl, I knew it LOL and I am just the opposite during the week I rock out just shy of 10:00 used to be 9:00 but I've gotten better over the years :blush: . So you are in Real Estate, that is awesome I bet you are seeing a bug difference in the market now :thumbs: That is fabulous you have your own hours I am so envious :yes:


My2 I am happy you stopped stressing girl yuh special day soon come (L)

hey philly ...

Heyyyyyyy :P

Goodmorning yardies, I hope everyone have a great sunday :star:
As for myself, I'm on cloud 9!
Dens :devil: , you know what that means!

:dance: 11 Days Til I See My Honey & Attend Interview :dance:

Thats great KJ what dates are you going to be there?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-31 15:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

PHILLY! Rescue me! I've seen the 1st halves of It's Complicated & The Lovely Bones & can't find the links for the 2nd. Why did I torture myself like this??

Sorry girl that Battyfish threw me off my game yesterday LOL

Philly to the rescue LOL


phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-30 22:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Hello everyone! Hope your weekends are off to a great start!

I'm not really making any progress...all I want to do is sleep!

I will get it together though... :lol:

Girl you and me both I am not doing a damn thing :blink: hot mess LOL

You got me rolling bout that suit! He better not leave it a yard, its the good luck charm :yes: :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-30 12:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Hey Ells/ Jus

The hawk is out I am a popsicle right :crying: now I so need some sun in my life!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-30 12:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Hey Ells! I like the name change since I haven't done it myself. I'm glad Lehi said what he said. Plus it's great he is willing to basically say you are right. Lots of men would be too proud.

Nat- Congrats on the transfer! Hopefully we are both done with this step soon. When are you guys headed to Vegas again? I kind of thought you said for Valentine's day. Whenever you go there are booths all over selling half price tickets to shows that night that aren't sold out. We did that for a few and sometimes they weren't exactly half off but still much less. The only thing is you have to go an hour before the show to trade in your receipt for the actual show ticket. I also agree with others about the timeshare presentations. We couldn't do any there because the ones we ran into they wanted both of us to be over 25 and well, I married a youngin. We did do one in St,. Thomas and agreed it wasn't so bad and if they are giving something good in return we'll do it again in the future.

Tre- I'm glad you are physically OK and gave the man what he had coming, but I know mentally it's going to take some time to heal. I've never been robbed, but I know that has to be such a scary feeling.

DW- Enjoy your last weekend without Mr. Gold Suit!!

I always say I'm not going to list people because I just skim through and I know I'm going to miss someone, yet I continue to do it. So sorry to anyone I missed, but I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Hey Mamma you always on VJ on the late night LOL you must be NIGHT OWL! How you doing girl? Oh I owe you something don't I, let me get to cracking soon come :yes: :bonk:

no one else can bring granny? where does she live?

Thats what I was going to ask, that doesn't seem fair My2 can someone help you out? Can you send a taxi for her or a car service?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-30 10:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I don't know how it'll go, after what I realized last night. I asked the guy at the dealer if I could use a credit card & he said cash only. Most of my savings is in online accounts and when I got home & went to transfer $$ from an online account to my regular checking one, I found out that it takes 2 business days to transfer. So I won't have that much cash by today or tomorrow. :crying:

So if we do get something, it'll need to be very cheap, since you have to pay for it within 1 day.

Oh Wow , I'm sorry girl when is the next auction? But think positive you may find something in your range Good luck girl! :star: :star:

Hey Tee (((waving)))

Hubby is killing me last night pizza now he beg me for pancakes turkey bacon and cheese eggs. I think he is trying to make have a nervous breakdown up in here! :crying: :blink: :unsure:

Edited by phillyfashionista, 30 January 2010 - 10:52 AM.

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-30 10:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

There's a car auction that's actually open to the public (and not just dealers) tomorrow morning. We're going tonight to look & see what they have & note which ones to look up at KBB. Also going to a birthday celebration tomorrow night. Sunday: working with the children @ church. I hope to find some relaxation in there as well.

They have auctions open to the public here regular Hubby wants to go and look at trucks, he's a mechanic so he'll have an advantage no lemons! :thumbs:

evenin' ladies....

Louis called earlier... says he misses me and Tierra... and he said things are "pretty boring"...
He doesn't want to go out anywhere really and everyone seems to be doing the same ole stuff...
Oh he said 5 or 6 people have been shot just while he has been down there... that is pretty unusual for St Lucia. I think he is ready to come home already.

Aww... I miss my du du.

Hey Irie I love that nickname :luv:

Wow about the shootings, that's horrible what is going on?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-30 10:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

philly - I just finished Precious... what a movie!! And to think this really happens... it is heartbreaking... I stopped breathing a couple times.

I'm glad they worked, I haven't watched yet but I read the book PUSH by Saphire and it was so riveting! I will watch this weekend on the big screen! Monique won the Golden Globe for her performance as well :star:

Vent away mi fren! At least it's Friday right?? I hope your Manager puts the smack down on his lazy rass!

Mi cyaa wait :devil: Dude is a hot mess!

Have a great weekend...I will be on and off of VJ this weekend. I'm preparing some last minute things for Den's arrival on Tuesday so I better get it in gear!

Peace :star:

:dance: Yay Tuesday soon come! :dance:

Oh yes, I hope these links work for me over the weekend cause if they do, you just gave us a whole heap a movies to watch! Thanks Philly! :thumbs:

Enjoy Sis I'm gonna finish watching the play today it was getting good!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-30 08:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Whoa Philly! WHat a jerk...
Way to end the week with a bang!

He's one Battyfish!

how are the Precious links working?

Philly, I know what's its like working with folks like that!!!! :wacko:

Philly, let me know how it is! Sounds like it might be a good one! :thumbs:

Yeah I can't wait till this meeting cause my boss don't play LOL

I'm watching it now and its pretty good I love Vivica, its nice and clear too
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-29 17:54:00