Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 15:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Ok Tee sounds like a plan! I am not bringing my youngest after the rum incident, :blink: he is back on my ish list! I made him renew his contract to me. The oldest won't even ride in the same vehicle he rather walk so guess he is off the list Check!

He told me he wanted to move to Japan and become a Male supermodel girl :rofl: I told him let me help you pack :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 15:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 15:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Tee D wants to go bowling this weekend :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 15:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

they didn't take any urine from me
and lmao @ hotter than fish grease because the doctor was rough

haaaa girl he still bout it and it's been almost 2 years :blink:

ok off to get the kids and i am going to blast my music so shemmy doesn't chat my ears off :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

LOL he is too cute haaa I wish mine were that age again :crying:

ELLS (((((WAVING)))))

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 15:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 14:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 14:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

i asked this question last week friday but EVERYONE ignored meeeeeeeeeee!!!
did they actually test your spouses for drugs when they went to the medical?

Hey Bunz yup they took urine and blood from my Husband for the drug test they also tested for HIV and STD. @ my Cousin's medical they did a prostate exam but that was for the the Canadian embassy. He was hotter than fish grease cause the Dr was too rough :blink:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 14:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Thank you Philly! Hubby was watching it with me last night.. He said to ask you about American Boy?

Tee I know you need your daily fix! Did Steve like it? I have that one on order girl and American Nurse 1 &2 they are really popular
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 14:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Sin Of The Soul 1 - 1

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 14:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

You guys ever feel just so BLAH! That is how I am feeling today.


Philly my hubby keeps saying why don't you drive here i just say oh i love to walk i get to see more that way.... :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

LMAO @ I love to walk haaaaaa

When I went to my hubby's interview they didn't even ask us for any of the proof. Like pictures, phone records etc. so don't stress!!!!

Ditto, I lugged all the ####### and they didn't look at any of it how many trees sacrificed them selves for all that paper :whistle:

had to go listen to the drummers what a beautiful sound the buckets are filled with money

I love the sound of the drums in the Peristyle ( Haitian sanctuary) my son is a drummer must be in the blood :yes: Tonight I'm gonna scan some pics of Haiti and try and post them especially the ones with me riding the Bulls before they are sacrificed for the community to eat. :yes:

I just noticed we have a full house ((((waving )))) to everyone, I'm gonna post a movie to get my mind off of this soon come, revenge and despair is the them of this one.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 14:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I just read in the local paper that Portland Maine's sister city is Cap-Hatien. I never knew this.
There is an English teacher there from Portland , who is teaching English to the staff at the Justinian Hospital in Cap-Hatien. No one has heard from her but the paper also said this area was not as hard hit as Port au Prince.

Yes I was trying to think of who it was so I scanned all my friends on FB till I found Jen and I sent her a message hope she is able to get through (F)

Just heard from Dens and they were.........


Man oonuh must be chatting I came back to see we have a new thread.

:dance: YAY that deserves some FEVA

Its the opposite for me, can't wait for the lil buggers to LEAVE!!!! lol so I can enjoy hubby :)

LMAO and I am still trying, I must need a :bonk:

Posted Image

Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:25-26

Lord we lift up Philly's family and the rest of Haiti . Please carry them through this time of tragedy after many were injured. Cover them with your love, and support them. Show them your tender mercy. Heal Haiti of their injuries. Give them full recovery. Thank you for protecting Haiti. Please be powerfully present in the lives of all involved. Amen.

Good morning ladies Congrats Dens

merci JQ Amen la soeur (F)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 14:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

You trying to look sexy at work huh? What, are you tryng to look good for those priests?

LMAO I am trying to picture this in combination with the jello shots I need to visit this church :rofl:

What God has put together, no man can assunder and thats my hope when i go before the consular in kingston. i miss my wifey and she misses me so i hope to share with everyone the good news in 6 weeks after the interview.

Positive Vibes everything work out nuh worry yuhself

Hey Ladies,

Wha gwaan?

Philly sending you prayers my sister.....

So one of my fellow yardies, told me i need to make my way back to the thread, said the vibe has changed a bit...

and by the way i miss yall....

Hey Mamma thanks miss yuh!

music lovers. when i visit my wife in kingston, i was astonished with the hip hop reggae music. i like the vybz kartel song, but have u heard the new song by vybz called ride like a bicycle. of course, vybz music is too sexual content but how can u ride a partner like bicycle, lolllllllllll


Philly are you getting through to anyone? I know you just want to jump on a plane and go find out for yourself. (L)

Nope still no one even sending texts isn't working, being a telecom engineer I was thinking this out logically if the TDM ( voice) side of the network is down maybe the data and Media link is open but no such luck. I can only imagine the fiber cuts and cable pair issues over there now....


Do you have this information

The State Department Operations Center has set up the following number for Americans seeking information about family members in Haiti: 1-888-407-4747 (due to heavy volume, some callers may receive a recording).

Yup I got this earlier thanks Rox :luv:

Myjam - if yuh ave fi ask ow, yuh nah spend nuff time inna yaad or wid wifey! :bonk: :rofl:

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 14:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

don't tell you are one of them sis :blink: I cannot drive in JA at all and the overtaking is almost like drag racing i'm so scared i'm in the car like a hooker in churchPosted Image because i swear the road is so small somebody will just crush the car

Sheka you got me rolling over here @ I am so scared like a hooker in church. I don't have an issue driving, I drive all over Kingston and country and made the trek from point A to Z on the island on several occasions. Yeah the overtaking can be intimidating at 1st but I love it cause I can't do it here if only I could LOL.

What are you saying, Nat? Po Po looking for you??????


God is good all the time.

Nat, Iam a us citizen holding the fort down until my wife comes home. i have to redo the timeline thing here. As an Afro american, i have learned a little patwa that my wife taught me. iam a southern boy from alabama so can yall imagine me speaking patwa in a southern dailect. my wife just laughs at me. bless my heart for i still try. mi feel nuh way man, lol

Too precious myJamwifey

Never said wasn't a blessing. Just saying, if you are disagreeing with spouce about it, it may not be the time yet. The adjustment is not easy for a long period of time. If you have the choice and the time to spare---biological clock-wise----it's nice to just be married for a while and learn to enjoy each other. If it's a surprise, it is what it is. I never think babies are anything but a blessing.

JG no I am totally agreeing with you on all points here I was just trying to say if it happens it happens, most pregnancies aren't planned and can sometimes come at the most inconvenient of times, but if it does it would be a blessing. :yes:

But then again with Nat it will probably be planned and on the spreadhseet. I LOVE YOU NAT LOL

:rofl: :rofl: Posted Image

LOL @ Sus that smiley is hilarious!

Philly there's about a dozen Haitian drummers in the park next to my building I just peeked outside now the park full alot of supporters from all over the place I see flags from many different countries

That warms my heart!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 14:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)


I wake another day to thank God. I thank him for my pretty Jamaican wife, but I have to wait til Feb 25 for the big interview in :ingston. I had a dream lastnite that i finally learned how to drive in Jamaica. lollllllllllll, so on the interview date, i hope to drive on the left side of the road, not right. pray for us.......

Hi myjamwifey congrats on your interview date yuh wife soon come!

LOL @ driving in Jamaica, just like anything else just takes practice and concentration you will get it in no time!

:dance: The other loan Processor at my job gave in her resignation yesterday. Her last day is Next friday. So today my Manager called me in her office to tell me they are giving me a Raise and I will be the only processor(not hiring anyone else) so I will be processing all the loans. I get a bonus for every loan I process & close. :dance:

God is so Good

Lady C God is good that is wonderful I am so happy for you! :dance:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 13:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Honestly Nat there is NEVER the perfect time to have a kid. Right now you will say you can't afford it, next it will be because you want a promotion at work, after that it will be something else. This is one of the things that you just have to do, God won't give you anything that you can't handle. Just my 2 cents.

Dillon you aint said nothing but a word! Right on Sis!

True.....but, then again, it's nice to adjust a little to living together and just the U.S. in general before adding someone else to the mix. If you can.

I understand where you are coming from too JG it is nice to adjust to your spouse for a likkle bit before starting a family right away, but if it happens it will be a blessing :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 12:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Don't we have another Haitian Yardie member, I need to scan my friends my brain pon lockdung right now.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 11:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Good Morning Yardies.....and Eric,

Philly you, your Family and the people of Haiti are in my prayers.

Good Luck to Dens!!!! Knock em dead!

Good Luck to Sam and Rasta as well.

Is it Friday YET?

Thanks Dillon I am trying to link with a friend on FB who runs a school that I donate to in Haiti and hope that he has some good news for me. I will keep everyone Posted
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 11:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
*****Sending out Positive Vibes to Den's and Sam and Rasta on your interview *****
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 11:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

My2, not an area I know alot about - but try these:



Also stuff about Mutabaruka, who is a fairly well known rasta poet

Thanks Sus, Did I ever mention I saw Mutabaruka on a flight and no he did not have on shoes and was very nice to me. :star:

Lol, I must be acting like an only child then lol because I find it hard to compromise and the fact that I have children means I should compromise more often. I feel for me Brooke its because I wasn't in a committed relationship for 7 years prior to meeting hubby. Ive always been an independent, take charge kind of woman. So to fathom that someone actually wants to be there for me and the kids and help us has been hard for me to accept. If I really want my marriage to work, however, I must be willing to compromise. Patience with adults is another area I have difficulties in but again, the word "love" helps me to refocus and remember what this journey is all about. Having said all this Im working to become better at being a better mother/wife. (F) I think its great taking Vaughn's feelings into consideration and wanting a constant "playmate".

Tee I couldn't have said it better my self ((( Hugs)))

Morning All....

Philly you know I instantly thought of you this morning when I saw that Haiti had an earthquake. I'm praying that all your family members are o.k. The pictures were heart breaking. I can’t believe that much destruction was done in 45 seconds. Unbelievable. All those people who lost their homes, children, parents and the list goes on....

Hey Dada thanks girl its' been a long night.


What a messed up start this has been to 2010 -

Came back to the news of how sick my co-worker is - Now just found out that someone else I used to work with passed away yesterday am - she was only 41.

Then this am, found out from one of my dear friends that his youngest daughter has been hospitalized for emotional issues - And he is currently in Thailand, and found this out by his Byatch ex wife posting a FB status message asking for prayers for her - How insensitive and brutal can you be? You couldn't call him, text him, email him?

Oh Goodness Sus I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your friend.

WOW about your friend in Thailand, that is so tragic and you are right wha mek wid the ex?

Philly, still praying - are you on Twitter? There seem to be a lot of people on there, too - maybe someone can connect you -

Thanks Sus, nope I am not on Twitter but I will sign up today, Its amazing how the power of the internet is connecting people :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 11:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Usher Revolutions CD Download the Hotness

I will post all the movies from the past 2 weeks later

Ok Back to catching up!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 15:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Posted Image

OOH I love this pic SUS!

What can I do to improve my memory? Is it garlic?
Jeez I think married life took some more of my brain space. I cannot remember anything anymore. I wonder how mom's do everything, all the time, with no appreciation.

ginko Biloba :yes:

Posted Image

That is Tierra little guy, Moon.

Nuh Worry yuhself Irie Lil Moon is gonna get a wig too :lol:

Goodmorning everyone :star:
I'm so happy, I'm so happy :dance: :dance: :dance:
AMQUEEN called me this morning and let me know that dhl's website says "ready for pickup" So I get excited, went to check mine, nothing :angry:
So I called NVC and that's when I started dancing, the rep said "your visa was printed yesterday" So I infer that dhl just hasn't logged it into their system yet, let's see what happens later but thank God coz I was on the verge of losing it.
Thanks yardies for keeping me sane :yes:

See told yuh nuh worry yuhself! :yes:

do you think going to jail for whooping someone's #### would have a negative impact on LOC?

HUSH who's #### gonna get whooped Ness?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 14:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
OOH Yeah Dada's on now I can catch up
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 12:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Aint that the truth about camden and North.. I was born and raised in North ;)

Philly (the city) and now Del. County, PA is acting all f*ed up about these gosh darn certs.. They didn't act that way collecting our dayum money for high azz pieces of paper! :angry: Cho!

Girl remember I was married in JA so if you can imagine the bandulo drama we went through just to get the info corrected ughhhhh it took forever. They would not accept our passports and the Marriage register copy as proof of the correct info, it needed to be submitted by the Pastor and that's where the Bandulo drama kicked in :angry: Damian was telling the guy at the DMV the whole story and he was looking at him like :blink: poor man I knew he didn';t understand a word he said he just kept telling us God bless your marriage :rofl: :thumbs:

Well you know the city takes they own precious time to do anything I hope you get through soon!

Forget Dada, we all just need to come up with our own ending of her story and come up with our own conclusions. You don't even have to wait THIS long for a replay of a show on cable TV. You just need on demand! :rofl:

LOL she a gwaan kill yuh :lol:

Im going to take my own advice and calm down. Everything in due time. Maybe it is going to allow hubby to get a really good job when the time comes. So Imma pray and have patience :)

The Yardie ladies have instilled this in me and Im greatful for each one of you.

We really need to have a NYC link up. I would definitely come.. You know hubby and I been on the move. I'd even come to St. Louis to visit you and JG even though a past trip wasn't so nice there. At least I'd be with folks I care about this time lol

I'm down for the NYC link up can't wait to meet Sus, Kimmy, Island and Forever Young :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 12:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

(F) That is truly a testament...Continued blessings!

Thanks Shaunsgal I appreciate it :D

So I call the AVR and it says
Your case was completed on Feb 8th Please wait 8 weeks for further instructions,
She says to me, your case has been scheduled for an interview. I was like Posted ImageTHANK YOU JESUS

AINT HE AWESOME!!!!!!! Jamaica mi soon come :dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats girl that is fabulous and YES HE IS!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 11:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Thanks Philly fr the vibes but ####### :blink: Is that your cat? Umm ok I am going to cry all night cant wait to show hubby the picture.

LMAO yes that is the one and only African Storm taking pics for the kitty pageant Mizz Kitty Philadelphia 2010 :devil:

Why did I just see what you wrote "Where people are nosey, DC" lmao

haaaa I just saw that too

See KJ I could be super pissed because I still haven't received my dyaam marriage certificates but imma be calm, everything in due time. :whistle:

Girl don't even chat bout marriage certificates I get a tick that was another hold up in my process as they were all wrong :blink:

You might not agree w' me but I prefer to stress w' my honey than to stress w'out him. There just comes a time that you're tired of going to JA to visit, I want him by me now and not worry that I'll be leaving to go back home. But starting tomorrow I'll start workIng on AOS papers, just to kill time.

WE know how you feel KJ you just want him home, hub stress yuh self you are at the finish line now Sis!

Hey Kj I see your in NJ and one of my clients was moving back to New Jersey. I asked her has she ever lived in Camden and she was like "no I'd never live in Camden!!! She said it over and over throughout our meeting. So I was just wondering if you know what area she is referring to if so whats so bad with it? Just wondering...

LOL Camden is a little North Philly :yes: It was on the top crime and murder list of cities in the US a few times. I ride through there everyday ain't no thang!

lmao he was giving you some side eyes too :rofl:

its funny that everybody's post i read in my voice except nat, sheka and philly
now i read their posts in their voices

Bunz you ain't neva lied LMAO he stay giving me the side eye

LOL @ you reading the posts in our voices :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 09:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Yep count me in ladies...I would be there for an Y&R convention...I just want to fight Adam...he is so dang evil! :angry: The only other soap opera, I'm hooked on is General Hospital, but they dun fell off! :crying:

Girl yuh see it! Y & R Convention here we come!

Q we actually do take turns cooking during the week. The kids get pleanty of regular food that they like. Jazz has really fallen in LOVE with chilli so I make that for him about every 10 days or so WITH corn bread of course. He also loves Tacos so we have that in the rotation too. Mikel will eat most of those things but if he doesn't feel like eating what I cook he will make himself something or have left overs from what he made the night before. I will probably end up making the chicken and potatos tonight since Mikel cooked all weekend.

chili and cornbread sounds so good Dillon now I want some! :yes:

FROM THE MOUTHS OF BABES - Kids are smarter than we give them credit for! Sometimes all it takes is a sibling to say a few choice words and girl boom stuff starts to mysterously happen! :thumbs:

Girl Yes he was so right too! Just dumb LOL

I still want one *pouting like a 5 year old* lmao

haa you can get 2!

wid chicken foot soup han manish wata LOL

I went to buy chicken foot the other day and please tell me why they were sold out , I knew this was gonna spoil Hubby's night :huh: You should have he conversing with the buthcher in Espanol who bought all the chicken foot he was like :blink: :blink: :rofl:

yes yes.. i like the new dillon LOL

philly that pic is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! di cat is divafied!!!

girl Damian just saw the pic and told me whay yuh and dem people a study???? don't even get no ideas :bonk: :rofl:

:blink: Posted Image

how exactly does one blend cow foot? omg the mere thought is making me sick

:lol: :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 20:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Just thought I'd go off topic for a minute and give a shoutout to the Maritime Administration for the following news release. My company operates 11 Maritime Admininstration vessels (ships) and only one of ours (so far) will be going out to Haiti to assist:

Maritime Administration Prepares Five Ships For Duty

Today U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood announced that the Department’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) is sending five ships to assist with relief efforts in Haiti. Gopher State, Petersburg, Huakai, Cornhusker State and Cape May are being prepared to sail to the Caribbean Ocean from different parts of the United States. All are owned or controlled by MARAD, and will be crewed by civilian U.S. merchant mariners.

“Sending these ships will help those on the front line of this effort save as many lives in Haiti as possible,” said Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood. “These ships will add crucial capabilities by supporting operations to move large volumes of people and cargo.”

“Once again the U.S. Merchant Marine is answering the call for assistance, as it has done since our Nation began,” said Acting Maritime Administrator David T. Matsuda. “These ships and skilled crews are ideally suited to assist in Haiti by providing unique capabilities. One cargo ship can carry as much as 400 fully loaded cargo planes.”

M/V Huakai is a new high-speed ferry capable of speeds of nearly 40 knots in the open ocean. Petersburg, Cornhusker State, Cape May and Gopher State are part of MARAD’s Ready Reserve Force (RRF), which includes a total of forty-nine ships at ports around the country. Additional details on the RRF, and Petersburg, Cape May, Cornhusker State and Gopher State can be found at:

The Maritime Administration is unique in its worldwide capabilities, maintaining fleets and expertise in support of the US military and emergency operations. Its mission is to promote the development of the American maritime industry, including its workforce. The agency also operates the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York.


M/V Huakai is a new high-speed passenger and vehicle ferry capable of speeds of nearly 40 knots in the open ocean. It was obtained by the Maritime Administration when a Hawaiian ferry company failed and abandoned it. Since late last week it has been undergoing preparations in Norfolk, VA.
MV Gopher State is a TACS crane ship based in Norfolk, VA. The crane ships were designed to provide the capability to load and unload containers and other cargo in ports where facilities are badly damaged or nonexistent. Their most notable features are the three independent twin-boom pedestal-mounted rotating hydraulic deck cranes. These crane ships can also carry containers, small barges, or landing craft, and recent exercises have proven their capability to discharge container ships far from any port, which enhances their military usefulness. RRF crane ships bear the nicknames of states in the United States: the Gopher State honors Minnesota.
MV Cornhusker State is also a TACS crane ship based in Norfolk, VA. The Cornhusker State honors Nebraska. It previously served in Haiti during Operation UPHOLD DEMOCRACY in 1994.
OPDS Petersburg is an Offshore Petroleum Discharge System tanker based in Alameda, CA. It has been specially modified to deliver petroleum products to military forces in areas where port facilities are damaged or non-existent. Within 48 hours of arrival on station, OPDS can be installed and commence pumping 1.2 million gallons per day from up to four miles off shore and at water depths down to 200 feet. If the ship is moored within two nautical miles of the shore, two different products may be pumped simultaneously through two separate conduits.
The SS Cape May is a Norfolk, VA-based sea barge clipper class (SEABEE) vessel, so that its characteristic cargo is barges, as well as sections of causeway, and other materials used by the Construction Battalions (Seabees) of the U.S. Navy. SEABEEs are militarily useful vessels capable of lifting outsized objects, such as 90-foot causeway sections or 110-foot Coast Guard patrol boats. Their most notable feature is the 2,000-ton submersible elevator at the stern. SEABEE ships are unique because of their ability to carry a vast array of military cargo. SEABEE barges, causeway sections, and lighterage comprise the usual cargo; SEABEE barges can carry bulk and containerized cargo. Each barge has a capacity of 834 long tons.
During the Haitian crisis in 1994, a total of 15 MARAD ships were activated for operation UPHOLD DEMOCRACY. In 2005, nine Maritime Administration ships supported support relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The ships provided meals and shelter for workers, emergency response teams and longshoremen, providing about 83,000 berths and 270,000 meals over 6 months.

Wonderful news!

HeYYYYY Yardies!
I missed you guys. Ivan and I got back from wedding/honeymoon on Wednesday night and it has taken me a few days to get back on track. Thank you for all of your wonderful comments on my pics. And thanks to JaQ for coming to the wedding. All is well on my end, just trying to get AOS paperwork in order. I hope to mail everything off next week, including that gigantic money order :(

So what's new??? Dada aka "tha scribe" I need an update!!!

Hey Char the pics were fabulous, can't wait to see Honey moon pics :star:
Good luck with AOS :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 15:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Morning/Afternoon Yardies!

Congrats to Bunz & Sheka on the good news today!

Dillon, glad your Dad is doing better now!

Cat, sounds like a fun weekend planned!

Well ladies, thank you all for your input, whether or not you agree with my approach. JG, thanks for putting into words how I feel about all definitely have been through it & know it. Den's & Mrstee (& who else did I miss?)...glad you understand too. I know the way I write it here sounds harsh & controlling & to a degree it is. But frankly, we don't have time to waste. Living in one of the most expensive cities in the country demands a great deal & when you have zero education, it's extremely challenging to succeed here. However, this is also the best place to get a great education & for FREE! I wasn't planning to sign him up until I did some on-line research yesterday & realized that just like my semester, the literacy classes were on the same time-line through City College & the semester is starting this week. I wanted him to start when everyone else did so he wouldn't feel behind & could start at the same time. He can still continue his other program but he has been so mopey lately with the weather & not having many friends that I felt like he could really get immersed in it & not have so much time to feel blue.

We have been discussing more school for several weeks now but I honestly just stumbled across the college courses & wanted to take advantage from the start. If we'd waited, he wouldn't have an opportunity to get started until next semester & he has nothing else to do so why not? That was our agreement before he came here (that his job would be to go to school & get his GED) so it's not like I'm throwing a curveball at him. After so many terrible stories he'd tell about the people he goes to class with at the other program, I kept saying, we need to get you out of that school & he always nodded in agreement. There has already been some drama that I've had to help him get over (& tell him to ignore the drama) because other classmates tried to intimidate him. His Belizian friend was staying at another classmates house, paying her a little rent & sleeping with her in exchange for room & board. The woman feels threatened by him & Lehi hanging out & was making it a little hard for Lehi at times in class. It was stories like this that have had me trying to figure out what other programs I could find for him & to get him in better company with people more concerned with getting an education than creating pointless drama. After researching like crazy, I accidentally found the college offerings & realized he was eligible now.

He was just nervous & scared yesterday. We went to the school together at my lunch & he was assessed by the counselor & we selected his classes. He seemed reassured when I told him going to that school didn't mean he'd have to quit the other program which he likes because a couple teachers are really good to him. He can even go to his weekly Tuesday morning class at the other as long as he makes arrangements with the City College teacher. When I got home last night from school & errands, he'd done a lot of thinking & decided this was probably good for him....his own words were to the effect that he wouldn't HAVE to be around all the homeless & what-not now. He just didn't like the way I approached it....I agree that I need to work on that but sometimes, you only know one way. I'm going to try to learn to be more 'persuasive' rather than forceful. So, this morning, we went early & I walked him the few blocks from where I work to help him find his way to his new class (even though I showed him yesterday) & he seemed to be okay. He was a bit more enthusiastic this morning although still nervous & he wanted me to come with him & said that would make it better.

Now, I just need to wait another half hour when his 2nd class gets out & call him to see how it was.

Hey Ells, you know you will get all types of responses from the Ladies because everyone sees something different in the post but you know that we all respond with Love and just want the best for you and Lehi! Ells I understand your drive and wanting the best for him, that is all we ever want for our spouses! I hope he loves the new classes and sees the benefit and realize the passion that was behind the push. thanks for sharing Chica :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 15:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 15:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 15:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I have a date night with my oldest daughter tonight too. We’re doing Build a Bear and then Cheesecake Factory.

That sounds so nice I love that place! I have a date with my oldest son the 2nd of NEVRUARY!

You too MsTee?? My oldest son’s family hasn’t seen him in I don’t know how many years but all of a sudden they have taken a sudden interest in him and they call now and even sent him a Xmas card this year. Well now they want him to come and stay with them in Orlando? Umm noo I don’t know you people. Of course my son sees me as the bad mother.. I’m 13 I’ll be o.k…He wants to get to know this side of his family blah blah blah. I told him but Da I don’t know these people. They could be child molesters for all I know. He told me to fly down with him and stay for a week then I can leave him for the rest of the summer. Wow nothing like getting to now people in a week ey? I wish it was that easy. I told him when he is 16 he possibly can go. At that age I MIGHT and I use the word loosely feel more comfortable with him being older.

Girl Yes my son's sperm donor called him to say he wanted to spend time and them my Son faked sick so he didn't have to go, I guess I am not the only one that can see through his BS :yes:

its painted, crib, dresser, changing table set up....still need to put together other crib....going shopping for some sort of storage system to put in the closet (those ones at home depot that you can customize to your closet with shelves and drawers and baskets)....also want to put up some decorative shelves on the wall but think we will wait to see what we get from the showers. the room is on the small side especially with 2 cribs in it so we have to maximize every possible bit of space in there.....

Finesse that sounds lovely we would love to see the pics on FB :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 14:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

We have to have each others backs and pick each other up - or kick the azz of the one who knocked our friend down! Love you too!

Ain't that the truth Sus, I learn so much from you ladies, you have been there and bless us with your knowledge so we can better approach these issues. What JG said this morning was so poignant and trust me I take everything to heart. I'm new to the marriage thing and it's not always easy and it's definitely a learning process and I am so thankful that I have all of you as a support system! (F) (L) (F)

Thanks for posting about Western Union Money gram is doing the same thing Thanks God cause I have to send $$$ tonight and those fees are steep....

You gave me hope too JG along with some other ladies! It's good to have a good support system :)


so hubby is totally clueless about the lifting of conditions thing....i keep bringing it up to him saying we need to get our shyt together and be ready to mail this ####### by march 6....he keeps saying why do we have to do that again :bonk:

anyway, have any of you recently done LOC? I'm really not trying to send in a ridiculous amount of #######...just the main and most important things to get approved and over with....

Finesse girl we don't file till 2011 but I jsut mentioned that I already started the paperwork and making sure I have everything ready when the time comes. Listening to all of the AOS horror stories prompted me to be proactive! :thumbs:

I agree JG sometimes you do talk till your blue in the face. See I have a demanding personality so with my soon to be X I tried my best to clam it down but after a while it felt like I was his mother instead of his partner.
Part of me blames myself. I think what I did wrong was I stepped into the situation trying to be Ms. fix it. If there was a problem I fixed it I never gave him a chance to try and solve situations himself or stand on his own tow feet. So then after a while I got tired of being the “ man “ and when he couldn’t step up to take charge I got upset and wanted out. Well part of me thinks I created the monster so that is what I get. I know going forward to let a man think for himself!!! If he can’t do it that is a signal to keep it moving.
Our biggest disagreement were he was making a decent living at his job but he was a custodian. I’m not knocking him being a custodian I just wanted him to want more for our himself and our children. He worked for a college so he was able to go to school for free and so many times different postings came up where he could apply to be the supervisor or manager of the department and he never gave any of it a shot. It was hell trying to put fire under his rass. Then he drank on top of that. Oh hell naw!!! I put so much energy into trying to get him to do better that hell I lost the fire to make myself do better.

You can’t make a person change they have to want to change. Some men with a push will do it and others won’t if there set in there ways. Lehi sounds like a decent dude so I’m hoping with some pushing from Ells she’ll get him to move but I think if he’s being told what to do he’ll rebel. I think she is on the right path she just has to watch her approach. I want her to be his wife/partner not his momma.

Thanks for Sharing Dada :star: Real Talk Sis!

Dada, We rarely agree, lol - But you hit the nail on the head with this post.

I know someone that came up on a K1 - his wife did EVERYTHING for him, told him what to do, where to go, who to be friends with, what to eat - almost to the point of when to take a shyt. It wasn't a partnership, it was a dictatorship - He had had enough and left her - But the scariest thing was, he didn't know how to function in the US - how to open a bank account, balance a checkbook, find a job, take classes - nothing - she had dictated to him for 4 years and not worked with him to help him learn.

WOW Sus that is really scary how damaging coddling can be......
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 14:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Is it just me or is today dragging? :angry:

Girl its flying just came back from the Shop Rite on my break got Hubby some treats ( that I will make him eat in a different room :rofl: )

I have to say........I LOVE you all. Sus, just gave me a little hope. Sometimes that's all it takes! Thanks, girls (F)

We love you too JG (((hugs)))

What’s wrong the old bed has too many miles on it?? :rofl: :rofl:

Come on you have to admit you walked right into that one :yes: :lol: :yes:

HUSH you are a mess :rofl: :bonk:

Well I will say this, Steve was shocked that this one had sex scenes in it. He was hollering from our bedroom, what are you watching and made a point to come lol and rewind it back some :rofl: ol pervert... lol

LOL girl some of them get hot in these movies, wait you aint seen nothing yet (( peep the title))) , I will post the next one!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 14:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

He has stabilized a bit. He really only gets mean when that ammonia level gets out of wack so we are starting to recognize that as a sign. Actually all week he has been calling me and telling how thankful he is that we came out there for Christmas and that he is sorry for how he was acting. He has told me this at least 5 times since I have been home. He called me yesterday saying that the board at the Mayo clinic did approve him for a live donor. I thought his blood type was A+ but it is O+ so I need to go check what blood type I am.

I don't mind you asking at all thank you for keeping us in your prayers.

Well ladies I am out of here for the day we are going out for our team "holiday" lunch today to this place so I will catch up with you all later.

Have a good weekend!

Praise God he was approved Dillon that is fabulous news! :luv:

Have a great lunch yummy!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 12:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Well Im not sure what is going to happen because I have the awful task of meeting up with my daughter's family. They haven't seen her in 5 years and she wants to see them. I have NO interest whatsoever in seeing them, but Im doing it for her. We could go early and then go out with them later.....Let me talk to Steve.

On another note, she had the audacity to ask for her phone back.. I said a firm "NO" you don't deserve it back right now. (3 wks as of Monday) She is walking around like she lost her best friend. She blames me for moving to Del. County as to the reason she has no friends. I said "Excuse the hell out of me for wanting a better life for you." Turned over in my bed and drowned her lil behind out with my MP3 player in my ears... hmph!

She is just going through what she considers alot right now because she has been on punishment.. so here it goes.. the pity party...

Tee I know you are as hot as fish grease but girl don't let her take you out your element! Keep on doing what you been doing next time she will recognize cause like you say she is lost without her phone. Too bas so sad :whistle: Chile don't even let her run no game bout she don't have no friends cause she live in Del County PUHLEASE what about her friend she was cutting up with?? Um please NEXT LOL

Whatever you decide about this weekend yuh know weh mi deh. I'll just be packing this weekend and getting things ready to send to Haiti and trying not to cheat on my diet LOL.

Ok the movie is about to get real crazy the looks between the cook and the wifer crack me up, I told you this one was different but it won;t dissapoint!

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 12:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

The meeting with my manager went well, except for the phone connection. I called her cell phone, since she's in Brazil & it was 8pm at the time of our call, but there was so much background noise (wind & whatever) that I struggled to hear every word & had to have her repeat things a lot.

So I take it she won't be coming in the office LOL

I JUST TALKED TO BUNZ AND SHE WAS APPROVED!!!!!WOOOOHHOOOOO!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

YAY :dance: :dance: :star: :star: :dance: :dance: BUNZ!

Well... hubby goes away and the wife plays....

My weekend just got busy! LOL

Tierra and I are going on a "date" tonight. If she is feeling ok. She has a bit of a sore throat, runny/stuffy nose.
We are going to get all dressed up in fancy dresses and go for Pizza! :)
Tomorrow morning, girls breakfast and going to help paint a kitchen while our daughters play in all the snow.
Saturday night Motor Booty again... gotta love disco!
Sunday my brother is taking T to the movies and she is bringing me to BINGO... now get this... if you win, you get sex toys! Its sex toy party bingo! HAHAHA!
Woooo Hoooooo! Wonderful news!

OMG I just LOL'd haaaa

DHL just delivered my stuff AMEN :innocent:

I told you girl, everything is gonna be just fine :yes:

Well, I financed through a friend.....30 year mortgage $400.22 a month. 2 BR, 1 Bath, I have a nice yard, driveway, porch, full basement, etc.

That' what I'm talking about!

Silly question...

Tierra is home again with me today. She didnt sleep well and has a sore throat, runny nose and a little cough.
She has energy now and no fever...

Is it terrible of me to go to the mall with her??? LOL!!!

Well if she doen't have a fever shopping will probably make her feel better :devil:

hello everyone hope everyone has a blessed day..

Hey My2 you too girl!

I stopped at 2-2 its going a little slow for me but overall it is keeping my interest.. Just keep em coming..I need the distraction away from the kids.. yanno..

Ruh ruh, oh we didnt get to the drama yet girl hold on to your hat!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 12:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)


I think why Lehi is so upset is because his friends are exactly that. HIS FRIENDS. I think being over here and not really knowing anyone he finally met some people that he feels cool with to call friends and maybe around them he doest feel so lonely are like he doesn’t belong. See your friends are your friends he met them through you but these misfits are his.

I totally see your point. Now that he has the opportunity you want him to push forward and want more for his life. I think you are so on the right path it’s just your delivery. You want to push him without shoving him. Its little things us woman can do like bringing ut the subject at the oddest times. I think you should have laid it all down on the line and told him what you desire, want and expect. [/b]Signing him up without his consent was kind of mean. I think that is why he is upset one your are pulling him away from his crew and two you just signed him up without letting him have a say so. Tell him there is nothing wrong with taking these classes he can still hang out with his buddies after school hours or on the weekends. And then just make sure on the weekends or after school hours you keep him busy :thumbs: …LOL

Steve Harvey just made a good point. He said the bible says a man without a dream or goal shall parish...

Dada those are some very valid points girl and I will say it again COMMUNICATION is the key! I learned a long time ago you have to let a Man be a Man!

Thanks JQ. That's what I said basically too.

The thing is, guys, and don't yell at me cause I don't give a #######...........No, they are not children. But, they are like infants in the US in a sense that there are different rules and the consequences of those rules can be pretty severe. One mistep during parts of this process can lead to deportation and a permenant ban. To even get to the US is so damn long and stressful. You SEE IT in your head. You see them being arrested, deported, KNOW you can't keep up the relationship indefinately then as LDR's are expensive. And, I don't care what anyone says, you start thinking OMG, YOU are risking everything. You start taking it personally as a sign of disrespect. So, you sit there and you preach what is acceptable and what is not in the US. You find yourself saying you are not in Jamaica anymore. You have to follow the rules....the laws. And, in a way, you do feel like you are having to guide them more then you want to. It is what it is. They need to learn the groundwork to be able to take off on their own. Of course, he will get a job eventually, his own friends, his own hobbies or whatever. But, for now, you do have to watch over him and instruct him sometimes. And, in my experience, he always knows better and rolls his eyes. Let me tell you, him knowing better had me bailing him out of jail and driving around the neighborhood looking for my car at 3 a.m. Not to mention constantly having to do repairs on my car and finding more jobs for interview cause he couldn't seem to pass a drug test........I could go on and on.

Sometimes you do have to take that stand. You treat with kid gloves cause you don't want to disrespect nor talk down to. [b]But, when you have to you yell till you get your point across. And, sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do; but you stand up, be strong, and like JQ said, you do it for the good of both of your futures. There is a bigger picture here and he isn't seeing it yet. You have to show him.

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 12:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Good Morning is everybody doing today? Any big plans for the weekend?
I have any big plans but I do have to take my daughter back to school on saturday. She attends Morgan State University. Oh we will also be looking for a bigger apartment. 5 ppl (4 women) and 1 bathroom is KILLING me. Since my stepson will be coming in April we need a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom apt ASAP.

Hey Lady C (((Waving)))
How exciting your daughter is going back to school :thumbs: Good luck with the apt hunting, whooh those prices , are you thinking about buying instead?

I feel you on that! Crazy :wacko: Well Den's babymama hasn't started with the foolishness yet and I'm praying she doesn't even start it up!!!!

Me too girl!

Good morning sis, how are you today?

Hey Mamma, D told me he talked to yuh Mista last night. I fell asleep on him while watching a movie haaa, does he want to go out this weekend I could do D&B again!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 11:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)


I am sorry for what is going on with you. I understand what you are trying to do but I also agree TELLING him what to do isn't going to help much.
I try to encourage Louis to go to school. I tell him he AND US will get closer to our goals if he has a better education.
He does not have a whole lot of confidence in himself so he is hesitent. I continue to remind him of our goals and let him know what I think he should do. It the end it will be his decision... in fact if I made him do it, he probably would resent me and not do very well.
He has been here a year and 1/2. Its slow going, but I feel this year is going to be his year. He wants a child, I want a child... we are not getting any younger. To make more money, get a better job... doing what he likes... he will HAVE to go back to school.

He is getting closer to making the decision on his own, and I will be so proud of him when he does.
I will continue to encourage him.

:) Good luck my friend.

Irie, thanks for sharing Sistah :luv: I am feeling your response and share yur sentiments as well....

Wait, why they getting married on the 26th? (my date) and his name is Steven (even though I have Steve) lol what coinky dink!

LOL girl you into this one huh? where did you stop off? I was gonna continue to post. I jsut tracked my package I have 9 new movies arriving today and Damian prmised me it will be a Nollywood weekend :thumbs:

goooood morning and happy Friday!

Louis calls me at 5:50am and says " I Lost my wallett!!".... OMG ... HOLY $HIT.... #######..... I am freaking out! His GC is in there.

So then as I am freaking out his friend walks in and says "hey Louis, Wayne found your wallet on his couch"....Thank GOD!!!

What a way to wake up!! I could smack him!!!!

Ruh Roh I kno you were hotter than fish grease, that is the reason I keep the GC in the safe but I know he is traveling so he needs it. Thank God it's found! :star: Woosahhhhhh
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-22 10:49:00