Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Morning Ladies, I have to work a few projects this morning Ughh Monday!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-18 09:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

LMAO - I leave on the 14th - Probably be in Mo Bay Sat - Sun, cause I don't feel like trying to drive from Portland to the airport on Sun - 1st half of the trip is settled, the second half is up in the air at the moment -

And LMAO at our hoodie - I have to remember not to wear that this trip, or find another before I go!

LOL Sus at the hoodie I do love it too. I arrive on the 14th too but not sure when I will be in Mobay I'll PM you my JA # and hopefully we can coordinate :thumbs: :thumbs:

*sings* "Pants on the ground, pants on the ground" :rofl:

Your welcome

MrsFashionista any more movies today? Whats up for the weekend?

Hey mamma, that soing cracks me up! we are watching an African show now haaaa. Just got finished eating steamed veggies and cooked Hubby brownstew chicken and rice. We are supposed to go walking on the drive but not sure if he wants too now we may just do Taebo instead.

Well for tonight he wants to see the Denzel flick the Book Of Eli so I have to check the times so we can hit it up I need to kep my mind occupied.....what you up to tonight?

Good Morning Ladies, Mexilus and her SO visa was denied because he admitted to using marijuana 2 yrs ago. This is so sad I can imagine she must be so torn up. My heart goes out to her.


Oh my goodness I am so sorry to hear this, I truly feel for her I wish she would have come in the yardie thread more.......... I hope everything works out for her and her SO...... (F)

Edited by phillyfashionista, 16 January 2010 - 03:49 PM.

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-16 15:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
I sent an email to the site I order my Nollywood movies from checking on the status of my shipment cause. I need to know so I can otherwise occupy myself and try to forget about the perils of this disaster. At the end of my email to them I asked them to please pray for Haiti, and they replied that they were indeed praying for our Brother and Sisters a rather long response but that was the gist of it and that we all have to support each other in this time of crisis and they are praying for me and my family.

They never did tell me about my shipment LOL but I was so happy to get that email, the show of support has touched my heart. I told my Mom I was coming over to look at pictures I think I need to relive the good memories right now. One love everyone (L)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-15 17:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

LMAO - dirty mind

Yup, for Yankee's wedding

Sus what date do you leave, I would love to meet you and I wil be in Mobay to see my bro and run errands with my cousin for his daughter. Guess what I power walked this morning with our hoodie on LOL. Its 49 degrees here almost a heat wave :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-15 15:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Still sending prayers, Philly -- My co-worker is off today bc they have had some bad news - it's just heart wrenching, and I understand feeling helpless - just keep strong and positive thoughts - there is power in prayer!

Thanks Sus, I am so sorry to hear about your co-worker (L) (F) my heart goes out to her

FeedbackiReport Home Upload Assignments iReports iReporters Blog Map My iReport Profile Looking for loved ones in Haiti

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A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck Tuesday near Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, leaving thousands missing. Are you searching for a family member? Upload his or her photo here.

Please enter the missing person's information in the title of your iReport like this:
Any additional info can go in the body of the iReport.

You can use the search bar above to look for loved ones. And if you're in Haiti and safe, please take a look through the photos and share any information you may have.

Additional resources:

I’m alive: CNN crews in Haiti relay messages from loved ones.
Americans with family in Haiti should contact the U.S. State Department Operations Center at 1-888-407-4747.
The Red Cross has established a database for people seeking to restore contact with family members.
Post your missing loved one on the Haiti missing people board and the EARTHQUAKE HAITI Facebook group.
See how you can help on CNN's Impact your World.

thanks for posting this TEE I am have made contact with so many people on FB going through the same thing FB has truly become a powerful resource.

Philly it said UNDER 50lbs and we ALL know how you can go crazy when it comes to packing....

I can see you now with all the things you will take. Have Mercy on the person who waits on you... But we all know its done out of love and support!!!!!

This is such a GREAT idea I will have to see if our UPS here is doing this.

Dada Lef mi alone :lol: LOL this would be one of those times I will do it w/ Haste :yes: I've got a bunch of stuff bagged up I need need to pack it. Unfortunately I was not able to validate the free UPS shipping but I will pay whatever I need to so ship any and all items. If anyone can benefit from these items it will be a blessing. :star: :innocent:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-15 15:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Philly, he is fine, he is just to busy helping others to make that call. Okay.

Philly I know it is hard for you, Just keep yourself up in prayer sweetie and it shall all turn out ok. I know right now words aren't so comforting but beating yourself up over it won't help either. God Bless you.


thanks so much Roxie and Always (F) , but he would call someone and get the word out he is ok........
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-15 14:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Philly, I just got an email from My Gf, her mother and her family is okay. She has not heard from her Dad side yet.

My Mother just called me and told me that the last person that saw my cousin was in Petionville near the hotel Montana and as we know it was totally destroyed and no one has seen him since. I pray my dream wasn't a sign...... My Mom keeps telling me not to be so hard on myself but I can't help to feel guilty I feel so helpless. I just keep thinking about the last time I saw him.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-15 14:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Just this on the UPS site

Service to Haiti suspended; UPS provides aid
Service Update

UPS is providing financial support and emergency logistics assistance to help survivors of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. We are working with relief organizations to transport much needed supplies and food to the area. If you wish to donate to the relief efforts, UPS encourages you to work directly with the following organizations:

The American Red Cross -

UPS is not accepting shipments from individuals or local organizations due to the logistics challenges in Haiti. Service will resume as soon as conditions allow. Shipments to Haiti made prior to the earthquake are temporarily being held at UPS facilities in Miami.

The UPS package guarantee does not apply when transportation networks are disrupted.

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-15 14:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I hope all is well with each and everyone of you. I wanted to post this information because I know the love and support we have on the forum. And I would like to think we do more than just talk it! Faith is an action word "You have to do something".

Please take a moment and say a prayer for them . It changes things.

Even if you are not a Follower of My God, Just say these 2 words for the situation in Hati and it will be just as powerful.


Even if you only send a Tube of toothpast and a bar of soap. You did something. And UPS is making it free!!!

I am not sure if this is true or not. We heard it on the Radio this morning!
AMERICAN AIRLINES is taking doctors and nurses to Haiti for free. Please call 212-697-9767.

UPS is shipping packages under 50lbs to Haiti for free. If you have anything you want to donate, UPS is the place to take it.~~Please repost.

Keep in Mind WHAT Happened in Hati could at ANY TIME Happen In Jamaica!

Thanks so much for posting this Journee I have so many donations I need to send this will help us immensely!

God bless!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-15 13:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

morning Ladies can't sleep...I've lost a few friends in Haiti -- one the brothers is staying with my parents they're waiting to tell his mom but she's recovering from surgery he says he can't do this on his, we're going to go with him later this morning. His mom has been asking and we don't know how she'll take the news. She's 72. He left Haiti on Sunday to be with his mom here while she recovered. He lost most of his family in Haiti.

Lawny I am so sorry to hear this words can't even express how I feel for your friends they are in my prayers. (F)

I can't stop crying, I can't sleep my dreams were plagued I feel tormented because when I close my eyes I see their faces. The candle I lit while praying for them went out prematurely and now I am stressed out as I am a firm believer in signs....
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-15 11:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Hi everyone...not enough time to catch up...but Philly my prayers are with you and your family and friends in Haiti. I hope that you have not had to hear tragic news....I pray that everyone one is well in the midst of...((((((Philly)))))

Morning Jawi

Thanks so much we are still waiting and that to me is very grim since some people are now getting through. My Mother has heard from 1 single person and someone tried to get through the night before from an unknown # @ 1:00 am so I am praying that they are ok but just having trouble w/ the phones.
I continue to stay in prayer as I am anxiously awaiting to hear from my cousins(F)


Tee Well I think Beyonce will probably get off and Floxy will go to Jail, I liked this one but Michael played a bad guy LOL. I will try and post another today I have so many projects mi yeye dem cross!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-15 11:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
OMG JG that is a hot mess LOL but it made me laugh

Makes your feet small :jest:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-14 17:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Philly, I sent you a PM....

Roxcie mi get ie but my box was full so I archived and girl it did yours too but not before I read it (L) (F) I hope to see you in JA next month

Philly you need to go to JA.. there is not much you can do right now but wait. I just made a donation to the Red Cross and it felt good. I wish I could physically go and help... I don't even want to keep talking about it because your mind needs to be eased right now... (L)

Philly you know D is like :blink: but he told me he will go wherever I need to be I love that man!

I still can't through to Fritz in Bayonet I hope the pickney are ok and the school is intact!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-14 14:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Digcel said texts were getting thru last night. There were two other cell phone companies that were not up yet. Don't stress your self. it will be okay. We have to believe that.

My Brother in JA is texting and calling for me waiting for him to call me with news. I really thing that out of area was my cousin so I will old on to that!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-14 13:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

He is old and obviously senile! Or, you are correct and he IS the Devil himself. He seems to know alot about all these "deals" that go on.

Irie yes I am so mad at this fool mi wan box!


Go to this link, here is a picture of Jacmel damage.

OMG these pictures are killing me, my friend at least got a text saying his Cousin and Mother are alive but have nothing (F) This makes me even more worried because we should here something by now if texts are getting through. My friend in Bayonet is not responding either :( Just looking at these pics I don't know anymore.

I feel so guilty about going to JA next month I shouldn't go when people need my help. I am so stressed right now.......
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-14 13:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Pat Robertson in the Devil he can S#$@ his Mudda wid his comments! Mi tyad I can't watch the news any more.....
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-14 13:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Oh My Philly... I have NO IDEA what this means!!! LOL

I am rolling Irie



dillon...where are you... I LOVE YOU! will PM you later...

Philly anyword yet...

mi no hear nutin fram my end

Hey Lawny, no word but the phone rang @ 1:00 at my Moms but she nuh reach it in time we think someone was trying to call. My Brother in JA is trying to call too I am just stayin in prayer. I can't watch the news anymore I am so emotional I'm a mess.

Ok I looked up Skettles in the "urban dictionary" ...

a group of skets that are different colours of the rainbow. they all give head and can be girls or boys.

lil dude: omgsh luk at those skettles
big dude: imagine get hed frm all of em
lil dude: you wud luk lik a packet of skittles

hmmmmm...... LOL

"Pull a Train"

When a group of men, one after the other, take on relations with a man or woman - usually from behind.
"After we went to the movies on Saturday, we all went back to the house to pull a train on Dave's sister - without Dave, of course."

Ok I think I get now... ha!

You go Irie :thumbs: LOL @ the examples :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-14 12:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Lol that was "Rashida" not Tee :rofl:

LOL @ Rashida

Freaking DOS and Kingston Embassy is about to send me to the looney bin!!
My so still hasn't recieved packet 3, eventhough I was told it was sent out December 21. So I called back, just to have them tell me packet 3 was sent out January 11th. I then emailed kingston to ask if my so can either pick up packet 4 or if they can email it to me, they instead send me the links for the ds forms which I already filled out! I feel like pulling my darn hair out. :angry:
On top of that, my mom goes for surgery today on her ankle and I'm so worried about her because she CAN'T use the crutches and keeps walking on both feet, which can't happen after the surgery. So I'm gonna drink some guiness and red bull to help her up the stairs when she comes home this evening.
Someone please reassure me that relief is on it's way.... :crying:

Breathe KJ I am not familiar with the packets since I went the CR1 route but you stay on them and it will all work out :thumbs:
I'm sorry to hear about your Mom I pray she recovers quickly from surgery.

LOL @ the guiness and red bull is that to get yuh mind right?

Bunz, in your situation I would say no to taxes - but I would see if you can have either recent paystubs or his W-2s - Employers have until Jan 31 to provide you with your tax forms, so it's entirely logical that your hubby would not have filed his taxes yet.

I agree you filed in 2009 so they require the previous 3 years, if he shows his paystubs or his W-2s that is more than sufficient. :yes:

Philly, my gf and her family are communicating with Fokal in Haiti. They have people on the ground right now. Still haven't heard from my friends....

Oh that is so comforting, my Mom got a call @ 1:00 am from and unknown # and we don't know who it was but I now have hope! She linked everyone here in Philly and NYC and waiting by the phones and dialing like crazy so I am just keeping the faith right now!

LOL Yep you are right and she was first in line for sure. I wish I would have taken my camera. First Communion is May 2nd if you want to come. She is going to wear the same dress she wore for the wedding.

awwe I wanted to see the pics of the lil Diva :yes:

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Obama says US stands with Haiti, pledges $100M aid


phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-14 12:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

aww I just heard Teddy Pendergrass died :( (F)

Yes Philly is in mourning right now I woke up to news and was already emotional and started crying. Hubby :blink: and just held me.

I remember listening to my Mom records when I was younger and when they used to have parties and the blue light and smell on sensi everyone listening to Teddy slow dragging. He is a Philly Legend and went through so much drama with his accident and being paralyzed. I met him once at the mall and he was so humble. God Bless you Teddy I will never stop listening to your music. Today you will be my FEVA

Does anyone know the story surrounding his unfortunate accident, if not I will share soon come....

People like to play pass the buck and not do their own work - Long story short, small claims litigation that is NOT mine, yet somehow keeps landing back on my desk - again this morning! :angry:

OH I know that all too well! :angry: Get em SUS!

When I was kid, after parents got divorced my mom's boyfriend was this young guy (total a$$hole unfortunetly) that listen to all the old school "black" music.
I loved Teddy, the Chi LItes, Marvin Gaye... Marvin is one of my faves to this day!! I even had the Sugar Hill Gang Album... man I loved the cover for sone reason.... I can still picture it. It had a tube of toothpaste (among other things) on it! hahahah!

I have always loved different kinds of music. My dad likes reggae, my mom OOOLLLLLDDD country. I was a deadhead for a while out of college .. traveled around with friends. If it makes me feel good... I like it.

LOL @ the Sugar Hill Gang, I was in the Bahamas one year and we were at a club and they were bartering to pull a train on some skettels I was like ewwww. I'm gonna tell Wendy Williams LMAO

Good morning all.

I have been MIA for a while but I had to log back on to express my deepest sympathy for all those who have fell victim to the crisis in Haiti.

Philly you and your family are in my prayers. (F) (L) (F)

Congrats to all those with good news! :dance:

Welcome those who are new! :star:

Mamma where you been, mi sen yuh a link lang time I'm gonna call yuh so much to catch up on ((( hugs)))
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-14 11:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Who watched Idol last night? I wet my pants laughing at this guy - best audition ever, God Bless him!


Lawd I heard it this morning Simon is a nut talking bout it will be a hit LMAO

I hope your day gets better. Im having a blah kinda day (like Dillon was yesterday) I swear if I didn't know better, I was pregnant. I want to eat/sleep all the time. But since the factory is CONDEMNED that aint happening :rofl:

Tee no you didn't say the factory was condemned you are too much :rofl:

My prayers to your friends and all in Haiti.

Seriously.....they call it Ghetto Ham?

Thanks JG (L)

It's actually called the Cheltenham but its in the hood so we call it the GhettoHam LOL hot mess I know

Philly, if you want to send me info, one of my co-workers has family in Port au Prince, and she has reached them already - I will see if they can find any info out for you.

I sure will thanks so much

I have a cat and a pitt bull puppy. I swear to God that cat eats more then the dog. And, he's got an attitude!!!!!

Them cats nyam too much! African stor, is a likkle thing and pushes Hancock the Dagger Master who is a Bigun LOL and takes all his food. So I know exactly what you mean, don't let there be a fish head she will box the food from you :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-14 11:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Morning all!

Just got to work and got pissed off the second I walked in the door - Not a good start to the day!

Noo what happened Positive vibes to you Sus!

Good morning everyone ... today is turning out to be sad ..with all the bad new in Haiti got me sad . then i return home form taking my daughter form school i come to my street full of cop and ambulances and i find out one of the boys was hit by a car getting on the bus .. i am praying for the young boy and his family...

I second that jap and mexilus

Oh My2 that is heartbreaking people have no sense!

Good Luck jap and mexilus Need some good news today Star! :yes:

Good morning, I couldn't even stay awake long enough to watch all of it, gotta finish it today, don't want to fall behind!


Hey Tee, you will love the ending LOL I will post another today need to keep my mind otherwise ocupied!

Good Morning!

Congratulations to yesterday's approvals. That is wonderful news!
Good Luck to Jap's man today! Hope mama and the baby are doing well.

My2.. such sad news... I hope that the boy is ok. I wait for the bus with Tierra in the morning. Drivers are crazy! SOme people are just not paying attention when the drive. I truly think using a cellphone while driving should be against the law.. that distracts so many people.

I continue to think of Haiti, the stories and pictures had me crying last night. I wish I belonged to some emergency team so that I could go and help. Although I am not sure I could handle it. I pray for only good things.

I finished reading Eat, Pray, Love.. it is such an inspiring book. Part of the book talks about how negative people make everyone around them negative. Oh that is so true. I wish the people around me were more positive, empathetic, grateful and able to forgive...

Irie, this book sounds so interesting I am going on Amazon today to pick it up thanks !
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-14 10:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Hi everybody I feel so out of the loop. My computer is acting up, back at school, working in the clinic giving massages, fighting off the flu,trying to catch up(Yall can talk) and trying to get used to typing on this touch screen! FIRST.....PHILLY my mind has been thinking bout u and thinking positive thoughts-hang in there girl! Congrats on the approvals....excited for those getting ready to jump the broom! Welcome to the newbies and welome back to those who have been gone.

I will b on late night west coast time catching up don't forget bout me!

Sam & Rasta: congrats :dance: :dance:
TAMH: welcome and read your pm's :star:
Philly: nothing beats prayers girl, I hope you hear something soon.....
Everyone, have a great day, I'll be watching but doubt I'll be posting. Mi caan keep up wid unuh, chat too damn much :D

Good Morning Yardies....I have donated to Yele and I am prying for the ppl of Haiti. I watched CNN & Good Morning America and cant stop crying at what I am seeing. With each passing hour its getting worse. It is so sad.

Congrats Sam & Rasta..... :dance:

Mawning Jamerican, K Jenkins, and Lady C thanks so much for your concern continue to pray I am trying to stay positive.

I am so distressed I still can't get in touch with anyone, my Mothers phone rang last night @ 1:00 am from an unknown # but she didn't reach in time. We are praying that it is a family member trying to reach us so there is hope. Thanks everyone for your prayers (L)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-14 09:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Nite Ladies Hubby said come to bed and stop stressing :cry:

He also said hes gonna cut my toenails in my sleep :ph34r: cause they cut him Clot :protest:

I am growing them back out for my trip yes I love the long big toe nail :joy: they have to sandal ready mek mi guh find some socks LOL

Ok why is he doing Karate moves on African Storm the kitten, he can't help it he luvs them pus :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 22:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Well today was our big day and we were approved! :dance: Excited doesn't even begin to describe the feeling!! Everything went very smooth. 7:30 appointment, went thru the document check-in by 7:45 and were out the door by 8:15!

Asked my hubby when & how we met, when we were married, if he'd met any of my family. Asked me if I'd met any of his and if they were at the wedding. Asked me how often I come, looked at my passport, and we were done!

Hope all that had interviews today (and upcoming) have similar experiences. My thanks to all for helping us get to this point!

:dance: Congrats Sam and Rasta God is good all the time!!!!! :dance:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 22:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Philly.... My daughters Stepmother is part of an emergency rescue team and may deploy to Haiti on Friday. PM some last names for your family just in case she goes. She will look out for anyone you may not be able to contact.

Irie I will send you the info any assistance is greatly appreciated thank you so much for thinking of us (L)

the images of the aftermath are sooooooooooooooooooooooo scary
philly i don't even have any words of comfort, i really can't think of anything to say to make you feel better
if all i felt was a tremor and i was so damn scared i don't want to imagine what those ppl are going through
i can't conceive it
and to think there are ppl who are actually complaining about the US going to the aid of haiti, makes me so angry

Bunz I'm just trying to keep my mind off of things I am chatting to someone who is going through the same thing and is unable to reach his family. His Mother went to organize the funeral of his grandmother and he can't reach her. (F) At this time we all have to rally together and pray that one of us can get through and link another......

I will tell you he is giving me a run for my money with the straight creole its been a while that i had to hold a full conversation with no english infusion :o thank God he is patient :yes: but this is good makes me feel better
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 21:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Hey Philly; just got back from a prayer vigil in DC and it was heart breaking to hear names...I wanted to pass out the lady that organized the prayer lost her entire (immediate) family...she told her story of how she came to the states illegally and all the horrible things that took place before she got her...I pushed through the crowd to hug her. I asked her what I can do and she said a hug is where we can all start--

Philly have u heard from your cousin yet?

Goodnight Lawny,

My heart goes out to the organizer I cannot even imagine this truly brings tears to my eyes, I am trying to stay positive but it is very bleak right now I am in constant prayer. Someone has linked me on FB who has family from the same community and he can't contact his family either my heart is heavier every minute..........
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 21:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

RECAP Pt. 7:

I got goats but hubby did get me a cat there too! He got me a donkey but I told him to take it back cause he'd be leaving soon! We gave the goats to family & the cat has made friends with neighbors & is doing fine....or at least that's what we're told every time we ask when we call.

You know it Philly! I'm eagerly awaiting for you to be able to get some news.

LOL @ the donkey now thats pet! Ells I remember your kitty I know you miss him?

I had a similar situation with some sparkling wine before. While I was trying to open it (at home, alone), it kinda exploded and shot shards of glass everywhere (including in my face). I was so taken aback I fell onto a chair & started crying.

OMG Nat that is traumatic I hope you didnt get cut and have any scars.

Hi MRStee, see I took you up on your offer. looking forward to being a part of the yardie thread.

Welcome to the Yardie thread!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 21:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

RECAP Pt. 4:

Okay, who hasn't seen my pic on FB of the guy at the Jungle in Negril w/the gold suit??....just picture Den in that same suit! :lol:

Philly you're killing me...imagining you at the store with your cart piled high with litter & kitty you KNOW everyone thinks you're the crazy cat lady! :rofl: :lol: :luv: didn't tell us how that almost killed the cat! Did the top pop off & almost hit the kitty or what happened??? :huh:

Ells mi miss yuh!

Girl I have to go look pon deh pic that Gold suit I keep hearing about stay killing me softly LOL

Yes girl I had so much kitty supplies even the cashier was like :blink: good thing there was no limit cause i would just purchase load my car and keep coming back and get Mrs Bootsy in on it too LOL Cats are like having another child they Nyam too much! When I see a deal I am on it! :yes:

Honey the pressure cooker is not my friend, the dang top popped off hit the ceiling Goat meat everywhere and the top landed near the cat must have lost 7 lives cause she lost the other when sit pon ar by mistake :help: LOL.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 18:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Tee I know you like this one I love the endings with a twist!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 17:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Hey Yardies,

I know yall probably think I forgot all about yall, but I been busy. Between work, church, and spending time with ryon its hard to keep up on here...I sometimes pop in anonymously{sp}....but I wanna thank all of you for the B-day luv. Ok so its been a month and 4 days since Ryon got here, he got his social and since yesterday he has been workin at Golden Krust...He is soooo happy cause he was tired of not workin and being in the house while I was at work. Im happy for him even though its a minimum wage job its something for him to do. We will get married on 1/22/10 until then I am gathering everything I need for the AOS stage.

I know I've missed A LOT but I wanna congratulate everyone that has been approved, im rooting for all the upcoming interviews, JAP congrats on the beautiful healthy baby girl u were blessed with.

MrsTee thanks for draggin me back.....and I noticed that u have unleashed the sexiness and are teachin the rest....LOL

Glad ur back SUS.

I would luv if someone can recap for me....

Hey Hays, glad to hear your adjustment is going well! congrats on your upcoming wedding thats next week girl!!!! Please post pics on FB so we can all see the fabulousity :star: :yes:

Dada is our resident scribe for the recap LOL

OMG Philly that is so heartbreaking!

I am going home now. Tonight is my daughters first reconciliation so I will say a few prayers for Haiti tonight when I am at church and even light a few candles.

I know that pic is terrible :crying: breaks my heart, thanks so much for your prayers and can you post pics of the Diva for us @ her 1st reconciliation :star: .
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 17:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 17:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
OMG I am so scared now, this pic just made everything so real Dieu Benit l'Haïti !!!!!!!! Priez s il vous plait pour les gens de l'Haiti

My Heart is so heavy right now.... the babies......

Haiti victims
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 17:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Philly you have to flip it..instead of getting mad and pissed at them...let them act a fool and embarras themselve and you get some entertainment as well. LOL! No need to get so worked up this year...that is my resolution too. I want your son to come to you with some dumb stuff now so we all can get a good laugh at it.

You are so right I was like :blink: I am not letting them stress me I have a whole new outlook on this whole situation for 2010 but he did throw me for a loop with this Supermodel dream LOL.

I haven't told them I am leaving fro JA next month Lawd know what backlash will come from that but I shall not be moved!

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 17:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 16:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Philly I am saying if he wants to do something like that from now on I say don't even fight it just let him do it. Just shake your head and walk away. It will all come back around to bite him in the #######.

LOL I got you Dills now you got me siked I want to do it LOL hot mess.

My Mom's dentist can't get through to his family either.......
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 16:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

time for me to go likkle more! Philly I will check on you a lil later mi sistren!

Hey Mamma, ok mi deh ya

there was no 1-8 and started at 2-1 it better be in order!

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 16:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Oh lawd!!!! what rum incident? smh

Girl PM coming!

Hello to all. Phillyfashionista, prayers out 2u & all the ppl of Haiti. Luckily, Obama is on top of things & is sending out help ASAP. I hope you hear from your friend & he gives you a heads up about the school.
DensWifey must be so overjoyed right now. She have the interview lock.
Thanks MrsTee for new thread.
Take care everyone!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks MO I appreciate it and Obama is my Hero!

Hi Philly,

Philly, I have sent an e-mail to one of my friends that lives in Port-au-Prince, he has not responded to the email yet, but if I do hear from him what area is your family members from. I can ask him if he has heard anything about the conditions for that area.

Also, My gf is from Haiti, so she and her family are trying to contact family members too. If I hear anything that maybe of assistance to you, I would gladly pass it on. I know you have your sources, but many ears can travel far.

Your family and friends are in my prayers.


Roxie they are in Mariani and Jacmel I am not getting through with texts, emails nothing so anything you here let me know I truly appreciate it! (L)

Okay this is really killing me softly but you should have let him do it so when he is older and has to look back at the picture he will be so embarrased. And if he isn't embarrased I am sure his wife and kids will be making fun of it that he will become embarrased of it. LOL!

Dillon, I just fell out with the Visual of that damn pic I mean seriously and he is 100% serious hot mess! Haaaaa we should take some on the digital camera and see how they come out. LOL he needs to be embarrassed I shudder at the thought! Hubby was like Bomba Yout gone Mad! :blink: LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 16:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

This actor irritates me a lil, they should have put my boy in it :blush:

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! This is ludacris! lol

Tee Michael Majid is such a good actor but he is playing a bad guy I love his range but Van Vicker your man cry too much LOL

Gril yes this is what he told me he wanted and also do a photo shoot at that ghetto photo studio at the Ghetto Ham that does these type of sexy pics for rappers and what not and all the teens are flocking there like crazy. Chile please he need fi guh sit dung!

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 16:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

OMG Philly...where do they come up with these ideas? Japan...Male supermodel? What planet are the living on?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dills, Lawd they trying to really ####### my wig back. He saw some reality show and thinks he has what it takes to make as a supermodel and supposedly they love people of African in Japan. For his school picture he wanted to wear a leather jacket and no shirt and grease up his chest :blink: :blink: Calgon take me away!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 15:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 15:32:00