Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

So I follow Roc down the hall way and sure enuff guess who jumps out? The bartender. Whateva happened Roc goes in his pocket and hands her some money. She looks at me like u o.k. I sort of smile and make a mental note to tip her. I feel bad she had purple spots on her blouse. So we walk a little ways and then we sit on some big chairs in a shaded place under a tree. Roc sits in a chair and pats the spot next to him but I decide to sit in a chair across from him. I look at the sky. It sure is beautiful. I put my legs under me and just listen to the wind for a while. Roc is staring at me. You’re still so beautiful. What you think I was going to get ugly over night. I look at him. Speak I say.

I never meant for all this to happen yuh know. Me eidda. Its just that well Dada you don’t understand things in Jamaica and its not all simple over here sometimes things happen and you got to lay low. It’s easy to get killed around her. Why you think I stopped hanging out I don’t hang in bars no more of do parties. Really now I say. I would never know that I haven’t spoke to you. How many times you going to say that he asks me? Until you get tired of hearing it I tell him. So who’s the new man. I started to get up if this is all your going to talk about I’m leaving. He jumps up with me and tells me to sit down he was just asking because he knows there’s someone. He sees I have a glow to me and he knows only a man put it there. I told him its called being happy. He starts to talk about our relationship. Our ups and down. Some of the things he discussed makes me laugh. We have had some crazy times together that is why I thought we were so good together because it wasn’t all sweet we had some ruff patches too. I told Roc I wasn’t mad at him for choosing to move on. Hurt yes mad no. I’m just upset at the way he did it. He was a coward. He told me not to call him a coward anymore. I told him I call it as I see it. He started explaining how our relationship was stressing him out. I wasn’t easy at all in the end he told me. He claims he was under so much stress and I wasn’t being supportive I was adding more to it. I told him how by being concerned? He told me I kept accusing him of things and it was becoming annoying I told him God gave woman the best and worse gift. Woman’s intuition. We know when something’s not right we just chose to ignore it. I wasn’t ignoring mine. Like he would say I smelled a rat. He was starting to act different and I wanted to know why. He was like no you accused me of acting different. Whatever! We continued to talk about likes and dislikes with each other and I must admit the convo was nice. He was the Roc I remembered calm and carefree and I started to notice he was still attractive to me. We were laughing and joking and it was just nice!

He looked at his clock and told me he had to get to work. He needed to there by five. He asked me when was I leaving and I told him tomorrow. Tomorrow he shouted why so short. I told him this was just a weekend getaway nothing too long or big. Oh. He was like I’m scared to ask this but when I get off from work can I come by. For what I asked. So we can continue to talk with out screaming at each other this time or maybe we can go somewhere and hang out.. I looked at him for a minute and I told him yeah he can come by. He was like are you going to be here dis time? I told him who’s to say I wasn’t here before. He told me he knows I wasn’t there he thinks I was at someone’s house. What ever. I walked him to the front and all the staff are looking at us like we are crazy. I’m holding his hand and I’m walking him to the front. He goes to hug me and I let him. He held me so tight it felt so good. So after the hug he ummm well he kind of….. umm how shall I say dis….. Quana’s reading isn’t she?? Ahh heck never mind. He asked me tonight? I told him tonight.

Ooooh Dada this is an emotional rollercoaster I see there is more so I'll reserve my comments for when you are done. Girl I wish we could have linked :yes:

i can see a nollywood flick out of it! philly whe yuh deh?

LOL Bunz yuh see it, maybe we need to start the Yardiewood flicks :lol:

DISCLAIMER ( ok people I just copyrighted Yardiewood so don't get no ideas)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-28 18:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

O.k. so Roc is coming towards me. Now granted Roc speaks such clear English. With me he very rarely speaks patwa because he says his grandmudda dat raised him never let him speak patwa he always had to speak English around her but boy oh boy I guess when he gets mad that all goes out the window. He was so loud and Roc normally never yells. His arms were moving all about the place and he was yelling “I’m an eediat, do I know how much he was worried, he didn’t know if I was dead or alive and he has been all over Mobay looking for me and he feels so stupid cuz em not no weh his ooman was. What I wanted to make a fool of em or sumting. Why didn’t I answer mi phone em been calling like crazy” and I mean he is screamin. There were two ladies sun bathing by the pool but when he came with the foolishness they started to pack there things and leave. It was a hot mess. Well all this time ladies I have been on chill. I was calm when he called me a few weeks ago and I was calm when he came to see me the first time but PHOCK that now you got the wrong one I have had it. So I jumped up outta mi seat and knocked my purple rain drink all over the bartender (oops) I was like “Worried you was worried about me for what a good two phocking days? Try being worried for months. Sitting by the phone hoping and praying it rings. Not knowing if someone you love is dead or alive. Sick or well. Robbed or beaten. I couldn’t sleep or eat (now that is really hard for me to do) because I was sick with worry. You’re a coward you took the easy way out why I sat and worried. You couldn’t walk a mile in my shoes. Ur worry was short lived and you deserve so much more. Now out of all that I said it’s like the only thing Roc heard was the word coward. He was going off like who the phock yuh calling a coward? You!!! I shouted back. Who the hell told you to come back here anyway, I asked him. Dis mi island I go where I want yuh betta hope I don’t kill ur rass. . Anent nobody scared of you Roc!!!So were both screaming he asking me who I’m sexing and he is in my face. Oh what he gwann hit me now? We are so close that if I stick out my tongue I would touch his face. He’s pointing in my face and screaming. I’m so upset I’m like nucca if you touch me…You can tell he wants ta pop me so bad but I didn’t care bring it. The bartender is yelling fi us ta stop and he still asking me who was I wid. I kept telling him not you!!! Did I ask you who you was sexing when you walked away from me months ago? He’s trying to tell me I told you it wasn’t a woman it was something else. Bull ish it was a woman and you know it but I understand that is your story and you’re sticking to it.

What story it’s the truth he repeats. I know what happened she got tired of your crazy azz and now you wanna come running back. Well I don’t do sloppy seconds. He’s like whose sloppy I’m not sloppy as he looks down at his clothes. I shake my head and remember he must not know all our slang terms here (reminds me of Tre) He’s trying to tell me I’m still his woman. Are you serious like he has got to be joking? I figure I’ve had enough plus people are coming out of the wood work looking at us. Roc and the bartender are now locked in a heated discussion. I have no idea what they are saying so I use this as an opportunity to walk away. He grabs my arm, and asks me where do I think I’m going. I told him I’m leaving he was like no your not and the grip gets stronger. I told him yes I am get off me. He wouldn’t budge. I yank my arm and he lets go. I told him I stopped being your woman back in May he had the nerve to say we never discussed that. So I start yelling again we couldn’t discuss it you vanished. Oh Dada just leave it be. I turn and walk away. The bartender is telling Roc em gotta leave and I hear the two of them going at it again as I walk sort of run away.

I have tears in my eyes I’m so heated!!! I made it to my room and Star is like what’s wrong. I told her nothing and I went into the bathroom and slammed the door. In the bathroom I start talking to myself. I couldn’t believe what just happened. Next thing I know Star is knocking on the door. “Dada Roc’s here.” I jump up “You let him in!!” Security didn’t escort him from the property??? I open the door and he’s standing there just staring at me. He’s looking around our room as if he is trying to see any clues or something who knows maybe he was just checking out the place. You can tell he is mad as hell but so what so am I. We need ta talk he mumbles. I think we said enuff I tell him back. Dada would you stop. Why don’t you I reply. Were quiet for a minute. Talk mi say. Not here he replied. Why not? Cuz mi say so. Come He moves his head to signal me to come. Star is looking at us both like what the hell is going on. Dada just come he repeats. Come on now come. I stood der. Should I shouldn’t I?? I’m looking at this man and his eyes are burning a whole through my sole. Star is looking at me like well…..

I walk past Star and follow Roc out the door
.. I know I know I’m such a sucker!!!!

wooooooiiiiieeeee girl this is getting juicy! tap ie wid deh cliffhangers :bonk: :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 15:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

my friend know i love peanut butter and just gave me some smart balance natural peanut butter w/ flax oil..
that ish is a nasty mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna throw this container on the floor it was so nasty..

Girl tell me about it everything I usually can't stand most dietetic stuff, to me dietetic = Nasty LOL

I should have stayed home. Silly me. I decided I'm leaving at 2:00 cuz it’s still coming down.

its still snowing here I wasn't even gonna try and push myself today its too dangerous. Thank my lucky stars I don't work for the crypt keeper anymore cause her @ss it at work~booooo

I got the refund :dance: :dance: They didn't give me a confirmation though, lady said "there's no such as a confirmation ma'am" So I'll be calling back in a hour just to confirm it was refunded as I requested. I'm so happy that I wouldn't care if he got the visa next month, ok I'm lying.

That's whats up KJ :thumbs:

Thanks Quana now you made me wanna go look if we have peanut butter! This is why I could never work from home all the time - I would weigh 900 lbs!

LOL tell me about it, I have eaten ackee and saltfish, twizzlers and I swear a whole pot of sorrel tea and cheezits. Hubby is cracking up cause now I have hot belly :crying:

yep, strangers calling his phone
he said never again
this message board is decent
there are some out there that are vicious
alot of you in here would see your social security number posted within a few on the boards
wild man

What in the world??? :blink:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 14:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

(((((((((((chups)))))))))) -- the guy that came in for the interview starts on Monday...can't wait to see his high top jerry curl fade again.

Lawny lef mi alone :rofl: :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 14:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

GURRRLLLL.. roger will be starting work in T MINUS one hour!!!
i am so excited! i wanted to take a pic of him today to mark this in history LOL
he talking bout this is not his first day of work.. :blink:
i said why?? its orientation..
he said when he is doing some actual WORK then i can call it the first day :huh: :wacko:

Hey Quanna I am so happy for Rog!!! LOL @ him girl lef him lone he said orientation haaaaa

Ok! Ok!

Who is still on VJ!!??

Hi ladies. I stopped in to see you guys and was surprised to see people I know. How is everyone?

I'm doing well. Had my baby girls a month ago and they are BEAUTIFUL and HEALTHY. I still cannot believe I am a mama. Its surreal. So whats been going on?

HI Marlita ((( waving))) so happy to hear about you and your girls, I used to read your blog it was awesome :thumbs: glad to hear you are doing well.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 14:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Sus there's a secret on Maury going to tear this family apart ( clutch the pearls)!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 10:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Now watch the visa come today....

:rofl: Yuh see it


Posted Image

haaaaaaaa I just text'd her to hurry up and log on :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 10:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

God is good! The flight is canceled and according to Delta's website I'm allowed to a refund. :dance: :dance: :dance:
Calling right now, and mek dem tel mi nuh bullish

God is good all the time, get yo money girl~! :dance:

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least this crappy weather brought one positive - Now listen to the yardies and Nah book nah flight till the visa reach di fingers!!

Ditto saves a whole lot of hassle! :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 10:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23) are a big tease. Finish the damn story already before I start cussing you!

LOL LOL yes more please more :yes:

Is it the cheater episode? The NY mayor has cut into it now and I lost Maury :angry: I keep meaning to get tickets to his show - he tapes where I work - I think it would be a riot

Yup it sure is and all cases didn't confirm paternity except the current one but now he has to do the lie detector test and you know he gonna fail that one :lol:

Okay y'all know I gots some janky folks that I need to stop "F"in' with...they try to take advantage...
why one of my friends is asking to use my crossover so she can move tomorrow...mind you I do not have a pick up truck and I live about 45 mintues away from her. I would have to get up in the morning like I'm getting ready for work and drive about 45 minutes to help them move...and she moving with her boyfriend. Why you out here asking your newly married friend, who lives 45 minutes away from you, can you use her crossover..are you serious? What the hell...I'm not U-Haul :angry: then the weekend I was getting married she was off at All-Star weekend with her bf...y'all I'm 38 hott about this thang...hotter than fish grease as Philly would say...I just got married about two weeks ago...I'm still in my honeymoon time...Den is not feeling these so-called friends and I have to start considering my husband's feelings and opinions... :ranting:

Girl why do people feel that you are the National bank for their personal withdrawals and now the Uhaul to boot!!!! Long kissteet. I am all about helping people but this is off the meter and they not only want you to move them in the morning before work but rather just use your personal vehicle and do it themselves :blink: ??? Last time I checked U-haul was 19.99 for a daily rental they need to peep the website for real!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 10:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

i am a total practical joker, but harmless stuff..
i pretended i was one of my co workers clients.. we have access to each others caseloads so i called and went off on him something MAJOR in my best ghetto girl voice.. all my coworkers were at my desk cracking up.. his face WAS RED!!! then he went and got another coworker and said it was his sup..i already knew it wasn't so i went off on him too..

i told a boyfriend that i was preggers on april fools, that was TOOOO funny!!!

Quanna hush no you didn't haaaaaaaaaaa that is hilarious, they don't tape your calls do they?

I have pretty much done the same with DJ - I have overlapped trips with friends - but my friends that will travel to JA (and have funds to do so, lol) can be pains in the azz - one is very food picky and has to party every night, and pouts if they play something other than reggae or soca - the other is just clueless, tries on everything in her bag before leaving the room (each time) - sorts her receipts and piddles around - she'll walk round a shop with one item in her hand for 3 hours - asking if we like it - try the blasted thing on and be done!

I have to say, this trip being with all the couples at Yankees wedding was by far one of the best - we had such an awesome time, and everyone clicked -- we did stuff all together but also took our own space too - so much fun

Sus this just ,made me LOL not 3 hours with one item in her hand haaaaa
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 10:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
I'm being harassed by kitties :ph34r: :o

Sus I can't take Maury these people are a hot mess!!!!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 10:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Sus Lawd I have on Maury hot mess LOL I :jest: missed this show
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 10:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

LMAO, you my employer police now? I am on mute on a conference call - watching Maury and surfing!

Sus now that's multitasking! :lol:

Chile it seems my new job description involves VJ... :rofl: Not sure how that will play out on my annual review...poe thang :no:

You and me both my batty sposed to be working :whistle:

I agree. Star is annoying me!

:rofl: I missed you JG!

Hey Den's girl. I'm at work chillin today. I'm going to organize by office today and by the time I finish I'm hoping it will be 5pm. LMAO

Sun the snow missed you huh? you are lucky I am so sick of this mess I'm gonna tek a pic and post stand by!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 09:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

DaDa, don't you travel with Star no more. She wasn't happy unless she was with her man in Mobay. Next time, you go one way and she needs to go the other.

Ok so I guess I have to wait until tomorrow to get the rest. This storey seems like you were in Jamaica for a month.

:rofl: :rofl:

Yes, Philly that is one of the principles that Dave Ramsey teaches in his Financial Peace course.

Not sure how achievable it is is for me but I'll give it a hell o a try :thumbs:

Philly keep me posted about Foxy, I may want a kitten :blink: (Steve gonna kill me)
Nothing wrong with still being a "fashionista" just be one on a budget :)

Does Supremo's sell carribean items? I know where one is :)

Girl yes cause Damian has the kittens packed up ready to be shipped out and the still in the belly :blink:

Yup Supremo is a Latino store and they have Caribbean items girl yuh neva knoa? Theres plenty of West Indian stores in Philly tek yuh pic :)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 09:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Mawning Ladies it's a snowy mess out there working from home and trying to catch up. OIn a conference call already but TGIF!!!!!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 08:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

So Sunday was Sunday and this is when I was at the bar and my roommate was in her room pouting like a kid. Part of me thinks it had something to do with the bartender because he was hooking me up with drinks but hell he was hooking her up too. Now I didn’t get an attitude the night before when I got stuck with Flava Flav all night so you could be on a romantic call with your friend so now that I’m enjoying myself you wanna catch tude. Cha!!! The bartender was cute so free drinks with some eye candy was cool he was very attentive and like I said we had a good time cracking jokes at people who were dead wrong. There was so many over weight men in Speedos it was ridiculous. It was just as bad as me putting on a bikini (you all better not be laughing at the last statement) Anywho some older ladies still were wearing thongs with der wrinkled cheeks out and well you all know how it goes in JA.

So after a while I checked on her and she told me she wanted to go back to Mobay 2morrow? Are you serious we still have another night here? She told me she naa care tomorrow morning she wanted to be in a car heading back to Mobay. She had arranged it for her friend to come back and get us. He was coming to stay the night with us (how convenient ey) and we would ride back with him. I was at the point like what ever plus I had some drinks at the bar so I was cool. We got dressed and went to Alfred’s after getting stopped a million times on the beach. I had the BEST dinner ever of this trip that night. After eating I thought we were going to keep it going for the night but she wanted to go back to the room again. O.k.what ever. So after chilling in the room for a minute I head out and run back into Neville and Richard who told me they were doing dance hall later that night and did I want to tag along. At first I was leery but then I thought what the heck why not. It’s my b-day and I do not want to sit in no room. Later that night they came to get me and Star but she still wanted to sit in that room. So I gave her the two fingers and said I was out! We caught a cab to the beach party and I danced mi rass off. It was so fun not having to match my moves to a partner I could do what I wanted how I wanted. Now I’m not saying at times I didn’t look like a fool but who cares it was fun. We left and caught a taxi back dung de road. I hopped out and the guys kept going. When I arrived back at the room Star was still there. Alone. I asked her where dude was and she had no idea. I left the phone with her so she was quick to tell me Roc had been calling all night and she was ready to turn the phone off. I told her she could have. By this time I was dead tired and a little tipsy so I got in the bed with my clothes and everything on. I was too tired to change I thought phock it I’ll deal with it in the morning.

6:45 a.m she woke me up chat bout she ready to pack and hit the road. The road??? Damn is the sun even out yet? I got up like are you serious and she was she was darn near packed but umm her friend wasn’t there so how the hell was we getting back to Mobay? She told me to ask one of my friends and I told her no. It was too early plus she is the one that wanted to head back. We went out front and started asking around. We ran into a drivah I think his name was Patrick and he agreed to take us. I ended up watching a movie and before I knew it time had flew past and it was almost 9 o’clock. We grabbed our things checked out and headed back to Mobay. We were in Mobay a little after 10. Thank Jah Toby’s had room and they let us check in early. By this time I was mad hungry so we changed into our swim suits and had breakfast at their restaurant. The breakfast came so fast it almost scared us. After eating we decided to go to the pool deck and start drinking. The sun was out so I was sure the pool should be semi warm. Star forgot the phone in the room so she went back to go get it. She was waiting for her friend to call. I was ordering my first purple ran when the bartender chat der go yuh friend. I turned thinking dang that was quick Star must have flew back but no it was Roc walking towards me. Got darn it what is the use of security if he stops no one :angry: !!!! But furthermore how the hell did he know I was here :blink:?

Lawd I gotta run home, I will be on VJ tonight catching up!

I will text you from the Supremo got to get Yams and bananas etc since we will be stuck in soon come
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 17:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Umm Philly sumting tells me ur hubby has no problems with finances its you and your love for fashion sweetie…

Damn yuh caught me I know I am really trying to so much better especially what happened in Haiti and even something that happened in JA forced me to put things in perspective and open my eyes and do things differently there are so many people that depend on me and I need to get it together :star: .....

ugh- :(
a good friend of mine is an ER doc here in michigan
he has been down in haiti for last month~ i think he comes home in a couple weeks
the updates he gives are jawdropping
his wife is a machine...... she is in CHARGE of a full house
6, count em SIX boys under the age of 15

mi feel for your cousin
i can't imagine

OH Jus I thang God for all of the good people who are helping in the country it's such a devastation and people have no clue the stories I hear I can't even fathom....

God bless the wide 6 boys under 15 mi would drap!

philly were your cats happy to see you?

LOL @ Bunz girl them look 10x's bigger to me when I saw them and Foxy is so preggers. Storm is still wild and Hancock trying to dagger everything that moves LOL.

Hubby missed them he loves those pus and you are right that panther on his arm is perfect!

Philly -- I know, but try and keep it together for his sake. Many of my friends have been their since January and a good friend of mine has lost 45 pounds...she told me that a lot of the nurses that came with her group, some she ran into that she knew from Jamaica have since left because it's so much that still has to be done. She said if she could get a hold of the prime minister she would bax him 2 infrastructure at all.

I am so trying Lawny it is so hard and money i send don't put a dent in what is needed I mean all of my family is displaced! No infrastructure and over the years all the power that has changed hands and nothing has been done to improve the country just plain tief! I am just ready to go home feelign really down now.....

Umm-hmmm...what flava you like????

I like the Cranberry twist :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 17:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Everyone always forgets me! Dammit!!!!!

Shaunsgirl, Journee, and whatever Dahley's name is on here...I always forget that.

JG ((( waving)))

No Horn, faucet - I just have to tilt my head and it flows - no blowing necessary -

Now stop tryin to read everything and finish your tail, CHO!

I don't want to hear ANY complaints that I am slow with my trip report ever ever ever again!

awwwee Sus i know how you feel I am a hot mess right now too all congested and can't breathe

Not where your brain is, where your body is :whistle:


:help: Is it photoshopped?

I wonder?

don't ask har nutting else.. she on the phone w/ Roc right now prolly LOL


ugh! people are so @#$%@#@!

oooooooooh :angry:
i bet i still would have brusies if i dared pull that stunt with my mother

ima lush
i wish i could be like yall

Hey Justucia (( waving)) oh yeah he was jacked up bad LOL. You know I'm strange I love to drink the daquiri mix without the licquor :yes:

Who says its Roc mi naa done yet.....

Mi been giving yuh clues but everyone is focused on Roc.... :whistle:

Well shall see...

Hurry up Lady LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 16:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

man.. this lady 67 yrs old trying to figure what benefits she can get cuz her and her husband bout to divorce and she will have no money..
man ladies get your finances in order..

Yes girl, I was watching my girl Melanie Hobbs on GMA and she was saying make sure you have six months saved to pay your bills in case anything happens. That puts it in perspective for me, Hubby and I really sat down and had a real talk about finances and our future while we were away and right now we will be eating chicken foot soup and bag juice for a minute trying to save $ LOL

I am (SMILE LAUGH ENJOY!!!) but it just earks me about some things girl, for real sometimes its just fake and people are too. And trying to be extra all the time.

But Im blessed same way, I just had to get that out with the Boom!! Because I really meant it :yes:

ruh roh the spellcheck police gonna get yuh! just jokes ((( hugs)))

i don't know dada.. i think she was for real this time..DANG!!

Please don't tell me he invited you to the wedding Q?

Mario on the WII?? I love that game but I'm still stuck on part Two.

girl yes we love that game hours and hours of fun :star:

1luv check yo PM :devil:

where my PM LOL

Hey yall Question.

Who is regina on FB

Reg Al

JQ -- I'm going to beat you :bonk: now mi caan eat mi rass lunch

haaaaaaaa that pic was too funny

Lawny I am talking to one of my cousins in Haiti right now. I am so depressed now but trying to stay positive and lift him up he is doing such positive things there helping other but it's taking a toll on him he wants me to come as soon as I can this summer. My heart is breaking.......
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 15:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

I know Z we all can't go everywhere with our hubbies :)

LOL yuh knoa we attached at the hip for real! Damn I miss him now, let me IM him I only spoke to him 27 minutes ago :lol:

girl if he has the odassidy(sp) to send you messages like that....then his azz needs to hear how happy you are vs. before.....PALLLLLLEEEEAAAEEE!!

LMAO @ odassidy

Philly no Jermaine FEVA please!

I don't usually go out for lunch, I bring it, but that burger and fries was calling my name.

Dillon I think that translated to you miss Jermaine awwweeee :devil:

jamerican.. i don't even play the game w/ him.. he the one bout to get married and still telling me he love me and miss me.. but then again.. that could be all game too.. he is just bipolar i am not phased by it anymore long as he don't mess w/ my babies or w/ my money LOL

I know that's right girl, he is just a trip! Do you think it will stop even when he ties the knot?

jq.. hey babygirl.. i think everybody was just playing hun..
please believe ALOT have left since i came on 2 years ago and alot will leave too.. its just how it go.. but we always gonna play and make fun.. SMILE LAUGH ENJOY!!!

Ditto! :yes:

LOL... Philly stop it.

Mi did Star!!!!

LOL yuh get ie back, I so wish I got a pic of that lady in the market wid deh beard!

No JERMAINE...he look like wash over GOLD

OMG yuh gwaan mek mi choke on my patty :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 15:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

where is dillon and why she so quiet?

She is waiting on the FEVAH :devil:

Hubby is home with Q, A broke out long time LOL. They are gonna play Wii and try and finish Mario Lawd we spent hours in JA trying to get out of the Ice world :blink:.

Lawny I am about to heat up my ackee pattie :P
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 14:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

MrsTee... I wanna go. I have never been (never wanted to) on a cruise.. but hanging out with you sounds fun! LOL Just don't let me walk by your window 1st thing in the am! LOL

Where is the cheapest place we can all meet? Haven't you all wanted to come to Maine in the summer time! It could be the "Jamaican Invasion"! Wooohooo!
OMG Fun! Husbands, wives, kids ... fun!

LOL @ the Jamaican Invasion I am down as long as its hot :yes:

Hey it! Hehehehe :devil:

Girl my hubby is too skeptical of being online...he doesn't like how I am always yapping! :ranting:

Damian is getting that way now, chat bout what yuh run off yuh mouth bout now! :bonk: Lef mi alone LOL

Ok, lucky for us! :thumbs:
Likkle more y'all I need to seriously go and get some work done...the block is getting here around here and I got some last minute stuff dropped in my lap! :angry:

girl me too I am getting behind all my projects chatting with yall :help:

Philly, you're in so much trouble.

ruh roh mi in chubble!

Maybe some FEVAH will get me out of this one :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 13:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Ummm yes I am.. im going to the bahamas in July without him... I will miss him! :crying: but this is my first cruise :)

OH ok well girl do you! :thumbs:

Girl, you are vindictive like me. This happened to a friend of mine at work. She would bring a carton of milk and people would drink out of it. She would tape the lid shut and people would still take it. My suggestion is to create a trap. Put the item that they keep taking in the fridge and spit on it. I guarantee you will feel 100% better. Or for things like drinks I will place I sign saying "goat milk" or "lab specimens". I wonder if they will touch in then.... :devil:

:rofl: that ish didn't work here I swear they take everything so I put my stuff in the exec fridge :yes:

Yes SHemmy! How is the belly... you should post more FB pics!

Oh an where are you registered? ANd finesse... you too! BOB MARLEY ONE LOVE shirts/onesies all around!! hahaha

I swear my entire life is online! LOL.. I don't care who knows what. Guess I am not good enough for a stalker! (knock on wood)....

Louis hates how I trust every darn person I meet.

Irie I love that LOL

LOL @ the stalker comment I had to put those privacy settings to good use. I wish there was a feature that tells you who is looking at your profile!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 13:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
I'm supposed to be working Lawd knows LOL

FEVAH!!!!!! For MyJamwifey!

Yuh wife soon come!

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 13:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Congrats :thumbs:

Sorry I'm late but welcome back DaDa and Philly.

Hey Shemmy ((( waving))) how is the belly

Congratulations Myjamwifey... We love to hear this kind of news. :dance:

MrsTee: If I was in Jamaica I would pull one of the switches from off one of the willow tress from DaDa. LMAO Mi nah knoa if she ago git one whipping pon she backside yet.

:rofl: :rofl:

Philly I might be going with you.. Hope Steve understands! :lol:

CHO yuh nuh guh nuhwhere without Steve Hush yuh mouth!

i guess we knew it but of course the ex is getting the girls ready for his wedding next weekend so he is seeing me alot more often these days.. so he is cordial, but the next day he always sends me msg "quana, you don't look happy" or "i know you are just trying to make the best of your situation" :huh:
if he ONLY knew.. im trying to be nice and tell NOT tell him "im SOOOOOOOOOOOO much happier than ive ever been dude"
if you dont have nothing nice to say then don't say nothing right??

Quanna the nerve of this guy :wow: I don't know him and I can't stand him :no:

So, I get back from lunch and go check my mailbox and what's in it...the 2 KEYCHAINS! omg WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!

Oh hell to the naw!

Sorry Philly, Ells post much better FEVA with Barry Manilow :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

long kissteet, I hope yuh hear me through the pc screen! Fevah soon come haaaa

Think anyone in my office would notice if I stuck kleenex up my nose and walked around like that?

Posted Image

:rofl: I needed one of yuh pics Sus!

congrats myjamwifey
dada leggo di story nuh!

more more more please
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 13:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Take your time mama, I can always call you later

girl I was gonna text yuh when I was in line in the market for 2.5 hours last night and why this lady have a full beard :blink: :blink: LOL

For some reason since we reach back a farrin both Damian and I have been falling asleep early , now that's normal for me but not him he is always up late. Been having some crazy dreams too, he had a pregnancy dream but I'm waiting for the fish dream :yes: Lawd knows I had plenty of Baby dust in JA sprinkled on me!

Mi nah memba....wha happen?

Lawd Jamerican this was last year my youngest son was losing his mind and one of his episodes he took all the liqour out the house. Now mind you I have licquor from many islands and especially Haiti where you can't even buy it here and its all gone. Talk about hotter than fish grease :angry: :angry:

philly girl. i don't drink either.. but roger likes me to sip a lil sum sum wid him, makes him think he can have his way w/ me.. :blush:
i told him its a waste cuz nothing really happens except my head hurts.. its funny u mention arbor mist.. had my first glass of that of rogers jamaican buddies was here from FL..mi head a hawt afta di 2nd glass :wacko:

LOL girl that is too cure about Rog and wanting you to take a sip :devil: but you and me both I have such a low tolerance for alcohol and I really don't care for the taste YUCK if I drink it has to be sweet. Well we flew back to the US 1st class and let me tell you we had so much liquor, wine, rum and champagne girlllllll I was so tipsy coming off the plane :innocent: :bonk: hot mess and Den's would say POE THANG!

and how long you think that bottle gonna last?lol, Might have to ask my MIL to ship me some :wacko:

We brought alot back, can't wait to give Mrs Bootsy a bottle. Do you know she asked for a rasta statue/ashstray with a spliff in his mouth. Ummmmm where were we supposed to find that in town we were cracking up looking all over we gave up and found one in the airport in Mobay.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 13:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

afternoon yardies,

my wife immigrant visa approved. thank u jesus. they asked my wife all the questions and told me to sit down. they her where i work, what my occupation, how many children i have, how many people were in the wedding, how many times i have been to ja, where we meet, have i been married before and did i visit her before the marriage.

PRAISE GOD I am so happy for you!

This deserves some FEVAH!!!

get my last one tonight...all the others were surprisingly good (didn't feel good about them at the time)

You go girl that's whats up, go on brush your shoulders off :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 12:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Girl I don't think you realize how big the state of PA is! When we drove to NY I thought we would never get out of that Dada I think you are safe.

LOL Dills why you rat me out haaaa the Burg is no where close to Philly :no: but I can still cybertextstalk her :lol:

stone ginger wine..oooohhh the memories LOL
sounds like ya'll will have a nice weekend philly!

LOL girl mi cyaa drink I get drunk off a glass of Arbor Mist Hubby is like that is not even real wine :bonk: we bought back so much liquor and it's all locked up so no repeats of last summer if yuh remember!

No I figured out why we missed each other Its really my fault. I was running late so I asked my son ta check my FB mailbox and text me Philly’s numba. Well Philly sent two messages one wid her first number and then she sent me another with her new number cause the first one locked up on her. Well of course my son only seen the first message so he sent me her wrong number. I was so tempted to ask this guest could I use her lap top for a minute but I didn’t. I wish I would have. I’m really bummed we naa link up

Me too girl, I was bummed too but there is always April and hopefully yuh can come to Kingston and roll wid us.

I see you down there "myjamwifey" please hit us with the good news....

Yes yes yes I have my fingers and toesies crossed!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 12:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

O.k. so I ‘m sure you know how this scenario played out. I made a bad mistake of calling myself laying dung for just a minute to get ready to go out Sat night. Well I laid down too long and by the time I woke up it was 12:30.. Guess what woke me up? The ringing of my phone Roc was calling. When I looked at the time I woke Star up and we started running around the room like some mad ooman trying to get ready to get to the Jungle. Now we know in JA this isn’t really a late time but I didn’t want to bring mi bwaan day sleeping. Ugh!! Then I was ready to throw the phone out the window because between Roc calling repeatedly and Star’s friend saying he was almost at Negril (he drove from Mobay) I couldn’t think straight to get ready. Roc is texting the phone and he’s leaving voice mails. I have no time to really check them so I ignore them. About 1:15 Star and I are crossing the street to go to the jungle and the party goes on from there. I already told you we partied there and then at Scrub a Dub.

So the next day we walk a likkle ways to breakfast and again we have to wait for ever for our food. Yesterday when we tried to have dinner at our resort our the food took forever and now dis morning it is too. Every one keeps telling me they have new chiefs so I’m assuming all the chiefs quit together?? I decided to read my text and listen to my voice mails from Roc. They started off sweet but by the end they sure were sour. “Hey Dada mi out front.” “Hey Dada the security guard needs your room number..” “Dada mi know yuh not sleep answa de phone.” “I wish yuh stop playing.” Dada why mi give them your name and dey say ders no reservation fi yuh? Is it under Star’s?” “Dada answa yuh phocking phone what you in der with some man.” By the time he got done he was bumba rass clouting all ova de place.. He was hot you could feel the venom in his texts and calls. I wonder if he ran out of credit cuz the calls stopped and then they started again. Roc called me all the way till tre in the morning. Ha!

I laughed and told Star about the calls. We finished breakfast and decided to walk down the beach to find out how much it would be to jet ski. Juss as mi was leaving my table my phone rang again. Man Roc was up early.

Girl I can't believe we just missed each other like that we were in Negril for the vow renewal ceremony but soon went back up in the mountains but dang soooooo close! :crying:

Trying to catch up, this is getting good :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 12:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Hi Phillylicious!

Hey girl I love that name :luv:

Gurl, you dont know I keep telling hubby im going to JA without him and stay with his family.. He keeps saying go ahead and I will send my friends to keep you company. I am soooooooooooo tempted! Whew.... especially since I get 5 weeks vacation.. Im trying to be a good wifey and stay with hubby but its gettin hard. and I want RUM CREAM!

Girl hush bout lef yuh Hubby fi JA I have yuh rum cream at home CHO! :bonk:

Tell Steve we got some Stone Ginger wine too we gonna get it poppin this weekend snowed in :devil:
Bout to get on my Nollywood movie hustle tonight I need new flicks we watched them all :yes: and I need a new DVD case tower just for them.

To all the ladies that want me to send movies let me know so I can start burning this weekend.

Ells I haven't forgotten about you I'm gonna pick up some yellow and white Yams tonight cause I need my ackee and saltfish fi breakfast. Hopefully it wont be too bad and I can get to the post office this weekend.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 12:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

dat why mi shake mi head earlier.. mi aleady know mi ago affi box ya later, but mi praise ya now.. CHO
I had a sinking feeling last week when philly and bunz nuh hear fram ya.. :angry: :angry: :angry:
hurry up and get to di phockery gyal <_< :rofl: :rofl:

Whaaa wait now I have to go back!

Dada yuh betta respond to mi text or I'm heading up the Tpike LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 12:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

hi my American sistas...why are some of u ladies working today. I thought it was a holiday?

Hey My Canadian Sistren how are you? Yup I am working Telecom is a 24/7 bizness :blush:

I am because we get a day of our choice off and we just found out they are shutting the water off in the building a pipe broke and wont stop running water.. So yipppppppppeeeeeeeeeee! Likkle more!

Great on your day off but nooooooooooo @ the broken pipe!

Hi everyone!!!!
Philly, I'm glad to know that you were able to hear something from family & friends. Unfortunately my co-worker lost an uncle who went to Haiti on vacation from NY. Sad situation.
Dens, welcome back & congrats on your approval. Depending on how fast the embassy processes the visa usually determines how fast DHL will have visa for pick up. Our interview was the the 14th which was a Tuesday & by that Friday it was ready for pick up.
Nothing much going on with me. Taking it easy. My son went w/his dad & sister for wkend & holiday, so that gave us some true alone time.
Take care everyone

Oh goodness that is so sad I am so sorry to hear this, the # keep rising :crying:

So Im doing my homeowrk and forgot about letting you guys know something.

When doing a petition they asked for the original birth certificate, marriage cert. etc. And hubby never got it back. Our interview was in August.

So we sent in the G-884 requesting the orignal documents from the POE in Dallas Texas or where ever they were. But we sent it to our local office here in Las Vegas.

1 month later they sent our originals certified US Mail. It had our marriage cert and his birth cert, and I cant remeber what else if anything.

Forgot to tell you guys that.

But somewhere I read you can ask for it at the interview. :wacko: Not sure though.

Let me post this again since yall didnt see it!!!!!!

Thanks JQ for posting that info
LOL I saw it but never had a chance to tell you thanks I luv'd it!
Good to hear your Grammy is hanging in there we will continue to keep her in our prayers! :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-18 16:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

awwwwwwwwwww dayum :angry:

Philly there was a post on here the other day where this fool was upset the president was doing that...Folks was jumping on his rass left and right.. If you want me to post it for you I will but I don't want to upset you. I was shaking my head thinking where is the humanistic side of this person! Bloodclat! :angry:

Sis mi nah even bodda send ie cause mi nuh care bout them badmind people, dem nuh wuk fi deh goverment dem cyaaa do nuttin but complain. Like my Hubby seh dem can *@#$ dem self!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-18 14:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Thanks to all my VJ family for your concern, emails and texts have been recvd confirming some family and friends are alive but have nothing. Still waiting to here from others I continue to pray for good news. Continue to pray as there is a long road ahead (L) (F)

This is great news!

Statement from Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano
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Release Date: January 15, 2010

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010

"As part of the Department's ongoing efforts to assist Haiti following Tuesday's devastating earthquake, I am announcing the designation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haitian nationals who were in the United States as of January 12, 2010. This is a disaster of historic proportions and this designation will allow eligible Haitian nationals in the United States to continue living and working in our country for the next 18 months. Providing a temporary refuge for Haitian nationals who are currently in the United States and whose personal safety would be endangered by returning to Haiti is part of this Administration's continuing efforts to support Haiti's recovery."

"At this moment of tragedy in Haiti it is tempting for people suffering in the aftermath of the earthquake to seek refuge elsewhere. But attempting to leave Haiti now will only bring more hardship to the Haitian people and nation. The international community has rallied to deliver relief to Haiti. Much has already arrived and much more is on its way. The Haitians are resilient and determined and their role in addressing this crisis in their homeland will be essential to Haiti's future."

"It is important to note that TPS will apply only to those individuals who were in the United States as of January 12, 2010. Those who attempt to travel to the United States after January 12, 2010 will not be eligible for TPS and will be repatriated."

"The Department of Homeland Security continues to extend sympathy to our Haitian neighbors and support the worldwide relief effort underway in every way we can. Four Coast Guard cutters have arrived in Haiti, in addition to a variety of Coast Guard assets that were already in the area to support military air traffic control, conduct damage assessments and rescue people in need of assistance. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) continues to work closely with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the State Department - the lead U.S. federal agencies in the response - while coordinating the deployment of state and local Urban Search and Rescue Teams from across the country to Haiti and standing by to provide food, water and other resources as requested. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has provided aircraft to support response efforts."

"Haitians in the U.S. who are eligible to apply for TPS should go to or call USCIS toll-free at (800) 375-5283."
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-18 13:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

thank you for the fix... Aww I sensed you were feeling that way, we shouldve done something anyway to take your mind off things you know.

Girl my oldest Son got on my last nerve this weekend PM soon come you ain't gonna believe this one! Super Nana is back in action with the pampers and breast milk in full effect! :angry:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-18 13:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

kjenkins, I almost always cried when leaving JA my 4th through 8th times. You aren't the only one. The question is, did your man cry too?

Steven successfully navigated the streets & highways today. I hope that gave him a big confidence boost regarding driving in Houston. I told him he can now run all the errands while I'm at work.

Yes, MrsTee, due to the lack of street #s, we opted to pick up the visa/passport from the DHL office around the corner from the Montego Bay airport.

Thats awesome Nat!

No it was a black guy, he was tough. He was very stern with everyone that came to his window.

aaaaah he wasn't on the day of my interview well I am glad yall got through. LMAO at the God suit, girl I am waiting for you to post that will brighten my day for sure ( no pun intended haaaa)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-18 13:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Morning, All

For the first time, Steven's about to drive me to work then go places on his own in the car. Wish him well!

He will be just fine! :thumbs:

Hi Philly, I hope you are doing okay we missed you this weekend. Lets get together soon!

We will girl, I never went out Saturday night opted to stay in I was feeling blaaaaah

I'm with you on that. I just took on a role as project manager and due to having about zero PM training, I'm having to search hard for every little step to take in setting up this project.

Girl get ready its a nonstop rollercoaster of fun NOT :rofl:

Yes and they tore it up! Char's pics on FB. Are you good mama? I need a fix lol

I am looking now they are fabulous!!!!! :luv: Sure I can post a movie today I need a fix too!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-18 12:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Hey Nat, hey philly wha gwaan?

Hey JAHoney my PC was on but I was prolly nowhere around LOL

Definitely be prepared! I prepared what my Sweetie refers to as the purple "kick rass" folder! :rofl:
I had everything organized and had all types of evidence. They only asked for cell phone records, photos, and some e-mails as evidence of our relationship. We got a guy and he was tough...we sat through and saw a lot of folks blue-slipped! When we heard our number called after Den was finger-printed and realized it was the guy as our interviewer...I was like "Ah man" he called us up and we were ready to go. The guy asked me to go and have a seat after we were born sworn in. He basically asked Den a lot questions:

1. When did we meet?
2. Where did we meet?
3. When did we start dating?
4. How do we communicate?
5. How often do we talk?
6. Had he ever been to the U.S.?

I only provided them with a copy of my 2008 W-2 and tax transcript. I had bank letter and copies of check stubs but didn't need to provide them. I made a photo album of all our pictures from the past year and a half and organized them accordingly. The interviewer also asked to see my passport. I asked him if he needed to see more evidence of our relationship but he said "No thanks that won't be necessary". He said, "Mr. Douglas I'm granting you your Visa to the U.S.!" We thanked him like twice and went down to the DHL counter to schedule when Den will go and pick up his Visa. They told him we can start tracking on Wednesday but they told us to expect at least two weeks so that's why I couldn't bring him back with me...I needed to get on back to work cause I feel like I am going to get the not want to work syndrome once Den actually gets here! :rofl:

I am so happy for you Dens! This is awesome what your interviewer a Caucasian guy with bushy curly hair?

Of course, I had to find you all. It was like 8 days with no VJ... :wacko:

Denton proposed all over again! He is such a romantic guy
...we had a wonderful trip. :luv:
I did cry at the airport today even though I didn't think I would but even though he will be here in a few weeks, its still never easy leaving a piece of you behind. :crying:

Thanks everyone for all the advice, support, prayers, and well wishes. We greatly appreciate it. Please keep it coming! :thumbs:

Awwe Sweeties that is so precious just think yuh man soon be here no more leaving him at the airport, then the journey really begins!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-18 12:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Good morning yardies, about to cook 2 pans of chicken, 1 buffalo wings and 1 bbq for a family dinner my aunt is having today! Everyone have a great day...

Hey Tee you go girl that's alot of chicken :yes:

We'll probably pass each other at the airport, cause I have an early flight home

Hey Sus, we will prolly never link I will be on the plane flying into Kingston :crying:

Morning, Ladies

Last night I fell asleep around 1am. Steven was laying next to me listening to Hitz 92 (We subscribe via jumptv) calling in trying to get on the radio. Why did I wake up an HOUR LATER to hear him in conversation with the DJ. As soon as they got off the phone, the conversation was played on the air. He was SO excited that I didn't even want to tell him that his family/friends might be sleeping at 3am (JA is 1 hr ahead of us) instead of listening to the radio.

Nat that is too cute, we subscribe too but weren't listening at that time I would have loved to hear him on the radio LOL

Goodmorning Ladies
Oh Its just me in here.

Well I went to Char's wedding yesterday. She looked beautiful. Her husband is handsome they made a beautiful couple. She had a couple of other family members there also.

Her dress was nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope she has a good rest of her trip here hopefully we can hook up because MLK Day is tomorrow and Im off.

@ Nat :rofl: at Steven nobody was listening :no: but dont let him know :lol:

So sorry to her about Mexilus. (L) A friend of mine is going through the same thing. She wants me to assist her with helping when she can refile which is 2 years time. That will be Dec 2010.


Another Yardie Link up that is wonderful Congrats on your wedding Char! Weh deh pichas LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-18 11:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Morning Ladies, I have to work a few projects this morning Ughh Monday!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-01-18 09:15:00