Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Hey ladies MRStee, dillon, Dens Wifey, Jamerican Queen, charandivan, TAMH

We finally dug out woo hoo!

only 3 more days so glad to get out of here before the next round comes!

I guess mi nuh bodda catch up LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-11 12:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

LOL! She loves her some dance music! She LOVES Gaga!

that makes 2 of us I'm always doing the dance moves from Bad Romance LOL

Philly... you are cooking up some concoctions in the kitchen! LOL

Oh OH SADE is on the View right now.

LOL got that from my Grammy she was always concocting something so I got it honest :yes:
OOh and I missed her ***sigh***

Sade is so awesome... but she needs to stop pulling that hair so tight! Her hairline is FARRRR back!

LOL LOL @ the hairline, she looks so good though timeless beauty. I love the album I can never get enough of her :no:

No, it sounds like she is overwhelmed by the entire process coupled with what obstacles there are to now overcome. And, if in the end, I found out the child he thought was his and supported.....and, now I was helping support till he could get through his education and find a decent job...well, if I found out it wasn't his and he was used all those years....I just might have the same thoughts.

All she said was "well, I don't know." That's a fair response to those thoughts. She did not commit either way. It didn't sound like anything but someone not sure of how she would respond. I would feel the same way.

JG :thumbs:

Thanks girl, they think they are baby Micheal Jackson's :rofl:
Moon walking all over my floor asking can we wax the floors Im like heck no :no:

Awwe that's whats up I remember doing that when I was young too, oh to be a kid again.....

True and at the end of the day...I'm attached to that lil' fella already as well so its all good...we gon make it do with it do.

((hugs)) :luv:

Girl my baby daddy tried this one on me and initiated the paternity test. Said due to the quickness of pregnancy #######,

So the paternity test came out 99.97 You are the father and he still aint paid no childsupport and that was 2004 or 2005.

did I even tell yall that he was on maury Povich with his first baby momma when my youngest son was 2 months old :bonk: he was the father then too :yes:

HUSH chat bout BD on Maury haaaaaaaaaaaa :lol:

Two comments.. and hope im not all in the mix.. .

I was silly to think that most babys mamas were like me! When it comes to my son and my ex, we get along, Im not vindictive and was more than happy when my ex remarried and his new wife was wanting to love my son too. More people to love him the better! But I was a fool to think that my hubby.. whose also a Libra.. that his kids mom would be so kind. She would love nothing more than to wreck us and put him thru misery over his kids and its so sad.... I always told myself Id never be with a man with kids because I never wanted the drama of all that.. (shallow I know) but now I look and see why I thought that way! This beeeatch is too much! ugh.. :wacko:

Hey atsleumas chime in anytime the more the merrier. Thanks for sharing, suh ie guh that's cause misery loves company!!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-10 20:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

i think you mean to say Big mama! We good. We had one of our baby showers on sunday and it was so nice. The hostess asked everyone to bring their favorite childrens book so we got an instant library. we also got 2 car seats, a double stroller, bouncy seats, a ton of clothes, and a bunch of other stuff.

both hubby and my son were sitting there like amazement at the bounty of gifts and also at how much everyone was into it.

my friends knew i got the pink monkey bedding so they had the stroller and car seats set up and had bought pink monkey stuffed animals and strapped them in and wheeled the stroller was too cute!

Ness this sounds soo nice I would love to see the pics on FB :yes: I truly love the idea about the books for the library that is awesome :thumbs: You are almost there girl :star:

Posted Image

People say me and my youngest (right) dont look alike either, but I was their when he POPPED out after 1 hour of labor :rofl:

JQ your boys look just like you, handsome young men :star:

Let me just say that I'm not conspiring to secretly do a DNA test or anything...I love Den and I support him or we wouldn't even be this far in the game...I just don't want him to end up having his heart crushed "if" it was thrown up in his face years later that he wasn't the Father...but I do know that you don't have to be a biological parent to raise and love a child...I had an awesome step-Father so I know what it is like to love a I'm going to love, spoil, raise, and be there and support lil' one with all that I have.
Girl its time...either we ready or we not.... :rofl:

Den's that takes a mature person to step outside of the situation and see it from another perspective. I agree with you, DNA doesn't make you a parent. The best approach is to attack this head on if he has doubts let him lead the process for a test if not maybe you should leave it alone.....

i told hubby we should do a...watcha wan call it...'social experiement' and take the stroller with the monkeys strapped in and wheel it down the street or at the mall and he could record peoples reaction to me...people would be like #######??

OMG :bonk: :rofl:

Okay! She was sanging her lil' heart out...she is full of energy and imagination...I love it!

I just love children period...awwww!

Serious ting? Mi guh pack up mi pickney and send dem come~ :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-10 20:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

I feel some guilt not being as unconditionally accepting as he is but it's a huge thing to raise a child, let alone one that is not your own. And if I were to ever find out the mother used him for what she could get out of him & the child is not his, lord help her. The other hard part is that if we decide to bring her here, we are in no place financially & it could be years before we are. He is literally starting from the ground up with his education & I have a long ways to go towards financial security myself. We really need some miracles to make all this happen.

Ells I applaud your honesty and it's no easy task but this is a sensitive situation and needs to be handled delicately.....

This commercial was made for people like me:


I am rolling at the Koala bear WHY?? too funny


Jamaica mi soon come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats JQ that is fabulous news!~
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-10 14:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Wishing the best for you Philly and the hubby with a baby! :dance:

Thanks girl I am feeling positive :yes:

wha dis mi hear? irie and philly a breed?

LOL from your lips God's ears!

Hey Ness ((waving))

Thanks. I probably gained more weighed the last 5 days than my whole pregnancy so far :crying:

Shemmy I feel you same way I was doing so good wid the weight loss until I was stuck in the house I lost all will power :crying:

Philly - Question.... what is the brand ... where do you get the coconut oil you use. You mentioned on FB when I commented how dry my skin was.
I bought some NICE handcream that smells of Grapefruit and Bergamot (Bergamot is one of my faves!) and some body lotion that is honey and orange... I love all the nice smells.
Louis brought back the insense oils I like too...
But I love coconut smell also!

Not quite... I am just feeling very PMSy but way too early... thats usually a sign.
We shall see....

Irie don't laugh but I buy the 100% virgin coconut oil from yard you can get it in the market I boil it down cause it solidifies in the bokkle. Then I pour into small containers and refrigerate them for an hour then let them sit at room temperature. I use it in my hair and on my skin, I have also made a blend from the 100% pure shea butter that is the block form same process.

I have dry skin as well and both butters keep me purely moisturized. :star:

No real proof...just going by that old country thing of it doesn't look like him but also how the mother didn't tell him she was pregnant until she was like 6 months...we found out she was pregnant end of June and she had the baby mid September... :unsure:

He's so in love with that baby though...he jumped into Father role quick and the love he has for his son is amazing!

Awwe sweetie, my rule is to always go by your female intuition but this is a tough situation because it seems no matter the confirmation of the DNA that is still his son.......
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-10 11:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Lenny Kravitz For Lovers Cd

I can't get enough of this
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-10 10:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Irie I'm with you we are trying again too, had to take a hiatus but I'm feeling better than ever. I know the losses we experienced last year was in the Creators' plan, this year I have faith that we will be blessed with a baby. I pray the same for you as well Irie
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-10 10:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Philly you keeping that heat going up there :unsure: Only 4 more days mi sista!!!!

I can't believe it lang time coming trust mi! Mi cyaa manage all dis snow in the meantime!

this morning we had THUNDERSNOW :blink: yikes!

Always blessed u have great co-workers. Enjoy ur day :star:

Philly dont worry in a couple of days ull be in sunny JA :dance:

Hey 1 luv (((waving)))

My cousin told how cold it is up there girlllllll I'm not visiting till summer LOL

I am so ready for some sun trust mi, I plan to slather on the coconut oil and lay on my roof an tan for days on end. I told Hubby I'm gonna match his complexion before we leave Yard :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-10 09:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

He would be devasted...I brought it up in our heart to heart on Saturday night cause it is definitely a major concern of mine! When I tell you all he wants is a family...he talks about his son being a big brother in the next year or so to our kids....:unsure:

Awwe sweetie this must be a tough situation for you, just remember Communication and open honesty Sis and the two of you can get through anything together (((hugs)))

You're very welcome (L)

Alright Yardies likkle more.. gonna watch the Nollywood movie Philly recommended "Love, Lust and Lies" wooooooo hoooooooo :rofl:

You watch it, were you hollering at the TV?

someone rescue me.... I'm looking at a large chocolate cake I got from COSTCO and it's looking back at me -- I so want to cut it, but I'm afraid, it smells delicouus

:rofl: :rofl: LOL same thing happened this weekend with the cakes and pies for Q's Bday but unfortunately I succumbed to the baked goods voices :bonk:

I feel like I'm possibly looking through a crystal ball seeing into our future by looking at your past! :blink:

You know, that was Lehi's big goal when he first got here too. Now, he sees there is SO much to do here aside from having kids that he is no longer in a hurry for us to have kids....especially knowing how expensive it's going to be & we just aren't in that place right now or any time right away.

Ells (((hugs))) yes once put into perspective it seems overwhelming I know but if it happens it will be a blessing. I'm glad he is focused and on track regarding his goals and I know he has you to thank for that!

I want a baby but after the summer because Im trying to look good for the summer time :rofl:

LOL yuh so crazy
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-10 09:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Slimfast is what's poppin at the moment :dead:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-10 09:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Bunz yuh see the Fevah I sprinkled inna yuh inbox yet, :devil:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-10 09:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Mawning Ladies this Blizzard is off the meter! My Satelite is out and I'm back on my diet tough ughhhhhh getting ready to log on at work while I exercise in between email follow ups LOL

going back to catch up too :P
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-10 09:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Have you guys ever been bombarded with really stupid questions at work?

You all know I'm in charge of birthday lunches here. They scheduled it next Wednesday which is Ash Wednesday and being a Catholic organization, I balked at that idea. But, they argued with me and wanted it then so I searched for meatless dishes around here and had it all set.

Today, they come to me and say, let's have it Tuesday instead. So, being Fat Tuesday, I am now on the lookout for Cajun around here. No easy task, mind you. I delegated finding some filled King Cakes. would think I asked for someone's first born. I've had about 50 emails about King cakes in the last few hours. I want them filled. People making calls. I searched the internet....shippping too high for the budget they give me. So, I finally got frustrated and said, just get me a sheet cake with some Mardi Gras decorations on it. I get an email back.....filled? Icing flavor? cake flavor? blah blah blah. I said, just pick a cake. It will be fine.

A minute ago, I got another about a King Cake too. OK, did we not just put an end to that issue.

I want to scream...........Just get me a damn cake and stop talking about it!

I am leaving here in 23 minutes and counting down.............

Damn how many times did you hit the delete button today :lol: :help:

Have you guys ever been bombarded with really stupid questions at work?

You all know I'm in charge of birthday lunches here. They scheduled it next Wednesday which is Ash Wednesday and being a Catholic organization, I balked at that idea. But, they argued with me and wanted it then so I searched for meatless dishes around here and had it all set.

Today, they come to me and say, let's have it Tuesday instead. So, being Fat Tuesday, I am now on the lookout for Cajun around here. No easy task, mind you. I delegated finding some filled King Cakes. would think I asked for someone's first born. I've had about 50 emails about King cakes in the last few hours. I want them filled. People making calls. I searched the internet....shippping too high for the budget they give me. So, I finally got frustrated and said, just get me a sheet cake with some Mardi Gras decorations on it. I get an email back.....filled? Icing flavor? cake flavor? blah blah blah. I said, just pick a cake. It will be fine.

A minute ago, I got another about a King Cake too. OK, did we not just put an end to that issue.

I want to scream...........Just get me a damn cake and stop talking about it!

I am leaving here in 23 minutes and counting down.............

Damn how many times did you hit the delete button today :lol: :help:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-09 22:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
LOL I'm Late

Things are ok. He just appears to be bothered that he can't contribute financially as yet. In JA, he was used to waking up to run taxi. & when I went down to visit, he willingly would pay for a hotel if we chose to stay @ one & also provided for food & other odds and ends. So basically that is urking him. I keep telling him that is the least but it's a man thing, I guess. I signed him up for a gym so he can get out of house during the day when I'm @ work. Now navigating the bus thing maybe an issue. I don't know! On another note, he's like my mothers best friend. They are always talking & he helps out around the house. I tell him we live upstairs but he finds his way downstairs doing domestic stuff for his MIL.
Overall everything is good. Love will always be there. I just can't wait to submit all forms & get an approval. Over & done with!!!!!

That is wonderful, Mo developing a bond w/ MIL. Most of our men deal with the same feelings as they want and need to contribute to the household but this is to be expected as this is a part of the adjustment process nuh worry yuhself a gig will soon come.

Ok I know the power of prayer with all of you works miracles... so help me out! I need some more good news...
Its a work thing but If I can secure this booking I just offered it will be an $85,000 booking and I will be #1!!
I wanna be number one!!!! :)

IRIE Will be #1
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-09 22:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!


I went to JALOVE's mothers funeral this morning and decided to stay home instead of go in late. I'm glad I was able to go show my support.

Dills: Glad hubby made it home safely.... Ray calls all of my numbers until he gets me even on the weekends he calls my job. I'm alway's asking him what is he thinking when he does that. I don't like to go in on the weekday and you expect for me to be there on the weekends. He's nuts...

Congrats on the kittens Philly.

Sounds like the Link-up is getting large. That's great! :thumbs:

Can't believe AirTran wants $20 to reserve a seat in the exit row. Hubby said he'll sit there, but he's not helping anyone off the plane in the event of an emergency. It's sad, but I believe him so we'll find another place to sit on the flight.

Hey Tee...

Kj, I like JetBlue, but they don't offer any direct flights to JA. I try not to lay over if I don't have to.

It's really quiet today. I guess everybody is working :whistle:

Sun that was really nice of you to go and show your support for JaLove (F)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-23 15:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Congrats Mo!

:rofl: Your comments to Mrstee & Dillon killed me! Ya facety! ;)

We didn't end up going camping but we did take a nice day 'road trip' to Monterey. I'm going to post pics on FB as soon as I'm done replying here.


:rofl: :bonk:

Hey Ells, oooh pics I can't wait to see :yes:

Tell me about it... I hate that airlines are tyring to make a dollar for every little thing. I paid for the damn seat when I paid for the ticket. :angry: I guess that's one reason I miss flying Air Jamaica. We are staying at a villa in Ochi.

So you have to pay extra for a seat reservation? Sign of the times I guess ( Shrugs shoulders)

not from Jamaica Posted Image its not the same

Really? I'm not a drinker but the Dominican and St Marteen rum cream tastes the same to me LOL

Hope you're feeling better today Philly!

And I hope you didn't have to kick him rass too bad. Time to use the Gollywood line, "YOU ARE NOT MY SON!" IF he keeps it up.

Thanks Ells I still feel like ####### but much better than yesterday :yes: Girllllll this chile done really worked my last good nerve and you know this always causes problems wid mi and Mom :help: so last night was not a good night but I am not letting him stress me cause I am the keeper of the contract! B-)

Girl I so should have used that Gollywood line last night :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-23 15:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Im down, send it send it *sounding like a fiend* lmao...
Okay guess I just have to wait on kitty, I waited this long for one... Speaking of which Philly, my son wanted me to take one of my neighbors cats who is a lap cat and fixed. Come to find out, his gf is a vet and she keeps bringing them to his apt. He has about six cats lol

Hey its the girl who works like a Hebrew slave lol....Hi Char! *waiving*

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :luv: :luv:

How the heck are their 9 people in here and no one is talking? Posted Image

LOL busy I guess ( shrugs shoulders)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-23 13:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Where is Wade's fione azz you can't forget Wadddddde mmmmm dyaam shame though.....
Philly I finished the movie, but it SO didn't end the way I needed it too! Posted Image I don't see why they didn't just tell Ella they were married..It wouldve made more sense.. I guess thats the way they keep it going....oh well, on to the next one! ha
Oh and did you see my post on FB about Steve drinkin mi dyaam rum cream??? I was hotter than fish grease!!!! Him chat about Damien said he could have some Posted Image Posted Image I said then go take your rass with Damien then Posted Image

That movie was the # 1 Nollywood flick of 2009, I agree the ending was a surprise but I think that is to make way for a part 3 you know how they do LOL. I really enjoyed that movie and the acting was great!

Don't touch a womans rum cream...


Posted Image

You feel me Niq??? He violated.... you know how long Ive been wanting it? Then he just gonna take it upon himself to pour some without asking and smiling rubbin it in my face cho! Posted Image And he don't even usually drink ol bug eyed bastid! lmao

OMG I jut LOL'd you so crazy haaaaaa

We have another bottle and it is nice, they have rum cream in the Liquor store you haven't been able to find any?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-23 13:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Why not Posted Image That might be the one I want Posted Image Wait she had another? Well you said you felt 5 of them in there....Posted Image

well see wht had happened with the spreadsheet um um.. soon as I added kj's name soon forward lol

Tee it looks like a lil rat haaaaa they don't even open their eyes for a week or so, and there is no way I can tell the sex or anything< In 2 weeks we should be able to see wha gwaan wid deh babies :thumbs:

I'll take pics tonight and post on FB

I watched my 1st Sollywood production from Sierre Leone, it was great very different from the Nollywood or Ghollywood flicks. Damian said he liked it cause there were different people and they didn't yell so much :bonk: anyhoo I thought it was unique in their presentation and best of all the story was on 1 disk, but of course it was a sad ending. I'm gonna look for it and post it I think you will all enjoy :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-23 12:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

I can't even tell you all how much I love love love my husband. It's a joy to come home, esp days like today where he cleaned & cooked dinner. And he often calls & asks when I'm coming home and tells me how he misses me. Had I foreseen this relationship, I would've ended my last one WAAAAY sooner.

Nat I heard that! Glad you are happy, isn't love Fabulous! :D
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-23 12:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Posted Image The lead guy's name is noah and I guess his arc are his friends... lol Q Posted Image

Tee yup I agree Noah is the main character all the story lines revolve around him and the rest of his friend and drama is the Arc LOL.

Oh How I miss the BOYS!


Foxy is a trooper LOL.

Shemmy Damian just called she had another kitten, and this one is grey like Hanny the other one has more white. I hope they are long hair like Hanny they will be adorable! Mrs. Bootsy soon come over :dance:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-23 12:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Quana: oh ok (regarding R's kids coming). You don't have to have a visa to visit the U.S. If you were born in Bahamas??
Thanks @ the facebook pics!

MrsTee I wasn't offended @ the facebook spreadsheet, throw me on there coz the more the merrier (sp?)

Philly you LOVE those cats, wow! Congrats on your new babies mama...

Hey KJ yes I do love them so much they are my heart (L)

Speaking of spreadsheets Tee where is mine as I taps my foot LOL

aww thats great! what color is the second one? Congrats grandma! :)

The 2nd kitty was grey and white like Hanny he is long hair but we can't tell all the details just yet. :no:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-23 12:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Well he made it back in one piece!!! He called when he got off the plane and so I said when you get outside call me and I will come and get you because I didn’t know how long it would take him to get through. So I’m waiting and waiting and no call. Then Jazz’s phone rings and I answer it and it is him going off on me saying I’ve been out in the cold for 20 minutes (it was 60 degrees BTW) and you aren’t answering your phone I think you are trying to sabatoge me. :blink: Ok anyways...I didn’t get one call so I said alright I am on my way,I get the kids out of bed and take them with me. By now it was like 12:30ish. We go and get him he was calmed down by then, we came home he ate he tucked the kids in and then well you know what happened next.

This morning he was all up in the kids’ faces so he must have missed them even made them breakfast. I just got into work and I checked my phone and he was calling my work phone last night not my cell phone. :bonk: So I just called him and told him and he was cracking up. I said I will take my apology anytime you give it. It was pretty funny.

LOL Dillon that is too funny, he sounded like he was hotter than fish grease! I know you are gonna enjoy that apology :devil: :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-23 11:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Still no visa, I'm freaking FED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Breathe, remember positive thoughts it soon come!

galang tre!! <_< maybe i can get something off the dollar menu :unsure:

OMG Q I just choked on my hot chocolate :lol:

:angry: u better not...

fish is the easiest thing to cook -- then, cook some rice and veggies (steam cabbage) real easy. My husband cook yesterday because I wasn't feeling well and I told him don't let the pepper explode in the pot but he don't listen, so now the salt fish is super hot and he can't manage it...well, I love it. Can't wait to get home.

Haaaa sounds like my episodes when I am cooking with peppa and I accidentally rub my cheek and my face is on fiyah :bonk:

What it do Yardies? I've missed y'all so much work been top priority today! How's everybody? I need to go and catch up and read what all I've missed today!

Me too girl almost caught up went back a few times already

see philly.. all ya'll had to come together and shut his rass out.. long as there is somebody still doing for him, he will never see a need to change..good for ya'll

Yuh see it we had that ish downpat! I was straight on ignore!

I once had an orange and white cat and a black cat, both short hairs - they had grey kittens with long hair :blink: and they were indoor cats so there was no chance of a You are NOT the father episode!

OMG are you serious that is hilarious I guess that breed was somewhere in the lineage :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 17:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

GirlBOOM on the car and car shopping.

:rofl: :rofl:

Im glad things are going much better for you Praise God!

Thanks Sis!
Well yuh know Damian wants to do D&B's and bowling this weekend since we never got a chance to go before all the snow so let me know if yall down.

:ot: Speaking of little mama coming,

Come on :dance: NVC I need my interview date this week. :dance: :dance: :ot2: :yes:

Positive vibes for JQ's interview date to soon come!

Philly what color will they be do you know? I really want one. Steve doesn't like cats and Im not supposed to have one but Ive always had a pet and Im missing it so much. I don't care, I want one! hmph. My neighbor has two.. why can't I have one :angry:

speaking of kitty's Mrs Bootsy has 3 pregnant kitties next door and she has a set of kittens this week (African Storm's siblings ) that she is taking to the shelter this weekend. So girl there will be plenty to choose from!

Someone please tell me who in their right might would colour a dog's hair to match the owner's hair...

That is dumb!

let me know how that works out.. my youngest really wants something furry and altho i don't want anything big, i will have to sweet talk roger to accepting ANYTHING.. that might have to stay in the house :unsure:

LOL Damian will come to Texas to bring you a kitty I'm sure he says NO MORE PUS LOL

ive seen lil dogs hair colored LOL...but i also think its crazy to dress them so who am i..
no offense sure ur cats are rocking sweaters and hats and ish LOL

:rofl: I'm over here rolling you know my kitties are the best dressed in the hood :lol: Why Did Damian tell Bunz I'm crazy for dressing the cats :bonk:

Posted Image

watch har!! di ooman nuh quit chat bout one leaf to clean up??????????? mi need one BIG leaf then!
(as quana bites into her collard greens) LOL

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 16:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Philly & Dens, we need to find somekind of Soap Convention. I would be there in a minute. I don't really watch B & B, except if the old Brad is on screen with his fine a**. I'm only able to watch Y & R cause it comes on @ 7p.m., but I don't see B & B in the evenings. And I'm tired of seeing Stephanie old self. I don't really like her character.

LOL @ Shanette girl I would be there too I love those soaps. When were were away we DVR'd 8 days worth of both soaps and watched everyone in 2 days haaa we are so haunted :yes:

Girl Brad ((swoon)) I love the story line now how its the Forrester's against the Logans! Yes Cat fights haaaaa

Stephanie needs and Makeover and some good rooksin nuh true :rofl: But I love her character she is the female Adam haaa can't no one take her on and win! I really think everything that Brad is doing is for his Dad's dying wish and poor Logan girls gonna feel the FIYAH!!!

This is what the mom looks like Posted Image

Im going to keep his hair cut short.

awwwe she is too cute I just love animals I know the puppy will make a big difference in your life

Hey ladies Good afternoon!

Well hubby made it safe and sound to JA and almost gave his mom a heart attack cuz he surprised her. He went to the beach and visited relatives yesterday. I miss him so much :(

Hey 1 Luv awwe (((Hugs))) Sis! He soon come back!

Awww that is great to hear 1luv. He will be home before you know it. My hubby leaves a week from today. :crying:

Oh Nooo I don't know how you Ladies do it, I am so attached to Damian I would be a mess if I had to spend one night alone without him now. Ironically we were just talking bout this last night and he felt the same way.... I pray that never has to happen.....

Sweetie......I get you completely. I live with that drama ####### nearly every day. And you are right. It's exhausting. Sometimes you just have to shut down to retain any of your sanity. You know if you ever want to vent, I'm here. Believe me, your stories cannot be any worse then mine.

Take care.

Thanks JG I know you been thought it too, I so just want to not be stressed all the time.....I still think we need to do VJ chronicles of all our adjustments horrors and other stories It would be a best seller and the start of our Yardiewood Chronicles.

:lol: I called him so many times :wacko: . He puts everything in the cart, bag everything, carry them to the car, unload the groceries then cook...every Sunday. I read magazines :blink:

We alternate paying so now I just stay home when it's his turn :whistle:

Awwe Shem don't you love it :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 15:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

lol, oh you know it

:dance: :dance:

sorry philly babe.. you know i usually don't say hello to ppl individually.. and thats why LOL

LOL I'm just messing wid yuh :yes: it prolly showed me as gone since I'm working on 12 spreadsheets LOL

Anyone read over on The site has gone to shyte lately - but Smith is in JA now, and his trip reports crack me up - he's been posting daily live reports from Lucea

Nope I can barely keep up wid VJ and FB let alone another Board :lol:

Thats what Im talking about Philly, give Him the props because He is working in your house, and if He works anywhere else we pray for my household first. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Yes Yes Yes Sis~

Thanks Philly, you always know what to say to help I will remember that.

No cats but thank you though :whistle:

((( hugs)))

LOL @ the kitties

Philly what color will they be do you know? I really want one. Steve doesn't like cats and Im not supposed to have one but Ive always had a pet and Im missing it so much. I don't care, I want one! hmph. My neighbor has two.. why can't I have one :angry:

Tee I have pics of Hancock he is the huge gray and white fluffy kitty on FB, and Foxy Tiger like is the kitten in the pics but not anymore LOL. I am sure they will be long hair and fluffy cause they both are. If she has any Black cats cause her Mamma is all black they staying home Damian will prolly move me to the basement :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 15:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Philly so happy to hear about things with your son, it's about time it turned around!!

Philly...what do you think made him have a change of heart?

Philly, what great news! This makes me so happy for you. I hope that things only get better for you and the family!!!

Philly im glad some progress is being made and I agree with you it conl ony get BETTER, Good Luck girl and we on VJ are always here :luv:

this is wonderful news
hard life wore him out and he sees you mean him well

Philly - I am so happy things are going forward for your family.

Thanks Ladies and trust me your support was a great help!

Sus you ain't never lied it's only been 11 months :wow:

Dillon, I think it was a combination of things I started giving him back what he was giving me NOTHING~ then my Mom started to pull back ( under protest) and he saw that this behavior and separation was not accomplishing whatever goal he thought he would by acting this way. I swear he thought my Husband would leave and run back to Jamaica :no: :bonk: sill boy! Another thing I knew was driving him crazy was the fact that his younger brother totally changed and was doing better in school, home and having his privileges restored and participating in family events and bonding with Damian. Oh he was steaming hotter than fish grease but even his Brother said he is being dumb, what is he mad at no one did anything to him! DING DING DING he said he it best LOL

LOL @ Bunz yuh see it!

I haven't talked to my Mom about this yet cause mi nuh ready fi ar drama LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 14:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Hey girl!

I did he will be 5mo on Thursday. Boy that was the easiest pregnancy. So glad I didn't have him first or I'd be having a bunch of kids by now. How do you attach pics? I can show you how cute he is. My daughter and him have the cutest bond already. He just laughs at whatever she does and she sings him songs and gets in his crib with him. It's really cute. How are things with you?

:luv: Awwe Shanette I am so happy for your girl! I can't wait to see pics!

thanks shanette! we went ahead and did the dang thing girl.. one of the best decisions i have made.. :wub:

oh phills.. roger was wasn't a TRUE first day :rolleyes: .. he just watched some videos and listened to some ppl talk bout benefits and rules..
he has another orientation this friday and then he will get his work schedule.. :content:

Girl that was too cute when Rog said it's only orientations LOL @ you and the roll eyes smileys! st work day soon come :yes:

Philly, God's working it out just stay strong like you have been. Give it Him, He can handle it! Yall are in my prayers. :yes:

Sis yes it has been a long hard road but Faith was definitely the kep all praises due to the Creator!

Philly I am truely happy to hear about his turn around. I will continue to keep you in my prayers and hope only good things come your way. Hopefully now that there will be less stress you and Hubby can have that baby. I know how bad you guys want one together. And as alwasy we will be her for you!

Thanks so much Dillon and yes adding to our family , that's part 2 of my weekend, soon come trying to catch up stand by

Philly -- I love you MORER....

((( great big HUG)))

Okay either I'm super slow or this is dumb! I can't figure out the pic thing. SUS or any techie superhero Please Help!


philly.. i know u are ecstatic about ur son's change of heart.. i am happy for u and ur family and i pray that God preserves the unity that began this weekend and cultivates it so you guys can be the loving and accepting family you were meant to be..
long suffering is a virtue hun.. i know that strength has been made in you with all of this and i thank God its getting better..

Q girl you know all I have been through I am so happy right now and yes I am in steady prayer that the unity is preserved cause we can't go backwards....... I realize that everything in life happens for a reason and this is what we had to go through in order to move forward... Just praying we can truly move forward but I won't soon forget that's for sure.....
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 13:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

That's okay. I was trying to set up a Philly/VA/MD meetup soon but looks like almost everyone already met.

Shemmy you know I been waiting for this link up/ shopping extravaganza for a long time :yes:

Good morning all

My 2 congrats on your wedding.
This is the start to forever.

I have been so depressed this week because my granny and 1 month it made on Friday. I cant seem to get her off my mind on a daily basis. my hubby called my dad and spoke to him how depressed I was and guess what.

I got a Posted Image Its a Maltese, his name is Prince. He is 2 months old

He is so cute

Hope everyone has a blessed day.

Hey JQ ((( hugs))) I have been there Sis so I have been in your shoes, just take comfort in the fact that she is now with the Heavenly Father and watching you and wouldn't want you to feel this way but be fruitful in your life. It's so hard I know but that helped me immensely....

Girl that puppy is too darn cute! do you need some kittens too Foxxy Brown is preggers and I feel liek 6 in there Yikes!

Sorry's comming.

Whats wrong Tre? ((( hugs)))

first weekend in may

Woo hoo not before I touchdown we have to have a party night, have to invite Bredda as you could see he is too crazy 24/7 keeps us laughing

good morning wintri!
good morning jq!
hey tre and bunzy

what about me :hehe:

JQ... Prince is so freaking cute!!! :) He doesnt get too big does he? Tierra wants a little fluff ball..

My mom came over yesterday and we did a stop at Petco 'cause Tierra wants a Hamster for her 8th birthday (3/20) so Nana went Hamster crazy and we got the little guy yesterday! He is adorable and I will take some pics when he wakes up. (they sleep during the day). Tierra named him Moon, becuase he is up all night.

Louis is so proud, he got her a pink acoustic guitar, so now that she has the hamster, that is going to be "The Present".

Her father told her last night he wants to drive up from MD for her b-day! HA! I doubt he will but how upset will he be when Louis has got her what will be her favorite gift!? And is this man going to sleep in my parking lot in his VAN??? I DONT THINK SO!!!

Irie I love animals please please take pics I had hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs that is so precious!
Louis is such a great Dad, that is an awesome present I know we will see some pics of the Lil Diva and her new guitar, perhaps another video :yes:

Lawd @ the Baby Daddy :bonk:

Hey Yardies ((waving)) just wanna stop by and say hi its been sooo long....Congrats My2 wish I could have been there fore the VJ linkup.....Im glad everyone had a good weekend and I agree it went by waaaay too fast. Im preparing to send off the AOS package soon if not this week then the following....Bunz can't wait till u arrive then we can do a NY link up....Sus thats a good price for tix to JA enjoy urself and bring some sunshine back with u.

Hey Hays how yuh been girl! Good luck with your AOS Package mi gyal :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 13:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Well still trying to catch up but wanted to thank everyone for their positive encouragement and Prayers ( Lawny I love you! :innocent: ) where my boys are concerned. Last night I nearly dropped when my oldest son told me he would sign the behavior contract I implemented for them and that he was ready to become a part of the family again. Praise GOD, it has only been almost a year and I had no idea where the light a the end of the tunnel was I had faith that the Creator would pull me through. I was so happy at that moment and although Motherhood always presents its challenges with a stronger family unit we can work through anything in the future.

This past year has been an emotional roller coaster from happiness with my husband arriving, disappointments with two miscarriages and turmoil with the never ending drama with both boys. I thank my VJ family from everyone still on the board to Yardies that now live on FB for always having positive words for me and keeping me strong with their own stories of adjustment and letting me know I am not alone! Each and every one of you Ladies have touched my life in a special way I want to say thank you ( perhaps with some FEVAH Haaa a joke mi a mek hush Dillon LOL :jest: ) for having my back and letting this board be an outlet for all of us going through the process.

I know yall were like where are the updates but let me tell you all that drama was so emotionally draining even to type it and some of you have seen the saga so you know it was a hot mess LOL ( although I need to chronicle it cause some people would not believe what we endured in such a short time) from the stealing from my Husband, :dead: pulling a knife on him, the late night fights with Baby Daddy, all the fighting verbal and physical , :ph34r: the Nino Brown from New Jack city episode in my living room, to my oldest the running out of the restaurant in the snow storm cause he just couldn’t accept my Husband and rather live by himself :blink: …… I could go on and on. I just hope it’s over and we are only moving forwards not backwards. A good indication was last night he talked to me extensively about several reports he did on Haiti this weekend and he needed some pics of me and the family in Haiti to for his presentation. This would have never happened months or even a week ago so that is progress. It can only get better from here! :dance:

Ok part 2 of my weekend soon come
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 12:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

hey ya'll!!

mrs tee, sounds like a WONDERFUL weekend..i thought i had met alotta yardies, you met my record in one rass weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

isn't it fun when our guys get together!!

kj..i hope the visa comes soon.. i know you are on pins and needles

irie, i know that you will get just compensation my girl, just you wait!

congrats my2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my weekend was sweet.. Friday.. we crowded mnths of not going out into one eventful night LOL
went out to dinner and a movie, then went to Caribbean Grill and acted a dyam fool wid some friends including mrs and mr buggy on celebrating their bdays.. bwoy get all of us on a dancefloor and i swear you will be ROLLING, we are some characters..
mrs buggy took my DHQ crown as she did a full out split on di floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i didn't have my camera.. DOH

sat i spent the day w/ my dad, he had a bit of a relapse, but seems to be doing better.. and sunday just cuddled w/ my hubby.. i told him he is too dyam spoiled.. i have to start weening him off of me cuz sometimes it can get frustrating :whistle:
guess we gotta be careful what we ask for, but im sure once he starts work, he will be less likely to want me all to himself all the time.. i hope

LOL @ Q that was a record :star: but so cool I wish there were more Philly Yardies around oh well. Can't wait till Bunz comes cause I will be up in NYC with the quickness and there are a lot of Yardies up there :yes:

Sounds like you had a great weekend Q Mr and Mrs Buggy sound like so much fun LOL I wish you had your camera too haaaaaaa

I still love that pic when all of you guys were out dancing and you had that YEAH I got this look on your face. PRICELESS :lol:

Sorry to hear about your Dad I will add him to my prayer list.

How does Rog like the Depot?

Good Morning Yardies how is everyone. Damn its Monday already ***Kiss Teeth***
I had a great weekend I took my hubby to Atlantic City and met up with my VJ friends on Sunday.

Sounds like you had a great time Lady C :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 11:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

I hope so too momma :star:
With all this motivation he has to get it today, thanks.
I won't check dhl's website until about 2 oclock. Ok I'm lieing I'm gonna check right now.

Goodmorning all. hope everyone has a good day today :thumbs:

Positive thoughts KJ it soon come :thumbs:


I MUST start going to bed earlier.

LOL Hubby says' I don't have any issue in this dept cause I fall asleep by 9:30 like clockwork and that is too funny cause my Mom says since I was a child no matter where I was @ 9:00 I was sleep!
Didn't go to bed early last night though :lol: :devil:

mawnin' mi friends
today is the day i will organize all our info for the interview
i will repeat the preceding statement over and over and over until the work is done


Hey Jus Positive vibes yuh soon get through :yes:

Jus bear with me I am working on the recipes, I was cooking goat and when I was almost done I got the bright Idea to add pics :bonk: :bonk: I was almost done! Nuh worry yuhself the goat sell off last night Hubby wants more this weekend so I will do it then for you ;)

Philly I must catch up on some Nollywood, I miss it... I need my dose of Van Vicker :lol: mi likkle cryin ting! lol Any suggestions?

Hey girl we actually watched a really good one last night it was so different and WE loved it "A sting in a Tail" sorry no Van Vicker LMAO mi cyaa manage his crying. I will give you a list of the ones I am going to order they better be here by Friday!

Gotta love it - Round trip ticket to MBJ, $50.26!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

woo hoo sounds like you cashed in some miles You go girl! I will be doing the same this week so happy I get a free flight I don't know what to do with myself. Plus I am taking the boys this time so we definitely need that windfall!

MrsTee... I gave a statement to the other guy's ins company on Thursday. Now waiting on them to let us know what they will offer.

Positive Vibes Irie you will be VICTORIOUS! The Devil is a LIAR~!

Posted Image

OMG, Philly............LOVE This ice cream!

I was so bad eating it too , so not on my diet LOL but it was soooooo gooooood :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 11:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Good Evening Everyone:

Random thought...I don't really like the new way they display the timeline. You used to be able see ppl's current visa status now its just what they originally filed for.


Dada you are funny girl, I'm trying to catch on the reading and you got me waiting.

Philly: How is it going girl? How's the hubby and boys (I think you have two?) The Young & the Restless is surely a trip lately. It's finally getting good again. Adam is a trip!! OMG, he is the most seeiest (sp?) blind man i've ever met. And dumb Sharon always playing the nieve victim yet again. Adam's going to have to kill Phyliss if he wants her to stop. She's great I love her. I'm personally tired of the whole Daisy thing. She's a pure psycho and who the hell is her and Ryder's mother? Sheila? How do you feel about Tucker? I really don't like how soft Ms. Chancellor is getting. I mean who cares he's your son he stole and manipulated you! And I'm not feeling Neil and Ashley. I mean come are we just running out of people to put Neil with. Bring Dru back!!! Okay well to all the Y & R fans I'm your girl cause thats my show. My husband is now a die-hard fan too.

Hey girl waving, 2 posts in one night I hope this means you coming back to the thread :dance:
Everyone is doing well, yup 2 boys ( knuckleheads LOL)

Girlllllllll where do I start?

Adam haaa I love his character, yes he is the seeinest blind ever you got that right. He is so much like his Dad it ain't funny I hope he doesn't get caught cause I need his drama me and Hubby are rolling with the stuff he does.

Sharon, yes you are so right she is so naive I feel bad about the baby but you know Phylis is gonna find out and want to keep it a secret cause that is all Nick needs is to know their baby that their other daughter predicted they would have is alive and they will be right back together and she will be hotter than fish grease!

Phylis can't stand her home wrecking self she will get hers in the end!!

Daisy and Ryder, Where the heck did they come from and girl yes they have to be Sheila's kids! remember when they panned to a mysterious woman at the restaurant that was her but they never showed her face. Now if it's not the original Sheila that will be corny cause I love her badgyal character she can't be caught or killed! Butttttt big Buttttttt remember she was Phylis when she was killed a her last words were You are going kill the wrong woman! Well maybe they did and Sheila has been Phylis the whole time girl I'm reaching but its soaps anything is possible gotta love it can't wait to see how it all pans out!

Ashley and Neil ( I wan't to Barf) ####### kind of foolnish chile please that aint happening cause Victor ain't the one LOL Yes I agree they need to bring Dru back no one can replace her. There is always rumors but only time will tell....

Do you watch Bold? I love that show too DRAMAAAA

I love Y&R as well...they been on some crazy stuff lately...I have not been able to follow up as much as I use too...I can stand!

Girl I didn't know you watched too :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 10:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Thanks for the words of encouragement philly :star:

You are welcome KJ we have all experienced some type of disappointment during this process and we all need to encourage each other. You will get through :thumbs:

Postive support systems can be familial support, friends, or church members. Readiness for tx usually refers to a client's receptiveness;how willing are they to accept help, tx, or support and their willingness to want to change their situation and ultimately their circumstances. Some people have all the access to resources, but are not willing to do what it takes to utilize them. They stay with what is familiar to them, no matter how detrimental. Hope this helps.

Lawd you just took me back I have my bachelors in Human services and social work but I work in Telecom now :rofl: but trust me I still need to use psychology on these folks :lol: :bonk:

Top of the morning Yardies! lol Well what a weekend hubby and I had we met the following people:

my2 and hubby
ThompsonB and hubby
Lady C and hubby
Spoke to Tre and was supposed to meet but somethings came up. Feel better Tre. Im praying :)

What an AWESOME weekend. We drove like mad but had a good time. Brooke's hubby Vaughn is so funny. He made me laugh the most. My2's wedding was very nice. I will post pics on FB tomorrow. Brooke is so laid back which was nice. My2 is a wild child but mad fun. Her and Steve kicked it off nicely. He even confiscated some Jamaican spices from her lol. Ricky is a sweetheart and Im in love with his mom! Really sweet woman. Lady C is CRAZY and her hubby Garfield is a sweetie too. SunRay is funny/crazy! She is a sweetheart too! Poor Steve is in the bed sleeping! Him tyaad! lol...We just had a wonderful time. Im glad the snow didn't stop us! Boy, Ive met alot of Yardies now and its been great. Im headed to bed now.. nite yardies :)

Sounds like you had an awesome time can't wait to see pics!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 09:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
[quote name='damniecy' post='3754061' date='Feb 28 2010, 08:03 PM'][quote name='LadyC' post='3754201' date='Feb 28 2010, 09:01 PM']Hey Yardies...Wad Up? I had a great evening with my Hubby, MrsTee, Steve & Sunny. MrsTee it was so nice meeting you and Steve[/quote]

Another Yardie link up :dance:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 09:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Can someone send me the spreadsheet for facebook because I get confused as to who's who.

Me too I have some new friends now I'm confused LOL

Hi Ladies,

I haven't been on in awhile hope all is well.......

Hey girl how you been, how is that adorable daughter of yours.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-28 19:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

What!!! This sport is the best. It's my new favorite. I saw it for the first time last week in Vegas & wondered what was happening. I researched the rules & the game and have been watching ever since.

My teammate in Canada even recommended the movie "Men With Brooms" which is about guys on a curling team. I saw it for free on

:rofl: :rofl: SNOOZEFEST!!!

I am so blesed that I have a great life due to the mercy of Jesus. My husband is here and is even better than he was to me while in Jamaica. To my ladies and gents that are stil in the LDR remember this:

"Distance means nothing for love. Even the sun is so far away; yet, its energy blossoms the flowers on earth." :yes:

Have a blessed weekend.

Amen Sistah this is beautiful!

My daughter is a brownie too! Cookies don't come till next week! Of course I have to order a million boxes. Samoas are my weekness!

Irie thosde are my favorite, when I was at the market look what I found and I just broke it open and yummmmmmmmyyyyyyyyy

Posted Image

OMG I would kill for a Samoa right now. Can you mail some to me???


Good Morning Yardies:

Just checked my mail from yesterday and we received our NOA for the Work permit!! So excited!! We received all the email confirmations sometime last week but this is our first official NOA. Here goes our second ride on the Immigration express........

Hey girl, that is great news!!!! :dance: Congrats!!!!

Where you been, how is everything I been missing my Y&R and B&B buddy girlllll what you thik gonna happen with Adam I love his character his shenanigans are too much :yes:

I know... I try to be positive by saying things could've been worse such as us not getting approved.

Speaking of school work, who's a psychology or social work major because I have a psychosocial assessment to do and I'm not feeling it. A darn shame because these two classes are my last before I go on to finish my bachelor's.

KJ keep the faith everything happens in the creators time, nuh worry yuhself the Visa soon come! The power of the spoken word!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-28 19:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Yall have me rolling!!!!!!

So instead of going back to the hotel I decided to cross the street and walk dung Dead End Beach.. I really needed a minute again. My feelings were all over the place. I had no idea what to think. I watched the waves crashing and what not and just took a minute out. I know what my heart wanted to do but my head was screaming girl don't do it.... Which one should I listen too. I heard someone screaming my name and it was Star. She was walking towards me. She was holding the phone like here you have call.

Where are you
Who Dis...
He said his name. I've been looking for you all day and I haven't seen you anywhere around
Oh I left this morning I'm back in Mobay
Mobay I thought you were staying in Negril
Well I was but my girl wanted to leave.
You leave tomorrow right
So I guess I won't see u
Too bad I was thinking we could hang out today for your last night
Oh you should have said something
Well I didn't think you would be gone so quickly
We were quiet
Well alright then I guess I'll talk to you later. Can I have your overseas number?
So I gave it to him.
Talk to you later
Yeah Yeah

I hung up the phone and looked at Star. Come on let's get ready my friend is on his way. I stopped," Is he coming alone or with Flava Flav?" She laughed alone. Alright then I'll roll. As I walked back to the hotel I couldn't stop thinking about the call.

LOL Dada mi see yuh was in no mood.........ok I'm on the edge of my seat :yes:

I was reading them crazy comments and then I stoped cuz they were upsetting me....

Ditto me too the ignorance of people no longer surprises me :angry:

Shoot I want to finish but I have to go I want to tell you all how Star did me so wrong!!!!

Oh Damn!!!!

Edited by phillyfashionista, 28 February 2010 - 07:10 PM.

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-28 19:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

So I follow Roc down the hall way and sure enuff guess who jumps out? The bartender. Whateva happened Roc goes in his pocket and hands her some money. She looks at me like u o.k. I sort of smile and make a mental note to tip her. I feel bad she had purple spots on her blouse. So we walk a little ways and then we sit on some big chairs in a shaded place under a tree. Roc sits in a chair and pats the spot next to him but I decide to sit in a chair across from him. I look at the sky. It sure is beautiful. I put my legs under me and just listen to the wind for a while. Roc is staring at me. You’re still so beautiful. What you think I was going to get ugly over night. I look at him. Speak I say.

I never meant for all this to happen yuh know. Me eidda. Its just that well Dada you don’t understand things in Jamaica and its not all simple over here sometimes things happen and you got to lay low. It’s easy to get killed around her. Why you think I stopped hanging out I don’t hang in bars no more of do parties. Really now I say. I would never know that I haven’t spoke to you. How many times you going to say that he asks me? Until you get tired of hearing it I tell him. So who’s the new man. I started to get up if this is all your going to talk about I’m leaving. He jumps up with me and tells me to sit down he was just asking because he knows there’s someone. He sees I have a glow to me and he knows only a man put it there. I told him its called being happy. He starts to talk about our relationship. Our ups and down. Some of the things he discussed makes me laugh. We have had some crazy times together that is why I thought we were so good together because it wasn’t all sweet we had some ruff patches too. I told Roc I wasn’t mad at him for choosing to move on. Hurt yes mad no. I’m just upset at the way he did it. He was a coward. He told me not to call him a coward anymore. I told him I call it as I see it. He started explaining how our relationship was stressing him out. I wasn’t easy at all in the end he told me. He claims he was under so much stress and I wasn’t being supportive I was adding more to it. I told him how by being concerned? He told me I kept accusing him of things and it was becoming annoying I told him God gave woman the best and worse gift. Woman’s intuition. We know when something’s not right we just chose to ignore it. I wasn’t ignoring mine. Like he would say I smelled a rat. He was starting to act different and I wanted to know why. He was like no you accused me of acting different. Whatever! We continued to talk about likes and dislikes with each other and I must admit the convo was nice. He was the Roc I remembered calm and carefree and I started to notice he was still attractive to me. We were laughing and joking and it was just nice!

He looked at his clock and told me he had to get to work. He needed to there by five. He asked me when was I leaving and I told him tomorrow. Tomorrow he shouted why so short. I told him this was just a weekend getaway nothing too long or big. Oh. He was like I’m scared to ask this but when I get off from work can I come by. For what I asked. So we can continue to talk with out screaming at each other this time or maybe we can go somewhere and hang out.. I looked at him for a minute and I told him yeah he can come by. He was like are you going to be here dis time? I told him who’s to say I wasn’t here before. He told me he knows I wasn’t there he thinks I was at someone’s house. What ever. I walked him to the front and all the staff are looking at us like we are crazy. I’m holding his hand and I’m walking him to the front. He goes to hug me and I let him. He held me so tight it felt so good. So after the hug he ummm well he kind of….. umm how shall I say dis….. Quana’s reading isn’t she?? Ahh heck never mind. He asked me tonight? I told him tonight.

Ooooh Dada this is an emotional rollercoaster I see there is more so I'll reserve my comments for when you are done. Girl I wish we could have linked :yes:

i can see a nollywood flick out of it! philly whe yuh deh?

LOL Bunz yuh see it, maybe we need to start the Yardiewood flicks :lol:

DISCLAIMER ( ok people I just copyrighted Yardiewood so don't get no ideas)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-28 18:27:00