Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

and I wouldn't have a problem if he wanted to go solo. We all need a break from time to time....I just think its funny that his family will see me before they see him back ina yaad. lol

Am the only one that is attached to the hip and doesn't need break time :unsure:

FB can be the Devil in disguise. I see it just with myself....get some stupid friends requests from people I have no clue who they are.

I agree JG it can be the Devil! I straight delete those strangos!

Philly I forgot to tell you, the other day I was about to watch a bollywood, but I got sleepy lmao.. I can't even remember the name right now lol

Really LOL I haven't watched a good one in a while I miss the channel! I have a few I I haven't watched on DVR though with my favorite actor!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-16 13:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Hello Good Morning...hope all is good with everyone...long time no seePosted Image

Hey Family, why you such a stranger nowadays :yes:

Ok ladies so I got a part time job with the Census for clerk. I took off my job to go to the training to see whats it all about. I get mileage to and from and its way across town.
First. turn on odometer :dance:
Second take kids to school.
3rd get nails done
4th go to Census training.
5th tell them all these miles was from the crib!!!! :bonk:

Not really yall, I have to be there in 30 minutes so, Im out for the day so Ill talk to you ladies later

Be blessed and no fighting while Im gone. :blush:

Thanks 1 luv for the info. I'll tell you how it goes. :help:

I was thinking about the Census too but if it's door to door like back in the day I ain't doing nothing LOL

JQ, be careful with the sensus taking. Do you go door to door? 2 women were assaulted here in Maine while taking sensus questions. But I know you could handle it. :)
I also think you should be able to do what you want. I know we are married now and we should talk about what we want to do or buy etc.. but to ask permission... I dont know about that. My mom always says "Louis is letting you go out"... I am like #######? I dont ASK if I can go out... LOL And Louis doesn't make that an issue.
Jew... I set up Louis' FB, we have the same password etc and can go on each other's for whatever reason. He is always asking me to delete stuff, or reply to e-mails... because he says he takes to long to type.
I saw an e-mail from "an old friend" from st Lucia. I did not like what she had to say and he deleted her... I am glad for that! I don't think you should worry about snooping... hubby shouldnt have anything to hide!! 1

Speaking of FB. Louis posted a sappy love song on his page and said it was for "his lovely wife" .. LOL
I think he knows he made me mad the other day and that was his way of saying sorry. awwwww

Aaaaawwwweee Louis is so sweet :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-16 13:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

PHILLY-- you gotta click the drop down arrow by your name at top right. Then click the messenger tab.

LOL I found the messenger just having trouble with the archive all I see is a bix ol X for DELETE hot mess. Where are the instructions haaa

Okay what you have to do is create a folder, check off all your messages and at the bottom use the drop down menu where the name of your folder will appear and you can move all you messages into that folder to clear your inbox....

Maybe after 75 msgs Ewok is archiving for you

Ooh ok working on it but I was over 75 where would the archives go??? :wacko:

MRstee, Quana and JQ how are you ladies this morning?

Philly sorry you must showed up after the post and how are you ?

Hey Always how are you doing Lady

Good morning ladies

Lawny- I had a dream about you last might lady. God Bless you and your family. (F)

Tee- i hear you about putting a wraps on it, I am because dont want it following me, due to falsification.
Happy anni 1 luv

Im good always thanks for asking
hows married life?

:ot: Listen yall

I feel like fighting hubby. Why do he feel like he can do what ever he want to do and make decisions, and I can't say anything.
1. But when I tell him Im going to JA for 5 days (heck no you going for 3) or
2. My sis b-day today so she went otCali so I told her I will come Fri/Sat to spend it out there with here and we both come back home and he tell me(no you not going anywhere so get it off you mind)
He always got something to say. If I wanna go somewhere its a problem to hang with my girls but when he goes with his friends and I dont say anything, he makes that decision sometimes and dont even ask me.

I might have to kick his azz like I did, somoa slam momma. :rofl:

Do any of yall have that problem? They feel like they are the man so they make all the decisions?

He spends his money anyway he want and feel like he dont have to get the approval from me. Which is ok because we have separate bank accts and joint for bills and savings and thats going great. But Im talking 100's of dollars yall. But anything I want to do he can say yes or no.

Im in a delima.

Because Im going anyway :dance: :help: :ot2:

Hey JQ, have you told him how this is making you feel? You know my motto is communication 24/7. We don't have this exact issue we are good at making decisions together but I know he always wants to make me happy so sometimes I feel he is just going along so I wont get "Hype" as he calls it. I told him that ain't gonna work cause this is 50/50 and he can't just acquiesce to appease me nuh suh!

So hence that is why the exercise equipment is still in the store cause we can't come to an agreement :bonk: :yes: :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-16 13:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Does anyone else see a problem with this.

I told Eric that I had a problem with his FB profile. He has on there that he is married (that good) but then he has that he is interested in women. All his friends are women except for one guy. Now he didn't even add me as a friend until I saw that he had a FB page( he didn't know how to log out)go figure!!!

Then he says that I shouldn't have been snooping. WOW!!!! Now he had people writting on his wall now he has that option blocked. UMMM HMM!!!

So I decided to just delete him as my friend all together. So that way I won't be consider as snooping.

I don't consider it snooping it's your right if you ask me! :angry:

The test was the test from hell!!! It was worse than the computerized version..but I didn't have anxiety like I usually do. I was rather calm.. hopefully thats a good sign. Im still studying though. I won't get the results back for like 4 weeksPosted Image Thanks for asking

4 weeks bluhhh sounds like the Clep Exams I used to take back in the day seemed like forever until your recvd the score by that time you were near a nervous breakdown from the anxiety over it ughhh. I know you did well I got my fingers and toes crossed!

I watched it last night and Sahara got the boot. She has been in the bottom two a lot so it was her time to leave.

Aaaaaah Sahara she was up last week oh well,I didn't find her that pretty anyway ( shrugs shoulders)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-16 12:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!


Happy Anniverasy 1 Luv Congrats that is just wonderful :dance:

You definitely did what you had to do and you shouldn't say too much on here either sweetie, you never know!

I agree, we need to low this whole topic ;)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-16 11:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Hi Roxcie! The other guy's ins company was "not convinced" that his truck hit my car. So they sent out someone to assess the damages on my car and to see if things were consistant with the truck's damage. So we are waiting to hear about that this week. Since my car was "purplish" and the truck was white... helllllooooo... my car left some purple paint on the truck.
I have contacted a lawyer and have had some advice. There are "next steps" if this doesn't pan out this week or next. Just a waiting game for now.

Irie I know you will be victorious keep the faith Sis!

Good Morning!

I've been having trouble sleeping too. I didn't go to bed until 1:30am and that's not normal. Looks like the rest of the week will be in the high 60's so that gives me something to look forward too. Been waiting to use my picnic backback that I got from Target for $10 2 years ago and they are normally $70-$125. I love it, but it may be a little too early for a picnic. Have a good day everyone..

OOh I love bargains and that sounds so cute!

Good morning Yardies.

Well, Eric did some research and saw that people were doing walk-ins for their Biometrics Appointment. So he wanted us to drive to Norfolk to see if we could do the same. We drove down yesterday 15 MAR 10, the lady asked Eric what was his appointment date, he handed her the letter, then she asked if he wasn't able to make the 29th he said no. So needless to say we were able to do his fingerprints today. There was only one other person in the office doing fingerprints. Thank you Lord.

288---Man I don't even think I can catch up. Not at work anyway. I am going to have to start getting on this thing when I am home and on the weekends. Whew!!!

Congrats on getting the prints done! :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-16 11:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Good morning everyone:

Tre: so sorry to hear about what happened. Food gets eaten from our refrigerator too. I would put a lil something something to make that person SICK AS HELL! I can be evil like that. Every Friday our fridge gets cleaned out by the building cleaners and someone threw away my jar of mayo! I flipped out! Management gave me a 20.00 gift card to Chili's and I never had a problem again. Folks just eat the dang food!

Irie: I hope you thanking Sus means your getting farther along with nail the #$%^&*! Justice will be served!!!!

Always: Glad to hear your father is doing better, I will continue to pray!

Q: Glad hubby secured a job. That has to be a relief off your shoulders although you will miss him.

KJ: That visa MUST come today! Good luck sweetie..

A: What it do?

Sus: Wake up! I hope you are finding relief :)

1luv: Hey girl!

Dada and Philly: Wha gwaan?

Hey Everyone I second everything Tee said LOL mi cyaa manage wuk a kill me!

Looks like I will be working from home tomorrow the snow is coming down like crazy I hope this is the last of it!

Hey Tee I will respond to your link shortly when I can catch a breath I'm still like :blink:
soon come

Hey everyone ((( waving)))
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-25 12:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Ok why was I just replying to a post I was working on like 4 hours ago but got busy at work and yall done chatted up 25 pages LMAO mi cyaa manage to go back haaaa

When we were away Hubby hinted about me being on VJ too much at night and I was on at night trying to catch up during the day and now I find myself reading up on the phone and if he catches me I'm sure I'll get a :bonk: or prolly a :devil: :ph34r: haaaaaa
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-24 17:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Yeah Den is not a fan of deli meats either...I tried to make a quick sandwich and he was not having it at all! He did the "Skurrrrrt" on me so fast, I saw skid marks under his!

:rofl: :rofl:

Some interesting news....

I got the Police Report in the mail today. It had the guy's name on it that was "in posession" of the vehicle (but remember, not driving it). So for the heck of it I searched him on FB. He is only 22 so I figured he must have FB!
Well - found him and his page isnt private. His status on the 17th (accident day) states "can time pass any slower!?!?!? dubbin around then gettin shittayyyyy cuz thats how we do lol time ta celaaabraattteeeeee i love havin a reason to partyFebruary 17 at 3:57pm"
Apparently he was out celebrating a friend's 21st birthday!


Go Irie, I'm doing the cabbage patch in my chair at work! See told yuh the power or prayer is REAL!

Girl, I would have killed him too. My husband likes to jump out of places and scare the mess out of me especially after I've watched a duppy show. I told him to keep it up and he's going to meet my other "MAN" my "MACHETE"

OMG Lawny so does my Neighbor Mr. Bootsy why were we all in the yard one day and he thew firecrackers out the window I swore it was gun shots we all dropped to the ground! He is too much after his wife beat him with the broom :bonk: we were all cracking up :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-24 17:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

There are so many men that come from JA and are picky eaters when they get here. I'm just thankful that Ray loves just about evrything. LMAO

I remember when I was in Jamaica and went to the grocery store to pick up bread and lunch meat and stuff. I came back to the hotel and made Ray and turkey and cheese sandwich with lettuce, tomato and mayo and he LOVED it and wanted it everyday. We still laugh at that today. I was so poopie, you sure weren't hard to please and he said you weren't either. :devil: ROTFLMAO

:luv: awwwe Hey Sun Ray ((( waving)))

Me too but I live for the weekends or a day off...don't get me wrong I love my job and all but sometimes they work my last nerves :angry:

Girl you and me both! Lil shortie doowop sales dude is getting pon mi nerve today :angry:

As you guys know I am very congested and stuffed up....I about KILLED Mikel last night. I was in bed last night trying to relax and not hack away, I was really concentrating hard on this, I was on my back with my eyes closed and then all of a sudden without warming Mikel spays this nasal mist into my nose. First I almost had a heart attack second I didn’t know what hit me and then he was coming at me with round two for the next nostril. I am telling you don’t get sick around this man. If you all remember, last time he attacked me with rubbing alcohol.

OMG Dillon noooooooo you gonna make me choke on my chicken patty :lol:

Goat meat IS NOT fish Philly! :angry: :rofl: He likes goat and he likes fish and shrimps. Thats the extent of it and I believe he likes goat (ewwwww) but remember Im not cooking for just him... thats the problem. My son eats NO seafood or pork. My daughter and I eat fish, pork, beef and chicken. Im about to stop eating chicken.. mi cyaan manage ie no more!

Girl goat meat is fish who told you it wasn't :devil:

Yes she is, thats why I wanted her to come back from JA.. her and D are our roadies lol

We back in the house~ but not for long we already planning to go back in April :D

Did you watch Deepest of Dreams yet, I loved that movie! (L)

I was shocked that Mikel liked deli sandwiches too. I think he is on the verge of being addicted to subway. He always says a hungry man refuses no food.

Dills Hubby thought subway was gross and said he need to show them how to make a real sandwhich :lol: ( I love their tuna) :yes:

husband will not eat deli meat...seh it smell dead (don't ask)..........

Lawny I agree some of those meats do :yes:

I remember the rubbing alcohol...poe thang! Someone sent me an e-mail yesterday saying that if you have a cough etc...put some VICKS vapor rub on the bottom of your feet and add socks...they claim this will take away the cough...haven't had to test it out yet but I was curious...I didn't have time to check it out on Scopes but it might be true, right? :unsure:

I heard this too I'm gonna try it tonight I am so congested!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-24 17:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

I flipped on a taxi driver this trip - My flight was delayed, and DJ wasn't standing there when I walked out (shocker, lol) - This smelly man immediately approached me about needing a cab - I was polite and said no thanks as I was digging out my phone - He kept coming back over and over and over, asking if I needed to use his phone, that my phone nah work, that my ride nah come,..... all within a 5 minute space of time - I finally went off on him, told him that my phone works fine, don't need his help, I was polite up till this point but he was past being deserving of polite, and that even if I needed a cab, I would NEVER get in his car based on how annoying he was!

Why you got me rolling Sus haaaa not yuh phone nuh work yuh ride nuh come :bonk:

That is cute. Damien told me the same thing but I didn't believe him until we were married for 3 years :blink: Trust, I believe it now.

Happy Birthday Garfield.

Hello everyone.

Will be back during my lunch break.

Hey Shemmy ((((Waving))))

ya'll guess what...Philly is soooooo much fun to talk to she jus plain crazy

Hey Lawny, yuh knoa we chat straight through 2 movies Hubby went to sleep on me :lol:

Yall why my hubby's Bm call my BIL last night saying she wanted my hubby to call her because she was real rude to him on Sunday!!!!!! And she wanna apologizePosted Image

Girl BOOM TaTa

LMAO @ Boom TATA :rofl:

morning all..

Jamerican Queen- saw your daughter's case complete! Thats good news.. :)

How is everyone else? Dens - mawnin to you.

Im at work- and watchin the time a pass slow :wacko:

Hey At....... (((waving)))

I think she has mental issues like maybe bi-polar

Bipolar disorder or manic–depressive disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated mood. These moods are clinically referred to as mania or, if milder, hypomania. Individuals who experience manic episodes also commonly experience depressive episodes or symptoms, or mixed episodes in which features of both mania and depression are present at the same time. These episodes are usually separated by periods of "normal" mood, but in some individuals, depression and mania may rapidly alternate, known as rapid cycling.

this is how she acts but I wouldnt wish this on anyone. I just think that she is overwhelmed because she hasnt did anything with her life and she goes off on her tantrums, Hopefully when the baby comes to the US it will give her time to get it together.

And I pray for her no more babies Jesus, not right now. Because freedom makes you do wild things.

Girl know you didn't just diagnose my girl as Bi-Polar haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Morning ladies!!!

We made it to HUMP DAY!!! :dance:

Hey Dills yes we made it!!!! :dance: and now it will snow :crying:

My hubby said Cancer are nasty because the sign is 69 Posted Image :blink:

Lef mi alone JQ why you post that sign you have me rolling over here :rofl: :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-24 13:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

You all crack me up with the food stories - DJ usually has the food in his mouth before he thinks to ask me what it is - Or waits till it is done. Only once has he had a negative reaction to something, he didn't like flan - Every other time he cleans the plate and goes back for more!

LOL DJ sounds like D he eats everything then if he don't like it complains :wacko: But he is not picky and his belly shows it just Addament about NO PORK!

Gurl Gurl mi trip was all that and I soooooo enjoyed it and I needed it. I think for the first time in a lonnnnnnnng time I just enjoyed Jamaica and relax. I must admit it was weird for me and funny at first. You figure this was my first time getting off the plane and Roc not being there waiting pon mi. I actually forgot for a second and looked fi him and then it hit me Dada he won’t be standing there. I went with a GF who arrived later than me so I went to the bar and had a few cocktails while I waited. Yes you know all the taxi drivahs in the world came over. Ladies I even found a taxi drivah that was deaf so he used his phone and pen and paper to talk to me. After a few sentences he told me he loved me. I was like wow you on your game huh? After a while I acquired this look that said don’t do it so they finally left me alone. She finally arrived an hour and a half later and by this time I was feeling very very nice. We caught a cab and headed on our way. I was a little disappointed I used to go to a store near the movie complex in Mobay but it was bought out by a Hi-Lo. I used to go to this store to exchange my money and buy a phone since I left my last one with Roc. Whoever bought out the old store really hasn’t kept it up. It looked old and run down. I was really sad to see my store gone. So I had to find a new location over by Jerky’s. I figured since I was in the area I mines well grab me some chicken and festival right? I ate that food so fast I know the taxi was looking at me like slow down ooman. Sorry it was sooo good. Has anyone seen the new Mega Marts they have built? They remind me of our Sams Club.

LOL Dada at the dude at the bar :rofl: girl I can imagine the look you gave him! Yes we love Mega Mart and Michi's in Kingston our family friend works there but why is her discount not applicable on food items????

I plan on doing a cookout for Steve since his birthday is the day after the 4th of July. He already told me he doesn't want a cake for his birthday... Okay yeah right in one ear and out the other since the kids in my family would have a bloody fit if there were no cake. As one of his presents Ive been gathering things to scrapbook for him so he can take a look at his journey to the US and what he has done since leaving JA, that way when we go visit home, he can share it with his family too.

Valentine's Day was his first movie EVER! So that was nice...

I want to share something with yall that he said but if he ever finds out I told yall Im in deep do do :rofl: He said I was his FIRST girlfriend EVER that the rest of the females was just bangin buddies, he never told anyone because he didn't want anyone to think otherwise of him... I just found this to be so sweet! (L)

They looked at me funny when I landed in JA, I gave them a look like don't even think about asking me nada.. Then appeared Steve and his friend! :)

Tee the cookout sounds nice you know we will be there! I love the scrapbook idea that is really nice you go girl he will love it!

LOL @ deep doodoo, Steve is a sweetie.

Yuh know D wants to go to D&B's this weekend since we couldn't take Q because of the snow but it's about to snow again! Also another Yardie from Kingston will be joining us too and they are already chatting about playing futbol LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-24 13:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Mawning Yardies my hubby is doing his medical as we speak :blush: i hope he has enough money he was very worried last night he called this morning and told me he's on his way so lets hope he has enough :thumbs:

Hey Sheka, yall got this :thumbs: I know yuh remember to tell Hubby bout the Church right :whistle: LOL

Chile he out here trying to be a thug and he comes from a family with $$$$...girl I just don't get it...but no longer my concern or problem...poe thang, I hope he finds his way and if E news channel ever contacts me for his E True Story I will give them the real

Hush why you got me rolling LMAO

I hear yuh I was just thinking the same thing. Darn these ladies can chat...

Dada weh yuh deh, yuh neva answa yuh phone! I even had Bunz stalking u too :bonk:

LMAO - I had that on Valentines day - got a text from my ex - We've been apart for 8 years now - one of those forwarded email about how I love you, etc.... if you feel the same send it back - with music and graphics, etc.... Got it when I got off the plane, was trying to juggle luggage, etc... - texted back Thanks Happy V day to you too, just back from JA getting on the airtrain - He started calling repeatedly- I called him when I got to my car thinking something was wrong - He was trying to figure out why I didn't send it back without coming right out and asking me about it, lol

Like I am not gonna realize (a) some woman already sent it to you, and you just forwarded it on, and (b) we don't have it like that anymore and will never have it like that again - Friends is all we have -

Sus Stop playing after 8 years no he didn't!

Well since yall on the Ex's I am not sure if I ever told yall bout my ex from Trinidad the one that sang the pum pum song :blink: ( recorded it with steel drums and all HOT MESS as Den's would say POE THANG) Well he has been texting my phone off the hook and my Hubby usually keeps my phone and I use my work cell and rarely looks at the messages but since texts kept coming in from TONY he was like Lawny ( a who DIS) :help: Dude was like we have known each other for over 20 years and you can't return my text just because you are married doesn't mean we can't be friends. Ummm helloooo we weren't friends before I go married because you acted so crazy and told me you needed to exorcise my demons because I have demons in me that prevent me from loving him :blink: :blink: :blink: WHATEV LOL. I have not returned his texts and refuse to he needs to get a grip and just accept that I have moved on lang time! He has been known to just pop up and post up on my block and wait for me to get home from work but if he has seen my Hubby he will keep his distance :yes:

Enjoy it when I left last week it was 23 degrees here and I went to the airport in capris and a short top with a hoodie over it :star: . Everyone looked at me like :blink: but mi naa care. I thought I was going to jump out my seat when the captain stated it was 85 :thumbs: in JA... Aghhhh. Zeen on di way back de captain said it was 33 :crying: ....

Just think this time yesterday I was in flip flops and shorts. Now I'm in boots, pants and a sweater. Man life sucks sometimes :angry: ...

LOL Dada girl you and me both I had on flip flops and tights and and a top I was ready for the heat. When I deplaned I threw my leather in my carryon and was so happy. The minute I returned to the elements I got sick I feel like crab body aches, head hurts congested I think I am allergic to the U.S :lol:

Welcome back Dada... why u no link w Philly?

Philly, check your inbox...

Mi check ie and I'm like :bonk: :blink:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-24 12:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Sus I am so depressed about this situation. I know its "just a car" but damn... thats all I got!
So the arsehole who was responsible for the vehicle says when he woke up Thursday morning the car "was like that" and he called the boss, they towed the car and reported a hit and run on it.
Well Monday when the cop told him it was involved in my accident he said "well it wasnt me driving" and since no one can give an id on the driver the cops are over it. And now they are reporting that his truck was stolen.
It was sure nice of whoever "stole" his truck to return it after they hit me... what a GIANT CROCK OF SHYT!
So now we are bugging the insurance company to at least get compensation for my car. Of course they are not returning calls etc...

I know I am overly emotional, sensitive .. whatever. But it truly makes me sad that people can be so uncaring, unconcerned and just plain mean. This is the kinda stuff that really worries me for my daughter's future. I know there are good, caring people out there.. but times like these I need to get an Rx for some prozac! :(

Irie I am so sorry to hear about this, I know you are hotter than fish grease but the power of prayer is real and just like you were able to get the lead and track down this deadbeat you will prevail as victorious in this battle as well. I can feel it Irie just have faith Sis :thumbs:

Mawnin yardies, it's raining in jersey suh mi a go back go sleep til a time fi get up an Ga work an stress some more bout di visa.
Have a great day everyone!

Hey KJ where at yuh live in Jersey I work in NJ :yes:

Im glad you asked this question Sunny BECAUSE, hubbydoesn't eat red meat AND he usually has eaten already by the time I come home :angry: Sooooooooooooooooo my kids and I had sandwiches and he ate NOTHING :angry: Chicken and rice, chicken and rice, chicken and rice! He has made me despise chicken!!! My household is CRAZY!!! My son don't eat pork or fish, Steve eats no red meat, My daughter and I eat everything so can you imagine how hard it is for me to plan meals??? and I love to cook! Just not for them anymore lol Ugh


Hey Tee, LOL @ despising chicken but yuh know there are so many other things he can eat as well. I know you can be creative does he eat fish and shrimp, lobster or crab? When D and I were going through our Rasta phase we became extremely creative with fish and shellfish. Just throwing it out there. I'm still down to cook yall some goat LOL ( yeah goat meat is fish ) :rofl:

My ex-fiance just sent me a text message and said are you married yet? Poe thang :no:
Why some men think they have it like that...they think we never going to move on...after being with this man for 8 years and knowing him like 11 years...he still so predictable...awww bless his soul! We been broken up well over 3 years and he thinks I'm not suppose to be happy... :whistle:

Hey Den's girl why yuh mek mi spit out my tea chat bout POE THANG :rofl: :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-24 11:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Lawd mike Bunh seh mi cyaa go back all dem pages!

Tee I need an update LOL

Likkle more Yardies going home to my Hubby I miss him so much its only been about 8.5 hours LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-23 17:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Welcome back Philly! We missed you too!

Does this mean that next time you'll be doing the vow renewal?? Or did you do it? :huh:

Hey Ells, of course we did I have to finish uploading pics :star: and we got through the vows without laughing LOL.

Girl I am really gonna send yuh some yellow and white yam for Lehi, I can just imagine him staring at those pics :no:


I am so happy for you Sis your day has finally arrived, :luv: I can't wait to see pics :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-23 12:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

He is in ICU still having alot of test done this morning it sort of a mess as the doctors said it is a good thing he got to the hospital when he did because he could have drowned in his own fluids, at this point is a waiting game and possible that he may need open heart surgery one again. Thanks for asking and for all the prayers all of you are sending out for him we appreciate it.

HI Always I will keep your Dad in my prayers (F)

Going to check out your FB pics, Congrats :dance:

Welcome back two looked like you were having a ball. Did you ever meet up with Dada?

Thanks Dillon, yes we had a ball, nope she never answered her phone I don't know what happened? When does she return?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-23 12:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

You can't abbreviate everthing. HAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Project Support Specialist IV / Resource #######
ASRC Federal
Greenbelt, MD
E-Mail Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Save Print

:rofl: @ Resource #######
ASRC Federal

you know what.. i thought he looked like a diff person also, from the pics i had seen of him before LOL..i was like..who dis????
but u are right, he still look good LOL

Girl yes even his Mother said he looked so different but she thanked me profusely for taking such good care of her son. I love him wid deh weight, before he was so mawga and looked hungry :rofl: :bonk:

How is everything wid deh fam?

Ughh why do I have over 300 emails ughhh
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-23 11:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Q I was so used to being there at let 3 times a year since I was young and being away this long was hard. Girl why dem chat bout Damian tun Yankee and need fi get him Yardie card back :lol: No one could believe how big he got and how he looked like a different person but they all admit he looks good and farrin agree wid him and I take good care of him :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-23 11:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Morning Philly,welcome back! :star:

Hey Mamma thanks, not happy to be back though LOL

missed you to my girl.. i know ur time there was FABULOUS.. back to reality now UGHHHH

its funny.. i never minded the late night and early morning calls,, most of the time he was the one falling asleep :blush:

Hey Q, yes we had a ball way too short could have used another week! Yes back to reality but only for a month or so we are heading back in April we have some business to take care of :yes:

Lol okay.. there's hope! :)

Mi sista is back :dance: :dance: :dance: Missed you Philly :)

Hey Mamma, I got your rum creme I posted a pic of hustle man selling some Nollywood flicks in Sav LOL.

I have lots more pics to post and I album I will create and only Yardies will have access, too hot for TV LOL, spent alot of time inna deh Garrison Matches Lane to be exact....
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-23 10:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

yeah right, a musah weh wattie kill phillip u ago gimme update r bettah yet in dankey years

Lawnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: mi knoa yuh gwan thump mi pon mi head top LOL I started yuh update but never finished. Nuh kill me please, I have a lot to update you on too stand by ( I am begging) :innocent:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-23 10:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Hey VJ Family, we are back catching up at work I will give everyone updates soon stand by :yes:


phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-23 10:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Mawning all, up early ready fi deh beach and to do some last minute shopping running into town to buy more ackee patty.

I met the infamous Bunz last night :dance: I just posted pics on FB, everyone thought we were related :yes:

more updates to come latah gotta run soon come

Happy Monday!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-22 08:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)


I got a phone call from a friend this evening... she says "there is a white pickup truck at an auto body place on such&such ave"..... soooooo I still have Louis' co-workers truck so we head on into Portland to check it out....


My friend just happens to be playing poker with a guy that works there and of all autobody places in Portland Maine... THATS THE ONE THE TRUCK SHOWS UP AT!! It even has my paint on it. So I took some pics and went straight to the police. The cop was pretty impressed! LOL. It IS a company truck. From a local oil company.

This is so awesome! Hopefully it will get me some $$ for a new car. So excited! I have to thank you all for prayers... cause God knows it worked!!!

Irie this fabulous news WOW see it's such a small world and you never know who is watching!!! The power of prayer and having friends in the right place is a wonderful combination :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-21 11:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Hey Philly((waving)) I see you in Jamdown having a blast! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Hey Tam yes girl we having a ball LOL last night we were supposed to go to Weddy Weddy but we come in like old folks and fell asleep LOL

Thanks. I'm trying. I have to give a presentation at 10am and I'm not feeling it. The girl that put the PP together did a horrible job :angry: and now, I'm trying to make corrections. There is nothing worse than doing a PP presentation and the person didn't use SPELLCHECK :angry:

Hey Lawny (((waving))) hope you feel better today, Lawd bout the presentation but I know you will rock it!

Guys it truly is a blessing...there have been a lot of approvals recently for the Yardies! Let's keep this thing going...I think "Myjamwifey" and Ms. Sheka got upcoming interviews...anyone else I'm missing? :unsure:

Positive vibes being sent up right now for all upcoming interviews!

Ditto on that!!!!!

Sus I hope you feel better too, I am still working my way through all your pics and I love the haircolor :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-18 09:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Mawning Ladies *SunRay*,TRELAWNY PARISH, TAMH, 1luv, sus
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-18 09:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Hey Philly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y & R com pon the TV in country, watch it and give me an update :rofl:
Mi sooooooo behind in it

LOL me too, we never home when it on but it's DVring back in the US so we will catch up when we return LOL

Awww I hope I did you all proud! :D

So I'm over here doing a birthday dance for you! Happy Birthday again...make it do what it do! :dance:

I know I can't stand that dang Adam on Y&R...they need to catch up with him soon. :angry:

Thanks Den's we had a wonderful time yesterday went to the beach and ate plenty of cake among other things LOL lets just say I was happy all day :star:

LOL @ Adam I love his character we crack up at him he is crazy a blind man driving a car, installing security cameras, all kinds of phockery he is a good actor!

(As I repack my suit case for the third time) I’m trying but this snow has me worried. FYI if you hear about a girl in the states sitting on the wing of the plane and not moving until the flight takes off dat be me…

I don’t know who pissed off Mother Nature but someone made her HOT!! She wont let up we are supposed to get another 4-6 inches. Friday we were getting no snow and now we are. Ugh!! Mi juss wanna leave already :crying: !

You are a fool :rofl:

AelmBI0sJ3A Philly Happy Birthday my gal

Thanks girl I had a blast!

Alright well we can have a Bachlor/Bachlorette party zeen :rofl: ….

LOL cool we going to country later today we have some business in town to take care of 1st.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-18 08:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Thanks for the shout out Sunray I want some of those chocolate covered strawberries LOL

LOL @ JQ girl mi neva see yuh Heyyyyyyy girllllllll

HI Mrs Z , she tek mi name LOL

Dillon yuh waiting pon some FEVAH LOL

Dadaa yuh crazy mi nuh bachelorette haaa yuh know Hubby stick to me like glue where mi deh him did deh LOL

Why am I going through Y&R and B&B withdrawals LOL

ok ladies latah I need fi get dressed call my self tanning on the rooftop and everyone tell mi it nuh work mi still pale LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-17 12:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Hey Q how is the fam

Dens your pics are fabulous I am grinning from ear to ear mi gyal, all the pickney come run in and crowd the laptop and look too asking a million questions LOL :D :D
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-17 11:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Hey Ladies (((waving))) dillon, Dens Wifey, dancehallquana, DaDa, charandivan, sus, LadyC

Thanks everyone for the Bday wishes :wub: I really appreciate it :luv:

Sus I am rolling at the story about DJ jr that is too funny and he is a cutey pie looks just like his Dad :yes:

Congrats Lady C on filing for AOS LOL @ the $ coming out of your account girl I know that hurt ouch but its money well spent :star:

Dens what is this I hear about candied yams where's mine???? LOL girl I am so happy for you and Den's (F) how does it feel to be a married ooman.

Dada hurry up yuh raas and get dung here so!

Bunz weh yuh deh mi a call yuh now mi wan yuh to come to beach wid we :P
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-17 11:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Thanks Nat! It IS a big weight as soon as it posts on my account I'll REALLY feel it! *siiiggghh* (of relief)

:o :o :o May be true??


Ells congrats :thumbs: I will be doing the same as well not touching my refund till I handle my business :yes:

Hey everyone! Got back from JA yesterday. We were Approved!! Just wanted to thank everyone for their help! This site is amazing! Interview was really good, not bad at all. I will post my review this week! Thanks again!

:dance: :thumbs:

Congrat :dance: :thumbs: s Amqueens

Hey Philly, glad you are having fun! Was checking your pics out, you are on a roll! You are gonna beat out Cara and I, lol

It was funny, but the poor likkle boy! I was trying not to laugh, he was so upset!

Hey Sus I'm trying to upload all the pics along the way :yes: I luv your pics I was checking them out then the wifi went out :angry: so I'm gonna look again. Luvin the hair:thumbs:

aww hellshire beach is where i was in jamaica i stayed at the hotel right by it..

Hey Jess, yep that's where I'm headed today for my Bday party :dance: too bad we can't bring the ice cream :lol: We went to the ice cream factory yesterday and got a huge 5 gallon box of rum raisin I think they want to feed the whole scheme LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-17 11:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

phills... so happy that you and hubby are doing fine, can't wait to get to my phone so i can see pics.. i know evrything was lovely..

Hey Q yes girl we are having a blast all over the place trying to get all the pics but hve missed a bunch of photo ops :bonk: so we are double teaming wid deh phones we come in like tourists :rofl:

:angry: We're going to the Raggamuffins Fest this Saturday & just found out that Capleton & Cocoa Tea are no longer on the line-up. I think they use big names to hook people into buying tickets & boost sales. Then they pull 'em! Now the show only has Gregory Isaacs, Barrington Levy, Tarrus Riley & Sister I-live. They are great but I was really looking forward to the ones not there anymore. I'm happy to see Tarrus but hubby is going to be bored out of his skull without at least Capleton there to balance out the roots he doesn't care for. I wonder if I can sell the tix at the door on Saturday.


HI PHILLY! Glad you're having a good time! Any decisions on the renewal date?

Hey Ells yeah i feel yuh girl i would be upset too but still sounds like a nice show especially wid Taurus. LOL @ you scalping the tix :lol:

We are going to country on Friday so prolly Saturday would be best to do the renewal I'm so excited lets hope my lashes hold on :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-16 17:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Hey Q, Sus and Lady C how is everyone doing. Just chillin been nonstop since mawning ready to eat now.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-16 16:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

philly glad to hear you made it fine
i was wondering how you made out with the trip
have you called your kitties since morning? african storm probably sitting by the phone waiting lol

Hey Bunz,

LOL I miss those kitties like crazy how you know :lol:

LOL @ Storm sitting by the phone haaa. Guess what I'm having grandkitties Foxxy did breed. I am so excited but Damian is already looking for homes for them and they haven't even been born :blink: . I feel 4 in her belly and she is eating up everything!

I see yuh pics from Glorias my cousin was just saying they were up there last night when I was sleeping dropping someone off and that's where we should have been LOL maybe this week I will get there.

Damian just drove off going for gas them bout to start cooking, mi nyam like crazy LOL

I'll send yuh my new # last night they ran out of cards then everyone else lock dung so I will run up to Hughinden pharmacy shortly and pick one up stand by
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-15 12:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Good morning Yardies... Hi Irie! :)

Valentine's Day was really nice... We exchanged our gifts in the morning. I kept my niece and nephew sat nite and they were so much fun! I took them to see my dad saturday. He babysat while his wife, my daughter and I went to Bloomingdales to use a gift card I had gotten for xmas. I got some earrings. I also bought a bottle of perfume. I also dropped my daughter and Steve off so they could shop for their gifts. After we exchanged gifts on Sunday, I took the kids back home and picked up my daughter's friend (Ajay) and the four of us went to the movies to see Valentine's Day. While I was coming out of Ajay's house, I twisted my foot, which I now believe it is sprained :blink: Also, while I was taking the kids back, Steve made curry chicken and rice (mmm) so we ate after the movies...
I soaked my foot and put some ointment on it. I took some pain medicine as I was trying to watch the All-Star game, I feel asleep :blink: No V-day sexy party so I have to make up for it today! :devil: :rofl:

Posting some pics on FB :)

Tee sorry about your foot Sis but I know u will enjoy Steve's massages :devil: How was the movie, mi guh post deh link if its nice :thumbs:

good morning ladies!!!!!!!!!! just wanted to stop by and say hi! hope everyone has a great day

Hi Yankee welcome back Sis going to look pon the latest pics so happy fi yuh!

Morning! Philly sorry about the stressful start... but what an awesome husband you have. I hope the rest of your trip is restful and happy...

MrsTee... sounds like a great Valentine's day. How was the movie?

I have been and am still just chillin'... LOL. On vacation and not much going on. Maybe later this week when I get some money we can have some fun. It may snow tomorrow so looks like sledding is in the future. :)

Morning Yankee! Looks like you had a wonderful trip! So happy for you!

HI Irie (((waving))) can thanks Sis yes he is the best (L) nuh more stress now mi just ready fi eat ackee and wait pon mi girlfriend fi come over and watch African show while I finish mi hair.

Yuh on vacation again, yuh lucky 1st all the snow and I know they are expecting more too. I'm sure you are Louis and Lil Diva will have a great time.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-15 11:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Good morning Yardies... Hi Irie! :)

Valentine's Day was really nice... We exchanged our gifts in the morning. I kept my niece and nephew sat nite and they were so much fun! I took them to see my dad saturday. He babysat while his wife, my daughter and I went to Bloomingdales to use a gift card I had gotten for xmas. I got some earrings. I also bought a bottle of perfume. I also dropped my daughter and Steve off so they could shop for their gifts. After we exchanged gifts on Sunday, I took the kids back home and picked up my daughter's friend (Ajay) and the four of us went to the movies to see Valentine's Day. While I was coming out of Ajay's house, I twisted my foot, which I now believe it is sprained :blink: Also, while I was taking the kids back, Steve made curry chicken and rice (mmm) so we ate after the movies...
I soaked my foot and put some ointment on it. I took some pain medicine as I was trying to watch the All-Star game, I feel asleep :blink: No V-day sexy party so I have to make up for it today! :devil: :rofl:

Posting some pics on FB :)

Tee sorry about your foot Sis but I know u will enjoy Steve's massages :devil: How was the movie, mi guh post deh link if its nice :thumbs:

good morning ladies!!!!!!!!!! just wanted to stop by and say hi! hope everyone has a great day

Hi Yankee welcome back Sis going to look pon the latest pics so happy fi yuh!

Morning! Philly sorry about the stressful start... but what an awesome husband you have. I hope the rest of your trip is restful and happy...

MrsTee... sounds like a great Valentine's day. How was the movie?

I have been and am still just chillin'... LOL. On vacation and not much going on. Maybe later this week when I get some money we can have some fun. It may snow tomorrow so looks like sledding is in the future. :)

Morning Yankee! Looks like you had a wonderful trip! So happy for you!

HI Irie (((waving))) can thanks Sis yes he is the best (L) nuh more stress now mi just ready fi eat ackee and wait pon mi girlfriend fi come over and watch African show while I finish mi hair.

Yuh on vacation again, yuh lucky 1st all the snow and I know they are expecting more too. I'm sure you are Louis and Lil Diva will have a great time.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-15 10:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Wow, what a story!!! Mom never ceases to amaze us with the drama lawdie :blink: The important thing is you made it and whether you renew your vows or not D is right! You guys are married and still together and that is what matters, even through all the madness. Just enjoy your time in JA sis. Steve and I miss our partnas in crime hehee but we will see you guys when u return! Have fun! Can't wait to see the pictures. I took a slight break in the African movies but Im back on it today! God Bless you two :) Steve was telling my son how big D got and how he loves cheesesteaks. We were looking at his old pics :lol:

Hey Mamma

I miss you too! I just put some pics on FB LOL. I feel so rested and not so rushed to get a post in :lol:
Yeah girl we made Praise God, I am so happy this mawning sprung out the bed and been doing a million things but so rested LOL yeah everyone can see D nuh mawgah nuh more haaaa.

Yeah Mom was tripping but spoke to Mrs Bootsy this mawning and she seh she spoke to my Mom and I think now my Mom knows how close we are and how she looks out for us :yes: She said nuh worries she will look after everything till we get back. My Dad is gonna stay at the house with the boys since he works the early shift so it works out perfect.....

Today we are going to the beach Hellshire so I will take plenty pics for everyone who hasn't seen it. I need some sun as I have been told numerous times LOL.

Okay why I still haven't done my hair but all all up on deh road haaa hot mess I am still :lol:

Girl I brought a whole bunch wid mi they watched Silent Scandals last night while I was sleep. Yuh knoa yuh can't stay away from the African shows fi long :no:

Well my Bday is Wed so maybe we will renew our vows on that day, I still don't know if I wont laugh haaaa ew are so silly.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-15 10:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Hey Jess mawning,

actually just went and dropped pickney off to school and got some cane now ready fi sum ackee LOL. Hair still nuh done haaaa.. Mi just inna deh kitchen and chat deh suss wid family LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-15 09:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Mawning Ladies

Mi on deh veranda wid deh laptopl getting some sun mi hear too many comments yessideh mi look pale and dem never knoa it was mi. Cho a joke dem mek LOL, well let me start off wid deh drama. Mom and I got into a big argument on Saturday she seh she nuh remember agreeing to tek us to deh airport ( waving my arms in the air ####### as Damian starts to cuss cause he was on the phone the day we made all the arrangements) She claim my Dad agreed and he was saying No you (my Mom) agreed because she has the bigger vehicle and we had 4 suitcases and 3 big carry ons. Well this all took place in the Walmart and I was hotter than fish grease :girlwerewolf2xn: and I was already sick about to drop don't even know how I made it to Walmart in all that snow in the first place. He saw I was enraged so I put on my work voice and calmly said I am about to check out now (even though I wasn't I just couldn't listen anymore) I will call you back but if no one will take us I am sure that Mrs. Bootsy she always has my back and hung up all I heard was huh and then click!!!!!!

Well of course Mr Bootsy said no problem what time we can load the van tonight it you want. I love them they are the best never hesitate to help us out if we need it, she says I am her other daughter and we ARE family. :wub:

I'm still sick nauseous, headache ready fi drop dung but I continued to get ready but only got half a head done LOL so I wore a scarf to the airport and planned on finishing when we arrived so we could prepare to go country after we made our rounds in town. Well the flight sucked we are all the way in the last row ( umm that is not what I selected ????) then in Mobay the flight to town is you guessed it not 1 but 2 hours delayed from Baltimore :dead: .

So we have to make the decision if we are gonna rush or just do our renewal ceremony later in the week. Of course I am still hopeful but hair nuh done it's a long drive from town to country and we may nuh mek sunset at this pace. Well finally 2.5 hours later the plane boards and we finally reach and mi dead fi hungry and praying Roman finish runnin deh pot but of course he still cutting up chicken LOL so sit dung and wait cause mi luv his cooking. Well guess who fell asleep on the setee and woke to up all deh pickney inna my face waiting for mi to wake up LOL. Damian and the other men playing Wii and I was rocked out ready fi nyam some food. Well after dinner I just went back and took another nap not realizing how tired I was and Damian saw the disappointed look on my face but agreed it couldn't be helped so we will plan to do the renewal another day this week. He silently told me he loves me and we are already married int he eyes of Jah and tomorrow is as good as today he is just thankful to have me by his side. (L) Oh how I love that man!!!!!!

So sitting here getting ready fi duh my hair and watch an African movie LOL while Damian is sleep so when he wakes I'll be ready fi start deh day. LOL when we reach everyone couldn't believe how big he had gotten but but admits it looks good on him, this I already knew :yes:

B in all the madness of the past 2 days I am missing lashes so I will be at the shop later to get them done and yes I brought my extra long lashed in brown haaaa oh and we took a pic of the lashes for you I will upload to FB

hey girl mi get yuh text when I reach I'll catch up on text's while watching African shows I'm almost finished "Deepest of Dreams"

Bunz I will send yuh mi odda JA # dem lock off deh old one pon mi UGHHH mi call yuh soon

Lawny maybe I can get an email done dis mawning LOL no work or stress today :star:

Dada cyaa wait fi see yuh party time!

Reg Al and Dens
Congrats on the nuptuals I am so happy fi both of you May god bless your union!

Sus weh yuh deh yu back?

likkle more Yardies going to post some pics on FB latah
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-15 07:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Hey ladies MRStee, dillon, Dens Wifey, Jamerican Queen, charandivan, TAMH

We finally dug out woo hoo!

only 3 more days so glad to get out of here before the next round comes!

I guess mi nuh bodda catch up LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-02-11 12:24:00