K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresanyone ver waited 60 days or more at vsc?
thanks for your reply........................I am at 70 days.................I think it might be a record for VSC :o
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-17 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresanyone ver waited 60 days or more at vsc?

I posted this in the wrong thread...............................I am seeing approvals in record time(7 days, 15 days), so I was wondering if there is anyone who has actually "waited" at the VSC??

What's the old saying?!! Misery loves company! ;)

Maybe they sent yours to CSC by mistake?! :lol:

I am starting to think that is true ;)

I feel like the only person who has ever waited at Vermont. I see these 7 day approvals & it is freaking me out!

Edited by irishgirl73, 17 February 2006 - 06:31 PM.

irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-17 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresanyone ver waited 60 days or more at vsc?
I posted this in the wrong thread...............................I am seeing approvals in record time(7 days, 15 days), so I was wondering if there is anyone who has actually "waited" at the VSC??

Edited by irishgirl73, 17 February 2006 - 06:23 PM.

irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-17 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNever seen too many aprovals
I was thinking the same thing....................must be all the LOVE from Valentine's Day ;)
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-17 15:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWOOHOO best friday ever!

thanks everyone for your posts. I understand how frustrating it must be for those of you going through CSC and I am wishing you all a speedy process. It is difficult for anyone to be apart from the one they love but everyday that passes brings us one day closer to when we will be reunited with our loved ones again. **HUGS** to all.

hey don't forget about the very "few" that are held up at VSC :lol:

we all need hugs

Yes, we all need hugs and lots of them! which is why i said that it is difficult for ANYONE to be apart from the ones they love and hugs to ALL. I checked your timeline, it must be horrible to see people flying through VSC when you have been waiting with no word since early december. Extra big hug to you and fingers crossed that yours comes soon :D

Thanks so much for the kind words ;) It is a little discouraging being on day 70 & people are geting noa2's in 7 days. Nothing we can all do but wait :(
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-17 19:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWOOHOO best friday ever!

thanks everyone for your posts. I understand how frustrating it must be for those of you going through CSC and I am wishing you all a speedy process. It is difficult for anyone to be apart from the one they love but everyday that passes brings us one day closer to when we will be reunited with our loved ones again. **HUGS** to all.

hey don't forget about the very "few" that are held up at VSC :lol:

we all need hugs
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-17 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWOOHOO best friday ever!
congrats-hopefully I will be next....................come on Vermont!!!

irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-17 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSad Update
It must have been so hard for you to post your story, I want to commend you on your courage. It is hearbreaking to hear stories like yours, I hope you take comfort in knowing that you will help others a great deal by sharing this. I know it must be difficult to think about the future right now, but I wish you all the best-things WILL work out.

You are not alone I am sure this happens a lot more than people realize. Anyone going through this process knows how complicated things can get.

Things will work out for you & your son...........sending you hugs Fiona (F)

Edited by irishgirl73, 16 February 2006 - 09:46 AM.

irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-16 09:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Approved!!
great news :dance:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-17 09:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPowerball
:lol: :lol: :lol:

good one
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-20 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouch - Touched - Touches
Yep-same thing for me.............they rec'd my petition 12/8 & last update date was 12/11..............NOTHING since then :(
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-20 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouched on Sundays
I have read where others were touched on weekends as well. I was "touched" on a Sun but I think it was when they entered our case in the system.
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-20 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of having met

I think in "some" cases people simply can not fit an answer onto that one line. I know for myself, I wrote how we met & I did add a supplemental paragraph attatched, just to show travel dates for the both of us. I didn't write any kind of long drawn out "story" just the dates. At the time I submitted the petition, I thought that it would have helped the person looking at my case. They would have had my travel dates as well as boarding passes, copy of passport stamps, hotel receipts.

I guess it is a matter of preference-to each his own kinda thing

Same as me, I just wrote about six sentences but in the letter I stated that I whet to visit her 10 times in 3 years with a table of all the arrival and departure dates. But I do not think that ones need to go this far, just 4 or 5 sentences. I guess I am just #######.

Peter Miami

I would say "thorough" not ####### :yes:

I personally wanted to give them everything right up front-I did NOT want an rfe. I figured I was doing the best thing, by supplying them with the travel dates & the additional info that is why I added the paragraph. Besides, "I met him at a wedding in Aug 2003...blah blah"-just seemed too generic, I wanted to elaborate on that statement, so I did. This is one of those things that everyone probably did differently.
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-20 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of having met
I think in "some" cases people simply can not fit an answer onto that one line. I know for myself, I wrote how we met & I did add a supplemental paragraph attatched, just to show travel dates for the both of us. I didn't write any kind of long drawn out "story" just the dates. At the time I submitted the petition, I thought that it would have helped the person looking at my case. They would have had my travel dates as well as boarding passes, copy of passport stamps, hotel receipts.

I guess it is a matter of preference-to each his own kinda thing
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-20 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of having met
If only bribes were legal :lol:

just kidding-I don't want to offend anyone out there
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-20 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of having met

I have never seen so many lazy people together in one place. After all the work, documents, paperwork and other stuff. How hard can it be to put together 4 or 5 sentences without prying into your personal life. My question is if you really want your fiancée or fiancé here with you and you are without them around six months why not go the extra mile and attached a paper with 4 or 5 sentences. And I would not call this an extra mile but to be conservative in my sentence. I guess this make it easier for me and that is why all you guys get RFE’s. Wow, I hard can it be!

Peter Miami

I agree that is why I wrote a paragraph on an additional page. I just mentioned trips I took over there-to coincide with my boarding passes, passport stamps.

I'll tell them whatever they want to know- I should have told them I caught the bouquet at the wedding where I met him, what the bride/groom danced to. How many beers we had, what they served for dinner, what we were wearing.......................I could go on & on :lol:

Hi Irishgirl,

A person with common sense, thank you very much. You think they where asking for a pint of blood, why it is so hard for people to write 4 or 5 sentence on a paper. For some reason people here on VJ hate to write a new “Letter of Intent’, when all they have to do is change the date printed and sign it. How hard can this letters be? But yet they can be all day surfing the internet, I do not get it. Maybe it is just me?

Peter Miami

Funny thing is I would give them a pint of blood if they asked ;)

I will give them whatever they want-I may complain about being away from my man-but I won't complain about the paperwork associated with getting him here-never
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-20 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of having met

I have never seen so many lazy people together in one place. After all the work, documents, paperwork and other stuff. How hard can it be to put together 4 or 5 sentences without prying into your personal life. My question is if you really want your fiancée or fiancé here with you and you are without them around six months why not go the extra mile and attached a paper with 4 or 5 sentences. And I would not call this an extra mile but to be conservative in my sentence. I guess this make it easier for me and that is why all you guys get RFE’s. Wow, I hard can it be!

Peter Miami

I agree that is why I wrote a paragraph on an additional page. I just mentioned trips I took over there-to coincide with my boarding passes, passport stamps.

I'll tell them whatever they want to know- I should have told them I caught the bouquet at the wedding where I met him, what the bride/groom danced to. How many beers we had, what they served for dinner, what we were wearing.......................I could go on & on :lol:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-20 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of having met
I kept it pretty simple "we met at a wedding in Dublin Aug 2003" I also attatched a supplemental page to describe how he stayed with me here for a few months & that I went to see him several times over the past few years.

I think most people keep it short & sweet :yes:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-20 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPublic Service Announcement


Everybody is being REALLY touchy and I wish now I hadn't started this.

The important point I was trying to make was to pay attention to where you get your advice from.

That is all. There was no criticism intended here, or lectures, or anything.

I have talked to literally dozens of posters here who say to me 'where are the guides?'? For some reason they don't see the tabs.

And I have seen so many people pass out incorrect advice when they think they are being helpful, but if they were to look at where the poster or their loved on is, the info is WRONG!

I guess I didn't word things right. Back to my dark cold corner now.

I agree with you 100% I think people here(I am guilty as well) take some people's OPINIONS as gospel & that isn't right. I think we are all sharing experiences-The way I assembled my k-1 packet may not be the way someone else did & that's is why if someone asks "should I include pics?" or whatever, we are all clear that the way we did, or do things may not be what's best for the other person. I freaked in an earlier post b/c someone singled me out & it wasn't fair. Don't want you or Aussie to think it was at all directed at you because it wasn't :no:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-21 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPublic Service Announcement

geez :( everybody seems to be in an uproar these days :whistle:

I can't speak for anyone else but I am just so tired of a certain person giving me sh@t everytime I post something. It is a little early in the day to be so angry.................sorry everyone ;)
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-21 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPublic Service Announcement
Another thing-how dare you say that I have a fu@k everyone else attitude-that is unfair & not true. I support everyone on this site whether it be good or bad news. I live in Philly-my man is in Dublin & I am going thru Vsc so processing times at other centers do NOT effect us. I sympathize with people that are waiting for ridiculous times, but for VSC 75 days is an eternity. I am NOT going through CSC, TSC-I am waiting at VSC!

Also I put a post on the other day asking if anyone else had waited 60 days or more-it wasn't because I was feeling "persecuted" I was just wondering if anyone else waited as long & if so-how long? Seemed like a normal post to me but I guess it got under someone's skin. Self centered attitude? I would think most people on here are concerned about their cases & it does not make anyone self centered as you put it.
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-21 08:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPublic Service Announcement

very good points, but you must realize how easy it is for you to complain about others now that you are nearly through the process. It is like the saying "hindsight is 20/20". So really by now you should have adapted to some people's constant non stop whinning on this board. I know i have. I personally don't beleive their is such a thing as a dumb question, those don't bother me. So to anyone who really doesn't understand something and who has tried to find an answer, go ahead and ask away.

What used to bother me though, but what i have grown accostomed to, are peoples pointless rants. My current favorite is about someone who believes that they have been singled out by VSC to be the only person in history to have to endure what should be "normal" 90 waiting period to get an NAO2. "But i am going through speedy vermont, F*** everyone else, i am going through vermont and i want to be approved in 5 business days or else"

I know everyone here misses their loved one, but does love really make people so extremely self centered? Maybe love makes people blind to how the real world works. I mean i am going through the philippines embassy that may take 6 months to schedule an interview, but i am not calling my congressman. IT IS CALLED LIFE PEOPLE, DEAL WITH IT.

I am the one complaining-ryecatcher seriously you are getting on my last nerve. I have not said anything about your last 4 nasty replies but now I will. I have EVERY right to complain about my waiting at VSC. I have been waiting 75 freaking days & yes I realize it isn't as long as some others but again for the 500th time-IT IS A LONG WAIT FOR VERMONT!!! If I want to rant on here I should be able to. You were approved in a few days-well good for you! Have some freaking compassion for those of us who are waiting. If you look at the example timelines-I am WELL outside processing dates for the VSC. So I am pissed. I am NOT self centered no one on here is-we are all here for eachother, it is a "community" right? You only post negative comments-why don't you keep them to yourself-seriously, I can't speak for others but I know I am sick of reading them. You have made really nasty comments to my last few posts. I appreciate everyone's input-but as far as I am concerned, I wish you would just not respond at all.

Aussie-this is so NOT directed at you
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-21 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo one here on AP?

IM still waiting for mine NOA2 to..... we are in advanced security checks, i think this is the same as AR and we not got even got our NOA2 yet!

Its been 6 months now.. Good luck

My fiance was denied entry last year & I am thinking that could be cause for the delay, but he was sent home for overstaying on the vwp 2 lousy days. I have no idea what is happening, that is why I am going crazy here. My Mom was born in England-maybe that was a red flag? The NOT knowing is killing me and him. Thought our case was pretty straightforward-honestly, I was arrogant & thought that we would be approved straight away(judging by others timelines). I wasn't even really worried about an RFE-because I gave everything we were required to. very very stressed.
Good luck to you as well ;)
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-21 16:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo one here on AP?
I didn't read your timeline-so sorry.

I am still waiting for noa2(k-1).
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-21 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo one here on AP?

First thing we discovered is.........There is a thing called Administratie Review.. and a thing called Administratie Processing. What each entails has not been made clear to us.. but twice..once by the Embassy itself and once by DOS they have made a point to correct us when we ask about our Administrative Review.... stating its"Administrative Processing"... so there is a difference. They are not one and the same.

Secondly there has been NO security checks ordered.. DOS has verified this three times. I was told "whatever is going on, is all within the embassy itself". The embassy asked for some additional information from me, I supplied that, inquired as to whether they needed anything else from us and to date we have not heard anything else about it.

The embassy will not tell us anything. The DOS says best way to find out is contact the Embassy.. BIG DUH!!
is it me or is this a vicious circle????

Best of Luck to All


I haven't had any response whatsoever-when I called USCIS they told me I will hear from them in 30 days which will be next week. My congressman made it seem like we are under "administrative review" but I really have no idea. All I know is that I am pissed and really frustrated. I guess I will find out more when I get an e-mail or a letter(I am not holding my breath for either). It is a vicious circle-It's all bull-sh@t! I hope you get good news soon.
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-21 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo one here on AP?

Go to the sections “Service Centers” and also “Department of State” (NVC). There are a lot of post for security clearance and administrative processing. Some VJ members names are “Cohibakid”, “Irishgirl”( I belive, not sure) and others that I can not remember their names.

Good luck,

Peter Miami

I "think" that is what's going on with us I am not 100% sure at this point-it looks pretty likely. My congressman said that our case was pulled for review, but others here have told me that could just be the "generic" answer that they give. vicki/bala............I will help with anything if I can. I have been waiting 75 days & I called USCIS & they will be notifying me by 3/10. I was told they have to let me know what's going on within 30 days of calling(getting the referral-as they call it). Could be AR-could be an rfe. At this point I have absolutely NO idea what's going on.

I won't complain b/c apparently I am self-centered and annoying everyone ;)
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-21 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnumber of copies and assembing the K-1 package
I sent in one copy of I-129f(well the original) and then made 2 copies of entire packet.

good luck :)
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-21 09:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1
congrats :dance:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-17 09:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad it up to here!
Lizzy.....................Hugs :(

I hope you get a resolution soon-what a load of sh*t. 6 months?????? That is horrible. Crying helps me sometimes, If I didn't do that I would seriously snap! Each days is getting worse-I have to be honest.

It is so infuriating that they can get away with the..........."we will notify you in 30 days" ####### over and over. My congressman said the same thing(well he can get involved in another 60 days, after their 30 days have passed). It is mind numbing and so frustrating. At this point, I am assuming we are on AR.......I have no choice but to believe that. I am so pissed but I will NEVER give up-they want a fight-they have one. He is worth every minute of this stress. There is no method to their madness at all. My head is wrecked.

Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts, my heart goes out to you as well (F)

and everyone else in limbo
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-21 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNE
It's only been a few days I am sure you will get your noa1 very soon :yes:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-22 14:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe got approved!! Now What?

I am still confused :yes:

me too :blink:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-22 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe got approved!! Now What?

Maybe the OP meant they had a ceremonial marriage but did not file any paperwork to register the marriage and thus do not have any documentation to prove that they are married for AOS purposes.

that would make a little more sense :huh:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-22 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe got approved!! Now What?

If he had a legal wedding in Colombia I do not see how he can get married legally in the U.S. You need to see a immigration lawyer ASAP. There are serious legal issues here not to be taken lightly and you need to start trying to fix these problems. I am not an attorney but she could be banned/barred from the U.S. for ten years or more. Something to thing about?

Peter Miami

Yes I do not think it is going to be that easy to get her into the states-unless I am misreading your original post and I have this all wrong??????? The k-1 is to bring your fiancee' over NOT your spouse.

definetly speak with a lawyer
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-22 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe got approved!! Now What?

Hi everyone.

Well we got approved for the K1.

Now we are in the US and have to go to the next step.

Does anyone know of a section of this web site on what are the procedures for after you arrive in the US.

Social Security etc.

We got married in Colombia befor we left but I think it may not be valid here in the US.

Thanks for any help.


What you have done is not legal and I would worry about repercussions. After doing all this work for a K-1 why would you do that? :wacko: :blink:

Good luck,

Peter Miami

I am with Peter here.........I am really were approved for the k-1 but got married anyway??? :o
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-22 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it longer to get NOA2 in California?
I am not going thru CSC but I think I have read that people do "wait" there. I am not sure if the wait is longer than it would be at NSC ot TSC

someone else will tell you for sure
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-22 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview tomorrow
good luck :star:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-21 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressending back
You will have to supply a little more info.............have you been married yet? I am assuming that you are referring to someone coming over on a k-1 visa right?
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-20 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQui parle français ici?

Il ya t-il des gens qui parlent français ici. Ca pourrait être aussi sympa d'échanger en French. Moi je vis à Paris. . Il y a t-il d'autres français ou francophones?

something about looking for someone who speaks French. He/she is in Paris. Are there other French or Francophones out there.

:P So no party hu Posted Image

OH :( I needed a party

We can have our own party Irish.......I dont mind havin' a go at leadin'.....just dont step on my toes ok :P
Posted Image

Ok :lol: God knows I need some cheering up today
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-22 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQui parle français ici?

Il ya t-il des gens qui parlent français ici. Ca pourrait être aussi sympa d'échanger en French. Moi je vis à Paris. . Il y a t-il d'autres français ou francophones?

something about looking for someone who speaks French. He/she is in Paris. Are there other French or Francophones out there.

:P So no party hu Posted Image

OH :( I needed a party
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-22 14:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQui parle français ici?
must be good news...........I'll join in :dance: :dance:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-22 14:12:00