K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F - Birth Certificate

I always thought that the 'number, date and place of issue' part of that form was referring to the naturalization certificate (if citizenship was acquired through naturalization).

:yes: It is referring to the naturalization #..............I asked this same question many months ago.

Tracy is correct, if you have a US birth cert you do not have to put any numbers down!!
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-23 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate
I am bringing it just in case.................since I submitted a copy with the petition.

I would kick myself if they did ask for it-Gav & I haven't been the luckiest people lately, so better for us to be safe than sorry ;)
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-22 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate

I didn't send any birth certificate or copies of my passport pages to my fiance. Why do you think she/he neds it? If the consulate asks for it (in packet 3 or 4) send it but it is not a requirement for the I134. Good Luck

It was a requirement when filing the K-1 right?

I submitted a copy front/back with the petition. I plan on having the original in case it is needed, because I will have ALL originals for copies I sent.

I confuse myself :wacko:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-22 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate
When I go to my fiance's interview I will only have the one from the "vital records" state department. I have asked around & as far as I know-I can not receive a "long form". The one I have does NOT have my parent's names on it. I have called the "Commonwealth of Pa" several times and I was told the one I have is the only one available.

We got our noa2-that is what I gave a copy of.

Edited by irishgirl73, 22 March 2006 - 11:22 AM.

irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-22 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat kind of questions...?
if you look here on vj-there are some example questions-should be of some help to you

look at the "guides" section
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-10 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChanging jobs

Ok, I just want to avoid a problem before it happens. But I'm also not sure if it would be a problem, so I wanted to ask everyone. Also, I looked through the boards to see if there was already a question like this, but I couldn't find one. If I missed it...I'm sorry :P

I've been at my current place of employment for almost a year. A year April 1st actually. So this was my place of employment that I listed when I filed the I-129f. My question is, I've recently been approached about a much higher paying job. If I were hired on, it would hopefully be within the next month. I would be able to use my home computer while working, not in an office. So, no direct communication with human resources. Obviously I would still request a letter from them stating my position and rate of pay. But would this cause a problem so close to our interview date? Would I still need a letter from my employer right now to show that I have had a steady income for the past year? Or will a letter from my bank showing how much has been deposited be enough?

I've only stayed in this job because of the K-1 process. I wasn't sure if it would look bad against me only working here for a short time. But like I said, its a significant increase in my pay and would help when Craig gets here. Or is just plain, 'not safe', to start a new job so close to the date?

This might be a lame question, but, its better to be safe than sorry, right? :) Especially so close to our wedding date.

I would say that if you are making more money-it shouldn't be held against you............I would still get a letter from the old employer to show that you have been there a while. Don't forget a few pay stubs, and a letter from your bank. I would say you should be fine. If I find a better paying job, you bet I will be outta this place :yes:

A letter from the new employer would be a bonus too(maybe listing salary and job title)!!!!

Good luck-I am sure the other vjers will give you some great advice!!!
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-02-28 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJuat a bit of advice please...
I should have put this in the message I just sent you :wacko:

go to

at the top drop down box-click on "track by reference"

I put in "expedite IV section", you can also try "expedite NIV section", look for anything posted to London within your timeframe(I looked from 3/14-3/23) see if anythig has been delivered.

at least I think this is right-I will check for ya ;)
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-24 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJuat a bit of advice please...
Hey girl ;)

I got the same letter-they are just letting you know that your case was sent to the embassy abroad. I think they can conduct security checks at any level-but I am pretty sure you are cool. I have been calling the embassy but no joy-they do not have it yet. I checked DHL's website yesterday and saw that a package was sent from NVC and rec'd in Dublin yesterday.

Have you tried calling the embassy yet? Have you tried DHL's website?
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-24 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot Interview Date!!!
great news..................congrats and best of luck to you both :star:

Edited by irishgirl73, 24 March 2006 - 10:23 AM.

irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-24 10:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a questions

Listen to Aussie.

As far as the job stuff goes, the main thing isn't where she worked or what she did, the main thing is that all her paperwork lines up. As long as you put the same thing on her G-325A as she puts on all her paperwork, you should be fine.

What I would do: I would take the two or three agencies that she's worked the most for, maybe even the first one she ever worked for plus one more, and I'd just list them from the start date to present. Put down their address and phone number, and if USCIS needs to verify employment, they can do it through the agencies.


Jan 2004 - Present
Trade Show Talent International Co.
123 Street Suite 1
(+55) 21-1234-1234

Feb 2000- Jan 2004
Talent Scouts Brasilia LLC
456 Street Suite 2
(+55) 61-456-45678

good advice :thumbs:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-24 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a questions
My fiance is an actor and I put "actor" under employment history-I wasn't about to list EVERY film he was in so I put the name and address of his agent. My man wasn't "always" working-he has gone months without filming I figure the agent's address was fine.

Seems kinda similar to what you are saying-is there any address that you can put? I mean can't you just put the agencies adress?
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-24 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a questions

Hi, I have several questions about the g-325a. My fiancee is filling hers out and if someone from a latin american country puts a ``De´´ before their last name as many people do there, is that part of the middle name? or does she even need to put it? she has it in her passport under her given name.

what is the file number?

if she lived at her apartment since she was 3, does she really need the month she moved in?

Should student be listed under occupation? before that she worked for a few years as a trade show model and translator. she worked for way too many people to list and probably had over 50 different bosses, since trade shows last for about a week. what does she put for address of employer and for the dates? and what is the alien registration number? sorry about all the questions, im just having trouble opening the examples on this computer.

I just get a lil uptight when it threatens you by law if you make a mistake so i want to get eveyrthing right.

and for my g325a, I work seasonal and my job ends during fall and starts in the spring. Ive done this the past 2 years but its kinda like temp work since there is no guarantee you will get hired back the next year. Do i say 2 years ago was my start time or do i list the same job twice with my start dates and end dates? thanks!

If the "de" name is on her passport-then yes she should put it on the form.

file ###??? not sure

she could ask someone exactly when they moved into the apartment, not sure how strict they are about exact month, but she should find out just to be safe

alien registration#........if she has ever worked here in the states she would have an A#, if not she won't get one until later on in the processing.

as for her working the trade show-maybe she should put down one main address and put that she has done that for the past few years-not sure about listing "student"

even though it is temp work-it is still work. If you started there 2 yrs ago, I would think you could use that as your start date.

I am by no means an expert here-just trying to help.

others will be along I am sure with better answers for you.
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-22 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTracking case at NVC

Since I've been doing this... I'll try and save you alittle bit of time on the phone.

Give it at least a week from your NOA2 before even bothering to call... 2 weeks is generally how long it takes for NVC to get your file. Call 603-334-0700. You don't have to wait to hit numbers... save you some money if you just speed through instead of listening to the menu options. If you speak english, hit 1. Then hit 5 to talk to an operator. Have your receipt number from the service center (found on your NOA's... CSC starts with WAC for example). Also, be prepared to answer a few verification questions... They asked me once for the beneficiarie's date of birth.

As soon as an operator picks up (early morning is best time to call from my experience... I've called a couple of times before 830 am, and didn't get put on hold at all), they'll ask you for the case number... in K1 and K3 cases, that's the receipt number I was talking about above.

If they don't have it, they'll say right away that they haven't recieved your case yet. If so, about all they will tell you is when they recieved it and when they sent it off to the embassy... usually just a matter of days apart.

Once they tell you it's been sent, and when... then you have to go to the DHL website.. that's who they use to ship the stuff.

Click on Track, then track by reference number.

You have to enter a delivery date range AND a reference number. The date range is simple... use the date they told you they sent it, up until the current date. The reference number you'll have to try a couple of options. Try each of these:

EXPEDITE NIV SECTION (Maybe Non-Immigrant Visas)
EXPEDITE IV SECTION (Maybe Immigrant Visas)

Then just look for the embassy that it's going to. It'll give you the status. Don't be entirely surprised if you don't see anything right away... my case was mailed on the 24th, and I don't see anything listed yet. The 23rds just got delivered today to the embassy.

After the embassy recieves it, well, it's all up to the embassy then on how fast or slow things go. With you being from Iran, I wouldn't assume that there's a huge back log of visa's from there, but don't quote me on that... take a look in the timelines stats to try and gauge how they are doing.

As far as security checks go.. I know people say that NVC does them, but since the large majority of K-1's that I've been comparing times for, most are forwarded within a day or two... doesn't seem like enough time for them to get the case, process it, and do security checks, and then forward it within a day (that was my case, I've seen some forwarded the same day that NVC got them).

you covered it all :thumbs:

great post this will help many :yes:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-27 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow long for fiance to receive packet 3, usually?

I am hoping our's moves fast because the price of fligts are going up every day :o :huh: I am planning on going to the interview.

I am with you on that one plane tickes are starting to go thru the roof!! :angry:

last week it was around $550 and today it is $800................#######??? it has never jumped that much. Usually a few bucks but $300???? I don't think so.

I am hoping they come back down again-that is just insane :blink:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-27 14:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow long for fiance to receive packet 3, usually?
Our petition also left around the same time(3/14) from what I can tell from the DHL website, it could have been delivered either 3/19 or 3/23. I have been calling and they are super nice(in Dublin). It isn't in the system yet so they told me to call back tomorrow.

I am not sure about Korea, but if you can get a number, I don't think it would hurt to call. I am sure someone will come along that can help.

I am hoping our's moves fast because the price of fligts are going up every day :o :huh: I am planning on going to the interview.
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-27 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresunemployed

Paul, this is the I-134 not the I-864 which is more stringent........and you are honestly worrying too much :P I know that sometimes that is hard not to do in this process but you are fine. You have your cousin lined up.....they meet the requirements for the I-134.

Have you read here on the I-134

Thanks for your support aussiewench! I know, i am worrying too much about this as this is the second time ive been told that since joining the board... I just love my fiancee so much and being denied is my worst fear. Its amazing what they put us through just to be with the person we love most. Im just going to try and relax and keep plugging away at the forms. Even though they confuse the heck out of me as you guys can see from my other threads

Take a deep breath :star:

It seems overwhelming and confusing, believe me I know. You have found a great site with loads of great people who will help the best they can.

good luck with everything-it will all be ok
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-24 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere to have medical done?
No I meant at the top of the page here on VJ there is a section that says "ebassy info" sometimes people post all of the relevant info there-

click on it-pull up London & see what is says-there may be a list of docs.

I actually just tried for ya & didn't see anything.............. :blink: someone will help you I'm sure
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-28 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere to have medical done?
Not sure about London-but I know there is a list of all medical doctors for Dublin under the "embassy info" here on VJ.

Did you try that? I am sure someone will come along and answer your question

Edited by irishgirl73, 28 March 2006 - 01:26 PM.

irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-28 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGOt NOA2 Today!!!!!

Congrats! :thumbs:

Anyone who says "this was fast" concerning their NOA2 HAS to be going through the VSC!

Think of it like this... the USCIS is like the Grand Jury. The Consulate is the actual trial.


I swear those vscers are so lucky :lol:

I still think our petition was sent out to another service center just for fun ;)
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-27 16:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew Job-New I-134?
I am starting the 12th of April and I think his interview is going to be the first week of May-I will be lucky if I have ONE paystub-I will re-do the I-134 and I will also write a letter explaining the transition.

I am sure if I have the letter from them as well as old paystubs(to prove there was no gap in employment), It will be cool.

irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-30 09:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew Job-New I-134?
Ok If I start a new job a few weeks before my man's interview-should the NEW job info be the one I put on the I-134?

I will have pay stubs from my old job(obviously), hopefully I will have at least one stub from the new job-so what should I do? I will also have to get a letter from the HR department.

Thanks guys

I have everything else prepared for the interview-but want to make sure I do this right!!!
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-30 08:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfeel like losing all hope
waiting is absolute torture-I know exactly how you feel.

sending some good vibes your way-I hope you get your approval soon!
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-30 19:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge Difference
I was exepecting to read that you had a 75 year age gap.....................3 yrs???? should be no problem at all.

I am 4 yrs older than my man :yes:

Edited by irishgirl73, 27 March 2006 - 12:07 PM.

irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-27 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 question about the notary
Thanks guys-you are the best!!!!!!!!

Edited by irishgirl73, 02 April 2006 - 03:01 PM.

irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-02 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 question about the notary
Ok my friend is a notary public-she came over last night to "notarize" my I-134, on the bottom where she puts here name, and puts the date is reads............"sworn here on this (insert date) she does not know what the "at" part means. Are they looking for a location or the time it is notarized?

I know this is a really dumb question, but obviously I want this done properly. Also-there wasn't much room for her stamp and that raised seal-is anywhere on the bottom good enough?

thanks guys
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-02 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe got our interview date!

I'm so excited.... We hadn't heard from the Consulate after our papers left the NVC. I was talking on the phone from work to Sam and my cell phone rang. Hey, maybe its the consulate ha ha. And it was! Our interview is May 5. He arrives May 2 for a two week visit here in beautiful Vancouver then we'll fly back together. Hopefully! Its funny how the time seems short in retrospect....

Good luck to everyone waiting to be reunited with their loved ones.

good luck to you both :thumbs:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-06 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChanging jobs mid-process

Thanks, Sriniv! :D that's very reassuring.

I'll keep posting my resume then ;)

I just started a new job and my fiance's interview will be in a month-I plan on showing that there was NO time that I was unemployed, left one company to go to another :-)

Good luck, if you find a better job-take it!

Edited by irishgirl73, 10 April 2006 - 11:56 AM.

irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-10 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat's the deal with VSC?
not everyone speeds through the VSC-look at my took almost 90 days!!!

I am sure you will get your approval soon
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-12 16:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice certificates

Hi everyone,

I am only just at the NOA1 stage, but thought I would start to get everything ready to save time at a later date. I live in the UK andI have applied for my new birth certificate as I only have the short one, and was going to get my Police certificates. How many do I need to get?

I lived in South London until I moved to Leicester 5 years to go to Uni, however I was still registered as living at my parents until 3 years ago. I have now lived in 5 houses in Leicester during the last 5 years, but within the LE2 post code.

Can anyone help me with how to apply/how many I need?

Thank you.

I am pretty sure that you will need a police cert for every place that you lived since turning 16.

Someone else can answer for sure ;)
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-19 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere Do I Begin???????

I was referred to this forum from a friend but have NO IDEA where to begin :wacko: :help:
I am recently engaged to a Jamaican and we want to begin the process of getting him over here to the States.
Can anyone help me on where to get forms, who fills them out, what is the initial cost?
Do I go to the local immigration office (in WI) to file?

I know there is probably somewhere else with these answers but I am so confused on codes etc. on this forum.

Thank you all in advance for your help!!

click at the top where it says guides and FAQs its got tons of useful info and will probably answer alot of your questions :)

:yes: the best thing to do at first is read the faq's and guides here on vj!!
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-20 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresabout form DS-230 part 1

what about ''couse of study''? Anyone know how to fill that part?

Whenever I am filling out paperwork and it asks for "course of study" I always put "general"

not sure if that is correct, but that's how I have always answered that question(job applications).
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-20 14:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDamn damn damn

If you call the IRS and wait on hold for an hour or so, you should be able to get transcripts of past years tax returns and W-2s sent to you in 1-2 weeks. It's much quicker than requesting over the internet or via mail, which I've heard can take up to 6 weeks.

I called the IRS got transcripts in 4 days-don't worry you can get everything together quicker than you think :yes:

I think the # is : 1-800-829-1040 ????? try it

Edited by irishgirl73, 20 April 2006 - 02:18 PM.

irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-20 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I start worrying ?
I learned the hard way that you should not compare your case/timeline to others. some go through Vermont in 5 days some 5 weeks some 5 months. It took us 90 days to get our noa2-very unusual for VSC but it does happen. You should be very thankful that you are not going through some of the other centers(God bless those people) because they wait for a ridiculous amount of time! Your petition was rec'd 3/21 look at some people who are still waiting for a response to petitions rec'd Dec 05'

You can't do anything until they are proessing cases 30 days after your receipt date.

Best advice given to me here on patient, this is only the beginning!!!!

Good luck to you (F)

Edited by irishgirl73, 21 April 2006 - 12:21 PM.

irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-21 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Received!!!!
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-27 12:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOMG!!!....I HAVE MY VISA IN MY HAND!!!
congrats :dance:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-27 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1
congrats!!! it is a great feeling :dance:

hope your journey is a smooth one!
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-27 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC are they that stupid WTF RFE!!!!!!
yes PLEASE fill in your timeline-so you can help others that are going through the same service center :thumbs:
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-28 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC are they that stupid WTF RFE!!!!!!
Hey at least they looked at your petition-some people's petitions get lost under tons of other applications-or better yet, they sit on someone's desk for months!!!!!!! :huh:

send them back exactly what they want-how they want it and I am sure you will get approved quickly.
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-04-28 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhy I still haven't hear from USCIS?
I am waiting at Vermont as well but I rec'd my noa1 on 12/14.................Petition was rec'd 12/8

You are outside of their processing times so you should call them-today!!!!!
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-03-01 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHappy for NOA2
congrats :thumbs:

getting that noa2 is a great feeling
irishgirl73FemaleIreland2006-05-02 12:01:00