CanadaMTL Interview Review (Approved)
visa came today
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-05-21 15:44:00
CanadaMTL Interview Review (Approved)
QUOTE (Yomtl @ May 16 2008, 09:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you remember what questions the interviewer asked? (since I will be going to the interview without my girlfriend, I don't want to be asked questions that I may not be able to answer)


How we met, how often we see each other, and a few other small ones about our families. Making sure that we mostly have a legit relationship and are actively pursuing our marriage pretty much.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-05-16 09:41:00
CanadaMTL Interview Review (Approved)
We had our interview today. We stayed at the Courtyard Marriot on Scherbrooke. We woke up around 5:30am and got ready. We walked down by the consulate and got there before 7. So we walked around the corner and we sat at the cafe until 7:30. The sign on the door said 8:00 or 8:30 but we saw people inside. So we walked in and we went thru the security. We were given a "B". Walked downstairs to the waiting room. We were maybe the 3rd or 4th person there. Shortly after the officer came down and walked A, B, and C into the elevator. He walked us to the window area in the back (6-12) and we were called up 1 by 1 to give them our number and letter. Then we were asked to wait in the waiting area. Even tho we were "B" we were called first and back over to the 6-12 window area. We had to give all our paperwork and documents - we did not make copies of the birth certificate, so they had to. We also gave them an express post envelope. We were then asked to go to the cashier, we paid in cash (US) - it was $131. We then waited again, it was around 8:45 by the time we were called up to give finger prints. Back to the waiting room and just a short wait until we were called to a room number. We walked in and the interview maybe lasted 10-15 minutes. He had asked in detail how we met and the time line of things. He worked is way thru our paperwork and even had the original photos I sent in with the application. He approved us and said he would try to mail out the visa back to Mary in just a matter of days.

We asked a few questions but it seems like we have nothing to fear. He said we could travel without activating the K1, that explaining the wedding planning and new house purchase would be adequate. Also the Gardisil shot stuff was not even brought up or questioned.

Its 10 AM now and we are back in the hotel after eating at the breakfast area... so we must have been done by 9:30.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-05-16 09:07:00
CanadaLetter of Intent
We just used the example - just make sure that you change the wording to reflect if you intend to marry. I think the example has a 'her' or 'him' in it ... or maybe it was 'move to the us'. In any case, make sure the letter makes sense wink.gif It just has to be simple and sweet. I got into details with the 129-F question "how did you meet" and the cover letter.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-05-23 09:24:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
MTL just wrote back saying most likely 4 months. So July.

That works perfectly!
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-03-07 16:43:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
QUOTE (trailmix @ Mar 1 2008, 12:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
According to Liz's spreadsheet it is taking about 2 months from packet three being sent back to interview - so you should be thinking she will receive her visa/interview in the 2-3 month time frame from now.

She has 6 months to use the visa, so that should work for you?

Well if they get it Monday .... 3 months from that date is June 3rd ....

That is 3 months before we wanted to move ... and then we'd have 45 days or so before the wedding.

So its perfect timing - she had just hoped to visit in June and July to do more planning for the wedding. It's so hard to plan a wedding 600 miles away sad.gif
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-03-01 12:05:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Wow - so lately its been 3-4 months instead of 6???

We just sent our Packet 3 back the other day.

I *hope*, really really really hope, that this works out well. If we get an interview in July it will be a few months before Mary moves, and she cant move sooner because of a wedding in August we have to go to.

I hope its not before that because we have a ton of planning here to do sad.gif
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-03-01 11:49:00
CanadaCar Insurance
My insurance agent will let me add Mary the month before we are married. They want her ONT drivers license info and that was about it! No credit check because it's on my insurance policy.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-06-16 12:03:00
CanadaDeposit a canadian check in a US bank
Never tried it.

A thought for those in the midwest (chicago area) ... Harris is owned by Bank of Montreal. That might be an easy in, but who knows. There are no RBC's up here sad.gif
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-06-21 23:31:00
CanadaLittle Help?
QUOTE (Reba @ Jun 2 2008, 06:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Your better option is to order foodstuffs from or bring it across the border yourself.

Thanks, I was just trying to slip in the surprise at the right time. I wont be up until August and she is only visiting for a week to help to move me in. Mary wont be moving in until September. I wanted to surprise her to help her feel like its her place too - and it is home smile.gif

Thanks again cat!
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-06-02 21:06:00
CanadaLittle Help?
QUOTE (cattattude @ Jun 1 2008, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Jon, I'd be more than happy to help. That's so sweet - how exciting to start a new love nest together in wink.gif

Send me a PM with your address and shopping list and I'll drop it off at CanadaPost today.

Message sent, thank you!
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-06-01 14:18:00
CanadaLittle Help?
In a few weeks we'll close on our new house. Mary will fly in to help clean and move in. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a nice little house warming surprise. I was hoping someone would be willing to pick me up a few boxes of shreddies and a bag or two of ketchup chips. If I was thinking I would have grabbed them on my last trip driving back. I'd pay for shipping and the time to pick it up and pack it well for me.

Let me know!
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-05-31 23:22:00
CanadaOpen up your very own Tim Hortons in the US
I would love to open a Cora's here.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-07-24 12:26:00
CanadaMigrating to a Mac?
Thanks for the suggestions smile.gif

Quick answers....

@ the new job the IT techs are all Apple Certified and all my hardware problems seemed to be solved.

I'm using fusion 2b2 so I can run OSX server as a Virtual Machine.

My MacBookPro has 4GB and I have 2GB allocated for XP, OSX Server, and RHEL5 ... of Course I only would load one at a time with Fusion. I seems to me some of the VMWare tools are "laggy" and thats where my problem is. I never tried unity and have heard so many horror stories I don't know if I will.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-08-27 07:07:00
CanadaMigrating to a Mac?
A few months ago I would have answered this question differently.

Recently I got a new job and was issued a Mac Book Pro. Just seeing how this thing is designed has impressed me greatly. How it goes to sleep, how its compact - its just designed very well.

My last experience with macs was back from OS9 and it was terrible. However in my two months with the new Mac Book Pro I have experienced problems. Nothing is problem free. Leopard had a hard kernel panic when a issue in the logic board appeared after a week. Sometimes the laptop doesnt want to boot up all the way, I think its a problem with display properties as it stops in a "refresh" that it does as its starting up.

In any case, when Mary moves next month I'm taking her to the Apple store and hopefully the new MacBooks will be out and she feels comfortable with it. If she doenst get used to OSX in a week or two I'll just load windows on it.

I use Adium to talk on MSN ... I just wish the iSight camera was supported for video chat.

Also I wish Fusion would run my virtual machines a little faster. Its a little hard to use my "Virtual" PC to do actual work on.

Edited by jonandmary, 26 August 2008 - 09:46 PM.

jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-08-26 21:44:00
CanadaOur Status Update
In the past 3 days I have driven over 24 hours. I want to die.

I also am so pissed off at a few friends and my sister. By the time I got home it was 9 (dark outside). It must not have been convenient for anyone to help me unload the trailer. I had to do it all myself and my dad came by to help with the heavy stuff even tho I had told him not to bother coming out.

The border was a snap - nexus lane with the full trailer and it took seconds. It must have been the least amount of questions I ever got. Nothing about my truck registration, the trailer, or anything I was bringing. The RFID reader read 3 cards when we only had 2 (my friend and I) - we spent a few minutes just talking about how weird that was and how we don't know the name of the 3rd person. Pictures must show up for them because he ended the conversation with "oh well, shes pretty cute".
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-09-01 23:17:00
CanadaOur Status Update
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Aug 26 2008, 10:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations. Jon, I don't mean to throw a monkey-wrench in your plans but you may not be allowed to bring Mary's belongings into the US before she herself has crossed the border. Her belongings entering the country are dependent on her entering the country. There is a customs form - form 3299 - for unaccompanied personal belongings entering the US. One of the forms that is required is proof of eligibility for the items to enter the US - in Mary's case, an I-94 which she won't get until she herself enters the country.

You can certainly make the trip but you may find yourself turned back at the border or having to pay duty on the belongings if they are allowed into the country. Something to consider is perhaps renting a storage unit close to the border where you plan to cross and you can then leave the belongings there until Mary also crosses into the US, then make a short trip to go and pick them up after her arrival.

Truly, I don't mean to disturb you but you do need to be aware of this so you can address the problem in advance rather than having to make a last minute decision about what to do.

Here is information to look at:;p_topview=1

I brought a truck load over before. All I say is my fiance has an approved K1 and I'm just making a trip with her stuff. I go thru the Nexus lane as pretty much as long as I just say what I have in the truck they wave me thru. I even asked when I was in MTL for Mary's interview and the person administering the interview pretty much said the CBP should not hassle me as I'm the USC.

But thanks, I'll read up on the documentation just so I know what the official rules are smile.gif
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-08-26 22:49:00
CanadaOur Status Update
Well everyone - its been a long time coming. I first filled out Mary's K1 docs back last July. Mary has had her K1 now for a few months and had visited a few times as a visitor (not on the K1). Her parents have been out too to see the new house. I left my job in the Chicago suburbs to start a new job in the Milwaukee suburbs. Now we are closer to my family and in a less congested area.

The wedding invitations have been sent, RSVP's are coming in. The final appointments with vendors have been set. Our plans are being double checked. I leave in a few days with a trailer to go to Toronto. I'll be coming back full with Mary's belongings. In a few weeks Mary will fly in on a one way ticket as her life will change forever. Her parents will be by her side and I set up a 1/2 spa package for her and her mother.... and we'll have a nice dinner and good weekend before they fly back home by themselves.

Then in 45 days .... everything we have worked the past year for will come to a close and start a new beginning. The vows and rings will be exchanged, the photos will be snapped, songs will be danced to, memories will be shared .... and the next morning we will start our first day as man and wife.


so much to do still smile.gif
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-08-26 22:00:00
CanadaPOE Pearson
I called USCIS and the lady was super nice. She said congratulations a bunch of times.

Just to make sure the address is correct we'll file a AR-11 with DHS. And we'll fix all the address stuff with the AOS filing.

I just hope that the paperwork doesnt get lost from Chicago to Milwaukee - I'd rather interview down there than to have a delayed interview in Milwaukee.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-09-15 09:31:00
CanadaPOE Pearson
yea. The initial address on the paperwork was the old address in Illinois. The address Mary put on the POE paperwork was her Ontario address.

Is there an office in Milwaukee? Otherwise we'd be going to Chicago sad.gif

Edit: Mary doesn't recall all the paperwork. It was a little hectic. She waited for an hour in teir 2 immigration.

Edited by jonandmary, 12 September 2008 - 05:36 PM.

jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-09-12 17:33:00
CanadaPOE Pearson
Yes I know - but the guides can be a little confusing. I was just reading alot about vaccination records and things and assumed that you got some of the paperwork back for AOS. We have copies of pretty much everything except some of the stuff she sent back with the packet 3.

jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-09-12 08:35:00
CanadaPOE Pearson

Mary called and all they gave her was an I94 stapled in her passport.

I thought we had to use some of the paperwork in the packet for our AOS?

If so how do I go about getting it now???

(i.e. they took the packet)
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-09-12 07:45:00
CanadaDown to just a matter of days
The move went well, Mary came in 3 weeks ago. We added her to the auto insurance, applied for a SSN, opened a joint bank account, been super crazy busy over wedding planning ......

This Saturday, we will be getting married. In 2 days her family will start flying in. And from now until October 26th I am "busy". After the wedding her family will spend Canadian Thanksgiving here, then fly out. 2 days later we fly out to FL. We are getting out AOS paperwork all ready and my parents will get a copy of our marriage cert and mail out our AOS for us. We'll change Mary's name with the SS office with another copy of the marriage cert. Few weeks after that we'll get Mary's DL and be all official smile.gif

Hopefully the AOS process goes smoothly as we are planning a second reception north of the border late April 2009.

Thanks to everyone that has been a part of our special journey. We'll post some pics up after the dust settles.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-10-06 16:19:00
CanadaThe Canadian dollar
We were lucky. Mary moved a small amount of savings a year ago when it was in the mid .90's. Then the rest of it at 1.10. So we were ahead a little bit - but now we have to pay for the second reception for next spring so its back on our favor again.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-10-10 09:35:00
CanadaStupid DMV - so mad!!!!!
QUOTE (Texanadian @ Nov 16 2008, 05:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can't you just keep your old license? In TX, you can drive on a foreign license for a year. I just got my first TX license last week. It's good until 2015. Cost me $24.

I needed a green card to get my license.

The police here like you to have a state ID/DL if you reside here, there is a law that says within so many days of becoming a WI resident you need to apply for an ID/DL.

The main reason we wanted her to get a WI DL is so she had a photo ID that reflects her married name. The auto insurance company, the bank, her new employer- were all waiting on a local DL #.

QUOTE (flames9 @ Nov 16 2008, 09:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would seriously report that tohis superiors about showing your bank account information and if that doesn't get you anywhere, contact ur congress dudes persons office

Mary went back and received her DL # receipt and she should get the card in the mail in a few days. Since everything worked out eventually I don't think I'll make a formal complaint. The guy turned away when she was entering the password and I changed the password as soon as she left.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-11-18 22:13:00
CanadaStupid DMV - so mad!!!!!
I looked at the paperwork Mary brought back (memos etc) and it all makes sense to me.

I think what set me off was that he wanted her to log into our bank account on his computer and that he told her that she has to go home (Canada) in December.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-11-14 20:09:00
CanadaStupid DMV - so mad!!!!!
QUOTE (thetreble @ Nov 14 2008, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The DMV does not have access to that information, if that is what you were inferring.

So why do they wait a week to send out the DL's ? I assumed they did further background checks.

QUOTE (J&K @ Nov 14 2008, 04:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My licence now, is only good until my expiration date on my conditional greencard (June 18, 2009) so I will have to show my I-797 for my Removal of Conditions to keep my licence and will have to go a renewal again when that ends. So in 4 years I will have to renew my licence 4 times.

I can understand that. I just was hoping we'd get her ID in her married name now. We really need it to get checks made, to get the auto insurance updated, etc. ...
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-11-14 15:32:00
CanadaStupid DMV - so mad!!!!!
QUOTE (payxibka @ Nov 14 2008, 03:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A K-1 is a non-immigrant visa and only non-immigrants get I-94's.

Yes she is temporary (only a 90 day authorized stay period) until you apply to register for residency...... that is why the I-797 was needed.......

Oh, but according to the IRS she can be treated as a 'resident' currently. So when its convenient for them she is legal and legit, when its not go pound sand.

QUOTE (irs)
If, at the end of your tax year, you are married and one spouse is a U.S. citizen or a resident alien and the other is a nonresident alien, you can choose to treat the nonresident as a U.S. resident.

QUOTE (payxibka @ Nov 14 2008, 03:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You might be right on the I-797 but it is better than the alternative which is to make you wait until EAD or greencard...

Thats what we will hope for and take the I797 in on Monday.

Thanks everyone smile.gif

Edited by jonandmary, 14 November 2008 - 02:59 PM.

jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-11-14 14:58:00
CanadaStupid DMV - so mad!!!!!
QUOTE (thetreble @ Nov 14 2008, 03:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's not about being legal or not being legal.

In NJ I could not get a driver's license until I had a I-551 stamp or my actual Green card. And much like your experience, I asked 5 different people and got 5 different answers.

The DMV has nothing to do with her leaving so don't get upset over that, that is just some worker being ignorant. However, they have say over who gets a driver's license and who doesn't.

The K visa is no longer valid. As soon as you applied for AOS, it is nullified as she is no longer your fiancee.

I went on the WI DMV website and it says she needs the !797. Consider that lucky because a lot of states request more than just a NOA.

But the asterisk has me worried. Who is to say if it has enough proof or not.

Valid A#, valid SSN, etc .... everything is in order.

From a technical aspect I fail to see how the I797 proves anything.

They wont give her a DL on the spot no matter what, you have to wait 7-10 days for it to be mailed out from Madison. I dont understand why they can't perform all the necessary checks at that time. Assuming they have access to the systems it would show them her current status and that the I485 is pending.

.... in any case I'm just venting. Mary was very upset for this guy to tell her she has to leave. She feels like everything is an uphill battle and if frustrated.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-11-14 14:50:00
CanadaStupid DMV - so mad!!!!!
QUOTE (payxibka @ Nov 14 2008, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is not just Wisconsin. It is all about the provisions contained in the Federal REAL ID legislation.

What you missed is this:

Minimum stay requirement: Temporary visitors must have legal presence documents authorizing a minimum stay of:
1 year with at least 6 months remaining (for a driver license)
6 months with at least 3 months remaining (for an ID card)

While the I-94 is mentioned your I-94 with a valid stay of 90 days does not meet the criteria...

She is not a temporary visitor.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-11-14 14:40:00
CanadaStupid DMV - so mad!!!!!
So we filed AOS and EAD, Mary has her SSN with her married name, we are all good to go....

So Mary went to the DMV in Waukesha WI today to get her WI license. She brought the following:

Ontario DL
SSN card w/married name
Marriage Cert
Sept Bank Statement with both names on it

So it sounds like they were so confused that they had her go into a side office for a supervisor to process her application. Keep in mind she's been to the SSA twice and both times they have granted her a SS card. The guy begins to tell her that the bank statement is not good enough (it is according to their instructions). He asked her to log into the bank account on his computer. This pisses me off because we have alot of savings and its none of his business to see that (I blocked out the amounts on the statement). She did it and it was acceptable at that point.

He would not process her application though - he wanted the I797 AOS receipt. For what I don't know. He kept telling Mary she was only allowed to be here until December 11th (when her Visa expires). Whenever she tried to explain how her K visa works he would look away.

They list the I797 on the list of proof, but also a Visa with a I94.

As far as I'm concerned the valid K visa, the marriage cert, and the AOS keeps her 100% legal until we get a denial. Telling her she has to leave on Dec 11th (2 months after we got married) is bullsh*t.

On Monday we'll go back with the I797 but after this is done I think I'm going to be writing a letter to a few people in Madison.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-11-14 14:30:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (rae_and_scott @ May 15 2008, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tomorrow jonandmary have their interview. smile.gif Good luck to them.

Thank you very much!!!!

We both fly out in a few hours. Its so crazy for us because I sold off some of my business, I got a job offer for a better job closer to my family in WI, our offer on our favorite house was just accepted, and Mary's bridal shower is next week!

This weekend should be good and relaxing while accomplishing the visa part of the process.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-05-15 12:55:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (melusine @ Apr 10 2008, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
what do you mean May 16th 9:30 am ???????
interview date ??????????


Im scared blink.gif

I need to do my affidavit of support still
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-04-10 14:13:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Thanks for the tip........

Oh wow

May 16th 9:30 am
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-04-10 13:59:00
CanadaBeer Thread
There is a bar not far from me that has sleeman's on tap.

I like most of the sam adams seasonals. Used to live in Chicago and it was bigger there. Living in Milwaukee is a little different. A ton of beer - just specific ones. Most bars promote Miller products instead of out of towner's. So that means instead of Sam Adams seasonals - most bars have Leinenkugel's seasonals.

However now that Miller is now the same company as MolsonCoors maybe we'll get more BlueMoon around here. The summer seasonal for BlueMoon is HoneyMoon.... I like it very much.

I'm a picky beer person. Hoegaarden, Spaten, Modelo negro, Sam Adams, etc....
jonandmaryMaleCanada2008-07-13 13:42:00
CanadaNew Nexus Card
New nexus card came in ... not too snazzy. They even sent a little pocket to keep it in to shield it from rouge RFID scanners.

Anyone apply lately? Mary hopefully to get her greencard soon and we want to make sure she has her nexus appointment when we go.

jonandmaryMaleCanada2009-02-09 14:06:00
CanadaMy Visa Journey has officially begun!
Good luck on your journey. It really is that. I just realized I started filing out my wife's 129F back in July of 2007. We got the email saying the green card will be in the mail the last business day in February 2009.

jonandmaryMaleCanada2009-03-03 23:04:00
CanadaDual Citizen Baby
Thanks Ant. I used to fly every month to Toronto, then slowly moved into driving the last year we were dating. I know the drill all too well. In fact I allowed a friend to ride up a few times with me to visit his family in London only because he had a NEXUS card. We've done NEXUS for us and our family. We can just schedule the interview at Pearson for when we will be in town.

The timing we have down to a science, leaving Toronto around 9-10 EST gets you past every rush hour and home in Milwaukee by 10 PM. Leaving to go to Toronto is a crapshoot. If you miss rush hour traffic everywhere, the 401 still kills you by the time you get to Mississauga.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2010-06-23 10:42:00
CanadaDual Citizen Baby
Since we are not really a border state, we do not have the option for the enhanced drivers license (yet). We were planning on doing a passport for him in case we need to fly anyways. I just want to make sure I can go thru the nexus lanes because occasionally the wait can really suck. I'd hate to sit in line for an hour just because baby doesnt have a nexus card.

We'll have to get on the ball with that after he's born. We'd like to go back to Toronto in July 2011, last time we've been was this past February a week after we found out we were pregnant. We havn't done much traveling because of the pregnancy.
jonandmaryMaleCanada2010-06-23 10:05:00
CanadaDual Citizen Baby
Hey everyone - long time no post. It seems like as soon as we were married we tried to forget all the hardtimes and work we went through for the immigration. You know, look to the future. Unfortunately that also seemed like it went with not visiting this site.

We will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary soon and shortly after that we'll have a little baby boy. I wanted to ask around here about some of the citizenship stuff. We originally talked with an immigration attorney, but she gave us quite a bit of mis-information so I just did all the paperwork and forms myself.

We know the baby will be considered a dual citizen, but at any time will the kid loose the Canadian citizenship? The attorney said that the kid could move to Canada without "immigrating" before he turns 25. Other than that has anyone gone through the process for doing the US and Canada passports for a baby? What about the NEXUS card? I know everyone in the car needs a NEXUS card, but do they even offer them for a baby? How would they do the interview in Canada for it?

We also need to find a store online that sells baby clothes with the Canada flag, etc :)
jonandmaryMaleCanada2010-06-23 07:58:00