US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical exam before interview scheduled?

Hello everyone,


I was wondering if it is possible to schedule the medical exam before the interview date is given by the NVC. I'm expecting my case complete in about 10 days or so but I would like to go ahead and schedule the medical exam if possible.


Does anyone know? 





I do believe the medical exams are good for one year. You just have to be sure you are using a US Embassy approved doctor and of course they will give you a list of doctors.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-01 14:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLost case

Our I-129F case was sent from the NVC to the Moscow embassy on May 7th (confirmed by NVC) I was able to schedule the interview for June 11th just yesterday, However my attorney sent an email to the embassy to confirm that they have received our case, they replied back and said they have not received it yet. Is it possible to schedule an interview online if they've not received the case? Will they cancel or reschedule the interview? Any suggestions how to track our case to see where it is? I would have thought DHL to Moscow would only have taken 3 or 4 days so I can only assume it is there but they say not there.

I appreciate any comments.


Not sure why your case isn't there yet but I received a letter from the Embassy telling me they received the petition. When I signed up at they already had my case in the system. Then I paid for the visa (240.00) and waited two days before it showed on the site it had been paid.


Then went in and entered her information and put in my reciept number and looked at the dates for interviews. I want an interview in July so I will have to wait a couple of weeks to set that up since it is only showing the month of June right now. Plus we're still waiting for her police report but it should be here soon.


I would imagine if they don't show your case there at the Embassy yet you would not be able to set up an interview? Yes, DHL to Moscow should take less than 5 days to get there, I don't think you can call the Embassy either but I could be wrong? You might be able to send them an email and check on it though?

Edited by paws057, 04 June 2013 - 10:26 AM.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-04 10:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan you ever have to much evidence?

Now you have the right idea. You have done well to collect the info you have but you shouldn't need it all. I would put the other info in a place that someone could access it just in case you needed something. Then if you do it could be scanned to you.  

In one case I know of a guy tried to submit 6 kilos of phone records. It went into the trash. They just don't need it nor have time to deal with it.  

You will be surprised at how easy the interview is I think. The work is in the required docs really.

Yes I have everything on a memory stick so I will bring that along as well. They have copy places all over so it shouldn't be hard to find one.  Yes, all the reviews of the Embassy are good and most say it only takes about 5-10 minutes and your done. Of course you might wait for 3 hours to get that time to. Yes all the documents are good to go except for the police report and that s coming soon. Thanks!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-04 14:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan you ever have to much evidence?


You obviously have meet the requirement of have met within the last two years.  You have proved to them that you are a USC and free to marry and that she is free to marry.  At the Embassy interview they will want to see if she is a criminal--the police report--and is healthy--the medical.  Then there is the proof of on-going relationship.  Are you thinking of bringing in a 1000 pages of Skype or e-mails?  I would only bring in enough to span your relationship--try to keep it under 20 pages.  If you are going to the interview with her, that speaks more than all the e-mails or Skype printouts.  I saw a woman at my wife's AOS with three--yes, I said three--boxes full of paper.  She was carting them around on a moving dolly.  I thought I sent in a lot of papers, but that was insane.  I sent all of my evidence in with the petition so it was included in the file and they could read it if they wanted.  All e-mails over a three year period came to about 50 pages which I thought was excessive, but did it anyway.


I would hit all the items that you must prove as listed in the instructions and keep it as short as you can and use high quality evidence if you can.  If you were at a very high fraud country that would be one thing, but I would not consider Russia high fraud.


Good luck,




Well the Skype I took about two pages per month and the letters I will do about the same. I do have two expanding files packed full of stuff though but do not plan on taking it to the interview that is why I  Phone records I will trim down a little more and I did trim the trip information so I should be good I would think. Yes I am going to the interview and it's why I'm not sending any of the files to her. I will meet her in Moscow for her medical and then the interview. This is what we've waited for, so I don't want to miss it!smile.png

Hey that's true I forgot about the evidence I sent in with her I-129F. That just made it much easier that's 9 months of letters I won't have to worry about.:)

Edited by paws057, 04 June 2013 - 12:55 PM.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-04 12:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan you ever have to much evidence?

Yes, there can be too much.  In fact, too much evidence is on the list for signs of fraud.


Really? I just heard that yesterday and thought that can't be true, guess I was wrong. We've been tpgether for a year and a half and that's a lot of stuff let me tell you. Guess I'll just take a maybe a few emails from each month, scans of my plane tickets and visa's, a few Skype scans,photos of us together  and that's it. That shouldn't be to much I wouldn't think?

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-04 12:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan you ever have to much evidence?

I'm starting to put together the files I'll take to Moscow for her interview and OMG! If I take all of this stuff they will never let me in the Embassy.:) I'm trying to 'trim' it down a little to take to the interview but I will still take all of it with me to Moscow just in case. Has anyone heard of taking to much? I know they won't even read 99% of it but I do want it there just in case they want to look at it. Just wanted some opinions. Thanks!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-04 11:58:00


My employer uses a third party, called "INVERIFY", to send letters as proof of employment. I contacted "INVERIFY", and they sent me an envelope with the information, stating 
1) date and nature of employment
2) salary paid
3) position, etc
THE PROBLEM: This was all printed on normal paper, there is no stationary or fancy ink on there. It looks exactly like something you print at home. Can I just email a copy of this to my fiance so she can take it to her interview? Is it going to be a problem because this is not on "special stationary" or "with special ink"?



I had the same problem since my company uses the same service. So I took a company memo and copied it with the logo, put all the information in it and had my supervisor sign it. I have enough W2s and check stubs so it shouldn't be a problem I wouldn't think? All the information in that letter matches my check stub so I was told that is all I need. Good Luck!

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-14 04:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Exam

She has something from her doctor, that's a good start. But I wouldn't have that much faith in Moscow doctor and expect them to "tell her what she has had in the past and what she will need". The doctor can assume what she had, but only she can confirm it by theactual records. How about calling the doc prior to exam? That's what I did, and that's how I found out that I'm missing Hepatitis B shot and need to renew my diphtheria. If she doesn't have actual record of the shot done, she can have a blood test done, and verify this. For e.g. if she had a varicella as a child, she'd have antibodies in her blood, and the simple blood test will confirm it, so here is the proof. Same for rubella. There are not that many proofs that she needs. But it may be disappointing if she doesn't take a prompt care of this, and then there are issues at the exam. Just a friendly advise :-

I will ask her today what is on the report she has already. Strange she still has the scars on both arms from her childhood vaccinations.Yes, I do understand about the doctor in Moscow, hard to tell what they will say and I really don't want any surprises at this stage of her visa. We really do need that sealed envelope to take to the interview.


paws057MaleRussia2013-06-18 07:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Exam

I'm in the process of passing medical exam in Vladivostok right now. I collected my vaccination records and met with the doctor. She gave me two slips to specific clinics. One - to do chest X-Ray and record it to CD. Another - to pass a blood test. Blood test must be taken not earlier than two weeks prior to the interview. Mine is on the 27th, so I took the test on the 14th. Today the results were ready, and the doctor set me an appointment for the 20th. I'll bring her X-Ray, blood test results and $160, and hopefully in exchange I'll get my sacred envelope with med exam results. She said she'll 'check' me when I come next time. I believe standard general practice examination will take place, blood test, etc. No gynecologist she said, no other tests to be taken.

In regards to vaccination records I was missing diphtheria (has to be done every 10 years, mine expired) and Hepatitis B inoculations. But I did them right before the first visit to the doctor. Hepatitis B consists of 3 steps, I've done only 1st inoculation, and the doctor said it's acceptable.


There in lies the problem for us. She does not really have a vaccination record and to be honest I don't either. But at our age (54-55) who would expect us to? Ahh the government.:) So she went to her doctor in her home city and they gave her some kind of vaccination report but not sure what that was? From my understanding the doctor n Moscow should be able to tell her what she has had in the past (as a child in Russia) and what she will need. Of course because of her age that may be different from what they may tell you since you are much younger. She is trying to set up an appointment at the IOM clinic in Moscow so we can get her results the same day then the interview two days later. I'm really hoping they can do everything required at the clinic there in Moscow but I'm not sure about that yet?


paws057MaleRussia2013-06-18 06:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Exam

I just wanted to know how long is the medical exam and what are they looking for? I know they take blood but do they do chest x-rays as well? I never have seen anywhere what they do at these so any one that has been through them already please let me know. Thanks!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-16 18:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 Question 39, yes or no?

I do not plan to attend the interview at this point in time though if that turns out to be the best option I will as I have a 3-year visa but unfortunately I've spent all my vacation time on previous trips (4 in just the last year) so it would be an expensive proposition.


Yes, this will be my 5th in the last year and have one more to bring her back. Oi! Lucky I have two more vacations left so one in July and maybe the end of August to bring her here.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-20 11:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 Question 39, yes or no?

My fiancee in Russia is confused by the various forms so I have offered to help her. I have completed and emailed her the DS-230 document and I was hoping to do the same with the DS-156. However question #39 asks if someone helped you fill in the form (which of course I did) and then asks for a signature. The problem with this is I can't sign it and email it to her leaving me the choice of either answering no or spending $100 to FedEx her the printed form, something I've been trying to avoid since I've already sent her all the other paperwork. What have others done in this case? Sounds like I am pretty much out of luck, huh?


Tough question. I signed mine as well. Are you going to the interview? I'm going to her interview so I will meet her in Moscow with all the paperwork which saved me from mailing it. I'm not sure I would copy that and send it as they might not accept it if they know it's a copy?

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-20 07:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNo apointments available in Ghangzhou embasssy.

Hello, I'm on the us traveldocs site . Registered and there's been no appointments for a couple of days.  Is this normal ,or are appointments blocked for  me for some reason.  I just paid the fees to a Citic bank a couple days ago.   Somebody said a few days ago on here, that  there's July appointments.



I'm not sure about China but I know last week there was only one date left in June for interview appointments in Russia. I just kept checking the site everyday and yesterday they opened up July appointments. So just keep checking back on the site and they should have them soon.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-15 03:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Set


Congratulations and good luck! Question...was this date the earliest available interview or did you just pick that date because it worked for you?



 No, they had the whole month open really at the time I set the interview. We are both on vacation that week so it worked best for us. Good luck to you as

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-24 19:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Set

Congrats...soooo happy for you both. I considered the same, being there with her for her interview (not scheduled yet...still at NVC) but is looks so complicated trying to go there to visit. I do have a passport, but have not applied for a visitor visa yet...but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated:) Just to get medical insurance to cover a visit there seems to be required...but not sure.



Hi Mike,


You don't have to have medical insurance to go to Russia. In Moscow there is an American hospital but to be honest I don't think any medical insurance you have here would cover you there. Of course you can buy short term insurance very cheap and it will cover you only the time you are in the country. Go to and you can get your visa there. Pretty simple really, you fill out the application online then print, sign and send it in with your passport and visa fee.In a couple of weeks they send it back to you with the visa in your passport. If you have been to Russia before you can apply for a three year visa which is a little more than a normal one entry visa but then you can go whenever you like and not have to worry about getting a visa. If you have not been there before I'm not sure they would give you the three year visa without an interview? So it might be better to get the one entry visa. Hope this helps?

Edited by paws057, 15 June 2013 - 03:26 AM.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-15 03:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Set

Well just 4 weeks from now on the 18th of July she will have her interview. Finally! I will fly there to meet her and go with her to the interview as they want the petitioner there as well if they can be. You bet I want to be there!:)) Got a couple more things to get before that time but they should be here. Her police report and some passport photos and her medical appointment as well. Enough to keep us busy until that time.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-14 20:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTotally confused as how to schedule my fiancee's interview

Does the fiance fill out all the other information under the tab...non-immigrant visa application? where it says apply and pay? etc...?


There is a profile that needs to be filled out. It will ask all the bio information for your fiancee. It really doesn't matter who fills it out but just make sure it is for the 'K1' visa. Look for the K1 visa and fill out that information.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-27 11:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTotally confused as how to schedule my fiancee's interview

Well I have the interview scheduled but I could not enter her son's information as I do not have his passport number (the passport will arrive on July 13). Is there some way to add this later?


Yes, I believe you can do that but am not sure about the same date for an interview?  You might have to do a whole other page for him but I don't know? So what date did you choose?

Our petition should arrive in Moscow in the next few days, meanwhile my fiancee tried to register at the link you mentioned, and after going to new user, and entering everything, and submitting, she kept getting the message: Your request cannot be processed at this time. The site administrator has been alerted.So I tried on this end, and get the same message:( I tried using space between the captia words, and without space, and still get the same message. I tried firefox, and regular internet explorer and the same problem. Could it be that they simply don't have her in their system yet, and she is unable to register until then? ANY ideas would be appreciated




 You will probably have to wait until it is in the system to do this. You will get an email from the Embassy saying they received it and you need to set up an interview. When doing the letters down below do not put a space between them!smile.png

Edited by paws057, 26 June 2013 - 12:16 PM.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-26 12:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTotally confused as how to schedule my fiancee's interview

Ok so all the NVC paperwork has made it to the embassy in Moscow and we received an email to go to and schedule the interview. It says to pay the fee first which I have done but I did it before creating an account which I think was a big mistake. Also when I created an account I used my name and now it thinks I am the applicant which was mistake #2. Can anyone talk me through this process? It is so confusing I don't see how my fiancee could ever have navigated it on her own.


Go to the site you have listed.

Go to Login - this will take you to this site:

Set up your new user account using your email address and password.

That should take you to My Dashboard - It should give you a list of Visa Information, Visa Fee's, Family Details, Appointment Conformation, Document Delivery Information.

Go to Update Profile and add your fiancee's information in there. Her information, not yours. You can however use your email address if you wish to receive the information at home.

Next find the Visa Information and add the visa type. In your case it's a K1. It should take you to the next step in setting up your interview. It will ask you where you want the visa delivered to so add her address. 

Next page will ask for your receipt number so add that number. ( you might have to wait here until the Embassy receives the payment. When it does it will in show up on the first page under Visa Fees)  When you sign in and under the Visa Fee's section it shows a payment is received you can them move forward to set the interview. Please understand these pages are progressive, in other words when you finish one it will take you to the next page until you are done.

When you set the interview it will ask you to print the conformation. So make three copies and they will have the bar code on them that you need to get into the Embassy.

It will also send a copy to the email address you give them.


I'm not sure about adding children if she has them. But it should still walk you through the process. Hope this helps?

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-26 06:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRegistering new user at ustraveldocs

So does anyone know how to fix this?  I also would like to know being this is for a K-1 and K-2 visa...on this considered a non-immigrant or immigrant visa? Maybe I am just too excited and can't think clearly LOl



I think they consider this an immigrant visa even though it is not. I believe if you look at the list for the non-immigrant visa's the K visa's are not in the list. Yes, you must change the profile to her name because it is her that needs the visa. Just go into change profile and put her information in and leave the email address the same.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-28 07:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 Electronic Form

Whenever I go to this website to fill out the DS-156, I get the following message displayed:

Your system may not meet the minimum requirements. The following problem(s) have been detected:
* Your browser does not appear to meet the minimum required version.
* You do not appear to have the minimum required version of Adobe Acrobat installed.

But I have the latest version of Firefox (on a Mac) and the latest version of Adobe. So I tried it anyway, filled out the form and clicked "continue" but after waiting for over 10 minutes nothing happened, no PDF file was created as it said it would so I figured it doesn't work.

Anyone know how to get around this or what I can do to make it work?


If I remember right it had to do with security and told me the encryption was not strong enough to fill it out online. Maybe go in and reset your security to a higher level then try it? I have Firefox as well and it worked for me but I think I had to reset the security.

paws057MaleRussia2013-06-20 07:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy in Moscow


Thank you Stephen and Natalia!


We will try, although I was just told in another post that the separate "application confirmation" page which they requested does not exist.


Good luck to you both smile.png


My wife Vera has her appointment on the same day and same time as you so you may bump into her. I am going to forward her your list so that we can check our documents too.


take care,


Hey that's cool!:) If we see her we will say hello. Well I went back on the site the other day and printed off another one so it does work. I just checked and if you go to appointment conformation on your dashboard it will take you to the page where you can print it. Just click printable version and when you print it the bar code will be at the bottom of the first page. Hope this helps?


paws057MaleRussia2013-07-11 19:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy in Moscow


My wife has an interview on July 18th for her CR-1 visa at the Moscow embassy. We have prepared the whole package however we cannot locate the "confirmation page with barcode" mentioned below:


"In order to schedule an interview date visit and create a new user profile. If you are immigrating with family members you must create a separate profile for each family member immigrating with you. On the left column of the screen choose the option 'Schedule Appointment'. Choose 'Immigrant Visa', then ' All Immigrant Visa Interviews Scheduling/Rescheduling Including Delivery Arrangement (ALL IV) '. Select your visa class ?CR1?. Then enter the delivery information (mailing address or office for pick-up), choose the date of the interview, print out the final confirmation page containing a barcode and bring it to the interview. Present the confirmation page at the windows at the entrance to the Consular Section after the passing through security screening."


The date of interview and delivery information are registered under her profile so we are in the system. No one from the Embassy however has been able to help us locate the "confirmation page with barcode." Our case was expedited through the USCIS then NVC so we have a load of documents to bring (more like a DCF). Could this be causing the problem?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


When you print off the appointment conformation page the bar code is there. I think I tried to print it from the email they sent and the bar code didn't show up. But if you go back to your appointment page you should be able to print it. Hope this helps?


My fiancee wanted to know if she has to be there exactly at 8am for the interview or what if she is late?


I've heard of people being late and they still do the interview but how late is the question? We are going to make a couple of trial runs to see just how long it takes to get there from where we are staying. Hopefully we won't be late either!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-11 16:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs it possible to skip NVC and go direct to consulate?

Thank you so much for your response! I feel better now.


Can you advise how long from the time you received your NOA2 letter in the mail to the time you receive the packet from the NVC? I want to keep track so I can call them if I don't receive anything within the regular time frame. Thanks again!

It usually takes about 3-5 weeks to go through the NVC. From there it goes to the Embassy. To be honest they never sent me a packet. I got a letter from the Embassy asking me to set up an appointment. That was about 4 weeks after the approval from the USCIS.  You can call the NVC I guess and get your case number and they should be able to tell you when they will send it to the Embassy.

Edited by paws057, 11 July 2013 - 07:57 PM.

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-11 19:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs it possible to skip NVC and go direct to consulate?


Hello Everyone,


I received my NOA2 approval email on July 5th. Today my NOA2 letter arrived. I had expected the letter to outline the next steps in the process with the NVC but there is no mention of them in the letter I received. Instead it says "the above petition has been approved and forwarded to the above consulate (London)."


The NOA2 email did say "For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. "


My question--is it possible to skip the NVC within the K-1 process and go direct to the consulate?


Thank you in advance for your responses and guidance.



My NOA2 said the same thing but it did go through the NVC before it went to the Embassy.

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-11 19:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCheck list for interview...


Congratulations Stephan and Natalia!


I just saw that you got approved. We did too and I think Vera saw you waiting, but was a bit shy to introduce herself. Good luck to you both. I wish I could have been there.


How long did they say the visa would take for delivery?

Richard and Vera



Congratulations to you both as well !:) To be honest I didn't know it was her until I saw the photo of you both together. They said sometime this week it should be in Samara where Natasha lives. Hoping to get her here in early September.

Good luck to you both!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-22 08:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCheck list for interview...

the precious NOA2, how dare I !!))) Nobody asked for it at the interview


:) I could have swore I read they wanted it but maybe not? It's going with me anyway!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-11 19:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCheck list for interview...

two 2"x2" photos of your fiancé? 

we also had 1040s in the package just in case)

do you have support documents for everything you've listed in affidavit? Securities, house, life insuarance (if you own any). We attached that too.

what's I-797? I don't remember having that...

Yes she has the photos and will bring them along. The I-797 is your approval from the USCIS or in other words your NOA2. I thought I read somewhere that the Embassy wanted a copy of that? Wouldn't know why really they should have it already? Except for the life insurance which has no cash value really. But the 401k is listed and there is a statement from them included in there. I might just take the 1040's along with me just in case.  



paws057MaleRussia2013-07-11 18:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCheck list for interview...

Just trying to make sure I don't forget anything.


1) Letter of employment

2) IRS transcripts for the last three years

3) Copies of bank statements

4) w2's for the last three years

5) I-134 affidavit of support

6) Pay stubs

7) Appointment conformation letter

8) I-797

9) DS-156 2 copies

10) DS-156k 2 copies

11) DS-230 and  attachment 2 copies

12) Letters of intent to marry for both of us

13) Copy of her birth certificate and English translation (she will bring original and original translation)

14) Copy of her divorce certificate and English translation ( she will bring original and translation)

15) Email sent and received (only a couple per week)

16) Skype transcripts ( three or four pages per month)

17) Phone records ( two pages per month)

18) Trip receipts, copies of boarding passes and tickets.

19) Photos of us together during four trips to see her.

20) Letter from NVC with our case number on it

21) Police report and English translation (she will bring with her)


Ok did I forget anything? She is scheduled for her medical so of course that will come with us as well.

paws057MaleRussia2013-07-11 16:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmployment Letter (Moscow)

Got word from my employer she's unsure when she'll even get the letterhead or she even ordered some... she said she could still write the letter with the information needed it just wouldn't be on letterhead I thought this may be okay if perhaps she included her business card .. what are your thoughts?

It is worth a try. Just explain to them if they ask that your company doesn't really have a letterhead. The business card should work I would think. They can always call if they want to know that bad. Your tax returns and w2s will mean more to them along with your pay stubs.

Edited by paws057, 09 August 2013 - 07:37 AM.

paws057MaleRussia2013-08-09 07:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmployment Letter (Moscow)

Congratulations on the approval! Thanks for the info I will absolutely try that if I'm unable to get the letter... they don't normally do anything requiring company letter head so they had to order some and of course right when Julia says she's ready.. I originally asked right after Moscow said we were ready so it's frustrating almost 2 months I've waited just to be told they have no more letter head... I'm hoping for the best... I was gonna ask how you sent the documents but remember you went with her correct?... Have you used USPS to mail things to Russia.. I know it's the cheapest fastest way at about 48.00... thanks again for the reply

Thanks!:) I have used USPS but they are not the problem. Once that package leaves this country they really don't have any control of it and if they are honest they will tell you that. Yes I went to Moscow for the interview so I took the documents with me but if I was going to send them I would DHL or FedEx. Expensive but to know they are there is worth a lot to.


If you have something with a company logo just make your own letterhead. But make a good one!:)


paws057MaleRussia2013-08-07 19:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmployment Letter (Moscow)

Okay my fiance is finally ready to set up her interview for Embassy in Moscow.. I am having an issue getting my employer to give me and employment letter... I was wondering if anyone had this same issue and was able to get around without having it.. I still have to mail her everything and am hoping to have the letter by this week but it's like pulling teeth trying to get something so simple and it will take at least a week to reach her once I mail everything and I can't wait forever for the letter.

So if anyone has any advice. I thought about emailing the Embassy with the question but thought that might cause a problem and they may think I'm no longer employed.. It's getting so close to finally being with her again and I'd hate to lose having her here over something so simple.. I appreciate anything you guys can tell me even if it's not what I want to hear.. Thanks



Hi Brad,


I had the same problem but my company is much bigger at about 300 employees. They gave me a number to call for the information they already had but would not give me. So I made the letter myself (with the company logo on it)  and my supervisor signed it. All the information was correct and right there on my check stubs and tax returns. It only has to be signed by someone that is above you like a supervisor and doesn't have to come from the HR department. There was no questions about it at her interview in Moscow. I hope this helps!smile.png

Edited by paws057, 07 August 2013 - 08:38 AM.

paws057MaleRussia2013-08-07 08:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow much relationship evidence to take to interview (ciudad Juarez)

we only have about 7 pics together when I visited back in February.
I'm hoping that'll be enough.


It should be enough I would think.

paws057MaleRussia2013-09-18 13:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow much relationship evidence to take to interview (ciudad Juarez)

I'm compiling the papers we need for the interview and I'm wondering how much relationship evidence do we take to show proof of ongoing relationship?
I was thinking several facebook chats from each month since filing (April), as well as whatsapp chats.
Plus the pics we took together from when I visited in February.
Is this too much? Too little?


We took a few letters from each month as well as chat transcripts from each month. Do not take to much to the interview because sometimes that raises a 'red' flag. Take just enough to prove your relationship but no more. Make sure you take some photos of the two of you together, they will probably look at those for sure.

Good Luck!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-09-17 10:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa approved

Hi everyone.... my husband's visa is approved todaydancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif



paws057MaleRussia2013-06-26 06:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 Approval - CSC

Went to USCIS website to check our case status yesterday, as I have done for quite a few months, and this time I see status changed to approved ! Our NOA1 date was September 21. Just like a bolt of lightning it came ! The process is not over, but at least we have made it through the longest wait. To others still waiting, I hope for a speedy approval for you.

Sorry for not posting last night, but was dancing half the night away on Skype with my LiLi !

Congratulations! That's great news, as an October filer it would seem they are getting closer to us. :)
paws057MaleRussia2013-04-22 08:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally!!:)))

Thanks everyone it is a load off my mind I'll tell you. I hope your petitions get approved very quickly. good.gif

paws057MaleRussia2013-04-27 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally!!:)))
At 12:46 this morning I received my NOA2 from the USCIS!:))
paws057MaleRussia2013-04-27 06:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow fast the letters are delivered in Russia

Hi everyone,


I got a notification yesterday - a first-class mail is waiting for me! I rushed to a post office to receive it, and was amazed when I opened it. No, not by the content (it was a standard letter inviting me to pay a fee and schedule a K1 interview), but by the PROCESSING TIME.

The letter was dated 7-May-13

It was sent from Moscow 22-May-13 (that was the date on the stamp) So it spent 2 weeks just laying on smb's desk.

It was received in Vladivostok 26-JUNE-13 (I was in the airplane by then going to my interview) !!!

It took another 12 days by our post office to sent me a notification that an envelope is waiting for me.


I'm a happy owner of K1 by now and ready to travel to US 13Jul..but I thought I would share this ridiculous story with you.. Good thing the Embassy also sends out an email to the Petitioner, because if we all waited for a letter - we'd hit over a year waiting time.


Sounds about right. My fiancee got a letter from the Embassy in Moscow last week and I got that same letter (email) on the 28th of May. She only lives 500 miles south of Moscow and it took 5 weeks to get to her. So much for speed of the post office!:)


paws057MaleRussia2013-07-09 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAffidavit of Support - Urgent help needed!

Hi All,


Yet another road bump in preparation for the doc's


So as part of the Affidavit of Support we need letter from the employer of my finance with certain detail and she submitted a requited in her company but what they said is that per the co policies the letter will be send only if the requester call a 1800 number.


Has any one faced this situation before any suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Yes it seems most larger companies do that now as mine did as well. The way to get around that is simple really. Just fill out all the information yourself (make sure it is correct) and have your supervisor sign the paper for you. Make two copies for the supervisor to sign so you have an extra one. It only has to be signed by someone that is above you at work. It does not have to be signed by the HR department. It worked for us!:)

Good Luck!:)

paws057MaleRussia2013-09-17 10:31:00