K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresALL ABOUT RECALLED PETITIONS after March 6th
I hate to be nit-picky but this guy really likes comas. Check out this line. It's one hell of a sentence.

I am very concerned about the practical consequences of this law, which was passed with only a voice vote without any hearings or testimony or statistical evidence to support it, at the last minute just before the Holiday recess, after being tacked onto the back of other important legislation, namely, The Violence Against Women and Justice Dept. Reauthorization Act.

Trouble is, their all like this!!
Sorry, just, couldn't, help, myself, and, I, do, support, repealing, this, law,.

GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-20 13:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresALL ABOUT RECALLED PETITIONS after March 6th

Processing additional security checks for IMBRA has everyone at a standstill. Nebraska seems to be the only service center that has any detectable movement.

I know everyone here is waiting for their initial approvals so they can go to their interview, etc.

There are literally thousands of us who were returned for further review (nothing to do with IMBRA) just after the interview...after waiting 8 months or longer for that interview. I imagine our petitions will be at the bottom of the stack.

You are do not have to just sit there and "wait patiently" like a good little can actually do something about it.

Now, as a USC you have the option of getting your congressman and senator involved when it comes down to your own case.

There is also the Ombudsman who has the authority to intervene when it comes to delayed processing times for the USCIS. One thing you need to know is that the beneficiary will need to sign a release for the petitioner to receive information regarding the case. All information is provided in the DHS site link below:

USCIS Ombudsman

There is also a petition which has been started by an immigration attorney that will go to congress to repeal the IMBRA..SIGN IT:

Repeal International Marriage Broker Law

(F) ~Kiya~ (F)

Who wrote this petition? The grammar in it is terrible. I am all for repealing this law but it looks like a 4th grader wrote it.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-20 09:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC is alive!
Good for you! :D
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-20 06:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC received case... now what?
Iv'e been seeing 1-2 weeks. Don't know if the new IMBRA law slows things down there also. Good luck!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-21 02:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got the visa...
Congrats!! Welcome to America!!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-21 02:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 received
Good luck! Hope things go fast for you!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-21 02:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Dated 05/08/06-NVC Received Case Today-WHOAHOOO!!
Good for you!!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-21 02:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Is receiving cases..
Good luck on the next step!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-21 02:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Got Back from Two Weeks in Japan, Jetlagged
From what I have been seeing just the ones from Vermont are being sent back. Yours should be fine judging from the others.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-22 00:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 at LONG LAST !!!

Hello VJ'ers! We finally got the elusive NOA2 on May 18th! The RFE was a request for a divorce decree from over 20 years ago that only lasted 6 months. Since we submitted a copy of my divorce from 7 years ago, we never dreamed they would also need a prior decree from so long ago! I flew out of state, got the info, returned home and sent it right in to CSC.
Thank you all for your kind support! Now we start the wait for the interview in Bangkok and the final trip to Las Vegas!
Good Luck to you ALL!


Greetings and Congrats!
This Is Lucy ,Gary's fiancee in the Philippines, may i know how you upload/download all your beautiful Pics ?
I view them all and i find it really nice if i can create an album like u two have?Thank you very much in advance!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-21 04:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequesting employment letter
I don't know about that. As long as the employer is telling the truth about you then how can they be putting themselves in any jepordy? I work for a large company (5000+ employees nationwide) and I just asked them for a verification. They asked me what info was needed and how many copies. They didn't care what it was for.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-23 06:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequesting employment letter
Just say you need an employment verification. They don't need to know why.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-23 04:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone gotten a RFE about the IMBRA?
Just wondering. It seems that there has been no movement at all from the sevice centers. I would like to know if there has been any RFE's or touches in the last week or two. Please share with us!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-23 01:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthat was for nothing
This is just my opinion. I think what will end up happening is we will fill in a form stating our criminal history, Notorize it and send it in. If it were any more than that then they would be doing it and not us.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-24 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneed advice about going to my Senator
Well..... Tell us a little about your case so we can give you some reasonable advice (ie. how long has it been?). Your timeline also needs to be filled in.

Edited by GaryC, 24 May 2006 - 12:49 PM.

GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-24 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMY Case GET RECALL after my Interview APPROVED!!!
Someone at Vermont SC should have their head handed to them. They knew this law was coming up and they just kept spitting out the NOA2's. In my mind it is better to have your petition sitting in a service center than have it go throught the whole embassy process only to have it recalled!! I have a list of petitions that I am charting in another thread and other than one from CSC (and that recall was recended a day or two later) all of the recalls are from Vermont. False hope is WORSE than no hope!!!!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-17 06:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetitions under IMBRA effects

30 days to publish the pamphlet after it is completed.
And they give 120 days for them to finish the pamphlet.

Does anyone know when is this statement from? Please??

This is the information pamplet the law says the DHS must come up with. 120 after the law came into effect (march 6), about July 5 then 30 days after that to publish it, about Aug 5. But that is just the pamplet. It has nothing to do with us or the delays.
All I get from that article is, It would suck to own a marriage broker business right now.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-28 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if we do this?
I'm just not used to "someone else" having so much control over my life. I can choose to buy a ticket and see Luz but powers beond my control prevent me from bringing her back with me. It is SO frustrating!!
But you know what? IN 6 DAYS I WILL BE WITH MY BABY AGAIN IF ONLY FOR TWO WEEKS!!!! That is so good for the soul!!!

Edited by GaryC, 27 May 2006 - 11:00 AM.

GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-27 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if we do this?

Your right Rebeccajo, In our zealousness to figure out what is going on we are confusing the new people here.
I see we are walking a tightrope between informing and confusing. I was one of the worse offenders and I now see it is wrong to do it. That is why I have decided to just send my letters to my elected officials, collect info on my other thread and wait to see what happens. Until something official comes down it is all speculation anyway. I suggest we all cool it.

Aww Gary bless your heart! You don't need to be THAT contrite! You were doing what you thought would help.

USCIS has made a fine job of mucking this up on their own. I'm sure nobody here wants to add to the misery.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! B)

I tend to go a little overboard when faced with a challenge or roadblock. It's in my nature. It serves me well in my profession but gets me in trouble in my private life. :whistle:
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-27 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if we do this?
Your right Rebeccajo, In our zealousness to figure out what is going on we are confusing the new people here.
I see we are walking a tightrope between informing and confusing. I was one of the worse offenders and I now see it is wrong to do it. That is why I have decided to just send my letters to my elected officials, collect info on my other thread and wait to see what happens. Until something official comes down it is all speculation anyway. I suggest we all cool it.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-27 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if we do this?
You gotta understand what your dealing with here. Picture a warehouse with thousands upon thousands of bins in it. And in each bin are hundreds of folders. Now picture hundreds of letters coming in, each worded differently, formatted differently and none of it requested as of yet. Now picture what they will do with said letters. They will go straight into the dumpster in the back. I know this is VERY stressful for everyone. NO ONE wants it to be over more than me. But sending them stuff without them asking yet will do nothing but tie someone up sorting them out from the stuff they want just so it can be tossed.
Patients young Skywalker!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-26 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIMBRA
Thats right, the USCIS is likely gonna just sit back and see how the challenges go. The whole time the clock will be ticking against us.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-25 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIMBRA letters
I just sent a letter to the AP. There is a reporter that did a story about the problems of bringing in loved ones legaly. The story I refer to is here: .
So I thought I would write to the reporter and give him our story. Here is the email I sent:

Dear Giovanna Dell'orto,
I read your story about Carlos Carbonell with interest
as I am in a similar situation with regard to
immigration. You may or may not know that congress
passed a law in January called "The International
Marriage Broker Reform Act" or IMBRA. The intention
was to protect alien brides brought in via
international marriage brokers from dangerous
predators that bring foreign brides here only to abuse
them. Unfortunately, it has had far reaching effects.
I am trying to bring my fiance to America from the
Philippines. I didn't meet her via a broker. However
this new law requires ALL K1 visa applicants to submit
their criminal background to the USCIS as part of the
petition process. I can live with that but the law
went into effect on March 5 of this year and the USCIS
and the DHS has not gotten the procedures in place to
collect this information. The net result is all
applications for K1 (fiance) visas have been put on
hold for a indeterminate period of time. There have
been some applications that were erroneously approved
through the Vermont Service Center, sent to the
embassies of the fiance and had interviews scheduled
only to have them pulled back to the service center.
The Department of State has admitted that they missed
the deadline for changing their procedures but will
give no estimate as to when they will get back on
All of us that are doing things correctly and by the
book are being penalized by this poorly thought out
law. It is causing untold heartache and grief for
those of us trying to unite with our loved ones.
We have a forum for those trying to get family based
visas. Please come in and talk to us. It is at
There is a thread under the General Discussion Area >
Immigration News area dealing with the effects of
I started the thread and am the one collecting the
information you see posted there. My ID on the site is
If you can get some attention shined on this issue it
may help us. We have already contacted our
Representatives and the government agencies involved
with no result.
You can contact me at ********* .
Thank you,
Gary ******

I hope this gets some attention. Maybe, maybe not.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-28 04:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSecurity Checks

Under normal circumstances and seeing it is VSC, yes, 30 days would seem long for a NOA2.

But, now things are different, so we have nothing to judge it by for precedent.

Yeah, it really sucks not knowing and just waiting to read or hear something. If at least we could be using this time to gather up any information that they would/might want, fill out a new questionnaire, or order the background checks. But we just don't know what it is that they will want, so we wait.

Once it breaks free, it's really going to be a mad dash all at once, which will in turn create even more backlogs for all of us. All of the thousands of updates coming in all at once at the same time.

I see you got a touch last week??? Thats the first one I have seen in a LONG time from Nebraska! Hope it's something good for you!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-29 07:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCALLED CSC: EXPECT A NEW FORM IN THE MAIL !!!

So forgive my ignorance....
how does this affect the paperwork I was hoping to send out by monday of next week?

Is there a new form I need to fill out? Is there something different I need to do?

I am sorry for all you who have been delayed! :(

any help would be lovely!

There is no way to know. If I were in your shoes I would wait a few days to see if there is something new you need to fill out. But that is up to you. Maybe a talk to a well informed lawyer is needed.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-30 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCALLED CSC: EXPECT A NEW FORM IN THE MAIL !!!
IMO what's prolly gonna happen is we will all get a form stating our criminal background. We will fill it out, noterize it and send it in. Basicly a RFE.
We need to take this to the thread the captian wants us to post in before this thread gets locked.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-30 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIMBRA FACTS!!
We would all love to have a thread filled with facts about AMBRA. But the reality is we have no facts. I think that is the point of the last 3 weeks. Everyone has tried every way to get facts but none are forthcoming. When we get some facts I am sure they will be posted. Until then we have to satisfy ourselves with speculation and conjecture
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-30 21:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswooow booring
we & her are 1, get out your straightjacket and wait with the rest of us crazy visa wanters. :wacko:
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-30 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling card
Yeah, your getting ahead of yourself. At filing all you need is to prove you have met in the 2 years prior to your petition, your both free to marry and you have the intent to marry.
Later, when the interview comes is when you will need proof of an ongoing relationship. If your phone card documents the number you called then it is proof that you are communicatiing. If it does not then it isn't of much use.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-31 14:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis this a possible reason for a denial of visa petition?????
Ditto :thumbs:
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-01 00:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 does my son need his own visa?
When you fill out your I-129F you need to list all children you have. They will automatically get their visa when you get yours.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-01 00:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWTF is going on???? Why did this happen???
Yeah, mine got transfered also. If you call the USCIS 800 number and listen to the recording about your case they give you a number to call for processing times. TO BAD THAT NUMBER IS DISCONNECTED!!! :angry:
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-01 16:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresW2 Bottom Left
I think you mean one of the copies is gone. If yours is like mine there are several copies, one for fed tax, one for state tax, one for local tax and one for your records. Any of the copies will be fine for your Affidavit of support. Don't worry.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-09 22:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHope I am not effected

OK. Color me blonde :D But what new law are you referring to?

The "International Marriage Broker Regulation Act" or IMBRA. Your far enough along it doesn't hurt you.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-10 03:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHope I am not effected
With a NOA1 in Febuary it isn't likely you will be affected.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-09 22:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHoping to shed some light on the NSC to CSC transfers
Yeah, I am still here! One more week of heaven! Today is Luz's birthday. We just got back from lunch and later we go out for a candle lit dinner on the bay followed by a visit to the casino. Having a great time!!!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-10 03:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHoping to shed some light on the NSC to CSC transfers
There are a lot of things getting thrown into the mix here. IMBRA and the moving petitions to CSC I think are unrelated. We will just have to wait and see how things work out.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-10 01:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould Fiance Come Visit
I am an advocate for visiting as often as you can afford without wrecking your finances. I go about every 6 months for 2 weeks at a time. In fact I am in the Philippines right now!!!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-10 03:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures45 and been divorced 3 times already....could this be a problem filing a 1-129F for my Fiance?

Probably not but make sure your fiance knows all about it because they will ask her about it.

Were any of the ex-wives sponsored on immigrant visa or fiancee' petitions?
A common request at consular interviews is for the petitioner to provide the address
& phone number of each ex-spouse.

And I agree. You should definitely brief your fiancee about them. First names of each &
the year of each divorce, at least. I can't recall any beneficiaries I've talked to being
asked the "why" of a petitioner's numerous divorces. But you may want to brief her on
the reasons each marriage dissolved.

Hello Ellis Island!
Do you have an inside on what and when is gonna happen with this IMBRA thing?
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-10 04:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures45 and been divorced 3 times already....could this be a problem filing a 1-129F for my Fiance?
Probably not but make sure your fiance knows all about it because they will ask her about it.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-10 04:22:00