
July 7th and before.... Gary, you certainly know how to add misery to a guy's Sunday. There are a bunch of us that never even received the RFE form until July 10th -- and that was a notice dated June 23rd!! All I can say is that USCIS has got to do a better job...they've got to step it up.

Today, I purchased an airplane ticket for a week's visit in St. Petersburg with my sweetheart the end of September. I am beyond knowing how to save and prepare to move a family... My boss and parents think I have no practical sense left in me at all!

I know brother, the whole thing sucks! I have been waiting since March 14 and it's really getting hard. The USCIS MUST
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-07-31 00:31:00
Ok, using the timeline chart that was provided by Danny here is what I come up with. It looks like they are doing petitions with RFE dates of July 7 and before. There are 111 of us with dates like that. So far. last week they did 21 NOA2's which is aprox 20% of the dates. At that rate it will take them a total of 5 week to do all of the July7 and before RFE's. So it will be 4 more weeks until all of us will get them that have July 7 and before RFE dates. Now, I would assume that there are some that got NOA2's that are not active or haven't updated their timeline. I feel comfortable knocking off a week for that. But I also don't have any faith that they will stick to the July 7 cut-off date. One would think that as they get a system going on dealing with the IMBRA RFE's that they will get faster. Time will tell.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-07-30 09:34:00
It's obvious that they are doing the RFE's that they got from July 7 and before. Trouble is that most of us got them in at that timeframe. So I guess it's every man for himself now. Danny, I know how to do a timeline search and I can copy/paste the info into excel but how do you save it as a picture so it can be posted? Been trying to figure that one out all day!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-07-29 20:57:00

UPDATED MARCH CHART - 10pm 28 July 2006

65 members in March list - to date -

legend -
Red - ( 8 members) Graduated - your file gets to leave the CSC mound and to the NVC mound
Black -( 42 members) file is somewhere within the tall mounds on someone's desk
Blue (15 members) - No RFE yet- file is under someone's desk


johnl........3/16....07/06....00/00......CSC........El Salvador

VJ ID.............NOA1.....RFE ........... NOA2....SC

kk6pr.............3-06 ...07-05............07-24
Derek & Yen.......3-16....07-05............07-25
samir shannon.....4-05....06-29............07-24...TSC
Marc and Olga.....5-02....06-23............07-24
pee gee...........5-25....06-28............07-25

I cleaned this up a bit so it's easier to read. If I missed anything it shouldn't be hard to fix now. Thanks MrLonely for all your doing!! Good luck to all of us!

Edited by Iniibig ko si Luz forever, 29 July 2006 - 03:36 AM.

GaryCMalePhilippines2006-07-29 03:33:00

After reviewing the VJ Timeline stats...I have some figure adjustments now......

There are a total of 1,528 petitioners in the VJ CSC only timeline stats.............

Out of that.....there are 78 listed Vj petitioners in the month of March..............

Subtracting those who have already received their NOA2 (post 03-06) minus 6 number is now 72 petitioners

Minus one more......Gary and Luz listed twice...unless there are two Gary and Luz's from the phillipines...let me know.......

The number of petitioners at the csc post IMBRA (03-06 to 03-31) are now........71 VJ petitioners at CSC post IMBRA

Out of 71 listed the first 14.5 hours of the poll........there are 8/71 vj members who have mentioned that they have recieved an RFE.......

William33.....I did not see you listed in the vj - csc timeline- are you still listed in NSC?

Uling - thanks for the response, but you are a May (slave of the system), I need March (slaves of the systems) your vote didn't count

KitKat - I don't see you listed in the VJ - CSC visa timeline - please let me know

Carldecolorado - I do not see you under the CSC - vj visa timeline - are you still listed in NSC??? let me know

So the number stands at 8 / 71 or 11.3 %

Just one Gary and Luz. We each have our own account.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-07-25 05:36:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAre Personals Web Sites considered Marriage Brokers?
Luz and I met through Yahoo! Personals. I answered no to the IMBRA question. We got our NOA2. So not all personals sites are IMB's.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-09-11 08:54:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

We are speaking about our government here.. They don't have records of whether or not we committed these types of crimes????

You dont think so hu ;)

It's true that they do but then why ask us for it?
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-23 13:27:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
I was just told by my lawyer that Yahoo does not count as a MB so I would guess that would fall into the same category.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 22:37:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
I have some thoughts and comments on this. If you met your fiance before March 6 2006 then the whole question of how you met is moot. The rest of the law will still apply ie. criminal background and number of petitions. So for you it's not the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act but the Alien Fiance Regulation Act. (I just made that up :) ) If you met AFTER March 6 2006 then the only thing that will change is the MB should have gotten this info they are now asking for and gave it to the fiance before exchanging personal info. If they didn't provide the background of the USC then the penalty would be on the broker and not the petitioner. I can't see them denying a petition because of a f##k up on the brokers part. It just wouldn't stand up to a court challenge. From the way they are applying this law however, they are asking EVERYONE for the criminal background checks. The law is misnamed and misleading.
Just my thoughts here. Take it for what it's worth.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 22:16:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

Ok i have question about the marriage broker question.
I met my fiancee in june 2005 on filipinaheart but that was before the law was in affect.
1. is filipinaheart a marriage brokerage by the laws terms?

2.with us meeting before the law actually being in affect do i have to say yes or no for the question?

This is so confusing because how can they hold us to something that wasnt even in affect a year ago
anyone have an idea on this?

It does not matter when you met, only when you filed your petition. I know, that sucks but thems the rules. I don't know about this filipinaheart site. Is it geared only to introducing Philipinas to men from other countries? If so then I would say yes, it is a marriage broker.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 21:53:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

Ok, the questions begin. I met Luz through Yahoo personals. I am guessing that it isn't a MB but I would like to hear that from someone official. I had one previous petition MORE than 2 years ago. If I read that right I don't think I need the wavier. Right?

Im not official but it seems very clear on the RFE what they require.......

If you have filed two or more K-1 petitions at any time in the past or previously had a K-1 petition approved within two years prior to the filing of this petition, you must apply for a waiver.

You say you had a previous petition more then 2 years ago. That would mean the above DOES NOT apply in your case as you have only had ONE previous petition. Being outside of the two years, the second part does not apply either.

Yahoo Personals.......NO WAY :no: and I will bet my life on that.

Thanks Aussie, I kind of thought that but I guess after all this I am getting gun-shy.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 21:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

I'm in Algeria until mid-July, I wonder what I can do... I dont have the money to send it round trip with DHL ($160) for a signature :crying:

Can the form be faxed to you? That would save 1/2 the time and money as you would only be mailing one way. If it has to be the original form I suppose that wouldn't work, but its a thought.

Ok, the questions begin. I met Luz through Yahoo personals. I am guessing that it isn't a MB but I would like to hear that from someone official. I had one previous petition MORE than 2 years ago. If I read that right I don't think I need the wavier. Right?

Are you asking for an opinion, or something 'official' from the government?

An opinion from my friends here for now but I will make some calls tomorrow and get it "official".
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 20:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

I'm in Algeria until mid-July, I wonder what I can do... I dont have the money to send it round trip with DHL ($160) for a signature :crying:

Do you have a lawyer working for you? He may be able to sign it for you. Maybe, just a thought.
The US Post office has international delivery for letters a lot cheaper. You might try that.

Edited by GaryC, 21 June 2006 - 08:31 PM.

GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 20:29:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

My acrobat reader couldnt open it!! Does the RFE have a place on it where you have to make your signature?

Yes, you have to swear that the above is true and accurate under penalty of law.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 20:25:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
Ok, the questions begin. I met Luz through Yahoo personals. I am guessing that it isn't a MB but I would like to hear that from someone official. I had one previous petition MORE than 2 years ago. If I read that right I don't think I need the wavier. Right?
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 20:21:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat is wrong with the NSC???

lol be patient. you will get it one day! my I-129F took from me 425 Days . good luck

OMG! 425 days? Why so long?
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-03-21 07:20:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat is wrong with the NSC???
I just checked the dates for the I-129F's. It hasn't changed again!! Are they all on vacation???!!! :angry:
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-03-21 04:50:00
USCIS Service Centersoh my ...
I got "touched" today. I only hope it was a good touch and not a slap down!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-03-22 21:28:00
USCIS Service CentersK1. Any point in phoning really??

Just wondering if any VJ's who had to wait a while for NOA2 for fiance had any luck with phoning to find out what's the hold up. We are on day 112, no touches, no RFE's, no noth'n. Andrew rang about 10 days ago and was told to wait another 2 weeks. It took him a while to get a human last time and he is in the process of moving so don't really want to waste his precious time trying again if he just gets the same answer, as many seem to. Does any one have any clues on how to get any info. Is it better to email maybe???
Thought I was doing real good at waiting but the tide has changed and I am just about desperate now.
Thanks, Stella.

Is there anything different or complicated about your case that would slow it down? I don't really see any reason for your case to wait so long while others are getting through before you. If I were you I would email them. If you don't get any satisfaction there then I would have your fiance call them.
I am pulling for you Stella. Wishing you a speedy approval!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-03-25 20:24:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat is this????

I check things daily and have never seen that. Hmm...


I was checking from work. The first time that day. I have an account and logged in that way. I just clicked on my case number to see if they changed the days it takes to proccess and got that message.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-04-10 20:49:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat is this????
I tried to look at my case status and I got this message.

Case Status

It was reported to us that your IP address or internet gateway has been locked out for a select period of time. This is due to an unusually high rate of use. In order to avoid this issue please take this opportunity to create a Customer account (single applicant) or a Representative account (representing many individuals, such as lawyers, charitable groups, or corporations). Each account allows you to generate a Portfolio of receipt numbers.

Building a portfolio containing your receipt number(s) eliminates your need to manually enter the receipt number and extract each case status. You will automatically be emailed changes to each case as updates occur. This email notification will occur within 12 to 24 hours of any progress made for every receipt number contained in your portfolio.There is no lockout feature associated with your portfolio and there is no wasted time on your part checking a receipt number where no advancement has been made.

I do have a portfolio and that is what I logged into. Is anyone else getting this? This is the first time today that I looked.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-04-10 03:15:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS
Congrats Cristy!!

Edited by GaryC, 21 April 2006 - 11:31 AM.

GaryCMalePhilippines2006-04-21 11:30:00
USCIS Service Centersis Nebraska getting faster?
I don't understand why the new proccessing dates for NSC is still Jan 3 when they are doing Feb applications right now.

Edited by GaryC, 21 April 2006 - 09:51 PM.

GaryCMalePhilippines2006-04-21 21:50:00
USCIS Service Centersis Nebraska getting faster?
Yeah, they are doing Feb applications now. I hope they get to the March ones soon!!! This is killing me!!!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-04-21 00:49:00
USCIS Service CentersCIS Service Centers to Specialize in Certain Applications
I would have GLADLY paid $1400 to get this done in 2 weeks.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-12 14:27:00
USCIS Service CentersANY news out of Nebraska?
I just saw that someone from Nebrasksa got a touch last week. Anyone else getting touched???? Oh please Nebraska!!! Start touching us!!!!!!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-29 08:33:00
USCIS Service CentersANY news out of Nebraska?
Just got this from Nebraska's web site.

Still says they are doing I-129F's
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-17 22:07:00
USCIS Service CentersANY news out of Nebraska?

All right... HOW can we confirm this? This is making me crazy....

The USCIS web site says nothing of this. THey are still telling you to send petitions there. I think the poster was mistaken.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-17 21:52:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS Processing dates updated
Those dates are so wrong. The Nebraska NOA2's coming out now are from the first 2 weeks of March. I don't know why their dates are always 3 weeks off like that.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-09 15:23:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS Online Status
Just worked for me.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-05-31 16:30:00
USCIS Service CentersSharing my Senator's Office Response on CSC

I have another communication from Senator Durbin's office.

Mr. _________,

I just received a call from another person on the discussion boards from Illinois. From what he tells me Vermont is already starting to issue the RFE’s so I put a call in to the California Service Center to see if they can give me any information on when they will start issuing RFE’s. I got their voicemail but the question I posed was that if Vermont is issuing them is California close in following suit? If not, do they have a specific time frame? If I don’t hear back from them by early afternoon I will continuously call throughout the day to see if I can get a response. I will keep you posted. Tim

That was me he was talking to. I just got this email from him. Cheers!!!

I just received a voicemail from California Service Center and they informed me that RFE’s just started being sent out. Hope this information helps. Thanks. Tim Sullivan

Office of Senator ####### Durbin

My lawyer also emailed me saying he has started getting RFE's also. Here we go!!!!

I told you guys that yesterday! :huh:

I know, it's just good that we are getting it from more than one place. Takes it from "I hope it's true to IT'S TRUE"!!!!!!!
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 16:53:00
USCIS Service CentersSharing my Senator's Office Response on CSC

I have another communication from Senator Durbin's office.

Mr. _________,

I just received a call from another person on the discussion boards from Illinois. From what he tells me Vermont is already starting to issue the RFE’s so I put a call in to the California Service Center to see if they can give me any information on when they will start issuing RFE’s. I got their voicemail but the question I posed was that if Vermont is issuing them is California close in following suit? If not, do they have a specific time frame? If I don’t hear back from them by early afternoon I will continuously call throughout the day to see if I can get a response. I will keep you posted. Tim

That was me he was talking to. I just got this email from him. Cheers!!!

I just received a voicemail from California Service Center and they informed me that RFE’s just started being sent out. Hope this information helps. Thanks. Tim Sullivan

Office of Senator ####### Durbin

My lawyer also emailed me saying he has started getting RFE's also. Here we go!!!!

Edited by GaryC, 21 June 2006 - 04:27 PM.

GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 16:23:00
USCIS Service CentersSharing my Senator's Office Response on CSC
I also asked him about our cases getting transfered to CSC. He said that they are moving cases around to consolodate the various types of pettitions. Looks like CSC and VSC are getting the K-1's and NSC is getting out of the business of fiance petitions.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 10:51:00
USCIS Service CentersSharing my Senator's Office Response on CSC

At least Senator Durbin's office picked up the phone. I have had no response from
Senator Obama's office.

really? I found the person at Durbin's office (downtown - not Springfield) to not be very helpful and not so nice. So I just contacted Obama's office in hopes that they could find out more . . . I wonder at this point if it's even worth my effort

I originally sent Durbin an email via his web site. I got a letter back asking me to send my case number to Mr. Sullivan. I got the impression that Mr. Sullivan is the aid in charge of immigration questions. He said that he has had many inquiries about IMBRA. The news that Vermont is sending out RFE's made him take notice. I think that he will get something out of them if at all possible.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 10:44:00
USCIS Service CentersSharing my Senator's Office Response on CSC
Ok, an update. I called Mr. Sullivan. A very nice man. He said that was a canned email he got in regards to an email he sent a week ago from another inquiry. So that info is a week old. I told him about Vermont sending out RFE's now. He said he would call CSC and ask about it. I will send along any info I get.
Please don't inundate this guy with phone calls. I will pass along any info I get as soon as he sends it.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 10:20:00
USCIS Service CentersSharing my Senator's Office Response on CSC
Well, that was worthless. I just got a reply from my senator. Does this look familiar?

Below is the response I received from the California Service Center regarding the adjudication of cases in the order in which they came in. I am also emailing the Service Center to get a status check on your case. Anything response that I receive, I will send to you as soon as possible. Thanks.

Tim Sullivan

Office of Senator ####### Durbin


Any and all applications or petitions that are transferred to the CSC are assimilated into our processing schedule by the original receipt date. This case is no different.

However, all I-129F petitions received on or after 03/01/2006 fall under the umbrella of the new International Marriage Brokers Regulation Act of 2005 (IMBRA). All of these petitions will not be adjudicated, and will remain pending until Headquarters USCIS issues quidance regarding processing under this new law. This petition was received 03/13/06, and falls under this new law.

Please reference information found on the uscis website regarding I-129F petitions and IMBRA .
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 10:05:00
USCIS Service CentersSharing my Senator's Office Response on CSC

I know this might be a stupid question.. but bare with me...

If the USC is from Atlanta GA.. and our application is in CSC.. which senator do we contact?

thank you :help:

You need to contact your senator.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 09:10:00
USCIS Service CentersSharing my Senator's Office Response on CSC
Well, I sent my senator an email last week and I got a letter asking for our case number so he can check it out. I wrote a letter back telling him our situation and asked for any help he could give. I even enclosed a nice picture of us in the hopes of getting a little sympathy. When he gets back to me I will let you know what he said.

Edited by GaryC, 21 June 2006 - 08:36 AM.

GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 08:36:00
USCIS Service CentersSharing my Senator's Office Response on CSC
Kind of contradictory since another person's senator said that RFE's were going out of CSC this week. The only good nugget I got from this post is that they will honor the original NOA1 dates and not put us in the back of the line.

Here is the thread I refered to:
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 08:30:00
USCIS Service CentersNebraska is much faster than CSC
My senator said something about rearranging the way petitions are done. I got the imbression that Nebraska will no longer do I-129F petitions.
GaryCMalePhilippines2006-06-21 21:33:00