K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC USCIS & NVC-Amazingly Stupid

Makes you wonder about the competence of the person doing the adjudication of your case, when they can't even update a simple entry on a computer that shows they touched your document when you got your NOA2...still showing NOA1 date...hmmmmm. Or maybe you can't blame the adjudicator maybe the website just does not work when it gets the data that was entered from them. Whatever the case it does show some real incompetence on the part of someone in that agency. Makes you wonder on how they plan to protect the country when the simple things don't work there.

agreePosted Image if they get to miss such simple info, then how much more of an terrorist?
im sure if a terrorist would apply for a visa, they will be much more careful and precise with their application to the point it will look so perfect they might not even give a second glance and approve it right away lol
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-26 20:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC USCIS & NVC-Amazingly Stupid

---Would it be best to wait until the case gets to Manila before calling them and getting the address changed if it is not changed already? I don't think it really matters until then.---

That's what I would do. For one thing, your finance can physically go to the Embassy if necessary. Just my two cents.

Uhuh?!?Posted Image but it will never get to manila embassy, coz they never updated the address. they were about to send it to the wrong consulate if we havent find out Posted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-26 20:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC USCIS & NVC-Amazingly Stupid

I feel your pain and agree with everyones comment. It appears that USCIS and NVC enjoy leaving cases in limbo for no logical reasons. Happens to often. This process is like Dantes Inferno....

Posted Imageagreed. the most irritating part is we were hands on with it, called and called to make sure it was done, only to find out that nothing was done at all after all that effort. terribly disappointing. like someone else said above, talking to them is like talking to brainless monkiesPosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-26 07:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC USCIS & NVC-Amazingly Stupid

So you sent a letter to your local USCIS about the address change, and you received a confirmation from them that they received it? Did you ever receive a Touch on the USCIS website? Some have said that should happen. I also mailed the letter to my local USCIS and received a confirmation letter. But I never received a Touch. The date for my case still says the day they they processed my NOA1. I'm worried we might have the same problem as you. Would it be best to wait until the case gets to Manila before calling them and getting the address changed if it is not changed already? I don't think it really matters until then.


yep we received mail stating that they received our mail with the requested necessary changes. Also our case got touched then. As of now our case is in NVC, USCIS havent updated the changes we requested, so my fiance emailed NVC the info and even on the phone told the person that it needs to be changed. While my fiance was on the phone, i told him to ask why he gave us a "seemingly" different case number like most Phil applicants have which starts with MNL, ours instead was MNA. The guy said oh, its a new one and its all online process and will be faster blah blah blah(my @ss) ! and since its been 2 days and we never get an email confirmation from NVC, i told my fiance to call again, and BAM! its a different consulate. If he didnt call today, they could have forwarded our packet to MANAMA BAHRAIN instead of MANILA PHILS. All this time that our case was sitting in USCIS they havent really done anything. They are totally sickening.

I suggest you start calling USCIS and bug them right there and then to update whatever changes you need to get done. Dont wait till they forward at USEM. Theres someone here in VJ that USEM sent back their packet back to USCIS just becoz of her middle initial. urghhh-go figure!
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-26 02:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC USCIS & NVC-Amazingly Stupid

I believe there's a way for you to email/mail complaintts. I can tell you right now that your complaint might get looked at and it might not get looked at but its worth a try. Immigration mess up ALL the time and because we just want the problem to be fixed so we can be with our loved one, we don't follow up on the issue after its fixed.
I'm not surprised at your situation and yes, its stupid beyond disbelief.
My sugestion is mail your complaint with all the changes you attempted to make and the confirmation you received that it was changed, each time you called and what you were told when you called, and lastly the incorrect case number. Include all necessary information and be polite but let it be known the their service to us American citizens who simply wants to be with our loved ones is unacceptable.

Best of luck on the rest of your journey!

thanks, and yeah i intend to be calling them everyday to make sure they didnt just go get their mochafraps after talking to me on the phone ( and forgot about my complaint) or reading my emails. yes i said emails & even mails to make sure they get to see it and yet none were changed. it proves that these people are very unreliable so i'll be tailing them to make sure they wont f**k us up over and over again.
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-25 22:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC USCIS & NVC-Amazingly Stupid

I tell people that dealing with US immigration personnel is like dealing with untrained monkeys, because it would be an insult to trained monkeys to compare US immigration personnel to them.

Posted Imagei agree. only difference is, if you train a monkey, it can turn out to be a lot smarter than themPosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-25 22:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC USCIS & NVC-Amazingly Stupid
We filed our I-129F in July 7, 2010 got our NOA1 13 and NOA2 January 12.
It took them a day before the 6motnhs markto get us approved. Along the process we sent them emails and mail stating beneficiary's change of address and we got acknowledgement letter saying they receive it. But it turns out that all those F***king 6months that our case is sitting in their desk no one actually bothered to update the necessary changes? #######???

Now, our case is in NVC, I found out a couple of days ago that these idiots from USCIS didnt update my fiance's address. So again, i emailed NVC for the said info. Today i called them again and found out that still no one did the update and that our supposedly manila case number is wrong. That the first 3 letters refers to a different consulate instead of manila. im like WOW!!! these people are totally amazingly stupid! a whole bunch of ####### no brainer lazy @SS dumber! If i didnt get to call, they could have sent off our packet somewhere else instead of where it should be. Im wishing theres a way to sue these people. These are serious mistake and its very unacceptable. They have delayed us so much enough to their NONESENSE process that claims as part to protect this country from terrorism??? Coz if any of these are, they surely have F***ked up already! theyre process is SIMPLY iNCOMPETENT & STUPID!!!
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-25 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOne Minute for Us, Please

Hello. Hope all of you are doing good. Today, it is another day when my tears fall down again coz i miss him so much. Our processing time take longer than normal as you could see from my timeline. Guy, would you please take a bow for one minute to make a pray for us so our case will be going smoothly and faster?. Thank you in advance.

OMG! sorry for what you're going thru. I hope at the end everything turns out well.
Goodluck and count in my prayers for youPosted ImagePosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-02-15 06:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsProof of termination of a prior marriage

Hello everyone, I'm in the process of gathering things necessary for my interview soon. As I came to this "Proof of termination of prior marriage", my fiance was widowed twice. My question is, do I have to show the death certificate of both wives or just the recent one? I am just confuse. Anyone help me...

I think just to be on the safe side just have them both
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-04-10 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInitial Review

People are just stupid How long us to wait for our NOA2? There is no way it take us this long we not criminal or something We got letter from :


U.S. Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Monday, May 16, 2011

Dear M. Bridges:

On 05/05/2011 you, or the designated representative shown below, contacted us about your case. Some of the key information given to us at that time was the following:

Caller indicated they are:
-- Applicant or Petitioner

Attorney Name:
-- Information not available

Case type:
-- I129F

Filing date:
-- 09/15/2009

Referral ID:
Beneficiary (if you filed for someone else):
-- MOSQUEDA, Ellyn

Your USCIS Account Number (A-number):
-- Information not available

Type of service requested:
-- Outside Normal Processing Times

The status of this service request is:

The processing of your case has been delayed. A check of our records establishes that your case is not yet ready for decision, as the required investigation into your background remains open.

Until the background investigation is completed, we cannot move forward on your case. These background checks are required to be completed on all applicants who apply for the immigration benefit you are seeking. We will make every effort to make a decision on this case as soon as the background checks are complete. If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 months of this letter, please contact customer service at the number provided below.

If you have any further questions, please call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-375-5283 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

Please remember: By law, every person who is not a U.S. citizen and who is over the age of 14 must submit Form AR-11 AND notify this office of their change of address, within 10 days from when they move (persons in "A" or "G" nonimmigrant status are exempt from this requirement). To notify this office of a move, visit our website at: or call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-375-5283 end_of_the_skype_highlighting. The Form AR-11 can be downloaded from our website or you can call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-375-5283 end_of_the_skype_highlighting and we can order one for you. Instructions for filing the Form AR-11, including mailing instructions, are included on the Form.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Why they cant tell us whats the Problem? We may help us to solve it..

I hope GOD give them strenght...

Since we filed our petitions 20 months from now...grrrr GOD hear us our problem,,,,

I dont know but when we reach a week after our 5th month, my fiance went in a put a service request, went there himself and insisted to talk to a higher person and he did. at first he was just told that its on process but he decided not to leave till he hears not just crappy automated responce. he then was able to talk to someone who went inside to dig in more about our case then later was told that its with the adjudicator and should hear by 12th of january which indeed we had. dont wait on what those automated letter says, keep calling. you are way too pass the processing time. insist to talk to a supervisor, ask if they do have your file or not. unless your fiance has something that is holding the petition to be approved, your case should have been approved by now even if it needed a thorough investigation.
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-05-17 07:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInitial Review


Thanks for advice, we tried to contact different immigration lawyers, ask for advice what to do. They say cant do anything with my case coz the goverment have it already.

thats exactly why i said go on and put in a service request, go there yourself and request to talk to supervisor. atleast with that you are there, you will be able to know the REAL status of your case
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-05-05 21:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInitial Review
[quote name='deon-ellyn' timestamp='1304575652' post='4647223']
We been waiting for 20 months for a I129f fiance visa they say we are still in background check . We would like to know why it is taking 20 months when the average
is 5 months. We are told that we are in secuirity background check or the last 20 months. I dont believe that should take 20 months our government to check one US citizen background. We have computer that background check can be done is matter of minutes. Neither me or my fiance have done anything that is secuirity rick.We have sent several letters and made alots of calls and received no responce to our questions from the USCIS it has been a year

SO we would like to know what is going on to our petition it is my legal right to be able to marry someone from another country and should be able to get a visa to for her to come to USA. I feel like i am treated like a crimal in my own country. I being dinied a visa in timely a matter is there anything can be done to be up process waiting? Pls help us

call and insist them to put you in a service request, go there personally and talk to a higher person. thats what my now husband did after we hit 5 1/2 month and still no approval. try anything possible to get someone look at your case, you'll never know if some jerks actually lost your file thats why theyre giving a whole load of crappy background check can never really trust those people....its sad but its a truthPosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-05-05 18:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am a June 2011 filer

If it passes your 5 month mark, then you have 2 choices

#1: Call USCIS to initiate a service request on your I-129F (expedite)

#2: Call your senator or representative

In either case, the 5 month processing time has passed so now USCIS must handle the case immediately.

As for me, if I don't get an answer back, I'll simply call them for an update (maybe they have not updated the online system). If there has not been an update, then I'll simply tell them to file a service request. Also, I'lll tell them that I'll ask a member of Congress also (senator or representative).

Hopefully, USCIS will start processing the applications well before the established processing times.

yes sometimes USCIS dont update their online status. Best is be patient in calling them, put in an info pass if its necessary. Goodluck and i hope you get your NOA2 soon ;)
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-10-16 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCall from the embassy

My interview happened Tuesday last week, so its officially one week already and out of the blue I got a call from the embassy asking me to faxe them a copy of my Visa payment receipt which I brought with me during my interview which I even presented to them. I asked the lady who called me, if it was that important, why did they not ask a copy of it while I was there :D she said they just need to verify the payment :D but in my mind was a question why did they not ask it before during my will be a never ending WHY oh WHY :D so I just let gave her the benifit of the doubt. Besideif I further insist in asking, I know it wont resolve any. So what I did was just do what I was told.

I always believe that positive approach should always be exercised even at worst time if we want a good result. So instead of pouting here and being mad, I was telling myself, everything happens for a reason, whether it will extend the delivery or not..there's is still a good reason behind. Atleast, I still have time with me to be with my family who I know I would miss so much. No matter what, visa will come..and it will come at a right time :D

In fairness with the people in the embassy, despite I know that it was really inefficiency on their part I dont have hurt feeling for them. I know they are doing their work for the common good. to err is human and to forgive is divine. Atleast I know that they are already working on my visa :D one good thing to be thankful of!

I admire you for having the courage of still being positive inspite of their failure. not many people can be as calm as you. goodluck and hoep you get your visa soon Posted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-10-18 11:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVermont RFE ?

Good afternoon!

Had an RFE on 9/13/11 for Page 3 Part C question #2 for criminal background... forgot to put "no" in the little box. RFE sent back on 9/14/11, RFE reply on 9/20/11...and still waiting for NOA2.

You'd figure a simple question wouldn't take 27+ days to get back to. Clean background, only minor speeding tickets.

I'm just curious if anyone has run into this same problem and what typical approval timeline is for this.

Normally RFE is a better sign than nothing at all. RFE means your file got looked at. depends on when they received your RFE response, it normally varies from 2-3 weeks if not more before you get your NOA2
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-10-17 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHelping the fiancee wait

The waiting game is not easy on either of us (I'm the petitioner), but it seems my fiancee is having a harder time with the wait. That's understandable, because her life is going to be altered greatly, more than mine, but it seems it is really weighing on her heavily the last couple of months.

How can I help her? I'm sure others of you have been in this boat. What should I or can I be doing to help her as we wait? She is a Filipina, and I'm sure there are specific cultural pressures and issues I don't understand.

Thanks in advance.

I was on the same boat back then. we got our NOA2 1 day before we hit the 6th month. i then fiance even had to go for an info pass to check on our case. i was so bored coz i used to be abroad when i decided to leave and stay in manila which for the past 11 years of my life the longest time i would stay is 30days. i hated uscis so much coz they screwed our papers how many times as well as NVC. but i was able to cope up. my friends here in VJ decided to put up a group for filipinas so we can interact, share experiences and at the same time have ideas of which & what can we do to pass time. there are even some that set meet up in PI, go together on medical & even interviews. Also having her attend some short workshops will surely keep her busy.Posted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-10-20 09:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe're APPROVED for K-1 Visa. Yeeeeaaaaaahhhh

We probably could have gotten it done within 5 1/2 to 6 months, but we decided to take a little extra time to get everything in order to make sure that there were no issues. Besides I was recently visiting my Fiance in the Philippines for about a month. We can deal with being apart for now, but it's hard. In the end we know that we will be together forever once the process was done. We've learned to adjust to being apart and now we need to learn to adjust to being back together again. Oh and also I think my fiance Cherry is going to be in shock when it gets really cold and she sees all of the snow we get here in MA. She may stay inside all winter. lol.

congrats ;)
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-11-27 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2011 K-1 Filers (Restless in Seattle)

Hi Zharren,

Yes, we're getting close to the 5 month period...sigh. Well, if need be we'll submit an INFOPASS appointment but I'm still hopefull we'll hear something before the end of 2011. Until then, my fiance and I will continue as we are other than Christmas might be a Skype/YM session of gifts and family this year.


Aw! Deja Vu? thats exactly what we did last xmas hehehe. and yes he went for info pass too as we were so pissed already waiting lolPosted Image
hang in there & be patient. try to enjoy the holidays and know that surely by next year you'll be starting your life together ;)Posted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-11-27 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2011 K-1 Filers (Restless in Seattle)
we were July filers last year and gt approved january 2011 just 1 day before hitting 6 months. you are almost approaching the 5th month so you can start calling them
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-11-26 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMY FIANCEE HE FOUND OUT HE GOT CANCER
if youre NOA2 is already approved, start calling NVC to get your manila case number, once you have it go do your medical, pay your visa fee & sched your interview online. submit all required docs for your interview. you dont have to tell them he is sick
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-11-29 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYeheeeeeeeeeeeeey! We got NOA2 today!
congrats ;)
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-12-01 00:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAppointment letter
copy of NOA2 & manila case number, if you have a letter/email from NVC that would work too
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-12-09 21:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsShe Passed
congrats Posted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-12-21 22:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsnoa1
the fee change is for USEM, the i129f is still at 340$ thats paid to USCIS
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2012-04-22 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI have my k1 and k2 visa on hand now
your son doesnt need to go for the seminar only you. but you will need his passport for the sticker from CFO. here are few things that you need to bring for CFO (if applicable)

Yours: BC (NSO)

:passport with photocopy ( if may Visa na passport nyo,photocotpy din)

:1 Valid ID with photo copy

:Photograph together with your fiance

:CENOMAR /annuled certification if were married

if below 25 of ages..needed ang parent consent or dalhin nyo parents dun sa CFO for sure.

From your Fiance: BC's/passport's photocotpy

:Maiden name of his mom

Address where he's working

:phone number

:Divorced decree if divorced

: Death Certificate if widowed

you may also refer to their website for more information or come join us..

Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2012-05-27 15:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow do people do this??
theres really no easy way, and theres nothing anyone can say that will ease or make you feel better. everyday youll miss her more and more and it can drive you nuts. atleast theres skype and all the hitechnology now adays. keep ourselves busy, live a normal routine that you can spend time together online as you used to do and soon enough eventually you'll be together in few months. thats should be your motivation...goodluck
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2012-05-27 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAfter 204 days finally we got our NOA2
congrats! now time to get all your docs, sched your medical, pay visa fee and sched your interview...goodluck
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2012-08-23 01:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally APPROVED
congratz ;)
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2012-10-19 23:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHorror Stories

It wasn't meant as an insult. I was trying ,in a humurous way, to tell the person to be patient by paraphrasing the GEICO commercial with R. Lee Ermey.

I get tired of seeing people whine about situations that they put themselves in by their own choice. It's one thing to complain about how long the process takes but it gets ridiculous to hear people make assumptions about how bad the workers at USCIS are just because it is taking longer for their petition to be processed than what they expected. I am not a USCIS employee but I am a Federal employee. I am in my 36th year of working for the IRS and I know that just like any private company or organization the USCIS and IRS have many good employees and a few bad employees. So I get mad hearing complaint after complaint about how bad the USCIS employees must be just because someones petition is not moving as fast as that person thinks it should.

There, I have whined about whiners on this forum.

well, if you have read enough you will know WE ARE NIT JUST SOME people...theres a whole lot of us and its not like we just filed a month ago! we patiently waited and now we believe we deserve to know what is going on with our petition because we are all way over their own so called estimated time frame. we are not just whining for nothing. so if it bothers you to read all our frustrations, then why are you here in this forum anyway??? Coz obviously your opinion is not needed specially if your only here to mean to us.
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-06 11:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHorror Stories

FYI, people get married because they LOVE each other and want to be together despite the country where they live, and not because they chose first where it is good to live and then decide to get married! Maybe you got married just to get a green card, so it is clear then why it gives you no pain to wait so long and why you don't understand anyone here, but for most people the separation is hard and just those who love will understand what i mean, but obviously you are in a totally different boat!
If you think US government and all those immigration laws are correct and good, great then, i wish you to be approved as you say after more than 5 months at USCIS! We'll see how optimistic you will be at the very end of this process, probably in Dec 2011!

Agreed!Posted Imagesome people are simply just insensitive. they open their big mouth as they please! well guess what and read on...your heartless opinion for us who've been suffering for many months being apart from our love ones is very much less needed to be heard. go somewhere else to post your inconsiderate comments coz honestly thats not what we wanna hear right nowPosted ImagePosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-06 10:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHorror Stories

This is the price we pay for trying to bring our spouses into the country legally. We pay huge sums of money for a horrible service and nobody cares. Meanwhile, illegal immigrants have millions of people that support them through organazitons, congress, tax dollars, lawyers, professors, etc. I'm not saying that we should start a crusade against illegals, but I ask myself on a regular basis, "When will honest people like us who play by the rules organize or get some support from our own government and our own people?" We do everything we're supposed and we still get screwed. Our lives are completeley put on hold. We can't start a family or make any plans for the future without getting approval first from our government. How ridiculous!

Posted Imagewell said! i give you aPosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Imagefor that statement!
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-05 13:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHorror Stories

I'm sorry Inky but i disagree.USCIS is Funded!!!!!!!People are not waiting to get paid so they can process... It's a travesty that people's cases were sent from CSC to TSC and still nothing has been done. It doesn't take 10 minutes to do a checklist..
Form filled ok ....check
Marriage Certificate.... check
Address..... check

Because someone left a blank box doesn't mean they should wait another 2 months because no one had time to look at it.
I work for the State and I see how money is wasted and time wasted because of beaurocracy. I work with disabled, elderly etc. As long as the powers to be have their money people mean nothing. They are treated like cattle.. I am not saying this is how USCIS operates but there has to be a more viable and efficient way to operate when it comes to matters of this importance..

We, and all other June & July filers have thrown any possible argument on this so im no longer saying any word as to express my disappointment.
kudos to youPosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-05 13:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificate/Clearance

I just got a marriage cert but I sent it to the US. So do I need to bring them on the interview date? Will the consul ask for them?

belle, its better off if you have a recent one for your interview, CO's are not the same, to some they dont even bother to ask coz they actually have everything sent from US, but some consul will ask to make sure you have that paper. so its better to be prepared not get delayed becoz of it.
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-05-12 07:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificate/Clearance
[quote name='belle0121' timestamp='1305174653' post='4660566']
Thank you Ery! I have another question, do I have to get another original copy of birth certificate and marriage certificate to present on the day of interview?

birth cert are good as long as its from the NSO, marriage depends how long ago did you get the copy
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-05-11 23:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificate/Clearance

I'd like to know if I'll need to get another Qatar police certificate before my interview. The one I got will expire next month and I don't have my scheduled interview yet. I'm wondering if the consul will ask for another copy of it(that's not expired) or the one I submitted with DS-230 is enough. Any advice is much appreciated.

dont worry about it, i had mine expired too from bahrain before my interview but it was ok Posted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-05-11 22:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespsoriasis cause denied in medical?

i go to medical today and i met some one who have psoriasis and shes so worried i just wonder,any one here who have psoriasis during medical?is this psoriasis cause denied he medical?or it will postpone her interview?she will have interview on the 25th of this month and shes so worried about it..

shes okey. they only worry about transferrable deseases
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-10-18 11:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit of support

hi guys im just new will i know if the NVC approved my husband affidavit of support (i-864)? hope ill get a responce from you guys..thanks:)

call NVC or otherwise they will email you for the next step you need
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-10-18 18:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresevidence
photos of you together & with families, chat logs, phone calls, remittances, cards, letters, travel together and everything else will will prove that you have a bonafide relationship
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-11-27 12:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswe want to be together...
221g or AP mostly last from 3 weeks up to 6months depending on how much longer they need to review the case. keep following up from USEM. goodluckPosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-12-22 00:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about my Wife's Visa
its really is a shame that these people hires people that are so incompetent and cant even type correctly. sheesh! anyhow congratulations, dont worry it wont be of any problem Posted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-12-22 00:23:00