Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

David,...I went through LAX at the end of 2003 to activate a K1 visa. I went through the US Citizens line,..well more specifically, they had a line sign posted for new immigrant/non-immigrant visas.(k1, K3 etc.) I simply asked a Immigration officer that stands near the front of the lines where I should be,..he asked me what I had, and directed me accordingly...All up I was in/out of customs in less then 15 minutes, and that included the wait, and the Customs officer going through the envelope etc...


Thanks Jodee!
David A.MaleAustralia2007-01-22 00:29:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

David....nope! It's easy as pie. We just travelled back to AUstralia. In America, going out, he showed both his green card and his AUS Passport - no worries...and on the way back - he waited in the US CITIZEN line with me, we went up together as a family with his passport, green card and it was all good :)


Just make sure she takes both...but nope - for once...NO FORMS to fill out :)


Ok, next question. When she finally enters the US for the first time through LAX. Will she go through the Foreign Visitors line or the US Citizens line? Or is there a separate line dealing with US visas? Because I never really paid attention.
David A.MaleAustralia2007-01-21 11:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Attention Aussies in the US with GREENCARDS/Permanent Residency Status...

I know immigrants in the US can travel abroad as long as they have their greencard and passport of their respective country, is their any other things I need to know about? Is there anything special someone has to do, like request permission, etc?

My wife and I are planning a trip next year, by then she'll be here and will have her Greencard. I know some of you Aussie's have already traveled back to Oz, can you give me any details on how it works, if there is anything special to do?


Edited by David A., 20 January 2007 - 11:01 PM.

David A.MaleAustralia2007-01-20 23:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey Hamster... I'd probably give anything to be in Adelaide right now with the wifey. But hopefully by the time your significant other comes to see you, Stephanie will be headed to America... so good things come to those who wait. =)
David A.MaleAustralia2007-01-20 16:53:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey Paul, wifey lives in Ethelton... near the beach. Probably not the cleanest beach since there's plenty of dogs leaving "landmines". She's not too happy about the big changes too much either, but at the same time, we know that because of it, the two properties she owns and rents out will just grow in equity. We're hoping in a few years time, we'll be able to sell those two properties including mine here in the USA and build our dream home.
David A.MaleAustralia2007-01-19 17:49:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks Paul... my wife is as happy as she is depressed about leaving Adelaide. Goodluck to you guys!
David A.MaleAustralia2007-01-19 01:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER


a Big Congratulations at last, i have been looking to see when you finally got the interview. Now its all easy from here on in just have all the paper work in the right order and you will be fine

Just a small tip i had all my paper work in a plastic folder so i didnt loose any of it and as soon as i got in and got my number i took it all out. they dont like it in any envelopes or folders.


Ya, when we did DCF in November, the lady asked us to take everything out as she asked for them. We had everything in an expanding folder so it was quite easy to keep everything in order. This is her last interview and the only thing I know she'll definitely have to bring was my affidavit of support(filled out the wrong one initially, they had me fill out a different one) and of course a pre-paid priority envelope to mail back her passport and visa.
David A.MaleAustralia2007-01-17 14:01:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Awesome news David!!! Congratulations!! :D :D

I have been wondering if you had heard yet....your wife's interview is 3 days before me. Let's hope we all get through without any more stress!!

Ya, I can deal without anymore stress too. I thought our interview date might come a few days after yours because of the RFE. But I guess they must have reserved a date for us when they initially recieved our forms, assuming that we'd send back the forms straight away. Well, it works out great because my wife can fulfill her two weeks notice at work and still make it here to the states before the start of her Uni which is at the end of February. I guess I can plan a really nice Valentines day celebration for her!

Edited by David A., 17 January 2007 - 10:09 AM.

David A.MaleAustralia2007-01-17 10:09:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Guess what everybody. Got an email from the Consulate today... and my wife got her
David A.MaleAustralia2007-01-16 22:51:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Well I got an email from the Consulate and they said that they were replying to letters recieved by the 5th of January. My wife sent off the forms on the 27th of December, so it doesn't make any sense that they haven't recieved our forms yet? I'm trying to stay calm about things but it's really irritating when you get one line answers from the consulate.

Anyway, I guess I'll just try to keep my hopes up.

David... could consulate be saying that they have a bit of a back log? If yesterday they were answering letters received "by the 5th of January" then yours might be in cue after that! :)
Also... when your wife sent the forms it was still kind of Christmas/New Year rush with mail, so it probably didn't get there before 5th. Hey... I'm just trying to find some "excuse" behind it, hopefully to make your wait easier! :) But, seriously, I had some mail (bank statement, phone bill) posted to me end Dec - got them only yesterday!
Hang in there!

Ya, I was feeling the same way... with the holiday and the rush... but the wife thinks otherwise, I told her to just wait til they respond to my email asking if they've even recieved the forms. I'm sure they have, I'll have to wait and see. Thanks for letting me know about the mail, this should give my wife some hope.
David A.MaleAustralia2007-01-12 22:36:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Well I got an email from the Consulate and they said that they were replying to letters recieved by the 5th of January. My wife sent off the forms on the 27th of December, so it doesn't make any sense that they haven't recieved our forms yet? I'm trying to stay calm about things but it's really irritating when you get one line answers from the consulate.

Anyway, I guess I'll just try to keep my hopes up.
David A.MaleAustralia2007-01-11 19:10:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Hey All,

I found out my interview date today, it's 2 February YAY!!! :D We are so excited. I got a reply to my email but still haven't received packet 4.

I can't believe it's nearly all over. Can't wait to be with my baby's been a long road!

Congratulations, no we haven't heard yet, I emailed them but they haven't responded yet.
David A.MaleAustralia2007-01-09 13:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Yes, I paid with credit card. Looks like you got the idea already. You can submit the affidavit of support the same day. I couldn't because apparently I printed out the wrong one online. So they gave me a new one and said that I can hand write it in. One more thing... once you get packet 3 in hand. Fill it out and send it off by post right away. I made the mistake of waiting a few days which sort of set us back some, because they ended up sending us an RFE that was easily resolved. But if I only had sent the forms out straight away, then we would have recieve the RFE much sooner, therefore taken care of much sooner too. Be very thorough when filling out those forms because we missed one small question and that was our RFE, if we read it a bit closer there would have been no problem. So just be sure you take extra care when filling out the forms. You should have no problem.

Hi All!

Hope everyone had a great Chrissy & New Year!!!

Eric is flying out very soon...and we will be doing the walk-in DCF @ Sydney -- does anybody have any last minute tricks and tips?

I've been advised to do a dry run to the consulate, the elevator trick - be at the front...hmm wha else...bring a bit of supporting evidence as David mentioned they were asked for pictures...

You can pay the DCF fee by credit card right?

Hope it all goes well!!!

Thanks for any help!

David A.MaleAustralia2007-01-03 13:07:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Awesome news David! Let us know when you get the date. I am till waiting to mail today :(

with the holidays and all... it might be safe to say that you'll recieve a letter by the end of next week. keep fingers crossed!
David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-29 02:53:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Finally got an email back from the consulate. I assume someone was on holiday/vacation because they replied to my last email within 3 days. But they said as soon as they recieve the RFE that they sent out, that my wife will be given her final visa interview.
David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-28 22:29:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Hi David,

Sorry to hear about the RFE that really sux and over something so trivial. I agree why couldn't they just pick up the phone and call. I hope they respond quickly.

I haven't heard anything yet about my interview date.

I'm sure you'll hear from them soon. When you get your final interview date, it will give me an idea when my wife gets hers. They said upon return of the form, her final interview will be issued. Well, from the looks of their response times, it might not be another two weeks, and if she was given an interview date, it probably won't be for another two weeks from the time we recieve that final letter. Anyway, it's only been a month since my I-130 interview in Sydney, so I guess we're still making good time.
David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-28 04:45:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I wonder why they can't just pick up the phone and call my wife to say... "you forgot to select an answer for prior military service. Have you had prior military service?" I mean, how simple can that be? What's more annoying is that you can't even call them to answer the question, like everything is asked and answered through email. And sometimes they won't even return a reply.
David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-27 21:23:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Wife got an RFE in the mail, stating she forgot to tick whether she's had previous military service... of course she hasn't so she ticked no. But that wasn't the only question they asked. On the DS-230 Part I on the previous residences, they asked her where she was living between 1993 to 1995... she has clearly put on there where she was living between 1993-2001. Besides, Section 20 asked for previous places you've lived since turning 16. Well my wife turned 16 in 1995! Clearly an address that started in 1993 fully covers all the necessary information that section 20 was asking for. Sheesh, do these people actually take the time to look at these applications?! My wife corrected her mistakes, but left the address part just the way it is because there was nothing to correct. I've emailed the consulate to inform them that section 20 was correct and that the dates that were being asked were clearly defined on the list. Sheesh, there goes another two weeks of waiting!
David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-27 09:05:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

David hope you don't have too much more waiting to do but I'm sure you will hear soon. Just wondered if Stephanie has had any luck with finding someone to ship her things?

Yes, she actually found a company but she doesn't plan on sending anything right now. Regardless of the time that it might take to get here, there really isn't anything she has that can't wait.
David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-22 00:50:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Hi David,

Yes, of course, I'll let you know. Looking at the timelines you should hear any day now. The Christmas holidays may be delaying it a bit if staff are on holidays.

Hopefully one of us will hear soon.

I looked on the Consulate website and the only dates that they are closed for the Holidays in December is the 25th and 30th. So they are there, but yes, if they are short staffed, then maybe that's why it's taking a bit longer.

Edited by David A., 21 December 2006 - 03:24 AM.

David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-21 03:24:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

We got packet 3 about lift my spirits!! Except my man has gone home for Christmas and is partying and I can't contact him grrrr. Oh well at least we got it!

Hey David, good luck....hope you hear about your interview soon. :)

We're still waiting to hear from the Consulate. We sent out packet 3 on 11 December, and we haven't heard from them yet. Let me know if you hear from them and I'll be sure to post any news I get on here too!
David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-21 01:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks Caroline...

The best birthday gift would be knowing when my wifes final visa interview will be. The consulate should have recieved her DS2001 last week on Tuesday, it has been 7 days... so we're hoping to hear from them soon.
David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-18 23:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I was in Australia playing with Kangaroos this time last week :crying: and of course spending quality time with the wifey... sheesh, I can only imagine how the Aussies feel about being away from home.
David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-16 01:21:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I thought I'd add a few more pictures to remind some of you of home...

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David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-12 19:24:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

David your pictures are GREAT! I am an Adelaide girl and it made me very homesick looking at them but put a smile on my face too.........thanku. My husband loved Cleland but thankfully it wasn't 40c when we were there!

I used Allied Pickfords to ship my things. It was extremely expensive because I had some furniture shipped too but they are very good. I have a friend in Adelaide that deals with shipping companies I will email her and see if she can make some's been 10 months since I organised mine so I don't remember who else she suggested to us.

Take care everyone.

I'll let my wife know... what part of Adelaide is this company from, my wife would like to use a company near the Port Adelaide area, since Adelaide is pretty spread out.

To Ausqueen, I actually have the instruction letter from the consulate with me... Obtaining a police certificate from each state differs from each other slightly, according to this instruction letter. I'll type out exactly what it says for NSW...

"If you reside in New South Wales"
Make and appointment, and then appear in person to be fingerprinted at your local police station. You must pay the fee of AUD 175 (subject to change, pleace check the current fee with the police) and complete an application form, which the police will forward to: NSW Police Department, Criminal Records Section, Level B3 NSW Police Headquarters, 1 Charles St, Parramanta, NSW 2150. Tel: (02)8835-7888.

Please find further details on the New South Wales Police website at:

There is nothing on the instruction letter stating that you need to receive a request from the US Consulate to get a police certificate. But each Police department functions in different ways I guess... but for NSW, they do send the report straight to the US Consulate, they do not hand it to you. That's all it says, hope this helps you a little. For South Australia, you actually pick it up yourself and take it with you to the appoinment.

I actually don't get how some police certificates cost more than other police certificates in other states. In Queensland its 142.60, NSW is 175, ACT is 130, Western Australia is 43, Victoria is 120.40, Tasmania is 120, Northern Territory is 100, and SA is 140. Maybe it has something to do with population?
David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-12 18:50:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Here are some of my recent pictures... couldn't post anymore than what you see here.

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The view of Sydney from the flight in...

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View from inside our hotel room.

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View from the balcony of our hotel room.

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View of the MLC Building from the Sydney Tower.

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The start of the Great Ocean Road.

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View of a few of the Twelve Apostles in Port Campbell.

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Photo infront of the Twelves Apostles.

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My new buddies at Cleland Park, South Australia.

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"Wake me up and I'll kick your a$$"

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Granite Island in Victor Harbor, South Australia
David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-11 20:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

One last thing... I know I've posted this before but lost the information on this site...

Anybody from South Australia ship anything to the states, boxes, etc... My wife wants to get her things ready. I'd like to know which shipping company to go with, there were quite a few in the phone book.

PM me if you can, I'd really appreciate it!

Nevermind, I found it!
David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-11 19:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
One last thing... I know I've posted this before but lost the information on this site...

Anybody from South Australia ship anything to the states, boxes, etc... My wife wants to get her things ready. I'd like to know which shipping company to go with, there were quite a few in the phone book.

PM me if you can, I'd really appreciate it!

Edited by David A., 11 December 2006 - 07:36 PM.

David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-11 19:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Kath, yes the picture helped. We actually just walked there (consulate) from our hotel in Darling Harbor. We stayed in the 4 Points Sheraton... apparently it was a quiet week for them and they upgraded us to a suite with outdoor balcony looking down into Darling Harbor, I swear, the aquarium was right below us. We were on the 14th floor on the left and the 15th was the highest, so you can guess how high we were. It only took us 2 minutes to walk down to Darling Harbor. From our hotel, it took about 10-15 minutes to walk to the consulate... and after the interview we just decided to walk down to the Opera House and view the Harbor Bridge. After that we took a fairy back to Darling Harbor to get a view of the entire area. We walked through the Aquarium but didn't want to go into the Zoo to view the animals. My wife told me that she'll be taking me to Cleland Park in South Australia where you can actually pet the animals.

From there, we went to visit some friends in Melbourne... got to see almost all of it, all the way down to Portsea and on the ocean side of that peninsula. We even stopped by Just Fine Food and had Sorrento's famous Vanilla Slice, it was delicious, the area was really nice. Downtown Melbourne wasn't as large as Sydney, but still a pretty big city. Our friends even drove us down to The Great Ocean Road. Before we got to the 12 Apostles we stopped by this rainforest where you walked down some wooden steps to this view of a waterfall, it was beautiful... the ferns were huge too! If you've never seen the 12 Apostles, it's a really gorgeous view. We only drove down to Port Campbell and didn't get to see what's left of the London Bridge. We were too tired to go any further. We left at 630am and got back in Melbourne by 7pm.

When we finally got to Adelaide, she warned me of how tiny it was compared to Melbourne and Sydney. It's still actually bigger than Pensacola, Florida where I'm at right now (if that answers you question Karo). We went up to Mt Loftey and Cleland Park. Cleland Park was my favorite because I actually got to hang out with some kangaroos. They ate off my hands and one of them actually kissed my wife while we were taking pictures. The big red kangaroos are very intimidating too but as long as you don't try and scare them, they're very approachable. The reds are so solid when they're lying down and have their arms crossed infront of them... you can just see their muscles. We had a chance to pet the Koalas but didn't actually get to hold them. If we stayed a couple of hours we could have but it was getting too hot. When I was in Adelaide, the temperatures were around 100F or 40C and very dry!

On a different note, Kangaroos do taste good by the way... and so does Vegemite! They didn't think I'd like it, but I actually did. I'll post some pictures of the trip.

Edited by David A., 11 December 2006 - 07:33 PM.

David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-11 19:31:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Back from the land of Oz...

How did my walk in go? -perfect.

Before our walk in on Nov 30, my wife contacted Dr Millers office and spoke to Rose. She told her that we were filing the I-130 and will be back in South Australia by the following week. Rose sent us a letter with all the steps we need to complete the process and an appointment date just a week and half of filing the I-130. After the interview we got packet 3 in hand and when we got back to Adelaide, the forms from Dr Miller's office was there. We made an appointment with my wife's GP to get her prior immunizations, and set up an appointment with the Radiologist. One problem we almost ran into was that the Radiologist doing the xrays would not accept a passport with my wifes' maiden name on it, even thought we had the certificate of name change with us. She would have needed the passport that she will be traveling with to the states. My wife called the passports office in downtown adelaide and the guy said that it would take two weeks to be sent out, but by then, Dr Miller would have been on vacation. So my wife pleaded with the guy and told him the situation and we got an appointment the next day and did an expedited passport service for 73$ and we got the new passport with my wife's name on it in two days! So we still were able to keep the appointment with Dr Miller. My wife had her appointment today and once I got back to Florida she told me everything went well. So she went ahead and mailed off packet 3 and we are now ready for her final interview. My wife should receive confirmation within 5 working days of receiving the DS2001 so hopefully she can get an appointment soon! All in all... Wenchie was right... by the time you file the I-130 it should only take less than 2 months of recieving packet 3.

DCF in Ausralia is still pretty quick!

Thanks for everyone's help!
David A.MaleAustralia2006-12-11 02:02:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Australia here I come!!! :dance:

Hey everybody... leaving for Australia tomorrow morning (monday)... Starting my trip in Pensacola, Florida then off to Atlanta, Georgia. From there, I fly off to Los Angeles International, aka LAX. I have about a 4 hour lay over which gives me enough time to check in, etc. Then I fly off to Sydney in the evening and arriving on wednesday morning. Should be DCF'ing by Thursday morning. I might be a bit jet lag but due to the importance and excitement of this visa process, I think I'll be wide awake. My wife is very excited, she has a very fun trip planned for us...

I'll let you guys know how everything went. This walk-in thing should be a piece of cake.
David A.MaleAustralia2006-11-26 19:43:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Can anyone tell me how long police certificates are good for once they've been issued. My wife got hers done ahead of time at the end of October assuming that it would take up to two months to get back. Apparently it only took about two weeks including finger prints. We're just hoping she doesn't have to do it again because it did cost a lot.
David A.MaleAustralia2006-11-23 13:07:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Thanks guys :) it was a total shock to both of us but Stew's doing ok. He rang his parents yesterday afternoon and I think that helped him.

thanks for your thoughts and prayers (F)

Keep an I on him... especially for PTSD (post traumatic stress syndrome). I dealt with a lot of guys at my medical clinic in Kuwait after they returned from Iraq... a lot of them had buddies get shot, or blown up right next to them. So just watch over him for the next couple months. After what happened, no one can really tell how it can affect anyone, it's different from one person to the next. Just stay positive and always reflect on how precious life is and how every minute of the day counts. I'm sure you do that already...

take care!
David A.MaleAustralia2006-11-22 12:02:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

David A., sounds like you're all prepared, I'm sure the DCF process will work out fine! Let us know how it goes and if you have any more questions. Just make sure all your paperwork is in the right order, and get there early, and you'll breeze through!

I'm going by the list for filing the visa that was found on the Sydney website, I've added the affidavit of support with the supporting documents. I made a table of contents so hopefully it looks well prepared. I might just use one of those folders with the whole punches on top.

What did you use to hold all your documents?
David A.MaleAustralia2006-11-17 12:39:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Two more weeks and I'll be DCF'ing in Sydney.

So far I've got everything I need except one thing, I even printed out the DS I & II for the wife so that she can hurry up and fill it out and immediately transfer that information on the originals that Sydney will be sending her later on. She's already got her police report including finger prints from SAPOL. We're definitely trying our best to make this as quick as possible. She's already done her name change and has the certificate to prove it. It took two weeks for the Chapel to send me copies for the marriage certificates since Sydney requires official copies. So far, no one has an exact time table on how long it will take if you weren't caught between the change when people already had all the forms sent to them ahead of time.

I'm just waiting for one of my Chiefs to complete my Statement of Military Service, since I fall under the 100% requirement for poverty level. Not like we really need it, since I own a home and she owns two properties in SA that she rents out. So we're definitely covered.

So far my trip goes like this...

Get to Sydney, file the I-130, then spend a few days looking around.

Then fly to Melbourne and take a trip down the Great Ocean Road with friends.

Then off to Adelaide, South Australia to visit her mom and relatives...

Then off to LAX and back to Florida again to play the waiting game!

I'll keep you guys updated.
David A.MaleAustralia2006-11-16 06:16:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I posted this on the Australia DCF thread, but I was wondering... is there anything on the I-130 checklist that needs to be notarized?

And on the part of the G-325 that asks:

This form is submitted in connection with an application for:
-Status as Permanent Resident

Which box should I select if I'm trying to bring my wife here to the US? is it the Permanent Resident box?
David A.MaleAustralia2006-11-01 17:22:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Hi everyone,

I don't post here very often at all but find myself always having a look just to see how all the aussies are doing and seems like for most it's been smooth sailing. I certainly relate to the discussion about being homesick but the phone is a wonderful thing! Just thought I would let everyone know about a great calling card which is only 2 cents a minute to OZ ( if you don't already know). The website is and as I said before the rates are very good.

I am in upstate New York and so far I haven't found any australians in the area, so if anybody out there is close by just yell. I'm originally from the Adelaide Hills.

That's about it from me......goodluck to everyone.

Susan :thumbs:

Pennytalk is great... been using it to call my wife in Adelaide all the time!
David A.MaleAustralia2006-10-20 16:15:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Congrats Lunamel... So who gets to DCF the new way?
David A.MaleAustralia2006-10-17 17:56:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Congrats Lunamel my wife and I just set up our hotel. We'll be staying at 4 Points by Sheraton on the Business District side, only minutes away from the MLC Centre, with a harbor view. Kind of costly but my wife wants my first time experience in Sydney to be worth while and memorable.

Lunamel, keep my updated on the things we might need to submit the I-130. Since I wasn't able to get my hands on all the forms before the new changes, I'll have to wait until Sydney sends them to my wife.

As far as proof of relationship, let me know how much of that proof I would need just to submit an I-130 or is that something (proof) my wife will have to bring when she goes for her final interview?
David A.MaleAustralia2006-10-10 17:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Anybody know the best place to stay in Darling Harbour, my wife wants to do some sight seeing after the interview... and does anybody know how far Darling Harbour is from Martin Place (US Consulate)
David A.MaleAustralia2006-10-07 21:13:00