CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Yea and plus I hang out with people from here. He'll be dropping me off somewhere and he'll say: "Who are you going out with again?" and I'll be like: "VJ Canadians!"

And he's all: "Mmmmkay"

And sometimes there will be board drama and I'll tell him as if it is real life drama, except I'll use screen names and it'll sound hilarious but I'll be all serious about it, like this is serious business! It'll sound something like this...

"So and so said this to wyatt and then krikit came in and was like BOOYA and then trailmix was like 'yay calgary and then lgg was all "ribbit" and I was just like: "HOLY CARP!"

and he'll listen to me, but I am sure it'll make no sense.


Friends and family find it quite odd just how close we feel to "random internet people" that we met/talk to on VJ.
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-20 13:32:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I thought Gravol and Dramamine have the exact same medicinal ingredients. I use it too to fly and found they both work the same for me. Interesting that you get a different effect.

The dramamine I had was a "new and improved non-drowsy" formula. It worked (mostly) but seems much weaker than the gravol I currently use.

Maybe it's dosage, as I don't know what the dosage was in the dramamine - but the gravol knocks me silly whereas the dramamine barely worked for me.
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-08 15:34:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
My best friends wife is terrified of planes, but always flew once a year to help out at a remote orphanage (she's a nurse).

One year lightning struck one of the engines and started a small fire, and they turned the plane around and flew back to the airport (thankfully safely).

Every since then she's never flown.

I do not fault anyone for fear of flying, ever.

I'd be more terrified myself, except I get motion sickness on them. Peachey introduced me to this wonderful stuff in Canada named Gravol (works sooo much better than Dramamine) and now, I don't have a care in the world while I'm flying! Nor do I puke my guts out, win/win!
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-08 15:15:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Soo.. my Gramma and Dad are awesome. They offered to pay for the sleepers from Chicago to Florida. No weirdo interaction for me! :D


I must be missing something, the only thing I can think of is sleeper cells/agents or pods for deep space travel.

What exactly are you up to there Mal!?!
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-08 14:50:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
My sister just managed to snag a super nice house rediculously cheap as well.

Good luck Huggles, it's a lot of effort - but ... then again compared to immagration, it's not really.
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-08 14:44:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

That just means you're not doing it right. :lol:

I'll try harder then.

I do remember being quite drunk and wandering around a convention with my 24oz bottle of polar bear telling people how wonderful their costumes were.

I even drank from someone else's flask and gave them some of mine at one point... I think. They were quite enamored with the candian concoction I was drinking.

Then I found a lady in a sexy cat woman (ala batman) costume complete with whip and drug her back to whip Peachey and I's single friend who was bitching about being single. I don't remember what I had to do to get her to come with me... *ponder*

He didn't like the cat woman tho, so I went to harass the lady in the super girl costume (very short skirt too if I recall). I got her to agree to a snuggle up with him for a picture, but he wouldn't even come over.

Some people are all talk. ;)
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-08 13:55:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I've never been drunk. Don't know if I want to be. I'll probably be the type at the toilet all night.

You don't have to get puking drunk to be drunk.

I've never puked from drinking. =)
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-08 10:22:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Rebuilt my work computer, horay.

Hedgehogs for everyone again!
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-07 11:21:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread
VarbaMaleCanada2010-02-04 13:19:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread

Is it really beyond the realm of possibilities to get your office space moved to another cube? :blink:

The other alternatives are far worse.

Like, back to the water cooler or coffee machine worse.
VarbaMaleCanada2010-02-03 14:14:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread

My cube neighbor whistles to himself randomly while he works and also has no qualms about farting openly. He either thinks I am deaf or want to hear/smell his quacks.

Wouldn't it be a hoot if one of his quacks stunk so bad that the pregnant lady (me) had to barf and did it on him? :lol:

Seriously, in 'cubicle land', is it really acceptable social behavior just to fart at will? I'm just wondering.

I do it, but then again, I wait until he's being annoying. :whistle:
VarbaMaleCanada2010-02-03 12:35:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread

Well, if you think you aren't annoying someone at work.... chances are you are "that guy/girl" at work. :rofl:

Heh, I know I have annoying habits.

I do my best to do everyone of them when the apple crunching starts.

Today it's too much. I left my cube and don't want to go back.

I think I'm going to have to cave and drop mucho $$$ on a good sound canceling pair of headphones.
VarbaMaleCanada2010-02-03 12:13:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread

I wonder if I could extrapolate how many apples he's eaten in the past year based off his apple eating trends.

I could put it into a nice report with graphs and stuff and it'll look like I'm working, while I'm just being irked.

So, today it's 1 per hour so far.

That would put it at 40 per week.
1960 per year, adjusted for his time off and vacation days.
Assuming he works for 50 years before retirement, that would put apple consumption at: 98000 apples.
VarbaMaleCanada2010-02-01 09:51:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread
I wonder if I could extrapolate how many apples he's eaten in the past year based off his apple eating trends.

I could put it into a nice report with graphs and stuff and it'll look like I'm working, while I'm just being irked.
VarbaMaleCanada2010-02-01 09:15:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread

Since he thinks it's a diet, tell him that apples are pure carbs and sugar, which actuallly increase his appetite and weight gain. :)


He knows, with this diet, it's ok if he eats it with protien. So there's the SWIIIICTH of the string cheese wrapper, then the crunches start.

Apple #4 crunching away with my sanity.

Edited by Varba, 29 January 2010 - 02:18 PM.

VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-29 14:16:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread
Apple #2 is going down the hatch.

I turned my music up so it hurts my ears, but I still hear it.
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-29 09:52:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread
I try to be a very patient man.

I have been sharing a small enclosed space (larger than your average cubicle, but still small) with someone for nearly a year now.

He goes in an out of fad diets, but so far, only one thing has "stuck."

He eats 3-6 apples every day.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Dude, #######, you're complaining about someone eating apples?!" Lame.

I work with software, and my whole job entitles complete focus and concentration so that I can think/create/design/ect.

Multiple times a day, I'm pulled out of my happy zone by *CRUNCH*.

I've tried everything: large noise canceling headphones (haven't gone for the $$$ ones yet, but i'm almost there), asking him to stop, buying him a apple slicer/corer, telling him that the eternal crunching gives me headaches, I even called him Johny Appleseed for a month.

It's to the point now, where if he has a sick day, I feel like I have a vacation day even though I'm working.

I'm going mental!!!
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-29 09:06:00
CanadaDenied at POE

I'm sorry that we haven't been here for a while, but we've been trying to find out the best way to go about all of this. We have had talks with several lawyers, but nothing seems to go the way we want.

But this morning, I got a call from the Montreal Embassy and the Lady I talked to asked if I was going to the US, and I told her what happened at the border, and she said that was already discussed during our interview. She said that she would discuss this matter with her supervisor and get back to me.

Hopefully there is a resolution here! We'll all keep hoping and praying with you.
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-25 13:39:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
QUOTE (Varba @ Nov 30 2009, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 30 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a theory about all this. But I don't think I'll post it lest I get in ####### from the very sensitive Montreal consulate as apparently those poor, hard-working folks with their very well-run system can't be called out on the fact that this actually is a horribly system, in need of an upgrade and is thu, just plain infuriating to have to deal with.

I'm hoping for you, even if you're dejected right now!

Oh, well that was the "dejected" cute picture. The "scared and frustrated" cute picture may be found below.

I know exactly the feeling you're talking about. And I'm truly sorry that you have had to put up with it this long.

I know it doesn't help much, but know that Peachey and I are hoping for you.

It's your turn soon!
VarbaMaleCanada2009-11-30 15:21:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 30 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a theory about all this. But I don't think I'll post it lest I get in ####### from the very sensitive Montreal consulate as apparently those poor, hard-working folks with their very well-run system can't be called out on the fact that this actually is a horribly system, in need of an upgrade and is thu, just plain infuriating to have to deal with.

I'm hoping for you, even if you're dejected right now!

VarbaMaleCanada2009-11-30 15:06:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
QUOTE (lgg @ Oct 2 2009, 10:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
####### sister, I'd be mad at me too!!! I get so cheese off when I see people in our exact boat, country, visa and they finish well after someone else and get an interview first?? This makes NO sense to me and it's no one's fault but NVC/Montreal.... they have some s'plaining to do!
I hope they start scheduling you guys too!
It'd be nice if they just went nutty and scheduled a TON -- I'd love that.... play catch up for the next few months would be nice.

Good luck, Peachey and all the rest of you...

Them going nutty and scheduling a ton is about the only way I won't be tempted to throw things at them.


VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-02 09:04:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Posted Image
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-05 15:21:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

Just wanted to say good luck to all you guys waiting! The wait was harsh but well worth it. I thought I was going to lose my mind.
I wish you all speedy interviews.
Or at least, the ability to wade out the time waiting for one.

LGG, your nose is growing.

Did you ever find that sneaky ####### after you lost it?
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-05 13:33:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

:) Thanks ScooterMac and Varba for the advice and the laugh. We've never tired to watch a movie together over Skype, but that's a great idea! I'm sure I'll be back over the next couple of months needing to hear the same advice. Thanks VJ!

If you have favorite TV shows, that works too.

Especially because then you have something to look forward to every week. (For Peachey and I, it was often Thursdays.)
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-04 13:54:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

How does everyone make it through the rough patches? I sometimes feel like I'm falling apart.

I'm really hoping we hear something soon!

Deep breaths.
Throwing things.
Photoshopping hedgehog pictures. (Ok, that one was just me.)
Talking with other people who understand! YAY VJ Forums!

It will happen, we'll just hope with you it's soon.


If you're still reading, maybe you need drastic help... I present you the ultimate fix for rough patches.

Cute critters.

Posted Image
VarbaMaleCanada2010-01-04 13:40:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (jmd77 @ Nov 20 2009, 08:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ScooterMac @ Nov 20 2009, 07:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Peachey @ Nov 19 2009, 08:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Press 1, then 0. Don't listen to the menu, it's super long.

Make sure to have your consulate case # ready.

Oh thank goodness I haven't had to dial that number in almost a month! laughing.gif

Thanks. That was very helpful, even if she didn't have any information for me.

All they have is a yes or no really. If you're lucky you won't get a "fake yes" like we did.

It'll work out, it just takes a bit. Be thankful it's a K1 and not a IR1/CR1 right now. Their time lines are ridiculous.
VarbaMaleCanada2009-12-01 10:22:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (EdnGinette @ Oct 23 2009, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What an exciting day!!! Mine is NOV 13th, Friday the 13th to be exact!! LOL. Hey we all need to wear a yellow ribbon somewhere on us so that we can identify each other on our interview date.........Who's in? kicking.gif

I'm in.

If I say I'll wear it pinned to my boxers, will you pants people trying to figure it out?



Edited by Varba, 23 October 2009 - 12:27 PM.

VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-23 12:26:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (LiLMermaid @ Oct 23 2009, 09:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah I figure a good scan will probably be fine as well. I just exerted a little more effort and found a copy of the page that tells you what forms etc to fill out. I was just going to have her overnight me the whole package but it seems a tad pointless if all I need is the checklist. Guess I'll get to work on all these forms....ugh....I'm so sick of all the paperwork. How many more years of this do we have left? lol

Just look at the next step... if you look at all the steps you'll go insane and we'll have to send the nice men with the comfy coat....

Like we did for Lgg.

She does enjoy the padded room though.
VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-23 09:01:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (Arabella @ Oct 21 2009, 01:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

My former in-laws are going to watch my kids so I can go!!

I just booked my flight!

I'll see all you November 20th people in Montreal!!!!!


EDIT: OMG it's going to be cold!!!

Don't forget to breathe.
VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-21 12:25:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my fiance just tried calling (from the US) and was given 1-202-663-1541 to call???
what is this

Can someone please help me. This is really frustrating. My fiancé keeps being given a message to call a different number.

Which number is he calling?
VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-20 12:48:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (Arabella @ Oct 20 2009, 11:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I could use some more kittens. Varba please if you would . . .

Also, Varba I feel left out of all of the WoW references and wish some of you people played EQ2 (EQ2 > WoW IMHO).

Seriously though, he was going to "move in" with me at Christmas time while we waited for an interview date. So now it is wait until February to be together or get married in 2 months! He says he doesn't want to feel "rushed" and he doesn't want to go without seeing me. I have 2 kids so me going to Canada means either flying 3 people there or finding a 24 hour babysitter for a few days . . . Not likely.

/crying, could use some kittens or geek speak . . .

Unfortunately, my EQ2 time was severly limited, so I can't geek out on that.... I did EQ one for awhile...

I can do a combo - cute kittens + EQ!

Also, if LGG was a cat...

VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-20 10:17:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (Arabella @ Oct 20 2009, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I went from being super happy to super sad in a few seconds time. This whole process just fvcks with your mind. Just last night we were talking about how hard the long distance is and how we can't wait to see eachother (he is coming on Thursday).

I am sitting here at work crying and I can't stop. I don't know what to do. I called my mom and she says she'll do anything to help us plan a wedding in a fast time. My dad's a minister ffs and could marry us in my friggin backyard on a 2 second notice.

It will work out.

For us, we just split our wedding into a small legal service - followed by the ceremony we wanted months later. If you guys can't/don't want to do it that way, it's still possible.

We understand the emotions you're going through tho! No more crying! It's a happy day!

Don't make me link more cute kittens.... :-P
VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-20 09:51:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (LiLMermaid @ Oct 20 2009, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Arabella @ Oct 20 2009, 10:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (July09Bride @ Oct 20 2009, 10:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Arabella @ Oct 20 2009, 10:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just called and we have an appointment date too- November 20th at 8:00am.

I called me fiance and you would think he'd be excited but he wants me to post-pone the interview because we changed our wedding date to April 29th, and so obviously he can't activate his VISA until February 1st. He says he doesn't want to go that long without seeing me so he'd rather put off the interview.

I am crying right now . . .

If you do that, you could actually lose about 3 or 4 months for your interview. You very well could go back to the bottom. In fact, I believe that in order to change your date you need a "valid" reason, not just "I don't like the date."

As for seeing him, the USC can still go to Canada. . . . . . . unsure.gif

I don't know what to do. I told him I couldn't talk to him anymore and hung up the phone. Since March we had been planning a New Year's Day wedding, and then we went with April 29th because it seemed like we wouldn't get an interview until 2010.

I don't even know who to call to try and re-schedule.

After the visa is issued you have a 6 month time frame to use it so getting it in November and not using it till February is still an option unless there is some other reason he doesn't want to go to the interview in November that I missed.

I think it was more of the "they didn't want to be apart that long" deal. Cause after the interview, she can't cross into the US without activating the K1 visa.
VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-20 09:48:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (Arabella @ Oct 20 2009, 10:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just called and we have an appointment date too- November 20th at 8:00am.

I called me fiance and you would think he'd be excited but he wants me to post-pone the interview because we changed our wedding date to April 29th, and so obviously he can't activate his VISA until February 1st. He says he doesn't want to go that long without seeing me so he'd rather put off the interview.

I am crying right now . . .

Oh no!

<-- that's a hug.

Explain that it is _not_ worth trying to deal with the Consulate again. You do not know how long the delay could possibly be.

It will be ok.
VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-20 09:07:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (dutchmatt @ Oct 20 2009, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WOW...looks like I did start a trend!! Congrats to all!!

I take back the mean things I thought about you. whistling.gif

Was just very disheartening to wait so long and be told that we weren't going to get one till January.
VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-20 08:29:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (Rhiann @ Oct 20 2009, 09:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I thought I read somewhere that Montreal did their own scheduling, is this true?
Cause I'm thinking maybe DoS took over.

From my numerous conversations with the DoS....

The DoS does nothing, and actually can't even do anything.... but. They have a program that lets them look at the cases in Montreal and get some sort of status/info back.

So, no the DoS didn't do it, Montreal did.
VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-20 08:25:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (ScooterMac @ Oct 20 2009, 09:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
NOV. 9 8AM!!!!!!

*happy dance*


There is a whole lot of happy dancing going on in here today.
VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-20 08:18:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Nov 13th!


QUOTE (Arabella @ Oct 20 2009, 08:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (darkchilde794 @ Oct 20 2009, 08:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im still in shock. I also am in tears. Actually I dont really remember if I wrote down the correct date. All I heard was, "Yes you have its Nov (and what sounded like) 13 at 8 am. In fact theyve sent out your letter so you should get it soon". Im going to call later to verify tongue.gif

What number is everyone calling? NVC? I guess it couldn't hurt for me to call as well . . .

You can't call them, you call the DoS.

option 1
option 0

QUOTE (darkchilde794 @ Oct 20 2009, 08:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im still in shock. I also am in tears. Actually I dont really remember if I wrote down the correct date. All I heard was, "Yes you have its Nov (and what sounded like) 13 at 8 am. In fact theyve sent out your letter so you should get it soon". Im going to call later to verify tongue.gif


You get to see Peachey and me! smile.gif

Edited by Varba, 20 October 2009 - 07:57 AM.

VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-20 07:57:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (KnJ @ Oct 20 2009, 08:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Missa @ Oct 19 2009, 10:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok well since he sent his packet 3 back after me i'm definitely sending filling out and sending that form back to dale's congressman

Zoom. I missed something. A form? I have a very busy fiance working 1.4 million hours a week. A form would be stellar.

Release form to let your congressperson harass Montreal for you.
VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-20 07:35:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Got a new person at the DoS, but no luck with the interview yet.

VarbaMaleCanada2009-10-19 10:45:00