CanadaCanada Forum
I'd like to echo everyone's feelings about this group. However, you might get killed here for saying anything bad about Tim's. :) My pic is on my profile, or at least when you click on the link by my name.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-06-29 14:26:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

Alrighty then ... considering that we're both chicken to call and tick off the people at Montreal for calling tooo much ... anyone else due for an interview interesting in making a phone call? :whistle:

You won't get black listed if you call. I emailed them that question back in the day(it's in the MTL waiting room thread). They said multiple calls/emails won't hiner you, but you need to be patient.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-05-09 10:25:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

Montreal gave us an interview date of May 9th at 8:30 a.m. when Jon called through! I'm still in shock ...


Congrats!! :dance:
jg_amMaleCanada2007-05-02 09:58:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

The good news is, if your Congressman's aides are as good as mine (she is actually INTERESTED in my Fiancee's state of despair) they will email, call, then DEMAND some answers. The woman heping us actually told me "Don't worry sweetie, we are going to get your Fiancee here asap, you just let me handle this for you". Now THAT will bring a smile to your lips :)

Wow, our tax dollars/pollitcal system actuall at work.

Edited by jg_am, 30 April 2007 - 01:48 PM.

jg_amMaleCanada2007-04-30 13:48:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
amarceau, care to change my interview date? It's now Dec 14th. We inquired about a change via email and the consulate gave us the new date. It was with mixed emotions that this happened, but we're thankful God made the decision for us and we don't have to second guess which option was better.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-07 10:28:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
amarceau, I don't know if you want me updating this or not, but we have an interview date of Nov 15th. I'm jg_am(you have biggie). I posted in the waiting room thread.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-10-31 15:00:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Misa, April fillers is pretty civil b/c theres' a few Canadians(and-honoary) in there. wink.gif J/K The April people are a good lot.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-09-05 09:43:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
We have a filter. We can't really run the de humidifer because there's basically two rooms. Well, the kitchen opens up to the living room, so it's a lot of ground to cover and then there's the bedroom. We also have a private entrance, but if it gets too hot out we need to leave that shut. That helps keep the place dry too. I'll have to double check the lease about getting out of it early. Another thought is to see if our landlord has any other apartments and then maybe we can get out that way.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-30 13:49:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Sorry to go OT in this OT thread tongue_ss.gif but seeing the earlier post on mold wanted me to add my two cents. For those who have been following, my wife is pregnant and we got emergency AP a few weeks back so she could go to her brother's funeral. She'd been feeling sick/ not eating/drinking and we dismissed it as morning sickness coupled with being in a basement apartment with poor circulation. She hadn't been gaining any weight either.

Anyway, she stayed with her parents for a week and was able to eat and drink and put on six pounds. Within a few hours of her being back at home, she felt sick again and lost three pounds this past week. We're convinced it's mold. We told our landlord about this a few weeks ago and he said to keep the windows shut and a dehumidifier/fans on constantly. That's hard to do, considering my wife is in there all day. dry.gif Our lease expires at the end of October but we don't want to wait that long for her to be stuck in there. The plan is for her to go to Canada this weekend and stay until we find a place and can move, hopefully in a week or two. This will be good for my wife's health and will help her mom, because she's had it rough since her brother's passing.

Any thoughts, considering my landlord doesn't claim anything is amiss in the apartment?
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-30 10:58:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Krikit @ Aug 23 2007, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm telling you, I got quite concerned when I read a post telling people to come into Canada's OT forum. Yikes! Then there'd be nowhere to run to escape the flames!!! laughing.gif

Nah...just give him a Timmies, and he'll leave you alone. Oh, you meant people's wrath.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-23 23:26:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Pun warning! If it's 2:30...see a dentist. laughing.gif ... 2:30...Twp thirty...Tooth hurty? jest.gif

Edited by jg_am, 23 August 2007 - 10:04 AM.

jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-23 10:03:00
CanadaI've returned...sort of.
My 18 month old says "Wawa". It's pretty bad when I go in there and the deli person yells to the coffee person that they have a smoothie to make, or when my wife doesn't want one, they say "No smoothie tonight?" I dread to look at my bank statement and see how many times I go there a month.
jg_amMaleCanada2009-08-27 23:11:00
CanadaI've returned...sort of.
Hey gang,
As we're doing or ROC(5 days short of expiring forgot to look at the card and thought we had a month), I just wanted to stop by here and say hi. Don't know how often I'll stop by but I hope it's a bit. Timeline: 18 moth old son, bought a house, looking to adopt older children. Hense the missed date. smile.gif

Still drinking Wawa coffee and spending way too much money there since it's two blocks away. FYI: my wife who is a Tim's iced capp addict says Wawa's rival theres and is sometimes better than Tim's.
jg_amMaleCanada2009-08-27 18:26:00
CanadaIf You Could Choose to Live in Any State, Which Would You Choose???
We live in Pennsylvania(Delaware County for the OP). I've always lived here but I'd pick Colorado or New England, if I had to. My wife thinks PA is much prettier, tree-wise than Ontario, but likes the lakes up north better. She hates the congestion, dirtiness of the area and that the layout doesn't make sense(nice river, but airport, etc).
jg_amMaleCanada2009-08-27 20:26:00
CanadaZucchini Recipe Exchange
I got this one from an Armenian cook book. I make this a lot b/c it's quick and easy(slight variation)
Lamb Stew with Eggplant and Squash

t TB of olive oil
1 lb lamb ground or cubed(I use ground lamb....beef can be substituted but lamb is by far tastier)
1 large onion, chopped
1 large eggplant cubed
1 or 2 zucchini(depending on size) unpeeled
1 small can of tomato paste
1/4 tsp of all spice
1 tsp of salt
1/2 tsp of pepper

in a large sause pan, saute onions in 1 oil. Cook until translucent
add meat and saute a few more minutes
Add eggplant saute another 3 minutes
add tomato paste and seasonings
Cut zucchini and cut into finger thick slices
Saute another 5-7 minutes, then turn off heat
Leave on unit for 10 minutes if using an electric stove. If cooking on gas cook veggies longer.

Serve with rice pilaff:
1 tsp butter
1/4 cup of thin egg noodles
1 14 oz can of chicken broth(college inn is my favorite)
1/3 can of rice

melt butter in small frying pan. add noodles and heat until brown
in a small covered sauce pan boil chicken broth. Add rice and noodles and keep covered.
Let boil for about a minute. Reduce heat to low. leave on for 20 minutes or until liquid is evaoprated/rice is cooked.
Fluff with a fork before serving.

jg_amMaleCanada2009-08-30 21:00:00
CanadaWelcome To Tim Horton's, May I take Your Order?
My wife always gets a large Iced Capp. Me: a large or a medium coffee with cream, although they are not very large nor medium. At least I can get a 24oz at Wawa:)...generally a hazlenut 16 oz. biggrin.gif

I guess I need to change my profile pic. That cup was 2 logos ago.
jg_amMaleCanada2009-09-02 15:46:00
CanadaHaving a tough time...
Late to this party again, but here's our situation: We live just outside of Philly. My wife's family is about an hour and a half north of Barrie. We have a 19 month old. Her mom was able to come when the baby was born and her dad a few weeks after that. It's hard for her because of how much our son is changing and that we only see her family 2 or three times a year. Add to that her parents are the "cool grandparents" and my family is always wondering when they can see us again. By cool I mean they appreciate and play with Joshua rather than demand his time like my folks do. She also hasn't really made any friends yet. At church, people tried to get to know her but it's the standard questions: you're used to the cold; I bet this snow is nothing, eh? She says it's more like I just added her to my lide than us starting a new one together. I've had the same job, friends, area, she's left everything. At least once a month, if not more, she talks about moving. I'm not much of a help to her beacuse I've never left the area, but she's moved a few times, even to ALberta and back. She's used to coutry living, and can't stand the crowdedness of the city.

All that to say I feel bad for her and don't know what to do. It hasn't been easy for her by any means. We want to move closer one day(her sooner than me) but again, I don't know where and feel limited by my job choice(work for a tv station and those jobs are disapperaing).
jg_amMaleCanada2009-09-12 23:04:00
CanadaAny chance at all?
When my wife got her appointment it was for some time in November. She called and asked about the chances of them moving it to a particular week in December, since I was going to be visiting her and could take her. They rescheduled the appointment without inncident. It as a shcok to us because we were only asking if they could. We were still thinking of it and they outright changed it. It was a good trip.

jg_amMaleCanada2009-09-13 10:05:00
CanadaGC Approval!
QUOTE (Krikit @ Dec 1 2009, 07:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WHAT?? Okay, now I'm super ticked. mad.gif

Congratulations!!! laughing.gif

*wanders off to add approval date to ROC list*

Hang in there Krikit. Vermont looks to be catching up. good.gif
jg_amMaleCanada2009-12-02 04:45:00
CanadaGC Approval!
Hey all,
My wife got her GC approval notice today. We sent it at the end of August. And it was approved for Nov 24th. Hang in there VSCers.
jg_amMaleCanada2009-11-30 23:04:00
CanadaOMG... And she thought I was lying!!! **You're SO gonna laugh!**
LAte to the party but hey... My dad was shocked after we got married(my wife and I, not my dad and I), that she couldn't leave the country. He thought it was a big joke. As for CanAm flights, my wife's grandparents(the Canadians) thought to take domestic when they came to visit us last year because they travel international to England.
jg_amMaleCanada2009-08-29 22:31:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
Thanks for updating my wife's approval here. I got lazy and just wanted the quick post from the other day.

thanks again!

ps. for those that missed it, my wife was approved 11/24. VSC is slwly getting there.

Edited by jg_am, 02 December 2009 - 03:07 PM.

jg_amMaleCanada2009-12-02 15:06:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
I poseted this a few days ago in ROC group, but we haven't had a touch since the day after bio. sad.gif Like the Squeeze song goes, "Seems like I'd wait forever playing the waiting game." Granted it's not as long as some others, but I'll take any chance I can to quote Squeeze.
jg_amMaleCanada2009-10-08 22:46:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
QUOTE (Autumnchik @ Sep 11 2009, 09:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Guess what hubby got in the mail today!!!!!

His lovely green card smile.gif

Congrats!!!! kicking.gif
jg_amMaleCanada2009-09-12 16:24:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
Hey everone,
Got the NOA and Biometrics notice today. The NOA address was wrong on the envelope(numbers transeposed) and our mailman figured it was important so when bio letter arrived he gave us both. Might explain why some folks haven't received their NOAs yet.

Please update: NOA 08/27/09.....
Biometrics 09/24/09

jg_amMaleCanada2009-09-11 12:42:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
QUOTE (Krikit @ Aug 30 2009, 08:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. luv.gif That is so awesome! I am obsessed with watching Adoption Stories on Discovery Channel! blush.gif Can you tell us your story? Or where you're at in the process. Congratulations, in any event!

Wow. You're lucky you caught that. LOL

We just started with the adoption process but the shortish story is my wife always wanted to and I never thought about it. When seh first mentioned it, I thought down the road one day. Fast forward a few months, my wife was sick during most of the pregnancy in one apt. b/c of mold, then her back pain started at about 4 months and has lasted until now(diagnosed as pubic dyastisis...break in pubic bone during birth probably an earlier injury, 12 docs later and an DO in Long Islan, we live in Philly) and she had an episode after the baby was born which we don't want to revistit. So...down the road is now. We want a sibling for our toddler and since we don't want to go through another pregancy, it seems the best route to go. smile.gif We're looking at older children and/or sibling groups. We don't know how long everything will take, but it reminds me a lot of the immigration paper work, so were nicely tuned up for that process, we hope.
jg_amMaleCanada2009-08-30 19:54:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
I see some folks on the list who were going through K-1/AOS at the same time as us and just want to kick myself for thinking we had more time. We are blessed in that we were looking at adoption paperwork last week and my wife needed her A# and saw her card expires on Monday, but still... headbonk.gif Could've been on the way a lot sooner.
jg_amMaleCanada2009-08-29 16:21:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
Hi all. Due to my wife looking at other paperwork this week, she saw her GC expires on the 30th. Fortunatly I was off on Tuesday and we got everything in. It was just a little nerve racking but hey, it's in. headbonk.gif

We filed at VSC and it was signed for yesterday. good.gif

jg_amMaleCanada2009-08-27 18:30:00
CanadaNew Canadian Passport/Name Change
Thanks. Don't know about a guarantor but we'll see what we can do there. A co-worker's husband is Canadian so I'll see if he fits the bill.
jg_amMaleCanada2012-05-03 09:03:00
CanadaNew Canadian Passport/Name Change
Hi all,
Been a while since I've been around and I apologize if this is posted elsewhere, but my wife's passport(CDN) has expired and we haven't been able to find out how to get a new one with her name change on it. Thanks in advance for the help.

jg_amMaleCanada2012-05-02 19:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew to the group
Hi all,
I'm new to this group and haven't posted anything since my wife got her green card. I'm ususally in the Canada group. Anyway, we thought we had more time to file(based on our welcome letter) but discovered we only have 6 days left. Life needs to be less busy so we don't miss this stuff. sad.gif

Anyway, just wanted to say hi.

jg_amMaleCanada2009-08-24 13:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGreen Card Received
jg_amMaleCanada2009-08-30 11:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwhy is vsc slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww?
There was a time for a while when VSC was popping out K-1s pretty quick and CSC had to wait. Don't know if it's still the case but I guess it all evens out in the end, like a bell curve. dry.gif
jg_amMaleCanada2009-09-12 09:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Filed -- Now Deportation Letter
QUOTE (Haole @ Aug 30 2009, 06:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CALL your congressman or senator! Mail or email may not make it.

good.gif I emailed our congressman when my wife's medical and followed up with a call. They said they didn't get the email at the local office b/c someone else handles it...I think. Anyway, a call is the best way to go b/c at least you have a name at the office to talk to where an email might get ansewed by a whole bunch of random people.
jg_amMaleCanada2009-08-31 06:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
Hey gang,
My wife got her approval notice today! It was sent out on Nov 24th. Now just waiting for the GC. Good luck to all.

jg_amMaleCanada2009-11-30 23:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
kicking.gif Congrats!

Just popped over to the July filers and it looks like 15 of about 29 or so VCSers have been approved. Hopefully we'll see this month's pick up a little.
jg_amMaleCanada2009-11-27 23:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
Anyone VCSers have any touches since Bio yet? We still haven't. sad.gif
jg_amMaleCanada2009-10-22 23:36:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
Any VCS folks have any touches besides the day after their Bio? We haven't had a touch since.
jg_amMaleCanada2009-10-06 22:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
Congrats everyone!
jg_amMaleCanada2009-09-30 19:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
My wife had her bio yesterday. I was wondering if they'd ask her any questions b/c another poster from Philly said they did, but no questions to her. Anyway, just an FYI if anyone is going to Philadelphia for their biometrics, check your address! Ours was in NE Philly. We're about 20 minutes from center city and gave ourselves plenty of time. Got in the GPS and saw we were heading to the NE. Not a problem but I guess I shoul've checked ahead of time.
jg_amMaleCanada2009-09-25 19:19:00