Does anyone know if the DS-156K needs to be filled out online, or just the DS-156? My fiancee received her packet and saw the notice about filling out the form online but there wasn't a link for DS-156K. Thanks!
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-05 15:23:00
Hi again. My fiancee seems to remember getting a part two for the DS230. She can't find it. Does anyone know if it's needed for a K1? Reading other posts, it doesn't seem she needs a part 2 for a K1. The reason she's wondering is b/c the letter from the consulate mentions the DS230 again,.

Thanks. One day I'll post after I get off the phone with my visa.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-05 16:21:00
CanadaReceiving Visa
Hi all, again. Has anyone opted to receive their visa by mail? Are there any risks and is the only reason to do it to save on time from staying there. Thanks, again!
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-04 21:09:00
CanadaAffidavit of Support
It doesn't hurt to get a copy of the I-134 from USCIS and look it over.

The consulate will send one in Packet 3. Use that one as it's double-sided. Don't worry about there not being enough space for the notary. They've seen these before and know what to do.

As far as enough money goes, there's poverty guidlines. You have to make a certain percentage of what that is:

You'll also need a letter of employment, a letter from your bank and a few other things which are explained in the directions.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-05 23:45:00
CanadaChanging date of interview
Well, I guess it isn't as hard to change an interview date as we first thought. My fiancee emailed the consulate to simply ask about changing the date. She even stated that she didn't want to do this, but she was just asking what the possibilities were, and explained why. She was even decided on going next week. Well, the consulate replied and said her date was changed to December 14th. So there you go. We'll go to Monteral, maybe see the Habs and get the visa together.

Should I leave my timeline the same, or update it to show the new date?
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-06 15:23:00
CanadaChanging date of interview
Thanks for the info on the shuttle. I thought particular hotels had their own shuttles. The cab info is good too.

As far as goes, their rates seemed cheaper than the hotel's website. I've asked my fiancee to call and try to negotiate her own rate.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-06 10:42:00
CanadaChanging date of interview
Well, just to update the quick but seemingly never ending saga. My fiancee is detremined to go on the 15. VIA isn't any cheaper than flying, however, AC flights have come down a little more, which helps. I know prices fluctuate, so we'll see what happens when she gets her ticket. In the meantime, I've looked on and found a few that are about 12-15 blocks from the consulat ranging from $80-$110 a night. If she flies, that reduces her nights in a hotel by quite a bit, since arrival/departure time isn't as much of a factor. It also reduces a night if she goes with them mailng the visa to her. It'd be nice to find a cheaper one with a shuttle, but at least has directions so you don't need to worry about being taken advantage of by a cab driver.

Thanks again for everyone's advice!
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-05 23:57:00
CanadaChanging date of interview

Hi .. If she need to go it alone Westjets flights from Toronto to Montreal depart on the 14th and back on the 16th will cost her $290.93 complete (depart from toronto at 17:45pm on 14th and leave montreal at 8:00am on the 16th) ... all said and done max $500??

I looked and AirCanada came down a little too. For two it will be $580 with west jet and %40 w/AC.

Thanks again for everyone's help!
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-05 14:05:00
CanadaChanging date of interview

jg - you've come too far to cancel! Has she considered driving the whole way?

If you can get your mom to go with you and share the drive it should be a breeze! I looked and the drive is about 8 1/2 hrs. If you have the company you shouldn't find it too hard.

She doesn't drive and her mom doesn't like to drive far distances. The only way she would cancel at this point is if the consulate can guarentee her an interview the week I'm visiting in December. I hadn't considered a hotel with a shuttle from the airport, so thanks for that suggestion!
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-05 13:32:00
CanadaChanging date of interview

I found a price on from toronto to montreal, nov.14th to 17th for $312. I know it's still a fair bit, I only wish I had this dilemma :(

But good luck whatever you do!!!

Thanks! She's rethinking the cancelation now. She thinks if her mom goes with her, her mom can rent a car in Montreal and they might be able to get free housing. We've also looked into the hostel thing. There's quite a few within a few miles on the consulate, if you don't mind walking.


Maybe we can try those Toronto restaurants after all. :bonk:
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-04 19:45:00
CanadaChanging date of interview

Hello everyone. I was wondering what people's experience was with changing an interview date in Montreal. We have the 15th of this month, which is great, except my fiancee is having a hard time arranging transportation. The train isn't a whole lot cheaper than a plane, plus cost of housing/transportation in Montreal. She figures it's close to $1000 and that's money we can't really afford to spend. Has anyone changed their date before and if so, how accomodating is the consulate. Will she hear right away, or go back into the pool? Thanks!

Thanks everyone! She lives in Bala, Ontario(Muskoka area) and is about an hour from Barrie, and two hours from Toronto.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-04 17:08:00
CanadaChanging date of interview
Hello everyone. I was wondering what people's experience was with changing an interview date in Montreal. We have the 15th of this month, which is great, except my fiancee is having a hard time arranging transportation. The train isn't a whole lot cheaper than a plane, plus cost of housing/transportation in Montreal. She figures it's close to $1000 and that's money we can't really afford to spend. Has anyone changed their date before and if so, how accomodating is the consulate. Will she hear right away, or go back into the pool? Thanks!
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-04 15:40:00
CanadaExpress Post Visa?
I don't have a specific answer for you, but I think it tells you what size you need in your interview letter. I remember my fiancee reading that to me.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-06 11:37:00
CanadaThis is funny
Smarties are more like a sweet tart in the States. And M+M's are better. I'll agree with you about Tim's becase it's nicer than Double D, but Wawa trumps them both. Canadian Football fields are wider than US. There was a Canadian who played for the Philadelphia Eagles and he said when he was in college, he ran out of bounds becausethe feild "was too narrow".

funny post regardless. :lol:
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-06 15:49:00
CanadaPacket 3
You should be able to call or email the consulate and ask for another copy. They're pretty good about that. My fiancee asked to have another packet 4 mailed to a second address because the postal service she has gets a little squirely, and the consulate sent it out without any hassle.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-08 11:17:00
CanadaInterview Question
I figured we'd dress casually. I did think, for a second, to wear all Flyers gear but the way they've been playing, I don't even wear it in Philadelphia. :no:

Edited by jg_am, 08 November 2006 - 11:20 AM.

jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-08 11:19:00
CanadaInterview Question
Hello there. My fiancee and I were wondering if there was a dress code for the interview. We realize they don't expect suits, but we should be a little presentable, right? I know I should at least shave. Thanks
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-08 09:50:00
CanadaMontreal interview
Congrats!!! Hopefully we'll hear more success stories next week with Leafgal and a few others.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-07 20:41:00
CanadaProof of Immunization

Will they just be requiring the Yellow Immunization Records that the Dr. fills out at their office ... or will I require getting something more formal from public health?

I didn't have my record .. so the Dr. just gave me MMR and Tetanus shots (she said it was cheaper than a blood titre test) and filled out the card ....

My fiancee didn't have her medical records, but they took her word for chicken pox and tetnis. As far as MMR went, she had a blood test to show that she had her shots. If the blood test didn't take, she could've had those shots all over again. From what I've heard, the doctor you go to for your medical can do this, but they'll charger you. My fiancee used her health card and had the test done for free. The results were faxed back to the medical office and then her package was courriered to her within a day. Hope this helps.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-04 10:18:00
CanadaGood luck Montreal interviewees!
Just wanted to say a quick good luck to Leafgal, David and Karen, and ljs for their interviews this week. Lets us know how it went(after you come down).
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-12 14:07:00
CanadaTransfer to Vancouver! Success!
Congrats!! Hopefully you'll hear something soon.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-14 20:45:00
CanadaHow long since you've seen your SO?
I haven't seen Ashley since the end of September. I'm going to see her on Dec 8th for 12 days! Sandwhiched i between is a trip to Montreal for her interivew. Prior to the Septmeber visit, we hadn't seen each other since the end of May. That was really hard. This absence doesn't seem as long because we have the light at the end of the tunnel.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-14 13:27:00
CanadaIt's done, we got it!
Congrats!!!!!! :joy: What'd they ask you?
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-14 13:24:00
CanadaOn my Way...
Good luck!!!
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-16 10:47:00
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-17 13:46:00
CanadaHow long after approval did you move?
My fiancee will be moving three months after her interview, unless it changes, then two. If we were able to get married this year, the time would've been soon(obviously). The week before our wedding, I'll be driving up to Bala with an empty cargo van and returning home with my Love and "our" belongings. Then in 118 days, we'll be married and on our way to our life together. (L)
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-05 13:52:00
CanadaGot my Visa!
Congrats, and thanks for sharing the process!
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-18 00:55:00
CanadaQuit touching me if you don't mean it!
Jersey, I've checked when you said you were being touched and I was never touched. Is your case definately in Montreal and not at NVC?
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-20 11:04:00
CanadaDavid and Karen and Leafgal's interviews
Karen and David, sorry to hear about your situation. A bit of encouragement my fiancee sent me(before we were an item) Isaiah 55: 12, 13 You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field
will clap their hands. Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the LORD's renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed."

If you don't mind me asking, and if you're able to, do you mind sharing why you were turned down?
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-20 20:14:00
CanadaDavid and Karen and Leafgal's interviews
Yay!!!! :joy: Congrats!!!!!
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-18 00:50:00
CanadaDavid and Karen and Leafgal's interviews
I've been waiting eagerly waiting too! I think leafgal said she'd try and post Saturday night.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-17 13:45:00
CanadaI cant believe this...
I think my fiancee's first letter didn't get out as quickly as we would've liked. You still have two weeks so I'd wait a few more days to see what happens.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-20 20:25:00
Yay!!! :joy:
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-22 09:34:00
CanadaHoliday Shopping for the Can/Am family
On the second page there's one with a maple leaf that says "Illegal Alien". I should get that for my fiancee and have ask her to wear it to her interview in a few weeks. :D
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-24 09:08:00