CanadaI had an Iced Cappucino yesterday....
If my wife is able to get her emeregency AP, I said she could get an Iced Cappie. Understandably, she said she didn't have the heart for it. I said "Flames said the mint was good," at which point I got the evil eye, because it was right after I said I posted about her brother on Vj). I had to quickly defend myself and say it was an iced cappie thread, not that I said I was going going to Canada to be with her family and hopefully get a Timmies on the way.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-17 07:01:00
CanadaThe "Where are they?" thread
How about Leaf Gal and JerseyGirl? We were all having our interviews around the same time until we changed our appointments. After the visa *poof* they vanished.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-16 16:09:00
Canadaso we're back....
I think Flames just wants to go to South America so he can be closer to Columbia and get even fresher coffee.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-21 22:36:00
CanadaDeath in the family
Hi all, I just got back this morning. Thanks again for everyone's prayers and sypathies. The funeral was really nice and there were a lot of tears, but also a lot of peace because we know where my wife's brother is.

Just wanted to follow up on the AP application. When we went to our infopass on Friday morning, the lady said the birth certificate we had wasn't good enough. Long story short, her brother took the perferated part of his birth certificate off and it didn't have his parents names on it. I was showing the lady it had his name on it, and the death certificate had her dad's name on it. Now we needed the birth to show she was her brother's sister(sorry if this is redundant). Anyway, logic would say his name is on both, her father's name is on his death and her birth certificates. Therefore, you can prove they are related. The lady said we had to get a different birth certificate for her brother....hello??? He's dead! The lady also wondered why people don't just file for AP. She hadn't a clue. Anyway, there was a superviser there, and she looked at our stuff and I explained to her what we were trying to prove. She said she'd take the paperwork to the officer. When the super came down, she said we could come back at 2pm to get it, but she couldn't offically say we had it. My wife didn't want to get her hopes up. We booked our tickets and went back to get the AP. When we went back at 2pm, the officer came out, gave us the AP sheets and offered her condolences and said it's always difficult to have to take care of these things at times like this. When we applied for AP, we only asked for one visit and a two-week stay. The paper said multiple visits and gave us a year's AP!!!!!! Now it doesn't matter when the greencard comes.

On a side note, I had four Timmies, and an choco-mint iced cappie, as per Flames' recommendation.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-21 10:27:00
CanadaDeath in the family
We got it! We have to go back today at 2pm to pick it up. The lady said she can't officially say we have it, but we do. Now comes the fun of travel arrangements.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-17 10:10:00
CanadaDeath in the family
Thanks for everyone's prayers and encouragement. In an hour we're going back for an infopass with all the required documents. I got a little nervouse because I saw in another thread where someone from Canada was denied twice for emergency AP in Philadelphia(something about an ill father and no supporting evidence). If this fails, our plan is to drive 90 minutes south to Dover. If I don't follow up until Tuesday, it means we got it.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-17 06:47:00
CanadaDeath in the family
Mods, please don't move this topic as these Canucks are like family to me.

Hello all,

My wife's brother passed away yesterday afternoon. He was 19. He had been in the hospital and was sick for some time. More than one over the past few years he was at death's door. This last visit to the hospital seemed so simple that it took us all by surprise. When I met my wife three years ago, she said her brother needed a heart transplant and he told the docs no because when it was time, it was his time. He was so weak a transplant might have killed him. When I went for a visit in Dec '05, he was again hospitalized and they asked if his heart stopped if he wanted it revived. He told the doctor to do what they could, but if God was taking him home, then there was nothing they could do. Now this time, he was in for a lung infection/pneumonia(sp). He was always putting others ahead of himself. Just last week, e told my wife that since she was with child, she shouldn't worry about him. And since his legs were weak, her parents wanted to build an extention so he wouldn't have to go up the stairs but her brother was more worried about his dad having to get him around.

Being we're in AOS pending at CSC and we just sent our Medical RFE back yesterday morning we're trying to get emeregency AP. We got the copy of the death cert this morning only to find out at info pass we need a copy of the birth certificate too. We're going to back again tomorrow morning to see if they'll accept his short form, which is missing his parent's names(he took it off). The funeral is Monday and I have to be back to work Tuesday. Hopefully we can get up to Toronto tomorrow. She'll stay a week with her family. They're hurting, and I'm hurting. Yesterday my hurt was for her brother, even though he's "at home". Today my hurt is for my wife because we're down here and there's nothing we can do but pray for things to work out tomorrow. I hurt because she can't be with her family. For those of you that do, keep us and the situation in your prayers.

I miss you already Mark, my little brother.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-16 16:29:00
Welcome home!
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-23 09:49:00
CanadaPOE - Peace Bridge...
Here's a link to my crossing in February. It was a breeze. My wife didn't ask for a copy of the medical, which I regret because of the RFE we had for one.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-27 13:23:00
CanadaCross your fingers for me my Canadian friends!

I'll give you your "good luck" and your "Congrats! dancin5hr.gif" now. Good luck with everything. I'm sure you'll ace the exam.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-22 09:59:00
CanadaNow this is a funny...
I got a kick out of the birds' names too. I love Rocky, but your names are better than his turtles: Cuff & Link.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-27 10:23:00
CanadaCongratulations Misa!!!!
Woo hoo! kicking.gif dancin5hr.gif Now how eager are you for the mail to arrive with the card? smile.gif ClockWatch2.gif
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-23 14:16:00
CanadaWe got our interview date!
good luck with the interview! good.gif BTW, the elevator isn't big by any means. When I read where everyone said it exits in the back, I pictured a huge freight elevator.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-29 12:20:00
Glad you had a good summer. The big question is, how many gallons of Timmies did you have whilst up north?
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-28 11:08:00
CanadaCanadian funds
I believe Commerce Bank accepts foreign funds, but I think there's a fee with that. I think TD Bank North can accept Canadian funds, but I'd call to confirm that. My wife and I had checks from TD Canada Trust and I called TD Bank North if they would accept them. They said I'd have to have an account, then the check would be sent to Canada to clear, or something like that. I would call around and ask though. Don't take my word for it.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-31 10:54:00
CanadaNeed some hugs
Just one step at a time. Breathe. One box at a time, one papre at a time.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-30 13:41:00
CanadaI can't believe this...
Congrats! good.gif
jg_amMaleCanada2007-08-31 10:56:00
Canada22 hours of driving and only 7 coffees?
That's better(the pic).

She's doing better now that's she out of the mold. She felt fine on Saturday and felt "normal" on Sunday so we're pretty confident that she wasn't as badly affected as we think. We'll have to wait and see. She's at 18 weeks but is still at her normal weight. Hopefully she can gain some in the next couple of weeks.

Attached Files

Edited by jg_am, 05 September 2007 - 09:17 AM.

jg_amMaleCanada2007-09-05 09:15:00
Canada22 hours of driving and only 7 coffees?
This Labor Day weekend was fun, and I mean that. smile.gif My wife and I drove up to visit her folks for the weekend. Got there in about 10.5 hours. She's staying up there until we can move into our new place, because of mold(see OT thread) while being pregnant. Hopefully she can come back by the 22nd. I had my first Tim's donuts(Walnut crunch and a box of Timbits) and Swiss Challet.

I was making great time on the drive back until I got to 81E near the NY/PA border. Two lanes became one and then opened back up to two lanes for a mile or two before going back down to one. Why don't the just leave it at one lane? protest6wz.gif It took over an hour-and-a-half to go 12 miles. Next time, I'll just get on 11S and stay on that until it meets up with 476S.

The border at Peace Bridge took about 40 minutes but not without a stop at the duty free shop first. What a racket! They have a McDonald's and a Tim Hortons right at the store. And the line at Tim's was about 15 minutes long, no surprise there.

Anyway, I only had 7 coffees for the round trip(plus a few sodas). The neat thing was I got to have Wawa, DD, and a Tim's all on the same day. Unfortunatly, the Tim's was from the US and wasn't as good. I also wanted to get a coffee from Coffee Time, but we didn't go that way, and I didn't need it.

Gotta pack up the apartment!

Here's the remains of my trip:

Attached Files

jg_amMaleCanada2007-09-05 09:11:00
Canadasome news?!.. a whole lot more!!
Congrats! dancin5hr.gif
jg_amMaleCanada2007-09-05 10:03:00
Woohoo! kicking.gif
jg_amMaleCanada2007-09-05 21:17:00
CanadaBordertowners UNITE!
My wife lived in Coutts for a few years and I crossed there after flying into Great Falls. Her parents said people(drug dealers) would sneak across the border at night and they'd see people going across their property at night. There was an access road near by that went to a smaller shipping road.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-06-04 10:05:00
CanadaWe have a POE date!
Congrats! Let me be the first(here) to welcome you to scenic Pennsylvania! If you ever want to get together with another Canadian(my wife) let us know.

I think my wife still needs to file some kind of exit thingy, and she's been here six months. I just hope it doesn't come back to bite us down the road.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-09-04 10:45:00
CanadaShe's coming home tomorrow!
My wife is coming home on Saturday! She's been spending the last three weeks with her family. We'll also be moving into our new apartment that day too, which is why I haven't been around lately, you know packing an entire home myself. smile.gif Still no news on the green card, although my congressman did call the other day to say they still haven't heard anything.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-09-21 13:43:00
CanadaGreen card APPROVED!!!!
Hey fellow Canadians. Sorry I haven't been around much lately, with a move and all. My wife came home to me last Saturday, and now today we got the infamous "card production ordered" email. Five of them actually. Woo hoo!!! kicking.gif
jg_amMaleCanada2007-09-28 22:54:00
CanadaHappy Dance!
Congrats!!! dancin5hr.gif
jg_amMaleCanada2007-09-29 23:29:00
CanadaMy Wedding Photos
Nice pics! Everything looked lovely.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-09-13 14:20:00
Congrats! Welcome to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania! Again, the offer is there for a get together if you and Bee want to.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-10-15 11:28:00
CanadaGC arrived!
One more thing: it was post dated from 10/2 but it didn't arrive until today because of mail forwarding.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-10-15 11:39:00
CanadaGC arrived!
Yeah, another haven't been aroud for a while, but my wife's green card arrived today! Woo hoo! Now to party and get a SS#. smile.gif
jg_amMaleCanada2007-10-15 11:29:00
Congrats! kicking.gif
jg_amMaleCanada2007-10-17 18:36:00
Looks like you'll have good weather and nice scenery to boot!
jg_amMaleCanada2007-10-17 18:35:00
CanadaU-haul, do i have to?
I called several companies(UHAAUL, Budget, enterprise) and UHaul was the only one that did a one-way cross-border rental. If you're going from Toronto, you might want to see about doing a one way with someone, say Budget. Rent from Buffalo, or the closest crossing drive to Toronto and then drop it off in your new town. I'm going to be looking into this over the next few weeks myself.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-14 11:31:00
CanadaWe made it
jg_amMaleCanada2007-11-26 13:38:00
CanadaJust wanted to say "Hi!"
Yeah Falmes, I am enjoying my Wawa. However, I did have a few Timmies two weeks ago as my wife and I went north for a few days.

(waves back at everyone!)
jg_amMaleCanada2007-11-28 15:15:00
CanadaJust wanted to say "Hi!"
I haven't been around in forever but wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone. I miss you all and reading/replying to these threads but things at work haven't allowed me to do that lately.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-11-26 13:40:00
Helllo everyone, Sorry I haven't been around lately. Just wanted to drop back in and say hi and introduce Joshua John to my VJ family. He was born on Feb 2nd at 2:04pm and weighed 9lbs, 10oz and was 20" long. He's only seen 2 Flyer wins as they've now lost 8 in a row. More and more coffee has been consumed than ever before. Good news for Wawa, bad news for me.

Attached Files

Edited by jg_am, 20 February 2008 - 12:30 PM.

jg_amMaleCanada2008-02-20 12:29:00
CanadaCanada Forum

That's why they call it Crackbook. :P

ROFLMAO! Makes sense...I'm totally addicted.

So is my wife, which I'm happy for. She gets lonely and it's allowed her to keep in touch/reconnect with old friends.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-07-14 22:44:00
CanadaCanada Forum
I'm on face book, and if Flames is up for the can/am group, then count me in too!
jg_amMaleCanada2007-07-13 11:08:00
CanadaCanada Forum
I'd like to echo everyone's feelings about this group. However, you might get killed here for saying anything bad about Tim's. :) My pic is on my profile, or at least when you click on the link by my name.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-06-29 14:26:00