CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread
I know what you mean. The hardest part is not knowing anything. Ashley and I had a real peace about the situation once we decided we'll take any date instead of what we wanted. I was just there in September and it was hard(as usual) to say goodbye because we don't see an end in sight. I'm visiting in December, which was going to be for our honeymoon, but we're hoping we'll be able to Montreal together. Maybe your interview will be the same as hers and we'll bump into each other. As I've mentioned before, you are allowed to request a date, but there aren't any guarantees.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-10-20 16:55:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread
Hang in there Leafgal. My fiancee is calling again next Friday. I might email on Monday and ask a general question, but a legit one bout the I-134. At least your hearing something instead of the "I don't know because I'm a mean lady" response.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-10-20 16:36:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread
My fiancee just called Montreal. She got the mean lady. Before she even asked anything, the woman asked for her ID number and said she was on the waiting list and that there's no date yet. She then said she had another question but the woman didn't seem to be in the best of moods, so she never asked.

Since the lady noticed that Ash called last week, we were wondering if they kept track of phone calls and if more phone calls = black-listing. Anyone know anything about this? Thanks
jg_amMaleCanada2006-10-18 15:10:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread
Congrats on the interview, and good luck!
jg_amMaleCanada2006-10-17 20:28:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread
Hey gang. My fiancee just called the consulate. Still no interview and the guy she spoke with didn't know where they at, as afar as processing goes. She then asked if she could request a date. The guy said she can, but he can't promise anything. She's requested a date for the week I'll be visiting, which is the week of Dec 10. She asked before about requesting a date and the lady said rather rudely, "You accomodate us, we don't accomodate you!" So that's that. Anyone else call?

ps. We've also decided to postpon wedding plans until March. We'd like to have been married yestreday but the dissapointment of canceling every month isn't fun.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-10-13 13:25:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread
Hey folks, just got off the phone with Montreal. The woman told me something completely different than my fiancee or I heard before, which is also different than what all of you have heard. The lady said they are booking for December, and that people from MAy are still waiting, like the girl who the woman spoke with just before me. She suggested not going along with any plans until we have the interview/visa, blah, blah blah. I even asked about my fiancee and I hearing different things(and bilssgirl...congrats again) but she repeated what she said about booking people from May. I guess I'll have a snack while I wait.

In other news, I have peace about things, so that's good.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-10-12 14:41:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread
Hey there, count me in too. Since I'm the fifth to post, are does that mean all you people are ahead of us with the consulate too? ;) I was looking at the consulate's website and saw they had a link to make an appointment online. Does anyone know if it's for our visa's or other ones?

Cass, when my fiancee called last week they said December interviews for July/August. I'm calling on Thursday, if I'm able, and she's calling Friday(if I don't hear anything).
jg_amMaleCanada2006-10-10 09:18:00
CanadaCalling MTL Consulate
They'll tell you different things each time you call. It stinks, but that's how it is.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-12-04 16:40:00
CanadaImmunization Help-Problem Getting Records
My fiancee wasn't able to get a hold of her records so she had a blood test done. The results were faxed to Toronto and then they sent her the results by a courier. She could've had the test/shots at her medical but they would've charged her. She went to a clinic. She needed a requisition, I think. As for chicken pox/tetnus, they took her word for it.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-12-04 19:51:00
CanadaGoing to Canada this week to see my Honey!
Well, I'll be going to Toronto to meet my fiancee on Friday. That is, we'll meet up at the airport, not meeting her for the first time like arranged marriages...not that there's anything wrong with that. :) Then it's off to the Hockey Hall of Fame, order wedding rings, finish up our registry at Linens n things, and have a few days to relax before the trip to Montreal

Her interview is next Thursday(14th), so that'll be a fun ride. I don't know if I'll be able to post anything until I'm home, or at least until we get to Bala on Saturday.

In the mean time, I'll probably scour these posts and reviews obsessively making sure there isn't anything we missed. I'm sure I'll see "don't forget blah blah blah" at which point I'll yell, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" :wacko:

It's weird being at this point. It took what seemed forever to get our interview, never felt like we'd get married, and here we are with this date fast approaching(our original interview date of November 15th seems like it was a long time ago). But now with the wedding 89 days away, Lord willing, that seems like it'll be here before we know it.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-12-04 09:07:00
CanadaWhich province are ya from?
My fiancee was born in Etobicoke, ON and lived in Alona(sp?) Beach and outside of Barrie ON before moving to Coutts in Alberta. She now lives in Bala(Muskoka area) Ontario. We met while she was in Alberta.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-11-13 11:42:00
CanadaMy baby is here!
Too cute!
jg_amMaleCanada2006-12-07 11:57:00
Canadaproof of ongoing relationship
Just an FYI, we had additional proof of a realtionship(in addition to what was sent with the I-129F) but they never asked for it. My fiancee asked if they needed it but the lady said "no." Still not a bad idea to have. The new letter of intent was not notarized. Have copies of everything they ask for.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-12-22 00:00:00
CanadaVisa approved!
Thanks to everyone for their well wishes. Now that I'm back home, I'll be around a bit again. I don't think I'll be posting as frequently since work wants to crack down on internet use. :(

I forgot to mention they didn't ask for addidional evidence at the interview. My fiancee offered it but the lady said she didn't need it.

Thanks again to everyone and good luck!
jg_amMaleCanada2006-12-22 22:26:00
CanadaVisa approved!
Hi gang. I wanted to let you all know my fiancee has her visa as of Friday! I'll try to post what I can as we just got back from Montreal. I'll post a review when I'm home next week.

We got to St. Eustache on Tuesday to stay with some friends of Ashley's. We went to see the cross street of the consulate to see where it was and we realized we forgot the interview letter. D'oh! Her parents we going to courrier the package until we found out it was $400 for a same day delivery. They were willing to drive and meet us half way. We thought how much it stunk to get this far and forget the piece of paper that would let us in the building. We had the letter faxed to our host's work praying that would work. We went to the consulate the next morning and a woman came out to ask why we where there. We explained the situation and she said not to worry about it and to show our passports the next day. God is good! All this worry for nothing. The fax worked fine and no one questioned it.

Her interview was at 9:30. We didn't get there until 8am. I laugh about the elevator comments b/c I pictured a huge cargo elevator and it was small. I also wanted to say I got in with lip balm without a lable and someone had a nice bag with their documents. We were the only ones with the plastic bag. When we were called, Ash submitted her documents while I paid. We waited a bit to be called for the interview that wasn't until 10:20. I went in the room and was allowed to stay. The guy said her police report was flagged because it didn't show Canada wide but the interviewer saw it did so he didn't see any problems. He asked the "official questions" first preceeded with,"Are you nervous?", apologized for the delay, asked if this took longer than we thought it would. The guy was friendly. After the criminal/border crossing questions, he handed her instructions on what to do next. He then asked the personal questions: how we met, why the States instead of Canada, what I do for a living, what her folsk thought of her moving to the US. He asked me why I went to Montana. Asked one or two more questions, and gave her the papers to sign and said to come back at 2:30 the next day. When we got there, Ashley didn't have photo ID since we left her purse in the car. Panic sets in again. They let me in to get it and now we have it and I'll move her in February and we can get married on March 3rd!

Thanks again for everyone's prayers and support throughout this whole process.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-12-16 23:54:00
CanadaGot packet 4
jg_amMaleCanada2006-12-22 22:18:00
Canadagot my interview date in MTL!!!
Congrats! :joy:
jg_amMaleCanada2006-12-23 08:56:00
CanadaMy love is here!!!
Congrats on your new life together! I'll bring Ashley "home" in mid-February.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-01 18:06:00
Congrats!!!!! :dance:
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-04 23:44:00
CanadaFunny observation
How about that! Congrats! :joy:
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-08 21:22:00
CanadaFunny observation
I'm not saying anyone is lacking any mental tools or anything, but I find it funny how we all answer everyone's questions with such confidence and then when it's our turn to go to the interview we melt down and ask what seems to be the most simple question. We see the headlights and like a deer, we're frozen and we panic hoping everything is in order, wondering what we may have forgotten. I didn't notice this until it happened to me few weeks ago.

That being said, I again want to thank everyone for all of your advice/encouragement and prayers. I don't know how much more I'll be posting in this thread as I'm in a holding patern for 39 days before I bring my fiancee home and about 55 days until we're married. I'm sure I'll ask more POE/customs/tax questions in the next few weeks that will sound pretty silly at times. :)
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-06 13:37:00
CanadaWhat do you say when crossing the border?
When my fiancee(gf at the time) lived in Coutts I did land crossings. I think their questions are more to see if you're shady/telling lies. It's hard not to be a little nervous, but ust be honest. One of the times I didn't say she was my girlfriend, and that I was visitng her whole family(explainging how we met). The guard said, "You're coming from Philadelphia all the way to Coutts to see this family?". I was going to come clean but thought that might hinder things. I've told them now(in Toronto) that I"m visiting my fiancee and they didn't ask about visa processes, etc.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-11 12:03:00
CanadaMedical: check!
OT: J&K, I was reading your signature and our wedding dates will be the same. Any other March 3rds out there?
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-08 21:19:00
CanadaInterview documents

moz, from what I've read here, a copy of the I-134 is okay. I just have two notarized copies because it's easier for me to hand my fiancé two notarized copies and then he doesn't have to worry about which one is legit and which is a copy. So if you're stressing because of my post, don't, because honestly, I probably have no clue either. ;)

Yes, a copy of the notarized I-134 is fine. That's what we had and there weren't any issues.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-06 13:19:00
CanadaInterview documents
It all looks in order, though more eyes are always helpful. :) You need copies of police, birth cert, divorce letter, letter of intent(though he only needs to supply it, not you) 156, 156K. So yeah, copies of everything submitted to this point or not. They only took the required info from my fiancee, not copies of the original packet, but it doesn't hurt just in case.

They put your stuff in two piles and I guess two people look at it.

One other thing: Don't forget the letter to get in the building. They'll let you in(we had a faxed copy but passports would work too), but the stress isn't worth it.

Good luck!
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-05 21:48:00
CanadaMurphy's Immigration Laws

Murphy's Law of phoning USCIS

If you have a quick, simple question that isn't too serious (in your mind) you'll get through the 800# in 10-15 minutes
If you have a heart stopping, my-world-is-coming-to-an-end-problem, it'll take 50-60 minutes.

And as soon as you hang up, you remember you had another question to ask. I remember my fiancee asking me to call and ask this or that question. I couldn't bear to hear the same 'hold music' again.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-10 19:12:00
CanadaGood Luck, Kipster!
Hey Kipster and Emancipation, best of luck. I like what Kip said about Emanc. I've told my fiancee she's extended grace and your post reminded me of that. Just remember that the consulate officer/immigration officers are all under God's authority. That's what helped reassure us when we forgot the interview letter.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-15 15:57:00
Good luck Mo!!!
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-15 14:55:00
CanadaGood Luck Jersery Girl!
Hey Jersey, I wanted to wish you good luck and I'll be praying for ya! I'm sending this now because I'll be out of town this weekend and I wasn't sure when you were headed to Montreal.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-12 10:34:00
CanadaInterviewees, week of January 15-19
Good luck to everyone!!!
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-15 14:56:00
CanadaCopy of Medical/POE
My fiancee didn't get a copy of the vaccination supplement. Would we able to get it copied at the border?
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-15 22:41:00
CanadaCopy of Medical/POE
Hey gang, I know this has probably been brought up before, but just to double check, will the folks at the border give us a copy of the medical report so we don't need to do that again when my fiancee goes for AOS? Do we need the whole thing, or just the vaccination supplement? Thanks!
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-15 14:59:00
CanadaWhen do you hand over copies of I-134?
When we had our interview, the woman asked for specific things. We thought we had to have things in order, but she said, "letter of intent?, I-134? etc". I think we only had one copy of additional evidence, but they didn't ask for that. I don't thin it would hurt to have two copies though.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-16 11:46:00
CanadaJersey Girl's Interview Diary
Don't forget to breathe! :lol:
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-17 13:18:00
CanadaJersey Girl's Interview Diary

It's just a dream. Like the one where I drive 6 hours to Montreal and there's no snow in January. Then we drive to Toronto and the 401 is warm and dry. Then we pack up his things and drive down to Jersey with the Rainbow Bridge as POE. Again, the weather is perfect. Okay, maybe I'm not thinking clearly after all ...

Jersey, pray for good weather. We did and there was nary a trace of snow anywhere, including Bala where my fiancee lives, which is a snow belt. They had quite a bit earlier in the month.
jg_amMaleCanada2006-12-23 09:00:00
CanadaJersey Girl's Interview Diary

You know, it's easy to find Canadian beer in the States. But if you ask for a cup of tea, they stick a mug with a single bag under the hot water faucet.

"We went to the Philly Pizza Company and ordered some hot tea, and the waitress said, 'Well no, we only have it iced." - Dead Milkmen

Jersey Girl, at least your hubby won't have any problems getting tickets for the Devils(or the Flyers this year if you feel like driving down).
jg_amMaleCanada2006-12-04 08:57:00
CanadaVisa Granted
Woo hoo for you!!!! :dance:
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-17 13:18:00
CanadaInterview today - APPROVED!
Congrats! :dance:
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-19 11:38:00
CanadaInterview went well (Montreal)
Congrats Mo! :joy: It's funny reading the reviews now after being at the consulate since I can picture everything you described.
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-17 18:57:00
I'm a little late to jump on board here, but hope it all went well for ya Jersey!
jg_amMaleCanada2007-01-18 14:34:00