IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMoroccan bf living in Dubai, does he have to return to Morocco for us to begin the Spouse Visa process ??

he doesnt have to come back, he can do the whole journey from Dubai

Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2013-08-23 17:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusband admits during medical he smoked weed 4 years ago
I would never advice anybody to advice is something that you choose to do or not to do. It's up to the people who's seeking for advice, to make the best decision for their case
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2013-03-22 21:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusband admits during medical he smoked weed 4 years ago

Marriage visas are also denied all the time. My point was, you dont know what sort of advice you would have given if things had turned out differently. You told the truth and it worked out for you; for others it meant a lifetime ban.

Yeah indeed workout but I took the risk even knowing that I can be ban or denied too. Having people all around us that we're not gonna make it (even members of our family and friends) it's very very tough, but I did believe we were meant to each other, and somewhere some how we are gonna be together. We even thought about him moving to my homecountry in case that everything else failed. In Venezuela we have a saying that says "lo que del cura va para la iglesia" basically says that when something is meant for you, eventually you will get it. When people wants to do something, they'll find the way...if they don't they'll find an excuse
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2013-03-22 21:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusband admits during medical he smoked weed 4 years ago

It's hard to believe that all those who have entered the U.S. on the K-1 have never tried marijuana in their lives. Which suggests that MANY people have lied in order to avoid the one year ban consequence. With this policy the United States is encouraging people to lie about their past experiences with marijuana, and punishing those who are being honest.
If the reasoning behind the drug testing is to keep out drug abusers.. a simple drug test should prove that the person is able to stay clean, or at least get clean. But the automatic one year ban only encourages lying and continues to allow those people, who they are trying to weed out (excuse the pun), to enter anyway by doing what they have no problem doing: lying. :wacko:

Im 10000% agree with you! They shouldn't be so hard on something that SO many people had tried. I'd never try it before (only alcohol and cigarrets) but my USC husband tried it when he was a teenager (like most of the world) but he has never try it again. You cannot judge somebody for tried so many years ago is just ridiculous
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2013-03-22 21:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusband admits during medical he smoked weed 4 years ago

What if you hadn't gotten the visa because you were related? What then? Or if the whole thing would have taken an extra year? Easy to tell the truth when nothing bad comes out of it.

When we decided to be honest with our process, we knew the risk we were willing to denied! We are not stupids. Having a denied k1 visa will not stop us in order to ve together. We had a plan B (get married in my homecountry and then apply for a CR1). But the thing is, that we were scared because not only 2 immigrations lawyer told us not to say the truth but to many people around us! Besides I met several people here who were engage with relative and they were deny also. So it was not easy cause we had so many things to lose but we wanted to be honest since the very beginning. Thanked God He was by our side and we made it
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2013-03-22 21:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusband admits during medical he smoked weed 4 years ago
I know my case is different but I know how it feels to be worry about telling the truth. My now husband and I are related (we are 3rd cousins). When we decided to get married and applied for a k1 visa, we first went to an immigration lawyer (we didn't know anything about visajourney then) and when she was checking our case, she dumped our I129 f saying that we CAN'T say we are cousins. She destroyed ALL our forms and basically she started filling a new ones, full of a bunch of lies. Even when she created a whole perfect story, in our heart we felt, we were doing so wrong! I knew it was very very wrong. Even when already paid her like $300 just to begin (she wanted to charged us $1500 for take our case), we decided to destroy what she did and start from the scratch. That's when we found visajourney. Against all odds and against her adviced (and many people advices) we decided to do the right thing and tell the truth no matter what. When she found out she almost made fun of us, saying that we're not gonna make it. I was like "will see". We could stick to our lie cause he is a white blond and blue eyes 5'11 and I'm dark hair, dark skin 5'5 girl. Against all odds our process took only 7 month to be done, we had a great interview (the CO didn't care about us being related) and I've almost a year since I came here. We've no issues. My point is that sometimes doing the right thing is not always the easiest thing, sometimes, the right thing to do us against our common sense. Maybe he could had lie and nobody will noticed it, but, I truly think that God is watching us all the time. Pray, pray hard... I do believe in miracles
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2013-03-22 08:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance and I, we're related.
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2011-09-17 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance and I, we're related.

Also not mentioned, short yellow buses are available for your chromsomally-challenged children in all 50-states, as well --

Joking aside, despite the optimism here common sense tells me that family trying to marry family for immigration purposes may involve closer scrutiny. I haven't seen similar cases, so it'd be interesting if anyone with actual experience would share? It just appears that would be an immediate red flag, legal or not.

Doesn't matter. you can share your bad jokes with us too.

But tell me something, Did your common sense tells you that? What else did he say? Thanks God we posted our case, so we can met your common sense opinion.

Joking and sarcasm aside :)Obviously my fiance and I are aware of this situation, we know that our case may involve closer scrutiny, but red flag? We don't think so. Besides, we have tons of phones calls, trips, emails, photos to prove our relationship as a couple (were really love each other) and our intentions to get marry and raise a family together.

Thank u and your common sense on our behalf!


Andrea & Henry
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2011-09-17 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance and I, we're related.

3rd cousins is ok by USCIS standards, and the 50 states standards.

Yer friend is wrong. Suggest either you ditch the friend, or ask friend to cook up 20 pounds of food, for the conciliatory 'I was wrong' meal that yer friend owes you.

JAJAJAJAJAJA It's ok, english is not my native language either. And YES he is not longer my friend. All we need to do now is surround ourselves with positive and loving people! lol

We're very optimistic!!!!


Andrea & Henry
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2011-09-17 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance and I, we're related.

You will be fine, I have a friend that married her 3rd cousin also, they knew each other all their life, etc., and they now live happily in California. He was from a middle eastern country, they went through the USCIS process in about 10 months, never was a issue, and they marked the related box also, they told the truth. Not even brought up the question at the interview.
Best wishes on your journey.

Thanks for your comments!!! Im so glad!!

Well we're applying to k-1 visa, I hope our process can be shorter! LOL


Edited by Andrea Diaz, 16 September 2011 - 09:31 PM.

Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2011-09-16 21:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance and I, we're related.
Thanks a lot for your comments and your support. We are getting prepared for everything, but to be truly honest, sometimes I feel afraid, that something bad happens during my interview. I read some blogs, and some people said that this kind of cases (like mine), the interview is a little bit hard than a non relative fiance interviews. The main reason why is UCIS want to find out if we really in love and sharing a genuine relationship and no making a fraud to try to take your relative to US, cause that's ilegal.

Obviously that's not our case,and we're preparing everything (prooves of ongoing relationship)photos, emails, western union, air plane tickets,etc etc etc. Actually we're going to spend Christmas and new years eve in Europe, so I need to take a bunch of cool pics.

Please, if you can advice or give us some tips for the interview, we will be so greatful to you guys.

God bless u allll!!!!!!

Andrea & Henry
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2011-09-16 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance and I, we're related.

I'm writng these words because I'm concern about something. My fiance and I are related, we're third cousins.We know each other since ever, but we barely shared cause he moved to USA when I was born. We used to share on family trips, weddings, funerals, our great grandmother bday, mother's day etc etc. A few months ago we started a relationship (he came to Venezuela several times to visit me and share time with me after we announced our relationship to our family) and then he asked me to marry him, and I say YESSSSSSS!! we're totally in love.

My concern started a few days ago when we sent our i-129 petition. If you know, question #17 ask the petitioner if his/her fiance are related to him/her. We obviously said yes, and we explained the way we met etc etc etc. I friend told me that we made a huge mistake, that we shouldn't do that. He explained something about it, about the embassy can denied my visa. He adviced me to lie in k 1 interview.

Lying is NOT an option for me, I hate lies, we have nothing to hide, we love each other very much, and I know that getting marry with my third cousins is legal in 50 states and everywhere.

We already made our minds, we take our decision...Always say the truth, no matter what

I wanna know what do you think about my case? are other cases like ours?

Thanks a lotttt!!!!

Andrea & Henry
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2011-09-16 15:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 ongoing relationship help

You can submit boarding passes, passport stamps, pictures, hotel and ATM receipts, all the things that may proves that you've met in person and a genuine relationship. In our case we choose a period of time (June-september 2011) and we sent everything we could find during that period. About the pics, we put the date and place, to the back of every photo submited.

Good luck!!!

Henry & Andrea
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2011-09-20 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnon-legal religious wedding before K1 visa
I met a guy here in VJ that his fiance's (From India) visa was denied because they got marry through a religious ceremony (only, no paperwork done) a couple of weeks before the interview. The CO told her to filed for k3 or cr1, and they had to started the whole process again.

Get marry later!

Good luck!
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2011-09-25 22:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview requirements and docuements
Its funny we all venezuelan nd we talking in english paisanos! Well if you or your fiance were marry before you guys need a divorce certificates, its a paper that said when that previous marriage ended up
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2011-09-24 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa denied
I don't know what to say....I guess been denied its the worst fear for all of us, but you have to keep trying. Marry him and file for CR1. The worst thing you can do its give up. If you are really in love (Im sure you are), don't give up and keep moving foward. I'll pray for you guys. I hope you can work this out.

God bless you!

Edited by Andrea Diaz, 23 September 2011 - 06:50 PM.

Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2011-09-23 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExperimental Drug Use :(
I read a case in this site, where the beneficiary (a canadian lady) admited about smoking weed when she was young, only one time, she said it in her medical interview. When the main interview came,they denied her the visa and she recieved a ban for 3 years to get any kind of visa and she had to take some classes about drug abuse.If she complited the program and wait 3 years, she can fill again. It was crazy cause she was truly honest, and only tried it once. Your case its a little bit complicated cause your fiance actually lie. But dont lose your faith, the only thing you can do is bng honest during the rest of the process and take the advice you think you need it most. People please! don't lie! they're gonna found out anyway. USCIS got pretty smart and well prepared people, they get access to everything and anything. When a fiance goes to a k1 interview they already know everything, ad I mean EVERYTHING about you. They used records, including dumb stuff like social networks to found out everything about you. And I don´t want to sound like if Im bng paranoic, but I know what Im saying. But hey! we cant blame them, after sep 11, they have to be very careful about the people whose trying to get in the US territory.

Keep praying and be honest, o matter what happened be honest. There's a case in the UK whose revieved his k1 visa, after having minor criminal records. He thinks he succeed cause of his honesty. My prayers are with you guys! God bless you!!!!
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2011-10-15 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan this be a red flag?
My fiance is almost 12 years older than me, Im 25 and he is 37 and we got our noa2 aprroved last week... as long you both are older (more 18) and single doesnt matter... Obviously if you re 18 and your fiance 55 THAT is red flag but even then its legal you know what I mean? ajajajajaj disgusting but legal jajajaja
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-01-22 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI134 OR I864, OR BOTH? For k1 visa interview
My fiance and I are preparing our paperwork for our upcoming interview for k1 visa. My boyfriend filled his I134 with a co sponsor, his stepdad. We are quite sure that we don't need one but we rather to take him as a co sponsor, just in case. The point is, that some friends from visa journey gave me some advices about filling I864 at the same time, fill both of them. I thought that I864 was for people who were in the middle of their AOS, and now Im confused. We don't know if we fill only I134 or both of them. Wich is the purpose for I864?


Edited by Andrea&Henry, 09 February 2012 - 02:33 PM.

Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-02-09 14:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-134 or i-864

Well, that's discouraging that the embassy is giving out conflicting information. If it were me, I'd probably try to call or email the embassy and find out firsthand what they require.

Well if you don't get any information at the end, fill them both and take them with you, they are going to ask you for your documents in the moment of the interview, ask them what forms they need and that's it. It's better been prepared for everything

Edited by Andrea&Henry, 10 February 2012 - 11:44 AM.

Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-02-10 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-134 or i-864
I have the same question. Im from Venezuela and our interview ist pretty soon. I thought we only needed I134 but a friend of mine told me that I have to submit both... Im confused. Wich are the support documents for both of them?
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-02-09 16:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow soon can I file K1 after a divorce and previous viza refusal
I read a lot of cases of people being denied cause they started the relationship while (one of them) was till marry, wich is your case. You may have the approval from the USCIS but interview it's a little bit different. Hope you have better luck with that.
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-02-16 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVery complex case

Your case is complicated base on 2 facts: 1.- You met each other while he was still marry, 2.- he's till sponsor his dad and ex wife. If you read i-134 and i-864 instructions, it clearly says that your making a commitment with US goverment and you will take care of your alien relative (wife, fiance, son etc) and says that it only ends when this alien relative become in US citizaen or dies. That means, that he still have those commitments with US goverment. I don't know if there a max number for sponsorship. Maybe if his third sponsor were for child or a mother maybe, but a second wife, it's hard.

You can keep cheking the website or talk to a inmigrant lawyer. Find out how many sponsor he can have as US citizen. Remember that sponsor and household is not the same, so make that clear. Is his father living with him?

With the second one it's more complicated, I read SO many cases of people been denied cause they started dating while one of them was still marry. My advice would be: Try to have a lot of evidence that proof he wasn't living with his ex wife while you started dating. My case is a lil bit similar. My fiance got marry back 2003 and she left him on 2006. They never tried to repair their marriage. But he filled for divorce on November 2010 (4 years later) and got his divorce decree on January 2011. We met each other on June 2011. We met later, but if you see how closed was our date (relationship started) and he divorce decree it was only 6 month. I was scared but a lawyer told it wasn't big deal.

You may have your noa2 aproval but interview its different cause you have to xplain all this. I don't want you to be scared, I want u to be clear and started gathering all the proofs you need, and proof that he wasn't with (living, sharing) his ex wife when he met you. And no matter what happens, NEVER, EVER, lie about any of this, always be honest and say the truth. If get you a denial because you said the truth, you can ask for waiver or do something, but if you lie...forget about it.

I know it looks really hard but try to find an specialist who can advice you better than any of us in this site, and pray, pray a lot. If you guys are really in love with each other, and you are meant to be, you will be together somehow. God has the last word, always. No matter how bad it seems.

I wish you the best :)

God Bless u
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-02-17 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm totally confused NVC letter vs. Interview Appointmentt
Thanks for your help. We called NVC a few hours ago and they're pretty sure that our package was send to Caracas on February 3. We told her (NVC WORKER) about the letter and she said maybe something delayed the letter, but for sure our date is FEB 3. But we have no appointment yet and we alredy write an email to immigrantcaracas2 , 3 days ago. Only pray and wait. Thankssss
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-02-24 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm totally confused NVC letter vs. Interview Appointmentt

Here my story:

My fiance and I were approved on January 19. A couples days later we called the NVC and they told us that our case reached NVC on February 1, and it was sent to the Caracas embassy on February 3. Here in Venezuela, we dont have package 3 or 4. Couple days later after your case is send to Caracas,you email the embassy and after 3-5 days they give you your interview appointment. We Wrote an email on February 7, and it's February 24 and nothing yet :S. We wrote a second email last friday (Feb 17) and NOTHING YET.

My fiance recieved a letter from the NVC today, from Feb 6. saying that our case was approved and it will be send it to Venezuela 6 days later. That means February 12. Now We understand why the embassy have not respond yet.

I wanna know why they said that our case was fwrd to Venezuela on February 3 when, according to the NVC letter, it was sent it on Feb 12-13.

Should I call back the NVC asking wich date is the right one? Should I write another e-mail to the embassy?
We're so anxious about it, mostly me. It's been a month after our noa 2, and there're a lot of couples who were approved weeks later after us, and they already have their interview appointments. There's a couple (USA-VENEZUELA) We've almost the same timeline, and their interview is scheduled April 16, almost 3 month later :s

Thanks for any help you can provide

God bless u

Edited by Andrea&Henry, 24 February 2012 - 03:31 PM.

Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-02-24 15:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with DS 230 EXPIRED 2 DAYS BEFORE MY INTERVIEW

Do u have to submit the DS230 before interview or at the day of interview? I dont think it matters. My interview is on April 17 and I filled my DS230 in january and submitted to the embassy. I will take a copy of that DS230 which is expired. I contacted embassy and they said it was ok to use the expired form. Each embassy is different so I would check with ur embassy and see wat they tell you.

Here in Venezuela we dont have package 4 or 5, the embassy send you an email with your interview appointment and a list with the documents I've to bring with me. We dont send anything either.
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-22 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with DS 230 EXPIRED 2 DAYS BEFORE MY INTERVIEW
Hi Vj'rs! Well I'm having some issues with Form DS230, AGAIN. A few weeks ago I posted a topic asking for an updated version of ds 230 form because the most recent one expired on February 29. Here is my old post:

"Hi, I got some issues trying to find an update version of DS230 FORM. I went to USCIS website and another US goverment websites and I couldn't find it. The most recent version expired on February 29. My interview is in about 3 weeks and the only thing I need to be done is that form.
What should I do? Fill that form or wait?
Thanks in advance"

I've been checking the website to see if is there some changes, actually yesterday I finally found a new version but expires on MARCH 31 and Im having my interview appointment on April 3. So is gonna be expire when my interview comes.

I compared the 2 versions and there're no changes at all, and now I dont know what to do. If the last one expired on Feb 29 and the new version was uploaded by this week, when this new version expires on March 31 the next one maybe could be upload by 15 or 20 April :S that means that I have to take an expire version to my interview.

What should I do? My biggest fear is that my embassy reschedule my interview and my fiance already paid his trip to Venezuela and he's taking those days off from work. If there is the case, he can't come for a second interview and he's losing a lot of money.

Thanks a Lot
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-22 07:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm scared! no taxes from 2011, only a W2

People need to read the posts more carefully BEFORE replying. Based upon what you wrote you will have no problems.

Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-25 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm scared! no taxes from 2011, only a W2

okay... I think you have little worries or none, if you have a co-sponsor that is president of a bank.
But, if the bank is in central america, then is the co-sponsor a US citizen?
If not, then... back to square one.

Yes he is an american citizen and live in the US, once a month he travels to Costa Rica to work. But he mostly manage his work through internet.
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-25 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm scared! no taxes from 2011, only a W2

This is very difficult to understand & follow. This co sponsor is a citizen of what country? And lives where? From what you say he is paying taxes in the USA. Is that correct? Your worry should be if the embassy allows a co sponsor; then if that income is generated outside the USA.
Again if your fiance makes 56K there shouldnt be a problem as long as his taxes are paid.

Yep a lil bit. My co sponsor who he is my fiancee's stepdad, he is a president of a bank in latinamerica. He lives in Miami most of the times but works in Costa rica (where the Corporate Headquarters is) he has to travel at least once a month to San Jose. He's an american citizen, with his residence in Florida. He pays his taxes every year. He also have other bussiness in the US.

My fiance makes 56 but taxes from 2010 where wayyyy less cause he was unemployed back then. That's why we rather to take his stepdad as co sponsor, just in case. But his stepdad (my co sponsor)submmitted taxes from 2008, 2009, and 2010. He has no W2 (I thought he had) but he doesn't work in the US. But instead he gave us a job letter and his bank letter. He asked for an extension for his 2011 taxes. I hope that it shouldnt be a problem
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-25 15:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm scared! no taxes from 2011, only a W2

Hmmm. Out of work in 2010. President of a Latin American bank in 2011. Talk about a promotion!

And only $56K of income? No stock options? No bonuses? Must be a really really small bank! I'd hate to see what they pay tellers! :blink:

JAJAJAJA NOOOOOOmy fiance is the who makes 56K per year and his step dad our CO SPONSOR is the one who is president of a latin american bank.I don't how much money he makes but I bet it should be a lot. But we're worry cause he has not his taxes from 2011 yet. Only a w2
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-25 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm scared! no taxes from 2011, only a W2

Looks like is the petitioner making 56k, and the potential cosponsor president of the bank. Nothing REALLY going on.

BINGOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! THANKS!! that's how it is..there´s nothing fishy about it
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-25 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm scared! no taxes from 2011, only a W2

If he is president of a bank, then.... I'd think this issue of proof of income should not even be a problem.
What's going on, here?

Why is there even an issue with proving the income here?
What's REALLY going on?

He's president of a bank, and only makes $56K/year?
Something's fishy.

NOOONOO! YOU got me wrong, my fiance is the one with 56,000 but his taxes from 2010 when he was without a job wasnt good. OOUR CO SPONSOR (the one who's a president of a bank) he doesnt have his taxes fron 2011 so he submitted a w2 ( ourco sponsor is his step dad) there's nothing fishy about it
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-25 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm scared! no taxes from 2011, only a W2

Did he provide you with a copy of the request for an extension and the acceptance of said extension for his 2011 income tax return?

No he hasn't, he has a due date to make his taxes on 23 April, and he wants to ask for an extension, cause he is a president of a bank in latin america. He not only have to make his taxes but also corporative so that takes a lot of time. That's why.
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-24 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm scared! no taxes from 2011, only a W2
Hi Vj'rs my interview appointment is in about 10 days. We have everything set up, but we are concern about taxes. My fiance and I think we have everything to have an i-134 without sponsorship. He makes 56,000 per year and his accounts are`perfect. But 2010 he was without a job and that year his taxes wasn't that good. The point is that we rather to take a co sponsor (just in case) but when he gave us all the papers he submitted taxes from 2008, 2009 and 2010. He hasn't have his taxes from 2011 (he ask for an extesion until october) so instead he gaveus W2 for 2011 taxes.

Is that ok? I mean he is giving 3 years of taxes and w2 from last year. Or should he be submitting taxes from 2011? I don't know what to do.

Im scared that maybe we do need a sponsor but we don't have his taxes from 2011, and embassy may ask for it and we only have his w2.

Should I be worry?
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-24 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNO TAXES FROM 2011 AND NO W2 WORRYYY

Can you include copies of his paychecks/stubs? You did not provide any details about the # of people in the household and his gross wages, etc. So I trust you reviewed the requirements.

He has a son but he doesnt' live with his dad anymore, so he is living alone. And about his paycheck I don't know how handle it cause he's a CEO on a bank, basically the president. That's why he submmited his bank statements, letter from the bank and his job. That would be enough?
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-27 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNO TAXES FROM 2011 AND NO W2 WORRYYY
Hey! here is the deal, my interview is next week. We're having a co-sponsor (who's my fiancee's step dad) he gave us his most recent taxes (2008,2009,2010), letter from his bank and an employee letter. He has NO W2, although he is an american citizen and live in the US he works in Costa Rica (he travels once a month). He already ask an extension for his taxes from 2011.

Are we ok with only his taxes (08,09,10), letter from his bank and employee letter? We suppose to add the letter where he is asking for the extension.

Should we be worry?
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-27 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDO I NEED XRAY ON POE??
Im heading to the US this I need to have in hand my xrays with me in the POE? Or I just can leave them in my big luggage ??? they are too big to keep them with....what should I do?

Edited by Andrea&Henry, 16 April 2012 - 04:40 PM.

Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-04-16 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFORM DS 230 IS NOT UPDATED
I know is a embassy form, but here in Venezuela we don't have a 3 o4 packages. The embassy doesn't send you anything, just an email with you interview appointment and the things you have to bring with you. Well, I rather to wait a little longer, if I can't find a new version for late march I will use the old one :s

Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-09 16:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFORM DS 230 IS NOT UPDATED
Hi, I got some issues trying to find an update version of DS230 FORM. I went to USCIS website and another US goverment websites and I couldn't find it. The most recent version expired on February 29. My interview is in about 3 weeks and the only thing I need to be done is that form.

What should I do? Fill that form or wait?

Thanks in advance

Andrea & Henry
Andrea&HenryFemaleVenezuela2012-03-09 08:53:00