K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequirement For POE
Hey shoot, I'm in Pasadena too! It's a small world!

Great plan.Excellent. My lil Bro works for Disney so I get in for free. I can't wait till she experience that.

I'm in Pasadena (30 miles North of Disney) so just know you have a VJer nearby just in case.

cappucino boyMalePoland2012-08-22 16:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 petition approved, just a question about what's coming in the mail
When my wife had her interview in Warsaw she didn't have any problems and I wasn't there with her at the time. You don't have to go if you don't want to. I'm sure she would like the support and the company but it's not necessary. Where is from in Poland? My wife is there right now and and will be coming back on Monday Nov 5th. I got back in October, it was really nice but it's getting cold there now. We live in CA and the change in temperature is drastic. My wife won't believe how warm it has been while she has been away. Good luck on her interview, I'm sure she won't have any problems.


Another question; is the interview that's coming up for her (in poland) or for me, here in the US, or is there one for both of us in our respective countries?

cappucino boyMalePoland2012-11-04 00:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWarsaw embassy interview - what to expect?
My wife didn't have many questions either, she basically walked in brought her stuff and went up to the window for the questions. I think that it took a total of 10 minutes. I think if you have plenty of documentation and other information it's easy. There are not many U.S. - Polish partnerships that go through the embassy so I would assume that they wouldn't think fraud and just want to process the visa. Good luck, I know that she will do fine.

I know there's a few Polish couples on here that went through this process, what questions should we expect from the interviewer? I remember seeing one of you say there were only about 3 questions, and it seemed as if heir decision was already made before the interview even started. Can't find who wrote this, so i figured I'd ask.

cappucino boyMalePoland2012-12-27 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Report vs Previous Green Card
Welcome back to the U.S., where in Poland are you from?

Hello Visa Journey, this is my first post on this forum but I have been reading you folks quite regularly.
You've helped so many people so hopefuly you can help me too, although my 'case' is quite unusual.

I got married to the USC, obtained a green card and lived in the US with my husband. Marriage, however, did not work out and I went back to my home country shortly before removing conditions on my GC in 2007. Unaware of my options I surrended my GC in American Embassy and lived in my country ever since.

Now, six years have passed, I met the right person and here I am in the K1 proceedings. Question is- do I need a police certificate from the US in addition to a police certificate from my home counrty since I spent there three years until 2007?

Thank you for your suggestions.

cappucino boyMalePoland2013-02-22 16:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling Location Help!



Check out the guides here: http://www.visajourn.../content/guides,  They have all the information necessary to get started, file and get through the process.  They are informative, thorough and complete.  I used them for my wife from fiance I129 - to N400 for citizenship.


Hi fellow couples!

this is our first post on this website even thought we have been reading everything on it for what seems

like a very long time.

At this moment in time we are sat in my room printing out all the forms and are just about to start filling

everything out.

I (Daisy), and my US fiance Cody are just going over the letter of intent and I have got pretty confused on it already.. great start!

I filled my name in and on a separate one filled his, and then the next part which says...


United States Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services



I don't know what the filing location address is for me. I've tried googling but i'm getting pretty lost.

Please can someone point me in the right direction.

Thank you!


cappucino boyMalePoland2014-03-04 17:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my fiancé travel to US for holidays while waiting for the K1 visa?
I'm not sure but if your under the visa waiver program and she has a tourist visa I don't think it matters.

cappucino boyMalePoland2011-10-07 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy interview is tomorrow!

I think that you will be fine with what you have, don't stress out.  If you look through the embassy comments rarely does anyone have problems at Warsaw.



Good Luck :joy:

cappucino boyMalePoland2014-09-24 10:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStatus confirmation at DMV

My husband (ex-K1) went to DMV in California to get the driver's licence and they asked him to confirm the status with form DS-140 or 148 as they said passport with Visa (expired of course) and SSA card are not enough. Since when does DMV care about legality of immigration status and what in the world is this DS-140 or 148?


Will we have the same type of problem at the airport when we travel within US?


(Applied for AOS/EAP/AP with I-485 and received the acceptance confirmation and bio-metrics appointment, no word on EAP or AP yet).




We live in Los Angeles and my wife went through the K1 process for a visa, she applied for a SSN based on her I-94 before it expired but it was only a temporary card.   She too went to the CA DMV will all her paperwork but had to wait for documentation that she was approved for her GC before they would give her a temporary permit to drive. I believe you will have to go through the same process in order to get the license. I think that's just how it is for CA DMV.  Bottom line they have have some paperwork verifying the legal ability for that person to stay in the US.  I also think somehow that they have a way to check this information.  Good Luck.

cappucino boyMalePoland2014-10-01 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSponsorship and Fraud? Definitions.

I have a question.


I sponsored my fiancée now husband and his daughter to come to the United States.


I found out recently that he has been cheating on me the whole time and still has someone who says she is his wife in Jamaica. I am  not real sure how that is possible, but I guess it is since there was a 3 or 4 month time period from the time they did the check to see if he was married or not. He was great in Jamaica for the most part and so was his daughter. The only time I ever seen him get mad was when he received an RFE instead of a approval. That was the first time I think I saw the real him. He pushed me down on the bed and basically told me to leave Jamaica, which I did. I was upset and swore that I was done but I really loved him and he called and said that he was just upset.


About three days after he announced our engagement on his facebook I started receiving what I would say to be hate mail from a girl in the town he lived. I decided to call off our engagement at that time and not talk to him anymore. The email said that she was with him and that they were in love, and that he was " joking" me. After this and I quit talking to him he involved his friends wife. She called me up and begged me to just talk to him one last time. I did and it was enough to convince me that this girl was nothing to him and just trying to make trouble.


He arrived late March and started with his demands. Everything had to be done on his time frame. He ended up staying for three weeks and disappeared after one argument without telling me where he was going or anything. He came home long enough to get married, convince me once again that he was not doing anything wrong but several times I caught him sending dirty pics from his phone. I was really trying to work this out at this time but his temper was flaring up over everything. He wouldn't even watch the children when I took his daughter to the hospital I came home and he was in a different room off in a corner on his phone texting and on Whats app.


A few days after we married he had his daughter go to school and tell her counselor that they were leaving the state. ( I did not know this)  I later found text messages stating this. He waited for our marriage certificate to come in the mail ( which he took and I was unaware of) and caused a huge scene and left. His things and his daughters were already packed.


At this time the police came and (like 7 cop cars ) and 4 different officers told me to go get a restraining order without me going into to much detail.


I did this reluctantly even though he was already gone because I was really scared about what was going to happen next and where he was.


Little did I know that he left went to Maryland and kept his daughter out of school for over a month. They decided. His friends wife ( at least that is the name on the official document that made the report) on me about CPS saying I was trafficking drugs, that my house was in shambles and that my children were not taken care of and that I was on drugs. Of course this was quickly found to be  all false and the report closed. However, they kept a case open on his daughter and him for 90 days. I am unsure why. I didn't request that report and I do not even know if I could nor do I want to.


I started talking to him again in July. He stated that he was sorry and I said I was sorry too. I think I could have been more understanding with him about why he couldn't learn how to pump gas and why he didn't help with any chores other than to cook and sweep the kitchen floor, in my mind this is what I told myself and maybe cultural differences where a bit much.  He swore that he loved me that I was the only one for him and he wanted our marriage to work.  On my birthday a few days before I was to move I received another facebook message from this same girl, keep in mind we are talking years now not just months that this woman has been tormenting me. I told him about this and he disregarded it. Saying he didn't know what she was talking about and didn't want anyone to come in between us. I let it go this time. I had not seen him do anything in a long time as we had been separated.


Since then he asked that we file his AOS, he didn't want me to file it he said he wanted his friends wife to do it and I really didn't know the ends and outs of the paperwork I did however pay for 1300 of it. He also asked that I move to Maryland where he knows people. His friend swore up and down that she had nothing to do with the false CPS report and all of that and she would help find us a place and we would have all kinds of support here.  I sold everything I owned, I gave up a house I lived in for four years to move into an apartment which was fine and then I ended up making the journey up to Maryland alone because he said that his friend bailed out on helping, which now I even doubt he ever had anyone lined up to help.


I arrived here after a  five month separation when we were only married for three weeks to be welcomed at first. With in a day or so I realized he was again always on his phone and this time the girl had set her face book cover photo to his name that he goes by saying she is his wife. I tried to get him to just stop but it  was obvious he was not going to. He would get very mad and start yelling at me that it was his phone he could do what he wanted with it.  Three weeks seems to be our magic date, because that week I was sitting there on our couch in our living room and I saw him texting her on whats app. I got on whats app and told her to leave him alone that he was married she then went on to say that they never did break up that he loved her and only her and had been with her a very long time. That I was an opportunity for him to get his green card and other horribly hurtful things. He left that night I didn't want to see him but I was told he would have no where to go the next day so I called him. He said he was very sorry and wanted to work it out. I didn't know really what to do. We talked I asked a few questions like is this his wife over there? Does he have a child with her? I just can not fathom his connection with her that he is going to financially take care of her when his daughter goes without sometimes. He said no but that everything she said was true and that he was sorry. Later that day I noticed in my inbox that her facebook had changed. I went to it and it clearly said that they were married in a picture. He will not be facebook friends with me and has his status as single. The night he was back in the house was miserable he actually told me to leave the bed so I slept on the couch. I went back to the room to find him in our closet texting on his daughters phone. He texts nude pictures of himself. I have caught him doing it because she will text it back to me to rub it in I guess. He also does this from his daughters phone, in which she was going wild deleting text ect. for her father the day I found out trying to make it so no one else found out. She is only 15 yrs old.  


I told him that it wasn't right to be in the closet texting and that his phone or what ever phone he was using really didn't need a passcode that his wife didn't know unless he was hiding something. He flew  off the handle. I had asked him to get some papers so I could put my child in Pre K for about the third time. He claimed that he took the lease over to his friends house because I didn't need it. He was even saying things like have you ever seen a lease? what do you know about a lease? and for me to call my childs father to get her enrolled in school. He finally came back with two loose sheets of paper from the lease and said that it would work when I had already talked with the school and they only copy two pages of the lease but need to see the whole lease.


Anyway this really upset me. I am in a totally new state no one here but my childs father which was in another country visiting at the time of all of this and we have not been together in years.


He then proceeded to call my mother and she called me to ask what happened. I told her she was then upset that he would do that and so soon after I did everything I did to move and go far away to be with him. He told her I was crazy and somethings and my mother was talking to him when his friends wife took the phone I was on three way and said that I was walking around for two days on a bunch of drugs not taking care of my kids which is absolutely untrue. She then went on to say she was going to have me drug tested to see what I was on ect. When my mother stopped her and asked why she was even speaking to her.


Long story I want to know if I have to keep sponsoring him or what. His AOS has not been approved. I no longer believe anything I am told. I even found a bogus post on here from the so called friend asking about a VAWA for him and his daughter a month before we got back together.


He is not living with me again, this time I think its both our choice. I did however reach out to him and was told by his friend that our relationship was beyond repair.  If I can stop it how do I do so? If I cant can I have some advice.



All I can say WOW! :wow:

cappucino boyMalePoland2014-10-09 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Visa IN HAND
My Robin got his K1 Visa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! It took two days after his interview.

Good Luck to everyone in the waiting process! The Process took us, in total, 8 months from time of filing, to visa approval.

I go get my man in a week and a half!

biggrin.gif heart.gif kicking.gif

Jamie LeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-05 02:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 08 k1 filers ~ CSC
QUOTE (Hannah+Vito @ Oct 19 2008, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jamie Lee @ Oct 19 2008, 08:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance and I got our RFE on the 7th of October. After reading through some of the posts relating to RFE's, my nerves are settled. I was worried that it was something bad, I didn't realize it was part of the normal process. It seems like things pick up after people send in the RFE. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers that our petition will be approved before our wedding in April. ClockWatch2.gif

ahhh cool, Pasadena Vito took me there in april its not that much further from where we will be living in driving terms. bloody hot that day though. i thought i would pass out. but enjoyed watching the blokes walking past a sports car outside a cafe and almost trip up cos they wernt looking where they were going.
that and irony of mills street given one of your reported summer resedents lol. good.gif

once yuo get your rfe to them they dont seem to take much longer to finish it at the moment it seems which is good. welcome to the group. good.gif

Okay, so i sent off our REF stuff on the 23rd of October. I really hope they don't have any problems, and that we can move forward.

Yeah, I love Pasadena. I grew up here. It really does get hot here, but on the dry heat days, the mountains are AMAZING.

Crossing our fingers!!! dancin5hr.gif
Jamie LeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-01 03:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 08 k1 filers ~ CSC
My fiance and I got our RFE on the 7th of October. After reading through some of the posts relating to RFE's, my nerves are settled. I was worried that it was something bad, I didn't realize it was part of the normal process. It seems like things pick up after people send in the RFE. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers that our petition will be approved before our wedding in April. ClockWatch2.gif
Jamie LeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-19 14:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F -Q. 18, detail??
I did the same "see attached sheet". I explained how we met, when, where, how we got together, and long distance travel back and forth to visit. It was probably only a paragraph. They accepted it, cause we got our first NOA a little more than a week later.

good luck with everything.

Jamie LeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-20 23:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVWP and marriage!
QUOTE (jundp @ Nov 29 2008, 06:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes people have done it, but no one here is going to recommend it to you. You've already indicated an intent to stay after entering on VWP. Better to come here and get married and then return to your country and file a K3. Or file a K1 and wait for the visa. Maybe I'm just leery of doing anything that might result in removal or ban....

I agree. My Fiance and I had that option, but chose to be slightly more patient and go the K1 route. It gave us time to plan, and think very clearly about what we were doing. I don't know how long you have been dating, but I'm thinking, that if it's forever for you two, then what's the harm in waiting? If you are on time with all your papers, you guys could have all this taken care of in 7 months.

I say, be patient, and do things the right and legal way. I would hate to hear that you risked it, and the outcome was not a good one.
Jamie LeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-29 22:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2012 Filers
I received this not more than 20 minutes, I guess this means we were approved for our 10 year green card.

On December 17, 2012, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

Congrats Zydrune :dance: And belated Happy Birthday! Updating approval :)
I understand your feeling since I came here from one of worlds' safest countries Japan and I haven't applied US citizenship yet (or never)...

California Service Center (47 applicants, 18 approved 38%)

VJName...........Date of I-751......NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....GC Received
SASSYANDSWOOP......05/01/12.........05/03/12.......07/10/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(Rescheduled twice then did a walk-in before 3rd)
INDOMEX............05/01/12.........05/03/12.......07/03/12........12/05/12....--/--/12...(Early Bio 6/22)
EXPARROT...........05/02/12.........--/--/12.......06/07/12........11/23/12....--/--/12...(never received NOA; got passport stamped at the local field office)

CAPPUCCINO BOY.....05/10/12.........05/14/12.......06/19/12........12/17/12....--/--/12...
DAVE-N-OKSANA......05/11/12.........05/16/12.......07/05/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(Early Bio 06/15)
ZYDRUNE............05/11/12.........05/14/12.......07/18/12........12/06/12....12/13/12...(Never received NOA, requested resend and got NOA has blank Receipt Date / 5/14 is delivered date )
BINOW..............05/14/12.........--/--/12.......06/27/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(Never received NOA and I-551 stamped @infopass 06/14)(Early Bio 06/14 @infopass)
ZENAXE.............05/14/12.........05/16/12.......06/28/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(Never received NOA and I-551 stamped @infopass 06/18)(Replacement NOA received 07/02)
KATAANDFREDDY......05/15/12.........05/16/12.......06/29/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(Never received NOA and I-551 stamped @infopass 06/13)(Early Bio 06/13 @infopass)(Rec'd NOA1 6/22/12)
JRESS..............05/15/12.........--/--/12.......07/23/12........12/06/12....--/--/12...(Never received NOA and I-551 stamped @infopass 06/22)
INTRICACIES........05/16/12.........--/--/12.......--/--/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(No NOA yet)

RITO...............05/18/12.........05/21/12.......06/28/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(Late Bio 07/02)
JOHN AND CAMIE.....05/18/12.........05/21/12.......07/16/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...
MKHANSEN...........05/18/12.........05/21/12.......06/27/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(Early Bio 06/21)
MOONSTAR9913.......05/18/12.........--/--/12.......07/05/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(No NOA yet)

Vermont Service Center (38 applicants, 2 approved 5%)

...........Date of I-751......NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
GC Received
WARREN AND CINDY...05/07/12.........05/09/12.......06/15/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...(Early Bio 06/14)
LEO22..............05/08/12.........05/11/12.......06/15/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...(Early Bio 06/01)
USAFOREVER.........05/08/12.........--/--/12.......07/11/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...(Never received NOA and I-551 stamped @infopass 06/22)(Early Bio @infopass 06/22)(NOA received 06/25 dated 06/21)

MRS.BELL...........05/09/12.........05/09/12.......XX/XX/XX........07/27/12....08/02/12...(Applied from stationed overseas)
CAMILA GUERRERO....05/12/12.........05/15/12.......06/13/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...
CAROLINA+JAMES.....05/12/12.........05/15/12.......06/14/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...(Early Bio 06/06)
HAPPYKNAPPY........05/21/12.........05/23/12.......07/10/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...(Early Bio 06/29)
GIGGLES............05/22/12.........--/--/12.......XX/XX/XX........07/31/12....08/09/12...(Applied from stationed overseas)(Never received NOA?)
HARPA TIMSAH.......05/22/12.........05/24/12.......07/20/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...


* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyones NAME & DATA.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

cappucino boyMalePoland2012-12-17 14:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2012 Filers
Received Green Card on Christmas Eve and and updated the table.

Congrats Doriss&alicia :dance: !! Updating approval :)

Congrats aie :dance: !! Updating approval :) You only gave us your sent date! Would you tell us your NOA, Bio date and decision date?
I guess you meant you got your GC 7 days ago...?

And updating LA&MA's card received date :)

California Service Center (47 applicants, 27 approved 57%)

VJName...........Date of I-751......NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....GC Received
RIRO...............05/01/12.........05/03/12.......06/13/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(RFE: 12/07, Responded: 12/18)
SASSYANDSWOOP......05/01/12.........05/03/12.......07/10/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(Rescheduled twice then did a walk-in before 3rd)
INDOMEX............05/01/12.........05/03/12.......07/03/12........12/03/12....12/11/12...(Early Bio 6/22)
EXPARROT...........05/02/12.........--/--/12.......06/07/12........11/23/12....--/--/12...(never received NOA; got passport stamped at the local field office)

CAPPUCCINO BOY.....05/10/12.........05/14/12.......06/19/12........12/17/12....12/24/12...
DAVE-N-OKSANA......05/11/12.........05/16/12.......07/05/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(Early Bio 06/15)
ZYDRUNE............05/11/12.........05/14/12.......07/18/12........12/06/12....12/13/12...(Never received NOA, requested resend and got NOA has blank Receipt Date / 5/14 is delivered date )
BINOW..............05/14/12.........--/--/12.......06/27/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(Never received NOA and I-551 stamped @infopass 06/14)(Early Bio 06/14 @infopass)
ZENAXE.............05/14/12.........05/16/12.......06/28/12........12/20/12....--/--/12...(Never received NOA and I-551 stamped @infopass 06/18)(Replacement NOA received 07/02)
KATAANDFREDDY......05/15/12.........05/16/12.......06/29/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(Never received NOA and I-551 stamped @infopass 06/13)(Early Bio 06/13 @infopass)(Rec'd NOA1 6/22/12)
JRESS..............05/15/12.........--/--/12.......07/23/12........12/06/12....--/--/12...(Never received NOA and I-551 stamped @infopass 06/22)
INTRICACIES........05/16/12.........--/--/12.......--/--/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(No NOA yet)

RITO...............05/18/12.........05/21/12.......06/28/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(Late Bio 07/02)
JOHN AND CAMIE.....05/18/12.........05/21/12.......07/16/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...
MKHANSEN...........05/18/12.........05/21/12.......06/27/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(Early Bio 06/21)
MOONSTAR9913.......05/18/12.........--/--/12.......07/05/12........--/--/12....--/--/12...(No NOA yet)

Vermont Service Center (38 applicants, 2 approved 5%)

...........Date of I-751......NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
GC Received
WARREN AND CINDY...05/07/12.........05/09/12.......06/15/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...(Early Bio 06/14)
LEO22..............05/08/12.........05/11/12.......06/15/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...(Early Bio 06/01)
USAFOREVER.........05/08/12.........--/--/12.......07/11/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...(Never received NOA and I-551 stamped @infopass 06/22)(Early Bio @infopass 06/22)(NOA received 06/25 dated 06/21)

MRS.BELL...........05/09/12.........05/09/12.......XX/XX/XX........07/27/12....08/02/12...(Applied from stationed overseas)
CAMILA GUERRERO....05/12/12.........05/15/12.......06/13/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...
CAROLINA+JAMES.....05/12/12.........05/15/12.......06/14/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...(Early Bio 06/06)
HAPPYKNAPPY........05/21/12.........05/23/12.......07/10/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...(Early Bio 06/29)
GIGGLES............05/22/12.........--/--/12.......XX/XX/XX........07/31/12....08/09/12...(Applied from stationed overseas)(Never received NOA?)
HARPA TIMSAH.......05/22/12.........05/24/12.......07/20/12........--/--/--....--/--/--...


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Edited by cappucino boy, 27 December 2012 - 10:23 AM.

cappucino boyMalePoland2012-12-27 10:18:00
Australia and New ZealandDV 2013 Australian Winners Post Here
Congradulations girl, I hope you make it here. Any idea of what you are going to do once you get here? You are unusal and not relying on the change through a spouse so no real support system. I'd be interested in your plans.

Hi everyone!

I've been perusing several threads in this forum since finding out I was 'selected further processing' in the DV 2013 lottery and thought I'd start a thread specifically for DV 2013 winners from Oz. There's lots of invaluable information on this site related to various visa processes and experiences, but I think there's always room for more info, so please feel free to share your experiences on your journey to get the elusive greencard for the upcoming US fiscal year.

About me: I'm a Melbourne girl who's had a fascination with the USA since my first visit to California when I was 16. Since then, I've been lucky enough to travel there numerous times, even living there twice on temporary visas. I've entered the greencard lottery so many times I've lost count (on-and-off since 2000) and was pretty much in shock when I logged in to check my application status on the morning of May 2, 2012 and saw a notification letter instead of the familiar 'based on the information you have entered, your entry has not been selected for further processing'... What?! I won?!! Honestly, I think I'm still in shock. Since then I've been scouring the internet trying to absorb as much information as possible on the what/when/how of organising my application.

Are there any other Australian DV 2013 winners out there? How is your application going? Are you overwhelmed yet (or is that just me)?

cappucino boyMalePoland2012-05-30 17:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBbette Wives & Housework, si man



You guys all have Russian and women from Ukraine,


My little Polish sausage just found out we have a dishwasher in the new house.  We used to do all the dishes by hand and I still do.  She hates it when I wash the dishes that way and not put them into the dish washer.  This from a woman who didn't know they had dish washers.  If we ever return to Poland I know we will have to have a place with a dishwasher and a dryer.



Cleaning the lint trap, no problem.  Her description of my several year's collection of lint next to the dryer? Those words are not taught in class.

Why is there water in the toilet?

The dishwasher is where I will hide anything I do not want her to find.

And, I will never be able to find anything in the kitchen ever, again.


This is after 5 days, and for a visit.


I am a very happy man.


Merry Christmas, and enjoy watching the 'Irony of Life'.


cappucino boyMalePoland2013-12-31 16:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Moving to Poland or Europe
Gosiz & Tito,

Thanks for the great advice I appreciate it. Your right when you said that I should try it out first. I currently have 30 years of service with a governmental agency and intend to stay at least 5 years more to bolster my retirement funds to approximately 80% of my present salary. I will just leave the service and not take retirement till I am 65 which means the amount I will receive will be more than if I retire out right. I'm planning to work (somehow) during the five years till I am 65. I'd like to think during this time we could stay in Poland 6 months to a year and see how it goes. What do you think, I've be trying to learn Polish but you already know how hard that is to do. Also she would have to get her citizenship before we leave so if we decide to come back we can.

One of my main reasons for moving to Europe is that is so different, different cultures, people food and everything else in a short distance. I also figure I can spend a long time traveling and discovering Europe better over there as opposed to staying here and going over to visit. Flight travel isn't going to get any cheaper in time so that is another consideration. i also I could always come back too. Well there you have it don't know if it will work but I'd like to give it a try.

We discussed that I moved to Europe (I'm the USC), either Poland or elsewhere, France, Spain and UK were in consideration as I would have a much easier way to settle there. After discussion, it seemed best that she moved to the US. At the time, a couple of years back, the financial and job situation in Europe was not as good and 'starting over' didn't seem a good idea. I had even investigated going to work in Poland with a US company (IT consulting); but for our case, the numbers just didn't work.
Now, her home in Warsaw was/is a small flat which she thought would not be the best for me; I had lived in Europe before myself, in a small flat (Sweden), so I was not really worried about living space; additionally I have lived in several countries, some less developed and was not worried at all.

Learning Polish was also a consideration, note that I speak Swedish, French, Spanish and German and even with that, it just didn't look like such a good idea.

If you have never lived in Europe (or outside the US) for a length of time, I'd say that you need to give it a try for at least couple of months before settling. You would be surprised how the little things you are used to in the US become a major annoyance.

Most importantly, newly married is already a stress, I mean, adapting to each other to add the stress of a new country, job, finances, etc. I was raised with a European family and even with that, we thought it would be best to settle in the US at least for the first 2-3 years, afterwards, we will discuss again moving to Europe or Latin America.

Good luck

cappucino boyMalePoland2012-12-28 19:17:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Moving to Poland or Europe
just a question if any USC's were thinking about moving from the U.S. to Poland or someplace in Europe with your spouse. If so and not Poland where were you thinking of moving. I'm thinking that I'd (with her of course) of moving to Poland for the summer months (her mom has a big house in Sandomierz, Poland) and perhaps buying someplace in Europe for the winter and switch places. My Polish isn't so good and I'm trying to learn it.
cappucino boyMalePoland2012-12-27 14:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Retiring to Dubrovnic, Croatia
Thank you all for the information, I hope to hear from someone who has lived there and give me some advice about Dubrovnic and their experiences.

Dubrovnik is a beautiful place indeed. I believe Croatia is joining the EU this year. In general, if you plan to reside in one of the EU countries for over 90 days, you need some sort of registration/residence permit. Your wife, as a holder of a EU passport will need to apply with the relevant authorities for a residence card for a non-EU family member. I am not exactly sure what documents you need to produce other than a passport, proof of relationship, and her proof/registration as a EU national...

cappucino boyMalePoland2013-03-15 16:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Retiring to Dubrovnic, Croatia

I'm trying to get more information regarding Croatia, here goes. My wife is Polish and we currently live here in L.A. and I have kind of made of my mind that I'd to leave the U.S. and settle in Europe for several reasons, one of which is my wife's mother is getting older and she owns a big house in Sandomierz, Poland. She is very close to her mother and eventually her mom will need some care. I also want to move to Europe because there is so much to see and eventually traveling by plane to Europe will get more expensive. I should say that I will probably be retiring in 5 or more years with a good pension from a gov't agency so I'm not worried about finding work. Now to Croatia, we spent some time in Montenegro but on our way we stayed in Dubrovnic for a short time. I really like it there because it seemed warmer, (we were there in September) and well I thought it be nice to buy a small place there to spent in the summer months in Poland where it's beautiful and all during that time traveling around when we aren't at either place. I fully intend to try and learn the language and assimilate into the culture in both Poland and Croatia. I'm just wondering I am way off base and should not attempt this. We also thought we could try it for 6 months and then see. We currently don't own property here in the U.S. so moving won't really be a problem. I also wonder about being able to stay in Croatia as my wife is part of the EU she would have to do anything but what about me being a U.S. citizen if we decide to stay. Any advice tips would be great I love finding out about new cultures and aren't typical America.

cappucino boyMalePoland2013-03-15 09:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Medical Insurance/medical care and the EU

Hi I'm just trying to find out if anyone has any advice or knowledge about medical insurance in the EU.  My wife a Polish born citizenship and a naturalized U.S. Citizen and me plan in the future to move to Europe and I'm wondering about medical/dental insurance.  I know she is basically covered in Poland for her medical and dental but what about me?  I have will have from my job working at a governmental agency will receive medical and dental through my retirement system but I don't think if will cover me living in Europe.  I'm trying to do my homework which may end up letting me know I cant move to Europe so I can understand what's available to me.  Whether I'm entitled to receive any benefits being married to a Polish National or need some other method for coverage.  My wife didn't have any answers to my questions so I thought I'd query someone who might have some experiences or any information that might be helpful in figuring out what to do and our options. 

cappucino boyMalePoland2014-05-08 15:52:00
Asia: East and PacificWait for RFE or send it now?



I'm no expert but I think most people would say to wait for the RFE, there might be other things that you may have to respond.  Then you will be able to send all the information in at one time.  You would want any paperwork to get misplaced by USCIS.


I wish you the best.

Here?s our situation. 


I?m married and I wanted to get a marriage based green card for my husband. 


He?s Japanese.  He didn?t have his birth certificate here in the US, where he is living now with me on a visa. 


Our lawyer suggested we just write an affidavit explaining that we are unable to provide the birth certificate, because to get one, we?d have to go back to Japan, and that would be an undue hardship. 


I wanted to get an info pass appointment and ask them, but we also wanted to apply as soon as possible.  And the info pass appointments were so far into the future. 


So we filed our application and included the letter in the 485 materials, like the lawyer suggested. 


Then I had an info pass appointment, and they said we would definitely need the birth certificate itself.  They said we would probably be getting an RFE any day now. 


So we finally managed to get the birth certificate today. 


So my question is this: 


Should I send it now or wait for the RFE?  We want to get a green card as soon as possible, and we don?t mind being proactive if it moves the process along faster. 


If I send it now, which address should I send it to? 


cappucino boyMalePoland2014-04-07 13:22:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process

GOOD QUESTION!! Yes I've looked into that option. Problem is, immigration officials don't like to give tourist visas to Nigerians because of fraud. Mike doesn't have strong enough ties to Nigeria to prove that he has good reason to return home. I mean, yeah Mike and I know we wont commit immigration fraud by changing status while he was here, but they don't know that, and they can't take our word for it. I and my parents like this option best, and Mike is more than willing to do it, but it's just not feasible.

Sarah, whatever happens good luck on the process and be as careful as possible when you go over there.
cappucino boyMalePoland2012-05-15 08:56:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process

Thanks, I'm not familiar with visas for that country. I just hope that she's not being scamed. I have heard that it happens alot from Africa.

I agree, I met my wife twice before getting married. The OP mentioned that they have been dating 10 months without meeting, and in my opinion unless you've actually met I wouldn't condsider this as dating. Getting to know each ohter, yes. But not dating....meaning that you are actively spending time with that person in person!
cappucino boyMalePoland2012-05-14 10:26:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process

It's almost impossible for him to visit the US, especially if he says "To visit my 20 year old girlfriend".

Thanks, I'm not familiar with visas for that country. I just hope that she's not being scamed. I have heard that it happens alot from Africa.
cappucino boyMalePoland2012-05-14 10:11:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process
No one has suggested him coming to the US, is that an option? Since the plan is for him to come to live it seems that he should travel here?????
cappucino boyMalePoland2012-05-14 09:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHired a lawyer and feel lost

No wonder you are lost by hiring the lawyer - you got better advice from the VJ members on this thread.

Just curious - hasn't your husband taken a hand or interest in getting you back?

He should be the one taking care of all the details, paperwork, etc.

When I applied for the K-1 visa for my wife I literally dropped every other hobby, interest or pursuit.
Work also took a back seat.

Dear Swedishwife,

I agree with thronged4me, when I met my Polish Hunny I dropped everything and applied all my energy to going over this site, which is great by the way, and spent time getting together the paperwork to process a I-129 Visa. I started putthing the paperwork together back in July and sent in for her visa in August. She will be arrive here tonight at LAX her POE at 5 PM today that's only 5 months from submission to her being here.
If this American guy really loves you and wants you he should put forth the effort to do the paperwork with for you. If he's not interested then he's not worth your time and love....pure and simple. That's why we are on this site because of the love we feel from someone from another coutry and this site is a real help.

I hope he wakes up and sees the light, with him being an american citizen he may understand the process better and probably has more resources at his disposal. Good luck and I hope that everything works out.

cappucino boyMalePoland2010-01-27 10:05:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNON-IMMIGRANT K3 - NON - Immigrant B.S.!!



I feel for you, really I do.  We have friends who are here in the U.S. and want to bring her daughter over here for a visit but the U.S. Consulate in Poland refuses to give the daughter a visitor's visa in order to see her mom.    Her daughter finally got to visit her by flying into Mexico and bringing her across the border physically she tried getting a visa many times. There is no other way to describe it as despicable, the thought they think that everyone want to come and stay in the U.S. ludicrous.....It's just unfair.

It's my intention to take my foreign born wife back to Poland and stay but after we get her citizenship here.  I only intend to come back to visit my daughter but we need to do this so she will be able to come to U.S. with me.  Poland should be part of the visa waiver program like all of it's neighboring countries.  I'm not sure what's holding up the process, Obama, in his last visit to Poland, stated that he was going to make it a priority but as always it's just a promise that carries no weight and nothing has become of it.     


I'm sorry there is no recourse for you other than the way we are going.  She has her interview on January 6th, 2014 and hopes that she passes the interview.  Our plans are to move from the U.S. when I have enough money for retirement, which hopefully will be in the next 4 years.


Good luck and I hope that your girlfriend is able to secure a visa, she should be able to visit the country of her significant other without all this trouble which speaks volumes about our government.



Sorry N-o-l-a, now I see what you were saying - but my entire point is that we do not want to immigrate to the US - we never will - I know it's hard for some people to get their head around, but I am a US citizen who wants to live in Poland - I want marry my girlfriend whom I've been with for 14 years in Poland, and simply travel to visit my mother with her maybe once a year for 2-3 months (a summer) - 


When she had the interview with the CO she made it very clear that she had NO intention of immigrating or marrying in the US - she presented all ties to Poland, and the CO insisted that if she is in a realtionship with a US citizen than she MUST apply for a Fiance or Spousal visa - 


I was not allowed to be present during the interview, and as I understand it, no US citizen is allowed to be present during a Tourist Visa applicant interview - they will not allow any intervention by a US citizen on the behalf of the applicant


cappucino boyMalePoland2014-01-02 15:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat does packet 3 look like?
QUOTE (Leeander n Stacee @ Dec 23 2009, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone was just wondering what packet 3 looks like and what it contains?

And this is also to help with my timeline on here as not sure where each date is for like when the nvc sent it to london when consulate received it and everything.

Because i have received a letter form london saying that they have received my approved petition and it has my lnd number on it, so i don't think as its packet 3 as not really a packet or doesn't say anything like that. But also aware that packet 3 doesn't really come as a packet seeming as its all down loadable now.

So please just give me a heads up on what i guess mainly english people received tho it might be general for everyone.

And then where each date is for my timeline so i can update it please.

Thanks for any help and time

Hi Leeander and Stacee,

I, the petitioner received the letter indicating that my packet was mailed to the U.S. Embassy. A few days after that we recieved the "Packet 3" which is really only the check off sheet that states that we have all our documents and are ready for schedulling the interview. I faxed over the check off sheet but had not hear anything so I sent it by email and then I recieved an email back that they got it. Then about 2 weeks later she recieved the invitation and the rest of the documents for the interview.

I hope that this helps.

cappucino boyMalePoland2009-12-23 10:40:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGiving up a UK citizenship - possible for US?
I can see where you are coming from, for me I dream of one day up-rooting my totally American self and take my European wife back to to stay forever. Hopefully just traveling along Europe and enjoy the hundreds of cultures, languages, food and sites over there. I'm not saying the US is bad.....plenty to see here just that to be able to drive or travel short distances and have people with totally diffference outlook, languages food and everything else facinates me to no end. And to realize that the ability to travel without a car possible all over would be fun.

well exactly my point my friend.

because that is not me and makes no sense morally either.

cappucino boyMalePoland2012-06-08 15:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionChecklist for N-400

Hi i just sent in my wife's N-400 and sent in pretty much what you did but sectioned off each packet as indicated in the N-400 checklist.  I think that you should use that for your guide.  I also included anything in the joint information, our rental agreement, joint health insurance and anything else that had both of our names on it.  It wasn't alot of stuff and I've yet to hear of anyone on this site that got it rejected.  You are probably good.  I sent our packet in last Tuesday with tracking and it was there the next day.  The check has already been cashed so I guess she is well on her way to U.S.  citizenship.  I hope and wish you good luck now it's time for both of them to study and know the answers to the citizenship questions.


B. Franklin

Finally putting together the documents for my N-400 application, which will go out next week. Here's my checklist:

  1. A photocopy of both sides of my Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551.
  2. Two identical color photographs with my name and Alien Registration Number written in pencil on the back of each photo.
  3. A photocopy of my spouse?s biographic information page of her current US passport.
  4. A photocopy of my spouse?s birth certificate.
  5. A photocopy of our marriage certificate.
  6. Several bank statements from our joint bank account at BofA.
  7. Several bank statements from our joint bank account at Chase.
  8. IRS Tax Return transcripts and Tax Account Transcripts for the last 3 years, showing that the returns were filed as married filing jointly and that there are no past due amounts.
  9. A detailed explanation to Section 10, Number 16 of the N-400, regarding traffic violations.

I suspect that some stuff is duplicative and probably unnecessary. Do you think I should send it out like this, or should I cut it down to the essentials only?




cappucino boyMalePoland2013-08-29 12:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionI got my green card several months ago... Now what?

Have you filed for removal of conditions?  When does your card expire?


You are not yet eligible for naturalization.

Harpa is correct that you need to file for ROC, removal of conditions which will replace your 2 year conditional green card with a permanent 10 year green card.  After that then you will be able to file for the N-400 which is citizenship.  As far as dual citizenship is concerned, it depends what country you come from an allow dual citizenship, and not sure about the Philippines,  My wife is from Poland and it taking the oak ceremony on Feb 12th, 2014 and Poland allows her to keep her Poland citizenship.  If they didn't allow it I know she would not become a citizen of the U.S.  She if very Polish, you can take the Pole out of  Poland but not the Polish out of the Pole.

cappucino boyMalePoland2014-02-06 11:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNo biometrics appointment after 3 months from filing!!

I live in Boston, and sent my N-400 application based on a  3-year rule in July. I received only one letter, confirming they got my papers on July 11th. I haven't heard from them since. On September 13th I called the 1-800- # and put in a service request. They said I would receive a letter within 15 days, if not I should call back. I haven't received anything and did call back after 15 days, and they put in the 2nd service reequest and told me to wait till Oct 13th. I am getting really frustrated , as it's almost 3 months since USCiS received my application. A friend of mine filed a month ago and already had her fingerprints taken!! I did not get a biometrics appointment letter, I didn't get a letter I might not need biometrics ( some say they are valid for 15 months and I had mine last November ), nothing !  Is that normal ????



I submitted my wife's N400  in the beginning of August and we received her letter for biometrics last week for an appointment on October 17th, 2013,  We a couple of weeks ago and I was worried that in moving and address changes that stuff would be lost in the mail.  We filed change of address forms with the Post office and somehow the letter made it the same day I tried to call and find out what was going on.  I think that you need to escalate your case and call them.  When I called I left a message for a call back and the officer called back in like an hour, but they wouldn't help me because I called from work and my wife wasn't here and they wouldn't give me any information or help me at all and they made it quite clear.  I hope that you have more luck after calling in.



cappucino boyMalePoland2013-10-16 08:38:00
Canadadriver's license - what happens with a probationary?

From what I know it would depend on the state that you will be obtaining your new drivers license. I live in California and a forgein drivers license is valid as long as you don't have your green card yet but once you do you have 10 days to get a local license. You can check your state's DMV webiste and they should have the information you need. Also if you post what state that you will be getting your license, someone who may have gone through that may be able to offer the information that you need.

Good luck :o)

I'm not sure how it works with licenses in general, as far as moving to the US and having your Canadian one switched for a state one. I'm from Quebec and I have the probationary license, which after 2 years turns into a regular license. When I move to the US I'll have only had it for one year. Would they make me do a driving test in the US since the probationary wouldn't count as a real license for them?

cappucino boyMalePoland2011-11-14 13:37:00
CanadaResident status for taxes?
Dear GnBnl,

It appears that you have done everything to get your temporary green card, why are worrying about getting it? Did you file all the necessary paperwork to get it? In my opinion you should fill out your taxes based on your years situation ie, if you have been married all this time, "married" I think you understand. I think for your situation the real problem isn't now if you have filed all your paperwork for a temporary green card but when and if you file to remove conditions if you are still separated. Removal of conditions is based on your marriage to a USC so if you are separated technically you aren't in a sucessful marriage and it could cause some problems down the line proving your marriage.
I hope that this helps.
cappucino boyMalePoland2012-05-01 17:45:00
CanadaWhat to pack, what to toss

I'm wondering specifically about food. I'm trying to burn through as much of my dry foods as possible, although I'm not sure I want to crack open a box of pasta or that big bag of oatmeal now. (I haven't gotten my NVC case number yet, but my fingers are crossed so hard every day I can barely type.)


Does anyone have any experience/knowledge on what we can't or shouldn't pack. I know about the usual stuff, like certain meats, fruits and vegetables. I'll be getting rid of all that stuff.


But should I just open the oatmeal and toss it before I go? And what about my collection of spices, oils and vinegars? Most of them are open.


Will all that stuff be OK as long as the box is labeled and itemized?

Hey Angela,


It would help everyone to know you transportation details, flying, driving or taking the train as you are in Canada which is relatively close to the U.S.

cappucino boyMalePoland2014-10-23 12:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionremoval of conditions

A time line would help answer your questions, but if it's been 2 years since you filed then that is too long. Have you checked the status of your case on USCIS website? That would be where you would start. We applied for ROC, (removal of conditions) back in May and still haven't heard anything but people who applied in the same time period before us are being approved. For us I guess it could be any day now.

i filed 1-751 to remove conditions in february 2011 at the california service center. i got a I-551 stamp in my passport because i wanted to travel this december 2012. My question is why is there too much delay in processing my 10 year green card its going to be 2 years now. i thought removal of conditions on 2 year green card took only 6 months. Is any body experiencing such long delays in processing their I-751 please help


cappucino boyMalePoland2012-12-12 13:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionROC supporting documentation
Hi San Diego,

We just received her Greencard on Christmas Eve and we included in our package for ROC our joint tax info, joint utility bills, health insurance, car insurance and any joint bank accounts. We didn't send any affidavits but I think that joint ownership of bill and other information solidifies that you are a married couple with strong ties for making the marriage work.

just my 2 cents

I am currently in the process of making package for Lifting Conditions for my wife. This question is only to members that went through the ROC package. I am OK on all supporting documents but 2:
1) Affidavits from USC friends/relatives: how important is it? It seems to me that anyone can do that but it seems a little strange to ask people to write those. Are those important? Obviously, we have joint bank and credit card accounts, joint car and medical insurance, joint lease, she is beneficiary on my life insurance, we have pictures from multiple vacation travels, including with my daughter from 1st marriage (at least 8 trips). How important are those affidavits?
2) Utility bills on both names: how important are those?? Given all the evidence above.. All utility bills are on my name: this is easier. Should I go ahead and start changing names on utility bills? Seems like useless pain in the butt. Should we?
Thanks in advance.

cappucino boyMalePoland2013-01-22 13:32:00