Middle East and North AfricaHello from the USA!
Just thought I'd give you all an update - we're safe and sound back in the USA! Brahim loves it here so far - we've been invited to all our friends and families' houses and they're fighting over where we go next. Still haven't had just a day to ourselves.

The voyage was fine - had a little problem getting out of France with a very racist immigration officer who just sneered at Brahim for being Magrehban and overstaying his visa in France. He wanted us to pay 580 EUR there on the spot = when I handed him my credit card I didn't think he was expecting it and wound up stamping Brahim's passport with no 'fee' and then marking the stamp with pen marks to 'alert' the immigration officers in the US. Haha. Once we got to the US, they were nice as they could be to us, escorted Brahim to the immigration room to process his paperwork. There was a line in there and he waited about an hour, but they didn't ask him any questions at all. He found an Egyptian immigration officer and they chatted. Stressful voyage, but no big issues.

Now we're packing up my house (I'm told I have far too many things!) and will be moving on Friday to our new house. Only negative so far is I have a terrible cold from the flight and am not much company.

Thanks again for all your support and best wishes for those who still don't have the visa!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-05-18 07:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaPacket 3 in Algeria

This all sounds so familiar. My fiance entered Spain on a visitors visa and after being there for five years applied for his work visa and residency and got it about a year ago. Lhamdullilah.

I´m hoping this will make it easier. Otherwise he may have to join your husbands ex-Europa.

You'll be fine and the residency will make it much easier. Wishing you a speedy journey!

(My husband is till in Europe, going back to Algeria was the last resort and a possibility if we don't get the visa before September (when his passport expires), but I can't imagine that AP will take that long!)
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-05-04 02:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaPacket 3 in Algeria

I'm glad we didn't get married. We'll get to do it the way we want this way. And it seems that the married couples have a lot longer wait and a lot more ####### to go thru. Of course we have all the AOS an dall that to go thru too. It's ####### all around! LOL

But just being with the person you love is the most important thing.

I really do hope it all comes together for you soon. I will go to Algeria but it won't be until after we are married and he's free to travel and return to the US. :) Oh what a wonderful day that will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

It sure is #######. You're taking the right route, wish we'd done the same. Too late now! It's hard after all this time, to just be zen and remember that you're actually with the person you love. I physically try to do that every day, but I forget - and along the visa journey I was so impatient for the next step to happen, AP is the worst! But the visa will come soon, we know.

Wishing you both a very happy life together, it will be wonderful once we're all settled and rejoined with our respective Algerians in the US!!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-05-04 02:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaPacket 3 in Algeria
thanks, i'm glad too, but it's coming to an end in less than two weeks.

hate to tell you this, but the us embassy misinformed you - you could have gotten married here in paris - we did. the (ridiculous) documents you need to bring with you to get married are: two forms that prove domicile (a lease or quittance de loyer and an electric bill or insurance bill), and your personal ID (brahim's passport was expired, but we got an official 'request for passport' doc w/his photo from the algerian consulate), then stupid things like an affidavit that says you're single, etc. we amassed all of these and got married after about 4 months of back and forth with the mayor's office.

but i think ghani made a better choice than brahim to be honest. and we're still contemplating that choice, but fear we're so close to the end, what would be the point of going back to algeria now just in case it screws up the delivery of the visa. mind you if it doesn't come by september (god, can't believe i just typed that!), he'll have to go back cause the algerian consulate sure isn't going to renew his passport a second time. we'll cross that chasm when we come to it.

best of luck to you and hope you get to visit algeria during the visa journey! i can't wait to go and meet the very large family that calls me 'sara' because they don't get meredith :)
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-05-02 14:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaPacket 3 in Algeria
Brahim has 12 brothers and sisters, none of whom live here.

You mentioned not being able to be together if he stayed in France...but we were able (at least pending AP) to do this with a K3. The embassy here won't give an I-130 because he's not a resident, but they will give an I-129F because we were married here and the consulate of the country where the marriage takes place is the consulate responsible to provide the visa. A bit of a loop hole, and I wonder if that's what's causing the lengthy extra processing.

How long was Ghani living in Paris? Agreed it's very hard here for 'sans papiers', but he's always made it work in the past. Just can't wait to get home with my wonderful husband and introduce him to all the wonderful things that my small home town offers. After living in Paris this long, thinking I don't EVER want to come back :)
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-30 07:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaPacket 3 in Algeria

I have read and heard horrible things about the Paris embassy. I went there when I was in Paris and knew nothing and they were very rude to me. I hear much better reports of the embassy in Algeria. I don't see reports of as much AP from there. I'm hopeful this plays in my favor and also in yours. :) Also, my fiance left France of his own free will to return to Algeria to wait. So I think this will also show proof that we are a real couple. Algerian men in Europe don't tend to go back to Algeria unless they are SURE they will be able to get back out.

Yeah, that's for sure! Brahim came 9 years ago to Paris and overstayed his visa, asking consistently for a residence card here ever since, but none was ever granted. You should have seen the hurdles we went through at the Algerian Embassy here to get his passport renewed - I had to give a sworn statement, notarized by the US Embassy in Paris that we were indeed leaving France on this visa - it took 10 months of trying to convince them and standing in line for hours each time (from Jan 2009 - Oct 2009). Of course we couldn't file our paperwork with the Embassy until he had a current passport. And I thought that was tough! That hurdle overcome, here we are, still waiting in April.

He actually wouldn't mind at all to go home for a while, but he obviously wouldn't be admitted back to France, so it'd be a one way trip.

He's Arab, by the way.
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-28 07:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaPacket 3 in Algeria
Thanks! We're feeling like it's got to end soon, and I'm getting no information on what's happening.

Hope you all escape the dreaded plague - and perhaps you will. As my girl scout niece says, 'Always be prepared' :)

Where in Algeria does your fiance live? Brahim is from A Oubellil near-ish to Oran. He hasn't been back in 9 years :(
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-27 03:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaPacket 3 in Algeria
Don't want to rain on your day, but I wish someone had told me early on: be prepared for Administrative Processing ahead of time. The timeline for the NVC/Embassy is somewhat regulated, but then there's the possibility that your fiances will be sent for AP because of their origin in a MENA country.

My husband is Algerian and we met in Paris, and have been living together here since Jan 2009. After a seemingly speedy walk through the NVC/Embassy process (April 23 - Dec 9th 2009) we were put in AP and are stuck there now - it's added an extra 4 1/2 months and counting. And though we're in the last stage of the process here in Paris, Brahim is considering going back to Algeria to wait it out.

I think if you're aware of AP early and have it built into your expectations and internal clock, it may make it easier. And of course you may not get AP or have a very short one like our fellow traveller Malarie.

Best of luck in your journey! Keep us all posted as to your progress!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-27 02:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Fiance's Interview Today

No ... if you have been following this from the beginning at the interview he was not asked to sign the DS156K (I believe they forgot as the woman who gave the interview was a little "passionate" - she yelled a lot and not just with him all the applicants that day ...). He was asked to sign the form and told he had to wait.

This is absolutely horrible -- not knowing -- waiting -- not knowing -- waiting ...... :wacko:

Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Keep your hopes up - it's the only way!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-03-24 12:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Fiance's Interview Today
We've all been so patiently waiting...what's the news?!? Did he get his visa at the orientation?
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-03-23 05:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Fiance's Interview Today

Update ...... No delivery from UPS within 8 days (not too shocked). Waited another week and then my fiance contacted the embassy. He was told he needed to attend an orientation on March 22nd and at that time they would give him his passport & visa.

Needless to say I was :wacko: :wacko: as I have never heard of this before. Upon talking with Jackie (thx Jax) she said she thought this was something that usually people immigration from the Phillipines. So, I searched VJ and found threads about it. It still seemed odd to me as I never heard of anything like this before from Algeria so I sent an email to the consulate for clarification. They did respond (and promptly -- love the Algerian Consulate -- they are very easy to work with!!). They confirmed that he does need this and hes already scheduled for March 22nd and at that time the will get his passport back with the visa.

So -- Is this something new for Algiers for 2010? Has anyone else gone through Algiers experienced or heard of this?

Still not comfortable doing the happy dance until that visa is in his hands ......

Ooooh, that's exciting - March 22nd! Wow! Keep us posted!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-03-18 05:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Fiance's Interview Today

No .. nothing yet. I have called the DOS everyday (today it just rang and rang -- not too sure if they are closed for Casmir Polaski day or phone problems ... whatever).

My fiance contacted UPS in Algeria on Sunday and there was nothing yet. Tomorrow will be 1 week - the paper says to way 8 days (not that we all dont know that could mean 8 months ... but one can hope they are going to be true to their word cough cough).

This waiting thing really bites.......

It's Monday - I'm crabby - still lonely so I'm having a pity party for myself.

Just a few more days, you've made it this long, you can make it just a bit longer. And, if you are in AP, which it doesn't sound like you are, hop on a plane and go have a visit!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-03-02 05:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Hey bro How are you ? Yeah i have been busy bro .Im in the US now i just arrived yesterday .Everything went good and smooth but it was very long trip .

Did you get your SSN ?

Hope that everything is going ok with you bro

Congratulations! That's so exciting. Deep exhale! We're doing great, been very busy since we arrived home a month ago. But enjoying every minute! Wishing you all well!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-06-18 09:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
COngratulations Disconnection! And great news for Hot Guy, yours is coming this week, I can tell. Who will be left to post after we're all in the USA?!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-05-08 12:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
I'm posting a reply to both of you - don't stop posting, reading about your experiences and your patience is very helpful to others. No one is fed up with your story at all. We're here to support you on this crazy trip!

And good news has to be coming just has to. Where will you move to when you go to the US?

We're rounding the corner at 4 1/2 months now of AP. And in 3 weeks I'll be leaving my husband in France to fend for himself until the visa comes. I have a lot to do at home (in New Jersey) and we just bought a house that I have to move into by myself. We're hoping the best of hopes that he can come home with me, and experience the move and the new place together, but I don't have high hopes that it will come in time.
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-23 04:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

I am doing well. I have just been very busy helping Ahmad get adjusted to life here. It is a lot more than I had assumed it would be. He is just now starting to get used to everything here. Isa things will get better and better day by day. I cant even explain how happy I am for you. Please let me know when you have the visa in hand.

Also Wael Congrats to you on the visa. That is wonderful news!!!

Hi Nancy - glad to hear you are both doing well. What's Ahmad having trouble adjusting to? Got any tips for making the transition a comfortable one?
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-17 12:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
It certainly sounds exciting, but understand you are trying to keep low key until you can confirm with them again. I'd secretly be doing the happy dance if I were you. This is tremendous news and you of all people deserve to receive it. I'd call DOS today when they come online and see what they say there, sounds like you are out of AP name checks and they're making the stamp in the visa in Egypt. All my best wishes that it's a geniune email and you receive it soon!!!

Update :

Well i have some news but I'm not sure if its good news or not .

I called the embassy on Thursday April 8,2010 and it was about 30 minutes phone call .The woman there was very nice and friendly to me .I told her everything about my journey .And how hard it is to wait and wait for all that long time ....... That woman knows me so well cause she used to answer my calls .She promised me that she will talk to the CO in charge of my case to tell her about how hard it is for us ...........

Yesterday I sent 2 Emails one to the embassy .And one to the Consul General .
And i told him about everything since i had my interview back in March of 2009 .

I got an Email from the Consul General and i really don't know if i should be excited .I don't know if i have to believe them this time .I mean i have a bad experience with them before '' when they asked me to send in my passport so they can issue me the visa back in Aug of 2009 and sadly they did not and it was a false hope :bonk:'' .

Here is the Email that i got from the Consul General

Dear Mr.xxxxxx

Thank you for your e-mail message.

Please note that the administrative processing on your visa application has now been completed. A consular office is currently reviewing your case for issuance. We anticipate that you will receive your visa shortly via DHL.


Consular Section

U.S. Embassy, Cairo


Does it sound good ? Should i be excited ?!:blink:

I hope that they are serious this time and they will really send me the visa soon .

Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-12 04:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Thanks Turia! Posted Image He lands here at 7:35 pm. They are boarding the next leg of the flight and awaiting take off then he has one more layover between here and there. My head is starting to spin now. I've had maybe 5 hours of sleep and should sleep more but every time I lay down I can't get to sleep so I get up and clean some more. I haven't heard from him yet so I hope he's at the airport tonight when we go to pick him up. It's going to be me, Mom, Uncle Tom, my brother Zach, his wife Deb and their baby Piper now. Also we're going out to dinner and we are trying to decide between Mexican food or Thai food. Posted Image Uncle Tom wants to take him to American Food at this place across from campus called the Ram. It's a restaurant & bar. Everybody is pretty excited to meet him too. He doesn't know they are all coming to the airport with me and I didn't really invite them they just decided. Posted Image But it's ok. It will be a family "Welcome to America Waleed" event!

His Sister called this morning to check on if he made it and told me to keep in touch. I let her know that the flight landed but I haven't heard from him yet. I hope that's a good thing. I would expect that he'd call me if something was wrong.

Not sure when I will get to post again. Hopefully it will be with good news that he arrived! Posted Image

Awe, this post made me cry :) Please be sure to log in as soon as you come down from the clouds to tell us how it all unraveled! It sounds wonderful and I'm sure Waleed will so appreciate it. We had a whole party planned to meet us at the airport after our interview, but alas plans changed when we were put in AP. Have a wonderful reunion!!!!!!!!!!!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-07 12:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Woohoo! Flight is currently in route! Posted Image Excuse me I gotta go work around the house now. I CAN FEEL HIM! Posted ImageSUPER EXCITED!

Love it! I'm so excited for you! Can't imagine after your journey when the day finally arrives, how you're feeling! I've been living with my husband here in Paris for the last 15 months, but will have to move back to the States in mid-May with or without him. Good luck in your life together and keep us posted!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-07 03:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Boy you guys are quiet lately! This is my favorite thread to read through and nothing for days... How's everyone doing? Congratulations, w&s! Here's hopes for the rest of us MENA waiters.
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-06 04:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

I'm trying to think about it that way .Yeah you right .The embassy kept my case for about 10 months .For some reasons they wanted to delay me as much as they can .As i said above maybe they thought its fraud marriage .Maybe cause my name is a similar to a bad guy I'm not for certain .But after we contacted to everyone who can help us they released our case to name check in DC .The guy at the embassy said it will take 1-3 months .

I'm trying to think about it like i will not wait as long as i have been waiting .Don't think it will take another year .

That's what i really trying to do .I always go to my favorite places here in Alex .The places that me and my fiancee went to them when she was here .

We don't know what will happen from one day to the next .Maybe I'm so closer to the end of that hard journey.

Thank you so much and my best wishes for you .I hope that you will hear good news soon .

If they all know you by now, maybe the mandatory AP will take less time. 2 1/2 months is already up for you there. Maybe we'll both get our visas at the beginning of April (you know, how there's always a flurry of visas the first week or so of every month). Can't be many more MENA's to process, so many people have gotten theirs already!

I hope to get to go to Alexandria one day! People say the same to me about Paris. But I try to enjoy it while we live here.
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-03-29 09:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Its a new week and its a new hope .
I wish that we will hear good news soon cause i really am sick of that damn waiting game .
I hit a year of being waiting and still no damn visa .
If they are going to give me a visa to heaven it would be so much easier than that .
That's really bullsh************************************************************************t.

Imagine how much sweeter it will be when you do get to the US! Looks to me like the embassy sat on your file for 10 months and then released it to administrative processing in Washington - the end state. If you've been there since mid-January you have just a few months to go or, maybe sooner. Perhaps you should do a tour of your favorite places in Egypt, thinking about how much you'll miss them when you're living in the States. It's what I do while we wait here in France. It helps me remember that we're near the end of the long journey (not as long as yours of course) and gives me hope for what's around the corner. Best wishes that this is your month!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-03-29 04:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Question about AP

not to be a dark cloud or implying to your case because you have paid your dues and I hope it is true that they kept the passport to issue the visa but to respond in general they kept my husbands passport and he incuured 10 months of AP only then to have the case sent back to USCIS for another 10 months before it was reaffirmed so we are waiting for that second go around also just waiting and wondering what might happen this go around In general they have kept many passports and will return them upon request and good luck please keep us informed you might can shed some light on what I can expect

Whatznext - what is your next step after reaffirming the case? Does it go back to the embassy for approval and visa issuance? I think you may have posted this recently, but can't find the thread. Just curious. Hope your journey ends soon!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-18 12:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)POE denial question

Just a personal note here. I am going through the IR-1 visa right now. I cant go and see my hubby because they wont issue me a visitors visa. It has been 2 years since I last saw him. It is hard, but it can be done!! Sometimes taking the hard times now, means it will be easy later on.

My recommendation to you would be to just stay here, and when your visa gets approved, then you can go over. Like I said, it is very hard, but it absolutely can be done! :)

As an American, why can't you get a visitors visa to South Africa? Just curious, as I thought it was a fairly open country?
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-18 12:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What a nice surprise!

I don't know if you mean the Consul General by saying the embassy chief or not .If so yeah i hope that he will help you .Did you try to contact your congressman or your senator ? They might help you somehow .Talking about the president i don't think it worth it .I contacted Hillary Clinton and i contacted the president as well .And i really did not hear back from them .One more thing did you try to Email the office of the Inspector General '' DOS '' ?

Well it has been almost 2 weeks since they told me that I'm outta AP and the CO is reviewing my case and they anticipate hat i will receive it shortly via DHL.

I sent them many Emails and they said '' The case is pending CO review '' !

I hope that we both will hear good news soon and we will get our visas in no time .

The signature on the email says she is the head of the immigration visa unit in France. I also have the contact details for the consul general, but if this woman is already working on it, not sure what he could do. I have only tried phoning the DOS and get nowhere with it - what e-mail did you use? My congressman has been making inquiries (calling the DOS like me) and they get no information either. Just a waiting game at this point. As you say - hope we both hear good news, and for Whatznext and Disconnection too! You all have been waiting much longer than me :)
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-19 12:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What a nice surprise!

Its very very good written .Maybe i will copy it and send it to the embassy to see whats going on LOL.

At least you know that they are working on it and its not collecting dust on someone's desk .

I hope that you will hear good news soon .And i hope that your AP will be over soon .

Thanks, Mohammed. It's what I do for a living, positioning things, though mostly about software for financial institutions. At least it was put to some use. Feel free to copy if you like! Was thinking Obama's next on the list if the Embassy chief can't help. I was going for persistent, a little desperate, and polite at the same time. Going to follow-up with her directly on Thursday to see what they found out from their inquiry. You should be hearing soon soon soon, how long's it been since they told you on the phone/via email that it's coming??
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-19 07:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What a nice surprise!

I understand more than anyone my husbands interview was 7-15-2008 everything went well they took his passport and I purchased a new home I was so distraught I decided no to move in until he got he however in June 2009 whne his case was sent to USCIS I went ahead and moved into our new home alone. Yes AP turns our life into living day by day I was blind-sided LOL I never read any of the other forums so I didn't even know AP existed what a shock

It's terrible isn't it! I too bought a new home and will be moving into it on May 21st, with or without my husband. I hope yours comes through quickly, you certainly deserve it after all this time!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-19 02:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What a nice surprise!

maybe this will clear up the fraud prevention it seems that it is under one title - security and record verification

About The Office of Fraud Detection and National Security

The Office of Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS) is a division within USCIS National Security and Records Verification Directorate (NSRV). FDNS was created in 2004 to enhance the quality, integrity, and security of the U.S. legal immigration system. FDNS¿ primary mission is to detect, deter, and combat immigration benefit fraud and to strengthen USCIS¿ efforts aimed at ensuring benefits are not granted to persons who threaten national security or public safety. FDNS is USCIS¿ primary conduit to the law enforcement and intelligence communities. Adjudications officers collaborate with FDNS officers who in turn, work in collaboration with DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and if pertinent, with other federal, state, and local government offices to bring suspected cases to conclusion, i.e., criminal prosecution or administrative sanctions.

Thanks, not sure if it does clear it up - I don't think it's anything to do with fraud, I think the woman holds two posts as part of her role at the consulate: she's the head of the immigration unit and as part of that, looks after fraud. Here's hoping anyway...since when do any of us know anything about this process! I was reflecting back today on the past year and how many times my husband and I thought we knew something and it turned out to be incorrect. Like following the directions/letters that the NVC sends as part of the I-130 even though we're supposed to ignore them and only follow the I-129F (that was expensive - forfeited at least $500 in fees not knowing - pre-VJ of course!). And thinking we'd get an interview quickly and be home for Christmas. And thinking that AP would really only last 2-8 weeks like the CO said. This is so painful. Sorry to be negative. Today is a rough day - I miss my hometown and my family. We're stuck in purgatory and all we can do is plan for the future. Hope you all are having a better time enjoying the Spring.
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-18 12:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What a nice surprise!

This email u received from fraud preventation unit and it makes me wonder why embassy sent ur visa case to fraud preventation unit maybe they have some doubts.

Mmmm, I noticed that her title is IV (Immigrant Visa) Chief/Fraud Prevention Manager - I took it to mean she's the boss of the CO's and was responding on their department's behalf. I don't think we're being investigated for fraud - saw the Approval stamp on our file during our interview. I think we're in name checks and our file is sitting stagnant. Here's hoping a kick from the embassy will get it going again! But who knows, you may be right.
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-17 12:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What a nice surprise!

Hi Meredith -
Can I ask you about your interview experience at the Paris Embassy. I have an interview coming up and would like to be prepared.

Sure - it went rather smoothly actually - we waited what seemed to be forever for the appointment, though in reality, it was about a month before it was scheduled. When you go in, get a number from the machine/welcome guy and they'll call you up once to take your name/case info; then again to another CO to give evidence and the unopened medical; then finally with a more senior CO (ours was a mature American woman). We went up to the window together - my husband does not speak English, but I speak both.

First she asked him questions about where we met, how did our relationship develop, what do I do for a living, what does he do, why hadn't he been to the US. I just stood and listened. Then she turned to me and said very matter of factly in English that she was going to ask me some personal questions - she respectfully asked me to explain to her in a way that she would understand, why this relationship...inferring the difference in our socioeconomic backgrounds, race, religion (I have a pretty senior position at a global bank and my husband is a contractor/house painter and an immigrant in France; I'm white/agnostic and he's Arab/Muslim). It was an intrusive interview, but respectful, so I didn't feel offended. I answered plainly that we met and instantly fell in love, that though he doesn't have more years of school, he certainly knows more about politics, culture, and current events than I do; and that my family and friends are very open to different cultures. I think it also helps that I moved to Paris last January after we met in September 2008 and that we live together here.

I could see through the window that our case had been stamped 'Approved' but when she was done with our questions, she said that she had to send the file back to the US for mandatory administrative processing, because of his nationality and the fact that he'd never been to the US before, it was out of her hands and they'd let us know when the AP was finished. Of course, I'd already booked our tickets home, having ignored the page on the website that warns about AP, and we had a big homecoming and Christmas celebration planned, plus our apartment lease was ending the following week. I was visibly upset and she suggested that I go ahead home to the States and he stay with a friend, that she couldn't tell me how long, could be 2 weeks or 2 months. Well, we immediately started looking for another apartment and are still here 17 weeks later, painfully waiting for the approval.

My advice would be to look the CO straight in the eye, answer truthfully and openly, and don't be offended by their questions. Good luck to you - hope you escape sans AP! The process should take around 3 hours.
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-17 12:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What a nice surprise!
Thank you! I see light at the end of the tunnel too!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-16 07:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What a nice surprise!
Yesterday I was so frustrated after umpteen phone calls and emails to the DOS and Embassy about our four months of AP, that I wrote what I guess was a convincing e-mail to the embassy, using the trail of back and forth from December, to ask what was the problem...and they responded!! Here's the trail...

'Hello - I'm following up once again on that status of my husband's visa. His case has been under administrative processing for more than four months now (127 days to be precise). I cannot get any details about its status from the Department of State, and I would like to know why we are being delayed so long and an approximate timeframe on when we can expect the processing to be complete - 'a few months' have already passed and we're well beyond the published guideline of 60-90 days.

I understand that this stage is the last stage of the visa process, but where can I get more information? Please confirm as I was told earlier, that the administrative processing is happening in the US and is not 'internal review' at the embassy.

As always, any information you can provide is greatly appreciated.'

And not 24 hours later (they usually take a week to respond with the standard 'your husband's case is still pending administrative processing'):

'Dear Mrs. xxxxxxxxxxxx;

Rest assured that we are not sitting on your husband’s case here in Paris. We are also concerned with the length of time since we originally put forward the request for approval. With that in mind, we have asked for further information on this case, the most recent request this week.

As soon as we receive approval we will be happy to issue the visa. We will inform you as soon as that happens.

IV Chief/ Fraud Prevention Manager'

While it's not the fantastic news we've been hoping for, at least it's reassuring that someone's bloody listening to me and doing something about it. See, if the various agencies could just take the time to respond thoughtfully, there'd be a whole lot less VJ-ers with such angst.

Here's hoping for good news soon to us all.
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-16 07:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)No End In Sight

Hang in there Meredith ... this process will make you insane but in the end it will be so sweet .... I hope all of this resolves quickly and you guys can come home!!!


Awe, thanks for your kind wishes. Hope all is well for you! When's he flying to the States??
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-25 13:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)No End In Sight

Hey.. keep your chin up, all. Zaheer got the visa on Friday! So, we are finally gonna be together again! He finally can see his little princess, Stevie, for the first time. She is almost 2 months old and he hasnt seen her yet. It is so great. Insha'Allah, you all will hear good news soon. AP is like purgatory.. but once it's over, it is like God smiled on you and said "I was only teasing." haha. Take care.

Mabrook! That's the best news I've heard in a while. Many many many congratulations to you both! I'm so excited for you! Tell us all the news - did it just come in the mail with no notification?! When's he flying to the States? You must be beside yourself!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-25 10:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)No End In Sight
Thanks for your kind wishes.

I'm the SO/USC and I have gone the Congressman route, but essentially they just call the DOS and get the same information that I do - it's still pending administrative processing and it normally takes 60-90 days but it could take much longer.

As you all say, at least the embassy is trying to help in the capacity that they can. And it's comforting to know that we're considered in AP for a long time and stand out from the crowd, as the CO says.

Here's hoping...for all of us!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-23 04:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)No End In Sight
I just spoke with the most helpful embassy manager. Based on last week's e-mail exchange that the embassy was following-up with the US on my husband's AP, I called today to see what news they'd received...


Ugh, even when the embassy requests info, there's no response. She said that our case stands out as taking a particularly long time and that it is not lost among hundreds. She also said that she has no reason to think that there's a problem. In fact, if there was a problem, they'd have come back by now. She said she and her team will continue to follow-up, but that all they can really do is jog the memory of the US agencies (the various different places the case travels to in its AP).

Doesn't give me a lot of hope for a quick resolution. :unsure:
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-22 05:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)VISA RECEIVED AFTER AP 8 MONTHS
Whoa!!! I'm so excited for you! I just did a physical happy dance! After such a long wait, you have found your happiness! Wonderful wonderful news and best wishes for your reunion!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-05-01 04:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Could it be good news????

Yes, because when the consulate would contact me they told me that the internal processing has not cleared yet. But, when they meant internal they meant it was at the DOS level. So, I guess internal could mean many things. Thanks to Whatsnext I was able to track my package. It actually arrived in Mumbai and now I am just waiting for the consulate to contact him. I hope they don't delay it anymore.

You have been waiting since December as well, I am sure you will hear something very soon as well. I am crossing my fingers for you as well. I guess there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


That is great great news! I'm really excited for you!

Can you share how to track the package if it's ok with you, Whatznext? That'd be great info to have!

Ugh, I sure hope we're right behind you, it'd be such a relief as we're quite stressed now. Not to mention our friends who've been in longer than us :)
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-27 03:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Could it be good news????
It certainly sounds promising! From your timeline it looks like we've been in AP both since early December (AGGGGH). So, previously you thought that the AP was 'internal' at the embassy and it now turns out that it was the 'mandatory' kind at the DOS? Fingers crossed and best wishes that it's what you're hoping for!!!
Meredith_BrahimFemaleAlgeria2010-04-27 02:14:00