Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Ok so the first thread is dead.
Long life to the second thread for the French/American VJ couples!
EasternDEFemaleFrance2011-07-20 12:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part III - 2014


Bon va falloir qu'on se bougent pour enregistrer notre mariage alors, peut être pour nos trois ans de mariage :P


Juste au passage, il est extrêmement difficile d'obtenir la nationalité française.
Un ami québécois qui vit en France depuis plus de 10 ans, qui a fait HEC, qui a créé une entreprise en France, se l'est vue refusée. Il a fait appel, idem.
Il parle evidemment très bien le français. Il est également propriétaire d'un appart en France.
En appel, on lui a dit que son entreprise était trop jeune (2 ans à l'époque).

Donc même si sur le papier ca dit que, en vrai il faut de solides attaches à la France depuis de très nombreuses années pour l'obtenir.

Bon enfin on vit très bien avec une carte de séjour, même si les renouvellements sont pas jouasses.

EasternDEFemaleFrance2014-06-24 12:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part III - 2014

En faite j'ai une question.. J'avais lu qq part que si on ne souhaite pas avoir de refund, et quon na pas gagne assez d'argent pour devoir payer des impots, alors on peut eviter le "tax filling". Ca s'applique aux US resident ? Parce que j;ai bosse d'octobre a ajdhui mais je suis pas taxable.

Il te faut absolument faire une déclaration ne serait-ce que pour tout le processus d'emmigration. Les tax returns vont t'être demandés à plusieurs reprises.
Et surtout il faut absolument "file jointly" avec ton mari.

Si tu as bossé de Octobre à Decembre, tu auras surement le droit à un remboursement.

La première année charnière est assez compliquée car aux USA on est taxés sur ses revenus internationaux. Donc si on a travaillé en France, il faut inclure ses revenus francais en tant que "Foreign incomes" (dans "other incomes").
MAIS ils sont déduits via un formulaire spécifique.
Franchement TurboTax Deluxe fait tout ca très bien tout seul, il suffit de répondre aux questions. A un moment donné, il vous demande si vous avez travaillé à l'étranger, oui et il va bien vous proposer cette exclusion.

Pour la déclaration francaise, ou on est juste taxés sur ses revenus francais, faut just déclarer ses revenus francais.
Enfin y a tout une procédure, il faut avoir bien signalé son départ à l'étranger à son centre des impots.


EasternDEFemaleFrance2014-02-06 11:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCriminal history - Being held on custody = Being arrested?
QUOTE (Mikkel @ Aug 1 2009, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The legal definitions vary so widely that you really should just ask the police directly if any previous detention constituted arrest.

Off topic, there's so much retro appeal about being detained on charges of phreaking. Gold star for you.

Retro appeal as in? People who have been charged for phreaking in the late 80's or early 90's make appeal now?
I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

I've asked a friend who's working at the same kind of police that questionned me.
Well he said the same thing as you guys did, no record no harm.
EasternDEFemaleFrance2009-08-02 07:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCriminal history - Being held on custody = Being arrested?

For sure, I wasn't free to leave.
But as far as I can remember I wasn't "under arrest".
We also have a procedure with some magic sentences which legally puts you under arrest.
For sure, I didn't get it.

I wasn't under arrest but I got arrested!

I know this won't prevent me to get the visa.
But I'm not sure that mentioning this "event" would be a great idea neither...

EasternDEFemaleFrance2009-07-16 22:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCriminal history - Being held on custody = Being arrested?
QUOTE (Deryck and Miho @ Jul 17 2009, 04:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would tend to agree with both replies so far... I am not familiar with how it works in your country, but it there a way you can obtain a record or not from the locality you were 'held' in advance? Just me, but I would feel better knowing for sure that none exists to avoid any surprises later in the process.

Good luck,


No, I can't get any kind of document about this. There's nothing such as a record of any type for that kind of event. It would even be very hard for me to get any information about it.

It wasn't "held in advance", that's for sure.
The thing is it happened 18 years ago, it's kinda blurry in my memory now.

The police came to my house with a search warrant and a judge authorisation for questioning, they took me and brought me home 24 later. End of the story.

The fact you used "held for questioning" made me remember the police officer showing the judge authorisation for questioning.

I checked Wikipedia and if you look for "being held on custody", they redirect you to "arrest"...!

And my american monkey keeps saying "My future wife is a criminal!!!" every 5 mns now!!!

EasternDEFemaleFrance2009-07-16 22:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCriminal history - Being held on custody = Being arrested?

So hrm...
When I was 18 (18 years ago...), I got held by the french police for 24h.
It was for telephone hacking, which was considered as fraud at that time.

They questionned me for many hours. They took my picture and fingerprints.
Finally I had nothing to do with the company that made the complain.
So I got released without any charge.
And after that day, I never had any news from this event.
I've never been to court.
Nothing is stated on my police records.

I'm french and I'm a bit confused with this kind of vocabulary.

When I entered the USA as a visitor I always said I've never been arrested.

So have I been arrested in the american meaning or no?

EasternDEFemaleFrance2009-07-16 21:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPlease help with ?'s for Embassy in France...

You'll find a lot of informations there:

No, the documents (police records and birth certificate) don't have to be translated if they're in french.

Bah someone actually posted a copy of her packet 3 & 4 somewhere but I can't find it anymore.

EasternDEFemaleFrance2009-09-23 17:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1, packet 3, police certificates... what?
You need a police certificate for each of those 3 countries.
And yes, depending on which country is issueing the certificate it can take months.

That's why it is important to read the guides...!
Well I agree with you, this is not in the basic guide but in the flowchart:
Step 4 - 2nd Notice of Action (NOA)
*Beneficiary can research and prepare forms required by embassy.

For the most of us, getting this certificate isn't a big deal, for example in France it takes 3 or 4 days max.

You may want to ask in the Regional section for Japan if someone can help you and give you more information about the process.

I can help you, if one of the countries is France. wink.gif

Edited by EasternDE, 04 November 2009 - 08:45 AM.

EasternDEFemaleFrance2009-11-04 08:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMade a little date mistake on DS-0230
I sent my packet 3 today, and of course now I just found out a little mistake on DS-230 form.
Item #32 employment history, one job's dates are totally wrong (I believe it's a copy/paste mistake :s)
The thing is it makes the full history incoherent...

What do you think I should do... Send a corrected form...?
Or just wait for packet 4 and tell about the mistake at the interview?

I doubt this is a big deal for a K1 but still...

Edited by EasternDE, 13 November 2009 - 08:20 PM.

EasternDEFemaleFrance2009-11-13 20:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionother name used
Hello Mymy,

I have the same problem, my man is using a different first name and middle name than his official one.
So there is a different first/middle name on his tax transcript, and another on his paystub... and another different version on his passport... o_O

Oddly, this seems to be almost common in the USA.
I know that in France, this wouldn't be possible at all, and at first, just like you, it totally freaked me out.

I listed the names he uses on the original petition though.

As previous posters said, it seems to be no problem.
I think what matter the most is the Social Security number for tax transcript and paystubs.

Edited by EasternDE, 25 November 2009 - 11:39 AM.

EasternDEFemaleFrance2009-11-25 11:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDivorced my ex and next filed for k1....but now I see this is a red flag?
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Nov 20 2009, 05:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Francksgirl @ Nov 19 2009, 11:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My Love has his interview soon...but we have 2 major red flags. A 13 year age difference...petioner being older but I really don't think this is a big deal cuz if they request pix they will see we are perfect together. it awful to have gotton divorced, flew to France the same day to be with My Love, and the next day my lawyer mailed away our k1 petition! I simply divorced from being in a dead marriage soooo I could finally be getting my Honey here with me! Please tell me why the consulate would look down on this? Interview is in December! Alllll I want for Christmas is my Love to be home!!!!! Thank you in advance for your comments!!!

It's France. They won't care. They MAY, just maybe, ask your fiance(e) if they knew you were still married when you started seeing them, nothing more than that. Age makes no difference in France, no matter who is older.

It doesn't make any difference if the beneficiary is french, now if you go through Paris embassy's reviews, you'll see it becomes different if the beneficiary is from MENA and only resides in France (which is quite common).

Other than that, Paris embassy doesn't seem to require any evidence of outgoing relationship, just bring a few to make sure.

EasternDEFemaleFrance2009-11-30 14:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of Support - Problem with life insurance statement
So my monkey sent me his affidavit of support form and tax transcripts and everything.

He makes about 30k and has no one else to support than me so we should be good.
He mentionned his life insurance which he gets through his job, well ok but didn't add any documentation about it.
So I asked him to get one...And oh surprise, he had to renew this "subscription" online every 6 months and last time, in November, for some reasons his subscription didn't get validated.
(some reasons = he failed on filling an additionnal form)

Now my interview is on the 30th.

What do we do?

a) Nothing, his incomes should be enough, the embassy won't care much about this life insurance statement.
b ) He refills the form without mentioning the life insurance, scan it and send it to me by mail or fax?
c) He refills the form and ships it to me by Fed Ex

What do you think?

Paris is covered by snow (it's hell), my medical is tomorrow, I'd appreciate your thoughts as I'm torturing myself over this? Thank you.

Edited by EasternDE, 17 December 2009 - 05:46 PM.

EasternDEFemaleFrance2009-12-17 17:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhat about ome visit and family approve
1 L24RN 3NGL15H 40M 5M5!

That's a actually a good idea!

Text 555-555-555 with "English" and learn english in 10 SMS(*)!

*25$ per SMS

This is totally out of the topic, please accept my apologies. I couldn't resist. smile.gif
Jim can be so creative sometimes. I noticed he randomly gives good new business ideas.

EasternDEFemaleFrance2009-11-26 10:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiance visa question HELP
Oh...! (lol)
CO at Paris embassy are not giving you a real answer, the CO just says some kind of generic sentence that you should get your Chronopost back in ten days or so.

You did submit your divorce decree copy with your petition so they already have it! They don't want to see the orginal, don't worry.
If they needed it, they simply would have requested it. ^^
I'm pretty sure everything will be fine. :)

Did she get a lot of questions, or just 3 or 4?

I had my interview on December 30th, they actually gave me back all documents included in the original petition that they didn't use. Which surprised me but oh well...

I actually got my Chronopost enveloppe back today. :) So it took only a week, actually 4 business days including New Year holiday.

Did your fiancée write her Chronopost enveloppe number down for tracking?

Edited by EasternDE, 07 January 2010 - 07:43 PM.

EasternDEFemaleFrance2010-01-07 19:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionsend passport photo to us embassy london?
http://www.visajourn...php?ctry=United Kingdom&cty=London

There is usually 2 US format pictures required at the interview. You just bring them, and they use use it/staple it the way they want.

You didn't get your checklist yet?
EasternDEFemaleFrance2010-01-13 19:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionForms for the interview and interview

its just DS-156,156k,157 and the little one certifying i want to get married.
so im gunna date and sign them
for the main reasons...then i can go confident!
so i can not get denied for a mistake on a form?
thanks for you patience and help

You DON'T sign 156k, nor the half page they sent to you!
It's clearly mentionned the CO will assist you for the very last part of 156k!

Same for the "little one" that was sent with packet 3. You'll have to sign it in front of the CO.

The rest, you can sign.

And holy cheese...!
EasternDEFemaleFrance2010-01-13 20:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFrance: requirements for I-134/financial info
This thread is so going to get moved...

Actually, I went to the interview with the last 3 years tax transcripts, the last 6 paystubs and the employer letter.
They just kept the last year transcript and the employer letter.

The agent who went throught my documents said that I was overprepared.
I'd still recommend you to do the same. ^^
EasternDEFemaleFrance2010-03-23 22:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship... or not?

Of course, you can decide to stay a resident until the end of days.But what's the point if this is the country you decided to live in ? The naturalization process is very easy compared to the green card quest.It is not super expensive and brings you peace of mind for ever.You never know what can happen in the future with immigration laws.Plus, you have to renew the green card every ten years.Better a citizen than a resident.When travelling, coming back to the U.S as a citizen is much less stressful too.In less than 3 years from now, i'm sending my n-400 !

I can tell you have not dealt with the american incomes taxes yet. :D

An american citizen is taxed on his international incomes, whereas in France, you're only taxed on french sources incomes.
Once you become an american citizen you will have to file every year, wherever you live, even if you decide to return to your home country.
Well, it would not be a real problem if the tax system and form were not so complicated...

I will personnaly wait a few years and make the step when I really feel like doing it.
EasternDEFemaleFrance2011-10-26 00:46:00
CanadaWhere were you when the towers fell?
I was a nanny at that time. I was on the way to the school to take up the kid, when I heard a few words from a radio annoucement through a opened car window. It was in the very center of Paris, cars are pretty much stuck in traffic all the time. I heard a very few words only, I could only guess something terrible just happened, I had no clue what. It was just the tone of the comment...

As I got home with the kid, I turned TV on... It was 4pm in Paris, so 10am on the east coast. I was stunned with the remote controller in my hand for quite a long time. The kid was in my back. I was a live in nanny, I took care of this little boy during 6 years, he was 9 at that time.

When he said "Look, people are jumping from the building! Is this real?", I went out of shock, and turned TV off.

I always felt terribly guilty he had to watch this being so young. I felt responsible for that messy world we're going to leave to our children.
I felt terribly sad for mankind. And I still do.

That day stigmatizes the beginning of a new sad era for the world.

EasternDEFemaleFrance2009-09-11 19:00:00
CanadaTax questions - first time filing since I married my citizen husband

I'm French but of course I'm in the same case.
Which Turbotax version did you use?

How were you able to enter the canadian wage?
Do canadian companies provide W2?

I'm a little confused about how to report my french income...
EasternDEFemaleFrance2011-01-26 13:41:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

And when I say something thats not "american" I get the "thats not how we say it here in the USA... we gotta quit you of being a forner".... :o

I even heard "You're in the US now, you have to bend!"
Sorry, no, but I will stand straight.
Those people are usually idiots though, I think we should ignore them.

But you know, there is a part of fantasy in this.
Don't get me wrong, I feel the same. What really scares me is that I actually do not want to raise my children here.
I want to offer them what I had in France.
But I know there is a part of fantasy, and if I would go back right now, I would miss home, the home I have with my husband here in the US!

It has been a little more than a year that I moved here. We had no plans to move to France one day at first.
But with time, I explained my husband the differences of culture, what I like or dislike here, how it would be better for our children to grow up in France (free education is a big asset of course).
And yes, there are some nights when I cry missing my country, he also say we will go there.
It does not happen often but once in a while. Like a long mourning. Because that is what is happening to us we have to mourn our old life/country/family/friends.
I think it takes many years... But I am also sure that one day, home will simply be here.

I know because all the old immigrants I know say so. They do not know when it happened but they say one day, it is just home.
EasternDEFemaleFrance2011-06-01 17:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWe Procrastinated, and now it's lost
Nothing to worry about.
As long as it was processed, I would say you're good.
If by saturday the status has not changed, then yes you can start putting up another package.
The shipment seems late but nothing else.

I do customer support and often have to deal with shipment issues, I start considering a package lost after 10 business days with no tracking event.

I'm pretty sure the package will get there before the end of the week and so you can enjoy a nice week-end.
Next time use Fed Ex, or any other conveyor with a better tracking system. ^^
EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-03-07 23:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRFE Journey Has Started, need some advice ?



EasterDE Hi, we are well aware that our situation is pretty unique and rare. Before my wife sent out her I-751 package, she had a meeting with an immigration attorney and our attorney told her that it will be okay. I do not know if he was correct or just wanted to answer our question and say yes.


My wife keeps residency in the US. However, due to my job, I can not travel back and forth to the states.


Once I moved to the overseas, she got her I-131 travel document however, she can not get another travel document right now because there is no GC. Her extension will expire in the mid July.


So, instead of giving up GC, we are hoping that she can get a 10 year GC and she can re-apply for another I-131 or stay in the US and travel back to the Europe once in a while.


Our case is very complicated but we have already spend a lot of money and I do not want her to give her GC and start the whole process over again in a couple of years. I am looking for an opportunity to be transferred back to the states with my multinational company however it is not clear that when I can be transferred.


Anyway, we will send as much as evidence possible and wait USCIS's response. We hope my wife can be approved and get her 10 year GC. After GC I believe if she stays in the states most of the time in a year, her citizenship interview won't be challenging.

I quite understand your situation but I remember some couples here getting troubles for not living at the same place within the US so for you, it's going to be extra complicated.
In your list, I think you need to include documents showing her residency in the US. You give no details about that.
Where does she live in the US? 

What about your taxes, what is your country of residence for tax purpose, for both of you?

EasternDEFemaleFrance2013-05-09 09:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRFE Journey Has Started, need some advice ?

 Dear Folks,


 We also got a rfe for my wife's case. I am the USC husband and helping my wife to prepare all necessary documents to be turned to the USCIS. I have couple questions so if you can advise us, I really appreciate it.


 At the moment, I live in Europe and working for a reputable American company. For the first year of my employment, my wife got a I-131 travel document and had supported me. Once her travel book expired, she went back to the states, filled out her I-751 package and still in progress to remove her conditions. With her extension letter, she is travelling back and forth between Europe and the USA.


We are planning to include the following documents for our RFE package :


1) Lease of our apartment in Europe (2011 - 2012 - 2013 ) showing both our names,  translated to English by a certified translator

2) Health insurance policy and cards provided by my multinational company, translated to English by a certified translator

3) Life insurance plan states that my wife is the beneficiary, translated to English by a certified translator

4) Retirement plan -> states that my wife is the beneficiary , translated to English by a certified translator

5)  2 Common savings account opened in HSBC bank after the RFE ( Deposited good amount of money but not sure if they can accept since it was opened after we have received the RFE)

6) Bank of America credit card statements ( I have put my wife as a second user for my credit card since July 2012 however, in Europe I can not use this card due to the foreign transaction fees , card has some debts and shows both of our names since last July 2012 and my wife is now using this card actively in the USA)

7) Utility bills ( in the country where we live , none of the utiliy companies accept both names have on the account so we have to put internet and cable tv bills on my wife's name after the RFE and I have mobile phone and water bill on my name. I am waiting to have new bills at the moment showing my wife and I live in the same address )

8) Pictures from different vacations and events

9) I have asked IRS to mail us our jointly filled tax transcripts of 2009 - 2010 - 2011 and 2012

10 Employment from my company that I have been working for this company since November 2011 - > Planning to write a seperate letter to the USCIS explaining that I am employed in Europe and my wife is visits often.

11) 3 or 4 affidavit letters from friends and from my uncle who lives in the states


Please advise if above listed documents will be sufficient ?


Another question is when we lived in the states after our marriage for about one and a half year , we had one CD and two savings account from Bank of America  under both of our names. However, we have closed these accounts before I moved to the Europe. Do you think for closed accounts if we get old bank statements showing our names together can also be a good evidence ?


Our case is a little bit difficult due to my job in the Europe but we still have a very strong and perfect mutual marriage. We love each other but I guess it was our partial mistake that we could not think of to mail enough documentation when my wife initially sent her package.


 Anyway please advise and feel free to express your input. I appreciate all your reply and support.

I'm sorry to ask but.. You have no common residence in the USA...?
You made sure she spent more than 6 months in the US in order to keep residency in the US, right?

Did YOU maintain residency in the US...?
There is something wrong here, I don't see how you can prove common residency if one is living in the US and on is living in Europe.
Using documents to prove common residency in Europe makes her green card at risk as her residency needs to be in the US, it's totally contradictory.
I have never seen something like this before. Couples who are usually in this situation give up GC and reapply later on when they want to move back together in the US.

This is really complicated... I'm not sure USCIS will be ok with that.

I would seek help in an immigration attorney or find someone who has been in a similar situation.

Edited by EasternDE, 08 May 2013 - 06:10 PM.

EasternDEFemaleFrance2013-05-08 18:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionbuying a house as a conditional resident

My husband's conditional green card will be up in January 2014.  We currently are in the market to buy a house.  His parents have graciously offered to give us a large chuck of money towards the house but insist the house can only be in my husband's name.  I'm not comfortable with this, especially so close to permanent residency eligibility.  Would this be a red flag to immigration? We have joint bank accounts, investments, cars, and an apartment lease in our name.  

I would ask other Japanese people. 
For example, in France, it's common to marry under "separate assets" marriage contract.
When you get married at the city hall, you check the option you want. It doesn't require an attorney or a special marriage contract, it's just a simple choice.
It's very common for a french couple to NOT share any financial aspect of their life.
I know it sounds weird for american people, but this is really something that can be different in other countries.
So again, you really need to ask someone from Japan.

It also depends on the amount of the "large chuck"....

EasternDEFemaleFrance2013-06-02 22:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Merci les fillottes!!! :) Super Eastern et c'est quoi le ROC?

Mumu, on t'avait déjà répondu !

Pour l'AOS, tu recois une carte verte conditionnelle de 2 ans.
Au bout de ces deux ans, plus spécifiquement 90 jours avant l'expiration de la carte verte, tu dois faire le renouvellement de la carte et également faire enlever les conditions.
Les conditions c'est en fait relatif à ton mariage, faut à nouveau envoyer des preuves que vous êtes un vrai couple etc...
Ensuite tu recois une nouvelle carte verte valable 10 ans et sans conditions (ie tu peux divorcer si ca te chante, cela n'a plus d'impact sur ton immigration).

C'est une toute petite procédure de rien du tout en fait.
Un formulaire, quelques preuves et un chèque de 590$.
J'ai regardé les timelines récentes, y a personne qui a eu un entretien pour le ROC depuis fort longtemps.
Par contre, niveau processing time, Vermont bat tous les records avec 10 mois de délai alors que ca devrait être 6 mois maxi.
EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-31 10:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Woohoo ! J'ai reçu mon NOA1 pour le RoC !
Rholala, ca fait drôle de recevoir un NOA à nouveau après tout ce temps !

Maintenant y a plus qu'à s'armer de patience, le processing time est d'environ 9 mois et demi actuellement ! Posted Image
EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-30 22:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Comment vous savez quand votre dossier est "touched"?

Mumu, c'est totalement bidon l'histoire du "touched", ca ne veut rien dire.
Psychote pas la dessus ! ^^
La plupart des gens sont approved sans jamais avoir été touched.
A mon sens, c'est pas un très bon signe, ca veut dire que ton dossier fait le tour de plusieurs bureaux.

On peut le savoir en consultant son dossier sur le site de l'USCIS, y a une date qui change je sais plus quoi.
EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-30 14:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

J'ai envoyé une lettre à mes deux sénateurs et à mon Congressman pour voir s'ils pouvaient mettre un coup de cul à l'USCIS, pour ma carte verte, en mon nom.
On va voir si ça marche vraiment :) !

T'as pas rempli les infos concernant ton EAD, tu l'as recu çà quand même hein ? ^^
Ah zut, dis c'est vrai que ca fait un bout de temps quand même...

J'avais recu ma carte verte 2 mois apres avoir soumis mon AOS :x
C'est ma grande fierté de mon parcours d'immigration !
J'ai jamais reçu d'EAD ! Il a été denial vu que j'avais déjà la GC.

Enfin bon mon dossier était super complexe, il a du direct passer via un supervisor....

Notre ROC est parti vendredi, non sans encombres :x
EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-26 12:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Dès qu'il y a un jour férié, c'est foutu, les délais sont doublés...!
C'est un peu "normal", il y a forcément des employés qui en profitent pour prendre des jours de congés.

Enfin faut pas s'inquiéter ! Ca va arriver forcement dans les prochains jours. :)
EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-21 10:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

EasternDE, tu vas me prendre pour une folle, mais je crois que moi ca va me manquer pendant 2 ans cette paperasse, sauf le stress qui va avec. Oui, j'aime remplir des papiers. :bonk:

J'ai tout bien range pour l'instant, que ca le reste pendant 2 ans une fois ma green card en main !

C'est pas tellement les papiers eux-même qui génèrent le stress, c'est le souvenir de l'ancien stress qu'avait généré tout çà.
Comme j'avais pas d'I-94, l'AOS ca n'avait pas été une partie de plaisir pour moi.... Enfin j'm'étais stressée beaucoup toute seule pour rien.

En plus de çà, il y a quelques mois, l'assurance santé de mon mari nous avait demandé des preuves de notre mariage, du coup j'avais quasiment déjà tout sous la main.
La paperasse du ROC ca peut se faire en 30mns ou même moins !

J'ai "commencé" mais je me dis que mon dossier tel qu'il est, il tient déjà bien la route, j'vais rajouter encore quelques trucs pour consolider et j'vais l'envoyer la semaine prochaine. :)
EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-10 19:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Allez, pour le coup, je commence mon ROC...

Replonger dans tous ces papiers après 2 ans... J'en ai une envie monstre...
Bon enfin c'est de la gnognotte le ROC à coté de l'AOS... Y a qu'un seul formulaire rempli en 5mns.

Le truc qui est horrible c'est quand arrivant aux USA, j'avais mis tous mes papiers bien en ordre et tout...
J'avais fait un menage monstre, c'était rangé nickel, et voila après 2 ans ben c'est de nouveau le bordel....
EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-10 17:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Oui, bon en me relisant je me dis que c'est pas franchement une réponse satisfaisante. Si la voiture est financed, il a un titre de propriété de la voiture ?
Ptet que vous pourriez l'utiliser tout de même.

Les tax return des années précedentes sont au dessus de 125% de la limite de pauvreté ou pas ?
EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-10 16:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

okay je vois. c'est vraiment complique pour moi. sil n'ya pas de delai pour l'aos pensez vous qu'il est preferable que j'attende janvier pour avoir son tax return de 2012 qui sera bon pour le poverty guideline ou est il preferable que je depose maintenant quand meme en esperant un rfe dici 4 mois ( ce qui considera a janvier)et alors leur redonner son tax de 2012?

Je crains que dans ces cas là, ce ne soit pas une RFE mais un denial.
Vaut mieux attendre alors je pense...

Si t'as des sous de coté toi, vous pouvez ptet les mettre sur un compte joint et utilisez ca comme asset ?
Enfin j'ai jamais rien compris à l'utilisation des assets en fait....

Ca va faire long quand même, le tax return tu pourras pas l'obtenir avant début fevrier, y a 4 ou 6 semaines de traitement avant de pouvoir obtenir le tax return.

A ta place, je metterais ca de coté pour le moment, y a pas de date limite, tu peux le faire dans un an si tu le veux. Ptet qu'entre temps, vous trouverez une autre solution.
EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-10 16:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Bonjour tout le monde,
Voila je suis entrain de constituer mon packet pour l'AOS. Concernant l'affidavit of support, il se trouve que mon mari n'a pas atteint le poverty line pour 3 personnes parce qu'il n'a travaille que 6mois sur 12 l'annee derniere. il a fait 21mille et quelque contre les 23mille et quelque demandes soit 2000$ de difference (pourtant ca ne ma pas pose de probleme lors de mon interview a lambassade). Now en lisant les instructions de l'i 864 on a vu qu'il pouvait utiliser ses assets pour completer l'affidavit. il se trouve qu'il a 2 voitures ( une pour le travail et l'autre familiale) Ma question est de savoir est ce qu'il peut quand meme utiliser la voiture familiale qu'il avait achete l'an dernier a credit a 22000$ comme complement. en fait je vous pose cette question parce qu'etant donne qu'il ne l'a pas encore totalement paye est ce que l'on peut considerer cette voiture comme sa propriete et par consequent l'utiliser comme assets?
Merciii d'avance

Heu, je doute que ca passe l'utilisation d'une voiture achetée à crédit. Ca dépend comment il l'a achetée, en leasing ou "financed".
En leasing, tu n'es propriétaire qu'à la fin des remboursements.
Par contre, il aurait pas un 401K qu'il pourrait utiliser comme asset ? Ca me semble plus simple. ^^

Au consulat à Paris, ils sont tres cool sur le sujet, dès que tu prouves une rentrée d'argent régulière, ca passe. L'AOS, c'est moins cool.

Si y a pas de 401K, prenez un co-sponsor, sinon votre demande risque d'etre rejetée, et c'est plus de 1000 boules en l'air...

Edited by EasternDE, 10 August 2012 - 01:06 PM.

EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-10 13:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Felicitations pour ta grossesse: je te souhaite une grossesse epanouissante et facile a supporter ;))

J'ai un peu des doutes quant a la grossesse épanouissante, facile à supporter encore plus, ahahah ! :P
Si je me souviens bien Sysyphus était professeur des écoles en France ? (C'est un garçon ^^)

Très sincèrement, sans diplome particulier, tu peux devenir professeur de français dans une école privée, mais sans "degree" tu seras payée une misere et au lance pierre...
Il te faudra quand même une sorte d'accréditation je crois...
Même si ca semble une voie assez évidente, sans expérience ou diplome, c'est pas un truc que je conseillerais...
EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-08 21:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Désolée j'ai beaucoup de travail en ce moment je n'ai pas pu répondre plus tôt.
Merci beaucoup pour toutes ces infos :) Je ne me rappelle plus la date exacte à laquelle il a envoyé le formulaire mais on a eu le NOA1 le 21 mai 2012 ..
J"ai suivi tes conseils pour la time line mais je n'ai pas vraiment toutes les infos.. On attends les papiers pour fixer une date de mariage. Et puis je ne peut rien faire de plus (Si?)

C'est tout bon comme çà, tu as donc maintenant une estimation, calculée en fonction des autres timelines des utilisateurs de VJ :
Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between November 13, 2012 and November 18, 2012*.
Bon béh, c'est pas réjouissant :x

EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-08 16:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

merci! non, pas de timbres. ce serais plus facile.
après quelque recherche, il semble que la seule que j'ai pas c'est varicelle. Ils n'ont commence a la mettre en France que des fin des années 80.

Pour les personnes qui sont en train de prouver les vaccins, c'est 2 doses MMRV (rougeole, roubeole, oreillons, varicelle) tuberculose, et tetanique 1 dans les dernieres 10 annees. Et de toutes facons, le civil surgeon va faire test de syphilis et tuberculose si vous en avez pas reçu un dans la dernière année.

Pour prévoir les prix, a l'hôpital de l'université, sans assurance, c'est minimum $157*, +vaccins:
- Immigration PE: $100*
- Venipuncture (blood sample): $15*
- RPR (syphilis test): $25*
- TB Test: $17* (résultats en 2-3 jours, si le résultat n'est pas conclusif Chest X-Ray $80)
vaccins + admin fees ($30):
- MMR $98 (individuels: rubella (rubeole) $46, Rubeola (rougeole) $58, Mumps (oreillons) $58)
- Varicella $85
- Tetanus $75

Dis c'est pas cher du tout en fait ! J'ai payé 150$ rien que pour la retranscription des vaccins sur un bout de papier et un test tuberculose.
Pour la varicelle, ils ont voulu me vacciner mais je l'ai eue (a 13 ans et je m'en souviens tres bien, ca y a aucun doute...)
J'ai du insister à fond, alors que qu'un simple "statement" comme quoi on l'a deja eue suffit.
EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-08 11:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Bon je recommence, suis dans mon lit j'tape avec des mouffles...

antituberculeuse >>> Methode ---(ce que je pense que je lis:)---> brut duit !???
anti-variolique >>> lot du vaccin ------> menese??
antipolio, antidiphterie, antitetanique >>> Vaccins-Dose ------> DT coq ???? polio sobin
antirougeole, antirubeole, antityphoide >>> Vaccins-Dose ------> rauvds???
test antituberculiniques >>> tests et résultats ------> ID o 1 ou négatif, tumbre?? négatif

MERCI pour prendre 5 min a me dire ce que vos carnets de santé disent!

antipolio, antidiphterie, antitetanique >>> Vaccins-Dose ------> DT coq ???? polio sobin
Vaccin Diphétrie Tetanos Coqueluche Polio Sabin (c'était un vaccin oral, je crois que c'est plus utilisé)
Si ca date de plus de 10 ans, faut que tu le refasses.

Pour le antituberculinique, ca doit etre simplement être timbre négatif. C'est une méthode de test.
Première ligne, je pense que idem c'est juste un test et non un vaccin.

Le seul truc réellement important dans l'histoire c'est la date et la preuve du vaccin rougeole, rubéole oreillons car a mon avis il va te falloir de toute maniere le rappel pour le DT coqueluche Polio.
Ne traduis pas mot à mot mais juste le type de vaccin ou de test et la date et voila.
Y a pas les etiquettes des vaccins dans le carnet ?

EasternDEFemaleFrance2012-08-06 21:52:00