IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHi everyone i am new to this forum, I am an April 2013 filer.

my husband is a us citizen we started the journey April 2013, now our case is @ NVC. My husband send in all the necessary documents and Aos. I called yesterday and i was told they received our package on the 13th of this month, but it has not yet been reviewed. Any idea when i would get a reply that they reviewed it, or is all ok with the AOS package so far but needs a second opinion why they have to review it? Any experienced response would be very helpful thanks. 

Welcome fellow April filer like me! They say it takes 30 business days to review your mail but it is usually shorter. They will not send you a reply that it's review and everything is good. They will only send you a reply if something is missing. With NVC no news is good news. Haha. You will have to call and get status updates. It took them almost a month to review my documents after they received them.

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-24 00:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews
Congrats everyone with interviews and hopefully people without will get one very soon. I will keep you all in my prayers that you will be reunited with your loved ones very soon.
TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-31 08:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Interview set for March 3, 2014

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-30 16:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Hey guys CASE COMPLETE AT NVC on 23rd JAN anyone can take a guess if the interview will be scheduled for march or  possibility in FEB?

According to the NVC rep. They are required to send you the P4 letter/email 1 month before the interview. So if you haven't recieved a P4 letter or expedite then I would rule Feb out.

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-28 22:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews


NVC did that to me. The have an initial complete which means, its still awaiting review and a final complete. After final complete, you are placed in interview que to be scheduled. They enjoy messing with our brains.


That really messed with me.  I guess it was my April fools day joke... haha

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-26 16:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

I think I found some fun today while waiting.  Posting the same link over and over (link for instructions to the forms) in replies to people asking questions.  Then pasting parts confusing them.  I just sit back and laugh.  Sureeee do not read the instructions.   Why read the instructions?   Who needs it anyways?  How am I confused?   Yeah I know kinda A-ole-ish but I got a really good laugh.

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-26 16:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Okay people tomorrow is interview schedule week. What day it starts I don't know but get ready get ready get ready. have that email powered up. Post when you find out and i will update the list (cuz there will me alot).
Okay are you READY people!!goofy.gif

Automatic email updates on the phone are set and ready to go.

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-26 12:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews
Thank you everyone.. Made me feel better to know I'm not the only one going crazy. I even checked my email for a P4 letter this weekend (even though I know it isn't going to be there :( ) I really hope for all of us the wait ends soon. This really sounds stupid but I called NVC late Fri night just to hear. (Case complete, waiting for interview to be scheduled, and no I can't tell you when it will be) Probably the fourth time, maybe more, I have heard it or read it but I was feeling worthless not doing anything at all! My wife told me that she wants to wait to celebrate our first anniversary in person... So waiting = life on hold = me going crazy. Next two weeks can't get here fast enough to see if I get scheduled for a interview. Wish we all get a early one.
TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-26 10:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews
Do y'all ever get bored waiting?
For me in past 10 months.. It's been studying what is coming ahead, reading, getting documents, translations, getting extra documents, copies, writing emails to everyone, calling, and checking status. I even put together everything from I-130 to now just in case everything gets lost in the mail (even all originals) and sent to my wife. I even sent extra stuff that I didn't feel like I provided strong enough evidence. Now just sitting back and feel helpless. No point in calling NVC (waiting for interview and P4). No point in writing political officials (Nothing is wrong and I'm in processing times). No point in calling the embassy (they don't have case yet). Out of all this time, I have nothing to do or can do. I am itching to call the embassy but need to wait.......
I guess it just upsets me I'm going to miss our first anniversary together and there is nothing I can do on anything. Just sit and wait...

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-25 09:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

No problem. Now we wait. And really there's no cutoff if there are slots they keep filling until they are fill. That's why at times you will see someone get a date out the blue (but usually those or less busy embassies.). Like Iceland you will surely get an interview date the same day as case Complete.

I hope so.. And many thanks for all that you do
TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-24 15:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Congratulations. I am updating list now. So I will add you.

Good I caught you before updating the list.. My true case complete is 1-21-14.. I jumped the gun and thought when both AOS and IV packages was completed meant case complete.. Sorry about that..

Guess I'm going to really test the theory of 20th being the shut off date :( Please give me March not April. Dang snow days

Edited by TimandAna, 24 January 2014 - 03:17 PM.

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-24 15:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Went with hubby to immigration interview today and waited about 3 hours, but his visa was approved today. Thanks everyone for your help on this journey.

Congrats :) :) :)  When you have time I want all the details and you better share it.  Emotions during the wait and everything.

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-24 09:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

I got mine today as well. my CC was on JAN06. From what I've heard and read, my embassy doesn't reschedule to an earlier date. That being said if you make a request for an earlier date and somehow someone cancels their appointment they could ask you to come in. very slim chance but a chance nonetheless.
Hope we get our IL date next week.
Good Luck

I was bored, looking, and thinking maybe to much.. Haha.. I remember NVC telling me Jan and Feb was booked up. Then got online where you register your case with embassy, document delivery address, and schedule your interview. I didn't fill it out completely but noticed it said our next available interview date was only 4 days away for our type visa! Made me wonder if I couldn't trim this process down.
TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-24 01:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews
Well I finally got a email Wed saying my case was complete.. Only took 2 weeks to respond to a email asking for case status. It just said basically case complete and your waiting for interview to be scheduled.

Has anyone ever called the embassy and got the interview date changed to a earlier date? Is it even a possibility?

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-24 00:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

My Husband Had his interview yesterday and was approved.kicking.gif GOOD LUCK EVERYONE !

Amazing news :) I hope ours will be soon
TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-24 00:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

My wife had her interview today and was approved. They asked her a few questions and gave her the pink paper. Thanks to everyone here for their help. smile.png

CONGRATULATIONS :) Wish you both a happy future

Our case was officially completed as of 1/16/14. What a relief after spending almost a year at the NVC!
Now we wait for the interview date dancin5hr.gif

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Ohh goodness a year... Hurry hurry NVC give AKSingh a interview

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-22 04:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Hopefully we all it  the March interview.
When I call ..they usually tell me that my case is awaiting for an interview date (I'm also assuming that's a case complete??)
Good Luck

I'm sure your case complete.. I just got little excited little fast.. Haha ... I did get him to explain it to me like I was a little kid because his broad statements scared me and I'm so glad he did... After he told me "your documents are in review to make sure everything is there to complete your case" , I was freaking out!.. I told him I submitted everything and it's already been reviewed, completed, and no checklist... So he explained to me better.. "We have a folder that all your documents go into. That folder is reviewed to make sure everything is in it. Then it is shipped to the embassy and your assigned a interview date"... So basically I took it that I'm probably just waiting for the P4 checklist to be generated (probably has some other name) before my case is truely marked complete.. We all are going to have March interviews.. I have faith :)

Edited by TimandAna, 18 January 2014 - 07:47 AM.

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-18 07:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Well got good news and bad news today....


Bad News:

Evidentially me and NVC has different terminology.  The other day when I called I was told that my AOS and IV was completed and no checklist.  I asked so everything completed and told yes.  To me means case = complete.   Well been scanning my email looking for the case complete letter and finally just gave up and called today.  I was told that my case is currently in "review to be completed".  Basically after scaring me and me asking for explanations this is my understanding now...

AOS complete no checklist dancin5hr.gif

IV complete no checklist dancin5hr.gif

Not all combined in a folder yet "in review to be completed" ranting33va.gif

So I might have to change my case complete date....


Good news:

I asked when this will happen and told.. mmmmm next week or so

I asked will I get sent out with this batch of interviews...  No Jan and Feb interviews are already taken. 

When will I get the interview? ... Probably March dancin5hr.gifdancin5hr.gif

When will I get the letter?... mmmm next week or so rofl.gif


I'm still happy... In April (I could not even tell you what year) In Nov (I could not even tell you what month) and now I have a good idea it will be March! (next is to learn what day!)

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-17 18:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Cute! Looks like your wife is going to stir the embassy a little bit to add some life over there. I can imagine not many cases from El Salvador? Wow! I can already visualize a red carpet and a welcoming band. Finally we get one from El Salvador! Like Sleeping Beauty was just awaken by her Prince! I feel everything is going to turn out very well for your wife's interview. Good luck! My prayers are with you--and all others for your upcoming interview appointments! Woot-woot!

CONGRADULATIONS!!!! I'm so excited for you. I hope our day comes soon. Yes, I'm stirring some life back into the place. When you even get off the airplane there tons of people are gathered outside. Complete families waiting on people to land and peaking through the window looking at people in line at customs. I feel like I'm the president when I land. To bad they all aren't there for me.. Haha
TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-17 13:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

You all might enjoy this... I curious about some things so I wrote a email to the US Visa service desk.   I told them that the website did not clearly split the differences in requirements of documents or procedures between K1 and CR1/IR1 visas also that there was some out dated information on the website sooooo if they had a more updated requirement sheet or information page I would like to have it.   They responded.... The requirements for the embassy of El Salvador for all immigrant visas are the same including the medical but may vary case by case and I need to review the packet 4 when I receive it.  Also said that they would contact the appropriate people to change the outdated information... 

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-16 21:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Hi TimandAna! Congratulations! You know what--i wouldnt bank on what is said in the website regarding security regulations "no bags" and all...i had so much docs with me for the interview too that it was impossible not to bring bags. Good thing i was booked at a hotel across the US embassy before my interview so I went on and went there and asked security. Bottomline, i was able to bring in with me, the next day, 2 big bags with cologne, lotion, make-up...girl stuff along with my docs! Except electronic things and sharp things--scissors and cutters, no weapons, too. Lol

I suggest, you call your local consulate and ask and confirm what you can bring and should not bring. Who knows you might be surprised and can bring along your bags so you could organize everything. Having everything gives you that confidence in the interview, you know. It's priceless to know you came--fully prepared to make sure you don't get unnecessary delays on your visa.

It also helps to call the consulate before the interview to make sure all your documents are complete and received. This was one thing we didnt do--my AOS got lost in transit from
NVC to my consulate. I relied on the checklist of my P4. :-( Come interview, i only had photocopies of my AOS, surprised to realize they don't have the originals with them--reason why I got a 221g and a very much delayed visa. If only I had back-up original copies with me, I should have my visa right now! Just a heads up.

Good luck to you and to everyone!!! xxx


You are a genius!!   They would have to let her have a purse with her "girl stuff" and it would just be inhumane to turn that down.  My wife has gotten a really big purse also.  I never thought about her just going to the embassy and talking to the security guard.  She lives only about 30-40 minutes from the embassy so should be really easy for her to do that.   I am sorry your going through the delay and hope you get your visa quickly.   Thank you again for the amazing advice

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-16 08:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

My wife and stepson were approved at their Embassy interview. The interview literally lasted five minutes. My wife was only asked 4 questions and my stepson was not asked a single question. Considering the 9 month wait, the interview felt surreal and anticlimactic.


We picked up their passports two days later and the Immigrant Visas are inside. 


I?d like to express my sincere hope for those still waiting, that the process speeds up and their families are reunited. 


I would also like to thank all the individuals on this forum who helped us get through this process.   

CONGRADULATIONS!!!!    Makes me so excited to hear that good things can come after such a long wait.  

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-16 08:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

My hubby interview set for Feb 7!!!! I'm so happy


CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!    It is so fast and wishing you the best of luck... You better come back and tell us all about it...  I love good ending stories

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-15 20:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Honestly all you are reading is K1 stuff. Like " "Also, do not schedule your medical examination until you have been told that your case is at the Embassy and ready for processing". Thats K1 people.


And many of us have to get new Police reports because they are only good for 3 months some get longer  so if expoired yes get a new one for interview just in case.


And not to have doubt but hopefully depending on the queue you should be in next batch of interviews at end of month. Its all abouut how many before you. And it will be for March so plenty of time not a week.


I personally would go through all your countries interview reviews see what people are saying and bringing to interviews. Helps quiet the crickets while you wait. Trust me getting the interview than the wait until interview is the most nerve racking. Because now your reaiity is close at had.


Hope you will be there for interview. Sounds like your embassy is a tough one.


I like to try to be prepared early and for the worst!  hahaha....  Most of the reviews are K1 reviews and all the instructions are bunched together for both K1 and IR1/CR1. The IR1/CR1 reviews are really basic and simple except for the few random cases that are little more complicated.  It is kinda funny.  I'm telling my wife I want her to bring EVERYTHING then realized they will not allow bags in the embassy.   So maybe she should carry a Wal-Mart shopping cart to carry everything in!  haha


When I talked to the NVC rep on the phone (And got past the generic answers)..  I asked how long it will be,  before I get scheduled for the interview.  She laughed... She told me it should be fast because El Salvador is not busy... Who knows though...  I originally planned on being there for the interview but I read how it makes it harder there...  so I am just trying to help her prepare for anything...  As they always say... A happy wife is a happy life :)

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-15 18:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

 Does it mean that my case is completed???


TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-15 09:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews
*** crickets ***


(Listening to some old school rap on way to work.. Jump by Kriss Cross)

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-15 08:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews
On country specific documents ... It still shows bringing DS260 part 1 and part 2... Think it is just outdated?
TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-14 21:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Welcome. It has been awhile since we had El Salvador. And ask away. If yo are thinking it so is someone else. And Congratulations again.

Digging into it a little..
Since my case complete is before the 20th I should recieve a interview for next month. They will email me a F4 roughly 1 month before the interview. Then need use that for the medical in which they will do vaccinations there also. Embassy website says that all applicants must register the interview online after assigned.. Then bring bunch of documents, pictures, ect and pray for no AP...

Now I see this on the embassy website.. "Also, do not schedule your medical examination until you have been told that your case is at the Embassy and ready for processing. Please remember that all medical examinations must be conducted by our panel physicians at least three (3) weeks before your appointment date." So after the recieve interview letter going to be rushing to get that medical done I presume because only have 1 week opportunity to do it.

I also read somewhere which I can not find anymore since embassy website updated.. The civil documents had to be issued within 90 days of the interview.. So we already had plan on acquiring a full set of originals for everything for the applicant but never thought about bringing civil documents for petitioner till now..

I'm either on the right track or well over thinking it.. I read in the reviews El Salvador is quick to put you in AP and schedule you for 2nd interview..

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-14 21:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Thank you for adding me to the list.   I see I'm the only one in my wife's country.  Good sign for fast interview correct?  hahaha...  I got a lot of reading to do to prepair so I will not bother everyone with same questions.  Best of luck and a few cold beers because it is so close to all being over...

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-14 19:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2014 Interviews

There are 3 basic shits that are required. After the Doctor gives you a little Q & A



TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-03-07 11:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2014 Interviews
My wife got her visa yesterday! Got my flights to go to her and bring her back this weekend and at the airport now. Funny thing... I waited almost 1 year for her to get a visa and now my flight is delayed by 3 hours. Grrr. I'm about ready to start swimming
TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-03-07 10:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC


TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2013-11-21 23:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

We got our hard copy transfer notice in the mail. We are at California service center. My question is when should my husband go have his medical done???

Typically you do that when you have a interview date after everything is approved.. Here is the link for interview preparation

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2013-11-18 14:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC
April filer but want to add to the glass half ____ FULL!! There was more VJ I-130 approvals in this week than there has been in over a month.. I hope and pray that is a sign of things starting to speed up for us all.. I really hope everyone from March will get approved in August :)
TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2013-08-04 21:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

well, if you want to get that technical... I wanna be home with my husband and have all this ####### behind me. 
Tim, when do you pick up your wife?  I'm so jealous that you are finished with all this garbage

I'm sitting at the airport right now.. I waited on immigration and now 3 hour flight delay. Wait wait wait. Nothing ever happens on time for me

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-03-07 11:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

  I wanna be on the NVC thread  cray5ol.gif

No you want to be on the interview thread :P

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-03-07 11:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Anyone know how long it's taking to get through the NVC these days?


It's like going to Disney World.  Soon as your done with one ride, It's time to hurry up and get into the next line. 

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-29 13:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Several months, they completed 0 despite having cases that were still pending. This is part of the reason why I believe that they're just not devoting appropriate resources to this backlog, are not taking it seriously, and will just manipulate the data to reach that 5 month mark, if they bother attempting to meet it at all. 

What kinda shocked me was that the month they reached 92 pending petitions the next month 78 petitions was awaiting customer response (I presume RFE) and showed their highest completion of 101... Now they have the highest amount of awaiting petitions in 2 years and people is getting crazy RFEs again.. I would presume they are playing with numbers again.. Just my guess.. But CSC is crazy with the amount they have done in the past.. They should just let CSC do them all

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-17 13:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers
Not to put fuel on the fire but I found it very interesting how many petitions TSC completes in a month for the past 2 years..

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-17 12:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Good Morning VJ Friends! 
I just received the email I've been waiting for 9months! 
Can someone link me the spread sheet and I'll update our info! 
Hoping for more approvals :)

Good Morning VJ Friends! 
I just received the email I've been waiting for 9months! 
Can someone link me the spread sheet and I'll update our info! 
Hoping for more approvals :)


Where did you get approved from? Is your spouse happy that soon will get to travel to the US and be reunited as husband and wife? I wish you all the best luck :)

TimandAnaMaleEl Salvador2014-01-14 12:56:00