K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs K-1 better option in my case?
Well, you might be able to get through this, but you have alot of things working against you as mentioned in the other posts.

Its possible, but with no guarantee that you could overcome the issues preventing you from entering the US. It will likely take a lot of time, and probably money if you hire a lawyer (I don't think I would do this alone in your case, though it could be done if your prepared to do alot of research). But if you are unsuccessful, there are no refunds.

Having your fiancee immigrate to Canada is probably the quickest, easiest and cheapest way out. (Provided that your fiancee doesn't have anything preventing her from living in Canada) Then after your 10 year ban expires, you can try to immigrate to the US.

Edited by Dan + Gemvita, 26 June 2007 - 06:36 PM.

Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-26 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWas I "Touched"?

I don't mean to be stupid...but when I log into my "account" with USCIS it says "LAST UPDATED" and June 26, 2007. Is THAT where we find if we've been "touched"? And is that a good thing? Where exactly will it show if our papers have been "touched". Thanks

Yes, but you probably wont see anymore status date changes until the backlog ahead of your case is processed. Which will probably take about 3 months.

Edited by Dan + Gemvita, 30 June 2007 - 04:16 PM.

Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-30 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTravel en route to entering the US

Y'all can stop anywhere you want before entering the US, The K-1 is a one time entry into the US, afterwards you could leave but unless you have Advanded Parole (AP) you will probably be denied re-entry.

Good Luck!

You can travel before entering the US, but do careful about any flights that transit through airports in the US or its territories.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-30 16:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Question

So I was looking at the G-325A form in preparation to filling it out and I realized I might have a problem. I have had SO many jobs in the last five years that it's not funny. The problem I'm having is that I can't remember the exact dates that I worked in certain places, or even the order of the places that I worked at. I mean, I guess I'm relatively sure I know the order that I worked for them, but I'm not exactly sure of the dates. Is this going to be a huge problem I wonder? I really don't want to get any of this screwed up or get an RFE.

Any advice? Or has anyone had a similar problem? Any help is greatly appreciated!


My form wasn't 100% accurate as far as dates I just put dates as close as I could remember. Its not necessary to be 100% accurate, just be as close as you can be. The sheet is more to match you to records they may or may not have of you, rather than to verify that the information you provide is perfectly accurate.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-30 20:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresco-sponsor questionssss

i have been working for a year now.. the beginning of the year i was a part time employee then became a full time employee.. so my 2006 income tax return was an annual income of $14,000 something which is not enough based on the 2007 poverty guidelines...

1. from what i understand.. when filing for the K-1 visa, i would need to use the form I-134???? the form I-864 is for later for the adjustment of status???

2. the 2007 poverty guidelines says that its the basis for minimum income requirement for use in completing Form I-864, i can also use it as a basis for the I-134 right??

3. for my co-sponsor, do i need to show proof of relationship??? or it doensnt matter as long as the co-sponsor is a USC, resides in the US and is willing to take the responsibility of all his dependents?? can the co-sponsor be a friend??

4. if my co-sponsor is married and filed their taxes together (not separately), do i add up their annual income together and use that as the basis if they can support us?? or whoever signs signs the I-134's annual income only?? --- but how much would the consulate know how much my co-sponsor alone is making if they filed theyre taxes together??

5. my co-sponsors wife is pregnant... would the unborn baby be already counted as a dependent??

6. the same co-sponsor, well his wife petitioned her mother and her father from the philippines, would that matter??? or it wouldnt as long as they have enough money to support the co-sponsor himself + wife + unborn baby + wifes mother + wifes father + me and my fiance???

:wacko: :help: :help: :help:

1. Generally, unless told otherwise by the embassy or consulate.

2. Yes but it is also up to the CO to make that determination. If your right on the border as far as support but live in a high cost of living area, the CO may decide that your fiancee is likely to become a public charge. While the I-864 has a hard requirement, the I-134 is up to the CO's discretion, but generally follows the poverty guidelines.

3. It doesn't matter who your co-sponsor is. Some embassies and consulates may not accept a co-sponsor for a visa application.

4. If your co-sponsor is married, you can use the combined income in the in the sponsor determination. But a married couple already counts as a household of 2.

5. Only after her child is born, but to be safe I would consider her child as a dependent as far as the I-134 is concerned.

6. If her parents are dependent they need to be included, but you don't need to be included.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-30 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the USC have to be/stay in the US during the process?
You cant send it to the consulate or service centers abroad, it has to be processed by service centers in the US.

If you have lived abroad for awhile now, I would suggest looking into marriage and filing with DCF, it may be faster than a K-1.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-01 23:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 petitioning

Good Day Everyone,
I want to submit my K1 petition, i have over 1 inch of yahoo messenger chat, what would be the best way, to send copy of chats, being over a inch of paper work. Or should I just cut that in half?

Pick 4 or 5 of the best and include that, anymore is overkill. Also chats are more useful at the interview rather than the K-1 petition. The petition is concerned only with the evidence of your last meeting.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-02 17:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresline 18 I-29F declaration of having met
I summarized the meeting in the box, and wrote see attached. On another sheet I went through more detail and explained all the evidence that was attached. Your probably fine if you include the evidence, photos, passport stamps, receipts, and that kind of thing.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-02 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMulti-country police background checks?

My fiancee and I are back on track and hope to finish our fiancee visa proicess and get married.

One concern I have is the length of time it will take to get back her police reports from other countries. My fiancee is in an odd siuation...she was born and raised in Kyrgyzstsan but married a Russian man earlier in her life and moved to Magadan in Russia where she lived for 13 years. When she married she became a Russian citizen complete with a Russian passport, After a few years she divorced him. Seven years ago she moved back to Kyrgyzstsan and got a job and bought a flat...yet she chose to retain her Russian passport. So..she lives as a citizen of Kyrgyzstsan but is technically a Russian citizen.

This situation has caused us many problems! Initially, I tried to go the K-3 route and marry her in Kyrgyzstsan but she was not allowed to marry there because of her Russian paasport...whcih ws a lot of silly nonsense generated by a lot of anti-Russian sentiment in Kyrgyzstsan. If I tried to marry her in Moscow it could cost a fortune and take a long time as Russia requiires a 30-day waiting period to marry...and it costs a small fortune to live in Moscow.

So...we now are going the K-1 route but there is still issues about the Kyrgyzstsan versus Russia issue. I am afraid that getting her police background checks will be dffiicult due to her odd citizenshup status.

How long should i wait before taking some action with the US Embassy? It has already been over 45 days or more since she sent off the police check forms and no replies. I am afraid this process could take months or require resending forms.

Has anyone encounterd a similar situation? What can i do to expedite this process?


I dont think anything should prevent you from getting the police certificates that you need. But how long it will take will vary by country. In some you can get it done in a day or two, while others have you waiting for months.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-03 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRunning Out of Time
Its very unlikely you would be able to get anyone wether at the USCIS,consulate or your congresspersons office to speed up your visa. Otherwise everyone would do this. Your best bet is changing your wedding date or at least keeping it flexible until you have your visa in hand. If you cannot, you can still have a cermony, as long as you dont make it legal (which gennerally means not filing for a marriage licence but that varies as to where you plan to get married). But instead have a courthouse wedding when you are together in the US within the 90 day requirement of the K-1.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-04-29 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescurious

i am curious to know if there are any stats on how many k1 visas get rejected at the interview phase

anyone with some info????

Anecdotal data seems to indicate three things.

1. Far more are initially denied or blue slipped than granted.
2. Most initial denials are for missing documentation of some sort.
3. The vast majority of applicants are eventually granted a visa.

As a practical matter, such statistics are of little use. Each case is evaluated on its own merits. It is not a ####### shoot.

I think it also varies a bit by country as well, and with concerns of fraud. But in general I would agree with that.

Reasons for denial are pretty clear, and you should be able to know if your going to get denied or not. The only gray area is the fraud question, does this couple have a real relationship.

Edited by Dan + Gemvita, 02 July 2007 - 08:56 PM.

Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-02 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Journey doesn't list my fiance's embassy + government change?

Does anyone know about the Macedonian embassy? My fiance isn't from Serbia but his country is currently run my the United Nations Mission in Kosovo so he has to have his interview in another country, in Macedonia. Has anyone had any experience with this? Visa Journey only lists Yugoslavia, and doesn't have Serbia, Montegro, or Macedonia as even options. Also, anyone have any idea what would happen to the process if there is a change in government?

Usually you end up going through a consulate in a neighboring state, which may incur a bit of travel, but otherwise the process should be mostly normal, though you may not be able to get things like police certificate, and the consulate is likely to already be aware of that.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-02 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs there a list of "red flags"?
USCIS adjudicators use this:

Section 21.3 would be the relevant section.

Consulates on the other hand are as others have already mentioned. They are sensitive to cultural traditions and expectations and what would be considered a red flag will vary.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-05 22:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCitizen number?
There are a couple of different things.

Certificate of Naturalization, which is for naturalized citizens.

Certificate of Citizenship, which is available for Citizens born abroad. (Like me)

I only provided a copy of my passport for the I-129F. Which met that requirement. But for the I-134, I did not have my Certificate of Citizenship, and I contacted the consulate about it. They said that since I already proved my Citizenship with the petition, all I needed to include was a copy of the biographical page of my passport. This may vary by consulate, but if you don't want to wait 3 months, and pay the $200 to get one, you should ask the consulate what they require.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-03 14:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa vs. Getting Married in US
True. It would be a fraud
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-03 05:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKind of complicated story.. ideas appreciated~
Some of the obstacles you will probably face.

1. Your age is likely to generate some questions in the visa process. I don't think it will be a reason for denial, but then I dont work for the consulate.

2. Without a high school diploma, your going to find it next to impossible to get work in the US. The work available to those without a high school diploma doesn't pay very well at all. In the case that your marriage doesn't work out and you are already in the US, what will you do?

3. 15-16 is a very young age to commit to marriage. (Some people are not ready to get married even at 20) Some people have reached a maturity at that age where they are capable of handling it, but most people haven't yet. In which case, the marriage fails and ends up in divorce. Again, you will be away from any support net without much for means of supporting yourself if this does happen to you.

4. Depending where you end up living in the US, you may see some cultural bias against marrying so young. (Its more acceptable in some communities more than others).

I'm not saying that you cant make this happen, but you will face challenges. Are those challenges worth it? We can tell you here what to expect, as well as give advice. But this is something you have to decide for yourself. Once your married, everything changes. Even more so if you have kids. Compound that with moving to a new country, and its quite a lot for you to handle.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-01 12:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKind of complicated story.. ideas appreciated~
I wont get cover contraversial part of this, Im sure you will get enough of that from the other people here.

Work experience and education are not considered in family imigration visa such as the K-1. They are considered for other types of visas.

You need to be considered legally able to marry. Even though 16 is the legal age in some places for marriage, you might run into issues with that. Waiting another two years until your 18 before starting this process might be a good idea. There may come questions about the legitamcy of the relationship since you are still not considered an adult. It wont be very fun to wait 6 months or more for the interview and pay all the fees only to get denied because of your age.

You need to have met each other within the two years prior to filing the I-129F form. You will need to provide proof of the meeting. Anything from photos, to reciepts to boarding passes will help.

Your fiance (or willing co-sponsor) will need to be also prove that he/she makes 125% of the poverty guidlines. Or has enough assets to meet that level for 3-5 years.

Fees total about $1000+ over the whole process, but not all of it has to be paid at once. It is proposed that the fees will increase in 2008. Inital filing is $170. Visa interview and medical could cost $200+ depending if vaccinations are needed. AOS after you get stateside is $500-$800 depending if you decide to file for AP and EAD as well. later on, you will have to pay a fee for removal of condtions, but thats two years after the AOS.

Edited by datasage, 27 February 2007 - 04:01 AM.

Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-02-27 03:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBest Overnight Shipping to NSC
Priority or Express mail is good enough. It will get there in a day or two from most states that the NSC covers.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-08 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved

When you get the interview depends on the consulate you case gets proccessed through.

For the UK, its about 75 days after the consulate receives the information.

Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-08 18:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOnly 4 days of meeting physically!
Ah, yeah, it looks like the best rates from most services is about 15 cents per minute. I did find a calling card at 8.9 cents per minute with 4 minute billing increments, which is fine if you mostly have long phone calls.

Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-08 19:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOnly 4 days of meeting physically!

You might look into communicating through computers. You would probably save money over the long haul and you could see each other as well. I'm glad I started the K-1 sooner rather than later. Its a long wait

Phone calls and calling cards get very expensive. There are other ways to talk if you both have access to DSL or better internet connection. Most IM clients have a voice feature. Some clients like Skype and Yahoo allow you to call landlines anywhere in the world at a pretty good rate.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-08 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOnly 4 days of meeting physically!
I think you should be fine for the petition.

For the interview, make sure you collect as much evidence as you can between now and the interview. The petition is not likely to be denied because you didnt meet each other for more than 4 days. But you might run into issues in the interview if thats all of the contact you have had. But if your filing now, you most likely wont get the interview until after July. In which case you can supplement the eveidence with more pictures from your next meeting.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-08 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow Long??
About a month for those going through Vermont, About 3 months for everyone else. California processes the petitions from Nebraska and Texas.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-09 14:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCHECK CASHED!!!
If your bank provides online banking you can see when the check comes through. Some banks will also provide a scan of the check so you can get your case number before NOA1 (Mine did, though I couldnt read it, scan was too low resolution).
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-09 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2!!!!!!!!!!
Congratz ! I know you're very happy and excited. :)
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-09 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview date is scheduled)))))))))))))))))))
Good luck! :thumbs:
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-10 13:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYou have 3 new emails! Approved!!!!
(F) Congratz. We're happy for you. :D
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-09 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescase approved?

One thing I worry might have to wait till your man comes back to get your I-134/Affidavit of Support? ...or maybe he'd get some time to fill it out while he's in Middle East. I hope everything will work out just fine! :)

what is that I-134 or Affidavit of Support by the way? is it needed because my fiance'/sponsor is outside the United States?

thanks again

Its completed by your fiance or co-sponsor and used as evidence of ability to support in the interview. Its needed by everyone who goes through this process.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-11 03:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 2 = Approval

:help: Heya!

Ok so I've got my happy little NOA 2 in my hand. I know there is still months more of waiting. But I'm unsure of something. In the pre-email I got before I actually got my NOA 2 it said to follow the instructions in the letter. Well there aren't any.

I assume (correct me if I'm wrong) I now just wait. Wait for VSC to mail to the London Consulate and for him to get packet 3. Is that where I am in the process or am I missing something?

Thanks so much for your help!!


Well you can start preparing the I-134 form and any other evidence that needs to be sent to your fiancee in the UK. But other than that its just waiting. It takes about a month for the consulate to get it.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-08 23:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa...can you just marry anyone?

Stay tuned for the next episode of "Days of our Visa Journeys"

Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-10 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa...can you just marry anyone?
:bonk: Marry the beneficiary. No marry someone else.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-09 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTrying to marry a french citizen, don't understand times
You need 4 pages of the G-325A form for each person. If you fill it in electronically, it fills in the other 4 pages automatically. Then sign and date each copy.

Hehe I can answer 2 of your Q's :) Each of you fill out all 4 pages. Make sure to sign each page as well. So in total, 8 pages of G-325A. It makes more sense if you see the original form they send if you call the center and have them send it to you. You get 2 copies of the G-325A and each has 4 carbon copy pages.

Vermont has the visa they've been working on the longest post as a CYA. The VAST majority of people (at least on this site) are getting approvals within 1 month. 2-3 month timelines are for california SC. You are lucky and get the shorter approval time!

I'm sorry I don't understand the four pages. All information fits on one. Why the four pages?

They go to diffrent places. Its basically an electronic version of the orginal carbon form.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-10 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFaxed G-325A and e-mailed photo - is it OK?
Digital printed photo should be fine if meets passport photo requirements.

Fax forms are not fine, you need original signatures. I had my fiancee complete her copy of the form when I was with her in Indonesia and took it back with me.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-11 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFaxed Birth Certificate / Sponsorship
If you have a US passport, a birth certificate is not necessary. It simply used to establish US citizenship and you can't get a passport without being a citizen. I used a copy of my passport since my birth certificate is Swedish, and wouldn't help anyway.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-02-21 16:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInclusive price for K1 visa, all applicable forms to become a permanent resident

Current and future paperwork fees can be found here:


Medical and visa fees do vary by consulate, and you can find that information on the embassy info section on this website.

Thank you! When will these fees go in place?

I think 2200 is a good place to start right now.

Currently they are just proposed fees for fiscal year 2008 which doesnt mean it actually starts on January 1, 2008. I think the fiscal year for the USCIS starts October 1. Which means the new fees would go into effect on October 1, 2007.

Its also possible that these are not the actual fees that will be put in place. The fee chances are currently in a public comment period.

Edited by Dan + Gemvita, 11 March 2007 - 06:07 PM.

Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-11 18:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInclusive price for K1 visa, all applicable forms to become a permanent resident
Current and future paperwork fees can be found here:


Medical and visa fees do vary by consulate, and you can find that information on the embassy info section on this website.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-11 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNot an easy case...
No, but you do have to disclose them with your K-1 application. It is possible you could have been married in when she was here on a student visa and simply applied for AOS. But now you do have to go through the K-1 or K-3 paths.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-11 17:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-10 00:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot our NOA2
:dance: :dance: :dance:
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-11 10:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnever met fiance
Well, you would need to apply for a wavier, and a wavier for the meeting requirement is rarely granted. I guess it depends on your situation, but its not very likely you will be able to get a petition approved without meeting.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-11 20:23:00