United KingdomInterview Today
Pregnant.... uh does that mean she would have to file for K2 ?
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-02-26 15:30:00
United Kingdomwhat do i do before leaving the UK????
Prepare important documents for your AOS and blah blah. Don't forget and don't leave anything behind. And of coz to pray :)
Have a nice journey !

Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-02-27 09:52:00
United KingdomInterview
Congratssssss :star:
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-04-02 09:25:00
United KingdomI've got my interview date!!
Good luck on the interview !
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-04-18 11:00:00
United KingdomI've got my interview date!!
Good luck ! :)
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-04-16 12:53:00
United KingdomThis woman at work is driving me nuts
I have this one nosy neighbor lady who always gets into someone's else business and talking about it in loud noise. She always annoys me.I can imagine you suffer more than me. You have more than one of that kind of lady. I hope you could hang in there. Adjusting yourself to them might take a long annoying process in the way.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-04-19 04:12:00
United KingdomThis woman at work is driving me nuts
Gees LOL. She's not busy enough at work then
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-04-19 03:02:00
United KingdomWe've Got The Approval!!
omg congrats!! I've seen couple of approvals lately on VJ. Good news
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-04-19 09:24:00
United KingdomArrived in the states
Glad you made it safely. All the best for you and your loved one.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-05-07 07:47:00
United KingdomApproved!!!!
Congratz ! :)
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-19 05:33:00
United KingdomDual Citizenship....

if you are a US citizen you have to enter and leave the country on your US passport - I think technically you are not supposed to serve in another country's army (though lots of Americans seem to serve in the Israeli army).

OK well let me confirm this - I was told that if I maintained both US and UK passports - when travelling back and forth for visiting family etc - is it true that I can use the us passport to leave the usa but on entering the Uk i show my UK passport? and when leaving the UK again show my UK passport and when arriving in the us i show my us passport? I know this is a silly question but this is what I have been told to do by a friend who travels alo I was just clarifying to see if anyoen else can confirm this for me?

Then what would happen say for example we go for a vacation in europe say Paris - would i still us my UK passport on entering paris?

Just thinking very well ahead of times LOL

Lina (UKC)

Yes, you would show the passport to the country you are entering.

As far as traveling to a third country you can use either. Some countries have visa free programs for some countries but not others, so you make have less of a visa hassle using one passport over another.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-20 02:50:00
United KingdomDual Citizenship....
The US doesn't prevent dual citizenship, but they don't really advocate it either. If your in your other country of citizenship, you cant go to the US embassy and request assistance if you need it. There are also issues with mandatory military service and drafts.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-19 22:17:00
United KingdomSome uncomfortable truths

Free? I thought everyone paid in (unless disabled or of a certain age)?

Yeah, of course, taxes. I never paid any taxes in the UK though, so it was free to me. :)

Right now however I pay $150 a month for health insurance (on top of what my employers pay). I wonder how this compares to how much people pay in taxes towards the NHS every month in the USA.

Its not easy to compare it directly, my estimate is that those in the UK pay about half of what we do in the US, maybe even less since everyone is paying unlike here were 40 million people go without health insurance.

To compare the US spends about 16% of its GDP on health care, UK is around 8%. There are other factors to take into account, but we generally spend too much for what we are getting out of it.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-20 16:52:00
United Kingdomprescription drugs
Thats more of a question for the UK forum. I would think he can for awhile, as he would still be a UKC. But I dont know what kind of restrictions they have for citizens living abroad.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-10 13:51:00
United Kingdom£'s to $'s
QUOTE (weedebz @ Dec 21 2007, 01:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just looking for info from experienced money transfer-ers. Good and bad...who to use and not to use. I'm looking to transter sums of between £2k and £6k at various times.

many thanks in advance.

For that size, you probably want to consider bank to bank wire transfers.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-12-21 14:32:00
United KingdomPerm Res & US Citizen to UK - max stay?

Questions . . . my husband, a US permanent resident from the UK since 2005 found out his mother (age 79) in England has cancer. If we go over to stay with her until the end I need to find out some things and would appreciate anyone's help.
1. How long can I (US born citizen) stay in England? One place I read 6 months, another I read indefinitely. I don't want to go over for 6 months and then have to come back.
2. How long can my husband (US permanent resident) stay out of the US? I think it is 3 years but now sure.
3. If we were to go over, could my husband find a job over there and work for the duration we are there (if under the allowed time for him to stay)?
4. If we were to go over, could I find a job over there and work?
5. If we were to go over there, would he have to change our address with USCIS to England like you do when you move anywhere in the US? We've moved three times in the past 5 years and have to send them our new address.
6. I heard if we do go over, we should buy an airplane ticket with a return for many 2 weeks even if we plan to stay longer as to not alert immigration over there with questions. Anyone know anything about this.
7. Is there anything else anyone can think of that we need to be aware of if we go over there on a temporary basis?
Thank you so very much!

1. That depends on what visa ( or status) you plan to visit on and the terms of that visa.
2. Up to 2 years, but a stay longer than 1 year requires a reentry permit.
3. He is a citizen, so yes. Not sure if US income tax requirements applies to permanent residents working abroad.
4. You would probably need a work visa and whatever that entails
5. You probably want to keep a permanent address in the US. Not doing so could cause him to loose PR status. As he may be perceived to be moving abroad.
6. Most countries require a return ticket for visitors or otherwise they may deny entry. This is not usually an issue with a longer term visa.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2010-09-28 15:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruswhat should I tell me fiancee about the interview ? (July 9th, 2007)

http://www.visajourn...e...&cty=Moscow That will cover most of the interview related questions. Specfic questions about Russia are proably better asked in the regional forums.

3. She will get her passport back with the visa with a few days or weeks of the interview.

5. I suppose that depends how she gets there.

Does she need to be in Moscow to wait for the visa ? If she flies there from Vlad, how much will this trip cost her ?

No, it should be delviered to her. It could take a couple weeks being Vlad is on the other side of the country.

http://en.wikipedia....ational_Airport has a list of airlines that fly from the Vlad airport, you can use that to find out what it will cost to get to Moscow.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-05-21 00:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruswhat should I tell me fiancee about the interview ? (July 9th, 2007)
http://www.visajourn...e...&cty=Moscow That will cover most of the interview related questions. Specfic questions about Russia are proably better asked in the regional forums.

3. She will get her passport back with the visa with a few days or weeks of the interview.

5. I suppose that depends how she gets there.

Edited by Dan + Gemvita, 20 May 2007 - 11:24 PM.

Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-05-20 23:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing back to Russia

The woman should support him all summer while the man drinks beer and watches t.v. on the couch of course! If she abondons him in this time of need he should find another woman, and fast.

Typical husband that I will avoid :hehe:
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-02-25 07:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing back to Russia
I hope your husband wasn't serious about the divorce ultimatum.

This kind of internal marriage problem is better be solved by both of you without any third or fourth person. Because there are those time when you want to have another advice from someone else and in the end it makes everything worse instead of better.

I know you miss your family very much. But you already knew that you took your own risk whenever you decided to live in the US, everyone here is the same. Some even already miss their family though they haven't left to the US yet. No matter what, you and your husband should come back to the very basis of why you both want to be together, love and compassionates.

My best wishes for you, I really hope you have strength to solve it.

Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-02-25 07:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAll Debts Paid before they allow you to leave Russia?
The US has something similar as reguards to child support. If you have outstanding child support, you cannot get or renew a passport.

Other countries cannot interfere with the visa, but they can impose requirements on a citizen leaving the country. Philippines requires CENOMAR, Indonesia requires a 1 million IDR tax upon leaving (about $100).
Dan JMaleIndonesia2008-03-13 14:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFree International Phone Number
Im not sure exactly what you mean. But you can get phone numbers in brazil for VoIP accounts here in the US. Its not free though, but relativly cheap. Anyone in brazil can make a local call to your phone in the US. Something I would use if Indonesia was supported.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-07 19:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNew to VJ
Welcome and happy reading and posting around on visa journey
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-04-16 12:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Dual citizenship question - marrying my Danish fiancee
Let us know what you find out. I had a similar case, but I was actually born in and lived in Sweden until I was 4 years old. I had assumed I lost my citizenship, but after doing some looking and contacting the embassy, I found out that I was still a citizen of Sweden. I haven't got my passport yet, since I need to go to NY, LA or travel to Sweden to get that done.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-08-31 00:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Dual citizenship question - marrying my Danish fiancee
QUOTE (Malmkvist @ Aug 30 2007, 11:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You you first apply for a K-3 visa for him to enter the country. Then you apply for Adjustment of Status which when granted will make him a permanent resident. After 3 years of residing in the US as a permanent resident he will have the option of Naturalization. If he wants to become a permanent resident as soon as he enters, then he needs to enter on a CR-1/IR-1 visa, It takes a little bit more time to process than a K-3.

If you have danish birth certificate, its possible, you may already have citizenship depending on the laws of Denmark. If you want to know for sure contact the embassy or a consulate of Denmark here in the US to see if you are considered a Danish citizen. If thats the case, you could get your danish passport and move there now if you wanted.

Thank you, I will contact the Embassy tomorrow. I would be thrilled to learn I already have itizenship in DK though I highly doubt that can be possible. It's just really bizarre that I have two Birth Certificates (I checked and both have my parents names on them so I'm not adopted smile.gif )

My fiancee does not need to become a US citizen. He only needs to be able to live and work here. So the best thing then would be for him to become a permanent resident and to do that we still file the K3?

Yes, he will need one of the two marriage visas to come here and live as a permanent resident (With K3 you need to apply for AOS before he gets that status). K3 or CR-1/IR-1.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-08-30 23:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Dual citizenship question - marrying my Danish fiancee
QUOTE (Malmkvist @ Aug 30 2007, 10:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dan + Gemvita @ Aug 30 2007, 11:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Malmkvist @ Aug 30 2007, 10:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I posted a question yesterday about filing a K3 when my fianee and I are married next month. But today I was talking with a friend who says she is a "permanent resident" or "resident alien" and now I'm even more confused.

My question is : My fiancee does not want to lose his Danish citizenship. What process should we follow so this is possible? Can he and I both be dual citizens?

Depends on the laws of Denmark. US recognizes dual citizenship, but other countries may not. But your fiance can remain in the US as a permanent resident, if getting US citizenship requires him to loose his danish citizenship.

For you, unless you move to Denmark, its unlikely you will have danish citizenship conveyed onto you. But again that depends on the country's laws.

Thank you. We are planning to live in Denmark eventually (when my teen daughter is older and on her own). My Mother was a Danish citizen and I have a US and a Danish Birth Certificate for some reason even though I was born in the US. My Mom is deceased so I cannot ask how or why I have both.

I guess my main question is: do we still apply for the K3 or is it another process for him to become a resident alien?

You you first apply for a K-3 visa for him to enter the country. Then you apply for Adjustment of Status which when granted will make him a permanent resident. After 3 years of residing in the US as a permanent resident he will have the option of Naturalization. If he wants to become a permanent resident as soon as he enters, then he needs to enter on a CR-1/IR-1 visa, It takes a little bit more time to process than a K-3.

If you have danish birth certificate, its possible, you may already have citizenship depending on the laws of Denmark. If you want to know for sure contact the embassy or a consulate of Denmark here in the US to see if you are considered a Danish citizen. If thats the case, you could get your danish passport and move there now if you wanted.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-08-30 22:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Dual citizenship question - marrying my Danish fiancee
QUOTE (Malmkvist @ Aug 30 2007, 10:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I posted a question yesterday about filing a K3 when my fianee and I are married next month. But today I was talking with a friend who says she is a "permanent resident" or "resident alien" and now I'm even more confused.

My question is : My fiancee does not want to lose his Danish citizenship. What process should we follow so this is possible? Can he and I both be dual citizens?

Depends on the laws of Denmark. US recognizes dual citizenship, but other countries may not. But your fiance can remain in the US as a permanent resident, if getting US citizenship requires him to loose his danish citizenship.

For you, unless you move to Denmark, its unlikely you will have danish citizenship conveyed onto you. But again that depends on the country's laws.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-08-30 22:28:00
ChinaGetting married in Nanning
How soon is he elgible for citizenship? Petitions from LPR's take alot longer as they are put on a waiting list with other LPR (It can take years). Plus, K-1 and K-3 visas are not available. If he is almost elgibile for naturalization (within a year) it might be faster to get citizenship first, then petition.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-25 22:36:00
Asia: SouthFor Detty2809
I'm sorry, I should have posted this in Asia : East and Pacific subforum. My bad heheh. :blush:
Dan JMaleIndonesia4/15/2007 0:00
Asia: SouthFor Detty2809
Detty2809 is somewhere above, flying in long hours on a plane to be with her loved one. Be safe, girl !!
Tell us once you have arrived in the U.S. :dance: (L) (F)
Dan JMaleIndonesia4/14/2007 20:33
Asia: SouthHe Arrived Safely!
:) we're so happy for you
Dan JMaleIndonesia5/26/2007 23:49
Asia: SouthGod is GREAT...Visa Approved
Congrats :)
Dan JMaleIndonesia6/11/2007 3:19
Asia: SouthShe Arrived Safely!
Congrats :) so romantic like in a movie
Dan JMaleIndonesia6/3/2007 20:13
Asia: SouthVaccination
I only had 3 shots of vaccines ; Tetanus, Hep B, Influenza. And 2 oral drops for Polio.

Dan JMaleIndonesia6/23/2007 13:59
Asia: East and PacificGot the pink slip!
She did a great job :D we're happy for you both, all best wishes.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-02-15 19:18:00
Asia: East and PacificEticket proceedures?
As far as i know, Orbitz doesn't let you purchase a ticket for a one way flight originating outside of the US. You might be able to order by calling them directly, but their website doesn't support it. If you want to use orbitz, you could probably get a round trip ticket and just not use the flight there.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-02-26 15:24:00
Asia: East and PacificGood luck to everyone!
go for PINK :dance: best wishes for you
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-02-27 06:37:00
Asia: East and PacificHow on earth?
I haven't sent money to Philippines, but I do send money to Indonesia from time to time via iKobo. Money is sent to an ATM card account where it can be withdrawn at any ATM that accepts visa. Transfer fee is $5 + 3% of whatever the total sent is. Its also available almost immediately.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-01 12:49:00
Asia: East and PacificGot my VISA INTERVIEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hope your not superstitious
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-08 20:16:00
Asia: East and PacificOMG, PINK!!!
Wow. Congratz for both of you :thumbs:
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-07 09:13:00