CanadaCutting Off Ties To Canada
You could import your car into the US as long as it meets the emissions requirements. You may or may not have to pay a duty on the car. You would also have to drive it to your new home unless you want to pay a shipping company to move it for you.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-09 15:42:00
CanadaGot the visa!
Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-19 17:53:00
CanadaInterview This Morning
Posted Image Posted ImagePosted Image do da dance~~
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-21 17:44:00
CanadaNOA2 Today!! Wooo!
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-28 17:15:00
CanadaMade it safely to the US
Best wishes on the future for you and your loved one
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-04-17 13:57:00
CanadaAPPROVED IN MONTREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow smooth interview. Congrats to both of you!
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-04-19 06:34:00
CanadaI got my Approval Notice!!!!
Congrats ! Time to prepare those documents for the upcoming interview
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-04-18 11:04:00
CanadaFINALLY...our NOA2 !
Congrats ! :)
I can't wait for mine !
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-05-05 17:46:00
CanadaNo K-1, got married and filed a I-130
Some of the same forms are used for diffrent visas.

You want to look at this guide.

If your filing for AOS, I-130 and I-485 together. Then you ok and you can continue to stay in the country. Just dont leave until you either get AP or your green card is granted. If you dont, you cant get back in.

The guide recommends sending both together. Im not sure if you can change your current filing.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-05 17:56:00
CanadaNo K-1, got married and filed a I-130
I should clarify though, are you filing an I-130 with I-485 (Which would be AOS)? or just an I-130 (Which would be CR-1 or K-3)?
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-05 17:29:00
CanadaNo K-1, got married and filed a I-130
Your not filing a K-1 so you posted in the wrong forum. It sounds like you have filed for K-3 or CR-1.

You are overstaying your current visa and yes you can be deported. And this could reflect negativly at your visa interview.

However. Depending on your situation, you may not actually need a visa and you file for AOS immediately. If on your last entry, you had no intention to marry your fiancee, you can legally file for AOS now and skip the visa process. However if you did have the intention to marry and stay upon your last entry. You should head back home or you will jeopardize your visa.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-05 17:20:00
CanadaAnother interview story
Congrats :)
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-22 08:46:00
CanadaDoes illegal immigration upset you big time too?

The point of due process is for the goverment to prove in a court of law that you actually broke a law. Otherwise whats to stop me from calling you an illegal immigrant and getting you deproted when your not actually that? We have to go through due process or there is no recourse for those wrongfully accused.

The due process involves being showed documentation that the person is here legally, and anyone who has come across on this site certainly has an abundance of that. Homeland Security is already full of abusers of power, and this needs to be looked into and those who did it should pay, but there is no reason that someone is entitled to any due process when they're 100% guilty of coming illegally.

And showing that is part of due process. You want to get rid of that which means getting rid of any way of proving that you are here legally.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-15 11:13:00
CanadaDoes illegal immigration upset you big time too?

I'd think something like liquidating all of the person's assets and any equities they've accrued by working in America illegally would start teaching people lessons.

Hum what a new idea you mean like they do now to US citizens that are criminals take and seize their stuff? What's good for one should be good for all.
My dad is a cop in Phila and did you know that they can't even ask anyone that they think is an illegal alien because of there rights. Wow I thought we had rights because we were citizens?

Hum its getting crazy out there know wonder I liked that movie V so much. Watch it its great.

All people here legally or illegally have right to due process. We could suspend it by classify all illegal aliens and enemy combatants, but that would get icky. And V really has no relation to the current situation.

There is NO due process for someone that illegally entered the country. They broke the law, they shouldn't be here, that should come with a lifetime ban with no appeal and be sent away illegally. By anyone who's entered the country with a Visa or such, there is PLENTY of documentation to prove that you entered legally. If someone can't produce this proof or flat out admits to entering illegally, they are entitled to leave, nothing more.

The point of due process is for the goverment to prove in a court of law that you actually broke a law. Otherwise whats to stop me from calling you an illegal immigrant and getting you deproted when your not actually that? We have to go through due process or there is no recourse for those wrongfully accused.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-15 11:00:00
CanadaDoes illegal immigration upset you big time too?

Where are you going to get the money to beggar 11 million people and deport them? It's not as though we're going to suspend due process and just run a truck around picking up everyone who looks Hispanic or suitably brown (plenty of illegal immigrants aren't Hispanic, yet oddly none of the rhetoric seems to worry about them.) As I'm sure you know from your wife's circumstances, people have a right to a hearing, they have a right to appeal the hearing, if they lose that, then there's a deportation order and until that time, we can't just throw people in jail. If you're advocating no due process, then the miscarriage of justice is likely to be far, far worse.

If we started deportation hearings for everyone tomorrow, it would be years upon years before the appeals wound their ways through the system.

People who entered the country illegally have absolutely NO right to due process, as they are not a citizen or a recognized member of our society. They should not be jailed or anything like that, they should be sent home, and the payment for these flights or transportation would be received by liquidating absolutely all of their assets that they accrued while being in the country illegally.

I am not going against just Mexicans or Hispanics at all. If someone illegally immigrated from Canada to the United States, my stance would be the exact same for them. My wife's folks had the right to appeals and hearings because they were legally involved with the process, and all of the work they did submitting forms and money entitles them to those rights.

The bottom line should be: "Did you enter the country illegally?" and if the answer is yes, you transport them immediately, then after they're out of the country, you go to their home, sell everything in it, sell the home, and recoup any such debts that were attained by sending them away.

Two things, what would the recourse be for someone wrongfully accused of entering illegally if they go straight to deportation? It could be easily abused, I say you entered illegally, off with you.

And how many people here illeagally acutally have sizable assets? And how do you get them with a job that makes not much more than minimum wage?
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-15 10:58:00
CanadaDoes illegal immigration upset you big time too?

I'd think something like liquidating all of the person's assets and any equities they've accrued by working in America illegally would start teaching people lessons.

Hum what a new idea you mean like they do now to US citizens that are criminals take and seize their stuff? What's good for one should be good for all.
My dad is a cop in Phila and did you know that they can't even ask anyone that they think is an illegal alien because of there rights. Wow I thought we had rights because we were citizens?

Hum its getting crazy out there know wonder I liked that movie V so much. Watch it its great.

All people here legally or illegally have right to due process. We could suspend it by classify all illegal aliens and enemy combatants, but that would get icky. And V really has no relation to the current situation.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-15 10:54:00
CanadaDoes illegal immigration upset you big time too?
There are alot of ways to look at this. And there is no simple solution to the issue of illegal aliens.

Wether you not you want to admit it, illegal aliens have a large economic part to play. Taking all of them out of the picture would send the US economy into quite a recession. Americans demand cheap goods and services. Which in turn requires cheap labor. Not enough Americans are willing to satisfy the labor demand. A demand is created for labor outside the country. Immigration law doesn't allow these types of people into the country. They enter illegally to satisfy the demands of the American economy. This is exacerbated when the economy is booming and unemployment is very low. When the economy slows down illegal aliens become the scapegoat for taking all the jobs, not to mention that they are taking the jobs that most Americans really wont do.

Yes there is no dispute that these people have broken the law coming and staying in this country illegally. But does the law really reflect the realties of today? There is no visa for most of these immigrants. Many live in poverty much worse than poverty in the US. How far would you go, if faced with it, to get your family out of poverty? Asked that question, breaking a law like immigration doesn't seem so bad. It doesn't make it right but one could morally justify it. Making the trip to the US, is not without its perils, many have died crossing the deserts over the border with Mexico or coming cramped in a container from China.

Some object to the concept of immigration out of xenophobia. And would rather keep everyone not like them out and limit as much as possible even legal immigration into the country.

In my opinion, the US made a mistake in not creating an unskilled worker visa 20 years ago, before we had so many illegal aliens in this county. But now that we do, we cant simply say go home. Forcing them would be expensive and impractical and our economy will take quite a hit when 12+ million people leave. Which will cause everything from higher prices to industries downsizing.

So whatever plan we do come up with, needs to for practical purposes grandfather those people already here into a legal status. I not staying, enter illegally and you get legal status, but instead find a way to grant some kind of legal status to those already here, and anyone who enters illegally afterwards, well gets deported. I think what would be best is something like LPR status, but without possibility for citizenship. And leave citizenship for those who enter on a regular immigrant visa. That way those already here can stay and work, and pay taxes. And we don't have to waste money deporting those who will likely renter anyway but instead put the money into improving legal immigration.

I don't any side is this debate cant get everything they want. There will always be a demand for cheap labor, unless Americans themselves are willing to work in janitorial jobs or meat packing plants for next to minimum wage, that wont change. We cant secure the border without creating legal immigration for unskilled workers. And we cant possibly deport all the illegal aliens without and still continue economic growth (well after a nasty recession it would likely rebound but it could be a few years.)
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-06-15 04:01:00
CanadaEAD on K1 after getting married

K1 visa holders who didn't get EAD stamp at the POE, beware: Infopass officer told us that we can't get the stamp *after* we're married. So, seems like if you want to work before getting GC you need to sort out EAD before the marriage.

Stamp is only good until the I-94 expires. Which is 90 days. Not everyone is going to be able to find a job in that time anyway.

EAD can be gotten before marriage, but it makes no sense, it takes 90 days to process and will expired with the I-94. But if you file for it with or after AOS, its good for 1 year.

If working is a nessecity upon entry, CR-1/IR-1 is probably the best route.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-08-04 17:30:00
QUOTE (parinita @ Apr 22 2008, 12:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> interview is on april 24...and I was just going through some paperwork and i noticed that i might have overstayed by 2months in usa....will that be brought up in the interview?!!!!

please let me know if they do keep track on all the entries we make to usa.

i m literally freaking out now since there are only two days to my interview:(

please help

than you all in advance

If you remember the US Visit system, that does keep track of when you enter and exit the US. (Not sure if Canadians have to use US Visit or not)

If your total overstay was less than 180 days you will not have to worry about a ban or wavier. But remember overstay is cumulative.

If it comes up in the interview, just answer thier questions honestly.

Edited by Dan + Gemvita, 22 April 2008 - 01:22 AM.

Dan JMaleIndonesia2008-04-22 01:21:00
CanadaMailing Medication
QUOTE (TheATeam @ Sep 8 2008, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi there! I'm so struggling with the health care system here. I can't get on my husband's health insurance yet so I'm without insurance. I was SO silly before I moved here and I didn't stock up on my birth control like I should have. Well, after 3 or 4 months of paying up to $100 every month just to get a prescription for them, I'm going to have my mom send me the leftover packages that I should have brought with me.

What I'm wondering is if anyone has had medication mailed to them from home. Did it work? Did you get your medication? She is just going to mail one package and then put the rest of them in her luggage when she comes next month for the wedding. I just don't want to have to pay $100 to go see a doctor for another one month prescription! ARGHHHHH!

I'm so frustrated with the health care, or lack of, here. Hubby said that he used to support the system here and now he realizes that it's pretty ridiculous. I mean, it's alright if you never get sick, but if you even need just birth control, you've got an issue if you don't have healthcare.

Anyhow, I hope someone has some experience with this! Thanks in advance.

You should be able to get birth control pills for cheap at a local planned parenthood office.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2008-09-08 15:27:00
Canadaive got a question for yall

Ok so I got a bit of info on my way. Today at the gym I was talking to this man and he knows about my situation and he said that he knew someone else too that went to the States to be with her guy. She visit him and he visit her. He came in the last time and they married here in Canada. And they both went back together and settled there and now she's waiting on her Green Card there. Is this possible? Could I do this? Is it too late? And if its possible even tho I filed I-129F form for K-1 Fiancee Visa. Can I still do it? thanks.

Its sort of a grey scenario. Its allowed in a certain case, but it can also result in denial due to visa fraud.

You can adjust from other visa outside of the K visas and IR-1/CR-1. If upon last entry you never had intent to immigrate. Its sort of a difficult thing to prove either way. But if the officer processing the case determines that fraud was involved it will result in a lifetime ban.

Can you do it? With a pending K-1 visa do you think you can prove no intent to immigrate? Even if you cancel the petition, a record of it would stay in your "file" and it would come up in an AOS interview.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2010-07-21 15:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionApproved!
oh wow. congratz to you both :luv:
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-23 00:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 over 500 dollars
Not June, any fee increases would be implemented October 1 the start of the fiscal year for the USCIS. If they are implemented, fees will go up across the board. Pretty much doubling costs for most services. But as of right now, I believe the fee increase is still open for public comment and not yet final.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-03-26 17:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionhow long?
Have a GREAT patience for this journey :) Good luck
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-04-18 11:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhen's the right time to file?
QUOTE (BryanJogie @ Jan 26 2008, 12:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys,

I know this is a simple question but i just want to make sure...
My greencard will expire on September 12, 2008.

My question is:

When will be the right time for me to file for removal of condition?
Exactly what month?


You can file 90 days before your card expires.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2008-01-26 02:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionKeeping Proof of Relationship.
QUOTE (ridejewel @ Feb 23 2008, 03:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Should my wife and I continue keeping our proof of having a relationship, even after she is issued a 2 year conditional green card? Proof of relationship being plane tickets, pictures and such of that nature? Do they interview us again? What's the normal process? Thank you.

Sometimes you can have an interview while removing conditions. But you should have evidence at the time that happens.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2008-02-23 16:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoving Conditions from overseas?
QUOTE (Indo_mommy @ Mar 6 2008, 04:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, chances are we'll be moving to Guangzhou, China sometimes this year as hubby got a new job. I'll have to file for removing conditions before May of 2009 now will I be able to file for this from overseas? Will I have to return to the States for the biometric or can it be done at the US Embassy in China?

Thanks guys!

I do know PR status will expire after 2 years out of the country. And you will need a re-entry permit after one year. You may have to maintain some kind of residence in the states.

You should be able to send the application in from China, but you may need a US address to receive mail. I think you will likely have to have biometrics done in the US.

I've been looking into this a bit, since I have been interested in taking a job overseas. But I don't want to have to go through the visa/AOS process again.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2008-03-06 23:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat did my wife get a Conditional Resident Green card for 2 years?
QUOTE (Richard 2000 @ Apr 1 2008, 01:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello, After 1 year of our initial interview may 2007, My wife whom is a Thai resident received her Green card on 3-30-08, but it says it will expire 2010 and we need to file some document to remove her condition status. I would like to know what justified a 2 year versus a 10 year green card?

We married in June 2006 so I am not sure if that is the case or not, but we knew each other for 5 years and she has been in the USA originally on a tourist Visa May of 2006.

Just wanted some feedback if there is something we need to worry about or is this normal practice. We know some friends whom applied the roughly the same time and they got 10 year green card.

Please comment,


This is quite normal. If you have been married for less than 2 years when AOS is approved, you will get a 2 year green card. You will have to file for removal of conditions before the card expires. Once that is approved, she will get a 10 year green card.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2008-04-01 01:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiondivorce within 1 year of marriage
QUOTE (djcess @ May 4 2008, 12:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone. I have a quick question but a little bit complicated. Someone I know got divorced within just 1 year of marriage. She came here on a fiance visa, got her conditional permanent resident card. I know she can't remove her conditional status. What happens next? I believe she should leave the country am I correct? Thanks.

She's still staying in the US.

She can remove conditions with a wavier provided that the marriage was in good faith.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2008-05-04 00:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionComplicated Case


Haven't post here in ages, some of you (I doubt very many tho') would probably remember that my husband and I moved to Asia in 2008 at the time I had my Conditional GC.

When we were just a couple of months short before applying for Removal of Conditions, my husband literally lost his job in China due to the whole economic crisis. We decided then to returned to my home country of Indonesia and we couldn't apply for the removal conditions.

Now that my husband had got a good job here even got his permanent resident too I'm wondering what to do next as far as my status to the US? I just called the USCIS office and talked to a lady who told me that we could do the whole process all over again by applying for I-130 (or the DCF?) and explained the situation was beyond our control that we can't apply for removal of conditions. We're planning to live here awhile so we're in no rush to apply for the I-130. However, if lets say we are to visit the US for vacation, can I just apply for a tourist visa or that would be a problem?

Sorry if I posted this question in the wrong section, like I said it's a pretty complicated case we have here.


If you are planning to continue to reside outside of the US, you will probably loose PR status, if you haven't already. You can loose it if your permanent address is considered to be outside of the US. If all you are going to do is visit, you would apply for a tourist visa. I'm not really sure how previously having PR status will complicate that process. It will no doubt come into consideration.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2010-01-07 12:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionchange of address required or not?

my wife came here to usa thru marraige with me i am a US citizen. after she she came here and got her green card for 2 years, we moved from massachusetts to mississippi and now is the time to file for I-751 for her

my question is
do i have to file a AR-11 form for the address change or can i just put this new address on for I 751
thanks in advance

I would recommend sending both of them in. They may not process an address change unless it comes in on the address change form. The form is free anyway and doesn't take much time.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2010-08-15 11:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFEBRUARY 2010 I-751 filers
Haven't really updated our status in this thread, but we just received the card production ordered notice today.

If you want to add me to the list, you can pull dates from our timeline.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2010-04-15 00:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTotal time outside the u.s. on 2 yeard green card

Its been awhile since I last read up on immigration law and logged in visa journey... But its time to get back in step and so I was wondering how long you can spend outside the u.s. without creating probs for roc? We spent 4 months after getting the green card... came back for a few months and then traveled for a month overseas in July. So our total time is maybe 5 and a half months, my memory tells me that 6 months or a maybe year is the max time we can spend overseas without creating trouble for ourselves. I know all about the reentry permit, but isn't there a total time you have to spend in the u.s.... like 50 or 75%? Thanks in advance

You can spend up to 6 months out of the country at a time before needing a reentry permit. However, significant time outside of the US will reset the clock to becoming eligible for citizenship.

You might still run into problems if you spend the majority of your time outside of the US. The green card is meant to be used to live in the US, not as a multiple entry visa.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2010-08-20 23:36:00
Philippinespregnant and waiting for k1

:innocent: Does anyone have knowledge about how a pregancy during our visit together will affect our pending k1? We're waiting for an NOA2 and she'll probably be 6 months by the time she has her interview. Thanks Virgillionaire

Depending how far along your fiancee is when she gets her visa, she may or may not be able to fly until after she gives birth. If the child is born in the Philippines, all you have to do is apply for a birth abroad at the embassy and get the child's passport.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-15 21:24:00
PhilippinesBayview Hotel
QUOTE (john_and_marlene @ Aug 28 2007, 08:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You'll find discrimination based on nationality with the room rates also. There is a "locals" (filipino) rate and a foreigner rate. The former is always much lower than the latter.

Yeah, but also rates very depending on the extras included with the room.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-08-28 19:33:00
PhilippinesFlowers and flying to philippines

I would be hesitant to do this. There are restrictions on bringing in any type of plant or animal to a different country unless you have a certain permit.

Correct, there are usually restrictions at customs regarding biological items such as plants, fruit and food. It may be more trouble than its worth. Look for import restrictions and customs information for the Philippines.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-07-14 17:15:00
PhilippinesFlight Information For Filipina Fiance
QUOTE (Tsup2 @ Nov 9 2007, 12:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I found this information on Philippine Airlines website:

To protect the true credit card owner, we require presentation of the credit card used in purchasing tickets from this website at the ticket collection point or upon check-in. If the credit card owner is not part of the travelling party and is unable to present the credit card, clear photocopies of the front of the credit card and the valid PHOTO ID of the credit card owner shall be required from the passengers at the ticket collection point or at check-in. It shall be the responsibility of the credit card owner to ensure that the passenger(s) comply with this requirement otherwise the passenger(s) shall be denied boarding.

Note: You may want to check the policy of each airline. I sent the funds to my Fiance to purchase her ticket with a travel agency in Iloilo. SHe is flying Northwest Airlines to Denver. I have read some postings that if the ticket is purchased outside of the Philippines the taxes may not be included in the fare and your Fiance would have to pay them at the airport prior to her departure.

This varies by airline. I was asked for my credit card flying on EVA Air. Northwest on the other hand, didn't ask to see the credit card, even though I paid for both with a card.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-11-09 16:16:00
PhilippinesAirline Travel Advisory (Ban Lithium Batteries)
QUOTE (Roserick @ Dec 28 2007, 11:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Kinda disappointing.. I always need extra batteries for my gadgets..

Specially on a long 18hrs trip to Philippines.. protest6wz.gif

The key is "non-rechargeable". Pretty much all lithium ion batteries are rechargeable.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2007-12-29 00:42:00
PhilippinesAnyone going home for vacation in P.I this year!
QUOTE (Joyce @ Jan 6 2008, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
unsure.gif just wanna ask if there someone know some cheap ticket to go to Philippine this year...

any suggestion helpsmilie.gif ?

Depends where you are flying from. Some airlines may have pretty good fares from your home airport, otherwise you may want to consider getting a flight to LAX and a separate flight to your destination.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2008-01-06 18:42:00
PhilippinesCommission on Filipinos Overseas Certificate
QUOTE (namelsac @ Feb 8 2008, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Folks, my Fiancé' was approved Feb. 7 for a K-1 Visa at the Manila embassy, yea!! Is she required to get a Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) Certificate before she can come to the US? I thought everything was done except the flight halfway around the world but now I'm not sure. Any help would be appreciated.

Its a Philippines specific requirement. She will need to attend the CFO seminar before being allowed out of the airport.
Dan JMaleIndonesia2008-02-08 16:31:00