CanadaThings not to do or say
I was pretty surprised when I heard about the kettle thing too. Bee's family has a nice stove kettle which I used almost every day when I went to visit them, but then again they're all tea drinkers. :D

What is this "white gravy" stuff I hear about? :wacko: I'm really, really frightened... I hope they don't serve that for Thanksgiving!
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-06-29 14:52:00
CanadaThings not to do or say

Oh, another one that touches upon what others have said. Don't assume or say that the majority of Canadians want to be Americans... we don't. :)

Also when she says that certain things taste "better" in Canada and that stuff in the U.S. is "too sweet", don't argue with her because it's true. Canada doesn't use HFCS in most of it's sweetened foods & drinks.

Hear, hear!

I can't tell you the number of times I've been angry at some poor schlep who's said to me, "So you wanna become a Yankee ay?!" HELL NO! I'll keep my Canadian citizenship, thank you!

Oh, and I hate HFCS. Hate it. Hate it. Haaaaate. Bee ordered a Pepsi when he first came to Vancouver and now he also refuses to digest anything with HFCS in it.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-06-29 13:14:00
CanadaThings not to do or say

Did someone forget to say Canadian Beer sucks?


Don't forget the lovely Alexander Keith's!

Or the ales from the Granville Island microbreweries here in Vancouver.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-06-29 12:11:00
CanadaThings not to do or say
1. Take yer shoes off.

2. Don't refer to Canadian money as "monopoly money".

3. Poutine is yummy. Just nod even if you don't think it's true, and don't say it's gross - we get mad and then that legendary Canadian rage comes spilling out. :D

4. Don't say that Canada is part of America. Don't make fun of our monarchy either :D

5. The igloos and huskies are from the Arctic, and it's not "wow it must be bitter cold up there eh?"

6. Us Canadians don't have a "cute accent" and not all of us say "eh" or "aboot".

7. Don't ask her if she knows Hank or Jenny from Canada.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-06-29 02:50:00
CanadaAll Time Dumbest Questions asked by Tourists to Banff Park

It boggles my mind just how stupid some people can be! I get so ticked off everytime I say I'm from Canada the first thing people always say is "oh it's so cold there" as if Canada is just one big expanse of frozen tundra. In this day and age I find it hard to understand why so many Americans are still so ignorant about their neigbors to the north!

I joke to my future sister-in-law about how I have to rebuild the igloo and feed the huskies every day. She thinks it's a riot how less-intelligent Americans are absolutely ignorant about Canada. :D

Edited by Nini & Bee, 28 June 2007 - 01:18 PM.

~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-06-28 13:17:00
CanadaI could just scream!

Okay, so first off, I'm frustrated as H-E-double hockey sticks! GRRRRR! My sweetie and I are waiting to file our I-129F until I'm divorced. Obviously we can't even start anything until I'm divorced. That's the way it is, I get it. What I don't get is why it has to be so darned hard in Canada to get divorced?! You have to wait one full year, and even then, if your ex is like mine and is dragging his feet, until all the papers are filed, nothing can be done.

He KNOWS that I need to be divorced as soon as humanly possible, yet he keeps on acting like he's retarded and saying there's no hurry, there's no rush. Well for goodness sakes! What an a$$hole! I need it NOW! I don't want to be married to him anymore at all! I want it over and done like a year ago. It's so frustrating. As soon as I've found someone I really want to be with, I have to wait for that stupid bonehead to get his $hit together! ARGHHHH!

Part of me wants to phone him and beg him just to do it. Heck, begging his new girlfriend is probably the better idea since she's the one who runs the show. On the other hand, part of me wants to be SUPER nasty and tell him that since legally I'm still his wife, that I can make his life a living hell. I'm not a mean and vindictive person, but I've got to say, him keeping me from being with the one I love is making me feel VERY nasty! It's not pretty at all!

I guess I just had to vent, somewhere where someone else could see it, and maybe sympathize. It's days like this where I don't understand why this has to be so darned difficult! Ugh! ~sighs~


Hang in there, bonehead will get it together soon. And if not, I suggest you freeze some eggs, and find his car.

*cough* Ah, forget that last part. :blush:
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-03 20:29:00
Unfortunately the new renewal system will not apply to Canadians that are living in the States. :(
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-06 17:19:00
CanadaHow the HECK do I get my immunization record?
Yar, go in there and demand some shots and/or a blood test. Canadian rage, go! :D

I know for my immunization records I went into my new doctor's office (long story, but my old doctor sucked) and asked for a blood test to prove immunity to MMR/TD/chicken pox, and the doc just said, "Why not get booster shots now? It's free and will probably save you a trip." :blink: I was expecting to pay out of the butt for them! So I got my boosters for MMR/TD and got a blood test proving immunity to chicken pox - paid for by provincial health care.

If they kick up a fuss, point out that the shots are free - and in light of the mumps scare last month, you want your shots. Period. No "oh it's for immigration so I have to charge you". If they say that, go somewhere else. Hell, the walk-in clinic should do 'em for you.

For my medical, I know I got a copy of my immunization records for AoS - so at least I'm not worried about doing them again at some crabby civil surgeon down in the States.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-05 01:37:00


Seriously, I know I might get my EAD or GC soon......but right now I am dead scared of what kind of job I will get. Had great coworkers, more friends, and my boss she was awesome and I was one of her trustworthy employee (not sure if its the right way to say it) and I was doing something I like and I could pretty do whatever, take vacation or time off when I wanted for medical stuff or whatever, and we were going out for lunch all together at least once a month ( we were 17 in the department) and that was cool. I was working in a lab and was enjoying it a lot. My problem is that I didnt study in what I was working specifically, close to it but not exactly. So eitehr I will find a great job based on my experience, but im scared they might reject me because I didnt study in it and the salary in what I studied for kinda sucks and I dont see myself doing that Im depressed about it right now :(

I was actually making a witty response to this, but then the power went out at the campus. :blink:

Anyway, I think that everyone goes through this. I know I'm already fretting about what job I'm going to find in the States, and I'm not even there yet! It's going to be a long road and staying optimistic only helps to a certain degree, but just remember that you've got the support of your loved ones.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-03 13:07:00
That sucks to hear. :( Through the process you unfortunately get to hear a lot of insensitive remarks made by people that are quite frankly blowing out of their butts, and this is to be taken on the sheer amount of stress and suffering that this process puts us through. I know I have heard a lot of comments (both good and bad) and the most important thing is that you know what's best for you. After all, who are you going to be living with 20 years down the road?
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-03 10:25:00
CanadaPlaces to stay in Vancouver--near tourist sites!!
I always recommend staying at the Century Plaza Hotel on the corner of Burrard and Nelson. It's off the Robson strip so it's not as crowded, but close enough where you can tourist - it's also close to the Burrard Street Skytrain station. Plus, it's only a few blocks away from the Timmy's on Alberni and Thurlow. :)

Tourist sites... Stanley Park, the Capilano Suspension Bridge, Grouse Mountain, Granville Island (yum microbrewery) and English Bay, to name a few.

If you're a play person, we also have Bard on the Beach in Vanier Park at this time of year.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-06 11:33:00
CanadaStraight to Vancouver from NVC?
It goes straight to Vancouver, I believe.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-10 02:14:00
CanadaMarried girl here!!!!!
Oh, congratulations! :D
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-11 01:22:00
Congratulations! :D
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-10 23:22:00
CanadaI am going to visit next weekend
Glad you had a good trip. :)
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-12 01:09:00
CanadaTodays the Day
Congrats! Hope it all went well! :D
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-07 22:18:00
CanadaBiometrics appointment!
Congrats and good luck. :D
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-13 01:03:00
CanadaVancouver Medical
Hehe, yeah. I'll let you know how my interview goes. My fiance is going to be there too, which makes me happy. :D
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-13 02:20:00
CanadaVancouver Medical
Glad that it went well! Good luck on your interview. :D
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-13 02:11:00
CanadaCalgary Herald today Immigration Cartoon
Hahaha. :D
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-05-30 14:23:00
CanadaCalgary Medical
That sucks, thermophile. :( But at least I'm glad it's done.

I wish there was a way to report these horrible, incompetent doctors to USCIS for negligent and inconsiderate service.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-13 13:12:00
Canadachanging consulate interview to vancouver from montreal
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-15 21:32:00
Canadachanging consulate interview to vancouver from montreal
I know that Vancouver is cracking down on petitions being transferred to their consulate from Montreal, so the chances of getting it approved are quite slim at this point. I believe that you have to show an extenuating circumstance or very good reason why you're asking for the petition to be transferred, as well as prove residency in the Vancouver consulate's jurisdiction.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-15 21:13:00
Canadamedical question ?
Right now it's still up in the air as to whether it's required for AOS applicants to have the TB skin test done before approval. I think USCIS is concerned about the presence of TB ever since that guy was caught flying with TB symptoms, but they (or other officials) haven't sent out a confirmed press release as to whether it's a requirement.

Until we get a confirmed release (and who knows when that'll be), I think it's really up to you whether you want to get the TB skin test done before you cross the border. You can always ask the panel physician at the time of your medical exam whether it's necessary.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-14 15:15:00
Canadamedical question ?
Results are sealed for the consulate, and they in turn will seal the contents in the "mysterious brown envelope" which will be then given to immigration at the border. Unfortunately you don't get to see the results unless you request a copy at the border, which doesn't always happen from what I heard.

The only copy of my results I've been given from the doctor has been my vaccination records, which I assume are for AOS. As far as that went, I didn't need a TB skin test as they do a chest x-ray to screen for that - I believe the skin test is only if it's suspected from your x-ray that you have it.

Edited by Nini & Bee, 14 July 2007 - 01:53 PM.

~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-14 13:51:00
So today at my retail job I had two customers:

One of them complained incessantly about how the Canadian government is "sucking the taxes out of everyone" and how they are just trying to make money,

The second one and I had an argument about socialized medical care in Canada. He said that we pay high taxes and still have to pay scads of money on top of that, and that the United States' privatized medical insurance businesses have equivalent, if not lower fees. I said, that's if you get approved by the HMO. At least the poor in Canada have access to health insurance, some in the States don't. He said, that's only the few in the States that don't work for a living.

Gah! -_-

Edited by Nini & Bee, 15 July 2007 - 02:11 AM.

~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-15 02:11:00
I think what I was most pissed about was that CNN made it sound as if those countries serving universal health care paid a disproportionate amount of taxes compared to the United States.

Another aspect I guess which leads me to so much dispair, is the disrespect that is given to those that don't have any health insurance. At one time, the people in the USA, cared for their "neighbours". There was a sense of "community". I find in many places, that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. People are so caught up in what "they" have, vs. what "everyone" can have. Like....I have to look out for "me", damn the rest.

I find it so disheartening that some people can't feel compassion for those that lack health insurance. I can't tell you the number of individual Americans that tell me they don't understand how we can offer health insurance to those that can't even pay for it. So many of my friends in the United States right now are good people who work hard to earn an income, yet their employers don't offer health insurance and therefore they can't afford to see a doctor when they get sick. They want accessibility to health care but they can't afford to pay the premiums - and on top of that they work through the illnesses because they can't afford to take time off.

As a student that makes below minimum income guidelines with my PT job, I get my BC MSP premiums fully paid for by the government and I qualify for the maximum deductible under Fair Pharmacare. I've never been so grateful to hear people say, "I don't mind that I pay higher income taxes for other people's health care." (Thank you for that. ^_^) I don't see how someone's income can quantify the amount of health care that they're allowed to have - as far as I'm concerned, an illness is an illness and they should be given the same treatment as everyone else. And when the time comes, I'll be damn happy to pay higher income taxes as long as I know that someone else is benefiting from that service.

Edited by Nini & Bee, 10 July 2007 - 11:55 PM.

~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-10 23:54:00
Bee just showed me this rather provocative and volatile interview between Michael Moore and Wolf Blitzer on CNN:

I admit that Moore does come across quite aggressively here, but he relevantly speaks about the topic between his "I told you so"s.

Edited by Nini & Bee, 10 July 2007 - 02:13 AM.

~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-10 02:13:00

Bee just about freaked out when I told him that my vaccinations and my visit to the doctor were free. It was like telling him about milk in a bag.

Not criticizing - but because this thread has been moved, just want to clarify that Canada's health care system is not actually 'free'. We pay for it through our taxes and in Alberta for a family we pay $1056 per year as well to AB health care (or 88 dollars a month as it were).

Don't get me wrong, I 100% support universal health care.

Oh, I know Canada's health care system is not "free". What I meant to say was, I didn't have to pay money up front for my visit or for my shots. I'm quite cognizant of the fact that I pay for it through my taxes and $600-ish to BC MSP for myself. ^_^
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-06 23:38:00
Bee just about freaked out when I told him that my vaccinations and my visit to the doctor were free. It was like telling him about milk in a bag.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-06 10:00:00
I honestly don't see any documentary as being "a ploy to make money". I think the point of a documentary is to show a particular topic to people so that they can gain knowledge about the topic that they may not have had before.

While Moore can be rather biased (hey, who isn't?), I think the whole point is to show that the health care system in the US has its disadvantages - he's making a comparison about the US health care system to other countries and showing that it's less ineffective than people would like to believe.

I'll go see the movie, but watching it with a grain of salt because you can't believe absolutely everything you see. The point is to formulate your own opinions, too.

For the most part, my USC fiance is also incredibly dissatisfied with the health care system in the US - simply because health care should be made affordable to everyone.

I just don't think it's fair to say that some people should suffer for their illnesses simply because they can't afford to see a doctor.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-05 15:19:00
CanadaSicko - Don't Cry - get angry and do something about it

What doesn't make sense? and no this exact post has not been posted elsewhere. You need to read it more carefully!

The gist of the post was mentioned elsewhere in the K1 forum. You know, I don't know where in this entire thread anyone implied that Cuba was lucky simply based on their "free health care" system. I think it was more of a commentary on what USCs are doing to provoke a change into the current privatized American health care system.

Also, does this need to be moved to off-topic now? -_-
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-16 11:39:00
CanadaFiance didnt get an I-94 upon arrival, what do I do?!
I haven't been in this position, but it sounds like you and your fiancee are fine to get married and file for AOS. Based on the fact that she hasn't overstayed her visa and has legally entered the country through the Visa Waiver program, you're good to go.

I wouldn't suggest that your fiancee go back to Canada, simply because when she re-enters based on a visitor's visa, she'll then have intent to marry and stay in the States. That would be considered visa fraud and it will cause a lot of trouble down the road. On top of that, if she leaves and goes back to Canada, you'll be forced to file for a K1 petition, which will take a bit of time to approve.

If you've already spoken to a few officials at the NYC USCIS office and they say that her passport and birth certificate is fine, then I'd take them at their word. It would be wise to consult a lawyer or call USCIS for a fifth opinion, but right now I think your fiancee is fine to stay in the country.

edit: I just read the other thread and saw the other comments, ignore me. -_-

Edited by Nini & Bee, 16 July 2007 - 05:44 PM.

~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-16 17:42:00
CanadaSo what's the deal with Federal Student Loans?

Maybe it's when someone is on interest relief that they get screwed when they leave Canada?

Yeah, misa. Interest relief is only eligible for those that are residing in Canada right now.

It was single-handedly the worst decision I've ever made.

Amen to that! :P *kicks student loan files*
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-18 12:55:00
CanadaSo what's the deal with Federal Student Loans?
I just called the hotline for my federal student loan, and got a really nice lady on the phone. (Why can't we get people like that when we're calling USCIS/NVC/consulate?) She laughed when I told her that I was worried about being penalized for moving outside of Canada and assured me that I would not be required to pay off the entirety of my loan. She said that as long as NSLSC had the current address on file they would be able to mail me my loan repayment schedule and I could go ahead with making payments through my RBC account. Some good news for me and Galateia! :D

Poor misa, I'm sorry to hear about the government's mistake. Glad that it worked out though.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-17 20:58:00
CanadaSo what's the deal with Federal Student Loans?
I know I have a student loan which is going to start building interest at the end of next month (yay for graduation!) and so I'll be giving NSLSC a call sometime this week to check on the itty bitty details as well. I intend to leave my RBC account open and pay my loans online through that account while wiring money into that account from the States.

As far as I know, I haven't heard about any penalties that incur if you switch your address - at the bottom there are a few phone numbers meant for where you're located. I can't say that means that you're alright, though...

I hope they're not intending to have the full amount all at once, otherwise I can't move post-interview. :(

Edited by Nini & Bee, 17 July 2007 - 08:41 PM.

~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-17 20:38:00
CanadaCase Transfer request = what to expect???
*facepalm* I need sleep.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-18 22:35:00
CanadaCase Transfer request = what to expect???
If you are filing for CR-1, Montreal is the only consulate in Canada who performs the interviews.

People have managed to get their K1 and K3 applications transferred from Montreal to Vancouver, but lately they've also been cracking down on those transfers.

I hope things work out. Good luck!
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-18 22:14:00
Canadatempoary Reject after my interview..
Oh, congratulations! :D
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-16 21:16:00
Oh, congratulations! :D
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-07-19 17:57:00