CanadaWe have a POE date!
I didn't really want to say anything before we had all the good news, but here goes. smile.gif

A few weeks ago, Bee got word that a position in his company was opening up due to some management shuffling. Funnily enough, this is the same position that he'd applied to six months ago, but was passed up for another person. His boss said that he'd only put Bee's name into the list of recommendations this time, and then we played the waiting game.

We found out on Friday that Bee is getting the promotion kicking.gif

Since then, we've discussed our options and have decided that I'll be moving over in November, which is WAAAAAAAAY earlier than we thought. (And I am so thrilled because I miss Bee like mad biggrin.gif and leaving my increasingly unbearable living situation early is fantastic.) Which means... omg panicking what do I need to do?!

Here's my list so far:
  • obtain driver's abstract
  • changing addresses
  • cancelling cellular phone service
  • EI and all that jumbledy
  • banking stuff
  • contacting BC MSP for non-residency
  • selling/recycling/donating non-essentials
  • packing my life into boxes
  • figuring out how to get my boxes to PA
  • wondering how I'm going to ship a computer
Am I missing anything tongue.gif and who wants to be the first for awesome advice and big yippees? biggrin.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-03 02:10:00
CanadaVJ lunch meetup in Vancouver on Sept. 12
We still haven't gone yet, so maybe we can arrange something while you're in town, Eka. smile.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-12 14:55:00
CanadaVJ lunch meetup in Vancouver on Sept. 12
It's okay - we still have a lot of time before we all leave. Maybe we can snag dearheart for lunch as well when she has her interview. smile.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-11 22:51:00
CanadaMoving Company for short move.
I know I considered driving cross-continent to save on moving costs and stuff in a u-haul, but we nixed that idea once we figured that 1) driving across the continent in winter = bad idea, 2) driving across the continent alone = very bad idea, and 3) in a u-haul = extremely bad idea.

Liz, just google "u-haul" and see how many horrific news stories are on the first page of searches. laughing.gif

Edited by Nini & Bee, 12 September 2007 - 03:21 PM.

~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-12 15:21:00
CanadaHave a good one tomorrow Tinker!!!
Yay Tinker!

So when's the big POE date? biggrin.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-12 14:56:00
CanadaHave a good one tomorrow Tinker!!!
Good luck Tinker! Knock 'em dead! biggrin.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-11 15:49:00
CanadaTransferring Pension Funds

That sucks, Krikit. sad.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-12 11:24:00
QUOTE (trailmix @ Sep 12 2007, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The thing is, snow is pretty - but I hate driving in it, I hate when you put your foot on the brake and the car keeps on going - it's so not good. Flowers, green leaves, warm breeze, clear sidewalks, cars that are warm - now that's good stuff smile.gif

I love snow, but I agree - driving in it sucks, especially if you have a car that's rear-wheel drive. Skid city sleep.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-12 15:18:00
QUOTE (pj1959us @ Sep 12 2007, 10:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wonder if a big wall on our northern borders will keep out that air. laughing.gif

Puts a whole new meaning to the term "border fence" laughing.gif

Over here, it's... what, 24C? I almost wish for real snow, not 2-inch Vancouver slushy. Then I remember I'm moving to PA, land of the bitter winter. laughing.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-12 13:30:00
CanadaAnyone have any great study habits???
Looks like we're all procrastinators. laughing.gif

In all seriousness, get out of the house. I always needed to study at the library or somewhere else because whenever I was at home, I'd always say, "Ten minutes to get food..." and then two hours later, I'd have to go to work.

Go to the local coffeehouse, or even the park if it's nice out. smile.gif

I used to take notes in lecture, and when I came home I cross-referenced with the textbook and wrote them all out again. For one thing, you can neaten up your notes in preparation for final exams, and secondly, it's a good way to get the information in your head. (Yes, slightly OCD, I admit it laughing.gif)
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-11 15:54:00
CanadaNight at the Museum
laughing.gif That's too funny.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-12 11:23:00
CanadaOctober 4 Interview
Congratulations smile.gif

Good luck on the interview, and hoping that you won't be too stressed out for it. laughing.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-13 12:39:00
CanadaABF upack terminal to terminal
No, I asked this question today at the UPS store, and unfortunately your goods will not be allowed to cross the border until US customs has received notice that you personally have entered the US. The visa has to be activated and usually a copy of the I-94 is used as proof that you've crossed into the country.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-13 01:11:00
CanadaGreen Card
The fee is $1010 to adjust status, which includes the cost to file advance parole and the employment authorization document. (And I'm so glad GST and PST isn't on there... laughing.gif)

Edited by Nini & Bee, 13 September 2007 - 08:29 PM.

~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-13 20:28:00
CanadaGreen Card
Unfortunately a green card won't be automatic after you get married in the US. You'll have to apply for Adjustment of Status, which could take a few months or longer. If you're looking to travel while your green card is in process, you can always apply for Advance Parole which will let you travel to Canada and back.

AP is included in the AOS fee anyway, so you might as well apply for it in case your green card takes awhile to process.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-12 14:54:00
CanadaLast day @ work
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-13 18:47:00
CanadaLast day @ work
For work, I'm giving them a month in advance to find a replacement. Most likely I'll have about two or three weeks before my POE date to get everything sorted out, go to the parties, and say goodbye to friends and family. smile.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-13 13:08:00
CanadaLast day @ work
Just think of happy thoughts, Len. Don't think about using your ballpoint pen as a weapon laughing.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-13 11:52:00
CanadaVancouver airport POE time needed to activate visa
I always give myself 2 hours ahead of departure on a regular flight. Bee was leaving Vancouver on a 6am flight and not only was the customs lineup long, so was the check-in lineup. This was at 4am on a Sunday morning blink.gif

Plan on doing three hours for the visa processing, should be enough time to get through and make the plane ride.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-13 18:51:00
CanadaK1 process flowchart
Keep in mind that some state DMVs (like PA, where I'm going) won't issue a driver's license until you receive your SSN regardless of whether you are applying during your K1 status or your AOS status. Hell, I've heard that some states won't allow you to get a marriage license until you have a SSN.

Bee and I are most likely going to get married within two weeks of my POE, so we'll probably do this route:

Marriage license ---> marriage ---> AOS ---> SSN ---> DL/bank/others

Edited by Nini & Bee, 14 September 2007 - 03:35 PM.

~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-14 15:34:00
CanadaIssues with RBC

I just got home from my RBC branch. The guy I dealt with before helped me out again, and after a few calls he explained to me that my receiving a refusal notice was a glitch in the paperwork system. When I pointed out that I had still been approved for the credit card and shouldn't have received a refusal notice, he said that my product switch entailed RBC to do an inquiry into my credit history due to the fact that the regular and student Visas had separate criteria.

He actually went over credit stuff with me after that and said that RBC hadn't done a "hit" (detailed credit history check) but an "inquiry" and that the inquiry would not affect my credit rating. Hell, he said that the refusal notice would not affect my credit rating at all.

Not only that, but my cousin works for RBC Visa. I spoke to her yesterday and she said that my credit history would show that I had an inquiry, but that it wouldn't have a large impact on my credit history because the points were so negligible. She said that if I wanted to pursue it, I could but should be prepared for a huge amount of hassle and it might not be worth my time. (And then she said, "But I thought you were moving soon?" sleep.gif)

I'm not so sure what to think, but I am very sick from catching my coworker's cold and my head is all muddled up, and I feel decidedly emotional right now.

Edited by Nini & Bee, 07 September 2007 - 01:18 PM.

~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-07 13:17:00
CanadaIssues with RBC
So, for the past forever-and-a-half years I've been doing my banking through RBC. For the most part they haven't been giving me much grief... okay, until today.

Up until my recent graduation (yaaaaaay!) I've been holding student banking accounts with RBC. A few months ago they sent me a reminder letter asking me to switch out of my student bank accounts and into regular accounts once I graduated.

When I was talking to the banking officer about RBC Centura last week, I mentioned that I also needed to swap my credit card from a Student Visa Classic II to a regular Visa Classic II. He filled out a form for me for a card switch, no problem right?

Imagine my surprise when I received a letter from RBC today stating that my recent credit card application was DECLINED. You can imagine I started freaking out about someone applying for a credit card in my name.

After an hour of being transferred from department to department in the RBC telephone hotline, I find out that I am receiving a Visa Classic II from RBC within the week and they have no idea why I received a refusal letter. It turns out that the banking officer used the wrong form to do my card switch and he basically completed a brand-new application for me, which resulted in my refusal letter.

The worst part is that because of this F***ING letter, my credit rating is affected. sleep.gif So I have to go back to my branch tomorrow and cause hell, because RBC Customer Services can't do anything about it.

ARGH. mad.gif

Edited by Nini & Bee, 06 September 2007 - 08:20 PM.

~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-06 20:18:00
CanadaWhich documents can I expect they will keep at the interview?
Udella - I haven't had an interview yet, but I'm probably going to bring photocopies of my birth certificate etc, just in case. I highly doubt that the consulate is going to ask to keep any original personal documents, but good to have the copies in case they want them.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-06-29 20:33:00
CanadaWell I moved today. :)
Congratulations on the painless crossing. Get off the computer and spend some time with the SO, now that you can. biggrin.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-16 00:48:00
CanadaThings to do before you move...
I know I'm required to let BC Medical Services know that I'm leaving the country, since they'll want to stop billing me for payments - they say that a "failure of payment" won't be constituted as notice of leaving the country. From what I've heard, medicare will cover you for the remainder of the month that you've left Canada.

Also, if you have any household bills to cancel before you've left, give them advance notice - sometimes they won't cancel service for a month or so ahead, so don't get stuck with a hefty bill.

By the way, I hate voice-prompt telephone customer service. sleep.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-14 16:34:00
CanadaWelcome to our world....
40 boxes? I thought I had a lot of books blink.gif I'm still selling my old ones away, and waiting for the library to open up from the city strike so that I can donate the rest of my battered ones.

Len, do you have pictures of you in your Lady Heather outfit? devil.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-17 12:20:00
CanadaAh, Timmies - Northern Exposure
So far there's one or two Timmie's in PA, but nowhere near close to where Bee lives. Also whether they're the same quality as what you'd find here in Vancouver is probably another story. wink.gif

Now y'all have me thinking about taking some sealed tins of Timmie's with my stuff...

Edited by Nini & Bee, 16 September 2007 - 10:19 AM.

~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-16 10:18:00
CanadaCompletely Off Topic
I'm sorry, but after reading this story I am laughing hysterically. laughing.gif Can you tell it's been a really rough day?
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-18 12:46:00
CanadaSpeaking of Pink Doilies....
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-19 13:08:00
CanadaSpeaking of Pink Doilies....
"Made from the hairs of rare yaks in Tibet and dyed from the recovered scalp of <famous punk rock star> you can almost see the face of Jesus in the centre of the doily.

Only yours for $5000!"

You could easily pay off your visa fees with that...
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-18 15:43:00
CanadaI can't stop checking online case status
Well, isn't Halo 3 coming out soon? wink.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-19 22:34:00
CanadaMedical with Dr. Seiden
Great review! Now it's off to the consulate!
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-20 14:43:00
CanadaK3 approved and Montreal interview behind us yippee
Congratulations! smile.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-20 14:42:00
Canada1:1 CDN:USD
I might consider throwing some money into Bee's account, since I'm probably not going to go with Centura now... though, if it goes up higher, waiting might be a good thing. whistling.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-21 12:38:00
Canada1:1 CDN:USD
Go go parity!
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-20 19:02:00
CanadaDoes Anyone Need an Informal Wedding Dress?
QUOTE (Doug n Amanda @ Sep 21 2007, 06:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nini & Bee @ Sep 20 2007, 03:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gorgeous! Unfortunately, it'll never fit me - I'll most likely drown in all that fabric. laughing.gif

As I said in another response to someone with problems finding a PETITE wedding dress.....SHUT UP. tongue_ss.gif

Sorry, no offense meant. blink.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-21 12:43:00
CanadaDoes Anyone Need an Informal Wedding Dress?
Gorgeous! Unfortunately, it'll never fit me - I'll most likely drown in all that fabric. laughing.gif
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-20 14:41:00
CanadaPolice Certificates - What exactly do they want?
As flames said, no criminal record = no fingerprint check. You can just go to your local RCMP detachment for a Canada-wide name check and get that much faster.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-21 12:42:00
CanadaPolice certificates w/o fingerprints in Edmonton for K3
Has she tried one of the nearby RCMP detachments in her area? That will also suffice for a police certificate, as it's Canada wide.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-22 01:57:00
CanadaPrepaid cell phones
There is also Virgin Mobility which has very good customer service. I'm not sure about their roaming fees but their rates are incredibly reasonable.
~Nini~FemaleCanada2007-09-22 02:00:00