IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to send

They really wont care about the invitation, more so than the marriage certificate itself. I wouldn't add the invitation as it might add confusion. Here is a list of what I've sent and I'm now awaiting review, but this has been approved by a few experienced members on here :)

Evidence of marriage:
Copy of Marriage Certificate

Photos from the years we have know eachother, if no dates on them, write when they were taken and who is all in them and where they are taken

Cards sent and made to and from one another
Copy of all the saved flight itineraries that we managed to salvage.
Screencaps of skype conversations/call times from spand of relationship (And we just printed them out using MSword, same with the photos)
Copies of scrap book pages with photos.
Copies of Hotel itineraries

And of course the petition, the passport like photos, etc

If they need more they will ask for it :) But honestly, I think so far you got some good supporting stuff :) I wish we had a joint bank account but neither country will allow us too unless one of us has a green card for that country so it kinda sucks that way...but all they want to see is that it's not a fraudulent marriage.

About shortening the Skype logs, I think I only sent in 20ish, if they really want more they will request it or will tell you to bring it to the interview. It's debatable whether to have a lot of evidence or a healthy amount. Honestly I would go with between a lot and a few, cause they will be asking for stuff to bring to the interview and you want to have something still left handy. I really don't think they expect you to send your whole life story in, just enough to prove to them that this is legit and serious. I went with my gut feeling. We set up the package until we both felt it was enough evidence and sent it in :) 

Good luck in your journey!

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2013-12-06 02:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresresponse from NVC

Sounds like the name was not written correctly or was left blank or the full name was not used properly 


Your name is John Doe, but all your documents state (passport, birth certificate) that you are, legally know as Johnathan Doe. Put the name that is on all you legal documents. So you wouldn't put John Doe, you would put Johnathan Doe, as that is what you documentation states on  your passport, birth certificate etc.

Like for me, I have to put my first, my middle and my last name because its on all my legal documents.

Also this doesn't need to be presented again till the interview from what I'm reading, so just go over the checklist, bring the forms they want and just make sure you triple read through it, and make sure everything is filled out and nothing left blank. (if something doesn't apply for example: Previous marriages...if you have none, state put NONE or N/A)

It sounds like it was a typo, something was left blank or a misspelling of a name...but I'm sure...the wording on this is a little confusing. IF you're really not sure, call the USCIS and find out what they're missing :)


saddlepatchFemaleCanada2013-12-06 02:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of bond marriage

They want everything in english writing. If you're talking about him writing a letter to prove the marriage then it has to be done in english and typed out, then have him sign it.

However, I am told that letters proving the marriage have very little weight to the petition, so I would just stick with other things like copies of flight iteneraires, hotel confirmations, marriage certificate, photos from visits, the marriage, joint bank account information, lease agreements...just that kinda stuff :)

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2013-12-06 02:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusband admits during medical he smoked weed 4 years ago

Why is everyone saying that her husband was in the wrong?

I don't mean this to come across meanly, but he was being 150% honest and it was medical not recreational.

You do realize that if he had lied on his medical exam, and it was figured out later, this could get your denied? You cannot lie to the government about anything. You must be honest. Honesty is the best policy. So don't be too hard on him, he probably wanted to make sure that it didn't get brought up and made things harder for you. 

If you have any issues, you hire a lawyer as it was for medical purposes. I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you're that concerned, have him get a doctors note from the medical practice that prescribed him the treatment. They can't be bias when it comes to medical needs and its not like weed that is prescribed medically would bring in a health issue to the US at all.....and if it was four years ago, I would even be less concerned.

It might cause some delays in your processing, but legally, because it was medical, they can't discriminate him or you for it. Again, like I said, if issues arise, hire a lawyer right away.

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2014-03-21 10:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiled I-130 last month - can I still travel to US for Christmas?

As long as you bring return ticket, proof of employment in your home country, proof of bill payments that are on going, you will be fine...

Think about it, why does it make sense for your husband/wife to visit you in your country but not in makes no sense. Don't worry I thought the same thing.

Really in the end, it's up to the BCO at the time of entry to decide if you can visit the US. They can deny you for anything now a days. I was denied back in 2009 (the first time I went to see my wife actually as her best friend originally) cause I didn't have a job and I wasn't going to school, regardless of my flawless entry record before hand.

Whether the US Boarder patrol can actually SEE that you have applied for residence in the US is debatable. Some say, yes, the USCIS puts a big red flag on your passport and others say no, they don't even know unless you bring it up....which they usually do because you're more than likely gonna say "I'm visiting my spouse" and I know I always get asked. "When do you plan to live together, if you're not already? And where?"

I would just be honest, answer only the questions they asked, have proof that you're returning and that you're not gonna stay and be polite :) They BCO's bark is worse than their bite, really!

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2013-12-06 01:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWanting to prevent an RFE, can I do that?

Someone please reply!!

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2014-04-19 06:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWanting to prevent an RFE, can I do that?

I just realized that without petition we did NOT send in the proper marriage certificate. I JUST Ordered my Long form copy from the Ontario Website. The one I gave USCIS (Which has been processing for almost 5 months now) is the licence and the solemunation or whatever it is, not the cert itself.

Once I get it, can we mail it to USCIS and phone them letting them know that we are sending the Marriage certificate, or did I just ruin this whole thing after waiting 5 months already? :(

With our petition***

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2014-04-19 05:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat Marriage document does USCIS Need?

picture is too small to see, but it's the certificate you need. Proves you GOT married. Licence only proves you're GOING TO get married.

Thats not answeing my question, do I need the 22 dollar one or the 15 dollar one on the site? The preview roughly should show you what I keep getting, you dont need to see details....

Both are labeled at "Certificates" So thats why Im confused and when I called they told me this is (the one I have, the 22 dollar one I ordered) both a liesense and a certificate, so Im really confused. Someone on here must of submitted a form that looks like the one I posted or something that looks more like a birth certificate. I need to know WHICH one I have to send USCIS.

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2014-05-05 16:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat Marriage document does USCIS Need?

Tried calling the government of Ontario but they apparently are useless and know nothing about anything.

I paid the 22 dollars to get my certified long form marriage certificate, they sent me a copy of my license? Is that what Immigration needs? Or do they need the short form one?

I posted a photo of the one I got here (as an attachment thingy). Do I have the right one or is it something completely different and can someone link me to a photo of the document I need if I don't have the right one? I just want to makes sure because I don't want to spend anymore money if I don't have too and if I do, I want to make sure its the CORRECT form I'm ordering, so is it the $15 dollar one USCIS needs or the $22 Dollars one listed on this site : http://www.ontario.c...age-certificate



Attached Files

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2014-05-05 15:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI received a checklist ,OMG HELP ME PLEASE

Call USCIS and let them know of the issue.

If I were you, I'd just resend the information again. It wont delay you're process that much, maybe a few week, overnight the package if you want it done quicker. Double check and make sure everything is filled out completely, double check your passport. Make sure it does not expire in 6 months! If it does, you need to renew it. And get your long form birth certificate to send ( A copy not the real one). Pretty much the checklist tells you what they need, just send it again if you have trouble with calling them. MAKE A COPY OF ALL THESE in case they lose it again.

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2014-05-08 01:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I go on Ontario Works/Welfare or will that ruin everything? (Beneficiary)

I've suffered depression for years, so I will for sure bring all documents when it comes time for them.

I don't plan to be on OW for long (because its barely enough to live off of anyways) but I just need time to heal and get better. Never been on OW before, so just don't want to ruin my immigration process. 

Thanks for all your help!

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2014-06-20 18:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I go on Ontario Works/Welfare or will that ruin everything? (Beneficiary)

((For those who do not know what OW is, its pretty much welfare))

I'm the beneficiary, not the petitioner, and I've been going through a big string of depression that is causing me to not have a good work ethic which is threatening my job security. I went to see a social worker yesterday who said while I'm waiting to get treatment, I should try applying to Ontario Works/Welfare in the meantime since my mom is threatening if I dont have a job, I need to move out.

I just don't want to ruin my CR-1 visa process if I do that and just want to make sure If can or cannot do that? I know the petitioner cannot be on any form of government support, but can I be? Or would you advise against it?


I'm 7 months into processing, with no word yet if I've been approved or not. We sent in a e-request a few days ago and will hear on July 7.

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2014-06-20 16:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the LONGEST this can take? Getting tired of waiting...

your file will get sent to the NVC.  Processing there is 4-6 months. Then another 6 weeks for your interview.

Follow the OCTOBER NVC thread and read all the links in the very first post. Especially the NVC WIKI.

Oh I know it will be another 7 months there abouts to get my green card at long last, but thats better than another year! Should roughly be able to move by the numbers in mid/late Summer if all goes as planned!! :D So happy!! Can't wait to be with my wife and no longer have to do this back and forth travelling #######!

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2014-10-12 03:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the LONGEST this can take? Getting tired of waiting...


Got my NOA2 e-mail notice TODAY!!! Waiting for the mail!!! It's been approved, no RFE's, now we can focus on paying the fees and getting an interview set up!!

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2014-10-10 05:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the LONGEST this can take? Getting tired of waiting...

Also, may I add, that everyone who submitted around the same time, with a similar timeline, has their NOA2!! Like seriously?! Why are we the ones being stuck in the slow lane?! Also they're already into January 2014 filers according to the processing timelines!! What is going on?! Freaking me out that it's taking this long to clear the security clearance when we have NOTHING on our records....Denied entry ONCE to the US but it wasn't for criminal reasons. I was 19, had no job, wasn't in school and living with my mom and visiting my wife (my best friend at the time) for the first time after meeting online, so they said I had lacked ties to prove I'd return to Canada, but crossed 6 hours later, without a hitch, so that makes no sense :/ And I'm in Florida right now visiting, returning today to Canada and they stamped my passport for 6 that can't have anything to do with it, but its the only thing I can keep going back too. And Laura is clearer than glass for her record. Never done anything wrong!!!

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2014-10-08 04:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the LONGEST this can take? Getting tired of waiting...

Coming up on ELEVEN months in waiting for a SECURITY clearance when either myself or my wife have ANY criminal background. We keep sending E-Requests for information and they keep saying the same thing "We have yet to clear your names on the security check."

Is it not true that this is suppose to take no longer than 15 months? If not, how much longer could we be waiting? 5 months? Another year? 2 years? 3 years?!

Shes an American citizen, born in the US and I'm a Canadian, born in Canada. It should not take this long for us to be together. We are neighbors and allies. I just want to live with my wife already!! :( :( :(

Ya, I can go down for 6 months at a time, but I can't legally work :/

Is there anyway I can apply for a temporary work visa or something while I wait? So I can work in the least 20 hours a week and can live with her while I wait for approval? I can't stand this distance much longer. It's taking a toll on my mental health greatly so much I might lose my current job...We figured I'd be down by Christmas......but now it feels like I'll never be able to live with her.....I don't want to wait another year! Someone give me some good news :( 

Sorry if I sound like I'm whining, but it's really disheartening seeing people on here that submitted there petitions the same time we did, to Nebraska and have already had their interviews and already happily living with each other...I'm sure I'm not the only one but it's REALLY frustrating.....


saddlepatchFemaleCanada2014-10-08 03:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa and adjustment status in relation to sponsors and joint sponsers

How much is due for I-130 at the interview if you don't mind me asking, if anyone on here knows? I can't find the answer anywhere and just wanna be prepared!

saddlepatchFemaleCanada2013-11-03 03:38:00