K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt took 11 months, but WE GOT OUR VISA!!!!!!!!

Hooray!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you both!!!!!!!!! It was a long haul, but I am sure well worth the wait!!!! Good luck with the wedding plans!!! :D

Thanks... yes, it HAS been an incredibly long haul..

I'm telling you guys, the feeling I have today as I waltz and bounce around work is WORTH all the pain, heartache, torture, and angst of the last (almost) year... I'm telling you it's the BEST feeling in the world! This has been one of the most happy days of my life, topped only by when I see him walk off that plane and in to my arms....

Keep hanging in there, guys!
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-12-21 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt took 11 months, but WE GOT OUR VISA!!!!!!!!
Whoopss.... I meant to say 9 months!!!! It was mid-March when we filed... they certainly took their sweet time, as far as I'm concerned. We had originally been going by the '120' days thing, foolishly thinking it would actually happen that fast.

As time went on, it became painfully obvious that it would take a LOT longer from beginning to end... so we scrapped all our summer wedding plans. :angry:

Now we've got to get married by March, which totally sucks it's the worst weather! :angry:

Ah well, I'm trying to be positive and thankful that at least it will happen...

Thanks all, for your well wishes and thoughts. (and prayers, although I'm not religious!)

digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-12-21 10:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt took 11 months, but WE GOT OUR VISA!!!!!!!!
Well y'all, I said I'd post early this morning with our interview results!

:yes: WE GOT IT!

I don't have the details of the actual interview yet, as he had to run around the corner and use a phone box to call me (at a cost of $9.00 per minute) so we couldn't stay on long...

He's going to give me the exact list of questions later today when he gets home, which I will repost promptly for those of you who're curious! (this was the London Embassy, btw)

so... WOOT for me! :lol:

They said, b/c of Christmas and Boxing Day, the visa will not arrive until late next week (as luck would have it, my sister is getting married the week after) so I hope he gets here on time!!!
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-12-21 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfree to marry
LOLOLOL I try. :P :P :P :P
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-07 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfree to marry
:lol: :lol: :lol: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe, in his letter of intent to marry, he can put something that goes like this. "I am not legally able to marry at this time. However, by the time you molasses asses at the USCIS finish processing my petition, my sixth month waiting period will most certainly have come and gone..."

digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-07 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfree to marry
Whoa, whoa, whoa, everybody calm down.

I would think anyone with half a brain would carefully consider ALL information given, especially the advice of an attorney, as well as opinions (and, plainly stated, that's all they are) before making such a decision.

No need to get our panties in a bunch!

Ken, I think you're best bet in this 'gray area' type of situation would be to contact an immigration attorney. You can certainly solicit the opinions and friendly advice of all who post here, but you know as well as anyone else, that the only person who can give you a SOLID, no if's and's or but's about it - answer, is a lawyer.

Good luck, and I'm sure a lot of people here would be very interested and appreciative to know what your research uncovers.

digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-07 12:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie with paperwork question..

You need to be able to prove that you have met in the 2 years prior to filing the petition. This is a requirement and necessary for the petition to be eligible. Is there absolutely nothing else that can you can think of? Plane tickets, boarding passes eg?

Well, his passport stamps would be the only thing that would place him here.. but that doesn't necessarily prove he was coming to see me... I can't prove that I picked him up at the airport, etc....

What about the 'index photo' that comes with your pictures now when You get them developed? That has a date on it.... it's just that the full sized pix didnt' have dates cuz they were one of those ####### cameras...

I'm assuming digital photos dont count.... which, unfortunately, was what the majority of our pix were taken with...

So, passport stamps, does that work? He thinks he's discarded all boarding pass and plane tickets. We never would have thought to save all this stuff. :angry:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-01-29 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie with paperwork question..
Thank you, that is exactly what I needed. :yes:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-01-29 12:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie with paperwork question..

This 'letter of intent'? Was that supposed to be in the I-129F? We sent it in without and got approved. Or do we need it for the Interview. This site is the greatest :dancing: ...............{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Oh God, I'm just getting more confused by the minute.... EEK>

OK, here's what my directions said.

Send a photo (white background) of each of you.
Send the completed I129 F
Send Biographics sheets, me and him
Send 'Letter of Intent' one from you and one from him (Exact instructions: Provide original statements
from you and your finace whom you intend to marry within 90 days of his or her admission to US, and copies
of any evidence you wish to submit to establish your intent to marry.)
So, a letter inviting his hand in marriage and to live in US with me seems appropriate, or not?
Send evidence that you have met in the last 2 years.
Geezuz, I don't know WHAT to do for this one. We have pix from last summer, that were taken with one of those disposable cameras, and there are NO dates on them! How else do we prove that we were together last summer???? Other than the pix, there is no physical evidence that places us in the same town, hotel, etc.... how strict are they on this?

*Do I send these pix with the I-129 petition or keep it all to show at interview? arg.


wow u really are a newbie - u didnt even check the example forms .. or the guides....

Please be nice... you've been in my position too, I assume. :D

Yes, I admit it. I tried, as stated above, to check the examples but was unable to open them on Word
for whatever reason. I have read enough guides but they all seem different... hence the confusion.
I also spoke to a real human at CIS who gave me a very different picture than the one in the instructions
that came with the petition packet.... so you see, I am seeking opinions/advice for what worked for people who've done it successfully already. Thank you again to all those who replied...
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-01-29 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie with paperwork question..

Hi there,

I am new to all this (which I'm sure I'm not alone...) can anyone give me a 'sample' or example of what a letter of intent should say? I wrote my own and sent it to my English fiance, but I am so afraid it may be wrong....

It goes something like this:

This letter is to inform you that i intend to enter into legal marriage...blah blah, during his stay in teh US on a K1 visa, which i have submitted a petition for. (Obviously, haven't done that yet)

What else does it need to say? Also, I'be been told to send him a letter of 'invitation' (inviting him to marry me and live with me in the US?) and i've done this as well, but again, afraid it either says too much or is missing some vital piece of info.....

if anyone who's been approved would like to let me see what their letters said, I would greatly appreciate an example to go by. THank you soooooo much! :D

Go to this page ExampleForms and you'll find examples to all the forms you'll need to send.

Good luck!!! :thumbs: :star:

Thank you Thank You Thank You

I can't open the stupid word files... there must be something wrong with my computer today. I HATE to be a huge pain in the butt, but could someone please copy/paste and post here? Thank you again, I am SOOO thankful for this site. I just need to see the cover letter and letter of intent.... THANK YOU :D

...And, good luck to you! (L)
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-01-29 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie with paperwork question..
Hi there,

I am new to all this (which I'm sure I'm not alone...) can anyone give me a 'sample' or example of what a letter of intent should say? I wrote my own and sent it to my English fiance, but I am so afraid it may be wrong....

It goes something like this:

This letter is to inform you that i intend to enter into legal marriage...blah blah, during his stay in teh US on a K1 visa, which i have submitted a petition for. (Obviously, haven't done that yet)

What else does it need to say? Also, I'be been told to send him a letter of 'invitation' (inviting him to marry me and live with me in the US?) and i've done this as well, but again, afraid it either says too much or is missing some vital piece of info.....

if anyone who's been approved would like to let me see what their letters said, I would greatly appreciate an example to go by. THank you soooooo much! :D
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-01-29 11:40:00