K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC said another 45 days
Yes, but he's already been waiting almost 100 days.... so they're saying another 45 on TOP of the 100 or so days? This seems wacky. O how I wish I'd never left New York State, for no other reason except to be able to use VERMONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crying:

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digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-30 12:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestravel on tourist visa after filling the petition for K1
Yes, you can travel on a tourist (90 day) visa after petition is filed. My fiance has visited twice since our filing. However, you must be careful how you answer questions at your Point of Entry. They may ask if you have any other visa's in process. If you travel after you've filed, you must tell them you have a K1 in limbo.

At this, you will have to show documetation that proves you will be returning to your home country. Such as, a letter from your employer, your rental lease, etc. Somehow you must prove that you will not try to stay. They may or may not believe you.

I think it probably also makes a difference how long your vacation will be. I am currently trying to get Sean over here for the entire summer, and I've been told that this may raise a few flags with customs. He will have to show undoubted proof of his intent to return to England.

Hope this helps!!! :P

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digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-05-31 12:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you marry abroad during the K-1 Process?
UMMM, I don't know if I'd rush to do that. Do you absolutely HAVE to get married in July? If you do get married, your K1 is void and you'd have to start over again with the K3 since you would then be spouses rather than fiance(e)s....
And from what I understand, the K3 is taking just as long, if not slightly longer, in some cases, to process, so you might actually end apart longer than if you had just waited for K1...

I'd wait until you have a K1 visa in hand before getting married. Just my opinion! :P

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digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-06-06 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresafter K-1

I have let all 'wedding dreams' fly right out the window when I realized how LONG this process was REALLY going to take. I don't think you can REALLY start planning, unfortunately, till he lands on US soil. What if your visa is denied (never know, can happen to anyone really) and then you've lost everything you've put in thus far...

I can't bear to risk losing that much money in deposits, etc... not to mention a heartbreaking day that you SHOULD have been married, is not going to happen now.

Wait till he's here. You can always get your marriage license and have a justice of the peace ceremony and plan a larger party/ceremony for family/etc. later on. Safest bet. IMO!
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-06-05 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling weird about NO touches...
As always, thanks ppl. I just start thinking, MAN! They haven't even looked at us in almost 3 months! :crying: (Sorry to those of you who've been waiting longer. I'm totally just whining my face off right now)

When else in your life will you ever be able to say you wished and hoped and prayed and wished and hoped and prayed some more for anything SO HARD as you are doing DAY IN AND DAY OUT right now?

Probably never. I think I will just have an ulcer when this is over. Thanks for listening to me biznitch!! :lol:

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digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-06-06 08:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling weird about NO touches...
I've been reading and comparing your timelines as I browse this section, and it is starting to seem like everyone, at some point, has had this 'touch' thing happen on one or more occasions, and I haven't in almost 3 months?

I don't even really know what 'touching' involves, but I would assume it mean they at least picked the thing up and did something with it...

I'm starting to get worried that mine is at the bottom of the pile, never to be discovered! :( Do you think it matters at all (processing times) depending on the origin of my fiance? I have wondered this for a long time....

I'm just being paramoid I'm sure, but I feel like the only one with no touches this far along!!! :( :( :(

God, I wish they'd just tell me they've tossed it in the garbage for God's sake, then at LEAST I"D KNOW!


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digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-06-06 08:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWish I were getting touched....
I have not been touched either since March. I posted this exact same thing a few weeks ago, feeling left out that it seemed as though all others were being touched and not me.

I log in to the USCIS site every morning and check my status. I've come to expect what I am going to see now. (REceivd petition on 11th) I almost don't even get sad anymore, cuz if I allowed this roller coaster of emotions get the best of me, I will not be held responsible for my actions! :whistle:

Just when I think I CAN'T STAND TO WAIT AROUND ANOTHER MINUTE... I get a call or a text message from Sean that says,

"Hello princess. How is your day? I miss you loads and can't wait till we are in each other's arms again. You are truly worth the wait and I love you more than life itself. Take care darling, I'll see you soon."

THAT is why we WAIT.
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-06-15 10:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProstitution Convictions - Advice Needed

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how understanding and compassionate Vjer's are. After all, we're all humans who make mistakes (certainly myself included) and it's nice to see no moral bashing going on.

That being said, I would certainly prepare to file a waiver. It does help that this was a 1/3 of a century ago, but nevertheless, be prepared to be questioned about it. You sound like a good candidate for the advice of an attorney, who can tell you the best route to take in all this.

Good luck to you dear! (L)

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digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-06-15 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFor those who've wondered...
I've spoken to quite a few people regarding whether it's feasible for Sean to visit for an entire summer, and how much of a pain it would be to get him through the border...

Well, we've got our answer!

He came last Thursday night, and I have to say, when it came time for me to get him at the airport, I was a NERVOUS wreck, thinking they'd grill him about his impending visa and not let him through. Needless to say, I've got him in my arms now (and NEVER want to let go!) but here's what we did and had no problem.

Airport: Tampa International (via Gatwick London)
Ticket: Return date of Aug 24th with option to extend/alter for a 50 pound penalty
Border Officer: What are you doing here? Purpose for your visit? Who are you staying with? (Friends was his answer)
He said the officer LOOKED like he may have started asking more questions, but changed his mind and said, 'Have a nice time' and that was it.

Sean was not asked, nor did he make mention of, our petition.

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digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-06-27 07:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresanyone touched today?

Finally. Never been before. We were sent our RFE on the 23rd of June and I was notified by email on the 3rd of July... touched today. hmmmmmm

Finally some progress! And that 3 question sheet was a breeze to fill out and took all of 30 seconds.... is that it?


digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-07-06 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespotentially stupid question

No one understands Sean either. I have to scream over his lap at the drive-thru cuz he will literally repeat his order 6 times and the 16 year old in the window is like... "Huh?" hehehehehehehehehe :P

He gets VERY frustrated (learning to drive my Sunfire) at traffic, how people flip each other off and scream on the road, etc.. and just Americans' mannerisms have taken a LOT of getting used to for him. He thinks everyone is looking for a knock up the side of their skull most times, but I just have to remind him, this is the way Americans interact with each other! hahaha

Seriously, Science, you sound exACTLY like Sean... do NOT give up. I can guarantee you that if you went home tomorrow, you couldn't think about anything else but being back with her, even though you fight.

Feel free to send us a PM.

Where in the UK specifically are you from?

The closest I can compare Sean's accent to is the little green dude on the Geico commercials... except ten times stronger and thicker. Not fun in Florida, where Southern Drawl reigns supreme!!!!!!!!!! :thumbs:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-07-07 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespotentially stupid question


That is not what the 90 days allowed stay in the USA associated with the K1 visa is for. The decision to marry is expected to have been made prior to submitting the I-129f petition.

The 90-day stay is to provide time to make the necessary arrangements and get married.


You are not making a fool of the K-1 system. You are using it as it is intended - giving yourselves the opportunities to live together and understand one another more before plunging into marriage.


Sorry Yodrak,

I must pipe in here.

Technically you are correct in saying that, obviously, if the intent was to 'maybe' get married after arrival, than the proposal should not have happened in the first place.

However, I think we all know what we're really dealing with here. It's reality, dude.

Given the fact that we ALL know, to some degree, how it feels to carry on a long distance relationship (with not many people being able to hack it in the first place, let's be honest) you guys, of all people, should know how it feels.

We ALL know that it's rose colored glasses when you're a million miles apart. You hope and dream and wish and eat and breathe this ONE person for every waking moment you are alive.......

...then the honeymoon period, as it were, wears off. When you're suddenly faced with being an Honest To Gosh couple like everyone else who lives together in the same home, there is a VERY real possibility that things may not be all they were cracked up to be with your partner.

Sean and I found out the hard way. He's currently visiting for the summer, not working, and frustrated and depressed at his inability to 'do' anything during the day, as he has no car either. It's very easy for a foreigner to feel trapped, isolated, without friends or family or anyone to talk to. This is reality.

I applaud you, science, for taking a step back and looking at your relationship from a realistic view before making a potentially life-changing mistake.

PS On a personal note, Science, you remind me of Sean and I. We bicker, fight, shout, throw things, and swear at each other on a daily basis, for many of the same reasons that you do. But at the end of the day, we both know we are deeply in love, and most of the shouting comes from frustration on both our sides, being faced with such a daunting situation (he will eventually have to go home). This scares the ####### out of me, and I act accordingly, by getting angry and crying. Kiss and make up. That's all there is to it.

If you are in love with her, you KNOW it. Be honest with yourself.

But you know what? I know that if he suddenly had to leave for an undetermined amount of time, my heart would be absolutely broken. I think it is an unrealistic goal to set for yourself, that you will never argue or fight. You are in quite an awkward position, but you can NICELY remind her of this fact if things get heated, without (hopefully) shouting or swearing at her.

If you get to the point where your blood is boiling, walk out of the room. If she's one of those types of girls who will follow you and insist that you speak NOW and not to walk away (as I do with Sean, just my nature) then tell her unless she gives you a minute to 'cool down', you may be compelled to shout.

This is not an easy ride, folks. Let's understand that there is a reason for this 90 day visa. Don't you think they probably factor in some 'ease in' time for us, so as to try to prevent the lot of us from making devastating mistakes?

Please do not give up. If you can't get married now (and judging by the info you've provided, you're smart to wait) then perhaps you may seek the assistance of a relationship counsellor in your area, if this is feasible.

Just my .02
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-07-06 09:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestouched 5 times in one day...same message though
I received the same email 5 times as well. I tend to think it's a duplicate email going out, rather than my file being 'physically' touched 5 times in one day....

GAD, here's a story!

When I opened my hotmail box, there it was: USCIS: Updated case status info for receipt #.....

My heart starts to pound. My hands are sweating. I'm salivating at the very thought of seeing this ONE[b] phrase that I have waited so LOOOOOONNGGG to hear: "Congratulations, Ms. Sara! Your case has been approved!"


When I click on the email to open it....

My hard drive crashes. Literally a SPLIT second before the page opened up!

Now I am shaking with anticipation. We alllll know this feeling. I can't get my computer back up! I have to fiddle with the thing for like 2 HOURS to get IE rolling again! The whole time, my mind is on only one thing... and it isn't how to fix a 7 year old machine!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHH the torture of it all!!!!!! :lol:

But. alas, this was the content of the email, when I finally opened it up: We received your RFE. Now wait and sweat some more, mere mortal!

Just kidding, but you get the idea. The same one, 5 in a row. K. Done rambling. (F)
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-07-20 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCriminal Record - How does this affect?
I think the more important question is: What did your fiance do? It doesn't make much difference how old or young he was, as much as the actual crime committed. I worried about this myself, as a fiance of a former football hooligan... :P We have not found any of his record to be detrimental so far... but then, we have not received NOA 2 yet... so who knows for sure....
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-07-25 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsing myspace for evidence
Did some of us wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Sheesh people.

I've added you to my friends list, Russell... :D and THANKS FOR DEPRESSING US AGAIN with that England Montage... Sean was screaming at IT as it played... as if he could WILL the ball to go net the second time around... hahahahahahahahahahahahahha

Cute page, but yes, do a new background... nice Tiesto clip as well!
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-07-31 08:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOk, who HASN'T gotten approved?
No NOA 2 for me either yet... :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

Last touch after RFE received = July 18th
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-01 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOk, who HASN'T gotten approved?
No NOA 2 for me either yet... :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

Last touch after RFE received = July 18th
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-01 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visiting US
Like I said, I do not know how it will be for someone hailing from Russia, just how it was for us.

That said, I know that I was EXTREMELY panicked about him coming over this time to stay for so long... and told him to bring everything under the sun that he possibly could to show that he was going home for real...

He got a visitor visa stamp (at POE in Tampa) and was asked two things.

Who are you visiting?
What is your purpose for this trip?

And that was it.

(The answers were, respectively, "Friends, holiday")

Now, he's got to return in September, and if our visa isnt' worked out by then, we will have to be separated for this interim period. I wouldn't risk him coming back so soon... just to be turned away...
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-02 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visiting US
I cannot give a guarantee how it will be for a Russian woman, however, my fiance came in June from the UK, was asked about 2 questions at the POE, and is remaining until september with no problem...

digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-02 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere we go again!!!
Just offering one more suggestion...


We've used it daily for months... internet based, and all you need is a microphone...

It's proven invaluable to our communication while in the UK... and he uses it to talk to his buddy in OZ... so I am pretty sure it doesn't have different rates depending on the country...

Go for it!
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-03 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere we go again!!!
Darn you to HECK, California!

You know, if I had had ANY idea of the extreme difference bet. Vermont and CA, I may have considered moving back to Buffalo for the interim...... what the deuce???????????? :angry: :angry: :angry:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-03 08:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConclusion: Few approvals and not using RFE Date
I feel the same way. We had RFE receipt on the 18th of July, with not so much as a 'Piss Off' since then....

I am wondering if they've lost my file. I know it's not likely, and I damn well know there are people here who've been waiting longer than me, but sheesh! :crying: :crying: :crying:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-11 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting on an NOA2...for so long
You know, I have honest to God lost count of the number of days it's been... it's so hard not to get jealous of people who've filed well after us and are already getting all the way to their interviews... arg. Sorry to be negative, but damn. I have very little hope left.
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-22 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am breaking up.....lolo

MMMMKAYYY I really fail to find any humor in this whatsoever... and since you're obviously referring to me and my post yesterday, as well as drelewis, my next question to you will be: ####### have I done to you?

Sorry chick, I know you're in pain and I wish you the best with that, but life's moving on and you're part of the statistics now, so it's not up to you to vet posts referencing your experience. There was no insult here.

#######? Are you kidding me? You know, I am not mean spirited, so I won't say that he SINGLED me out, although he WAS referring to my and drelewis's posts, and that's that. It WAS insulting, I don't want to argue about it anymore.


*And, my name is not 'chick', thank you very much.

I agree, some of us are on edge (me being the first one to admit that) but for God's sake, knowing this fact, you'd think people would be a little MORE thoughtful about making tasteless, MORONIC remarks!

There were 2, count em, 2 couples that posted about ending their relationships, then this is what I get the first thing the following morning? People joking about it? Funny! Yeah...
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-24 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am breaking up.....lolo
It's not a matter of me reading my 'own' thread, dear. It's a matter of taking people aback when you make remarks that a lot of us will NOT appreciate, whether you "meant" harm, ill fortune, or not, just don't say it! It's rude. Hence the phrase tasteless joke. And when we're in a paticularly sensitive and awkward situation as it is, these kind of comments, however innocent they are intended to be, are not going to be met with chuckles from me, or anyone else who's just had a bomb dropped on them like this.

Now, I have nor the time or interest in arguing about it. JenT had it right when she said to move on. Which is exactly what I am going to do.

Let's send this thread to the cemetary, shall we? Bury the hatchet and get over it. (me, that is.)
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-24 08:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am breaking up.....lolo
Oh, believe me, it's not a matter of me 'having to rise above' anyone or anything, Jen. I am already there. I just let people who make idiot remarks know that I think they're being an idiot is all.

I am ok, and thank you very much for your concern. You are one of the most articulate, sensitive, and compassionate posters here, and I can always count on you for a kind and thoughtful word. For that I am eternally grateful, JenT. :D (F) (L)

Now, I must concentrate on doing my job today, as hard as it is to even think straight.

Gugu24, I saw that you later apologized for your idiot comment, so I relent. Just try to be a little less of a jokester next time, mmmkay? At least wait till we're back together before joking about us breaking up! LOL

I am obviously not one to hold a grudge, even for 30 seconds. I wish us ALL the best on each of our journeys, no matter what the circumstance. Fortunately, I have not even lost ALL hope for my own, and with a stroke of luck or divine intervention or whatever, maybe it will happen for me too. All I can do is hope.
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-24 08:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am breaking up.....lolo
No, unfortunately, I saw it, as soon as I got to work this morning. I'm sure I am overreacting to some degree, but come on. We're supposed to be here to f*cking support each other, not to make offhanded comments about the rest of us not surviving this ride.

Whatever. People will always say stupid sh!t, and there's nothing I can do about it, eh?

I am guilty of this myself, it just never feels good to be on the burning end. And for the rest of you who did find that 'joke' funny, shame on you. If you had been one of the ones making the post I made yesterday, you wouldn't be laughing. You'd be doing what I've been doing for 48 hours now. Crying.
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-24 08:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am breaking up.....lolo
MMMMKAYYY I really fail to find any humor in this whatsoever... and since you're obviously referring to me and my post yesterday, as well as drelewis, my next question to you will be: ####### have I done to you?

I also think it's really arrogant for YOU to be telling US not to get our undergarments in a bunch... what is fun about this? What is fun about going through SO much pain, joy, sorrow, elation, and fear in a year and a half just to have it all ripped out from under me like a rug? YEAH, MY UNDERGARMENTS [i]ARE[i] IN A BUNCH, I JUST LOST MY FIANCE FOR CHRISSAKE!

Go away if you don't have anything supportive to say. :angry:
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-24 08:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother End of the Road

Actually I do not think it was the process or the length of the process. I get the feeling that these relationships have one thing in common with face to face relationships, sometimes when the time comes to make the commitment for a life time things become unbarable for one or both of the people. This is not a terrible thing it is just a thing. While I am sad for both couples I hope they have made the right choice but only time will tell.

We would all like to think that we know our future and that we will live happily ever after but when the actuall time rolls around to take the step sometimes are faced with the hugeness of it all and it is too overwhelming for us.

Just my opinion.

Paul misses Anna

I'd like to clarify one thing here. I can't speak for anyone else's relationship, or the dynamics thereof. I can say one thing for my own: It didn't have ANYTHING to do with EITHER of us being 'unwilling' or 'unable' or otherwise to make a commitment to one another. Not trying to cause an argument, but I take exception to that. We have tried harder and harder and harder than a LOT of couples to make this thing work, because we are both painfully aware of how MUCH sacrafice we BOTH have made for each other. It's the furthest thing from 'lack of commitment' that it could be.

The bottom line is, sometimes, two people's personalities do not mesh. The one and only way to find this out for sure is to live together and see if you can survive it happily, which we were, unfortunately, unable to in this case.

I don't even want to have to think about this anymore today. It's taking it's toll on my mental health at the moment, and I cannot function, work, and live life in tears. Thank you to all for your neverending support, once again.

digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-23 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother End of the Road
Thanks dude. Unfortunately, there is no helping this situation we're in. We tried yesterday to make one last go of it, and we were arguing within 5 minutes. Some relationships are just not meant to be, I guess. :(
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-23 08:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother End of the Road
Well, maybe I should specify.

He's been here on a 90 day visitor's visa since the end of June, with plans of returning to England at the end of September, where we'd wait out the rest of the process separated.

I just feel compelled to mention that having a fiance come over and not be able to work places and INCREDIBLE amount of strain on a relationship. I make enough money to support us both comfortably, but all of the other factors remain, for him, unfortunately. (Feeling isolated, missing home, driving woes, hating America's throw-away attitude) and this puts tension on everyone in the house.

Unfortunately, I have somewhat of a short fuse, as does my fiance. (He's more guilty of that than I). As a result, we clash HARD and fast and get very frustrated with each other very easily.

I was kidding myself to think this would all be a perfect fantasy relationship, when it seems nothing BUT that when's he's so far away. Now that we are in each other's faces daily, I want to clunk him on the head more times than not.

We both decided that we did not want to risk spending the next 50 years as the "Bickersons", which we call ourselves now, and that we'd both rather move on with our lives and seek less volatile relationships. (that said, another man is the LAST thing on my mind, and I can't see that changing soon. I think I'm done with men for a while alltogether. This last one did my head in.)


My only suggestion to you all is: If you have an opportunity to do the 90 day thing (you can financially hack it) try it out. We found out the hard way that day-to-day life is not all it's cracked up to be.

I feel bad that we've spent SO much time, effort, tears, money, joy, and sadness on this past year and a half, that it just makes me sick that it was all in vain.
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-23 08:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother End of the Road
Well folks, it must be break-up time. After 160 days of waiting, I received my NOA2 via email.

Unfortunately, last night we decided to end the relationship. We just can't get along for more than 10 minute intervals, and the stress of not knowing how this would turn out was just too much for both of us.

I thought I'd be celebrating today as one of the happiest days of my life. Now, I cannot stop crying.

drlewis - I know how you feel - BELIEVE me.

To all the rest of you, I pray that you do not meet the same fate as me. This has been one hell of a ride, and not one that I will ever make an effort to do again.

Thanks to all of you for answering dumb questions, listening to me ###### and moan, and just generally offering a friendly ear when needed. You guys rock.
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-23 07:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresany guesses why no noa2's this week?

I haven't seen any CSC approvals this week. I wonder if they took the whole week off processing cases to write a stupid memo about processing cases.

I got mine yesterday morning. I started at Texas and was moved to California. I've been waiting since March 18th or so.... (jeez, can't even remember anymore.)

I was 'touched' the night before, but before that, had heard NOTHING from July 18th, when they received our RFE asking me if he's a 'mail order husband' or not. So let's see... that makes it... (hold on, math-tard needs calculator..........) 36 days from 'RFE Received' notice to NOA2. Hope this helps (F)
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-08-24 09:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresScared Cos Fiance Has Had Arrests..
HA!!! He is going to love that one... in an effort to avoid war... I'll keep the name of his team to myself....

:whistle: hehehe
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-01-29 23:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresScared Cos Fiance Has Had Arrests..
Erm, yah. Already said 6 years ago... and already said "Didn't mean to make it sound like all Englishmen fight".

Nevertheless, thank you for all the helpful replies. :)
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-01-29 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresScared Cos Fiance Has Had Arrests..
I guess it was the day before the Germany/England Match (Euro Championship 2000) in Brussels,
basically the Englishmen went mad and the whole city was rioting and finally the police had just had enough
and arrested like 4,000 Englishmen.... they all had to get on planes and go home...

After that, some officer Special Branch came around his and told him not to attend any more foreign matches for the next 3 years. He hasn't had any trouble whatsoever getting in and out of the US, and has travelled extensively all over the world since... for tourist reasons... so I can't imagine this would have any impact, but I just thought I'd ask to cover all the bases. Thank you for your help. :)
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-01-29 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresScared Cos Fiance Has Had Arrests..
I have no idea what "Raider Nation" is... but I meant soccer, not 'football'. Anyway, yes, I know it doesn't
help but he's just told me that it was over 6 years ago... and apparently, being arrested and thrown in the tank means almost nothing over there.... he says as soon as you 'sober up' they send you home... so in other words, he's never had charges filed or anything of that sort, and has no 'record', other than the actual arrests themselves... I guess you just go home the next day.

Wish it was that easy here...

I didn't mean to make it sound like all Englishmen fight at Premier matches... but from what I've learned from dating one, it's a hell of a lot more common than here... so, sorry. :D
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-01-29 17:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresScared Cos Fiance Has Had Arrests..
What can I say.... he fought a few times at football matches, like every other red blooded English
male.... this was long ago in his stupid testerone-driven youth. Also, he was deported from Belgium back to England after fighting at yet another football match.... Also arrested for pub fighting/drunk in public kinds of things... God, I make him sound like such a monster... hehehe. He's really calmed down since being a dumb young guy... but I worry now.

Is this anything I should panic about? I am reading info on 'police certificates' but no clear answer on anything that will specifically bar him from eligibility to marry and live here....

Thank you in advance! :(

Attached Files

digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-01-29 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing Time For Fiance Visa
HI there,

My original post this morning was a typo...

My WHOLE process (from the day I sent the petition in the mail to the day of our consulate interview) was from March 13th to December 21st. So that's......... roughly 9 months and a week, give or take a day or two.

This was through London. Our service center was Texas, forwarded to California.

The people using Vermont are going a LOT faster, so hopefully you live in the northeast!


EDIT Whoops I scrolled to the top and noticed you're using California.. sorry about that.
They took their SWEET time with us

Edited by digbeezgrl, 21 December 2006 - 11:55 AM.

digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-12-21 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt took 11 months, but WE GOT OUR VISA!!!!!!!!

Hooray!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you both!!!!!!!!! It was a long haul, but I am sure well worth the wait!!!! Good luck with the wedding plans!!! :D

Thanks... yes, it HAS been an incredibly long haul..

I'm telling you guys, the feeling I have today as I waltz and bounce around work is WORTH all the pain, heartache, torture, and angst of the last (almost) year... I'm telling you it's the BEST feeling in the world! This has been one of the most happy days of my life, topped only by when I see him walk off that plane and in to my arms....

Keep hanging in there, guys!
digbeezgrlNot Telling02006-12-21 14:50:00