Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Thank you.. Inshallah.. hope your reaffirmation goes well :)

Thank you.. Inshallah..

I thought you were at the beginning again (after your reaffirmation) with USCIS getting docs to submit with NVC when they move it there? or already at NVC waiting on what to do and medical etc for interview?

Sorry i didn;t understand about nvc wat?
ARMANI KHANMalePakistan2011-10-10 11:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Armani Khan,

Your case has not been in AP at the embassy for all this time. Your petition was denied after your second interview and sent back to USCIS to decide if it should be reaffirmed or not.

There is a huge difference between your case and the other people here.

yep but i was send back in AP...
ARMANI KHANMalePakistan2011-10-10 02:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Those are exceptional cases... My husband and I are just at 4 months this coming week... I think we see more posts about those bcos they are more frustrated and want answers and post more about it and who can blame them... I know im a bit freaked out too LOL who can help it? Our lives hanging in the balance of a CO that meets the beneficiary for less than an hour and decides our fate.. it's scary but as long as there is enough proof and its all genuine then eventually the visa will be issued.

Im sure you will be the avg 4=6 months tops.. :) Now breathe ;)

most ever i seen avg time 3-4 months i hope u will hear some good news this week inshaallah...
ARMANI KHANMalePakistan2011-10-09 10:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
I am in AP since 20 months almost two years,.... :crying:
ARMANI KHANMalePakistan2011-10-09 05:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
i don't know that whats wrong with embassy phone , i m calling to embassy since three days and its not working the answering machine says," testing 1 2 3 4 5 and the call can't be completed please try again later", so anyone of you have idea that what will be the problem or what does its mean?.

ARMANI KHANMalePakistan2011-09-28 05:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
hello, all today i checked uscis status its said that :-

Post Decision Activity

On August 16, 2010, a USCIS office received this case from the State Department with a request that we review it. We will notify you when we complete our review, or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

so my question is that much time they need to take decision???

any1 please???
ARMANI KHANMalePakistan2010-08-19 07:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Hello, my Dear All

Today i called to embassy and the guy he told me that we transfer ur case to NVC on June 24 2010 and we also send u ur original documents and passport and also wedding photos he also told me that u can check ur status in NVC...

plz plz plz plz help i m feel really hurting....

need advise... :help:
ARMANI KHANMalePakistan2010-06-30 12:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Yeah right, and when the beneficiary asks about expected timeframes they get told that there is no timeframe!!!

Funnily enough, as I'm the beneficiary and I'm the one that calls DoS, they get to see me, and they have commented about my photo :P Usually it's the USC that calls, but obviously it was me who called the courier to see what happened to my passport, who told me to call the embassy, who told me that my application was suspended the day after my interview. They told me to email the embassy, but that it could take up to a week for them to reply.
As you can imagine, I wasn't waiting that long, and as my husband was still fast asleep I called DoS myself, and have done since. He gets to deal with congressmen's and senator's offices :P

Incidentally, tomorrow it'll be four months in AP, and it'll also be two months since he contacted the senator's office for the first time. In those two months all they have done is lose our file THREE times, and they've done absolutely nothing, not even enter our case into the system. He's called them numerous times the past few weeks, and they kept telling him they were busy with the elections and that there was a backlog, call back in a few days. He called again last Friday, only for them to say that they'd lost it yet again and could he please fax it...again!!

Hello, is beneficiary allowed to call DOS???
ARMANI KHANMalePakistan2010-06-21 14:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Visa in Hand today!!!!

ARMANI KHANMalePakistan2010-06-12 07:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

I posted this as a new topic but nobody has answered maybe you guys can help me. To be sure the embassy will accept the co-sponsors Affidavit of Support how much
money should he make to be over the minimum 125%. A thousand, 2 thousand or 5 thousand?

I don't want him to be right at the 125% because I fear they would reject his I864. Somebody please help me.

Also I wrote to President Obama about my case 3 months ago. Today I got a letter from USCIS in the mail. I have not read the letter yet. I am too afraid to read the
letter. Why would USCIS be writing to me and not the Department of State? After 4 years of dealing with the visa process all my money is gone and my nerves are shot. I can't take it anymore. I feel so much pressure. If I tell my husband I got the letter he will say open it right away. So I am not going to tell him. I am just goingto leave the letter alone until I feel more courage.

Sooner or later you have to open that letter so muster up some courage and open it. Who knows what it contains, might be something good?

MusashiiMalePakistan2013-10-04 18:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
Almighty Allah answered our prayers and after 6 months and 9 days in AP, my visa status changed to issued on September 30, 2013. There were rapid date changes from 20, 25,26 and 27 September. I am still waiting for a call from Amex though to collect my passport and visa package.

One journey has ended and another one has begun. I was in AP for only 6 months which is nothing compared to people who have been in AP for years but these 6 months felt like six years. I feel the pain of those in AP. Just have faith in Allah and believe. Miracles do happen even in this time and age.
Thank you all for the support and advice during my hard times. I pray to Allah that may he ease your suffering.
I shall write again once I receive my passport and will also write a POE review once I get to be with my wife.

MusashiiMalePakistan2013-10-01 01:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

OK here is a question for all the smart VJ people on here. I called the DOS today and found out this... They said that the only thing they are waiting on for our case is for the embassy to say my husband is qualified to come here.  I also asked them about the name check and background check and they said they were cleared. So what could they possible mean by qualified to come here. Also the joint sponsor cleared too. Has anyone else heard this before it does not make any sense to me. BTW this is the first post I have posted on here on my husband account. 

MusashiiMalePakistan2013-08-02 11:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Patience is a virtue. Good things come to those who wait. Do your best not to break this relation.

If I did not misread, Analyst has been waiting for 7 years. What good did come to him?
MusashiiMalePakistan2013-07-30 02:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Last updated status changed from July 1, 2013 to July 19, 2013.

They are probably looking into multiple cases because I see quite a few couples had their status dates changed on 18 and 19 July but no email from embassy and no change in that dreaded "Administrative Processing". At least, they might be looking and it just might be a good sign. Only they know or God knows.

MusashiiMalePakistan2013-07-19 11:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
Thank you Sam&Waq.
I suggest we post on we the people and OFA (Organization for Action). Reason for picking ofa is because I have been receiving emails from them since the day Obama got elected till present day.
Once you put up the petition and I get the link, I will circulate it on Facebook

MusashiiMalePakistan2013-06-28 06:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

SM2010, I researched more about sites to start a petition after my original post. For the White House website, we must gather 25,000 signatures in 30 days in order to get reviewed by Administration officials. 100, 000 is just an end target I believe. Is that possible?

Beside the site that Mushashi posted, Change.Org is another good option where we can set the target number and write/post our stories.

Mushashi and Ebunoluwa, thank you for the feedback. I will reply in detail and post a final draft after work today. Could we decide on the official Petition Site?

MusashiiMalePakistan2013-06-28 06:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

We, including myself, have been waiting for one another to start a petition. I know someone suggested that Mushashi do it (as he brought up the idea) but it seems unfair to dump it all on one person. That being said, here is my attempt at writing something close to a petition. I took the second paragraph from something Virgo posted in the other thread (plagiarism, yes). I couldn't find a way to paraphrase it as it echoed my exact sentiments. Can someone else do it?

My second concern is providing signatures for the petition. I'm afraid of giving my and my loved ones information on the Internet. Mushashi suggested that we would need 2500 signatures to grab the attention of a congressman. Is there a site for that? I found the "We The People" section on the White House website ( but it requires 100,000 signatures which seems....unrealistic? So any one have ideas of a legit site/way to do this?


Administrative processing is a term used to describe a visa application that has been set aside for further review by the embassy. Most administrative processing cases are resolved within 60-90 days after interview in most countries. However, the majority of the applicants (male & female) in the Islamabad embassy of Pakistan have been waiting for months and years to get a response. During this long waiting period, the petitioner and beneficiary go through pain and suffer as there is no time frame, access to any information, or deadlines. The relevant embassy does not provide any information except just one generic reply which only tells the applicant or the beneficiary that this case is still under administrative processing. 

While the reasons of establishing such procedure is understandable, it seems inhumane and out of proportion to put people in the prison of time just because they want to travel to the United States-- mostly to be with their loved ones (Spousal visas), to add to economic or/and intellectual growth of the nation. It is thus evident that the US government, especially in the context of this problem, is yet to realize the delicate balance between securing borders and opening doors.

There is DHS - Ombudsman department to oversee the process if the USCIS takes longer than the usual given time frame but there is nobody to oversee the Administrative Processing. Please bring some transparency in this process to expedite it. Provide a clear explanation to the candidates that are put under admin processing. Give deadline as to when the visa will be issued along with access to more information.


Any suggestions?


First of all, Thank you for writing this. I could not have done it better. I have however, added some text in bold should you chose to accept it as part of the draft. When SoccerPlayer posted about the petition, I thought only 2,500 signatures were required but this 1,000,00 signatures is ridiculous however, I have seen one petition had around 1,470,xx signatures. 


Once you approve the draft and post the petition, kindly post the link to that page here and I for one, will sign it, my wife will sign it. We will also share the link on our Facebook and will request our friends, friends of friends and the community to help us getting the signatures. 


Here is another link below, I often get emails from here but to be a part of this community, one needs to donate as little as $5 or more. Apparently, this organization has been set by the President and he claims to be addressing the issues on grass-root level. (Organization For Action)




Edited by Musashii, 27 June 2013 - 09:47 PM.

MusashiiMalePakistan2013-06-27 21:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
I don't think I write well but if you say so, I will do it however I alone cannot gather 2,500 people to sign it.
Will you help with that?

Edited by Musashii, 26 June 2013 - 05:13 AM.

MusashiiMalePakistan2013-06-26 05:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
We sent our petition to USCIS in Jan 2011 so Jan 2014 will make it 3 years struggling with this broken immigration system (9 months in AP). While I do pray and hope that the AP is over soon and they issue us visas but at the same time the realist in me says I shall cut my loss and let my wife come to me.
1. When our cases were with USCIS, We could at least contact congressman who could do more than just sending inquiries on our behalf. There was another department to oversee things on top of USCIS.
2. So after making us wait for an indefinite period of time during which we may be required to submit medical, police certificate and fresh tax papers, embassy may decide to decline your visa.
3. Then you wait and wait for them to send your case back (like EAbbas is waiting) and there is no telling when it will happen.
4. Tired of waiting? You could afford a lawyer and filed a writ of Mandamus. They return your file, you file NOIR and win. They put you in AP again. Once again, same #######. They can rinse and repeat this process over and over and there is nothing you can do about it, nobody you can complain to. Even Whitehouse will serve you same ####### in different wrapper.
So just keep waiting and waiting?
Maybe if we can file a petition at congress website (SoccerPlayer did that but the language was poor sorry to say), and if we can get 2,500 people to sign it, only then congress will recognize it as an issue. Whether they will do anything about it or not is another story but they will consider it worth talking about.
So anyone going to file that petition in proper language, keeping it to the point? And most of us have friends on Facebook. We could request them and other communities on social media sites to sign that petition in hope to get 2500 votes.

MusashiiMalePakistan2013-06-24 03:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

What you need to ask yourself and your spouse is that what is more important to you?

Is it immigrating to the USA or is it being with your loved one?

All of us in AP have been waiting and waiting yet we don't have any clue when a visa will be issued or will it be issued or not? 

Life in Pakistan is unpredictable, full of hardships and very tough but are we going to waste all the precious years in waiting when we could be together either in Pakistan or any third country, starting our family.

I had a heart to heart talk with my spouse and she is willing to let go of everything and come to Pakistan if I don't get a visa by January 2014 (it will be 9 months in AP by then) as we don't want to spend eternity waiting in this dark abyss of AP.

You know better what you want and what really is your goal. Just a food for thought.

Edited by Musashii, 23 June 2013 - 02:47 PM.

MusashiiMalePakistan2013-06-23 14:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Documents Submitted / Received at embassy: April 20, 2013

Status: Pending Administrative Process 



Question: One thing I have noticed about most of the people who have received a visa or claim to have received a visa do not have a timeline. What's the deal with that? shocked.gif

Edited by Musashii, 06 May 2013 - 08:36 PM.

MusashiiMalePakistan2013-05-06 20:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

I don't understand, why did the Consular office give me Pamphlets "Welcome to the United States" and the other one saying Your rights as a Legal permanent resident and about Domestic violence :o My visa is not approved yet :o And our case is in Administrative Processing. Who knows how long it is going to take :(
Do you guys know what that means? Did anyone else get those pamphlets too even if visa is not approved? Kindly please let me know.

I think it is part of their standard procedure. On the day of my interview, I too was given a pamphlet stating my rights as a legal immigrant. I was not given that welcome to U.S.A one though.
Currently, I am in AP. Have sent in the Joint Sponsor documents which were received and signed by some guy known as Ansar at the front desk (Saturday 20 April). There has not been any official confirmation from the embassy yet. I just received a confirmation by courier service that the package has been delivered. I do wonder how it was accepted on a Saturday as I suppose the embassy should be closed on weekends.
MusashiiMalePakistan2013-04-21 03:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Hey sorry to hear that you were put in AP :( do you mind telling me what window number your consulate was on Musashii? I think my husband had the same consulate because he didn't even wanted to see our sons birth certificate from US when my husband told him we have a baby. Seems like they are just looking for a reason to put ppl in AP :(

Hey sorry to hear that you were put in AP :( do you mind telling me what window number your consulate was on Musashii? I think my husband had the same consulate because he didn't even wanted to see our sons birth certificate from US when my husband told him we have a baby. Seems like they are just looking for a reason to put ppl in AP :(

I was interviewed at window #4. Consul Officer was a white, male american with golden yellow hair and eyebrows.
Yes, I agree with you. Maybe they are just looking for a reason to put people in AP, just the reason is random every time.
MusashiiMalePakistan2013-03-21 07:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
Hi Everyone,
I had my interview on March 20, 2013. As one would expect from the U.S. Embassy Islamabad people, I was given a blue sheet Section 221 (g), stating two fields with *.
*Administrative processing
*Joint Sponsor

Interview was pretty much generic, easy and simple and you can find the details in the review I have posted for Islamabad Embassy.
The Consul Officer completely ignored the pay stubs of my wife from 2012 and only focused on her IRS tax return transcript from 2011 in which she had not made enough because she had just finished her diploma from college, had injury at work and was not able to work for quite a few months. But nothing I said would move that man and he said, I don't think your wife's income is enough to support you. Do you have any Joint Sponsor papers with you right now? How I wished that I had them with me and maybe then he would approve me on the spot? But I had none so I told him sorry sir, I was not asked by the NVC to bring any as I did not think it would be necessary. My wife's project annual income for 2012 is $23,515 which is more than the required income stated on poverty guidelines.

Now, I have to find a joint sponsor and I don't know if I can .... also even if I can somehow find a joint sponsor, I don't know how long they are going to take to do their administrative process.
Does anyone here has experience or knows of a case that they had to find a joint sponsor and how long it took them to get approved after submitting the requested joint sponsor documents?

Result: Pending AP
MusashiiMalePakistan2013-03-21 06:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

You need to renew your passport but could you pay extra to get it back in time for your medical/interview?

I suppose... They do urgent service for more fee. On the website it says 12 days.
MusashiiMalePakistan2013-02-01 21:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
Not the proper section to ask this question but I see most Pakistani members here so pardon me asking ... my passport expires on September 7, 2013 and my interview date is March 20, 2013. I have sent photocopies of existing passport to NVC which must have been forwarded to the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad.
What do you recommend, shall I renew my passport before medical / interview (as at the time of interview it will not be valid for 6 months). And I must bring my passport for medical appointment as well. If I don't renew and bring my existing passport to interview, they may ask me to renew it and send to them ... which will add AP for nothing :(
Really confused ...

Edited by Musashii, 01 February 2013 - 11:44 AM.

MusashiiMalePakistan2013-02-01 11:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

As per my knowledge, NVC will ask for the required docs twice only. they will forward the case to the embassy and in the checklist they will mark them incomplete.

I was asked to send in the Original birth certificate (once) after which I had my wife call them and informed them that the Original was enclosed in the package so they marked it up for a review by the supervisor. Today at 6:05 a.m., I received an email from NVC stating that my petition is now eligible for further processing and the petitioner / principal applicant will receive an instruction package regarding further processing of this petition.

Now just about 3 hours before receiving that email, my wife called them to get an update and she was told that it was still with a supervisor who had asked for whole package so he/she could review it. They did not ask for it (second time) as of now and I have no clue what the above email leads pertains to, Whether they have accepted the birth certificate, or it is still under review or they are going to mark it as incomplete and forward to the embassy.
So, if they mark any item as incomplete in the checklist, what should be done? Get another original/certified copy and present at time of interview?
Also, who generates the checklist and when is it sent to the applicant/petitioner?

Edited by Musashii, 21 December 2012 - 09:00 AM.

MusashiiMalePakistan2012-12-21 08:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

you can check your visa status at the following link now, its working


Only Shows "Processing at NVC" and nothing about what stage. Last I know is that they put my case under supervisor review because apparently they claim I never sent them my "original birth certificate" but only a copy.
MusashiiMalePakistan2012-12-21 06:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

There are different agencies working in embassies like DHS, DS, ICE and DOS. The program is call VISA SECURITY PROGRAM (VSP) . The administrative process is done by them and there are conflicts in their opinions and i am not saying that it happens every time. Everything i said was mentioned in GAO. About man power, just study The reports about VSP and then u will know.



But still, it should not take that long (2 years) to investigate as in case of Soccer.Player and EAbbas.

Edited by Musashii, 11 December 2012 - 01:42 PM.

MusashiiMalePakistan2012-12-11 13:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

I was talking about visa process part, not the whole petition n nvc n embassy process. There are trying to make it easier and better. I hope it will better to every1 of us. Here in UAE they are implementing the first phase of the change. Making NON-immigrant visa process easier and cheaper. Weeks after that they said they will change the IV process as well.

The whole AP process is slow because of man power and inter agency conflicts.

Just an hour ago, I listened to the live program on radio by U.S. Embassy, Islamabad where they had 3 visa experts answering to the questions asked on Facebook and questions asked by live callers. One guy asked a question regarding the Administrative Process and all the delay to which the expert only said that it is a normal thing and there is nothing to worry about. There is usually nothing wrong with the documents provided but they just need to verify few things at their end. No details were given and never got a reply to why and what causes so much delay in this Administrative Process.

One of the experts was a female Consul Officer who has served in India and Sri Lanka before being appointed to Pakistan Embassy said that she does not usually ask for much documents because if she asks someone whether they live on the Moon and if they can provide a proof, they will provide her such a document so she would rather rely on a face to face interview with the applicant depending how they can convince her and on her instinct. This may be true for herself but not all the Consul Officers are the same.

Sigh @ lack of manpower and inter-agency conflicts.

MusashiiMalePakistan2012-12-11 10:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Respected Members!

Interview Date : 19 Nov 2012

Here is my journey. After 2 years and 5 months of wait finally got an interview appointment. Reached embassy at 6am, got the shuttle at about 7am, reached to the consular office at 7:20ish. Security done, finger prints done, went to the interview hall at 7:45. Finally got first call to submit my paper work at 10.30, guy asked me to submit medicals, Passport, asked my contact details, gave me purple token.
Right after an hour got the final call.

Questions was:

1) Marriage certificate in Native ( Urdu ) language. ( YES)
2) Do you have Nadra Marriage Certificate. ( I said no NVC havn't told me to bring that with me.
3) What have u studied in UK? ( I was in UK for 8 years)
4) Where did u worked in UK? ( Work History)
5) Consolur said every thing is fine, but the address of your wife and your brother in law ( Co -sponsor) is not same. (I was like how is that possible, i showed them new I 864 & I 864A they matched the address again and they said perfect.
6) When was the marriage held. ( Pakistan )
7) When you guys met? ( Date we meet)

XXXX HE PRINT THE GREEN 221G Sheet. But still asking me questions.

8) Have you complete all ceremony's like RUKHSATI? ( I said this has been done ages ago, i have a baby)
9) He then asked when was baby born? ( US )
10) Do you have Birth Certificate? ( I showed them US Birth Cert & US PP Copy)
11) Asked about International traveling ( I said UK only).

At the end, Every documents are in order and perfect, we don't need any thing from you but your case is in AP. It will take may be 2 months or 6 months. We will contact you soon.

07 Dec 2012

ALHAMDULILLAH i have got my passport today with VISA.
AP period is 18 days.

I have read this AP tracker last week (whole 120 pages), and then i realize that its better to forget about visa bcz few of you are waiting for passport for ages specially (Ebbas, Soccor, Arif :( and many more) i am not expecting call from AMEX but with the blessings of my family and friends i have got it today. My wife and baby were suppose to fly on 23 nov but they cancelled till january 2013 they want me to go with them to be honest ( cant live with my 6 months old baby ). I am thankful to ALLAH and always pray to all of you.

Just wanted to say on this occasion ' If you cant get something on time that means that particular decision/thing is not suitable for you for that time. ALLAH GRANT best options for all of us on perfect time. No body know's when but believe me that is best for you.

Regards & Dua's

Wow, even without NADRA marriage certificate they cleared you of AP in 18 days. You are indeed very lucky and Almighty Allah has shown mercy on you. May Allah help others who are stuck in AP and me too because I will have to go through same embassy. Congratulations :)
MusashiiMalePakistan2012-12-07 14:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Alhamdulillah! I got here safely! I will post a POE review and details soon. For now after a 36 hour journey I must rest! Good luck to all of you. I am praying for you!

Congratulations and rest well :)
MusashiiMalePakistan2012-12-07 14:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

My waiver were approved in June 19-2012 and juest mark in X . Section 221(g) not other. Check blow information

Submitted I 601 waiver on Nov 21, 2011
New Delhi Recieved On Dec 16, 2011

After 4 month i got from New delhi India Heading is (Request For More Evidence or Additional information) there is mention show more extreme hardship..

June 9-2012 sending all More Evidence
June 19-2012 approved waiver
Jul 23-2012 Received call form Us Embassy Islamabad
6 August Sending back All require Documents

(1) (Passport)
(2) Medical
(3) 2X2 Photograph of herself;
(4) Form DS-230, Parts I and II

December-01-2012 got refusal work sheet latter X . Section 221(g)

Too much complicated ... New Delhi received on December 16, 2011 and then you received a call from U.S. Embassy in Islamabad. What is this?
Where are you from actually and why two different embassies from two totally different countries received your documents?
MusashiiMalePakistan2012-12-02 10:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

It going on 11 months for us. Last update on our case was a field investigation which was done over 2 months ago. All I know is that it's become more stressful on everyone involved. Soon it will be a year and we will have to get our medical redone.

What exactly is a field investigation?
MusashiiMalePakistan2012-11-03 18:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
Ebass my visa issued on August 30th, 2012
SarahZeeshanFemalePakistan2012-09-01 13:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
SarahZeeshanFemalePakistan2012-09-01 01:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

After an AP of 3.5 weeks, I got my visa on Wednesday, Alhumdulillah! The call came out of the blue... my father received the call from Amex at my family home, from whence he called me at my parents-in-law's place. My husband was to leave on 2nd Sep and I had a ticket too, which we were going to cancel today but now that the visa's here, I'm due to leave for the US in about 36 hours, Insha'Allah.

Relieved, excited, panicked.... more details later. Prayers for everyone!!

wow thats wonderful news:)

After an AP of 3.5 weeks, I got my visa on Wednesday, Alhumdulillah! The call came out of the blue... my father received the call from Amex at my family home, from whence he called me at my parents-in-law's place. My husband was to leave on 2nd Sep and I had a ticket too, which we were going to cancel today but now that the visa's here, I'm due to leave for the US in about 36 hours, Insha'Allah.

Relieved, excited, panicked.... more details later. Prayers for everyone!!

wow thats wonderful news:)
SarahZeeshanFemalePakistan2012-08-31 13:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

I could not have put it in any better terms then this, Eabbas thats great news promotions are always great, infact in a way we are all looking forward to getting promoted... just out of AP to Visa Holders and eventually citizens. Still keeping you and kate in prayers (thats your daughters name right)?

Mashallah and a big congratulations to you! see there is light at the end of the tunnel! Very happy for you and keep us posted, have you decided when you are going to leave and were you will be going and what you will pack! the excitement is just about to begin!

i was approved just in 5mins the black lady took my interview and she sent my passport back in karachi just in 24 hours wowwwwwww....i told her about my wedding anniversary and she was smiling and said celebrate your aniversary in 22 days ....i am so thankfull to ALLAH
SarahZeeshanFemalePakistan2012-08-30 13:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
dear friends. thank you all for the support and love

Today I got approved , will be getting my visa and passport in 10 days so in a way I can celebrate my wedding anniversary with my hubby:)

i love you all...
SarahZeeshanFemalePakistan2012-08-29 00:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
eid mubarak my dear friends:)
SarahZeeshanFemalePakistan2012-08-23 01:13:00