US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuly Interviews at Islamabad Embassy..
Thanks girl!
best of luck to us!
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-13 01:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Certidicate
if the jurisdication is different you would need 2 certificates.
no problems in obtaining certificate so soon, because the embassy will soon send you a package asking you to get all these documents together so its always nice to have a head start

sorry i misread the post...
I thought you meant you must wait for an approval before starting on your certificate as certificates are only valid for a year and one never know how long approval might take
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-10 03:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionReply from USCIC
ours took 4 months for NOA1...
anything can be expected with these guys
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-13 00:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJune Interviews @ Islamabad
so i guess no reviews on recent CR1/IR1 interviews from ISB?
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-17 05:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJune Interviews @ Islamabad
Thanks for the post, something i was gonna start real soon.

And thanks for your K3 interview experience, however I would be interested in hearing from someone with a IR1/CR1 interview experience as well, just to compare notes if and how things are different between the two kinds of interviews.
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-12 22:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionissued interview date
best of luck and congratulations
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-10 02:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhousehold size
co sponsor can be in a different household, but then they would need to fill out I-864 as a primary sponsor where is I-864 A is for the same household
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-19 00:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat are the reasons behind a late NOA2?
I totally agree with slow line at a grocery store.
there really is no reason as to why there are delays...and one never finds out!
just take it with a grain of salt
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-19 22:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Questions K1 Visa
thanks for sharing
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-06 01:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHey Doc...
So yes..........All went well and results will be handed over day after tomorrow!

L179FemalePakistan2009-06-30 00:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHey Doc...
My hubby is having his medical taken as I type away right now.......
getting excited as the time is getting closer to 'good news'
soon we will be heading home
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-29 22:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIslamabad question
I am not sure about second petitions, but best of luck to you.
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-28 22:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAP Countdown....
Gary and Alla,
its fine you take offense however this is an open forum and anyone can word anything anyway they want to. Truly I see no harm. There is also something called figure of speech derived in the 'American' language....victim...maybe the foreign national has a geniuine reason because they have no right to a visa, but what about the citizen? I could be a foreigner visiting the US, and have a child in the US who would be citizen, but is it the land you are born on that makes you loyal to that country? Or is it the culture your family carries? Or is it where your family tree decended from??
Truly there is no one to say that only citizens died on the day of 911. There are many PR's also living and working in the US! There are many citizens also living outside of the US to find a job. Especially if you go to the middle east, teaching in the American school, only reason is so they have cash payment (salary) without tax deductions. A good save for a couple of years till you return home.
Jon Benet Ramsey...was she a victim of a foreign national? or was it a citizen who killed another innocent angel in the eyes of God? Is that one citizen not important as the 3000 others? Or is she the only one?

Anyway....i started this thread to figure out, how many citizens are suffering to be apart or distant or separted from their SO because of this AP process. I wish you would respond to the concerned topic. If you are offended by the choice of wording, then maybe start a thread in the 'off topic' about how words offend you and what people should say to make you happy.

L179FemalePakistan2009-07-03 05:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAP Countdown....
Hey guys....

Just to get an idea of those victimized by AP...and already got their visa...
Whats a time approximate for how long the AP was?

L179FemalePakistan2009-07-02 22:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionds-230 form
You surely can type and print the form.
actually you should rather do that as it is more clear and readable
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-05 22:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuly 16th Interview
some meditation!
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-05 22:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdministrative Process
Definately, but i believe they have started to expedite the process a little bit.
Good luck, and hope you get your interview date soon.
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-01 23:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdministrative Process
For public safety & welfare and national security reasons, all visa petitions under current regulation and procedure are placed through security name checks at three (3) locations: 1. USCIS office, 2. National Visa Center (NVC) and 3. the U.S. Consulate where the visa is ultimately issued.
There can be not one but several levels of security checking: There is an initial security name check done rountinely on all in-coming petitions. If the results produce a "lookout hit" or "red flag hit", the petition is placed in line for additional more intensive customized security screening, which could include a request for full fingerprints and which obviously has the undesirable effect of extending processing time for adjudication. While security checking is widely focused on the visa beneficiary, petitioners and even attorneys and consultants involved in a case are subject to security screening.

A Lookout Hit or Red Flag Hit can be generated on a visa petition, among other reasons, for any the following:
*Past arrest record
*Past criminal conviction record
*Past firearms record
*Past record of domestic violence or sexual offenses
*Past fingerprint record with any law enforcement agency
*Past visa or immigration history
*Watch List or Pending Charges "Hit": Petitioner or Beneficiary is currently on watch list or wanted on pending charges with any law enforcement or other government agency, (local, state, federal, FBI, INTERPOL, Homeland Security, State Department designated terrorist group list)
*Common or Similar Last Name with others in the database who have
past arrest or conviction records (sometimes called a "False Hit")

Under post 09-11 legislation such as USA Patriot Act, Border Security Act and Intelligence Reform Act, our Immigration Service, the Consulates, and Customs and Border Protection, have worked to significantly upgrade their technological capabilites, increase inter-agency data-sharing and coordinate investigative activities. The current policy directive is "zero tolerance" policy for security issues. The on-going U.S.Visit program is one example. Another important example is the implementation of a critical software upgrade which effectively links up Immigration and Consular databases with many local law enforcement data bases and the FBI criminal database.

Obviously, any security name check is only as good as the accuracy and completeness of the database upon which the check the done. Here is a sample of the principal databases upon which an immigration and consular security check can be done currently:
*NCIC (National Crime Information Center)(also called FBI criminal database)
*IBIS (Interagency Border Inspection System)
[Click Here for More Information on Security Checks with IBIS.]
*NIIS (Non-Immigrant Information System)
*CLASS (Consular Lookout and Support System)(This name-check database
in particular has been greatly expanded, now storing up to 18 million records.)
*CCD ( Consular Consolidated Date Base)(Stores 75 million records of past visa applications and outcomes)
*TIPOFF (Classified DOS Bureau of Intelligence database)
*NAILS (National Automated Immigration Lookout System)
*TECS II (Treasury Enforcement and Communucation System)
*TSC and TTIC databases (DOS Terrorist Screening system)

At USCIS (Homeland Security Department) stage, currently, NCIC, IBIS and NIIS database checks are done, with the option, if warranted, to do additional database checks.

At National Visa Center (State Department) stage, a separate independent NCIC database check is done by in-house FBI staff in connection with information supplied in the DS-230. Based on results, NVC has the option to request full fingerprints to be taken at post. NVC checks can usually be completed in 24 hours. In some limited cases involving high-risk visa applicants meeting certain specific criteria, NVC also does Security Advisory Opinions (SOAs) before sending the file to Consular Post.

At Consular stage, there are three (3) Visa Security name checks done: CONDOR, MANTIS AND MORE ANOTHER NCIC (via CLASS)
[Consulate has option, if warranted, to run full gamut of checks, such as CCD (past visa applications & results), TIPOFF (DOS Bureau of Intelligence), NAILS (Nat'l Automated Immigration Lookout System), TECS II (Treasury Dept. database), TSC & TTIC (DOS Terrorist screening)].

CONDOR refers to a check done mostly of information supplied on Form DS-157, and focuses on visa applicants with a potential terrorist, firearms or weapons background. CONDOR in most cases should be completed in 90 days or less. If not, contact the VO Public Inquiry line at Tel: 202-663-1225 or

MANTIS refers to when potentially sensitive technologies might be used by the visa applicant in her visit to the U.S. If the visa applicant might employ a "critical-fields" technology in the U.S. which could have a "dual-use" such military or national security application, this check will be done to screen out a high-risk applicant. Most MANTIS checks can be done in 30 days. If not, contact the SAO Problem Resolution Unit at

NCIC (via CLASS) refers to the name check procedure done by the Consulate with the NCIC criminal database at FBI. This procedure screens visa applicants by name to see if there is a "hit" with the criminal database: that is, a person in the criminal database has the same or very similar name to the visa applicant.

"False Hits" Problem: Consular posts however have recently been inundated with "false hits" from 7 million new names added to the NCIC database, including persons with convictions for minor offenses such as simple DUIs and shoplifting. Many visa applicants with common names with those in the database get a "false hit": the refers to when a visa applicant's name matches a name in the datebase but is NOT actually that same person in the database, just a person with a common or very similar name. This places the case into what is called "Administrative Review". Under current rules, the Consulate is required in this circumstance to receive full clearance from FBI (via the NVC) before Consulate can issue the visa. It may require a full fingerprint check and customized investigation. Full clearance from FBI (via the NVC) in most cases can take 4 to 6 weeks, but in some cases much longer and even months.

"False hits" have become a major problem for some visa applicants. There are reportedly an alarming number of false hits caused by similar or identical or very similar names, or errors, inconsistencies or discrepencies in listed names in official documents. This is true especially in countries, such as the Latin countries, where there are only a few surnames and name-similarity is common, or record-keeping accuracy in official documents is dubious. Reportedly, approximately half of all names in the NCIC database are Latino, and this has resulted in a high number of false hits for individuals with common or very similar last names at Consulates in the Latin countries. Applicants presently are not allowed the opportunity to prove that they are not the same person as that on the database, nor is there a way to initiate security checking in advance of the visa application.

Thus, the best protection for visa applicants to avoid name check problems and delays resulting from Administrative Review at the Consulates and USCIS is: providing full, accurate and truthful name information (first, last, middle, and other) in all forms and documents, timely submission of local police clearance reports and promptly complying with any request for full fingerprints.

*SPECIAL NOTE ON EFFORTS TO AVOID OR CIRCUMVENT "FALSE HIT" BACKGROUND SECURITY CHECK*: Except in the most extra-ordinary circumstances, advance efforts to avoid or circumvent "false hit" before it happens, or complete a background security check in advance, such early submission to the Consulate of the DS-156 and DS-157 or police, arrest or fingerprint records, will probably not be fruitful. As stated by AILA: "Although attorneys have attempted to be pro-active and expedite the process by submitting copies of arrest records, final court-dispositions and attorney-initiated FBI results [and DS-156 and 157], at the initial visa application, consular officers are required to obtain fingerprints in a NCIC name check "hit". Once a post has received a response from the FBI via the National Visa Center (NVC), it may at the consular officer's discretion accept documentation from the applicant that matches the extract provided by the FBI. However, consular posts will not accept submission of all related documents in lieu of initiating required security checks and fingerprinting." See 22 CFR Section 41.105(cool.gif(2), and "DOS Answers to AILA's Questions" (Oct. 02, 2002), published on AILA InfoNet at Doc. No. 02100340 (posted Oct. 03, 2002).
*SPECIAL NOTE ON NEW SOFTWARE TO EXPEDITE "FALSE HIT" CLEARANCES*: Department of State (DOS) has initiated worldwide deployment of new computer software that is expected to greatly reduced the clearance time for applicants who have been the subject of "false hits" in the visa security check process. The new software will allow posts to capture the applicant's digital fingerprints and check them electronically with the FBI's NCIC database within 24 hours. DOS has launched this new software through a pilot program at consular posts in Mexico City, and reports that the pilot program has been able to clear "false hits" in as little as same day (sometimes in one or two hours). Worldwide deployment of the new software to expected to be finalized once the Technical Communications Security Office approves the program. See "DOS Answers to AILA'S Questions" (March 23, 2006), published on AILA InfoNet at Doc. No. 06041060 (posted Apr. 10, 2006).

"Administrative Review" refers to a Consular Official placing the case "on hold" because the Visa Petitioner or Beneficiary FAILED TO PASS the security name check or background check, or because the Consulate or State Department or Homeland Security NEEDS TO INVESTIGATE some issue or matter in the case more closely. Cases placed into Administrative Review can ADD WEEKS OR EVEN MONTHS to processing time and final decision on visa issuance, typically in most cases AT LEAST 4 to 8 weeks additional time. Under current regulation, there is no right of appeal within State Department or Homeland Security for administrative review status. It is suggested that visa petitioners and beneficiaries keep track of the status of their case as best as possible, and secure, if possible, the reason or reasons their case has been placed into administrative review, which at least helps to relieve some anxiety during the waiting time.
**STATUS CHECK OF CASES IN ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW: Status Checks of cases in administrative review should first be addressed to the Consulate in question. Click Here for List of Consulates. The State Department's Office of Visa Services can also assist in status checking of cases which are unusually delayed. Tel: 202-663-1225 (Punch 1, Then 0, Avg. Wait Time Approx. 15 minutes to Speak with a Live "Visa Specialist", ET 8:30 AM to 5:00PM). E-Mail: Click Here for More Information. For people who want to be active during the painful waiting period, especially if it becomes protracted, here are two suggestions: 1. Request in Writing Information from Immigration Service and the State Department under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) regarding the reason for the Administrative Delay. See: USCIS Freedom of Information Act Request. and State Department Freedom of Information Request. 2. Order the Visa Applicant's FBI record directly from the FBI and have it ready in case the Embassy requests same. See: FBI Criminal History Record.

**WRIT OF MANDAMUS: What is this Writ and How is it Obtained?
"Writ of Mandamus" refes to a federal court order signed by a federal district judge which directs the Consular Official in the State Department's U.S. Consulate abroad to decide whether to issue a visa or not within a short time. It is appropriate ONLY in a limited number of extra-ordinary cases, where the visa applicant's waiting time has been extremely long. It requires that the U.S. Citizen Visa Petitioner be prepared to spend the time, effort and money to file a federal court lawsuit, namely, an Action for Writ of Mandamus, in the District Court where the Petitioner resides. It is also generally required that reasonable documented efforts be made with Immigration Service or U.S. Consulate and State Department BEFORE filing suit in court.
As explained by the U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit:
"Mandamus is an extraordinary remedy and is available to compel a federal official to perform a duty only if: (1) the individual's claim is clear and certain; (2) the official's duty is nondiscretionary, ministerial, and so plainly prescribed as to be free from doubt, and (3) no other adequate remedy is available. Azurin v. Von Raab, 803 F.2d 993, 995 (9th Cir.1986)."

A Writ of Mandamus is usually not appropriate for a Visa Petitioner and Applicant whose case has been placed into Administrative Review for only a few days, weeks or even months. However, it may be appropriate for a case which has been waiting for many, many months and even years. See: Patel v. Reno (U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Cir., No. 96-55359a, Jan. 16, 1998)(Court issues Writ of Mandamus to Consular Officials at U.S. Consulate in Bombay, India because "consulate had a duty to act" when Petitioner's family visa applications were under administrative review for EIGHT (8) years without decision). For more general information, see: Writ of Mandamus Process Practice Advisory from AILF.

*INTERNATIONAL MARRIAGE BROKER REGULATION ACT ("IMBRA")*: Security Name Checks at USCIS and the Consulates have reportedly intensified due to the passage of IMBRA, which effectively requires more security checks of both Petitioner and Beneficiary, including check for Abuse Protections Orders, court-restraining or "no-contact" orders and past domestic violence history, and a check on the number of a past K Visa petitions a Petitioner has submitted.
For more on IMBRA, see: IMBRA
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-30 05:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionINTERVIEW CHECKLIST!!!!
I-134 is for the I-129
I-864 is for the I-130
you dont need both
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-09 00:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMy Wife's Interview
AP...administrative processing.
additional background checks...its kinda the hot topic for MENA countries or asia specific.
i have another post on what it actually is
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-10 04:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMy Wife's Interview
you guys must have prayed really hard.

thats really great.

congratulation and hopes she has a safe flight home!
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-09 00:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMy Wife's Interview
where does your wife reside btw?
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-08 02:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMy Wife's Interview
heartiest congrats!
was the CO a male or female?
Did they ask for any documented proof or just these questions?

Thats great news...hope for us upcoming ap!

congrats again
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-07 22:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe Prayer Hall....
sorry to hear about your situation...
i totally understand your frustration and desperation but the more you call the more depressed you will get.
just try and be a little patient.
do keep a good track of whats going on though but remain patient
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-17 22:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe Prayer Hall....
Another prayer....
Wishing AP passes by soon.
Here the clock starts ticking again....for 2-3months!

L179FemalePakistan2009-07-17 00:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe Prayer Hall....
r00724...Best of luck to you.
let us know how it goes.

L179FemalePakistan2009-07-01 23:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe Prayer Hall....
a special one out to you!

L179FemalePakistan2009-06-30 01:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe Prayer Hall....
Thanks...I see your interview will be around the corner soon too! Best of luck
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-30 00:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe Prayer Hall....
Here is some positive energy for all those having their interviews in July, anywhere in the world.
I pray our interviews go well and if any AP at all, its short like a bus stop.
I pray for God to shower his blessings and well wishes on all of us in abundance!
L179FemalePakistan2009-06-29 22:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Approved

I believe all the male applicants are put on AP...not the females.

L179FemalePakistan2009-07-16 22:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionuscis logs calls???
there is no harm in calling them if it comforts you
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-22 03:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncalling DOS
Now DOS says...AP pending
L179FemalePakistan2009-08-01 01:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncalling DOS
Called DOS yesterday...
they simply said that the only info they have is that our case is in AP...nothing else.
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-23 00:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncalling DOS

Did you get any response calling DOS?
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-17 00:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncalling DOS
thanks atk
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-12 22:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncalling DOS
hey thanks...
i see you got a date finally

congrats and best of luck
L179FemalePakistan2009-07-10 23:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncalling DOS
Hello, for those of you calling the DOS...
what number and what prompts to choose?

L179FemalePakistan2009-07-10 04:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa printed but now pending in consulate?
Pending could mean just a little hang up a\t the consulats end...i wouldn't worry too much.
good luck
L179FemalePakistan2009-08-07 23:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUpdated affadavit of support?
you dont' have to send it...
just take it with you to the interview...when they ask, submit it

you dont' have to send it...
just take it with you to the interview...when they ask, submit it
L179FemalePakistan2009-08-11 23:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila: Visa Approved!!!
L179FemalePakistan2009-08-17 05:17:00