PhilippinesFilipino/Asian Market in Louisville, KY
Does anyone know of a good Filipino/Asian market in the Louisville area? We are going there for my wife's naturalization oath ceremony on the 24th & would like to do some shopping while we are there.

We live in western Kentucky and there no good markets less than at least a 45 minute drive from home.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-02-12 22:19:00
PhilippinesWhat's the Best Way to Call Philippines
We have been using Globe Super US Direct for the past several weeks and it seems to work fine. The only thing we've noticed is you can get alot of busy signals as I guess it searches for a free line, but the signal is clear once you get through.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2011-08-15 13:06:00
PhilippinesProblems calling the Philippines?
Has anyone else had trouble connecting with the Philippines since the earthquake? Some nights I only get a message saying: "Your call cannot be completed as dialed." for several attempts then it will finally connect.

Some nights I never do get through.

I called the phone company and they said everything checks out OK, I wonder if the increased traffic with people trying to connect with friends/family in Japan is just overloading the system.

Anybody else having troubles as well?
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2011-03-26 23:38:00
PhilippinesJourney Over! (for now?!?)


Totally agree with petitioning her mother, will make things much easier once she has a GC to travel back and forth.

One more question. Is your Asawa going to reaffirm her citizenship in the Phils? When we get to the point you have reached that is our plan, so just curious.

Yes, she may wait until she goes back home next year, but she wants to be a dual citizen & it would make things a lot easier if we decide to move back when I retire in a decade or so.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-03-23 12:21:00
PhilippinesJourney Over! (for now?!?)
On February 24th, in Louisville, KY, my wife stood and recited her citizenship oath with another 248 people from 69 countries! She is now a US citizen and our long journey of forms, fees & trips is over! ! !

Maybe . . .

My wife & I are thinking of petitioning her mother since her papa passed away last January (2011) & she is the only girl. Her mom wants to come for at least a visit, but I think it would be best to go ahead and do a petition for her since they only have a small farm and not what I think would convince the embassy she had good reason to return from a tourist visa.

Anyway, if she gets homesick she can always go home for a visit and would have the option to return to the US if she wants.

Thanks for all the advice, encouragement & prayers! I will still hang around and try to give what little advice I can and keep in touch with what is going on.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-03-20 12:07:00
PhilippinesCase still at NVC, but would like to get Medical done when I arrive in Manila
Something to keep in the back of your mind. The six month clock on your visa will start the day she does her medical. If she is going to leave as soon as she gets the visa, no worries.

My wife had to wait for the sputum test so she only had a couple of months to wind everything up and come to the US.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-04-02 12:38:00
PhilippinesBalikbayan Boxes
Search for an Asian store close to home. We live in Paducah (western Kentucky) and there are several about an hour's drive and they are drop off locations for shippers. The prices are from $80 to $110 depending on carrier and what island it is going to.

We can drop off a box on a trip to stock up on her 'hometown' favorites.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2010-05-16 15:12:00
PhilippinesGlobe Super US Direct - Has anyone tried this?
We have been using it for several months now and are very happy. The only thing is on weekends it seems to be overloaded and hard to get through. I got an email they are going up 300 peso next month, but it's still a good deal.

No land phone lines or internet service where my wife's family lives. There is wireless available, but the signal is spotty at best, but maybe they will get a tower closer to them soon.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-05-04 12:40:00
PhilippinesGlobe Super US Direct - Has anyone tried this?
Internet is not an option as there are no landlines in her hometown and wireless internet reception is poor at best.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2011-07-26 11:00:00
PhilippinesGlobe Super US Direct - Has anyone tried this?
My Mother-in-law just got her Globe simpak, so we signed up Friday. So far it has been great! The only thing we noticed is sometimes it is hard to connect during peak calling times.

But Kathlene has run her cellphone down twice this weekend. Good thing we have unlimited nights & weekends and about 5,000 rollover minutes banked up! Plus nationwide calling on our landline.

The website says the promo ends the middle of Sept, I hope they will continue even at a higher price because we are saving a BUNDLE right now.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2011-07-25 17:01:00
PhilippinesGlobe Super US Direct - Has anyone tried this?
It looks like a new promo. My wife's family doesn't have access to the internet, no land phones and poor signal on the wireless card my wife tried when she last visited, so this may be the thing to keep in touch and keep the bills down too!
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2011-07-14 10:48:00
PhilippinesGlobe Super US Direct - Has anyone tried this?
This looks like a good deal, $15 a month for a US number for your Globe phone.

Has anyone been using this and how do you like it?

Globe Super US Direct
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2011-07-13 16:18:00
Philippinesda boat
My wife is from close to Cagayan de Oro City, her family lives about 30 minutes from the new airport (if they every get it open)

Are you anywhere near there?
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-04-11 12:53:00
PhilippinesInterpreter for Mama?
Thank you!

As I said, my SIL will be going with mama anyway as she has never been to Manila before, so she can just wait with her until she gets inside and maybe shop a bit until she gets done.

And before anyone says it, we know mama may be unhappy once she gets here, but with the track record for tourist visa, we felt it would be simpler to go the family visa route. Then if mama got homesick she could go home and still have the chance to come back to the US if she doesn't stay away too long. We are bless to have a large Filipino community here so she will have some friends she can visit with.

Edited by Dogwood_Poet, 04 June 2012 - 01:18 PM.

Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-06-04 13:17:00
PhilippinesInterpreter for Mama?
I know this is way ahead of the game as we just got notice USCIS received the papers for my mother-in-law. Will they provide her an interpreter for her interview? She mainly speaks Bisaya and can understand some Tagalog & a little English. My sister-n-law will go with her to help her with her medical & interview.

Will Mama have to go into the embassy alone or will they let my SIL go with her as helper?

I know we have several months before she will have her interview, but my wife wants to be sure about everything.

(BTW, my wife is a citizen so we are hoping to get her mama in the next year or so.)
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-06-04 12:54:00
Philippinesfamily history..........
If there are any spots on the x-ray, they will most likely require you to take the sputum test. If you have documentation there is a chance they will let you slide, but if there is something on your older x-rays, be prepared to take the test and having to wait for the culture results.

For St. Luke's the x-ray they take is the final authority.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-06-05 13:03:00
Philippinestwo weeks in the philippines
I was able to get everything done in two weeks, but it was a rush and we had no problems. Flew into Manila one afternoon,got Legal Capacity to Marry the next morning, flew to Mindanao that afternoon. We applied for Marriage license and had the seminar the same day.

Had big party the week I left and got married in the courthouse my last day in Mindanao and flew back to Manila to catch my flight home the next morning.

I was in the Philippines a little over two weeks, but only two weeks at my wife's hometown allowing for travel time back and forth to Manila.

It can be done, but it can be a little stressfull!

Edited by Dogwood_Poet, 02 June 2012 - 12:44 PM.

Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-06-02 12:41:00
PhilippinesGood Travel Agent? Cheap Airfare?
I have used Edward Mabunga for several years and have been very happy with him. He is located in Utah.

I know you can find good rates online, but I like having someone to call if there is a problem, my wife flew home last year and we got caught in the ice storms that hit Nashville & her flight got canceled. It was nice to be able to give him a call about getting re-booked as soon as the airport re-opened.

Mabunga Travel International
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-07-14 11:16:00
It's true, my wife had to do the CFO before they would issue her a new passport in her married name.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-07-19 13:06:00
Philippinesanyone had problem with BLURRY/FADED Birthcerticate?
My wife's BC copy is very blurry and it was noted: "best possible image" and they included a typed sheet with all the info and authenticated. It has worked all the way from the initial interview to her citizenship & passport application.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-08-28 16:34:00
PhilippinesMedical exam One month before Interview?
The only thing to remember is your visa will expire six months from the date of your medical, not the date of your interview.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-07-14 10:57:00
PhilippinesMama Just Wants to Visit
We have started a visa application for my mother-in-law and have already gotten the first approval notice. However, she just really wants to visit us here in the US since she has never left Mindanao.

I know they say it is almost impossible to get a tourist visa to the US unless you have strong ties. She has property in the province where she lives but I don't think she has titles to everything. She also has five sons who live in the Philippines.

Should we spend the rest of the money to get her green card & just let her come & see how she likes it, since she would have a chance to go back home after a while to decide if she wants to come back to the US on her green card. Or should we roll the dice on a tourist visa?

Just trying to decide before we take the next step since Mama says she would like to visit.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-11-06 13:48:00
PhilippinesWife going home with one-way ticket & expired Philippines passport
My wife is going home to spend a few months visiting her family. She found a good deal on a one-way ticket leaving the first of January, so she bought it and will just buy a ticket back to the US once she is ready to come back.

She was naturalized this past February, and has her US passport. Her Philippine passport is expired, and she wants to renew it and get her dual citizenship once she gets to the Philippines.

Since she is a native, she should not have any problems not having a return ticket to the US?

I understand all visitors must have an exit ticket, but natives do not.

Will she need to take anything besides her old passport, she has copies of all her papers, birth certificate, etc. at her family home.

We live in western Kentucky, so to renew her passport in the US we would have to travel to Chicago or D.C.

Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2012-12-20 22:59:00
PhilippinesMarrying someone in the Philippines
I do know you will have to wait 10 days after getting your marriage license before you can get married. That is anywhere in the Philippines.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-02-11 14:05:00
PhilippinesExchange Rates, Is the Philippines doing that good . . .
I remember my first trip to the Philippines the Peso was around 50-55 to the US Dollar. (in 2006) Now the rate is around 40 on the exchange market, which means you only get 39+ for transfers.

Do you think the economy in the Philippines is gaining ground on the world market, or do you think economic woes in the US are to blame?

I know my in-laws out in the provinces haven't seen much gain, but maybe overall things are getting better in the Philippines.

But I also can see the economy is still struggling where I live with plants closing and taking high-dollar jobs with them where I live here in the mid-west.

What's your thoughts on the subject?
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-02-15 14:32:00
PhilippinesHow do I present the pictures for the interview?
I put all the pics in a Word document with labels/dates underneath & printed them out for Kathlene's interview and there was no problem. Since nearly everyone uses digital cameras now it shouldn't be a problem just to put everything in a document & print it that way. In fact, it may be easier for them to handle and no worries about pictures falling out or coming unglued.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-03-14 13:17:00
PhilippinesNew Airport in Cagayan de Oro Finally to Open
Well it looks like Northern Mindanao is finally going to get an international airport according to this article:

New Cagayan de Oro airport lacks navigational aids

Maybe when everything is up and running there will finally a direct flight to go visit my wife's family. They live less than an hour away from the new airport, so it would be so much nicer than flying into Manila and having to catch another flight the next day!

Of course, who knows how long it will take to get the navigation equipment in and installed, then get passenger flights set up.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-03-14 13:28:00
PhilippinesTraveling next week - Cash & WiFi question
ATMs in the Philippines now charge a 200PHP fee for international withdrawals, plus any fees your bank may add, so figure that in when you withdraw money. If you can use your card as credit for purchases you can bypass a lot of fees, but some smaller businesses won't let you, or don't understand how to run a VISA/MC debit as credit. My wife is visiting her family now, so I use XOOM for most transfers & she keeps the ATM handy for emergencies. But XOOM does have a lower exchange rate.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-04-15 12:57:00
PhilippinesEmailed USEM manila 1week after submitting I-130 petition

You are several months away from the embassy receiving your petition. It first has to be reviewed by the service center, then after it is approved it will be sent to the embassy.


Give yourself a few months at least for the approval, than another couple of months until you get scheduled for interview.

Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-05-02 12:51:00
PhilippinesImmigrant Fee Not Paying on Time

Just a thought, if you waited the full 12 months to pay the fee would you get a full two years on the green card from date of payment?


Could be a sneaky way to beat the ROC fees after two years and go straight to citizenship application.


Just thinking out loud . . .

Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-06-20 13:13:00
Philippineslooking for XOOM code
They seem to be getting more stingy with the codes. I try to use PayPal and I got a debit card to send to my wife's family.

I am still mad at Xoom since they raised the minimum to $50, Sometimes the just need a small amount.

I usually get an email every month with a code, but I haven't this month.
Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2011-01-17 13:28:00
PhilippinesApply For Dual Citizenship in Manila Only?

Thanks! I think it will be easier to wait until she comes home. One of our local friends called Chicago and said they were the closest office & they let her go there. My wife is planning to fly back to Chicago and I will meet her there and us do a little sightseeing. Maybe we could stop by and see, the worst they could say is no.


After Kathlene comes home, it will be a year or two before she goes back, so we have plenty of time to get it done. I was just surprised it was going to be such a hassle in the Philippines, we thought any DFA office could take care of it.


Her Philippine passport is already in her married name as we got married in her home town, so it shouldn't be much trouble at all getting it renewed.

Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-07-11 13:11:00
PhilippinesApply For Dual Citizenship in Manila Only?

My wife is visiting her family in northern Mindanao and she went to the DFA office in Cagayan de Oro about renewing her passport and taking her dual citizenship oath and they told her she would have to do that in Manila.


How long would it take for her to do that and could she do that the day before she leaves to come back home to save a trip to Manila and back? I know she probably not be able to get her passport that day, but could they mail it to her family and then they send it to her?


Or would it be best to wait until she flies home and try to do it in Chicago? We live in Kentucky, so we are not in Chicago's area, but some friends have gotten passport renewal there anyway. She will be flying into Chicago, so we could do everything while were are in town.


She is going to be staying a few more weeks, so we have some time to decide what to do.

Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-07-10 15:58:00
PhilippinesBooking a flight to U.S. before Visa is issued?

Have you already been approved? your timeline is confusing since is shows dates that have not happened yet. If the interview is set for the date on your timeline, you can't be sure everything will go OK.


As for buying a ticket, DON'T do it until you have at least passed the interview, or better yet, have visa in hand. There are quite a few things that can happen even after the interview to slow up the visa, it can be randomly selected for review which would add several weeks to when the visa is sent.


Sorry, but it is a ####### shoot to buy the ticket without visa in hand, especially if you have only a few days before you plan to leave.

Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-07-23 13:18:00
PhilippinesRequested to do Medical Evaluation at POE

My wife had to do a follow up at the local health clinic after she had to do a sputum test.


They just had the TB nurse interview her at the clinic and had her do another chest x-ray to be sure she was OK.


This was no charge to us from the clinic

Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-07-25 14:35:00
PhilippinesDo you really have to bring these thing again to the interview?

If you get a 221g you just need to bring/send in what is requested.


That is why they recommend copying everything in your application. You don't need certified copies, just something for them to look at if they do not have what they want right there where they can put their hands on it.


Better to carry a lot of extras they don't need, than to have to wait & get something you didn't have.

Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-08-13 13:44:00
Philippinesmoney transfer service to Philippines


Sounds good, I like PayPal.  But can you use it at a bank like an ATM, and withdraw php against it?


Yes, you can even reset the pin from the PayPal website.


I ordered the card and once I received it & activated it, I mailed it to the Philippines.


Once it got there I could reset the pin to whatever they wanted


PayPal doesn't charge ATM fees unless that has changed lately, but you still have to pay the 'out of country' fee at the ATM in the Philippines.

Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-08-15 13:12:00
Philippinesmoney transfer service to Philippines

I have used a PayPal debit card from my account, you can request a second card, so I got one in her mother's name for them to use. But now they have started charging an 'out of country' charge of 200-250 PHP per transaction, so it is not as good a deal.


The good thing about PayPal is you can just put enough money in the account they need to prevent any danger of a lost card.


Plus PayPal allows for fee-free transfers to your account if you mark it 'to family' and use a bank account for the transfer so we can transfer money from my wife's PayPal to my account and have the money available in minutes.

Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-08-14 12:51:00
PhilippinesPPD/ TST positive

The skin test is not recommended for Filipinos because so many have received TB vaccinations. My wife has had positive skin tests and after the last one, she was told never to let anyone give her a skin test again due to the chance of a severe reaction in the area of the test. It seems the more times you receive the test and have a reaction, the more sensitive you are to the test.


Her x-rays are clear, so she is free of TB. But Filipinos should always ask for alternative methods if the need a TB test once they get to the states. 

Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-11-28 16:00:00
PhilippinesLaguindingan International Airport in Mindanao - Any Reviews?

Anybody had any experience with the newly opened Laguindingan Airport? My wife has been home visiting her family and the new airport has opened since she arrived. Her family lives only about 30 minutes from the new airport, so it should be a lot easier to get there.


I just wonder if there is any growing pains with the new airport or has everything been running pretty smooth? The only hitch I have heard is they still do not have the IFR equipment installed so bad weather can be a problem.


They are promoting it as an international airport, so maybe someday there will be flights direct to there without having to spend a day in Manila waiting on a connecting flight!



Dogwood_PoetMalePhilippines2013-10-08 13:08:00