Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionEntering Application Receipt Number in your USCIS Portfolio
I just found out, apparently it tells you on the NOA notice that once you receive your Biometrics letter, that's when you can check your status online. Thank you all
Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-09 20:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionEntering Application Receipt Number in your USCIS Portfolio
Does anyone know how long does it take until I can enter that receipt number from the NOA? I tried to enter it today when we received the NOA but it is telling me that it is invalid...? Does it take some time until it is inside their system? I don't remember having this issue before.
Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-09 19:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow long after biometrics appointment?
Wow, I never knew that, or maybe I did and I forgot :lol: Either way, thanks! That's a really good thing! Time to save money for that paperwork! lol
Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-15 18:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow long after biometrics appointment?

I-751 often takes the lion's share of a year.

People regularly become eligible (and file for) citizenship before their I-751 is adjudicated.

How is this true? Don't you have to wait 5 years since entering the country to file for citizenship? My wife arrived in the statea in 2010, we just filed for her permanent GC (it's now 2012) and if you say it takes maybe a year, that would be 2013. Wouldn't you still have to wait 2 years (technically slightly less than a full 2 years) until you can apply for citizenship?
Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-15 17:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWorried we don't ahve enough evidence...

You have plenty to worry... I've sent in joint tax stuff, joint bank accounts, joint insurance, driver license with same address and more documents proving we live together, cell phone contract etc...still got RFE.  USCIS doesn't really hire bright people so you might get by, depending on what mood that worker is in on that day. 

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-05-06 17:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGot RFE, submitting more documents

Just got our first RFE ever in this entire process...USCIS is a bunch of morons if you ask me, I will never think a milimeter higher of them.  They delay us, a normal loving couple, but others who are clearly trying to work the system, get approved faster than anyone else.  I don't believe anyone competent works there.  I've sent a huge folder of documents they asked for, including financial stuff and more pictures and proof, pretty much same thing you sent above...yet we still receive RFE asking for the exact same things we sent in, including BIRTH CERTIFICATE which they should already have.  I wouldn't be surprised if those incompetent fools lost our documents. 


Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-05-06 17:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPreparing RFE Response

Just got our first RFE ever in this entire process...USCIS is a bunch of morons if you ask me, I will never think a milimeter higher of them.  They delay us, a normal loving couple, but others who are clearly trying to work the system, get approved faster than anyone else.  I don't believe anyone competent works there.  I've sent a huge folder of documents they asked for, including financial stuff and more pictures and proof...yet we still receive RFE asking for the exact same things we sent in, including BIRTH CERTIFICATE which I have sent in.  I wouldn't be surprised if those incompetent fools lost our documents.  Gotta love the USofA.

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-05-06 16:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIncompetent USCIS lost our documents?

As far as rental agreement, we don't have one since the owner of the house is an aquaintance of ours and we never made a contract..

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-05-10 18:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIncompetent USCIS lost our documents?

Yeah, it's always like that isn't it?  People who do dishonest things, always ruin it for the honest bunch of people...  I could cry about how life is unfair all day :D 

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-05-10 16:36:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIncompetent USCIS lost our documents?

Do you have a lease with your names on it? I assume you sent them your taxes filed together. And something like a 401K or life insurance with the other spouse named as beneficiary. 


To be honest, you sent


pictures - meaningless (only counted as secondary)

driving license - meaningless (the USCIS know how useless the DMV are!), anyone could get a driving license with an address one week and then move out. 

Copies of our insurance cards (vehicle and health) - good evidence

Notarized letters from friends and family - meaningless (like the pictures - easily faked)

Bank letter - doesn't mean too much, the statements will show you actually use the account.

Copy of vehicle registration with both of our names on them - (blah, DMV again)

T-Mobile bill with our names - again, how do they know you didn't just sign the spuse up as a phantom person on your account, T-mobile don't check or care!



All in all, unless you sent something else you have only one strongish bit of evidence, your insurance cards. But could they have been forged? The USCIS won't know.


I think the lease, named beneficiary life insurance or 401K, bank statements and tax transcripts will be good enough


Forget the other stuff




Don't have a 401k yet, I just started this new job in January and as of May 1st, our Insurance finally kicked in.  I have tax transcripts I will send in and I can print out more bank statements, it is pretty clear we use our bank account on a daily basis.  I knew that letters from friends don't count much, same with the pictures, easily faked but I included them anyway since in the guide it was mentioned and I honestly thought it would be plenty.


Go further back.  To the beginning of your marriage.  They want to see that the account is used, not that it's a dummy account with one penny in it, if you know what I mean?  You could do quarterly statements all the way back instead of every month.


And you can apply for citizenship on your normal timeline, even if ROC isn't finished yet.

Oh if you see our bank statements, it is pretty obvious we use it, daily :D  Thanks, good to know about the citizenship part, I wasn't sure if we could do that.


Great input from HT, as usual.


Do you have Wills, medical powers of attorney, HIPAA releases, etc.?  If so, include those.

Nope, none of that.  The stuff we currently have should be plenty evidence, not everyone will have a 401k, Wills, medical POA etc.  Thank you for your input though.


Time to throw in the kitchen sink and give them everything?  On the positive note, at least someone looked at your file.  CSC has been very slow.

I guess I should feel good because someone at USCIS is doing their job? :D  I won't send them anything else except what I mentioned above, I will not send another picture, letter from family/friends, nothing.  If they want to end up on all the TV stations, then they will send me another RFE after I send them these supporting financial documents, which shows our daily life in every single detail. 

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-05-09 13:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIncompetent USCIS lost our documents?

So I printed last 6mos of bank statements, is that enough?  Or should I go further back?

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-05-08 21:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIncompetent USCIS lost our documents?

:D I like how you put it Harpa, I can't let it ruin anything anylonger... We will overcome it. 

We didn't send monthly statements, we sent them an actual letter from the bank stating our accounts, our names and the status (when we opened it, if active or not etc)...I thought that would be enough since many others have sent the same exact thing. 

I've also sent:

Copies of our driver licenses showing same address

Copies of our insurance cards (vehicle and health)


Notarized letters from friends and family

Bank letter

Copy of vehicle registration with both of our names on them

T-Mobile bill with our names

Other required copies, can't think of them now


Steve, yes, our ultimate goal is US Citizenship but don't we have to complete this first before we apply?

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-05-08 14:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIncompetent USCIS lost our documents?

Thank you for clearing that up Harpa, it's just really frustrating and it upset my wife, made her depressed, ruined our day off together etc...I'm just venting because we have sent in a ton of USEFUL information, yet still they need more.  The only things that changed for us so far:  Paid off my car so both of our names are on it now, filed taxes again, more pictures, longer bank statement...  Nothing else I can think of.  I'm really hoping these extra items are enough because I have nothing just blows my mind that I have sent in such strong supporting documents, and then we get an RFE.  I can just picture a USCIS worker not paying attention to our folder, just browing through and deciding "Eh wth, I want to see more"..

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-05-07 22:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIncompetent USCIS lost our documents?



It sounds like you got a RFE for more evidence of a bona fide marriage for ROC.


The letter that they send for RFE is a boiler plate letter.  It just lists all types of evidence.  It doesn't mean that they lost your documents. They just copy/paste from a list of evidence types.  

Wouldn't they specify what they need though, like they did in billions of other letters to other users on here?


You might be a victim of the pipe burst at CSC.  A lot of files were flooded and damaged back in fall of 2012.  I saw a lot of posts here on VJ about it. Maybe your file was damaged and now they are asking for the exact same thing you initially submitted?

I'd love to sue them for what they are doing to us, if that's the case. 

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-05-06 17:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIncompetent USCIS lost our documents?

Just got our first RFE ever in this entire process...USCIS is a bunch of morons if you ask me, I will never think a milimeter higher of them.  They delay us, a normal loving couple, but others who are clearly trying to work the system, get approved faster than anyone else.  I don't believe anyone competent works there.  I've sent a huge folder of documents they asked for, including financial stuff and more pictures and proof...yet we still receive RFE asking for the exact same things we sent in, including BIRTH CERTIFICATE which I have sent in.  I wouldn't be surprised if those incompetent fools lost our documents.  Gotta love the USofA. ranting33va.gifranting33va.gifranting33va.gifranting33va.gifranting33va.gif


Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-05-06 16:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGreen card expires in Aug but moving to US in Dec... now what???
Here Noel, I'll repost this (your very good post) for DuneBuggy to understand how this works:

Losing Permanent Residence Because of Travel

There are many myths about how long a permanent resident (green card holder) may remain outside of the United States before losing his or her green card status. This article will address some of those myths and provide the information necessary to try and avoid getting into trouble due to staying outside of the U.S. longer than the immigration law permits.
Myth 1 - Now that I have my green card I can move back to my country.

If you remain outside of the U.S. for more than one year continuously, you may lose your green card automatically. The Immigration Service takes the position that if you stay out this long, you have abandoned your green card status.
Myth 2 - If I visit the U.S. once a year I’ll be okay.

This is wrong. The law and the Immigration Service look to your intent or the purpose of your travel, not just whether you have returned to the U.S. once in a while. In fact, even if you travel to the U.S. frequently but you are living abroad, the Immigration Service may find that you have abandoned your residence and revoke your green card. The test is whether you intended to be abroad temporarily or whether you plan to live abroad permanently, not simply the time you spend outside of the U.S.

For example, if a person stays outside of the U.S. continuously and returns every few months but has no roots in the U.S., such as a job, bank accounts, a home, yearly tax returns, etc., the Immigration Service may find abandonment. On the other hand, if a person has strong ties to the U.S. but only returns once a year because he or she is abroad taking care of an ill or elderly family member, a finding of abandonment would not be appropriate if all other aspects of the person’s life establish that he or she has no intent of abandoning his or her residence (e.g., maintains a home, pays taxes, owns a business, etc.).

In determining whether a person has abandoned his residence, the courts have generally looked at the following factors: a. Purpose of departure; b. Existence of fixed termination date for visit abroad; and c. Objective intention to return to U.S. as place of permanent employment or actual home.
How will the Immigration Service know how long I’ve been gone?

This typically occurs either at the time you return to the U.S. and come through customs or when you apply for citizenship and the Immigration Service inquires about your travels.

It is important to note that you have the right to contest the Immigration Service's allegation that you have abandoned your residence.

In order to prevail on a finding that someone has abandoned her green card status, the Immigration Service must prove by clear, unequivocal and convincing evidence that residence has been abandoned.

If it was not your intent to abandon your residence and you maintained strong ties to the U.S., do not be intimidated by the Immigration Service merely because an immigration officer makes allegations of abandonment – make them prove it!
Myth 3 - I am automatically eligible for citizenship after five years.

One last point about traveling abroad is that it may effect your eligibility for U.S. citizenship. In addition to maintaining your ties to the U.S., you must also be physically present in the U.S. for certain periods of time in order to be eligible for citizenship. Generally, you must be physically present in the U.S. for at least half of the previous five years.

For most travelers, abandonment of residence will not be an issue, but for those who stay outside the U.S. for extended periods of time, the above tips should be kept in mind.

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-09 17:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2012 filers

California Service Center (23 applicants, 15 approved - 65%)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date.....Biometrics......Approved...
ONE DIRECTION.......09/29/12........10/01/12.......11/02/12.......05/02/13...
ANDREW + BETHANY....09/??/12........10/01/12.......??/??/12.......04/24/13...(Bio rescheduled 12/03)
SEBAS&LILY..........10/01/12........10/03/12.......11/01/12.......--/--/--...(RFE received 05/06, responded 6/18)

CECILIA-GARY........10/02/12........--/--/12.......10/30/12.......05/28/13...(Never received NOA)(RFE received 04/??,responded 05/17)
HERESTOUS...........10/03/12........10/05/12.......11/06/12.......05/23/13...(Divorce waiver)
LEENIE..............10/12/12........10/15/12.......11/09/12.......05/03/13...(Card received 06/15)
GARFIELD529.........10/15/12........10/16/12.......11/09/12.......05/16/13...(Early bio 11/02)

VJ-NEWBIE...........10/16/12........10/18/12.......11/16/12.......05/23/13...(Card received 06/19)
KIMBEAR.............10/16/12........10/18/12.......11/19/12.......05/03/13...(Card received 06/15)

VISHNYA.............10/18/12........10/22/12.......11/08/12.......05/03/13...(Card received 06/15)
GROOVYAARDVARK......10/20/12........10/22/12.......11/20/12.......--/--/--...(Early bio 11/02)
A + M...............10/22/12........10/24/12.......11/27/12.......--/--/--...
IMMIGRATIONDRAMA....10/26/12........--/--/12.......11/19/12.......04/29/13...(Never received NOA)(Card received date unknown?)
SOULMATEFOREVER.....10/26/12........10/31/12.......11/28/12.......--/--/--...(RFE received 05/09)



Vermont Service Center (33 applicants, 23 approved - 70%)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date.....Biometrics......Approved...
MRTEE12.............09/29/12........10/02/12.......11/05/12.......--/--/--...(RFE received 04/18)
AN & CH.............10/01/12........10/02/12.......11/08/12.......04/26/13...
MALOLOSTOUSA........10/03/12........10/09/12.......11/06/12.......04/23/13...(Card received 04/26)
LARAREYES...........10/04/12........10/05/12.......12/11/12.......06/08/13...(RFE received 04/28, responded 05/18)(Card received 06/17)
GLYNN & JEAN........10/05/12........10/09/12.......11/09/12.......04/18/13...(

Card received 04/25)
SISJ................10/09/12........10/15/12.......12/04/12.......06/06/13...(RFE received 04/28, responded 05/22, card received 06/12)
MARCH2010...........10/09/12........10/11/12.......11/19/12.......04/16/13...(Card received 04/20)

PAULABBY............10/15/12........10/18/12.......11/19/12.......05/07/13...(Card received 05/11)
CHINA1022...........10/16/12........10/17/12.......11/21/12.......04/23/13...(Card received 04/27)
YACHACHIQ12.........10/16/12........10/19/12.......11/28/12.......04/23/13...(Card received 04/27)
LOVE IS PATIENT.....10/16/12........10/22/12.......11/23/12.......04/22/13...(Card received 05/04)
PACIENCIA Y FE......10/18/12........10/22/12.......11/23/12.......05/03/13...(Early bio 11/20)(Card received 05/13)
ER NEAL.............10/19/12........10/22/12.......11/15/12.......--/--/--...(RFE received 05/08)
MIKEANDJAQ..........10/19/12........10/22/12.......11/16/12.......04/26/13...(Card received 05/03)
LEELEE1986..........10/19/12........10/23/12.......11/27/12.......05/18/13...(RFE received 04/19, responded 05/02)(Card received 05/22)

PINKPLUMAGE.........10/23/12........10/25/12.......11/20/12.......04/30/13...(Early Bio 11/16)
LULU A..............10/25/12........10/26/12.......11/26/12.......--/--/--...(Early bio 11/16)
APPLEJUICE..........10/25/12........10/29/12.......11/27/12.......04/26/13...(Card received 04/29)
MISSIN MISS D.......10/26/12........10/30/12.......12/04/12.......04/29/13...(Early bio 11/21)
SHELANT.............10/26/12........10/30/12.......11/26/12.......04/26/13...(Card received 05/01)
HMCHIU..............10/26/12........10/30/12.......12/05/12.......04/24/13...(Card received 04/30)

PINKYTOES...........10/26/12........10/31/12.......12/18/12.......--/--/--...(RFE received 05/02)



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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

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Updated my RFE respond date :)

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-06-22 19:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2012 filers

Just got our first RFE ever in this entire process...USCIS is a bunch of morons if you ask me, I will never think a milimeter higher of them.  They delay us, a normal loving couple, but others who are clearly trying to work the system, get approved faster than anyone else.  I don't believe anyone competent works there.  I've sent a huge folder of documents they asked for, including financial stuff and more pictures and proof...yet we still receive RFE asking for the exact same things we sent in, including BIRTH CERTIFICATE which I have sent in.  I wouldn't be surprised if those incompetent fools lost our documents.  Gotta love the USofA.


Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-05-06 16:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2012 filers
No idea but after my wife becomes USC, we are thinking to move to Deutschland :D
Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-04-10 18:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2012 filers
A little waiting joke to keep everyone awake :)

Two old women were sitting on a bench waiting for their bus. The buses were running late, and a lot of time passed.

Finally, one woman turned to the other and said, "You know, I've been sitting here so long, my butt fell asleep!"

The other woman turned to her and said "I know! I heard it snoring!"

Edited by Sebas&Lily, 09 April 2013 - 08:03 PM.

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2013-04-09 20:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2012 filers
Added our Biometrics date. Question: shouldn't the 9/29 people be in the September topic? :bonk: :lol:

California Service Center (5 applicants)

............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
ONE DIRECTION.......09/29/12........10/01/12........11/02/12.......--/--/--....


Vermont Service Center (6 applicants)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.....Approved....
AN & CH.............10/01/12........10/02/12.......11/08/12.......--/--/--....
GLYNN & JEAN........10/05/12........10/09/12.......--/--/--.......--/--/--....


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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-15 17:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2012 filers
Ooooh I see, sorry, I left for work shortly after we opened the letter and didn't read it entirely :) Thank you
Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-09 20:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2012 filers
So does anyone know how long does it take until you can enter the Receipt Number into your portfolio on the USCIS website? Mine says invalid when I try to add it.
Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-09 19:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2012 filers
Added our name to the list. We just received our NOA1 this morning. WooHoo! :dance:

California Service Center (0 applicants)

............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....

Vermont Service Center (4 applicants)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.....Approved....

AN & CH.............10/01/12........10/02/12.......--/--/--.......--/--/--....
GLYNN & JEAN........10/05/12........--/--/12.......--/--/--.......--/--/--....


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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-09 16:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2012 filers
And does anyone know how long it takes until that Receipt number is in their system? I tried to add it to my Portfolio today so I can follow up on it electronically but it tells me the receipt number is not valid?

Edited by Sebas&Lily, 09 October 2012 - 04:43 PM.

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-09 16:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2012 filers
Added our name to the list. We just received our NOA1 this morning. WooHoo! :dance:

California Service Center (0 applicants)

............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....

Vermont Service Center (4 applicants)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.....Approved....

AN & CH.............10/01/12........10/02/12.......--/--/--.......--/--/--....
GLYNN & JEAN........10/05/12........--/--/12.......--/--/--.......--/--/--....


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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

Edited by Sebas&Lily, 09 October 2012 - 04:27 PM.

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-09 16:27:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
**********Removed us from the list since I sent it on October 1st and since I kept following this topic...I made a mistake :D

California Service Center (9 applicants)

............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.....Approved....
BEARSTORY...........09/06/12........09/10/12.......10/02/12.......--/--/--....(Early Bio 09/24)
CPTROSCO............09/20/12........09/??/12.......10/23/12.......--/--/--....(Divorce Waiver)

Vermont Service Center (19 applicants)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.....Approved....

SARA AND ALEX.......09/10/12........09/14/12.......10/17/12.......--/--/--....

HAMADA135...........09/11/12........09/13/12.......10/05/12.......--/--/--....(Early Bio 09/26)
SILVERMUG...........09/18/12........09/19/12.......10/23/12.......--/--/--....(Early Bio 10/01)


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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

Edited by Sebas&Lily, 09 October 2012 - 04:21 PM.

Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-09 16:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

[/font]You can join I-751 October 2012 filers ;)

Haha you're right! I kept thinking we sent it in September since I kept following this topic hahaha I'll Edit it....but I'll miss you guys, I don't know if the October filers are this cool :P
Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-09 16:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
Added us to the list :)

California Service Center (9 applicants)

............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.....Approved....
BEARSTORY...........09/06/12........09/10/12.......10/02/12.......--/--/--....(Early Bio 09/24)
CPTROSCO............09/20/12........09/??/12.......10/23/12.......--/--/--....(Divorce Waiver)

Vermont Service Center (19 applicants)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.....Approved....

SARA AND ALEX.......09/10/12........09/14/12.......10/17/12.......--/--/--....

HAMADA135...........09/11/12........09/13/12.......10/05/12.......--/--/--....(Early Bio 09/26)
SILVERMUG...........09/18/12........09/19/12.......10/23/12.......--/--/--....(Early Bio 10/01)


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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
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Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-10-01 23:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
Oh yeah, duh :bonk: :lol:
Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-09-24 21:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
Has anyone crossed out Bank Account numbers on the statements you send in? I feel uneasy having that info exposed, for who knows who will get their hands on it. Maybe I'm overreacting but isn't there a little bit of worry there for any of you? Do we have that much trust in people? :)
Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-09-24 21:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

if I go to an irs office, will I get it right away? Or do they simply order it for me and then id have to wait for it to be delivered to my place?

I'm sorry about your NOA. It should come not too long now.

You get them on the spot from the IRS rep. I just did this today, walked into the local IRS office, no line at all, she asked me for ID since we filed together, printed whichever years I wanted and that was it. Took 5 minutes total. :)
Sebas&LilyMaleRomania2012-09-20 23:53:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
oh yeh... duh Kaffy laughing.gif

have u decided if you're gonna have it in Aus or the States?
kaffyFemaleAustralia2009-03-03 21:06:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
oh wow, baby was active early! Not long to go till u find out the gender biggrin.gif are u gonna find out or wait?

and do u need to include your bub in the visa petition?
kaffyFemaleAustralia2009-03-03 20:55:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
You're welcome biggrin.gif Good luck with your medical!

How's you're pregnancy going by the way? My SIL is due in 4 weeks and we had her baby shower this weekend. All this baby talk is driving my (clucky) crazy laughing.gif
kaffyFemaleAustralia2009-03-03 20:38:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
QUOTE (MzMo1102 @ Mar 4 2009, 08:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
With the rest, she said because Im pregnant, do it anyway as it will be easier to do it here than in the US.

Ack I hope she is not suggesting a pregnant woman get the MMR shot because that is a BIG NO NO. That is such a careless thing for her to say... blink.gif

For more info on what can and what shouldn't be given during pregnancy see:

Edited by kaffy, 03 March 2009 - 08:30 PM.

kaffyFemaleAustralia2009-03-03 20:27:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Air Pacific wouldn't be my first choice to fly with... Where in the States are you flying to? There are some really cheap fares on sale at the moment. V Australia is launching soon to give some competition to the existing carriers so a lot of them have come out with heavily discounted fares to compete with V's prices.

I suggest you have a look at Best Flights : http://www.bestfligh...lights?mainlist

For (non-fragile) bulky things that you don't need straight away I suggest slow boating them.. Brisbane - Seattle took about 10-11 weeks to arrive which isn't toooo slow

PS- you should get your originals back at the interview.. at least that's what they did with mine. birth certificate, marriage certificate, police certificates.. got them all back

And make sure you check your e-mail often too because that's how I got my interview notice. The email subject line is "Checklist for Day of Interview - Mail in apps.doc"
kaffyFemaleAustralia2009-03-03 20:20:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I don't know what happens when you are pregnant during your medical but I do know the list of required immunizations is on page 15 of the following document:

In summary for a female adult you are required to have Tdap, MMR, HPV (ages 11-26) and Varicella (either the vaccine, or chicken pox).

I had all my shots done by my GP when I was growing up so I asked him for a list print out and I took that along to my medical. Perhaps make an appointment with your GP and see if he/she has your vaccine history on file...?

Good luck!

Edited by kaffy, 02 March 2009 - 07:27 PM.

kaffyFemaleAustralia2009-03-02 19:26:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Yup, in Brisbane I went to pick up my results in person... in an unsealed brown envelope and they had instructions to make copies of everything in there before passing them onto the Consulate.

As far as an interview time goes, it depends on how long it is taking them to process the documents. Last July when I sent in my stuff they said it was taking them 2-3 weeks to review documents and schedule interview. My timeline should have the specific dates just to give you an idea..
kaffyFemaleAustralia2009-02-22 09:23:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whoo hooo!!!
kaffyFemaleAustralia2009-02-20 21:36:00