Middle East and North AfricaI lost my husband today
Hello MENA

~It's hard to believe as I write this, 1 year has passed since Lahcen's death rose.gif some of you were there for me on this day and supported me during the darkest days. Thank you again for your kindness and everything you have done. I had never expected to find such support and comfort from people I did not even know from all over the USA.

I have learned so much in this last year. I never knew love could hurt so much. Knowing my husband changed me and allowed me to see life with a new perspective. Loving him made me realize what is really important, things we take for granted and the stupid petty BS we let get to us at times. We have only now to enjoy our lives, our loved ones and make our dreams come true !

I wish our culture dealt with grief differently. Greece and other countries have arm bands to wear to signify their loss. It is a healthy process that is uniquely our own and we should not be expected to "get over it" so others will feel more comfortable. If I was wearing an arm band one day at Starbucks the barista would not have tried to chat me up until I went off on her. People in the supermarket would have understood why I looked right thru them with empty stares or burst out in tears for no apparent reason. Grief is an animal all it's own and made me into a person I did not recognize at times.

Healing is slow but sure and today I celebrate my husband's life and the short time we had together. I move forward with lessons learned from him and his culture. I cherish our memories and I know that he loved me heart.gif

I am thinking of everyone that has also lost loved ones and hope that you are able to find peace and healing. Your grief is your own process and experience, God bless you rose.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-07-26 23:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaI lost my husband today
~ Today is the fourth Sunday of my husband's death rose.gif On the 40th day (which I believe falls during Ramadan) the family will honor him by preparing a special dinner to share w/ friends and neighbors and read the Qur'an heart.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2008-08-24 13:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaI lost my husband today
cray5ol.gif sad.gif cray5ol.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2008-07-29 22:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaI lost my husband today
Ganja Girl~ that describes totally what I am feeling! You all have been so supportive rose.gif Amal ~ your post was beautiful, if God chose me for my husband's last days on earth, I am honored ! that doesn't make it any easier to bear. My husband was kind, loving, humble and I know he loved me based on his actions. I keep expecting him to pop on yahoo or call me and he is not there cray5ol.gif I think today is harder as everything is sinking in and yesterday I kept expecting to wake up !
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2008-07-28 20:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaI lost my husband today
I just got off yahoo with Brahim ~ He had to work and was unable to join some of the family in El Jadida where my husband was laid to rest this morning rose.gif When I was in Morocco last year for Ramadan my husband was diagnosed with epilepsy. He had been having seizures for years, but never received proper medical attention or diagnosis. He was put on phenobarbital and that helped minimize and control the seizures which would only occur at night when he slept. I had witnessed a few really scarey attacks before we got him to the doctor and on the meds.

The family believes he had a gran mal and that is what killed him or he hit his head and was bleeding internally, or he ran out of his meds.Whatever the cause, I feel so helpless because I was not there to help him. Right now I am getting information in bits and pieces and still do not know all the details. The family says that God wanted him ~ I am really struggling with that because I thought God was giving me a husband heart.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2008-07-28 13:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaI lost my husband today
I am so touched by the outpouring of support I have received from this VJ community ~ Thanks to all of you who have sent your prayers and words of comforting support ! I am trying to get a little rest while waiting for more news from the family rose.gif heart.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2008-07-28 00:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaI lost my husband today
We were married just over a month and I lost my best friend today. I do not even have the words right now. Please do not listen to any inaccurate reports coming from other sources ~ I am getting the information as it comes directly from his family. I will share more details as I see fit, but please allow me to speak for my husband. I do not want him disrespected any further sad.gif I am in shock right now and I can't accept or believe the news that I received today !! He was 26 years old. God be with us and my husband rose.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2008-07-27 15:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaLearn Arabic Online for free!
I like the name... makes me want coffee whistling.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-08-04 20:15:00
Middle East and North Africathis is the end...
~ "This is the end
beautiful friend
No safety or surprise
the end
I'll never look into
your eyes again" rose.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-08-05 19:28:00
Middle East and North Africaour new addition
Mabrouk for your beautiful baby, a true blessing from God rose.gif They grow so fast ! Enjoy this time as you will never have it again, only in your scrapbooks blush.gif Mine just turned 21, but he will always be my boy !

Best Wishes rose.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-08-19 01:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's that time again!
Did someone say slumber party ph34r.gif I am off to a belly dance workshop right now...I will share with you what we learned at the slumber party. Maybe we can get Terrie to table dance again whistling.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-08-22 13:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan cooking
Henia ~ Wow ! You are the Martha Stewart of MENA good.gif Those pineapple tarts and cobbler look awesome! I really like the way your blog is designed, nice work luv.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-08-30 23:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
New series premiers tomorrow on Lifetime called, "Cooking Yourself Thin" and the premise is not entirely giving up our favorites, just learning to cook them differently for 50% less calories! Everyone knows TOTAL deprivation does not work, at least not for any length of time blush.gif

Cooking Yourself Thin !!
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-05-03 19:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
kicking.gif kicking.gif Gearing up for the next gym challenge kicking.gif kicking.gif This is the shape up for spring challenge and lasts 2 months !!! My goal is lose 20lbs. during this challenge good.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-03-30 23:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
I just came from the gym, and the owner had awarded 2nd and 3rd prizes! I won a $20.00 gift certificate to the mall kicking.gif kicking.gif It felt so good to receive that recognition for my hard work when just a few months earlier I could barely drag myself to the gym kicking.gif kicking.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-03-17 11:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
Happy Monday wacko.gif How is everyone doing on your programs ? Well, the challenge I was participating in at my gym has ended. I was trailing behind in 3rd place for a while then in 1st place the last week (working my a** off) and today learned I lost by one point!!! One freakin point away from the first prize spa certificate cray5ol.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-03-16 19:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
Hellooooooo ! Is there anybody in there? just nod if u can hear there anyone home unsure.gif I am tied for 1st place for the challenge at my gym !! If I keep up this pace I will be winning the spa certificate before leaving to Seattle kicking.gif kicking.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-03-02 20:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
How is everyone doing rose.gif I just did an intense class at my gym called BLT ! It turns out that stands for Butt Legs and Thighs not Bacon Lettuce and Tomato blink.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-02-25 14:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
Just a boring LC for dinner then back in the gym in the morning ! I am doing higher protein right now to re-build my serotonin stores and be able to get off these anti-depressants by spring unsure.gif

Olivia ~ those shakes look pretty good, I may start adding a few for breakfast ! Have a good weekend everyone energy.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-02-19 23:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
QUOTE (childress_london @ Feb 19 2009, 10:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Henna Rose @ Feb 19 2009, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am participating in a challenge at my gym where we get points based on number of workouts per week, turning in a food journal, bringing in friends to workout with. The last challenge the grand prize was a spa package !! The owner said she is doing something similar for this one. I have been working my a** off so I can win this challenge kicking.gif kicking.gif

I love that my gym is women only, they are so supportive and we can just workout without any BS blush.gif

I like the idea of a women's only gym. We have a gym here at work, but we are not allowed to use it during our lunch hour, since it is a paid lunch hour. I'm not sure of the reasoning behind it, but some have said it's a worker's comp issue. So then what happens if I get into an accident on my way to McDonald's? LOL. I'm too tired to use it after working a ten hour day. :-(

Seems if they let their employees workout at lunch hour they would be more productive and AWAKE in the afternoon !!

Jen ~ what 's the name of the service you are using for meals?
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-02-19 13:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
I am participating in a challenge at my gym where we get points based on number of workouts per week, turning in a food journal, bringing in friends to workout with. The last challenge the grand prize was a spa package !! The owner said she is doing something similar for this one. I have been working my a** off so I can win this challenge kicking.gif kicking.gif

I love that my gym is women only, they are so supportive and we can just workout without any BS blush.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-02-19 13:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
QUOTE (sereia @ Feb 18 2009, 10:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Boy am I glad I haven't seen those girl scouts selling cookies! Yum!

They have a new flavor this year ~ Dulce de Leche unsure.gif ooops ! sorry this is supposed to be a diet thread offtopic45vn.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-02-19 01:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Feb 18 2009, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I fell off the diet wagon and rolled down the hill. I suck!

I think I passed you on the way down the hill unsure.gif but as Annie said... get right back up rose.gif I've had a rough few days and caved in a little, but averted the thin mints crisis today good.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-02-19 01:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
I am being stalked by Thin Mints girl scout cookies !! helpsmilie.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-02-18 13:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
I fell a few lbs. short of my 10lb. goal for Valentine's (unless I miraculously drop another 3lbs. over night) I'll take the 7lb. loss, tho. I probably would have made my goal if I hadn't over-indulged those few days of my B-day unsure.gif I know the exercise is helping tremendously good.gif

Edited by Henna Rose, 14 February 2009 - 12:15 AM.

Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-02-14 00:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
QUOTE (~*Dorothy*~ @ Feb 13 2009, 08:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Annie!!!

Just remember tomorrow is another day and an opportunity to be healthy and active - I guess that should be my motto.

So please keep me accountable!!!!

Great motto good.gif one day at a time, one meal at a time, one pound at a time ! kicking.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-02-13 23:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Jan 21 2009, 04:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After relearning the portions I thought no wonder I've gained some weight back!!!

We are so accustomed to super sizing everything here then our waistlines get supersized, too wacko.gif

Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-01-22 12:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
I did WW before and did lose some weight, but mostly used up all my flex points on sweets and pizza unsure.gif I do think it's important to combine a structured eating plan, plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains, occasional treats AND exercise. Different plans work for different individuals, good luck kicking.gif kicking.gif

I still love pizza, I just make my own individual ones now with whole wheat crust...yummy !
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-01-20 21:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
Yes you can !! Yes you can good.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-01-19 21:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
Amal ~ r u taking your thyroid meds ??? Just checkin up on you whistling.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-01-19 17:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
I started taking Vit D supplements this winter as the sun is pretty scarce in the Pacific Northwest this time of year. I also take B complex (and extra B2 and magnesium) cuz I suffer from migraines. I like Barleans Omega Swirl that I can just throw in a smoothie or yogurt. I think alot of ppl are deficient in Vit D and the Omegas unsure.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-01-12 15:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
Thanks for the tips ! I already get my 3 fruits and 2 veggie servings per day, so another goal to shoot for good.gif That bread sounds awesome. I checked their website and it's not available on the West Coast yet. I also like Kashi oatmeal, it's pretty high fiber and has protein and omega 3's !
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-01-12 15:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
QUOTE (Staashi @ Jan 12 2009, 08:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (amal @ Jan 12 2009, 09:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm on the wagon. or at least galloping behind it.... I had instand oatmeal this morning and wanted to cry coz 1 packet can be eaten in practically 1 spoon the heck is that supposed to fill anybody up??? biggrin.gif on a lighter note...getting motivated to lose weight has increased my libido....

I haven't gained much at all in my pregnancy because I take in about 45 grams a day. good.gif

45 grams a day, WOW ! It's hard for me just to get in the 25g recommended unsure.gif Amal ~ How's your TSH? have you had it checked lately?
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-01-12 14:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
~ Will you gals please PM me your Facebook info rose.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-01-11 10:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
Valentine's Day Challenge

Resurrecting this thread for those of us who have fallen off the wagon during the holidays! Who wants to join me losing 10lbs. by Valentine's Day ?
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-01-10 21:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
This is just cruel Charles headbonk.gif (I fell off the food wagon in a big way this weekend) You can redeem yourself by posting the new DVD releases tomorrow unsure.gif
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2008-09-08 15:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaTragic News from Cairo
QUOTE (Far2Long @ Feb 24 2009, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Henna Rose @ Feb 24 2009, 10:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
tongue.gif I'll think about that blog but for now my FB is my blog.

FB is great for networking w/family and friends, and so fun. A blog dedicated specifically to this adventure you are embarking on has endless potential for exposure ! People have started blogs that developed a following and were purchased to be published as a book. I think there would be so much interest on the life of an American filmmaker living in Egypt with her husband heart.gif

Now you've given me a dream Henna of a million dollars! I could devote eight months in Egypt writing a blog and getting it published into a book and going on oprah with my Mom and becoming her best friend and making a million dollars! This inspires my Mom to write a book and then we do tours around the world! $$$ Cha Ching! $$$ I hear the cash registers around the world unilaterally chiming.

I've got lot of little ideas to make my blog multi-platform and incorporate lots of cute things.

Now you're talkin, girl !! Sometimes we don't realize what an interesting story our lives truly are. That's why when Annie suggested you start a blog, I was all over you blush.gif When you get it up and running if you need any marketing help, let me know ! Annie and I can be your first subscribers kicking.gif How exciting !!!
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-02-24 18:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaTragic News from Cairo
tongue.gif I'll think about that blog but for now my FB is my blog.

FB is great for networking w/family and friends, and so fun. A blog dedicated specifically to this adventure you are embarking on has endless potential for exposure ! People have started blogs that developed a following and were purchased to be published as a book. I think there would be so much interest on the life of an American filmmaker living in Egypt with her husband heart.gif

Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-02-24 13:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaTragic News from Cairo
QUOTE (Far2Long @ Feb 24 2009, 01:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You know I would have to get a picture of you shaking your shimmy in one!

I think you will find all kinds of beautiful hip scarves there ! My BD instructor showed us ones she had purchased in Egypt on her last dance tour there...just gorgeous !!!! (I should give u $$$ before you leave for that leopard print one)
Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-02-24 12:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaTragic News from Cairo
QUOTE (Far2Long @ Feb 23 2009, 11:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wink.gif Me thinks on my next trip to Egypt I should get a stock pile of coin shimmy's for anytime gifts! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Please bring me a leopard print one, Olivia whistling.gif

Henna RoseFemaleMorocco2009-02-24 03:35:00