Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles.” – Matthew 5:41

Is your service self-centered or is it altruistic in aim?

Lord, You gave Your all in service to the Father. Teach us to serve like You.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-12-09 13:11:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”
– Matthew 9:37
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-12-08 20:57:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
… be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient…
– 2 Timothy
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-12-05 12:15:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“Your light must shine before people so that they may see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:16


Lord, may I never be in darkness; let me shine so that everybody will see Your wonderful work for Your people.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-12-04 16:46:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
…all things are possible with God.”
– Mark 10:27
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-12-03 13:20:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
– Mark 10:15
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-12-02 10:46:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“What you believe will be done for you.”
– Matthew 8:13
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-12-01 14:09:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“Why do you let us wander, O Lord?”
– Isaiah 63:17
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-30 10:56:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
So submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
– James 4:7
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-29 11:59:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“I do believe, help my unbelief!”
– Mark 9:24
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-28 13:35:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
Consider it all joy...
– James 1:2

Think of your greatest burden right now and say: “I consider this all joy!” How did that make you feel?

I open my life to Your grace, Lord! Grant me Your joy, Your perseverance and Your perfection.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-27 11:33:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood…a people belonging to God…
– 1 Peter 2:9

How much is your worth? Remember that your value comes from being one of God’s children, not from what you own or have achieved.

Thank You, Lord, for calling me Your own.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-26 11:50:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
And all of you, clothe yourselves with humility in your dealings with one another.
– 1 Peter 5:5
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-25 12:31:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“My sheep hear my voice; I know them and they follow me.”
– John 10:27
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-24 11:43:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“I assure you, as often as you did it for one of my least brothers, you did it for me.”
– Matthew 25:40

Lord, let my faith express itself in action.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-23 12:12:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now…”
– John 16:12
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-22 11:08:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“You should not be working for perishable food but for… food which the Son of Man will give you.”
– John 6:27

“Food is God’s love made edible.” (Unknown)

Lord, let me see You in the grand things and in the menial things. Amen.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-21 10:56:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“If this day you only knew what makes for peace…”
– Luke 19:42
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-20 12:45:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“I tell you to everyone who has, more will be given…”
– Luke 19:26

What are your special skills and talents? Share it with the world!

Lord, help us in our pursuit for excellence.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-19 14:31:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
The One whom God has sent speaks God’s Words, because God gives Him the fullness of His Spirit.
– John 3:34

Do you “call” His call?

Lord, let me live up to my calling today. Amen.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-16 11:55:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…”
– John 3:16 I love John 3:16.

Be closer to God by keeping His words close to your heart.

Lord, help me to learn the words that bring me nearer to You.

chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-15 11:40:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
Then he told them a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary.
– Luke 18:1

We have 24 hours in a day. How much time do you devote to prayer?

Lord, in prayer I draw close to you. Warm my heart with Your love.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-14 21:08:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
How will you ever believe me when I tell you about the things of heaven?
– John 3:12

Does your life reflect heaven?

Lord, help me to be more grateful, positive and affirming. Help me to bless the world that it may understand the things of heaven.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-11 18:35:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“We have done what we were obliged to do.”
– Luke 17:10

Are you in any way serving Jesus? If not, you are missing out in life!

One thing I desire, to please You, my God, and see You smile.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-10 21:54:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
Whenever the object of clay which he was making turned out badly in his hand, he tried again, making of the clay another object of whatever sort he pleased.
– Jeremiah 18:4

Don’t be strangled by your regrets. Make a new start by surrendering all to God.

Take me into Your able hands and do with me as You please, Lord.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-09 16:20:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, in this way stand firm in the Lord, beloved.
– Philippians 4:1

Do you reject wisdom when it comes from “familiar” sources?

Lord, thank You for loved ones who help me stand firm in You.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-07 11:48:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.” – Matthew 17:20
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-06 11:59:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“Courage!” he said “It is I. Don’t be afraid!”
– Matthew 14:27

Are your fears real or imagined?

Lord, I surrender to You my fears. Protect me from all evil and from all harm.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-05 16:48:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name.
– Philippians 2:9
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-04 10:35:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones…”
– Matthew 18:10

I love those who need love the most?

Teach me to love the littlest ones, Lord. Show them to me. Bring me to them. Amen.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-02 16:53:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“… you live in the midst of a rebellious house, they have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear for they are a rebellioushouse. “
– Ezekiel 12:2
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-11-01 11:32:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
You are now fellow citizens of God’s people and members of the family of God.
– Ephesians 2:19

When people or situations make you feel intimidated, remember who your Father is.

Lord, thank You for making me a member of Your family and household.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-10-31 15:34:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.”
– Matthew 23:3

Do you know someone who uses other people’s hypocrisy as an excuse to follow the Lord? Point him or her to Jesus, not to an organization or a personality.

Lord, forgive me for making things a little harder for people to come to You because of my own hypocrisy. Give me the grace to follow You more faithfully.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-10-25 16:08:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time?
– Luke 12:56

What do the signs of your present time and situation tell you? Look at what’s near: your family, neighbors, relationship with the Lord. What’s the Lord asking you to do about it?

Lord, I thought I could see clearly. Now I know my heart has been blinded from You and Your word. Open the eyes of my heart to love.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-10-24 17:14:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
– Matthew 16:19

God created this day to bless you! Chances are, you are now standing on Heaven’s treasure. Have you seen it yet?

Lord, Your daily “blessing-fromthe- heavens” requires daily work of CHOOSING. Give me the clarity of vision to see it, and the courageto CHOOSE it today.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-10-23 12:37:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
"Don’t let anyone deceive you in anyway…”
– 2 Thessalonians 2:3

How have you been deceived by the enemy?

“I place myself in the presence of Jesus Christ and submit to His Lordship… I stand my ground, with truth buckled around my waist, and integrity for a breastplate…” (Prayer for Protection)
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-10-22 13:44:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field.”
– Matthew 13:31
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-10-21 18:29:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes…”
– Luke 12:37

What are my safeguards from backsliding in my Christian life?

Protect me, Lord, and keep me faithful to You to the end.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-10-20 13:19:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
“Therefore, stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come.”
– Matthew 24:42
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-10-19 11:56:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
He said to them, “There is a large harvest, but few workers to gather it in….”
– Luke 10:2

Do you always have the courage to talk about Jesus to others?

Lord, I pray for courage to speak about You. I know that evangelization is not only an option but a mission.
chris-leiFemalePhilippines2008-10-18 12:40:00