USCIS Service Centers2 January filers approved. VSC. Hope


This made me giggle. 


If you get transferred does that put you at the bottom of that Service Center's queue? That would be royally effed up. .__.


Let us hope they're not, especially being that they aren't normally processing I-129f petitions. Then again many of us are in the hole there, asking for our trucker magazine, as buffalo bob (USCIS) tells us to put the lotion on the skin or we'll get the hose again.


Good luck to those still at VSC and keep a torch lit for us that were transferred out.

Edited by St&Sv, 06 June 2013 - 11:56 AM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-06 11:55:00

Thank you....i just filled out the form on that site...


has anyone else ever done that before? do they actually contact you back or is it just for information??

This is my first time contacting them myself, but here is the main contact website as well:


There is a mailing address too.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-06 12:35:00

call me stupid but what is ombudsman???

and who do you contact them?


St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-06 12:00:00
USCIS Service CentersThe Scattered Crew of VSC

Approval Jan 26, hope everyone else will be coming soon!

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-27 00:50:00
USCIS Service CentersThe Scattered Crew of VSC

NOA1 January 17th 2013


Also got the three transfer messages, not sure where our petition is now but maybe Texas? Still waiting on the letter to explain it!


I'm pretty sure it's sitting in Texas with the rest of us. I just got my letter yesterday so I would expect you should get one today or at least in the next few days.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-04 11:05:00
USCIS Service CentersThe Scattered Crew of VSC

Added us, Dec 20th 2012, Seems like we're in Texas.  I hope there are some approvals next week... That would make me feel sOOOOO much better.  Can't believe California is on February, I remember being so happy that my petition went to Vermont back when California was a disaster.  Expect answer to service request June 13th... going to be a long 13 days!

 I thought the same thing too at first, though my Fiancee told me she was very disappointed when she heard we were there. Apparently on the forums she reads, they talk about how CSC is good and VSC is  bad. Though you never know what will happen. There are probably people applying now and happy to get CSC, but in 5 months will it be the same? Just a luck of the draw.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-05-31 22:45:00
USCIS Service CentersThe Scattered Crew of VSC

Created a Google Docs spreadsheet for us to collate all the information! Last 3 columns will calculate themselves when we have our NOA2 dates. Hope we all get approved soon!




That's an awesome idea, normally i'm the make a spreadsheet guy...can't believe how dead my grey matter is today.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-05-31 09:51:00
USCIS Service CentersThe Scattered Crew of VSC

Apparently my brain is still sleeping, yes 2013, nice catch!

St&SvMaleRussia2013-05-31 09:29:00
USCIS Service CentersThe Scattered Crew of VSC

That's right I've given us a name, The Scattered Crew of VSC. It was suggested that we post our NoA1 dates, and give our crew kind of a list to go off of when the NoA2s start to roll out. So I'll go first.



NoA 1: 01/18/2012

Transfered to: Unknown right now


Like many other's I've received the Triple Treat Confusion messages from USCIS, but where it sits I do not know at this moment.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-05-31 09:06:00
USCIS Service CentersTSC July NOA2 sent to NVC?????

In our case we received our NoA 2 June 26, and waited until July 18 to get the email from USCIS that our petition was being shipped out of TSC to the NVC. Then it wasn't until Aug 3 that we received the letter from the NVC saying it would be shipped within a week. However I had contacted the Department of State after 3 weeks of TSC to NVC and found out they had the case before NVC even acknowledged they had it. My timeline seems to be average for what those of us at TSC wait for.

Edited by St&Sv, 12 August 2013 - 07:47 AM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-08-12 07:47:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

I want to know exactly what the next steps are so as to avoid any delays.


I am going to send my Fiance the remaining papers (she has the duplicate I-129F packet already). I have heard conflicting things about the medical and the consulate interview.


One post mentioned you have to wait to schedule the medical until you get your interview date? That can't be right can it? We would like to go ahead and get the medical completed and ensure we have all the immunizations required (help with this if you know about these please) so when the interview is scheduled in Frankfurt, we will be 100% ready.


As it is now, she is going to get her medical done next week. The immunizations are something we would like clarification on, if anyone has passed this step please let me know if there is anything we need to prepare for




I'm not sure if it exactly works the same for each embassy, and well you should really create a new topic for this, once you have the case number you can schedule the medical.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-08-05 23:55:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Finally , after exactly 8 months waiting - Approved!

Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On August 5, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

I am so happy . After few hours I will wake up my sunshine with the news!
Now we can take a breath , it was hard process for us.


GREAT TO HEAR! It's about time they sent your approval your way. Keep those sleeves rolled up though, you may still need them yet but at least you are moving onto the next stage!

Edited by St&Sv, 05 August 2013 - 11:53 PM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-08-05 23:52:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!


I would say, in many of our cases right now, it takes about 3 weeks until you get the notification that you petition has been shipped to the NVC. As for the actually case number assignment, that is probably 4 to 5 weeks out from the NoA2 approval. Yea I know it's a drag from the 2 weeks we all have read, but spend this time collecting all those documents you will need to send your love, and researching their Embassy. It also doesn't hurt to draw up a plan for what you will do when they get here, Social Security number, Marriage and Documents, and AoS. There are some documents he/she could get duplicates of now, and translated, that will help later in the process. 


Just got our case number today and it seems like many of us July 18 ship to NVC have, just call the Dept of State and not the NVC (great advice from vbtwo). The number is 202-663-1225 (Press 1 English and then 0 for operator since there is no need to go through the menu system)


So that makes 4 weeks to get the number, but it's still bring processed by the NVC.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-07-26 11:51:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

So how long does it take for TSC to send the case to NVC?


I would say, in many of our cases right now, it takes about 3 weeks until you get the notification that you petition has been shipped to the NVC. As for the actually case number assignment, that is probably 4 to 5 weeks out from the NoA2 approval. Yea I know it's a drag from the 2 weeks we all have read, but spend this time collecting all those documents you will need to send your love, and researching their Embassy. It also doesn't hurt to draw up a plan for what you will do when they get here, Social Security number, Marriage and Documents, and AoS. There are some documents he/she could get duplicates of now, and translated, that will help later in the process. 

St&SvMaleRussia2013-07-26 11:28:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

It's been awhile since I've thrown some of my positive energies on you guys, been in the trenches of post-NoA2, but wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who is moving onto the next stage. Also for all of my brothers and sisters still waiting, your time is coming too...just stick with it and keep moving forward. Just look at your feet, they were made to carry you forward right? So does everything else in life ;) 

St&SvMaleRussia2013-07-26 11:21:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Honestly I think they look at them and go... Okay which one requires the LEAST amount of work/verification..  and THAT's How they process them.. lol.




This could be a possibility if they are low on their production for the day. There is an interview with an ex-USCIS employee on here, and he said that they were required to do at least 12 a day. The K1 or Cr1 with kids was a good one since once the parent was approved the child general fell right in line. Though you can't hate the worker for it, since he/she is just doing what the system is telling them to do. It needs to be reworked and retooled. 

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-28 12:59:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!



trying to keep that faith


Keep it up, amp it up, and do what you have to keep the fire burning. You will get there, I know you will. I know my words won't help your receive the NoA2 any sooner but keep your spirits high. Remind yourself why you got into the trenches and keep your eyes on the prize. Before you know it you and your loved one will be making plans on places to explore and see together. You'll push the play button on life and all of this will be a distant memory.  

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-27 13:06:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

My Senator's aid told me last week that on 06/19 they issued an RFE to me. Neither my lawyer or I have recieved this document yet. What do I do? I am in limbo all over again!!




Call up the USCIS and inquiry about it, you may need to get a higher tier person but if you were issued an RFE it must be in their systems. Tell them what the Senator's office told you, and if they don't have it or can't find it go back to your Senator. Then let them do some more digging around for you. You have 2 ladders right there to get out of limbo, keep climbing. 

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-27 12:46:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

i just did:


Two e-mails to two Senators - checked

E-mail to Congressman - checked

Infopass appointment- checked

Servise Request - checked - last week


What else ? I know what - wait . Waiting never helps. Acting does.

If all this above will help ? I don`t think so.

But what else i can do ?


And I am not USCitizen , i am just one Bulgarian girl that fell in love with my fiance. And i will fight for our love and life together. For our future.



That's a good start, but get your fiance (Petitioner) to call up his Senator's office and talk to them. I'm not 100% sure about this but I think only the petitioner can really get information from the Senator/Congressmen. Email takes way to long to get a response and a phone call is generally a matter of minutes if not a return call the next day. For an example I emailed one Senator and called another. The one I called I had all the information and things in motion weeks before the email'd Senator even responded. 


Another thing you may be able to do is file a report with the CIS Ombudsman at Now this doesn't get your case looked at specially but the more people the submit the same problems, the better chance they will respond to it.


Keep it up, and keep on fighting for the things you want smile.png


If you happen to be the Petitioner then I Interpreted your post wrong (damn generalizing, i'm guilty of it sometimes), and in that the Senator's office for your state tongue.png

Edited by St&Sv, 27 June 2013 - 12:50 PM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-27 12:44:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!


Ok I emailed my Senator on June 12th and they mailed me a letter that same day to my home address. No email no nothing. Then on Saturday I received a letter that i should hear something within 7-14 days. Then After emailing my Senator 12348234 times, I finally called them today and spoke to them. They said that Texas was in training yesterday and is in training today. They are going to call tomorrow to see whats going on with my case. Last night, I called uscis.. and asked for a call back since the wait was so long.. they said that they have no info... and that my case was last touched on the 30th. Idk... ! He also said that if something was wrong with my case, I would have gotten an RFE .. or something! But still... Its worrying me so much. My Senators office... I need to call to remind them about my case.. seems like they forget after weeks... There is nothing that i can really do but wait. I just noticed a Dec 18th filer got approved in another forum.. and thats the same date as me. Do you think that I should hear something soon ? If this is the info I have received? 

USCIS.. never has accurate info cause they are not the Tx service center. Also, the officer gave me their email.. to email them.. 


Any suggestions?


Well it's good that you ended up calling your Senator because emails can take quite awhile to go through and respond too. Did your Senator's office ask you to sign and send them a privacy release form? If not ask about it next time, because they are just going to call their Liaison there and probably get a general answer. They are unable to ask about your case specifically unless you sign this release form. Also your time is definitely coming! Just hang in there, I know I'm a Jan filler and though I shouldn't have been I was getting discouraged by all the approvals I was seeing. Though in the back of my mind I knew I was later and I should come later. Reading this topic is actually pretty toxic for the process. It's good to come here for answers but you will kill yourself reading it everyday, and wondering "Why not me" "Why this person" "Will it ever come". Stay positive and project positiveness and things will align for you. 


They say what you put out into the universe you will receive and I'll tell you I want my girl here with me. So to let the universe know this, I made room for her stuff in the closet (actually it already has a bunch of her winter stuff!) and I stopped sleeping in the middle of our bed. The one half is her's and I leave it that way and ready for her. I know it might sound crazy, but by actively doing something you feel better about it. No matter how small it is. 

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-27 10:19:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

I just called them. I wrote what happened. I just checked the Infopass.. and the next available appt for the Washington Field Office is july 10th!!! I wont be here.. Im going out of the country.. IDKKKK...... Apparently Texas is in TRAINING.. AGAIN.... : ( 

If they said i should hear something in 7-14 days.. does that mean my case was finalizing? .. hm.... 


Did you call the Senator's office or the USCIS? The USCIS customer operator will probably just give you a generic answer they've been told to say. You already know that petitions are being approved, so they are working on them and have been trained. If they are doing additional training then that is a sign they are putting even more on the cases, which long-term will be a good thing. Also you would want to talk to someone on tier 2 or higher at the USCIS. I recommend you contact you Senator's office, and if they are the ones you contact, I would call them back. Tell them you are well past all processing times (Vermont, California and the National Goal) and you want answers as to why this is. If your emotions are high right now, go off and do something to center yourself before calling. These things go better with a cool head. I hope for the best for you.



As for the "hear something" it sounds vague to me, and I would ask for something more concrete. Also have you heard anything from them? If not, you should be contacting the Senator's office again (if that is who told you this). Let them know you hadn't heard anything like they were told you would.

Edited by St&Sv, 27 June 2013 - 08:46 AM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-27 08:44:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!


Sek298: Thank you. You have been very helpful. God bless...! Do you think that the infopass appt will give me a lot of information? My local office is the headquarters in D.C.! How do i set up an appt? On the uscis site?


You can set up an appointment here:


Though I would contact your Senator's office again. If they were told 7 to 14 days and you are outside that window, then that gives them reason to inquiry even more on your petition. 

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-27 08:28:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Keep the fight alive everyone and remember why we all started this process. We knew that the trenches here would be deep, but we would push through them. Keep pushing and remain positive and tell yourself that toxic thoughts have no place in your relationships. If you are over 5 1/2 to 6 months processing time start contacting (call, it's quicker) your Senator's or Congressmen's office, pick one or both. I went with Senator Toomey here in PA. Being over the processing time gives you a right to inquiry about your petition and to have a government official become involved. So get them involved, and tell them about how your petition is past the processing time of the original Vermont center. Tell them how you were transfered around, communication muddled, and how you want to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Talk with them about your case and how you feel, they are here to help you. After all you may/may not have voted them into office and so it is your right; you could about face at the next election and either decide to vote for them this time or against them. Do the infopass if you are within driving distance of a center and talk to them (USCIS) face to face, as calling them on the phone is too easy for them to be abrupt and vague.

My heart does go out to those who are still waiting, and ones who are waiting even longer than we did. I want to be excited and happy, and start planning for the next step, but I find it more difficult knowing that many of you are still waiting. So get proactive, and get the information you seek. Start knocking on the doors of the USCIS and your Senator's office. Emotions may be running high right now, but remember kindess goes a long way to getting what you want. If you have already been knocking, keep knocking to the point where they will do what they can to get you to stop.

This may be easy for me to say in retrospect but it's something I was thinking while waiting for my NoA2, with each approval I saw everyday I knew that was one less petition in my way for our approval. So keep the fight alive folks, and you will get there too.



find your Senator:

find your Congressmen:

Edited by St&Sv, 27 June 2013 - 08:35 AM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-27 08:25:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

The universe really knows how to throw it on you when you need it. Work was burtal today and was working long hours. I'm all ready to hit the hay and get some sleep and I check my email. WE'VE BEEN APPROVED! Now I can't sleep....

BUT hey everyone else still waiting, hang in there, it's all coming to you too...the Universe will make it happen. Just believe in it :)

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-26 23:49:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Feeling a lil bit down. Yesterday this time we had some approvals already right? Im I doing too much trying to controll timmingss... I know anything in here has sence but i guess Im trying to make it have some...
Does anybody knows how many people got approved yesterday? I saw another forum started outside of this one that talks about the same and people post when they get approved...

this people just dont know that they are playing with our lifes and future...
My fiance just trust a lol american system and he feels confident about it and keeps me positive but is just so difficult... And plus thinking that this is not the end... Embassy process can take a good 3 months...

NOA 2 please come to me!! LOL

Too many months waiting!! Just want to marry my baby, get a house and a lio dog and just be happy...


This part of the system is definitely the waiting game with no time in sight. Hard to control it, and I know I was trying to make heads of it too. You can do certain things to help push it along, but until you're outside the processing window you are left to wait for the system. Hang in there, we all are, and we will all get there. After you get your NoA2 at least things will become more clear. You start to see the wedding, the house, the dog, and being to live the the life you are looking forward too. Just keep it positive and positive things will come. Wish you the best and for your approval to come soon.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-20 11:20:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!



We still have TWO WHOLE DAYS left of this week for approvals before the dreaded weekend YIPPPPEEEEEEE!

The good thing is they are known to send out approvals over the weekends too, at least that is what I've read. We also have one more full week and then it's the holiday. Does anyone know how many days the USCIS will be off for the 4th of July?



Edit: I was wondering in the "Last Updated" field of our accounts did anyone see movement on the day other than the may 30th move? Mine is still 5/30 and wasn't sure if it will move when someone is assigned to the case. 

Edited by St&Sv, 20 June 2013 - 11:13 AM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-20 11:09:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!


They don't approve the petitions in order. Our time will come soon!


As KathaK says they are not in numerical order. Each adjudicator gets their own stack to work on, and they all tend to work at different paces. We will all get there and I know it can be tough seeing all the approvals coming through lately, but that's a good sign. It means each and everyone one of us is closer to getting our approval :) So hang in there, your day, my day, and everyone else's day is coming.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-20 08:36:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Oh noooo more bad news
It seems after we get approved we now have to wait longer for the case number at the nvc

Will this waiting ever end!!!!!!!!!!!!


Though I knew the 4th of July was coming up, I did forget it was a federal holiday and that the service centers wouldn't be working. =X

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-18 23:11:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Thought I'd share this service letter request I got from the USCIS yesterday, though it doesn't say anything new that we don't already know. For some reason they claim I was checking in on it because I believe it wasn't being processed on time. I told the service rep that I was looking for some kind of processing time now that they were moved to Texas, but hey i got a letter. Damn thing made my heart jump when i thought it was a hardcopy approval tongue.png


Attached File  USCIS Service Req.jpeg   165.14KB   0 downloads

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-18 09:28:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Good morning everyone, and yes a brand new week for all. I'm looking forward to seeing the next wave of approvals coming through. I did find a good read from a news article last month (http://dailycaller.c...n-applications/), and what I found in it interesting was "Palinkas said that the agency?s 12 case-a-day quota system, which USCIS adjudications officers must meet". I, myself, knew there was a quota system from reading the interview on here from the ex-USCIS worker, but did not realize what it was until now.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-17 07:44:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

I emailed Gillibrand, and jose serrano and zero feedback.... I'm surprised all the other states senators actually reply back.. 


Cool Shout out to the boogie down bronx!! haha


The trick is to call their offices.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-14 06:26:00