Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhy would a Russian be denied K1 visa at interview?

That's nothing, just wait until she/they get here and start reading the 'unhappy RUBette Cinderellas in Amerika' forums!


Too late in my case, she's already read some of these. Being that she has never been to the states either, her only sources are me and the internet, and the internet has way more sources than I do. I tell her everything you read will be different than you experience it, but everything I tell you is a cold stone hard fact. The good thing is she has at least traveled, and believes me more but sometimes those damn internet stories kick up some irritating dust. 

St&SvMaleRussia2013-08-05 23:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhy would a Russian be denied K1 visa at interview?

apparently there is someone on a forum ( that my fiancee has been reading that was outright rejected (quite dramatically) at Moscow for her interview. this is causing concern for my fiancee. 

unfortunately, i have no idea how to read cyrillic, and the google translation my fiancee has sent me has it sounding dramatic. 


Paul you beat me to it! Apparently my Fiancée read this too and then freaked out afterward. She couldn't believe they could deny someone for that reason, and now is worried because she feels they can deny us for anything. I told her that there is more to the story than being told, and that when people are upset they tend to leave out the details. Also that the Embassy's job is to look out for the USC and the RUC, and well if his grammar was that bad perhaps they worried about his educational level. Then I told her she has nothing to worry about because I put our paperwork together and then we went over it together, and so it's as solid as a rock. Though the damage was done and we had to talk about it, I didn't mind because I'd rather her have piece of mind. Which is why I recommend she stop reading those posts, and gave her a link to the Embassy Reviews here on VJ :)

St&SvMaleRussia2013-08-03 09:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDigging in deep into the trenches of the USCIS

Well I'm just getting back from a weekend wedding, and now reading over what some of you had to say. It seems though that we all interpet and perceive things in a different light. Perhaps it could have been the way it was written, which lacks any true emotion or context from verbal, face to face, communication. For anyone who read this as my complaint about having to wait almost 5 months , you were completely in left field when you should have been on the right. We all knew that when we were getting into this governmental trenches that we'd have to hunker down and stand our ground. The good thing about the process is you have somewhat of a guideline, provided by the USCIS, with how long you might be holed up for. Sometimes it's less, and sometimes it's a lot more. This mentally prepares you for the coming days, even if it is a little foggy. Try to think about if there were no guidelines for processing when you applied, and how that might have affected your case. Once you reach that initial guideline you can begin to contact the USCIS and ask them what is happening, and if there is something wrong with your case that is delaying it. When that doesn't work, you can contact Congressmen and Senators to aid in your rescue from the trenches. Again, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Though you have these options at your disposal, it's up to you weither you will use them or not. Will you just sit in the trenches saying, "well one day I know we'll get out" or are you the one who goes up to your Commander asking for answers. Though I'm sure some will perceive this as, "Well a solider has no right to question his Commander", I ask that you just let this analogy slide. My complaint was about the communication which muddled up the guidelines for a select few of us, about 8,000 which is still a small amount of total petitions out there and not all are for fiancee/spouses. While trying to find our ground again, I and many others, have been left up in the clouds. There is no longer any guideline for us. There is no baseline and there are no answers. This means you technically can no longer contract the USCIS, as they do not know what to say. Unless any of you went through a similar situation with your petition you could see this as us whining and crying about an already long process. Many of you already have your loved one(s) here with you, and maybe you had no or little complications and i'm happy for you. Some of you had bumps all along the road, and either waited or tried to fight your way to be together. I feel these people now, though this transfer is just a small bump in life (this is the bump that I was talking about; an obstacle/hindrance in a process or task). Either way I know that my fiancee and I will be together, time apart is egregious, but we will hunker down and keep working our way out of the trenches. So again if any of you interpreted my rant with being about the time we've waiting, then maybe I have shined more light on the subject or maybe not. Either way, a rant is a rant. Some people are sympathetic toward them, some find common ground with them, and others find the faults in them and pick it apart. 


This rant is now behind me, and I move forward to the day we will be out of the trenches like the some of you here. Good luck to all us still on the visa journey, and to those who are already past it and are living the life they fought for. Also a thank you to all of those who band together to try to help others get out of those trenches with them.

Edited by St&Sv, 09 June 2013 - 10:49 AM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-09 10:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDigging in deep into the trenches of the USCIS

Hey I know, and well sometimes a guy just has to vent. Generally it's with some good friends and beer, but my friends are getting ready to be married so bad timing to lay on the vent. We know this is just a small bump on the road of our life together. This is going to feel like the longest time but before we know it it will be a distance memory that we will laugh about. My biggest gripe is just with the poor communication on the USCIS's part, and not having a timeframe anymore. As for staying busy, and making plans all that has been taken care of, months ago actually. I'm a pretty positive guy, one thing my fiancee finds annoying as she says a positive American marrying a negative Russian what a mix. Though I'm always doing something or getting things done, which is what she loves about it's a good balance. A school has been picked with information from the school sent to her. Books on American life also sent to her, I recommend What's Up America as a good read even as a citizen. PA driving book, sent and a copy for me too so we can study. What we will do when she is here, how to introduce her to things, finding events to keep her busy while I work, making new friends, and building her bridges have already been put into play. The house is cleared out, the closest have room, and the painting we will do together when she is here. Much much more is also in the works too, I'm not an idle guy. She's like me too and wants to hit the ground running, so boy will she be booking it when she gets here. We face things as they come, that's all we can do.

Thanks for the replies guys (the positive ones and the realistic ones), and letting me purge the system.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-06 23:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDigging in deep into the trenches of the USCIS

Hey guys, just needed a place to come vent for a little while. Seems quite a few of us K1 petitioners from Vermont are stuck in limbo after our cases were transferred out to Texas to be processed. I honestly cannot believe all the confusion that is going on right now. It agitates me to no ends the lack of information that is coming out to us. USCIS Texas says they cannot give us any information because they generally do not process I-129fs so they have nothing to go on. They could at least say, yes we are working on them and expect to see notices going out in blah blah time. I really thought we had it good in Vermont, considering they were at the 5 month average. I see now how quickly the tides change, and now CSC is at the 5 month and Vermont is backlogged. Though at the same time we are seeing a few VSC petitions being approved from late January, even one guy who has the same dates as us. Which of course is irritating to see, but congrats to them.  So here we are near the 5 month mark, with no idea when the approval or RFE will come. It seems our lives will still be on pause for a little bit longer. The waiting is definitely hard, not impossible but doable, but the less the better. I'm not taking it lying down though. I've contacted my Senator and Congressman, and keeping hopes high. Just can't wait to have my girl next to me so we can start having our adventure here :)


/Rant off/

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-06 11:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-129 Approved - Still waiting!!!

The only thing the Moscow letter tells you is:


Dear Petitioner:

Please resend the letter to your fiancé(e).

Dear Applicant:

We are pleased to inform you that the Immigrant Visa Unit of U.S. Embassy Moscow has received your approved visa petition and that your case is ready for processing.

You should now visit to complete the following steps: 1) arrange payment of the $240 visa fee; 2) enter an address to which the visa will be delivered; and 3) schedule your interview appointment.  Once you pay the fee and specify the delivery address, you may schedule your interview for any available appointment slot.  Please ensure that the date you select falls within four months of the date on which the visa petition was approved.  Failure to do so may impact the validity of your visa petition.

All applicants for fiancé(e) visas must comply with the processing requirements detailed at http://moscow.usemba...iv-fiancee.html. This page provides the most accurate and complete information needed to prepare for your interview including a list of required documents.  Thank you.

Immigrant Visa Unit
U.S. Embassy Moscow

St&SvMaleRussia2013-08-14 00:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion: 3 Year Russian Visa has no Invitation


We had the same in Russia up till last September or so. This 3 year long visa is a very recent development.

A very attractive development that maybe kazakhstan will adopt some day too. It would be nice if they removed the invitation requirement as well, and maybe even one day go on to remove visa's or even a pay as you enter the country. This part is a little off topic, but my first trip out of the United States was to Turkey to vacation with Sveta. I remember waiting in line to get my $20 visa stamp and at the counter was a British couple. The husband was very calm while he was trying to talk down his wife, who was yelling at the girl behind the glass. Apparently she wasn't happy to have had to pay a fee to enter.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-05 08:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion: 3 Year Russian Visa has no Invitation

You should always call the bank first to inform them you are taking an oversea trip, or else after you've used it once it will be flagged and shut off until you call. At least this is what my bank does if I don't let them know about it.

Edited by St&Sv, 03 June 2013 - 07:49 AM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-03 07:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion: 3 Year Russian Visa has no Invitation

Don't worry, the Russian passport control guys and girls will just glower at you and not say a single word, either on the way in our out. At least that has been my experience when flying to Russia and Ukraine, in both countries they never say a single word and never smile, just look at you, look at your passport, look at their computer, put a stamp, give you back your passport, and press the button that opens the gate to exit.


I can vouch for this too.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-05-25 21:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion: 3 Year Russian Visa has no Invitation

To add to my original post:



If you have an ATM card I recommend you contact your bank and let them know you will be there and for how long. Have a little cash on hand, dollars is ok, just incase and take the rest out of the ATM machines as you need it. You'll get the best rate and possible no fee charged, 2 different banks I used charged no fee at the Metro and the one at the grocery store charged me a small one. As for how much, it all depends on what you are doing. I was there for 10 days and spent about $300 with daily travels to the center (trolley and metro), grocery shopping (beer and food) to cook at her place, and doing touristy stuff. Though she, and her mom, did pay for most of the tourist stuff even when I tried to pay for them! So it depends on what all you plan to do. Also don't forget that legally if you are there, in one area I believe, longer then 7 days you need to register yourself. If you were staying at a hotel for that length of time they would do it for you, but i'm unfamiliar with that process since I didn't stay at one. If there are holidays that fall during your stay you need not count them, as was the case for me so I did not have to register.


Best of luck, and have a great trip, it is an amazing one.


Edited by St&Sv, 25 May 2013 - 07:44 AM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-05-25 07:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion: 3 Year Russian Visa has no Invitation

Hey Snipe, I just recently came back from St Petersburg a couple of weeks ago. I had my invitation letter with me, just incase, that was provided by VisaHQ. When I got to passport control they did not ask me many questions at all nor did they ask me for the invitation. All they wanted was the visa, and the white landing card filled out (http://www.bravosolu...ration_form.php). Make sure you hold onto your copy of the landing card, as they will collect it when you leave. After passport control, I collected my bags, went through security and there I saw my baby waiting for me.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-05-25 07:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEXPERIENCE Renouncing Ukrainian Citizenship

while it's all well and wonderful that some members feel it's not important for the op to renounce ukranian citizenship and have made that information quite available in this thread, it's not answering the op's question.
going forward, if you don't know the answer to the op's question, please refrain from posting as i'm sure the op has a valid reason for asking the question.


Answers also come from indirectness of the question, the ones that you might not have thought of until someone said something. So yes we should answer his direct question without a doubt, but we should also give more food for thought. As Gary said there are very legitimate and good reasons for keeping the citizenship that maybe the OP hadn't though of. Maybe he has though, it's his choice to pick and choose what he accepts or doesn't accept.  By not trying to hit all the bases we do a disservice to people we try to help.

As to not derail the OPs topic too much I would say you have your own reasons for wanting to look into this and if you want an exact answer to your question I would contact the Embassy.  Here is the link to their contacts page: I'm sure they can inform you exactly how to do it.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-08-15 00:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEXPERIENCE Renouncing Ukrainian Citizenship

deleted (this is what i get for not reading all the post)


It seems you have your mind made up with what you want to do, I hope someone can help you with the information you seek. If a mod comes across this just delete my post, thank you!

Edited by St&Sv, 11 August 2013 - 10:35 PM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-08-11 22:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Girl Denied for Bad Grammar

I was a tad bit curious about the whole situation as well, but good for them that it worked out. As I told my Fiancée a denial isn't always official until we've used up all our resources.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-09-05 13:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Girl Denied for Bad Grammar

Well I seem to have misplaced the topic where we were all talking about this story, but I thought I'd let everyone know that in the end she was approved. It seems they had their parents help support their relationship, and turned the case around for them. Just goes to show that a denial at first still has another chance to be turned into an approval. 

St&SvMaleRussia2013-09-05 10:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusand onto the next chapter!

Thank you everyone!


Congratulations man! Best of luck when she goes to USA!


I just have one question for you!


How were you even able to sleep knowing she would have her interview that night tongue.png  I mean, if my wife had her interview and I am not in Russia with her I would probably not be able to sleep like a week before it until like the the moment she enters USA tongue.png (before from worried and after from excitement tongue.png )


ochen kruto!


Hmm how was I able to sleep, haha that is a good question. My answer: an overly optimistic personality and my belief in us and that the world will bring us everything we want. Does this mean I slept like a baby, well that's another matter hahaha.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-09-08 00:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusand onto the next chapter!

2:30am (ring) (ring) [in a groggy voice] Hello?

[women on other line] I broke my umbrella, it's raining, i'm cold, and probably going to get sick. Though I don't care BECAUSE WE WERE APPROVED!


She nailed it, and I knew she would. I hate that she had to go alone, but now in the next few weeks I can make up for that. She'll be here soon, flying into NYC and I'll get to show her a days worth of it as well. The journey has just begun, but at least now we will be able to face everything together, and in the same space. Words are unable to convey my excitement, though I know it's not time to roll down the sleeves yet. Thank you all for helping to make this possible. 


St&SvMaleRussia2013-09-05 08:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestions for K-1 Visa For Russia

Hi, I'm new here and me and my fiance are currently getting ready to start the k-1 visa process in the next month or so. But we had some questions that maybe someone could help us with. I have read a lot of the forums so far and I'm trying not to repeat, so I am sorry if I ask a common question I missed. But here are my questions.


1. What cost should we expect for her medical exam?


2. Can She do the medical exam in Ufa (Her home city)? Or does she have to do it in Moscow?


2. What is the interview like for her? Specifically, how good does her English need to be? She is not great in speaking English, and gets really nervous around people she doesn't know. Can she do the interview in Russian?


3. She is living in Ufa now, and how much time will she have to spend outside of Ufa for traveling for the visa? So far, she will have to travel for the interview and the medical exam it seems. Will she have to travel for anything else?


4. Can she set up her interview online or does it have to be by post?


5. Can the interview be done in St. Petersburg as well as Moscow?


6. How long after the interview until she gets her Visa? 


7. Will there be any costs for translation documents or anything? What documents will need to be translated?


Sorry again if I have asked the same questions as someone before. But any help would be really great!



1. Not higher than ruble equivalents of $175 (you can pay in dollars, my fiancée did)

2. Moscow only (You'll get the info once the embassy contacts you)

2(2). Interviews can be done in Russian

3. The only travel time for the process will be to Moscow for Medical + Interview

4. She does it online (payment for it can be made at the post, online or through VT)

5. Only Moscow does K1 interviews

6. They say 2 weeks

7. Generally if you aren't doing them yourself or have someone helping you will need to pay for them. As for what you want translated for the interview: Police Report and Birth Certificate.

Once the Embassy receives your packet they will email you in English and Russian asking you to forward this to your fiancée; this is the site they send you to: http://moscow.usemba...iv-fiancee.html


However this is just the basics to get you through the interview and obtain your visa. If you look further into the process (AoS) you'll see that there are other things you could collect now to help later. One thing we asked for was a duplicate copy of her medical exam, she asked while there, so that we could have the vaccine information for later.

Edited by St&Sv, 05 September 2013 - 10:49 AM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-09-05 10:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow, Interview Date Notification

It's difficult to say and it could take up to 2 weeks or perhaps longer. When we received that message we went ahead and paid the interview fee but we waited until the embassy contacted us before scheduling the interview. 

St&SvMaleRussia2013-09-13 22:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow, Interview Date Notification

If you received the email from the embassy saying they have it and with instructions then pay the fee and register on the traveldocs website. Afterward it could be as soon as the week after that you can get one. At least that was our case, though we opted to wait a few more weeks, but the potential for a next week interview was there. 

St&SvMaleRussia2013-09-12 23:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhere is everyone from in the states?

We now live in New Jersey.  Before then, Colorado.


How come you left Colorado? Just curious because I'm thinking of taking us to Denver.



I realize if you read earlier i was talking about Boston Vs. Buffalo, but i've expanded our horizons to a few more places that we will decide together. So far on the list is: Burlington, VT - Portland, ME, Charleston, SC (spent my childhood days here), Virginia Beach, VA,  and Denver, CO. Aye they are all kind of all over the map, but each place offers us something we are looking for. 

Edited by St&Sv, 05 August 2013 - 11:41 PM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-08-05 23:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhere is everyone from in the states?

There used to be a clothing outlet in Warren.  Is it still there?  I haven't been to Warren for a long time but I am not all that far away.  Beaver Falls is where I am at exactly which isn't much bigger than Warren.


A choice of Buffalo or Boston seems a bit strange to me. Buffalo used to be almost a second home to me ages ago and I do like the place but comparing the two strikes me as close to saying I am going to take up a new profession and either plan to be a taxi driver or a brain surgeon.   Buffalo being the taxi driver.  Both are a little snowy for my tastes but Boston seems like it could be a cool place to live.   If I ever decide to move I would want it to be a little further south than I am right now.



Small world running into someone who's been through this town. Though still a surprise when I read Dale Carnegie's Win Friends book and see the town mentioned as well. As for the outlet you might be talking about the Blair Outlet that use to be on route 6, but it's been closed down for quite awhile now. I'm sure if you were to return up here you would see quite a bit has changed. A few buildings knocked down, Northwest Savings Bank Expanding, and a new parking garage with waterfront housing next to it. There is the walmart as well, and a plaza located there too, and we just recently had a Sheetz open. Also our bath salt community is doing some expanding too =X


As for Buffalo vs Boston, you are right that there is quite the difference between the two. Buffalo does have its charms, but definitely isn't as talked about as much as Boston. Boston seems to have a lot of cultural things going on, and of course the sea (one thing I miss from growing up in South Carolina). At some point in time we will move toward warming weather, but for now we'll stay up in this area while she finishes out her Education and gets a taste of the northern life. 

St&SvMaleRussia2013-07-22 10:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhere is everyone from in the states?

I'm from an incredible tiny town called Warren in Pennsylvania (we have Amish!), but Erie, PA - Pittsburgh, PA - Buffalo, NY are all within a 2-3 hour distance. My fiancee and I will call this place home for a few months then we are thinking of moving to Boston or Buffalo.   

Edited by St&Sv, 14 July 2013 - 10:15 PM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-07-14 22:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHit a bump and need some advice on flying with the wife.

Whoa quick responses, thank you everyone for the advice. As per what I meant by the K1 visa I was referring the K1 Visa that is within the international passport. 

St&SvMaleRussia2013-12-27 17:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHit a bump and need some advice on flying with the wife.

Greetings everyone, It's been quite awhile since I've been active on the forums but I've been more active offline now that the wife is here. Thing is though we have hit a sort of a snag that I thought would be an easy coasting road. So I was hoping to turn to anyone with a similar experience for advice.


The problem: I've booked a flight for my wife and I to Denver that will be in 2 weeks and used her new married name. The only thing we have linking her to the new married name is the marriage License. The social security office would not issue her a new card with the new name until after the work permit or green card is issued. We have also just recently started the AoS (submitted and received by the USCIS) and her I-94 is now expired. I thought it would be easy to obtain her a State ID card and so we tried that today and found a road block. Additional information needed to be received from the USCIS in order for them to process it, and so we have to wait. When they will get back to us, we are not sure, and being that I booked her tickets in her married name I wonder if I should change it to her maiden to match her K1 VISA. We now plan to bring a certified copy of the marriage license with us and use her international passport w/k1 visa as her photo proof of who she is. I'm concerned that with the only the maiden name it make create a hassle when trying to board the plane. 


Has anyone had a similar experience and what did you do?

St&SvMaleRussia2013-12-27 17:06:00
Asia: East and PacificHow long from NOA2 to interview Jakarta


I believe the same thing also. I am not worried about the AOS and green card. I know it will be a long road but I am not that worried about it. I am just worried about getting him here so I can work and he can stay with our daughter. Of course, like every other person here, I want him here for me too. wink.png  Thank you for the reply. It means a lot to me that I have people here to talk to about this. As you all know, most people don't understand how frustrating it is to deal with the long waits and time apart.


I understand completely. Sometimes people will ask me how it's going and I explain it to them the best I can but by the time I'm done they are surprised with how much there is to do. Many believe you can just hop on a plane and come here, or once you marry a USC you are invited right in to be a citizen off the bat. So it's definitely great to talk to others who understand what's going on and are in a similar situation. Though with you two having the baby involved I'm sure it's going to be a totally different experience.


Well I'm off to bed now, I was able to tell my girl good morning and good night which is how I like to end everyday. Lucky for her it's monday and she has to go to work and I get to sleep :P. Living in the future sure must be tough, though I keep telling her to get us lottery numbers for the games here so we can win big! haha, if only that were true, but alright I wish you a speedy journey and bid you a good night.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-07-29 00:35:00
Asia: East and PacificHow long from NOA2 to interview Jakarta

I always say if you put it out there and firmly believe in it the Universe will bring it to you. You two definitely have a tough path ahead of you, but if you tackle it as a team I'm sure you can conquer anything. Though I believe some weight will be lifted when he gets here, but I'd also advise to prepare yourself for his adjustment here in the US. I can only imagine that will be tough in itself too, but at least you two will be together then.

Edited by St&Sv, 28 July 2013 - 11:55 PM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-07-28 23:53:00
Asia: East and PacificHow long from NOA2 to interview Jakarta


I realize that it was very fast but we applied for expedite because of our daughter's severe medical illnesses. We were denid the expedite. I am trying to work and care for a very chronically ill child by myself. Time is everything for us. It's not the typical "wanting him here because I miss him" scenario. Even though, I do miss him like crazy. I NEED HIM HERE TO HELP WITH THIS CHILD. Child care is almost impossible because no one else wants to take care of her. smile.png


Sorry to hear about the situation you two are in but not surprised about the expedite being denied, as I hear there is none for the K1s. As for your question, it all depends. If you were one of the ones transferred to Texas I would say it will probably be about a month before it leaves the NVC and heads to your embassy. From there it can take a month before you have everything else in order, and also depending on what interview dates are available. I can only base on my current experience, which is still at NVC since our approval date of 6/26 and only recently getting a case number from the NVC through the Dept of State.


To help expedite the process you should, if you haven't already, started to gather all the documents he will need for his Interview and sending them out to him.  


Someone else can chime in from CSC or VSC how long it is taking for their approved petitions to get to the NVC and leave to the Embassy.


In a nutshell I would say you still have 2 to 3 months to go.

Edited by St&Sv, 28 July 2013 - 11:42 PM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-07-28 23:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)VSC TO TSC TO NVC, WOW GETTING CLOSE

your one of the first batches ive seen(early batches that is) to be sent by VSC, were all of you transferred to TSC by  any chance?


We were transferred to the TSC near the end of May and approved June 26.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-07-19 09:06:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)VSC TO TSC TO NVC, WOW GETTING CLOSE

They must have sent out a batch yesterday as mine was in there too, great news for us! Hopefully more to follow for those still there as well.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-07-18 23:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Notice Shipped to NVC 7/18 from TSC

Hey everyone I just wanted to say check your Visa status @ and see what it says, I just did mine tonight and saw that it was In Transit to the Embassy. No email about it though yet.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-07-29 23:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Notice Shipped to NVC 7/18 from TSC

When NVC gets your NOA2, how do they contact you?  Can I set up email contact with them, and will they give me my case number... I am trying to get a chance to change the address of my Fience, so the paper work will come to my address... We are living in Kuwait, and I want to make sure she gets document delivery.    


Basically the NVC gets your entire packet and gets it ready for the Embassy, once they have it yes they will give you your case number. As to contact them use this number: 603-334-0700. Though you may want to contact the department of state first, even the shipped petition notice tells you to contact them. Though once you have the case # you may even just email the Embassy directly and let them know, or ask them what to do.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-07-27 07:26:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC Processing times now showing at 5 months

Well great news for all your CSC people out there, but I do agree with everyone. They need to find a way to balance both centers and get them working at the same speed. It is a little disheartening to see people who petitioned the same time as you or later and be approved. Though just have to keep the spirits high and keep on forging ahead for our futures with the ones we love. Best of luck to all, and lets all hope none have any complications with the process.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-05-22 11:05:00
USCIS Service CentersFor those petitions transferred on may 24th.. They are in texas....My congressman found us the answers

Transfer 5/24/13...per the Congressman we are to wait another ten days...June 6 to get an estimate of the processing time. That's half a month delay (13) days these filers will lose if that's true. Talk about salt in the wound...sad.png


This is true, but if it just sat in VSC? If they think this route will be faster, just imagine what we might have been waiting for in Vermont. Though of course we will never know that answer, because plans are already in motion. Also the 10 days is just to drum up an estimation. They may be processing them sometime this week, and possible look at how many their agents are getting done a day/week. If they don't generally process them, they will have to do them first to get a rough idea. Either way lets all hope to start hearing acceptance letters from TSC soon.


Just another bump in the road, life will have many of these, and your gps unit will not divert you from them either. So we just slow down, hit the bump, and keep on driving....and yes that was a dead body we just ran over. Shh Shh! don't look back.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-05-28 12:10:00
USCIS Service CentersFor those petitions transferred on may 24th.. They are in texas....My congressman found us the answers

Great reply from your congressmen. I would think that the training would not take to long but could go either way. From my understanding only CSC and VSC process these kind of petitions, so it would make sense the other ones aren't trained in them. They very well couldn't send them to CSC because I think that would end up negating the purpose altogether.  The good news is they are actively trying to do something about the backlog. Keep us posted if you could, especially after the 10 day wait. It would be great to have some sort of processing timetable. 

Edited by St&Sv, 28 May 2013 - 11:03 AM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-05-28 11:02:00
USCIS Service CentersAre CSC Filer relaxing ?

Well someone shook up the ant farm cage over at VSC and it seems everything is mostly on track over at CSC now (minus some skipping around on the acceptances). Maybe one day this part of VJ will become a ghost town, and both places will be up to snuff but I won't hold my breath on that :)

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-02 06:52:00
USCIS Service CentersDec Filer at VSC. Told file transferred to Texas

This have been explored a few time on several different posts, but this one:

really goes into a lot of detail about all the information we were getting about our transfers. Also  a list was created for most of us and can be filled out here:

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-03 07:47:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC

For the National goal it could be that the USCIS uses a rolling yearly (moving) average. Which means it would currently be looking at June 2012 - March 2013.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-04 07:37:00
USCIS Service Centers2 January filers approved. VSC. Hope


Maybe if you mail your senator and tell him he's pretty he'll help push your application along. I heard good things from people who reached out to their senators!


Hahaha, you never know, and well I was just on the phone with his office this morning. We will see what happens.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-06 12:10:00
USCIS Service Centers2 January filers approved. VSC. Hope


This made me giggle. 


If you get transferred does that put you at the bottom of that Service Center's queue? That would be royally effed up. .__.


Let us hope they're not, especially being that they aren't normally processing I-129f petitions. Then again many of us are in the hole there, asking for our trucker magazine, as buffalo bob (USCIS) tells us to put the lotion on the skin or we'll get the hose again.


Good luck to those still at VSC and keep a torch lit for us that were transferred out.

Edited by St&Sv, 06 June 2013 - 11:56 AM.

St&SvMaleRussia2013-06-06 11:55:00