IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
My case is complete n waiting for an interview date to be avalible in Port-Of-Spain (Trinidad's Capital) I'm learning patients.... I soon Lie I went shopping all day just to prevent me from calling. Happy Skippy wippy diiiiii dippppy. Good nite peeps
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-14 21:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
hey guys hope you'll had a good start off for the day we only have 5 more days to bug NVC till weekend hits again lollll. HAPPY MOTHERS day to all the VJ mommas (F)

Im trying to see if im strong enuff to hold out until Wednesday then to call NVC, but i know the moment i see someone get a Case completes that phone will be in my hand and i wont realise it till someone on the other line ask for my case number lollll. its like sleep calling hahhaha.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-14 10:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
I just called NVc and that guy didnt sound happy at all, i think he needs some coffee big time. i didnt even understand wat he was saying, he was draging and talking. So i take it my case isn't complete yet. i think cus again lolll i honestly counldnt understand his drag talking, n then after i said thank all i heard was nuthing, he hung up. oh well i didnt expect good news anywayz. maybe i should leave them along and wait for the interview email. Good night ppes n grate for every one who had a good week at NVC. you deserved it.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-11 21:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

got a fake, fake, fake checklist as "Sugarz.K.R " posted earlier, hehheh, my AOS was approved, my IV already mailed out and bill paid... i want next week to arrive so i can call and hopefully hear the magical words "case complete" :dance: :dance:

lolll didnt it feel good to say it that way
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-11 21:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

I have real chocolate cake. Some friends gave it to me last night because I am moving.

I have real chocolate cake. Some friends gave it to me last night because I am moving.

Nahhhh i cant have ne chocolate cake, we are having a 1 yr wedding annvi beach party in 2 weeks so i gotta make sure im looking in top tip shape. Im more excited to see my hubby than have the party tho. I also have to take the top of our wedding cake down to the islands, it's in my frezzer i hope we dont get food poisoning :hehe: well if in 3 weeks u guys dont see impatient post from me, yikssss the cake got to me lolll :rofl:

PS: there was a customer in my branch in his Homland securtiy shirt today cashing his check, i took that as a good sign. mybe tonight i will get case complete :whistle:
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-11 17:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

It was a he, not a she. But yeah, he shouldn't have been rude to me whatsoever.

Yes, you should definitely call tonight. Even if they mention anything about you calling earlier, it doesn't matter. NVC has this number set up for a reason, so people can call and inquire about their case status.

ok maybe 11pm they would be too tired to be rude lolll. I should of just listened to you in the 1st place but i couldn't help myself, i even feel to call right now lolll.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-11 16:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

Yes, they have a call log.


When I was calling NVC once a day after my case complete to find out an interview date, I decided one day to call right before they closed, this being my second time calling that day. I got an extremely rude operator telling me I had called earlier and that there wasn't an interview date scheduled then so there wasn't going to be one now. And that I should wait until the second week of April before calling again. Because of his tone and words, I was nearly in tears by the end. Thankfully, I didn't listen to him and got my interview date scheduled later that same week :)

hmmmmm. people hmmmmm well she didnt have to be rude to u and i would of cried on the phone and give her a long sappy story until she hung up on me lolll.

Well here's my plan, imma still call tonight and if they tell me anything id tell them i called this morning to find out about my AOS now im calling about my IV (wink wink) maybe that might make them not be rude (unless the put y u called). This morning the guy was nice and he didnt give me the 20 days blah blah, instead he told me i should try to call back next friday.

what u think, should i call tonight?
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-11 15:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
Can NVc tell when you last called?
I called this morning :bonk: i know i was suppose to wait until tonight, i couldn't help myself. The phone has turned into a chocolate cake that i just cant get enought of.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-11 15:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

So I did end up sending the I864 package today.

I am still waiting to hear back from my wife. She had said Sunday that she needs time to think. I am still waiting for some kind of contact from her. I don't know where this will go.

Good for you, maybe this might show her how much you are committed and how serious u still want her. Sometimes women can be a lil to dramatic and go over board. (im guilty as charge but my hubby dont let me get away with that #### lolll)

any other good news peeps? soo hard to read every post on my phone.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-11 09:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

Guesssssssssss whatttttttttt,

Just got interview email June 11 @ 8:30pm :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

yipppppppppy skipyyyyyy. good for you......
me me me nvc pick me lollll
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-10 19:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

The operators don't see packages as received until the review has actually started. I suggest calling late tomorrow night right before they close for the weekend. I bet you're going to get EXCELLENT news Posted Image

That will be nice :star: . Im in no rush right now, Im willing to give them 2 weeks to review it (look at me sounding like i have a choice loll) but Id like to know my interview date by the end of this month. ONLY because my hubby is geting really depressed n frustrated there, not with the process (thats my job) but his job, income and life stlye. Yesterday i spend 45 mins on the phone with him cheering him up, it's so hard to do being so far away, throught out the day i text him poems all day just to distract him from his environment. I think he'd start to feel a whole lot better when we get n interview date. So the satisfaction of the interview date is more for him than me, he'd be happy and id be in panic mood (i just naturally like to panic loll) I'd call NVC tomorw at 11pm.

ps maybe next week you can put me on ur sheet in the CC section (big smile)

Edited by Sugarz.K.R, 10 May 2012 - 01:32 PM.

Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-10 13:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

45mins hold???? That's crazy, I don't have that patience. I would have hung up and call back later. 15mins is the maximum i will wait. Next time you call you might get a case complete. When i called Tuesday they told me they didn't receive my package as yet. When I called back yesterday I heard that my case was completed. So i'm sure its under review. Call back later tonight

As good as that sound I think u were just lucky. I'd be patient I'm in no hurry as of this moment. But I'd still try to call tomrw.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-10 12:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
I called NVC (on hold for 45 mins) They said that they approved my AOS on the 8th, but dont see anything concerning my IV packet. USPS confims that it arrived at NVC on Wed 9th, probably they just didnt scann it in the system. oh well next week id hear something good. Told ya'll if i call them id jinks myself lolll.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-10 11:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

I just got off the phone with the NVC, my husband's interview is on June 6th in Juarez.

WOW ur signature line timeline is like BAMM BAM BAMMM. way to go, congratz on ur speedy process.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-10 10:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

I love the commentary in your signature for the false checklist... :lol: Gave me a good laugh as I woke up... :thumbs:

lolll imagine if you saw my body launguage when i was typing it :rofl: , just picture Emeril form Iron chief saying "BAMMMM" except i was like BAMM BAMM BAMMMMM lolll. ok enought hypness for me time to clam down and call NVC
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-10 07:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
Good morning guys, day 24 in NVC n I'm feeling good. Hope to get a case complete while NVC seems to be cracking down their load but I'm in no rush.... I hope when it comes to the interview it will be as easy as wen I did my citizenship. I tend to get over anxious till I feel sick.

Edited by Sugarz.K.R, 10 May 2012 - 05:20 AM.

Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-10 05:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

well I called to see if they had received my packages and i was told that my case is close and waiting on the embassy now to schedule the interview. So i asked does that mean my case is closed and she said yes. I thought it was super fast as well. Probably i will get a June interview. I'm hoping for one.

OHHH that's some sweet luck. I'd call today n ask if they got mine ;)
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-10 05:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

Hey guys just letting you all know that i just called and got case complete today. Now to wait for interview.

Wow that was quick. Congratz.....
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-09 19:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

I just got my email from the NVC saying the case is complete. Now we have to wait for his interview date. :thumbs:

i was just about to ask how do you find out case is complete and say your post.
That was Quick i guess i might get a CC in a couple of days too :thumbs:
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-09 11:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012


LOL, i got a false checklist to pay the IV even though they hadn't posted it yet either... i just ignored it... and i'm seeing that you did actually call now and saw that the AOS was approved, CONGRATS!!! :D they should've been able to tell you when... find out on ur next call tomorrow maybe...

Tomrw... Nopeee I can't take that 20 day quote 2days in a row. Id wait until Monday, so far I'm happy with the progress I've made. No bitching from me until its time to get my interview date (around June 4th my brain is set to call for that date, right now its geting into vacation mood).
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-09 10:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012


I guess once the IV Invoice is generated means they've accepted it (If you haven't received an email before)

Basically yes.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-09 10:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012


I just sent the choice of agent by e-mail. How will I know that It has been accepted and considered for IV processing?

Will the NVC send an e-mail and how long did it take from your experience?


I got n email but I got it like 15mins after I paid the IV bill. If u have ur invoice I'd# u can sign in now n then to see if any fee is invoiced. Some people get there's quick n some just have to wait a bit. My timeline is in my signature line below.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-09 10:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
just got a checklist from nvc.
False false false I paid my IV bill as soon as it posted. So I guess after all I had to call nvc to confirm.
I asked if the AOS packet got approved n she said yes but couldn't give me a date.
She then.... Wait for it, wait for it..... Yea she did, she quoted me the famous 20 day blah blah.
I don't knw y tho I didn't ask her anything after the AOS lolll.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-09 10:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
oh my i think i have an addiction :wacko:
Im staring at the phone, i wanna pick it up and call NVC...but... there's nothing i need to find out. now i just feel like a phyco :bonk:
my AOS packet was delivered last friday and my IV was delived today so i know for sure they havent approved any..
I gotta find something to do till Monday... guess id be looking for a 5 day hobby goush i hate weekends. :blink:
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-09 09:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

Just back from my interview. APPROVED. It's such a relief. Thank you everyone for the support.

CONGRATZZZZZZ time to pack up and ship outtttt.

Woke up to find that NVC emailed me at 1am saying my interview is June 4!!! So happy!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

yippy congratzzzz your times moving fast. I bet they do that one purpose knowing we wont beable to go back to sleep fill of excitment. :dance:

:ot: i finally figured out this multiQuote thingy yipp for me
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-09 08:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

Looking forward to hearing the good news!

My case was complete within 3 days of NVC receiving my IV packet. I figure 5 days is a safe ballpark. What documents do you think you're gonna need when you go on vacation? Once your case is complete it's really a matter of your interview being scheduled... unless I'm missing something...

I don't knw what I might need I guess I'm over thinking it, ure not missing nething its just me trying to be over prepared. Seems like 2 week will be long enuff to get a case complete. Thx for replying.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-08 21:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
Recently I haven't called nvc n things have gone perfectly. I think the last time I called was when I got my case number, I feel like if I call now I'd jinks myself. After nvc gets all ur payment n ur last packet how long does it take for case complete? I leave in 2weeks n a few days for vacation n don't want to drag along all my docs, do u guys think in the next 2 and a half weeks I'd get a case complete. its not that I'm trying to rush but if I don't get a case complete I'm walking with every thing I have that they might need. I can see myself now on the beaches relaxing with a drink n nvc emails my phone, I'd run so quick ud think it abmatter of life or death lolll. Maybe I'm thinking too much.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-08 19:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

I was given a check list because they didn't accept the marriage termination document I sent in with the IV packet. Turns out that I sent the right one and after some further investigation on their end they accepted it and my case was closed.

Check lists are to the NVC what RFEs are to the USCIS. It basically means something is missing from your case that is preventing it from being closed.

OK thank you.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-08 11:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

OMG, Rujby!!! I'm in that same area!!! I expect to have my husband POE at JFK airport though

Meno is ur country one of those that gets EP? looking at you IV sent date to you Case complete date. WOW Speedy.

ohhh ps: did you see MCM got his stuff at NVC? :thumbs:

Edited by Sugarz.K.R, 08 May 2012 - 11:41 AM.

Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-08 11:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

OK, I woke up today late, long story, I lost my job on Friday, Things are not going well with the wife either, life seems to be at its lowest point right now. But today I guess there was some positivity. I got an email back after my NVC inquiry. They sent me the AOS Invoice and the choice of agent form. I was happy to finally receive my NVC case number. I first sent the opt in email for the electronic processing. Next I paid the AOS fee. I then printed out my AOS Document coversheet and was now going to email my AOS package. But I remember I should wait for the opt in email to be accepted first? I did receive the auto response. I then went to the forms portal and filled out the Choice of Agent form. What is the next step, wait for EP to be accepted? Everything is happening at once!

omg that is Exciting, this process can either make u or brake u keep your head up MCM. You deserve to fly past everyone at this point. the EP part i know nothing about hopfully someone will be on very soon to help you. im so happy for you. and sorry about the Job :(
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-08 11:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
What is the main cause if a " Check list" ? been looking at ppl timelines n it seems like nvc hands them out like freshly baked cookies.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-08 11:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

One quick question : Who give you your POE ( port of Entry )? My wife lives in NJ 15 minutes from the Newark Liberty airport ( EWR), SO will my POE be Newark Airport?

If I'm not mistaken that is totally up to you.
Newarks gonna be our POE also :thumbs: We live closer to philly airport but at EWR my husband will get a non stop flight, less stress on him.

If you are on a connecting flight the FIRST US AIRPORT YOU LAND AT is your POE.
For example: If my husband leaves Trinidad and flys to Florida to catch a connecting flight to Newark (his finial destination) then the Florida airport will be his POE.

Edited by Sugarz.K.R, 08 May 2012 - 09:45 AM.

Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-08 09:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012


My package is in Montreal!!
Delivered - Signed for by : ESTHER MONTREAL, QC - CANADA 15:04 :dance:

Yipppyyy goodddyyyy
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-07 18:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

Ok, wow! That's great. I was wondering, because am stuck in DS-3032 mode and noticed yours was sent just recently...

I head some people advised to try another email adress to send FROM cus ur ds3033 is probably going into nvc spam folder. Maybe ask Saylin she's good with coming up with a solution. :thumbs:
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-07 11:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

Congrats! Quick question, when was your DS 3032 accepted?

Today at 10:44am says my Emil, I just saw it didn't even ready it yet tho.

U thought I got one before but nvc sent someone else's case to my email.

Edit: I just read it n with the ds 3032 acceptance letter they attached the Iv bill.

Edited by Sugarz.K.R, 07 May 2012 - 10:44 AM.

Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-07 10:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
IV bill posted and paid.
now im going to look for KErry and tell her :thumbs:

happy happy joy joy

Edited by Sugarz.K.R, 07 May 2012 - 09:52 AM.

Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-07 09:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

Posted Image

That's for K-1s. You don't need to fill that in.

K-1s NVC is a mail stop to get a number assigned. Then they get the package instructing them what to do next.

Phewwww thx. The less things they need to send me the better.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-07 08:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
Hey guys good morning to a good week.
I was looking at my timeline n realise there is a "received instruction package" right before cast complete at nvc, what's in the instruction package?
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-07 05:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

LOL, i know what u mean... i've personally been bored since my case complete :bonk: what's wrong with me?! No joke, i'm truly bored... just waiting to hear about an interview date... i dont think my embassy has begun scheduling for June yet though =\

Yeah I've come to hate weekend its like a waste of 2days, come next 3month I will hardly beable to wait for the weekends again. Good luck this week guys...
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-06 20:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
Thax guys for responding to my IV packet.
Sugarz.K.RFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2012-05-04 18:00:00