K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnew address
I have a question, when my sweetie goes to have his interview i wont quite have my apartment. I do live at home with my parents as of right now but i will be out as of may 1st and into my new apartment. now for his interview can i use my parents address then when we do the AOS if he get the visa (knocking hard on wood) what should i do about my address change?
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-04-11 22:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresoh really?

ok so i am looking at things for the visa after he comes to america and i am looking on the website here on what i need to have and i look on for the prices of everything do i need both I-485 supplement A to form I-485 bc on the uscis site says i need to add that on is that true or do i need to start dieing now?

lol no, you just need the plain I-485, not the I-485A.

thank you so much,, by the way i love you :yes: :yes: :yes: :lol: :lol: :lol: :) :)
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-04-21 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresoh really?
ok so i am looking at things for the visa after he comes to america and i am looking on the website here on what i need to have and i look on for the prices of everything do i need both I-485 supplement A to form I-485 bc on the uscis site says i need to add that on is that true or do i need to start dieing now?
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-04-21 22:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescase pending
QUOTE (ciarra @ Aug 24 2007, 10:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello to all,

i just want to ask everyone. we just got our NOA1. we try to check our receipt# WAC******** online.
What does this means, pending as in "in process just wait" or pending as in literally pending.

THanks to all replies...

pending is what is means to wait it means also you have to be patient with us we take forever too in their terms.
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-08-24 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many photos
QUOTE (raquel23 @ Sep 22 2007, 12:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How many passport photos do you attach in back of the G-325a form. It says just one passport photo so i only bought one. But there is 4 g-325a forms to send. do you still only attach 1 passport photo all together?

i actually believe its 2 pictures 1 for america and 1 for your foreign embassy.
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-09-22 00:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow Much info to include...
QUOTE (RYCK @ Feb 18 2008, 11:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hoping someone can help me here because i do not see an example for it .. but on the i-129f forms the question of describe the circumstanses of meeting in person... how much info should i include in that .. we have been together 3 times and have pictures plane tickets and hotel reciepts .. but do i just sum it up and say flew to USA stayed 2 weeks together in hotel or do i need to get more detailed into howwe met and what brought us to meet in person ? any help would be very appreciated thanks in advance

all i put is how we met like i flew to him after talking to him on the internet for so long.
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2008-02-18 12:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 VISA APPROVED
QUOTE (queuedup @ Apr 24 2009, 03:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just wanted to let everyone know that.....


kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

The interview was pretty quick and painless at Mumbai consulate in India, I will post details in a couple of days!!!

Congratulations and praise God to whom all blessings flow!! good.gif
2kingdomrunnersFemaleSenegal2009-04-25 07:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPetition Approved!
QUOTE (ABENITEZ @ Apr 24 2009, 05:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got e-mail from CRIS at exactly midnight that our petition was approved! Yay! So I will read all the posts n guides n shortcuts, but anyone wanna tell me what I should be preparing or getting together right now? What is the very next step? I'm so nervous!

CONGRATULATIONS kicking.gif !!
2kingdomrunnersFemaleSenegal2009-04-25 07:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCASE COMPLETED
Congrats!!Praise the Lord!!
2kingdomrunnersFemaleSenegal2009-09-17 16:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresgot visa after so much trouble
2kingdomrunnersFemaleSenegal2009-11-18 11:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved
PRAISE THE LORD AND CONGRATS!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
2kingdomrunnersFemaleSenegal2010-01-05 10:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresnervouse about interview ( venting and ranting forum )
2kingdomrunnersFemaleSenegal2009-12-10 13:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresnervouse about interview ( venting and ranting forum )
Keep the faith and be encouraged Lily, Congrats in adavnce!!!
2kingdomrunnersFemaleSenegal2009-12-09 23:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecked Status Update

If you don't mind me asking, what is P.3?

OK, now I'm assuming your mean page 3 of the I-129F, right? The one with the signature that needs to be the original?

I was thinking I had missed something else!

Good luck with everything!

LOL Yes you are correct. Page 3 of the 129f form where you have your signature. Thanks so much......
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-14 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecked Status Update

Hi Guys,

I checked the status of our 129f petition and it is showing RFE area as colored in. I called the automated system to see if I could get more info. It says that they sent form I-797. So am I understanding correctly that this I-797 form will come saying "Not yet approved, please show us more evidence etc.."? if that is the case, then what is the evidence more often than not? i.e. more pics?, more copies of certain things...At first I thought I-797 always meant an approval notice, but now after reading some threads that is not the case....

Thanks for enlightening me in any way, shape or form....=)


I received the RFE today and I simply didn't realize I placed the photocopy of P.3 in, instead of the original. My, my, my was I relieved. lol Will be sending that off tomorrow in the mail. Now we are getting a bit more excited and not as nervous....the journey continues!
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-14 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecked Status Update

I had that same problem with the cell phone and phonecards, but if you are using yahoo messenger you can print the voice call logs and send those instead to show how often you talk on there, only if you were using the voice call. Also you can print the chat log with name and dates.


I forgot we had chatted on FB too which is where we had initially met. I tink I may have the Fb chat on clear history so it never saved anything. I, also, know I had my computer reformatted I think aroudn x-mas, so I am praying I can still find them. Also, how do you pull up your history on either of these chats do you know? I just looked up on messenger and can't find anywhere to try and find our conversations or at least dates and times as you had mentioned. I'm really tinking it isn't this as the problema s another poster had stated as well, but I'm curious to see if I could even pull this info up at all from my computer.

Thanks for your help...
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-11 19:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecked Status Update

Double check the guide here on the "guides" section. There is a list of what you need. I made the big mistake of reading and trusting what the USCIS website site said. The list that they gave was incomplete! Ironically, I would have done better to ignore the actual government website and to have read the guide here on VJ first, but I didn't, and it cost me an RFE, a month of extra waiting, and a lot more anxiety. So double check your copies of the things that you filed (assuming that you kept copies) with the list under "guides" and you will probably see what is missing. Best wishes.

Thank you for the advice....very good advice.
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-11 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecked Status Update

Ah, okay. Well keep on keeping up with those details. I'm not the expert on those matters, but you should have all that sorted clearly so you're on top of your game. Address where his packet 3 will be sent, etc. It can be troublesome to have different addresses going, but you've probably worked that out... someone with more expertise can help with any questions about his specific location situation. And yeah, Nigeria is a tough spot but many have gone through tougher with success. You just have to be smart and thorough, and it sounds like you are being just that. If there are hitches or delays, just keep putting your head down and dealing with them. Desperation does not help: diligence, patience, and perseverance are what works for this. Good luck. It's all do-able. PM me anytime.

Posted Image

Will do! I'm simply trying to stay ahead of the ballgame without getting consumed/overwhlemed by it all...that's where the one step at a time concept comes into

Thanks for all your help and I will PM you trust me! lol Later gator...
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-11 00:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecked Status Update

Thank you! It's amazing once it's all over (or this first part anyway). As they say about the pain of childbirth, you forget how nightmarish it all was quickly. But I think you keep whatever fortitude it taught you.

As for visiting during interview time, you certainly should if you can. You might check in your regional section to see if petitioners are allowed in interview; some consulates allow it. Even if they are not, sometimes it helps that the officer knows the significant other is there (Marcel might bring your passport in with him to indicate that you are around), especially in higher fraud consulates, of which I believe Nigeria is one. Certainly can't hurt. The interview stage is where you'll want to have all your abundant proof of relationship at hand. That's where they make the call. Pay close attention to the experiences of others at Nigerian consulate so you're well-prepared and confident.

And congratulations on getting started!

Thank you so much. I told him that there is probably an automatic orange flag based on where he is from (unfortunately) so we just grin and bear it, and do as they say If they want us to jump through 10 hoops we show them we can jump 20! lol Anyways, we are trying to time it with me going back over to see him. Just to clarify he is not in Nigeria right now. he is currently in Cyprus finishing his Grad work. He just has to do his final project and he will get his Masters. I don't think him going to shcool in a different coutnry will cause a problem of where his interview will be etc.. there is a consulate over there in Nicosia.
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-10 23:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecked Status Update

Yes you are clearly deranged. Posted Image Don't worry; it will all be sorted out soon. Just take this process one step at a time, deal with what's in front of you, and try to remain sane. It can be done!

LOL That is why YOU are keep me as sane as possible and not let me "lose it". lol Thanks so much for helping me out and we will take it one step at a time. I will be back with more questions, believe you me!! lol

BTW, CONGRATS on your journey. I was just talking to Marcel about your timeline and he gave a big WOOHOO and said, "That will be us soon!" lol
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-10 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecked Status Update

If you sent proof of meeting within the two years before you filed, like passport stamps etc., it's probably not an issue of not having enough pictures or whatnot. There are plenty of tiny details that can slip by when filling out the forms, and it's usually something paperwork related. The pictures and call history stuff is secondary evidence of meeting, and as long as you sent a couple hand-dated ones, they won't make or break your petition approval. USCIS is looking for the basic requirements to be in order; they are not really in the business of judging whether you have enough pictures etc. Just wait for the RFE, follow its instructions, and send whatever is required. Don't worry too much until you have the facts in hand.

Well, your post just made me feel a whole lot better. I was so desperate for evidence I even put in a copy of a calling card I purchased in Turkey on my way to Cyprus.Also, i threw in a copy of a menu from our favorite pizza joint in Cyprus. Another desperate measure was a copy of this plastic wrapper that contained silverware from an eatery. It had the address of the place on it. lol
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-10 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecked Status Update
I'm thinking to myself, just take it one step at a time. It was confusing to me because of the status update and then the message was about form I-797 which I had never heard of. At first, I thought I missed a form. lol Sigh** this is just the beginning.

*On a sidenote*...When his interview is scheduled (hopefull) am I able to travel to see him so I can be "sround" the day he goes for it? I kow I can't be in the room, but I thought it would help him stay calm with me being there so to speak.
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-10 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecked Status Update

we got an rfe too but it was very minor, my fiance missed to answer one question in the i-129form ...even after checking the form so many times before sending it, yours maybe different so just wait for the hardcopy of the rfe and send it back soon as you have what they need..goodluck...

Thanks so much for responding. I am praying it is minor. My fiance thinks we didn't have enough pictures. I sent 4 or 5, and wrote the dates and i think location on the back since I forgot to set the date on the camera. My other concern is I couldn't show cell phone calls because we actually communicated mostly on messenger to save money and when we were on the phone(not a cell phone) I used an international phonecard which you just keep adding money onto. I did print out a copy of when I added money on every time trying to show that it was a good amount. Now we talk on Skype and I use Rynga to talk to him. it's awful though not knwoing yet what they are going to want and praying it is minor, and then wondering how the heck you missed something. lol
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-10 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecked Status Update
Hi Guys,

I checked the status of our 129f petition and it is showing RFE area as colored in. I called the automated system to see if I could get more info. It says that they sent form I-797. So am I understanding correctly that this I-797 form will come saying "Not yet approved, please show us more evidence etc.."? if that is the case, then what is the evidence more often than not? i.e. more pics?, more copies of certain things...At first I thought I-797 always meant an approval notice, but now after reading some threads that is not the case....

Thanks for enlightening me in any way, shape or form....=)
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-10 21:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it safe to assume...

I would assume that was the only problem, yes.

That's what we thought at first and then we started thinking maybe we were wrong...thanks for your input..

So if they accept the petition which it seems like it will be going through is this the next step that Marcel will receive his packet for his medical exam and interview etc...? Can he expect forms in there to fill out and then I have to gather a list of stuff to send to him? I have already sent the entire 129f to him that I photocopied. His dad is sending his birth certificate and police report from Nigeria through DHL tomorrow so he will have those. He is also sending Marcel a sworn affadavit of his correct birth date because he just discovered they had put the wrong year on his passport. He never realized it until he went to the police station in Cyprus (where he is finishing up Grad school) and looked at the Police Report. He went back to them and told them they had the wrong year down. Thepoliceman said they used what was on his passport. We are hoping between the affadavit formt he courts and hia birth certificate that it wil be okay.
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-15 17:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it safe to assume...
I'm back with another question...remember, Marcel and I had an RFE on our 129f that I had placed a photocopy instead of the original with my signature from Page 3 ? That was the only request on the form so is it safe to assume they went through the rest of the package and would have stated any other paperwork missing or that was filled out wrong etc...? They dind't get to the 3rd page and reuqested that and thenw ill continue looking at the 129f form right? Just want to ease my mind and Marcel's that this should be approved as that is all they asked for (original page 3)....

Thanks for your help...
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-15 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE response time

We are praying it is going to be this week...That is hopeful for us...I am so ready for the next step that I am ready to jump out of my are going on a little over 2 weeks so it's a bit unnerving...

LOL Marcel is on skype right now and I showed him your response. He saw your name and said, " HONEY, hang on that woman is an Igbo. Her name means GOOD WOMAN. lol" Thought you'd think that was cute...
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-08-01 16:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE response time

I received an rfe last year when I forgot to sign a page on the petition. About 2 weeks later, the petition was approved. Trust me, it should not be a problem.

We are praying it is going to be this week...That is hopeful for us...I am so ready for the next step that I am ready to jump out of my are going on a little over 2 weeks so it's a bit unnerving...
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-08-01 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE response time

There was a month between the time USCIS acknowledged receiving my RFE and the next notification which was the NOA2. You've just gotta be patient and take things one day at a time (as if you're like me mutter a lot under your breath in the interim lol). Good luck :)

Hahahahaah oh hon there's tons and tons of muttering! lol Marcel tells me I need patience so here is a prime example of needing it...terribly...Thank you for giving me hope beyond the 60 days they said....mutter mutter...mutter
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-29 18:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE response time

No, they don't know anything. When you call USCIS you can't actually calling USCIS, you are calling a call centre where the employees have scripts and cannot tell you anything other than what you can already see when you log in to check your status. Did you get a tracking number when you mailed your RFE back?

Don't keep calling, they don't know anything. The next step is you should get an e-mail from USCIS saying processing on your petition has resumed. Then, barring any other delays, the NOA-2 should come shortly.

They say it takes 60 days after you send in the RFE to get a response. After 4 weeks if you haven't heard anything, start making noise and speak to a supervisor

good luck

Hi there,

I sent it regular mail. It was just a simple form I had to mail. I actually, just tried calling them before I checked your response. lol The girl was very nice, and she said what you just did, that it could take up to 60 days. YIKES!!! Although, she said, you could keep calling them back after 4 weeks to check on the staus which is updated on their computers quicker than what's on their site. I'm just very anxious to hear from them I guess, but I need patience. To me it just seems like it shouldn't take this long.

Thanks for your advice...
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-29 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE response time
Hi guys,

I sent back what VSC requested in the RFE and that was on July 15th. I called them a few days ago to see if they could tell me if they at least received what I had mailed to thwm. The guy couldn't tell me jackcrap. I swear these people know absoultely nothing and then simpy point you to their website. Anyways, he tells me 15days I should hear from them from the point at which I mailed it. I'm nervous I haven't gotten antyhing.

What has been anyone's experience with RFE rsponses after you mailed it to them? I searched this before on here and some people said only 11 days it took to hear from them? Should I keep calling them? It's frustrating because it seems like they just can't tell you a thing...
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-29 18:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange of Filing Location for Form I-129F

You send it to the return address as indicated on the RFE notice

Thank you....
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-08-03 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange of Filing Location for Form I-129F

The lockbox only does the intake. After they are entered into the system they will still be forwarded to Vermont or California. This has already been happening for months, they have just now publicized the new address. I sent my forms back in May and they went from Vermont to Texas and back to Vermont.

So if I want to resend the RFE correction do I send it to Texas and not Vermont?
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-08-03 20:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got RFE'd
We just had an RFE and it turned out I simply sent in the 3rd page of the 129f with a copied signature not my original one. I made so many copies of the package I must have screwed up and placed the copy in. OOPS! I sent the right one in the next day. I still haven't heard anything, but will check to see if we've been touched!!!
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-07-23 18:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!!!

Hi Everyone!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that we were approved !! :D We are going out to party but I will update everyone with more information by Monday.

I wanted to really thank everyone and VJ!!!

WOOHOO! Congrats to you guys! Have a drink on me. You have every reason to celebrate. Stay happy and good luck in your continued journey....
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-09-05 18:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone had this problem before?

If he is a student he can inquire at his University's International Department if the Nigerian embassy will send officials there to issue a new passport. They often do because passports expire and need to be renewed for many students. They travel to different Universities. My fiance got his renewed in the nick of time after a very short notice. They were last in Famagusta. They will return to deliver the renewed passports within 2-3 months to the students. You can call the embassy in Turkey to inquire when and where the next renewal will be.
The passport with the wrong birth year will be a problem if you don't get it changed and I also do not think an affidavit will be sufficient, it could throw you into many months of AP ( Adiminstrative Processing ), as long as up to an additional year if not flat out denial.

Thank you for this advice. I am going to talk to him tonight and get him to go to the school.I don't think he realized that this can be an option.
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-09-07 18:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone had this problem before?
I sent and email to the Embassy in Cyprus to see if this will be enough proof. There is just now way he'd be able to go to Nigeria for a new passport. The closest Nigerian Embassy is in Turkey which is still going to cost money but not as much. :(
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-09-06 04:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone had this problem before?
Marcel just called his brother who is going to the Immigration office tomorrow to see if he can get a signed affidavit from them verifying his birth date and that the issued passport was incorrect.
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-09-05 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone had this problem before?

So his birth cert states 1980, which is correct,but his passport states 1983? I don't think the embassy will like that... I'd get a new passport- and then police cert- if I was you.

I'm not sure how he would get a new passport being he is not even in Nigeria. The police report is not going to be a problem. He is gong ot have to call home and have his dad find out how he can get anew passport etc...
papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-09-05 14:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone had this problem before?
Hi guys,

As you know Marcel and I are moving onto the next phase. We have a situation, but think that we have it figured out. Here it is...

When Marcel went to get his police report from Cyprus he noticed his birth date was incorrect and questioned it. They said that is what was on his passport. He never realized they have the birth year as 1983 and it should be 1980. What we have though is his original copy of his birth certificate and an affidavit from the courts stating that 1980 is his year of birth. Is there anything else we can do? Is this sufficient?

Thank you in advance for your help....

papillonloverFemaleNigeria2010-09-05 13:48:00