Middle East and North Africaany CASA updates?
what a bunch of pansies. my poor sweetheart last day had his interview and had vigirous training from me answering every question right and properly and fast. i got a call this morning at 4h45 am (i went to bed at 3 bc i couldnt sleep i knew something was going to happen good or bad) he called me and said baby the embassy is closed today. i shot up in bed said a few chosen words and tried to calm down both of us. i started to cry (so much for calming down) then crying turned to sobbing and boogers shooting out of my nose. we talked for a little we were told to email them he did for me and it came back the same ####### as always we are unavailable bc the embassy is closed blah blah blah i am sorry the bombings were almost 3 weeks ago ( i think) and they are still closed. talk about lazy i understand but we were beyond ready he had everything set but now we have waisted a whole day and a very tired sweetie and i went into work so tired. it sucks working with the public trying to fix their equipment when i had a horrible call from my sweetie. well that is all said and done i am going to buy a phone card to call casa and get them a hello they never thought would happen.

ladies and gents if your finace is from morocco call before you think they have their interview dont email call. the email is lame and tells you nothing dial the number its on the embassy info you find morocco if you use a prepaid phone card its like a dollar a min(rediculous) but anyhting for my man. so call them before they have their interview if they have one within the next 2 weeks . I AM SERIOUS and keep calling until you get someone it took my 15 misn to get to someone but it was worth it.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-04-25 22:33:00
Middle East and North Africaany CASA updates?
you know my fiance he went to his interview on tues and they saw him asked him what he was doing he said he was waiting for the consulate to open the guy told him it will not if he needed to contact them he told them to email them or call them he said that he did but they wouldnt open so he told me to call them i did this morning i waited patiently on the phone for 15 mins and finally got a guy he told me that he would call him or send him an email. i didnt have an attitude but he could tell i was a bt angry. so he did say they would try and contact him as soon as they open as well as try and ind another date for him to go. inchallah i hope its not too long
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-04-25 22:24:00
Middle East and North Africaany CASA updates?

i emailed last week, no response. :(

i called them today they took a while to answer and they didnt tell me when they would be openeing for "security reasons" but i am not sure. inchallah i pray for you women who do have their interviews soon god bless and those like mine who were forgotten god bless as well
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-04-25 22:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaHorrible Casa News

I just got an email from the Consulate today. It was a reply to the email I sent them on April 17th (the day of my husbands interview). I recieved an out of office reply that day but today it looks as if they are in office. Not the greatest news but more encouraging than we've had this past month.

ditto. i have sent like a billion emails guess what they all came back today. so maybe something is churning in the pcs??? who knows. i got all 23 emails back today ssaying they are closed still. lol fun fun fun never ends lol.
love natalie

WWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THEY OPENED THIS MORNING:D:D Zakaria's aunt is in the government and she said they opened:D:D:D i knew i always loved her. lol
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-14 16:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaHorrible Casa News

I just got an email from the Consulate today. It was a reply to the email I sent them on April 17th (the day of my husbands interview). I recieved an out of office reply that day but today it looks as if they are in office. Not the greatest news but more encouraging than we've had this past month.

ditto. i have sent like a billion emails guess what they all came back today. so maybe something is churning in the pcs??? who knows. i got all 23 emails back today ssaying they are closed still. lol fun fun fun never ends lol.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-14 11:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaHorrible Casa News

haha yeah me neither. i've been to other arab countries where i felt uneasy but definitely not morocco.
moroccans just want your money. i've run into quite a few of those problems!

i agree i have never felt unsafe. well there was one time we were out at night time and we got stopped by the police. it was like 2 am and i didnt have my passport bc i didnt want to take my purse that night. there was 5 moroccan men and 1 french girl 2 american girls, so it looked odd to them, but i was the only one who got stopped asked for my passport and i freaked. they asked me to get out of the car and asked me for my passport. i said i dont have i am an american then one of the guys who was with us his father was in the police said hey my dad is police leave us alone we arent hurting anyone so we went straight home the other girls were scared bc they pin pointed me out, the rest of the trip i always had it.
love natalie

any one call today? i havent yet?
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-14 07:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaHorrible Casa News

haha yeah me neither. i've been to other arab countries where i felt uneasy but definitely not morocco.
moroccans just want your money. i've run into quite a few of those problems!

i agree i have never felt unsafe. well there was one time we were out at night time and we got stopped by the police. it was like 2 am and i didnt have my passport bc i didnt want to take my purse that night. there was 5 moroccan men and 1 french girl 2 american girls, so it looked odd to them, but i was the only one who got stopped asked for my passport and i freaked. they asked me to get out of the car and asked me for my passport. i said i dont have i am an american then one of the guys who was with us his father was in the police said hey my dad is police leave us alone we arent hurting anyone so we went straight home the other girls were scared bc they pin pointed me out, the rest of the trip i always had it.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-13 20:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaHorrible Casa News

Does anyone have any idea how the consulate will inform us of our new interview date? My guess is snail mail.

you guys dont know what happened in Morocco ???????there were about 7 terorrist bombings in Morocco the last ones were in American language Center and in front of the consulate thats why its closed ,looks like Morocco is becoming like Iraq,and i think your fiances lies to you they dont wanna tell you why they closed they dont wanna tell you guys about the bombings,thats bull sh....

I think you've misunderstood. Don't worry, everyone here already knows this.

did you ladies also know that there was also another terrorist bombing back in 2003.? they killed many people hurt several others, but no idea how long it took to reopen the consulate. if you look up the moroccan consulate in google it shows about it. it was huge!!!
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-12 21:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaHorrible Casa News
hello ladies this is natalie's fiance again it's 8h41am here in Morocco and we got some update on casablanca consulat's website it's nothing special but they wrote something else than what it was :

May 03, 2007 update

The U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca is temporarily closed to the public while security measures are under review. We are engaged with Moroccan authorities to put in place the security measures necessary to reopen the Consulate. The date when the Consulate General will reopen has not yet been determined :angry: :angry: :crying: :crying: :(

and here you can see what they said about non-immigrant visas also about immigrant visas (us) :

nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-09 03:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaHorrible Casa News

where IS the online appointment thing anyway? :blink:

hello again ladies i'm natalie's fiance again i want to explaine something about the online appointment and what LIZ's husband read in the newspaper , well the online appointment was made for studients and visitor and business visas that's mean for non-immigrant not for us, and now they cant get an online appointment bc casablanca consulate's website removed that option since they closed (16th April 2007) that's why they made the update on 25th April 2007 for the non-immigrant visas to have their interviews in the other countries near Morocco and i gave you the links for the consulates in my last poste. about what liz's husband read in the newspaper last day i read it today on the same newspaper(elmassa) they said the same thing i said before; who have to go to other countries to have the interview are the non-immigrant visas (studients and visitor and business visas) and just who have to have the visa imargency and have to travel next week not all of them. i hope i was helpful for you to understand all this. and we still have to do something about this bc to let you know my GOV(moroccan GOV) dont give a S H I T about all what happens to us and they dont do anything about it. so ladies work together and keep annoyen, i know we feel the same way my sweetheart going crazy and eaither i she is alone in her appartment and i'm so worry about her i cant stop worring. i know the feelings of all of you bc i feel the same way. so please keep working. god is with all of us. god beless you all and my prayer out of all of us always.hope we will have good news soon.

nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-08 20:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHorrible Casa News

ya i agree. my fiance said they were discussing the consulate closing on the news today and their opinions weren't so nice about the way our government was handling this.

you know this is redicuilous and they should express their feeling about this. people have things to do and people to see and with this embassy closed we arent the only ones affected by this and it sucks for all of us that its going through. to be closed up for 3 weeks is a bit rediculous esp when no one got hurt killed or anything bad happened. yeah they died buit you know what what the heck is the wonderful HOMELAND SECURITY BS for? if need be get some soldiers to guard the freaking embassy and get it open jeez!!! i know some guys who are bored bc they dont do anything. 1 my brother 4 of his friends and many other people on his base so to tell us this bs about security reason is still aggrevaiting when america is just too much of chickens to open the embassy. they cant really prevent a terrorist i mean its not like they stick out like a sore thumb. i understand they have to be careful but what they werent before getting into it. you werent allowed to walk in front of it when i went for my passport and now you cant even enter . that is rediculous et your job done isnt that we are paying you for?
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-08 13:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaHorrible Casa News

He read it in the Moroccan newspaper "Assabah" and translated it for me sentence by sentence. It said something about all Moroccans in the process of getting a visa will have to continue in a nearby country's consulate. So it was a little vague about WHICH visas. So, maybe the writer didn't know there were other visa types it doesn't apply to.
The writer was very angry about it and called it a huge slap in the face, and had some other choice words about the American government.

Anyway, I hope that helps, if you are Moroccan, or can read Arabic, the newspaper has a website that you can go to to read it. The article came out yesterday.

If I made a mistake (about which visas this applies to, etc.) and unintenally caused some of you even more stress about this situation, I am extremely sorry. That's the last thing any of you need right now!


so i thought contacting my senator would work WRONG!! this dirty little mo fo told me there is nothing i can do, but can you donate money for my fund? f-off jerk weed. so i contacted me representative and he said its going to remain closed for the remainder of the week do to security terrorist attacks. umm if i was blind stupid and deaf i could have told you all that. well going back to work frustrated and sad. have a good day yall
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-08 11:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaHorrible Casa News

I just heard from my husband. He read this in the paper today. All visa cases will have have to go to another (yet to be determined) country to be processed.

My prayers are with all of you who are still going through this process. Inchallah this won't last long.

hello ladies i'm natalie's fiance i was reading your postes as always and looking if there is any newupdates about the consulate in casa and if any one had contact anyone and get anything new to tell us about this problem. and i found this poste saying that we have to go to an other contry to get our interview.anyway liz is this what your man read in the paper bc a lady posted this things few days ago but it's about non-immigrants, but about K-1,K-3 is saying that they are (temporarily closed to the public. Immigrant visa applicants will be contacted about rescheduling appointments when full operations resume at the Consulate).so that's mean just non-immigrant applicants who should get their interviews outside Morocco. i hope it's this what your fiance read bc if it's not ladies we have to move we have to make a big strike about this shitty consulate :angry: :angry: bc it's getting rediculous and drive us all insane :wacko: no body of us can take all this. and i wanna thank you all about all your helps and god is with us all my prayer go out for all of us and i hope everybody will get a good news soon inchallah.
thank you.

Visas to the U.S.
Consular Section Update - April 25, 2007

Non Immigrant Visas

The U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca is temporarily closed to the public. Applicants with nonimmigrant visa appointments today will need to reschedule via the online appointment system.

Applicants with urgent travel needs may wish to consider applying at another U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Following is a list of some visa webpages for the nearest locations:





Le Consulat Général des Etats Unis à Casablanca est provisoirement fermé au public. Toutes personnes ayant déja obtenu un rendez-vous pour aujourd'hui doivent prendre un autre rendez-vous en ligne sur notre site internet.

Les postulant qui doivent voyager d'urgence pauvent envisager faire leur demande à un autre Consulat ou Embassade. Ci-dessus, vous trouvez une liste des page web des Consulats ou Embassades les plus prôches.

Immigrant Visas

The U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca is temporarily closed to the public. Immigrant visa applicants will be contacted about rescheduling appointments when full operations resume at the Consulate.

liz i hope is that what your man read in the paper

Edited by nad05zb, 08 May 2007 - 12:04 AM.

nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-08 00:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

Now you know how the Cairo ppl feel.

yah but when you see people who applied AFTER you already reunited with their sucks!

i think we all need to remain strong. you know there is hope always hope maybe be just a shimmer in the distance but its something that before we werent seeing. before i think most of us went through VSC so i think we were used to it being fast. i know mine was 20 days to get my NOA2 and i was used to it being so fast then it came to a screaching hault when the stupid "terrorists" came. but i think we do need to keep in mind that yeah it might take longer for them to get here then we had hoped and expected but they will be here. to have and hold forever.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-23 20:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update
so this morning i decided i was going to get the run around bc hey i am here sick home with pneumonia i dont think germs go through phones so i called everyone and their mother in the government. you know i told some of my reps. and senators that the opposition has helped me more then they have and that got a fire under neath their buns. but they all came with the same ####### from the DOS closed for now due to terrorist threats could be weeks or months :crying: :crying: :crying: . so i dont know what i am going to do if its going to be months bc i dont want to wait another 3 months to see him. i waited that long over the winter i dont want that now. so minus of contacting the president what the heck else i can do. i dont know. well good luck to you all. i am going to crawl in a couple of quilts bc i am like an icecube right now and sip on my honey tea.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-21 19:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update
does anyone know if they are going to open? i guess we will all be on the phone tomorrow to find out but i just want to know if any one has insight or something??
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-20 22:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

ummmm...i got an e-mail from them today saying they were still closed to the public.

ditto but they are opened i got a phone call from zaki this morning and he was in casa and he said that they were open!!
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-15 09:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

Yes they are. The plates have not been changed as of yet. The other issue is that the consulate wants the street in front of the consulate closed.

This is a major street that runs across Casa. Closing that will caused a great deal of problems for Casa drivers. I'm sure they are trying to find a compromise that satisfies Morocco and the US consulate, but that compromise won't come easy.

yeah they want it closed. zakaria told me that they laughed at them bc its the largest road he told me in casa and the most important. well close it or not open the freakin embassy.

WWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THEY OPENED THIS MORNING:D:D Zakaria's aunt is in the government and she said they opened:D:D:D i knew i always loved her. lol
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-14 16:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

Yes they are. The plates have not been changed as of yet. The other issue is that the consulate wants the street in front of the consulate closed.

This is a major street that runs across Casa. Closing that will caused a great deal of problems for Casa drivers. I'm sure they are trying to find a compromise that satisfies Morocco and the US consulate, but that compromise won't come easy.

yeah they want it closed. zakaria told me that they laughed at them bc its the largest road he told me in casa and the most important. well close it or not open the freakin embassy.
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-13 19:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update
well i have to admit something. i am bad at listening apparently zakaria told me that he read in(the evening) newspaper today that they promised the moroccan government to open last monday but they didnt and when the gov asked them why they said that they want them to close Moulay youssef street the most importent street in Casablanca the morocan government didnt accept this idea bc they though it's the most stupid idea they ever heared,about opening next monday it's still probably bc zakaria's friend heard from someone works inside the consulate that they might reopen next monday. i am so sorry about giving you wrong information and false hope . i am sorry to give your hopes up i am really sorry. i didnt mean to. i dont know if you are going to listen to my updates any more i am so sorry ladies for giving the false hope. :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :blush: :blush: :blush:

nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-12 22:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update
well i have to admit something. i am bad at listening apparently zakaria told me that was last week and he probably did , i am so sorry about giving you wrong information and false hope but he did hear from his friend that they would be opening on monday that information was true but the date that it was created was last sunday on that same newpaper^^^. i am sorry to give your hopes up i am really sorry. i didnt mean to. they wanted the raod in front the embassy closed last week they were supposed to open last week thats what they told the moroccan government. i dont know if you are going to listen to my updates any more i am so sorry ladies for giving the false hope. :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :blush: :blush: :blush:
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-12 21:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

Not to sure about the opening on Monday, but it does seem that they are working to get the consulate open again. Sooner the better.

zakaria told me today that while he was watching the news he found out why it has been closed so long. the consulate was supposed to open last monday but some how the ambassador asked that the road be closed in front of the consulate for security reasons. they are supposed to open the news said on monday bc they wont close the road down all they said they would give them more security on the streets then before so inchallah monday yall.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-12 21:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update
news READ ALL ABOUT IT. Zaki's friend heard at casablanca yesterday from a security guard that they would be opening on monday. so inchallah they will. how did he find out bc it is his friend who asked for him thank you God.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-11 21:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

thanks for sharing the news. i really hope they reopen soon. i hesitate to have our petition transferred because just my luck the next day casa would reopen! lol

no luck like bad luck lol. but waiting might be something we have to do lol i know my process was very fast to get nao2 so i dont know what is taking so long.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-10 18:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update
stumped... thats all we are mistified but this rediculous events of #######. well i have contacted every person in pennsylvania with no further details. DOS wont say nothing and the net isnt my friend anymore. so what to do what to do? puzzled minds killing us all starring in awe at this stupid decision by who? well sitting her mind boggled and stupified is killing me. back to work i guess hi ho. inchallah we will have some good news next week. or by the end of this month.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-10 13:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update
hello ladies i'm natalie's fiance it's 8h41 here in Morocco and we got some update on casablanca consulat's website it's nothig special but they wrote something else than what it was :

May 03, 2007 update

The U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca is temporarily closed to the public while security measures are under review. We are engaged with Moroccan authorities to put in place the security measures necessary to reopen the Consulate. The date when the Consulate General will reopen has not yet been determined :angry: :angry: :crying: :crying: :(

and here you can see what they said about non-immigrant visas also about immigrant visas (us) :

nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-09 03:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

Just called and the consulate did not re-open today. No surprise there. Can't imagine how much longer they will remained closed.

I know. This is longer than I had anticipated...

i just want to know what is taking so long?? i mean come on this is getting rediculous? what do we have to do? well inchallah it will open in may sometime.

so i contacted my senator in hoping hat mine maybe inchallah will be able to do something. dirty ####### *cough*cough* oops did i say that? well he said i cant do anything for you but would you like to donate money to having me run for office again. excuse me but HEELLL no. so i just hope it opens soon other than that nothing else we can do. love natalie :crying: :crying: :crying:
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-08 11:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

Just called and the consulate did not re-open today. No surprise there. Can't imagine how much longer they will remained closed.

I know. This is longer than I had anticipated...

i just want to know what is taking so long?? i mean come on this is getting rediculous? what do we have to do? well inchallah it will open in may sometime.
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-07 14:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

Here is the latest out of Morocco: American consulate set to re-open tomorrow morning. Wonder how reliable these reports are? I won't believe anything until I get a call from there saying it's open.

God I do hope so. i want him here may 22nd was when i was planning but later in may would be ok inchallah it wont be much later in may. well good luck to us all and god bless.
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-06 20:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

I'm headed to home to Miami in a few weeks and mentally, I'm already there.

miami sounds great right about now. on the beach with a sex on the beach withuot the guilt (drink its so good non-alcoholic too:D) sipping away as the salty air breeze blows and hear the crashing of the waves in the background and tanning myself in the mid morning sun and my butler just rang the bell. oops not the bell another customer calling bc they have have screen saver on their screen. ladies and gents if you have dish network and on your screen it says press select to continue please do so bc that would save us all the hassle, also make sure that all the lights are on. thank you for choosing dish you have a great day. jk still nothing from the stupid freaking consulate i am begining to think they are never going to open again GGRRR :angry: :angry: i just want to know another date is that so much to ask. whether its opening that day or zakaria has his interview that day. just as long i know there is some type of future in knowing our guys are going to be here.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-04 09:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

My SO has told me that the Moroccan government has criticized the US for keeping the consulate closed for so long. I don't know. What I do know is that it is done and over and all we can do is move on.

The Moroccan government's criticism probably results from the disagreement over what requests/demands the US is making before it is willing to reopen. Definately sounds like a political problem. Im sure it will get resolved because overall Morocco and the US have fairly good relations. Let's hope it's very soon.

Is there any otehr experience with the consulate being closed before that may gives us a clue as to the length of time that might be expected. I know its the unknown that makes it the most difficult

i think we all need a vacation from this mess. security "problems" visa journey menaces just everything whether you have annoying french neighbors or just miss your man i think we all need a vacation lol. whether it be the carribean or just in our minds lol ( unfortunately thats where mine is going to be). but pick your favorite place go to it whether in your mind think of him or her next to you breath in deep take about 5 mins to open your eyes then when you open think i am not at dish network and this idiot didnt tell me what is a remote DEAR GOD. well in between working 105 hours a week and getting into my new aparment i have been praying all this will go away soon. well hopes are all we have so ladies i hope inchallah that the consulate will open monday and we will all get good news our sweetie pies got their packet they have been promising for the past several weeks. well good luck to us all and God Bless you all.
goodnight i am going to pass out.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-03 23:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

I thought that they would move the interviews to Rabat since they have the embassy there. But that makes too much sense. By now, you would think that they have the security issues worked out. The backlog will be awful bc this is week 3 that they are closed.

see that would make sense and that would be good for us all, but seeing the benefits of them possibly having a terrorist coming to america is so slim they are probably doing more background checks i dont know what they can be doing for security for when you go trhough there when i was there last june they all but asked me to draw blood and pee in a cup. but you never know now lol. well inchallah next will come and they will open and our hearts will be lifted into the skys again and we will be happy knowing our guys atleast have a slim chance coming to america instead of pondering when or what is going to happen in the next fews days are they gunna open or what???
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-03 18:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

well it was some guy standing outside the consulate. so that really has nothing to do with it.

i only call him my sexy hubby when i am talking to him. when i am talking about him to other people i say my fiance and Zakaria but not hubby not yet. we arent legally married so i wont say it until we are just when i am talking to him thats all.
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-03 14:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

Jen- talked to him and he told me that there was some guy outside the consulate who has an office nearby that was charging people to send an e-mail to the consulate asking for a new appointment. He said the guy was charging $3.00 to send the e-mail. Guess the con-men don't realize that they have us and we are already on top of this issue.

ladies i am so sorry that it didnt open today. inchallah next week it will open and they will do what they have been promising us for weeks, like opening or giving our hubbies new information as far as new interview dates. it doesnt feel like to me like they are doing their jobs i dont know about you ladies? bc instead of having them wait and wait they dont notify you at all that it will be canceled even though they say they will. well god bless ladies. i am so sorry. but soon everything will be on the up. :yes: :yes: :yes:
love natalie

Hubbies???? All of you filed for a K-1, correct? Be careful throwing that word around Natalie. If it happens to be in any of your supporting evidence and you are not married (which you shouldn't be if you filed a K-1), it could throw up a "red flag" to the interviewer and cause your petition to be sent back due to suspicion you are married.

On another topic, I keep checking every day and hoping for all of you that the security situation gets straigntened out and Casa resumes business.

Best of luck to you all!


ok wow!! so i say hubby, i mean fiance ok. i call him my hubby and we are not married we are still engaged. ok so we will shut up about the whole wifey and hubby thing. done .
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-02 21:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update

Jen- talked to him and he told me that there was some guy outside the consulate who has an office nearby that was charging people to send an e-mail to the consulate asking for a new appointment. He said the guy was charging $3.00 to send the e-mail. Guess the con-men don't realize that they have us and we are already on top of this issue.

ladies i am so sorry that it didnt open today. inchallah next week it will open and they will do what they have been promising us for weeks, like opening or giving our hubbies new information as far as new interview dates. it doesnt feel like to me like they are doing their jobs i dont know about you ladies? bc instead of having them wait and wait they dont notify you at all that it will be canceled even though they say they will. well god bless ladies. i am so sorry. but soon everything will be on the up. :yes: :yes: :yes:
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-02 11:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update
my fiance just tells me this now that he was there at 7 am and they told him to wait and see if they will work he was told this by security guy and wait until 8 am and see if they will work. obviously they didnt accept him in bc we are still waiting hoping and praying. zakaria also told me that they had cars going in front of the embassy when he was there but that was a week ago and they were probably going through a process of upgrading their security systems. but i do hope for your hobies get to have their interviews
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-01 16:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa update
as do i bc listening to the phone ring on the other end is annoying at 7 am lol. well God Bless to you whom ever may have a appt tomorrow. I do hope you all get to move on with this stuff with casa closing and all. inchallah we will all hear good news from them about opening. i cant pray hard enough for them to open more.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-05-01 16:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaLatest from Casa

!@#$%^&*^%$WEQ PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :energetic: let this be true! thanks for posting! you rock!

i wonder how they will contact us to reschedule. by mail like originally? phone? hmmmmm. if anyone is contacted please post what method you were contacted by. thanks!

hello everybody this is Natalie's fiance i got a phone call this morning at 10h30am from the consulate telling me to come to the consulate in friday at 9am for my interview :dance: :dance: and the guy also told me to not bring with me a cellphone, a hand bag or anything else just my the papers i need for the interview so i wander where i would put my papers for the interview specialy the proof bc they are alot...... :wacko: :wacko:
good luck everybody and my prayers are for you all.

nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-06-04 13:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaLatest from Casa

My SO sent me this today and asked me to post this for everyone.

here s the latest news about casa:

remember the consulat closed in april 16th while there were people who
there interviews and who were told to be back to there visa in monday
16th or to bring other papers and to comeback to get there visa.what s
happening now is that the consulat is calling that people and asking
them to
come and bring there passeports to have visa,at the same time they r
the passseport with visa to people who left there passeport there
the consulat to print visa in it.i know to people who got there visa
yesterday and an other one who got it this afternoon,and he s the one
called the X to tell him this news.for X,they didn t
him yet but may be next days cause there was people who were asked to
in tuesday and others in wednesday.

Is there anyone on here who can confirm this?????


The United States Embassy is pleased to announce that the Consulate General in Casablanca will resume normal operation on Monday June 4, 2007, after a temporary closure for security upgrades.

We remind the public that American Citizens Services hours at the Consular Section are 8:30A.M. to 9:30 A.M. and 1:30 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Thursday. Visa services are by appointment Monday through Thursday. The opening hours for Dar America are from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. Dar America’s Information Resource Center is open to the public from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.

Consular staff will contact Immigrant and Diversity ("lottery") Visa applicants who had appointments for the period that the Consulate was closed (April 16-June 1) to reschedule their appointments. Applicants who have not been contacted by June 11 should e-mail the Consular Section at to schedule a new appointment.

Previously scheduled appointments for tourist and business visa interviews have been cancelled and appointment letters printed prior to June 3, 2007 are no longer valid. All tourist and business visa applicants must schedule interviews via our online appointment system at the following address: Banque Marocaine de la Commerce et de l’Industrie (BMCI) receipts for payment of the $100 non-refundable, non-transferable visa processing fee are valid for one year from the date of payment.
Student, exchange visitor, and temporary work visa applicants do not need to make appointments. They may apply Monday through Thursday between 8:00AM and 10:00 AM, provided they have the required documentation. Individuals with urgent business travel needs and those seeking emergency medical travel to the U.S. should consult the Consulate website at and follow the procedures for requesting an expedited appointment.

For security reasons and to minimize waiting time, visa applicants should not bring cell phones, backpack, or large handbags and must not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to their appointment times. Applicants must present their appointment letters in order to enter the Consulate and should bring only the documents necessary for their interview.

i dont know you but i love you.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-06-03 22:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaLatest from Casa

50 days exactly (if you count June 3 which has officially begun, as it is past midnight now). So not really two months yet. I know that is spliting hairs....but isn't 50 days better than 2 months (60 days?). 2 months is a solid 1/6th of a year extra away from our loved ones. Maybe it's one of those "character building experiences" we all love so much :bonk: :girlwerewolf2xn:

It will open. Unless the world ends first.

Sometimes patiently,
Sometimes not,
I'm still looking at the clock. :clock:


yeah that 1/6 of a year sounds sort of poopy but you know its been 1/3 since i have seen my sweetie. so thats even worse lol. well inchallah hopeful GOD please kick him in his bum and get him moving please please please.
love natalie
nad05zbFemaleMorocco2007-06-03 16:33:00