United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
I wanted to share my experience with you all as i had my medical yesterday at the Knightsbridge doctors (Bentinck Mansions).

I got there early to find out where the place actually was and just checked with the reception staff that i was indeed booked into this one and not the other one! Yep, all confirmed so went off for a coffee and came back 10 mins before my appointment. Was asked for my questionnaire, passport and photo and was told to wait in the waiting room. After about 5 mins asked to fill out another tick checklist and sign the HIV form to say i was happy to have the test. I was called to get my chest x-ray and then was sent to the next doctor for a physical check up.

This consisted of listening to my chest, asking me questions like have i ever been addicted to drink/drugs (no), have i ever wanted to kill myself or another person (no), what medication(s) was i on (none), she asked me about my contraceptive pill, luckily i thought she would so brought the box along, she wrote some info down and then i was up on the bed. She felt my abdomen, chest area, stomach and checked i was definitely a girl (turned out i was telling the truth!) then she listened to me breathing and took my blood. After about another 10 mins of just chatting about my wedding, her, where she was from, the process for other foreign people coming into England and whether it is as tough as what we are going through she wished me well and i waited for my injection.

Final part was my typhoid injection - my 10 year booster was out and as i was there i just thought i might as well get it as i didn't want to hold my medical up. All other injections were up to date and that was it.

I paid the £215 crying.gif and left on first name terms 40 mins after my appointment started. All in all a pleasant experience, they were all very nice, one doctor even looked over my chest x-ray with me just to let me know there was nothing wrong and that is it. I am now just waiting on the blood tests coming back but other than that everything is fine. Yay, i was worried for nothing and if you are a 'fit bill of health' (this is what the docs called me) you will have NOTHING to worry about, its a breeze. Now only the interview is left to conquer! kicking.gif
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-27 04:53:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (cptrosco @ Nov 25 2009, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats to you guys. I have my medical tomorrow in knightsbridge and im completely terrified. Does anyone know what to expect, i have been told the give you a complete check over, and i mean complete, if you know what i mean guys wink.gif

I have mine tomorrow too! Good Luck but i think its all pretty straight forward

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-25 15:30:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (Wendy_n_John @ Nov 25 2009, 09:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Woo hoo!!!!! We are DONE.. man oh man!! biggrin.gif.. Talked to John at 5:30 this morning CST.. and his interview took 2.5 hours (9am to11:30 am UK). He said it went smoothly, he only forgot his original Birth Certificate and Police Certificate, but other than that it went great.. he will post in a bit for the UK interview thread. They told him to get a courier to deliver the originals (he's doing that today or tomorrow), then it will just take an extra day or two for the Visa to arrive. APPROVED!!

Thanks VJ for all your support and info!! My best to all pending processes. Hugggs VJ!!!


Well done Wendy and John! I hope ours goes as well as yours. Good luck with your wedding and you life together x
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-25 08:14:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (Wendy_n_John @ Nov 24 2009, 08:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi you guys!! John and I have our interview tomorrow, so I am moving my posting to the INterview thread then on to the next afterward. Good Luck to those still waiting and Happy Travels to all!

Good Luck! I hope it all works out for you

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-24 08:58:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Im just wondering if someone can tell me if what the bank has sent Patrick is ok to put with our I-134. He phoned them up and asked them to write a letter stating how long he had had his bank account, how much money was in it at that time and how much had been deposited in the last year.

They did this but have sent it in 3 statement like forms (the bank name etc is on the top of the statement). Will this be ok or do we need to call the bank and ask them to put this in letter type format? I have all the other stuff like pay checks, letter from employer, all the information needed from the IRS.

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-24 01:57:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Nov 23 2009, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Nov 23 2009, 10:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So is it correct that you tick yes to question 1 on the medical form - Have you ever been hospitalised? Even if it was just for an operation?


I take it literally. Have you been hospitalized? Yes, I had my appendix out. Yes, I threw up so much I got dehydrated. Yes, when my children were born. I don't think those kinds of things need your doctor's written report. The doc at Knights bridge will ask "why were you hospitalized"? You'll say to get my appendix removed and he'll deem that as no problemo. If your answer would be "I slit my wrists because I wanted to bleed to death", then that might need a medical professionals detailed explanation. Does that make sense?

Perfectly! Thank you very much good.gif
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-23 14:31:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Nov 23 2009, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (yorkshirerose22 @ Nov 19 2009, 10:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
also on the check list it mentions a notarized statment. what is that? Is it the letter of intent from my fiance and dose it have to really be notarized?

The notarized statement is for a parent taking a child out of the UK. Sole custody has to be established by the immigrant parent OR a statement must be written by the other parent stating that he/she gives permission for the child to move from the UK. It must be notarized or otherwise "officialized" by a solicitor. (I made up that word officialized wacko.gif but you probably understand what I mean.)

And a few comments from recent posts about medicals. You don't take all your medical records to the visa medical exam. You can take your immunization records. If you have any condition that might need further explanation to the Knightsbridge doctor, then you should take a letter written by you personal physician or the doctor that treats/treated you for that. Examples of conditions that might need further information....high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, heart disease, cancer. If you are currently on medications or treatments, then your doctor needs to explain your condition, when it was diagnosed, what medications your regularly take, if it's under control with meds. If it no longer exists and you dont take ongoing care or meds, then he needs to explain what, how long, how treated and that it is no longer a condition you have or he expects you to have in the future. But you don't take all your medical records. You just take a recent signed explanation from your doctor detailing the condition. If you read the medical checklist--anything that you have to answer "yes" to, might need further explanation from your doctor.

So is it correct that you tick yes to question 1 on the medical form - Have you ever been hospitalised? Even if it was just for an operation?

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-23 11:42:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (cptrosco @ Nov 23 2009, 07:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Nov 23 2009, 11:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (cptrosco @ Nov 23 2009, 07:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Nov 23 2009, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, might be a really silly question and im sure i know the answer but this process makes you doubt yourself!

Question 1 on the Medical Questionnaire - Have you ever been hospitalised?

Now, i have gone into hospital for a couple of operations but i am assuming this is not what they are referring to and they are more likely to be referring to eating disorder, mental health, drugs, drink etc etc.

Please can someone clarify so i can stop doubting myself!!


I was told to fill in the question on anything i have ever been to hospital for, i had 2 operations when i was about 7/8 years old, they will have all your medical files anyway, so better to put it down. If you dont put it down and they see it, it might mean you have to send in paperwork etc which could make the process a bit longer.

You know you can start filling out the forms for packet 3 already even before you get everything? My packet 3 took a good 3 weeks to get to me, London seem to be slow at booking in!

I dont think i will take my medical history.....i have my vaccination list which is what they ask for and im happy to give info if needed. I am not in a major rush so would have time to get any extra info they need as i am wanting my interview to be end Jan / beginning of Feb.

Let me know if you want the link that is sent out with Packet 3 so you can get started on the paper work (although i know it is on this thread) and if you can, fill out your timeline so people can see where you are with your journey.
Thanks ill answer yes then. Just wondering, how do they have all my medical files if i have not given them to the doctors? I thought they only had vaccination records?

Again, i was told to take all my medical records with me. I would rather have more than i need and be safe, than take less than needed and it take longer. Im at the stage where i am waiting for my packet 3 to arrive from London, its been nearly 3 weeks now, have just called them and they said it hasn't been processed yet, but looking at everyone else's time line they are getting their P3 a lot quicker. sad.gif

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-23 08:01:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (cptrosco @ Nov 23 2009, 07:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Nov 23 2009, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, might be a really silly question and im sure i know the answer but this process makes you doubt yourself!

Question 1 on the Medical Questionnaire - Have you ever been hospitalised?

Now, i have gone into hospital for a couple of operations but i am assuming this is not what they are referring to and they are more likely to be referring to eating disorder, mental health, drugs, drink etc etc.

Please can someone clarify so i can stop doubting myself!!


I was told to fill in the question on anything i have ever been to hospital for, i had 2 operations when i was about 7/8 years old, they will have all your medical files anyway, so better to put it down. If you dont put it down and they see it, it might mean you have to send in paperwork etc which could make the process a bit longer.

Thanks ill answer yes then. Just wondering, how do they have all my medical files if i have not given them to the doctors? I thought they only had vaccination records?

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-23 06:40:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Ok, might be a really silly question and im sure i know the answer but this process makes you doubt yourself!

Question 1 on the Medical Questionnaire - Have you ever been hospitalised?

Now, i have gone into hospital for a couple of operations but i am assuming this is not what they are referring to and they are more likely to be referring to eating disorder, mental health, drugs, drink etc etc.

Please can someone clarify so i can stop doubting myself!!

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-23 05:52:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (souljah4christ @ Nov 21 2009, 04:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok it says right on the checklist! LOL

"If more than 4 months has passed since the petition was approved, you will be required to furnish a notarized statement of your intent to marry within 90 days of your arrival in the U.S."

... now we just have to figure out if they want one from both of us! sounds like they do

If ypur pertition has expired (or will expire before your interview) then both you and your fiance(e) have to have signed a statement of intent to marry and have it notorized and the beneficiary will take both of these to the interview with him/her.
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-22 13:12:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (Wendy_n_John @ Nov 14 2009, 08:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Had a nice chat with gmj last n ight (Ginny) we decided to call the embassy and try to get it moved up to Nov or early Dec. John and I are going to shoot fora Christmas wedding due to my sisters failing health (so she can attend), so hopefully they will be sympathetic I will report the outcome.

Talked to the embassy this morning. I was instructed to send an email (after they took my $16 of course) to the London Embassy and given a specific code to refer to.. I've emailed them just now and await a reply. She said give it a day or two for an answer. She said it will be quick as they don't receive much correspondence.

Here's what I wrote:

Good Morning. I spoke with one of your Embassy Representatives today "Evelyn" and explained our situation and respectfully request to have our interview date moved up.

Our circumstance is this. We would like to move our interview date up to the end of November or first week of December as we have to move the wedding date up to 12-12-09 or 12-19-09 (pending officiant availability).
My Sister whom I want at my wedding has been battling pancreatic cancer for 5 months. Her health just took a turn for the worse and she has been diagnosed as not having much time left with us. If we can get an earlier interview date, and our visa is approved, John could arrive in the states and we could have a small ceremony to celebrate our future with my family and she could be a part of it.

This would mean everything to us.

If you can see it possible to grant this request, it will mean so much to John and I and our families. Your consideration and review is extremely appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time.

Here's to a quick reply from the embassy...

Good lunck Wendy and John, i hope this works out for you, make sure you let us all know and im sorry to hear about your sister
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-14 09:43:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (Wendy_n_John @ Nov 13 2009, 11:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (gmjdmj @ Nov 12 2009, 11:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For your fiance to be "eligible" for an interview, the Embassy has to receive all of the DS forms and the checklist. Until they are received and entered into the system, the Embassy will not schedule an interview date. Hope this helps...

11-13 called Department of State "Allyson" said - we are ELIGIBLE for an interview!! Should have have an interview date within 2 weeks! Come on Embassyyyyyyyyyyyyy

*** after note - we did send the Checklist AND the DS forms.. he has had his medical, we have the police cert (that took 2 weeks) and the MOC (took 2 weeks) - we are ready for what they got!! briiiiiiiing itttttttt lol

Yay!! kicking.gif
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-13 12:23:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (yorkshirerose22 @ Nov 11 2009, 08:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im going to my doctor tomoz to get my vacination record. dose my doctor need to sign the record to prove they came ffrom my doctor?. or dose it not matter i jus need the records?

I hope not, i have my vaccination records and my doctors just attached a compliment slip to it. It has your name, DOB, NHS Number etc etc so it doesnt look like something you can just my vaccinations go all the way back to 1983 how the hell would i remember these!
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-12 07:57:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (ThomasBell @ Nov 11 2009, 12:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey all, not posted here before but I have been lurking =)

I'm just in the process now of gathering all the things I need to send back to the embassy and filling out the various D-xxx forms, and am planning on booking my medical sometime tomorrow.

I have a couple of questions with regards to all this...

1) On the IV-15 it asks for a flight and wedding date, now I've got a vague timeframe in mind for when I would probably be flying to the US but I certainly don't have specific dates yet, is that essential information? Or can I simply write down my estimates? (IE. June 2010)?

2) Once I am ready to send packet 3 off, Who do I address the letter too?

and finally... =)

3) I've seen some people say that I need to send off just the IV-15 and Checklist for packet 3, and others say that I need to include all the D-xxx forms as well, which do I need to do?

I'd really appreciate any help at all.

Thanks in advance, Tom. =)

Hi Tom

I have just sent back my packet 3 (minus the checklist) as i have not got everything on the checklist together yet. Right, to answer your questions:

IV-15 - I have actually put a random date in June 2010, at the moment i know i would like our wedding to be September 10th and that i would like to enter at the end of June sometime so just put 30th June 2010. I think it is fair to say that NOTHING is definate until you get your visa in hand so how should you know an actual date? I therefore wouldnt see a massive problem if you just put June 2010 either and then say September 2010 as your wedding date. If anyone wants to add to this please let me know!
When i sent packet 3 back i just wrote a cover letter with all the forms that were in the packet, my name & DOB, Patricks name and DOB and our case number and addressed it 'Dear Sirs' like a normal letter and sent it to the following address:

Immigrant Visa Unit
5 Upper Grosvenor Street
London W1A 2JB

I didnt put anything else on the envelope except that and my return address on the back!

Finally, packet 3 is all of the forms that are in the link and everything needs to go back to the embassy. What you hear from people is that they sent the forms back but have not yet sent the checklist and IV-15, i have sent all the forms but not the checklist as Patrick and I are waiting on a couple of things to support our I-134, when i have these i will mail back the checklist and this is when you will get an interview date sent through. Just send back EVERYTHING it asks you to on the link that was in Packet 3.

Also, there is information on here posted about the fact that London want you to have had your medical before you come to your interview ( i think they also want the results to have been sent to them before your interview)

Ask anyone questions, were all here to help each other. This is such a stressful process and remember we were all new to this at one point and i know LOADS of people on here have helped me out in my time of need! So good luck and i hope it all works out for you.


lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-11 12:40:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (pdcvcm @ Nov 11 2009, 08:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry to both you guys. Few questions: what address are you guys sending Packet 3 to? Has anyone ever sent Fedex? (ours is getting sent back) blush.gif What type of mail are you sending it? Thanks.

I just sent packet 3 off 'signed for' with Royal Mail to the address that it stated in Packet 3 (Grosvenor House i think!) Can i ask why are they sending yours back?
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-11 07:51:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (nickandkayte @ Nov 6 2009, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I thought I would write about my interview process for you guys smile.gif My interview was on Thursday 5th November 2009 at 9:00am apparently....

So on Wednesday I checked my forms about 100 times, got my Mum and Dad to check them, got my American boss to check them, faxed them to my lawyers to check and also to my fiancee....Phew!

I am in bed by 11pm...Not asleep at 12am....1am comes around and I am either sleeping or dreaming about my visa and thinking of questions about it......By 3:30am I am up and ready to head to London, I wake up my dad about 4:45am and we head off to Oxford by 5:15am.

Arrive at Oxford at 6:20am...And get on the 6:30 train to paddington (Just to note, 2 people with a tube pass in all zones is £56.00 EACH!). By the time I am at Paddington I was throwing up with Nerves sad.gif Around 7:45am. Get on the tube and get to the embassy around 8AM by which time I am feeling less sick and have managed to eat a cookie and some water.

Headed over to the nice lady with my letter and passport, and was waved in to Security. There were about 10 people ahead of me. I enter the actual embassy about 8:15AM and try to read my book, but its no use....I am just staring at that screen for 2 hour.... Honestly I didn't move. When I did get called up I almost had a heart attack "I-856 to window 13". Handed over my documents of which I had 2 of everything and photocopies... And got a "Good girl" smile.gif from the embassy personnel. Paid for my visa at the window next door and sat back down with my pink courier sheet. *Sigh*

By this time its 10:20 and I am running through in my head all the interview questions, and trying to adjust my outfit so its perfect.... by 11:20 I am feeling very hungry and am still staring at that screen, haven't even touched my books! All the I numbers were called got till 12:20 and I was about to go ask someone what had happened and my name got called over the intercom....Needless to say I almost feinted thinking there was something wrong, and as I walked up to window 15 I was going over everything in my head. Only to be greeted by a nice red haired lady to asked me to swear everything was true, after taking my fingerprints, to which my answer was "Yeeeep!".

She asked me the following questions
"Where did you meet online"
"How long have you been together"

"What do you have in common" God....I couldn't of picked a worse response "Sleeping with one leg out of the bed and a fondness for Maltese dogs"...She laughed at me and in my brain I was thinking *KATIE...shut up....just stop it!*

"What do you plan to do for work" Key answer here "WHEN I GET MY WORK AUTHOURIZATION I plan to become a personal trainer and nutrition specialist, since I like the gym...And food..."
"When was the next time you met"
"Why did he leave the navy"
"What did he do in the Navy" My reply was "He was fireman trained, and also worked with computers...Were both kinda Geeky.."
"What does he do now at Best Buy" Replied with "Hes a computer sales specialist"
"When is he planning to go to college"
"Did he join the navy right out of high school"

"What are you doing about the wedding" to which my reply was "Hes planning it" and she looked at me shocked.
"What kind of dress have you got" And my answer was "Something from my own wardrobe which I can wear again as I don't see the point in spending money on a big wedding or a big dress when half of my family cant come, for the moment its a small romantic ceremony, and in a few years time we will have a renewing of vows and a big wedding with all my family when we have the time to come up with all that money for a wedding..."

She laughed and said "Yeah I agree, there's no point spending £5,000 on a dress you will only wear once"...

She then asked about if we had a house and I told her "Not yet, I am really fussy about wardrobe sizes since I have a lot of clothes and shoes from my modeling work.... So I have to be there to see the wardrobe" And she laughed again....I honestly didn't know what was coming out of my mouth but it kept making her laugh so I just kept going! smile.gif. I think its my Nerves....

Then she said "Well I am approving you visa, you will get it in about 3-5 days, you can go and pay the courier"

And then I asked her where the nearest phone box was as I needed to call my Dad to let him know, as he was walking by the embassy every hour to see if I was there, or in a Internet cafe!

Paid the courier and skipped out, to find my dad near by! Yayy! Turns out he now knows all the guards at the embassy as he was coming by every 45 mins looking to see whether I was out smile.gif and gave them a wave goodbye and we were off to the Spaghetti House!

Fantastic food, highly recommended for a celebration after visa approval.

As for any tips I have:

Dress smart, I felt so much more confident knowing I had a nice dress on, Bright purple tights, some very nice pointy shoes (They did hurt but it was worth it) and a purple leather bag. Everything matched and because I felt good, by the time I hit the embassy it started to make me feel a bit more confident.

EAT! I wish I could of eaten more. The food place in the embassy closed really early sad.gif

Lastly, realise it may be a long wait, but it goes by so quickly, I think the magic screen has hypnotic powers...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Brilliant answers!! Makes me nervous just reading yours!
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-06 15:47:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (yorkshirerose22 @ Nov 6 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Nov 6 2009, 05:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (yorkshirerose22 @ Nov 6 2009, 12:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In 2004 i got jump by some one ,ended up getting a arrested and cautioned for being drunk and disordly blush.gif , I wrote to Subject Acess Office requesting the information on the caution just incase i need it at some point.

I was wondering should i send a copy of this info i have on this caution with my DS forms or should i take it to the interveiw or should i jus leave it n wait to be asked?

im trying to get as much feed bk on this , making sure i get it right and dont make mistakes. taking forever already last thing i want it being delayed more .

Does this show up on your police check?

I havent yet got my police clearance bk, its been a week since i sent it.

I could be wrong but if it is not on your police clearance dont mention it unless the embassy does, take the info you have just incase its needed.
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-06 15:42:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (yorkshirerose22 @ Nov 6 2009, 12:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In 2004 i got jump by some one ,ended up getting a arrested and cautioned for being drunk and disordly blush.gif , I wrote to Subject Acess Office requesting the information on the caution just incase i need it at some point.

I was wondering should i send a copy of this info i have on this caution with my DS forms or should i take it to the interveiw or should i jus leave it n wait to be asked?

im trying to get as much feed bk on this , making sure i get it right and dont make mistakes. taking forever already last thing i want it being delayed more .

Does this show up on your police check?
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-06 12:09:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (roughsweet @ Nov 6 2009, 10:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TracyTN @ Nov 6 2009, 09:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The free ones are fine.

good.gif Yep. The free transcripts are all you need. They'll snail mail them to you in a week or so, or they'll fax them to you.

Thanks all, not sure why this tax info has got me in a fluster!! Cant wait to get visa in hand and stop worrying about all this and just enjoying Patrick!
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-06 10:06:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (roughsweet @ Nov 6 2009, 10:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Your advice again if possible. So far this is what we have to go with the I-134:

Letter from Employer on headed paper saying how much Patrick earns, how long he has been with the company, whether he is full time / part time and what his job title is.

Letter from his bank - (he has not got this yet) but want to get how long he has had the account, how much he has in the account and how much has been deposited in the account in the last year.

2006 / 2007 / 2008 W2 Tax forms (PDF emailed to me) Should we get these notorized?

And earning statements for May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Oct and will give me more closer to my email. (PDF emailed to me) He does not get given hard copies just emailed, again do we need to get these notorized?

Now i have the link from pdcvcm i will get Patrick to ask them to post his tax transcripts.

Do we need anything else or will this be enough?


Yep, that's perfect, nice job! smile.gif

Nothing needs to be notarized anymore. So don't worry about that. The tax transcripts you're ordering serve the exact same purpose as if you sent your whole return and W2, but with the transcript you don't need your W2, which is nice. It's a full official copy of your return that costs $57, which is why the free transcripts are an awesome thing! I sent my return from '08 because I had a copy of it and a copy of my W2. But I got transcripts for 07 and 06.

And paystubs do not need to be notarized either. Print outs of direct deposit PDFs are quite common, no problem.

Looks good! good.gif good.gif

Sorry, im so confused with this tax transcript thing - do we need to order the one that costs $57 or can we just use the free ones?
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-06 09:26:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Nov 6 2009, 09:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pdcvcm @ Nov 6 2009, 08:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Nov 6 2009, 02:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im wondering if you can answer a question for me, Patrick called the IRS yesterday to ask if they can send him his Federal Tax Returns and i know that some of you said that they would send these for free but they quoted him $57 each!! Can i ask what number people called and whether a copy of his Federal Tax returns would be ok because he can print these for free or does he need originals?


I printed off my tax returns from the H&R website I use but then I also faxed over the form for the Tax Transcripts. Here is the website....,00.html

You are my idol!!! good.gif thank you so much for this, you have just made my day so much easier!

Your advice again if possible. So far this is what we have to go with the I-134:

Letter from Employer on headed paper saying how much Patrick earns, how long he has been with the company, whether he is full time / part time and what his job title is.

Letter from his bank - (he has not got this yet) but want to get how long he has had the account, how much he has in the account and how much has been deposited in the account in the last year.

2006 / 2007 / 2008 W2 Tax forms (PDF emailed to me) Should we get these notorized?

And earning statements for May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Oct and will give me more closer to my email. (PDF emailed to me) He does not get given hard copies just emailed, again do we need to get these notorized?

Now i have the link from pdcvcm i will get Patrick to ask them to post his tax transcripts.

Do we need anything else or will this be enough?


lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-06 08:19:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (pdcvcm @ Nov 6 2009, 08:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Nov 6 2009, 02:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im wondering if you can answer a question for me, Patrick called the IRS yesterday to ask if they can send him his Federal Tax Returns and i know that some of you said that they would send these for free but they quoted him $57 each!! Can i ask what number people called and whether a copy of his Federal Tax returns would be ok because he can print these for free or does he need originals?


I printed off my tax returns from the H&R website I use but then I also faxed over the form for the Tax Transcripts. Here is the website....,00.html

You are my idol!!! good.gif thank you so much for this, you have just made my day so much easier!
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-06 08:10:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Im wondering if you can answer a question for me, Patrick called the IRS yesterday to ask if they can send him his Federal Tax Returns and i know that some of you said that they would send these for free but they quoted him $57 each!! Can i ask what number people called and whether a copy of his Federal Tax returns would be ok because he can print these for free or does he need originals?

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-06 03:34:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (pdcvcm @ Nov 5 2009, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Nov 5 2009, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (nickandkayte @ Nov 5 2009, 12:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had my medical 1 week before my appointment letter came through... smile.gif They were very happy about that at the embassy smile.gif

How come they were really happy about that?


New topic about medical. They want you to have the medical at least 1 week beforehand. I assume that is what they were referring to.... unsure.gif

I have mine booked for the 26th of this month and am hoping for the interview in Jan so i should be good, thanks for clearing that up.
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-05 16:11:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (nickandkayte @ Nov 5 2009, 12:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had my medical 1 week before my appointment letter came through... smile.gif They were very happy about that at the embassy smile.gif

How come they were really happy about that?
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-05 12:28:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Im just trying to get all my forms completed so i can send Packet 3 back to the Embassy. On DS-157, Q17 it asks you to list all the educational institutions you attend or have attended and list the mm-dd-yyyy.

My question is do you HAVE to list the day as i cant remember when i started and finished high school and other educational institutions that i have attended. Will they accept mm-yyyy?

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-03 15:14:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Im just wondering what all the english fiance(e)s put on form DS-156 regarding the city there passport was issued in.....i have no idea where my passport was issued and called the passport people and they basically told me just to write United Kingom and that would be fine and if i wanted a more specific answer to write to them but this might take 2-3 weeks for an answer! Im always worried when someone who is not on this journey says "just put this, it'll be fine!"

So, yes, what did everyone else put or how did you find the info out?

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-02 06:09:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (Ian and Lisa @ Oct 31 2009, 05:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Oct 31 2009, 03:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Oct 30 2009, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Oct 30 2009, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all

Im wondering if anyone can tell me, on form DS-156, question 36: "Has anyone ever filed an Immigration Visa Petition on Your Behalf" what do i put? Im assuming it is yes and do i need to put anymore than my fiance's name?


Check out the example forms section at the top of the page here. The example forms say check no. Actually, your fiance has petitioned for a NON-immigrant visa for you.

There is one glaring difference between London and the example forms on this site. The I134 for London, they want to see "DO INTEND" to make specific contributions checked - unlike the example form which is do not.

Sorry if i sounded grumpy! I am going to take your advice, you have the visa in hand, i dont!

So if he ticks the intend box what sort of thing do we need to write, how long does he have to give money to me for and if he puts it is for room/board and living expenses while i am unable to work is that ok?

I am the USC, and for my fiance (also "visa in hand"), I wrote, "Any funds necessary for the duration of his stay".

smile.gif It will be fine.

Thank you so much
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-31 05:03:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Oct 30 2009, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Oct 30 2009, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all

Im wondering if anyone can tell me, on form DS-156, question 36: "Has anyone ever filed an Immigration Visa Petition on Your Behalf" what do i put? Im assuming it is yes and do i need to put anymore than my fiance's name?


Check out the example forms section at the top of the page here. The example forms say check no. Actually, your fiance has petitioned for a NON-immigrant visa for you.

There is one glaring difference between London and the example forms on this site. The I134 for London, they want to see "DO INTEND" to make specific contributions checked - unlike the example form which is do not.

Sorry if i sounded grumpy! I am going to take your advice, you have the visa in hand, i dont!

So if he ticks the intend box what sort of thing do we need to write, how long does he have to give money to me for and if he puts it is for room/board and living expenses while i am unable to work is that ok?
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-31 03:55:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Oct 30 2009, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Oct 30 2009, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all

Im wondering if anyone can tell me, on form DS-156, question 36: "Has anyone ever filed an Immigration Visa Petition on Your Behalf" what do i put? Im assuming it is yes and do i need to put anymore than my fiance's name?


Check out the example forms section at the top of the page here. The example forms say check no. Actually, your fiance has petitioned for a NON-immigrant visa for you.

There is one glaring difference between London and the example forms on this site. The I134 for London, they want to see "DO INTEND" to make specific contributions checked - unlike the example form which is do not.

Thanks for pointing out the I-134 form, so i have to check the intend to make contributions box? And then i have to write specifics? If i have to do this for the visa fine but he is not going to be making contributions, we are going to have a joint bank account and while i cant work his money is my money and then when i do work, my money will go into our joint bank account. We will rent a house together, he wont be paying me 'pocket money' to come over. I feel like that makes us sound like i am only coming for his money or i am a 'mail order bride' not that we are together for love, which we are, a partnership. Can anyone else tell me what they put.....did everyone applying to London say they were going to make contributions to their fiance(e)?
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-31 02:59:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Can anyone tell me what i am meant to put on the DS-156 form, Question 2, where it asks what city your passport was issued in?

I am a UK citizen but it doesnt say in my passport, all it says is IPS, i have tried looking on the internet with no joy. What did other fellow english people put?

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-30 15:57:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Hello all

Im wondering if anyone can tell me, on form DS-156, question 36: "Has anyone ever filed an Immigration Visa Petition on Your Behalf" what do i put? Im assuming it is yes and do i need to put anymore than my fiance's name?

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-30 14:27:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (roman1982 @ Oct 30 2009, 10:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just wondering if anyone else is tracking along the same timeline, and what the wait between sending packet 3 and receiving an interview is.

We sent our packet 3 on the 13th Oct (got to the embassy on the 14th signed for etc via courier). We rang the DoS today but they say it is still not on their system that we sent Packet 3 back. Is this normal? It has been over 2 weeks now, just starting to get worried.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Many thanks.

This happened with our petition from the NVC to London, it arrived two days after it was sent but sat for 3 weeks without being entered. Try not too worry, i know that is easier to say as this whole process is stressful.
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-30 09:32:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (pdcvcm @ Oct 28 2009, 05:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Oct 28 2009, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, its time to call of my VJ Helpers again! I am wondering, Patrick has only electronic copies of his pay slips and his W2 Tax forms, (he doesnt get hard copies) and he has turned them into PDF's for me (so i can print them).

Will the embassy accept these as evidence on our I-134? If not i will have to get him to print them off the website (not sure if they will be any different mind you). The ones i have, have all the info on.


Since they do not have an original signature on them anyway, I don't think this is an issue. I printed mine off and handed to him b/c he was here but it wouldn't have been any different if he printed off there.

Looking at the link sent in Packet 3 it states that i need to get notarized copies of his or her latest federal income tax return; Does that mean i need to get Patrick to print his tax returns, get them notarized and then send them to me?

QUOTE (JewelX @ Oct 29 2009, 05:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Oct 29 2009, 03:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Might be a silly question but who is the 'principal applicant who needs to complete form DS-156K? Is that me or my fiance Patrick (the petitioner)

Thank you

The way I think about it is that as the USC, I filed the K1 petition requesting that my fiance be allowed to file as an immigrant. The NOA2 was my approval. Now the file has been sent to London and he will receive a P3 letting him know what forms he needs. He will be filing for the immigrant visa when he fills out and sends in the DS forms. My part of this process, besides the I134, is complete.

Thanks - i feel so much more confused now that the packet 3 has come with the link. Maybe its just me but there seems to be extra forms in there! Also, now im getting confused about the Affadavit of Support, i will be so glad when this is over and i have a visa in hand!
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-29 16:15:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Might be a silly question but who is the 'principal applicant who needs to complete form DS-156K? Is that me or my fiance Patrick (the petitioner)

Thank you
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-29 16:03:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (gmjdmj @ Oct 29 2009, 10:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lesleysizeland...when you are referencing booking your case does that mean logging in the packet 3 or the hard copy file received at the embassy?

Well my case had been received by the embassy and was there electronically but had not been booked in.

QUOTE (Lioncub4 @ Oct 29 2009, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Oct 29 2009, 07:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the info, i would just like to say that it took 3 weeks til the Embassy logged our case and i phoned to book a medical and was told to wait until the embassy had confirmed that they had booked in our case as if the doctors send your medical and the embassy have not logged your case they will turn your medical away and then you will have to do it again and pay another £190.

Just wanted to let you know my experience as this process costs enough without having to pay out £190 twice.

Forgot to say, you can cancel it, with no charge, up to 3 days prior to the medical so i guess wait until the evening of Wed 4th, call the embassy and if they have not logged your case re-arrange your medical.

Thanks for the heads-up - it's cool to get someone else's experience so we can compare. We have just done the maths and the medical will be 3 weeks from when DHL delivered our package. Add 4 days or so for medical results to arrive at embassy so you are looking at 4 weeks. Should be okay I hope. We are trying to be as pro-active with this as we possibly dare - it's been too long a process (as everyone knows) and would really love a Christmas reunion with my Bren and new baby Matthew (who i have yet to see!).

This is only my experience and like you said everyone else's is different. You have a few weeks to go so just play it by ear. If i had a brand new baby i would want to be with my partner for christmas too. Good luck, i hope it all works out for you.


lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-29 11:32:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (Lioncub4 @ Oct 29 2009, 05:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Oct 29 2009, 02:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Another question please!

On the DS-230 Part 1, Question 33 regarding all the educational institutes i have attended, does that include primary school, secondary school and any university or further education that i have done? Also as i took 11 GCSE's would i need to list all of them? I am wondering if GCSE's are the Diploma's on this form?

All help would be greatly received!

I only put university and high school (didn't put primary school). For high school, I just put "completed" for degree/diploma - didn't list all the separate exam subjects. I would assume (dangerous I know) that the embassy would see that a university degree (or college or whatever) would require a suitable level of high school education. Anybody else have same thoughts?

I booked my medical today for 11/Nov based on DOS confirming London has our case electronically - still no physical case received. Fingers crossed I haven't been too quick booking the medical!!!

Thanks for the info, i would just like to say that it took 3 weeks til the Embassy logged our case and i phoned to book a medical and was told to wait until the embassy had confirmed that they had booked in our case as if the doctors send your medical and the embassy have not logged your case they will turn your medical away and then you will have to do it again and pay another £190.

Just wanted to let you know my experience as this process costs enough without having to pay out £190 twice.

QUOTE (Lioncub4 @ Oct 29 2009, 05:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lesleysizeland @ Oct 29 2009, 02:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Another question please!

On the DS-230 Part 1, Question 33 regarding all the educational institutes i have attended, does that include primary school, secondary school and any university or further education that i have done? Also as i took 11 GCSE's would i need to list all of them? I am wondering if GCSE's are the Diploma's on this form?

All help would be greatly received!

I only put university and high school (didn't put primary school). For high school, I just put "completed" for degree/diploma - didn't list all the separate exam subjects. I would assume (dangerous I know) that the embassy would see that a university degree (or college or whatever) would require a suitable level of high school education. Anybody else have same thoughts?

I booked my medical today for 11/Nov based on DOS confirming London has our case electronically - still no physical case received. Fingers crossed I haven't been too quick booking the medical!!!

Forgot to say, you can cancel it, with no charge, up to 3 days prior to the medical so i guess wait until the evening of Wed 4th, call the embassy and if they have not logged your case re-arrange your medical.

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-29 07:02:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Another question please!

On the DS-230 Part 1, Question 33 regarding all the educational institutes i have attended, does that include primary school, secondary school and any university or further education that i have done? Also as i took 11 GCSE's would i need to list all of them? I am wondering if GCSE's are the Diploma's on this form?

All help would be greatly received!
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-29 02:42:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Might sound really bad but i find it easier doing it myself, getting him to quickly check it and sign it! He is the petitioner but too be fair he is a typical guy and he has to 'think' about everything first so i fill out the forms, send them to him, get the info together and in return he listens to me going on about the visa.....ill just be happy when i have visa in hand.
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-29 01:37:00