K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial Requirements Question

Hi there, had a question for you all. I'm well above the salary requirements, but I don't have very much savings (only about 10K - and it is in a checking account, not savings account). Is this going to be an issue at all? Are they going to care about this for proof that I can immediately support my fiancée?

Thanks in advance!

As long as you can prove that you are on or above the poverty guidelines with your salary then you will not need to show any savings etc. For example my fiance earned $55,000 so we just showed pay slips, W2s, a letter from his boss confirming his salary and we did not complete anything else with regards to savings, a house etc.

Hope that helps!?

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-23 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!
Congratulations, such a great feeling isn't it!

:dance: :dance:
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-23 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you stop the K-1 Visa processing?


I can see how it may all seem suspicious to an outsider, but things get a bit complex when the petitioner cannot meet 125% of the poverty guidelines. We want to be together and will do anything possible to achieve that goal. That includes going off on the wildest tangents and brainstorming them with you guys. Yes, we have had our problems together, more so than some but certainly less than others, and yes, it probably should not have spilt onto VJ. I apologize for my part in the matter, and hope you will let it rest from now on. Schmoopy and I have known each other for 2 years, 6 months and 28 days now. We can both get very emotional sometimes but we have stood by each other through thick and thin and we intend to do that for a very long time to come. We have already talked about a house, kids, etc. I even brought up the fine china with her this morning. I agree that the rules are in place for a reason but I think it is not very logical to put the burden of proof solely on the petitioner when the beneficiary has plenty of liquid assets and real estate in the U.S. , worth more than the $7528 * 3 required to make up the difference, which the U.S. government could get their hands on if need be. Things are the way they are though, but I hope they will consider all that when we will send in the I-134 in the course of our K-1 journey.

I do agree with you and i think that if the foreign fiance(e) can prove that they have money and that they wont become a burden on the American government then i think this should be allowed.

Whatever happens with you guys and whatever anyone thinks i do wish you well and i do hope that your fiance visa is approved. Good Luck with whatever route you choose to take.
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-24 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you stop the K-1 Visa processing?

I can agree with what you said. I was just stating how I read the comments from others. I believe they, too, were looking at the big picture of this particular case. Thanks.

I am just putting my two penny's worth in......Slangofoil you are correct when you say the fraud is when they stay in the States so i am sorry about misinforming these people. I just do not understand why they would not have looked into this before they went ahead and filed for the K1.

Secondly, i am not sure why anyone is still replying to this thread, these people do not have enough finance to gain the visa, are not actually taking the advice of the VJers, are asking VJers to sponsor them, are breaking up one minute then head over heels in love the next. Candn, i agree with you, i think this looks suspicious. Whatever they choose to do i wish them well.

Just my opinion..............
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-20 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you stop the K-1 Visa processing?


Yes, schmoopy is my fiancee. She is the U.S. petitioner. I am in Dublin, Ireland. We already checked with the Dublin embassy earlier this year and they said that I-134 self-sponsorship is completely out of their hands and up to the Department of State. They emphasized the importance of having a sponsor in our particular case. We already fleshed out the income requirements for us in the following thread and established that we would need $22850 (125% of the guidelines minus her SSDI times 3) for the K-1, if self-sponsorship would be allowed. The amount would be the same for the K-3 according to people in that thread so we would be good either way. I will check on K-3 specifics today just to be on the safe side. We don't know anyone in the U.S. who would be willing to sponsor, so that option is out. Don't worry about my outrageous question in that regard as it was mainly meant to elicit a response and consequently a discussion (although it would certainly be nice to have a saviour step up and save the day for us :lol: ), which it did. Many thanks for your replies.

@Tater&#######: why do you write "Point short, you'd be denied regardless if that's your real concern. If your real concern is time and you just want to be together than stay on the path you're on. It's the best one."

How would we be denied with a K-3?

If you get caught out coming to the States and then marrying you are committing fraud, if you do get caught out you will screw up all of your chances of getting a visa anyway. You could be denied the K3 on the money ground too, i know someone who went the K3 route and her (US Husband) was a student so his father had to co-sponsor. The option of moving your money to her account would be a good idea. What about drawing up a contract and putting her name on your condo but ensuring if you split up she cannot reap any benefit from the sale etc? No sure if you can do that but you could look into it.

I think you guys really need to read over everything a lot more. I saw a post by schmoopy stating she didnt want to marry you, she couldn't trust you etc etc etc, i think you guys have to work out everything together and maybe not post things like that on here, it makes your relationship look unreal (just my opinion). Dont get me wrong, this process brings out the worst in people, do you know how many times i thought 'i cant do this anymore' a 2 year long distance relationship is depressing but my fiance is everything to me and any problems we did have i did not post all over VJ!
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-20 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you stop the K-1 Visa processing?


We would get married in September, I would return to Europe and we would then file for the K-3. Her mom and her sister are not willing to co-sponsor and she does not have any friends who are in a position to do so. It would be a shame because we have already been waiting 92 days for our NOA2 but I cannot see how we could possibly find someone else who would be willing to be a sponsor for us. If someone here would be willing to step forward and help us out that would be great. Nobody knows us though so why would they? Perhaps with a contract drawn up by a lawyer and a certain amount of money held in escrow. I do not know. With a house and $28k in the bank I could easily self-sponsor but the embassy told us that it is up to the State Department to make an exception like that. We will have been apart for 7 months already when I will return in September. I will return for a whole month in January but God knows for how much longer we will be apart after that yet again if we should go the K-3 route. Yes, I know, we should probably have gone the K-3 route straightaway but we mistakenly thought that I would be able to self-sponsor with the K-1. If anyone has any suggestions that could help us get out of our predicament we would be much obliged.

I think you would be pretty lucky to find anyone on here to sponsor you, we are all in a position ourselves. Like me, i am here in the US and unable to work until i marry and then get the go ahead from our AOS. And like you said no one knows you right.

If your talking about time and not wanting to be apart for too long then i think your screwing yourself over by stopping the K1 and going for the K3, like you said it has already been 92 days, it wont be much longer but the problem you have is the money situation. This is going to be a problem on the K1 or the K3. The situation you will be in is married and apart rather than single and apart.

I think you would be pretty lucky to find anyone on here to sponsor you, we are all in a position ourselves. Like me, i am here in the US and unable to work until i marry and then get the go ahead from our AOS. And like you said no one knows you right.

If your talking about time and not wanting to be apart for too long then i think your screwing yourself over by stopping the K1 and going for the K3, like you said it has already been 92 days, it wont be much longer but the problem you have is the money situation. This is going to be a problem on the K1 or the K3. The situation you will be in is married and apart rather than single and apart.

Also, your partner is Schmoochy right?
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-19 20:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you stop the K-1 Visa processing?

I am not sure , but we spent $455.00 for the K-1 and want to cancel it so we can go the K-3 route and just get married here in the U.S., so we can be together. How do we stop the K-1 review? They have taken 3 months already and we want to be together as soon as we can. We love each other and this time is killing us here! Can we just cancel and get married. How do we cancel the K-1 ?

Edited by lesleysizeland, 19 July 2010 - 06:59 PM.

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-19 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you stop the K-1 Visa processing?


My fiancee and I (she is the petitioner) filed for a K-1 in April. They received the documents on April 20, so tomorrow it will have been 3 months since we embarked on this journey. Our main issue is that the only source of income for her is SSDI. Hence, there is no way for her to prove that she has enough income to ensure I will not become a burden to the state. Neither her mother or her sister are willing to sponsor us at this point so we are in a bit of a bind. I do have $28k in the bank, as well as a duplex in Florida which I own outright and of which the downstairs unit is currently occupied by a renter (as of July 1, with a 1 year lease). The rent at this point in time is only $550, and what ends up in my bank account is only about $400 every month. The upstairs unit will not be ready for rent until February of next year.

Because it seems pointless to wait another few months, only to have our application turned down due to the lack of a sponsor, we have been wondering whether or not we should void it and go for a K-3 or other visa instead. We want to get married and continue our life together in the U.S. It is that simple. I do not know if there are any other options besides the K-3 (perhaps there are lawyer firms or other establishments that would sponsor people in return for collateral and a certain fee?). It would certainly be preferable to continue on our current course so we may be together sooner rather than later. My fiancee and I would love to hear your thoughts on this matter.

So are you talking about the beneficiary coming to America and the pair of you marrying and then applying for a K3? If so, you are breaking the law, bringing your partner to America to intentionally get married is illegal. Also, even if you apply for a K3 you need to ensure that the petitioner has enough money to support there partner. A K3 can still be denied and then you will be apart for longer. I do not think you have looked into this properly. Work on trying to find a co-sponsor.

It took 7 months for my fiance and I to receive our visa, was it hard to be away from each other? Of course! Are we in a better position to be together for the rest of our lives and live happily in America now that we have gone down the right route - definately!

Think about it before you cancel it.
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-19 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from Mother-in-law

Hello all!
Just a quick question for you all. I was recently going over the things I'm preparing to submit with my I-129F. I'm just a little nervous that I don't have enough evidence of the meeting. I have all of the boarding passes and some luggage tags that I was able to save, as well was the stamps on my passport. but other than that the only proof I have is pictures, and I know they are considered to be secondary evidence. A friend suggested to me that what he did when he was sending paperwork for his fiance was to get a letter from her mother attesting to the fact that he was there, and stayed in her house for such and such a time. I'm curious as to whether or not this really helped the process, or if he had enough evidence aside from it, so i wanted to ask you all how much weight do you think that would really have for this? would I have to get it notarized to make it official, or will the USCIS just trust that it's really in her English hand-writing?

When we prepared ours we sent in loads of evidence just to be on the safe side, we sent:

Passport stamps from past visits
Boarding passes
His phone bills
My phone bills

I would not ask the mother in law to send a letter, to me this is not evidence, someone could say you stayed even if you didn't. I also think that more is better, when i went to my final interview i had EVERYTHING from the beginning of our journey to the end and i had it copied three times. I also had extra evidence at that stage. When i went for my interview the officer said "I can see from your evidence that this is a genuine relationship but i just want to ask you a couple of questions" He asked me when me and Patrick met and when we got engaged. Then he had a joke about my memory and told me i had been granted the visa. I am sure this is because i took more evidence than less (and of course everything else was in order!)
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-23 07:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about lawyers and the military
My fiance is in the military and we completed all the forms ourselves. Is your fiance due to be deployed? A lot of the information (after the NOA2) he could get off the internet and post to you. For example i needed W2's, pay slips which Patrick emailed to me. Again, is he due to be deployed cause if so i could think of a couple of things you may need to get off him before he goes. If he is not due to go anywhere do not hire an attorney, use the knowledge of VJ, we have all gone through this and can talk you through the me they are pretty simple.

We looked into hiring an attorney and when i found this site i decided to tackle them myself and i am so glad i did and saved the money to go towards my wedding :-)
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-24 22:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat we need to send with our I-134???

We are getting ready all of our papers, what exactly my fiance need to send with the I-134???

thanks in advance :luv:

Gode bless you

Patty ?

Well, does he make the poverty guidelines or are you needing a co-sponsor? If he makes the poverty guidelines on his own we just sent copies of the past 3 years W2's, past 6 months pay slips, letter from Patrick's boss on company headed paper stating how much he earns and we also got some info from the bank with regards to what money he had coming into his bank account. I am sure you do not need all of this but its better to have too much rather than too little.

This may be different if he is self employed, not sure as Patrick is employed with the US Air Force


Edited by lesleysizeland, 24 July 2010 - 10:39 PM.

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-24 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration Attorney Rant

I hired an attorney for three reasons:

1. I'm a paralegal. I'm trained to trust attorneys to know what they're doing and I thought she might be able to help the process go smoother and faster. As a paralegal, she had agreed to barter part of her fees with me in exchange for my knowledge in drafting documents for some of her other cases, so I wouldn't be paying much out of pocket for her help.

2. I had a neighbor whose wife and stepson were from Wales and it took them 2 1/2 years and over $12k to get them over here because she kept getting denied. To this day I don't know why, but she said it was awful and she gets physically ill every time they have to go through another step (they just removed conditions). I thought an attorney would help me see any possible red flags and avoid the potholes in the road.

3. I hadn't found VisaJourney at the time.

I agree, she is much more trouble than she's worth. I've given up on her and was shocked to get a call from her yesterday. She was almost impossible to reach when I wanted to talk to her about things, and even now it took me 2 weeks of her cancelling on me before I gave up and just sent him the paperwork myself.

This process isn't difficult. We've got a very straightforward case. He has no criminal history whatsoever, and has lived in England his whole life (except for a small time in Wales for college). He's done everything on his side except take the medical, but he's got a clean medical history too (except for mild childhood asthma) and has no red flags that I can possibly think of. I'm doing things on my own from here on out, but would love to meet up for coffee to discuss your 'journey' and the AOS process. It'll be coming up for us too as soon as he gets here!! We're planning to get married on paper as soon as he arrives and then have an actual wedding ceremony in December for family and friends.

I'm in Oklahoma City, where are you?

I am in Oklahoma City, we live at Quail Springs. Do you know of Quail Springs? I would definately be happy to meet up, we get married at the beginning of Sept and we are starting to compile the AOS paperwork so would be good to go through the process with someone else, can bounce questions etc off each other. Where about's in England is your fiance from? I see that you have your packet 3, has he booked his medical?
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-23 09:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration Attorney Rant

Just a quick warning that this post may be SLIGHTLY :ot: but related to it.

I need to vent for a moment, because this K1 process is really getting to me.

I know there are horror stories out there about horrible immigration attorneys, even those affiliated with AILA, like mine claims to be, and feel free to chime in with your own, because I'm sure it could be worse. But this week has just made me break down.

My fiance and I have been together for 2 years, but we waited a year to meet in person because I have children from a previous marriage and I was terrified to introduce someone I met online into their lives if I wasn't absolutely sure. Once we met we just KNEW. There was never an awkward moment, like when you're in a new relationship. It was like picking my best friend up from the airport. I started talking to an immigration attorney immediately about our options, but as a single mom, I knew I couldn't afford her services and the fees all at once, so we had to wait.

She eventually said, "Well, you might want to consider what one of my other couples is doing. They don't have time to wait for the K1 before their planned wedding date, so he's getting a B2 and, even though you're not technically supposed to do it like this, there's a loophole we can exploit, and I'll help them smooth it over when it comes time for the AOS interview". We tried this, planned our wedding, and he got his interview appointment for the B2 on Feb 16th. Our wedding should have been last Friday, but of course, he was denied (even though he didn't mention the wedding).

I got my tax refund and hired her immediately, chalking it up to our bad luck, not her bad advice, and we started putting together the I-129F package. I got all the documentation together (she wouldn't let me file it without having the I-134 together and I didn't realize till joining a couple of forums that we didn't need that till the embassy stage). She even had the audacity to ask me, "Now, why did you apply for the B2?" SHE FORGOT SHE'D SUGGESTED IT!! :blink: I gave her the last of my paperwork on April 2nd, after I'd started a new job and had been to visit him in the UK. I didn't hear a word from her till I got confirmation on my 894364th phone call to her paralegal that the paperwork had been sent off on May 7th. :wacko:

When we hadn't gotten a receipt number in 3 weeks I still couldn't reach the atty on the phone, but she finally emailed me that she'd sent my package to the wrong place and it had been returned, but not to worry, she'd expressed it to the right place the same day. :bonk: THEN I find out that she sent my ORIGINAL I-134 with the I-129F package, including all of the original documentation, even though we'll need that for the embassy interview!!! :angry: :help:

I'm a paralegal. I'm trained to trust attorneys and to believe they know what they're doing, because they're trained to. Her father was even a naturalized citizen from Mexico, so she's supposed to know how this goes! I've learned more from VJ and another forum I'm a member of than she apparently did in law school. My wedding day should have been on Friday, but because we trusted her bad advice we lost all of our deposits, everything. And to add insult to injury, my florist mistakenly charged my credit card yesterday for a wedding he didn't do, because his assistant didn't cancel it like she was supposed to. (I got a refund before the day was over, but MAN, I broke down and cried like a baby! :crying: )

This is just all too much. Can we PLEASE get some good news soon???

Sorry about the rant, guys. I just needed to let off a little steam. /rant

Hi There

Where about's in Oklahoma are you? I live in Oklahoma and am going through the same process (I am the English Fiancee), we have completed the K1 journey but will be starting the AOS process in September after our wedding. Is there a reason why you hired a lawyer? Your lawyer seems to sound like she is more trouble than she is worth. Anyway, my reason for emailing is to say, if you need any help with the K1 or the AOS (as my fiance and I would be through that process) let me know and maybe we can meet for coffee and i can help you. Unless there is any reason, such as criminal past, staying in the US longer than needed etc then you do not need an attorney, just the help of other people going through this process, advice which is very much free!

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-23 09:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPutting K1 on hold at packet 3

Lesley, Jim thanks for the information. I'll check my NOA2 to see how much time I have.

Lesley, my fiancee's anxiety is like yours - she's worried about not having enough money the first few months, not being able to go out and eat once in a while, new cloths, etc. And not having work would add to her anxiety and loneliness. In her view, she'd become a burden, and getting some help from family to cover a shortage for a few months is illogical to her. For her it's not just family that she's leaving behind - a decent job, comfortable lifestyle, etc. She'd have to leave all of that behind and trade for a miserable 6 months or so. Her concerns now is beyond whatever money she would save to help with getting through things.

Have you been able to find work yet? Before you left England, were you prepared for the period when you couldn't find work? Was there anything, besides your fiance & hope, that helped you decide to take the leap (of faith, of sorts)?


I have not found work yet due to not getting married until Sept so i still have a few months. Um i was prepared for the period of time that i would be out of work but it is different when you get here, its not always what you expect. For me, i have been saving and saving and saving so that most (if not all) the wedding has been paid off, i made sure all my credit cards etc were paid off, i sold my car (used most the money for credit cards, rest into the bank account for wedding/extra cash), hmmm i tried to make sure that i wasn't going to become a 'burden' to my fiance, so to speak. But really, am i a burden? He wanted me in the States to be with him as much as i wanted it (to be with him).

Now, when i got to the States nothing prepared me for the immense loneliness i felt (still feel), i too gave up a great job, my car, friends, family, the choice to buy what i want, when i want. I always thought i would get here, volunteer, make friends, be able to get around etc but it has not exactly been like that. I do not have a car and right now we cannot afford to buy a car and Patrick needs our car for work so therefore i cant get to the volunteer placements, i sit by the pool on my own most days NOT meeting anyone! I have joined groups to meet people in OKC so fingers crossed. My SSN number is gonna take 4-6 weeks and without that Patrick's bank will not let me be added to the bank account (so i have to ask him for money which i HATE).

Honestly, i am in Oklahoma, you guys are in NYC. She will be able to use the Subway to get around, therefore being able to be independent still (to a degree, there is so much always going on in NYC so hopefully she will be able to make friends easy enough. Patrick is also new to OKC so he has not made many friends yet, i think if he had been here longer and knew more people i would have been able to make friends with his friends and their partners etc. Will your girl be able to afford new clothes straight away, probably not but to me, if she truly loves you then this is not a massive issue. Give it 3-6 months, she will be able to work, will be able to afford the things she wants.

What made me take the leap.....My fiance, my love for my fiance, the thought that if i did not do this i would spend the rest of my life without my fiance. He is my best friend and we just have a blast together. Would i have given up my friends, family, car, job etc to come to OKC and not work for 3-6 months if it wasn't for Patrick.......HELL NO! But as they say love conquers all. Tell your girl that yes it is going to be tough to begin with and yes it is scary but just make sure that you go that extra mile to make her feel comfortable and not so lonely (if you can).

I really hope she realises that she wants you more than anything and even if you guys have to go without a few luxuries for a couple of months then this is completely worth it as long as you are together.

Any questions/concerns please feel free to email me. If you fiancee wants to ask any questions to help her make her decision let me know and i will give you my personal email.

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-23 22:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPutting K1 on hold at packet 3

Hi all,

My fiancee received packet3 last week, and has not submitted the required documents yet since it would take some time to gather her interview documents. The question I have is, Does packet 3 have a due date? How long can we hold off sending in packet 3 documents? Or is there a process that lets us put the K1 petition on hold and resume at a later time?

now for a bit of ranting....
The problem we have right now is her anxiety about living in the States. 3 to 6+ months of no employement, or minimum wage employment is an unpleasant state of living, and she does not feel I make enough (~28k in NY) to support the both of us for this time period. She is partly right in that even with a 2nd job (if I can get one), I'd be a few hundred short each month. My family providing some financial help for a short time period does not ease her concerns.

I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. Landing a job that pays say $2700 a month take home would solve my financial problems - but with the job market being the way it is.... I can't just say everything will be peachy - I know I'd need to get a better job, but I want to cautious about making dreamy claims that may not pan out.

She has a decent job in China, and somewhat of a good living. Without a quick solution to my financial situation, or making unrealistic promises, she's concerned about being unhappy and me having too much of a burden in my current situation. I can not in all honesty ask her to give up what she has for a chance to be unhappy. So it's her decision whether she wants to take the risk of coming here.

That's where we are now, and putting off the K1 petition until we sort things out. If anyone has some advice, or story of hardship, I'd like to hear it. It'd certainly take some stress off.


You have 4 months (in England) to complete the I-129f process but you can apply for an extension. There is no 'time limit' in which you need to return the packet 3 as long as you are within the 4 months otherwise you will need to ask for an extension. Check what the process is for China.

Can she not start putting some money away so she has extra for when she gets to the States, that's what i did? I am the fiancee who moved from England and i have been in America for 4 weeks now. My fiance and I are due to get married in Sept. I am not going to lie to you, i have been very lonely, my mind is not stimulated as it would have been if i had been working and my fiance and I have argued but would i pack up my stuff and leave him.......No! There is no denying that to begin with she will be lonely, sad that she left her friends and family and yeah, there are money worries but you guys can make it.

Start getting all of the docs you need for your Packet 3, maybe even send back all the forms except the IV-15 (Checklist) as this is the piece of paperwork that says 'I am ready for the interview'. My fiance and I did this, our visa journey happened a little quicker than we thought so we held on to packet 3 for a while so we would have the visa at a time that would allow us to have our Sept wedding.

I hope she realises that you guys can make it and the money issues and loneliness is only temporary, good luck!


Edited by lesleysizeland, 23 July 2010 - 08:04 PM.

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-23 20:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 After Marriage- AOS steps??

Just got married today (1 day before 1-94 for k1 expires!) phew*

Is the 1-485 the only thing I fill out and send out? (which will be sent out AFTER the I-94 expires- hope we're ok??) My fiance did the medical examination (not immunization) in Moscow. When he entered the US, the immigration took away that sealed envelope at the airport, since we don't have it anymore, do we have to get another medical exam/physical + immunizations to get certified w/ a civil surgeon and send it off with the AOS together? I hear he doesn't have to do the medical part again, but if we don't have the sealed envelope how the hell do we prove anything?

Is there a detailed cover sheet someone has step by step of what to send out with the AOS forms? Just like we did with the I-129F petition package?

Everything's so scattered and so is my brain right now. I hope you guys can help, it's impossible to call and get answers or ask people who don't know what the K1 visa is!

So confused about that. Everywhere I call in NY says they do the medical exam for people who want visas only, not people who try to adjust status so it's like they can't help us and they sound confused then they confuse me!

Look on the Visa FAQ and it will tell you exactly what you need to send. You need copies of his visa, other forms other than the I-485, the fee, your marriage certificate etc etc.

As for the medical, if he had his medical less than a year ago then you do not need another. He should have been given his X-Rays and also at the medical he would have been given a form with what immunizations he has had on it. He should have kept these, these would NOT have gone in the brown envelope and this form has the date of you medical on too.

Check out the guides and the FAQ and you will be able to put the package together no problem at all.
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-06 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling I-129F while visiting fiance

Hello everyone,

I'm new to visajourney and have a quick question regarding filing the I-129F. My fiance and I would really like to start the application process in the same country and I had planned to visit him for a couple of months in September. I notice on the form there is a section to fill out if the alien fiance is in the US at the time of filing the petition. It seems to be okay, but I want to be absolutely sure before I go ahead and book my flights to Boston. Also, is there a chance I'll be delaying things at the UK end if I'm in the States for several weeks?

Thanks in advance for your advice. I'm so excited, but at the same time absolutely terrified we'll do something wrong!

Hi there

I went to visit my fiance for 5 weeks (i am from England) and we completed and filled out all of the forms while i was there. You will not delay anything while your in the states as you have to wait for your NOA1, NOA2, application to be sent to the London Embassy before you are sent packet 3 so, i know everyone's timeline is different but if you go from mine you will be waiting a couple months or so from sending the I-129f to receiving packet 3.

Good luck!
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-24 22:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3 - Sent but not received

I sent my packet 3 forms to the Embassy on 31-08-10. Special delivery confirmed that this arrived at the embassy the following day 1-09-10.

I have been expecting my interview letter in the post this week.

Today i received a letter saying they have received nothing from me yet, and wanted to know if i intend to continue with my application.

What's going on?!

It did take me about 5 week to return packet 3 originally, is it likely this letter was gernerated some weeks ago (dated 20-09-10) or is that just wih ful thinking?!

What do I do now? Resend PAcket 3 again and wait and HOPE to see if they get it this time!?

Thanks guys.

The same thing happened to me, someone signed for my P3 but apparently London have never received it (my fault not theirs of course!) Eventually i called the Embassy and was told they never received P3 and to email the London Embassy all the forms. I received an interview date via email a couple of weeks later. Wait for the 4 weeks and then call London again.

Good Luck
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-24 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSocial Security Number

Yea you should be good to go when you get the EAD card, bring that and the NOA for AOS, along with passport and marriage certificate to the SSN office. Same for the other places after to get your DL and things.

Thanks very much to be of you for your help.

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-29 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSocial Security Number

EAD lets you work before you get the green card if you want to start working sooner. Rather than waiting 4 months to get the green card.

Yeah i thought that was what the EAD was. Yep, we are applying for that to.

Unfortunately now that the I94 is expired there is not much to do. It sucks, but the EADs are approved pretty fast, 1 to 2 months, once you get it you will be able to apply for everything.
I know the wait at home not being able to do anything is a killer, but soon it will be over and you will be living a "normal" life.

Ok, thanks for letting me know. These people really annoy me, i went there in plenty of time and because they are so unable to do their jobs properly i am the one who dips out.

Do you know how long it takes to get a SSN when you have your EAD approved?

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-29 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSocial Security Number

It seems that the SSN offices all through the states are doing this to people now and then giving them bad information or lying about the validity of the I-94. Its like they take your request and then do nothing with it and let it expire so you cant get one. Completely unfair.

I was worried about that when I went to get my SSN so I called every week to check up on it.

You sending your AOS packet which is good, did you put in the EAD papers? If so you can get your SSN with your EAD then you should be able to get the rest of your documents after that. If you didnt do an EAD application then you would need to wait for the green card to apply for the SSN since they seemed to "fork you over" too.

What's the EAD (sorry, all this 'lingo' kills me!? Is that the Employment Authorization Form? If so then yes, this will be in the AOS packet that we send off this week.

Edited by lesleysizeland, 29 September 2010 - 09:56 AM.

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-29 09:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSocial Security Number

I am wondering if anyone has had/heard of a similar situation. I POE'd on the 28th June and my I-94 had an expiry date of Sept 26th. On Aug 6th i went to the SS Office and applied for a SSN. I phoned today as they said it would take 6 weeks but it has been 8 weeks and they told me that the government has told them they cannot process my request as i applied with only 2 weeks left on my I-94 card???? But i applied with over 7 weeks left on my I-94. The lady i spoke to said that now my I-94 had run out i either needed to get another one (hmmm, unless i leave the country which invalidates my visa i wont be able to) or they will not be able to process me a SSN. What??? Why is this happening when i went in 8 weeks ago? Is there someone we can phone or anything we can do? Currently without my SSN i am unable to be put on our apartment lease, on my husband's bank account, unable to take my driving test......the list goes on!

FYI - I am sending off my AOS packet this week if that helps answer this question.

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-29 09:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew and terrified

My fiance and I are ready for all the paperwork, time and money involved in this process. What we aren't ready for is the possibility of rejection.

We met playing a goofy game on Facebook almost two years ago. We became friends, then best friends.. then fell in love. He came to visit me for 2 weeks this month. Even before that we knew we wanted to be together forever. But now we both feel there is no option but to do whatever it takes to be together.

I'm following every rule and guideline to the letter. We are gathering all the information and our first goal is to submit the first part of the application no later than November 14th. We have pictures, emails, documents, plane tickets, movie tickets, parking ramp receipts, you name it... Just so afraid of getting that red stamp of rejection. Or worse yet, getting to the point of the interview and for some reason someone is in a bad mood that day and decides to reject us.

I have no doubts about everything on our application except for the financial part. I am self employed for the majority of my income. I also have another part-time job. In 2009 business for me was REALLY slow so my income was pretty low. In 2010 things picked up quite a bit and my income is much better. I'm hoping to be able to show copies of my 2010 tax return instead of my 2009 for my self employment. I also get $1600 a month in child support. But my ex husband and I have an agreement that instead of paying me in cash he just pays my mortgage on the house instead. So there really is no way of proving that income besides the divorce decree stating what he pays. But on the I-134 form I have to put my two kids as dependents even though I get support but have no way of proving it. I'm at the point of considering getting another job just to make sure it is well above the 125%.

We have both been in tears over the possibility of being rejected. Hoping for some positive vibes sent our way and any advice you have.

Thanks so much!!!

Lori (and Colin)

I do not know much about getting an extra sponsor as my fiance made above the poverty lines but in respect to the rest of what you are saying, just make sure you have all of your evidence. I was a bag of nerves from the time we started until i entered the States but trust me, looking back, it was no where near as bad as i thought. I had all the evidence and that spoke for itself so on the day of the interview i was asked two questions 1. When did we meet and 2. When did we get engaged. I knew these dates to a T so then the officer joked with me that my fiance was going to have a rough time with the memory i had. We chit chatted for a while, while he was filling out paper work and then he was like 'welcome to the States!'. Best four words ever!!

Trust me, with the help of the VJers and a bit of confidence you should be fine. Now, with regards to your husband paying the mortgage, is it an automatic payment out of his bank account as you could get print outs of his transactions, like someone else said you could get a notorized statement saying he pays the mortgage and also maybe the lawyer who sorted this all out could write a statement. No harm trying right?

Good Luck and i am hoping everything goes great for you guys!

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-30 08:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAny advice on London interview and medical exams?

My fiance will be going to London for his medical exam and interview in several months time for his K-1 Visa. Can anyone tell us how much notice they give as to scheduling the exam and interview? Is it possible to do both on the same day? He will be traveling over 6 hours to get to London and would need some time to work out travel plans and request time off from work. Thanks for any info you can provide!

I would double check about having your medical and your interview on the same day because when i had my interview they had just changed it to where they HAD to have your medical results back before you had your interview. I remember this because a few people were so annoyed as their loved ones were having to travel from far away.

Anyway, i would double check as things do change but it would be a horrible feeling to get to your interview and then not be approved or even worse, be told you need to reschedule because your medical results are not in.

Good Luck!
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-01 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfor any UK beneficiaries out there...

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting, but I've read a bunch of really helpful info already and am very grateful for this site and for anybody's input! My fiance is English, and for the boxes labeled "Citizenship/Nationality", should he type in "British" or "United Kingdom"? Similarly, in the 129F application, under his "State/Country" box, do I just type in "England/UK"? Finally, when the form asks for "country of citizenship", do I type in "England", "United Kingdom", or "Great Britain"? Maybe it doesn't even matter too much how I format it exactly, but would just like to do everything to the letter. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

I do not think it really matters but in my opinion is would put:

Citizenship/Nationality - British
State/Country - I am from Oxford so i put Oxford as my State and England for the Country
Country of Citizenship - I put Great Britain or United Kingdom, the reason i did this is because technically our country is not England we are actually from Great Britain/United Kingdom but England/Ireland/Scotland/Wales make up United Kingdom/Great Britain. I also put this as on my passport it states that my passport is for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland so United Kingdom/Great Britain it is!

Too be honest, i am sure they will not pull you up on this but filling out these forms turns people in a wreck and makes you doubt and question everything!

Good Luck
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-02 01:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of intent

Hello all,

new here so bear with me :)

when am sending Lori (fiance in US) my first letter of intent (used the example form on this forum which I will sign in blue ink before posting), do I need to get it notarized? or will signing and dating it being ok when sending it off in the mail to her (along with the G-325A form and passport photo)

(if so can anyone sign next to my signature to confirm it?)

also same applies to the second letter of intent the one i believe i bring to my interview.

Thanks in advance :)

Which country are you in? If you can update your timeline (if you need help let me know)

I processed my visa in England and you just need to sign and date the letter of intents. You only need to take a second letter of intent to the Embassy if your first one expired (if you interview is six months after you sent the I-129f Package). I think Patrick and I did get the second one's notorized but not 100% sure if you have to.

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-05 08:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A question b/c example dont show

ok guys and gals another question today for you, on the G325A the example on dont show the box filled in for ''Last occupation abroad if not shown above. (include all info requested above). ''This form is submitted in connection with an application for:''

status as permanent resident
or other

im doing first step in the I-129petition packet please help with this simple question. i dont wanna make any mistakes.

we both have to fill out one copy of this right? and what do we each put for that block. thanks so much

The form is submitted in connection with an application for:

Other - I-129f (This is shown on the example forms)

As for the last occupation abroad, have you ever worked abroad? Beneficiary is abroad at the moment so just put your job history as requested. Petitioner - has he/she ever worked anywhere other than USA? If no, leave it blank but ensure you have completed the work history in the work history question, if yes, they have worked abroad and it was not within the last 5 years (so has not been added to the above work history question box) then add it to that box that is blank on the example form.

Hope that makes sense?


Edited by lesleysizeland, 06 October 2010 - 08:09 AM.

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-06 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresErrors on G-325a and I-129F
Yeah, you do need your birth certificate at the interview. I personally think you would be fine because it is not on your passport but i am not gonna issue your visa. No one can really answer this question for you because it could go either way. If your super worried then you need to keep trying to call the embassy, maybe take the advice of the other VJer and just put your name plus your grandfathers name on all other forms from now and explain to the officer. Personally, if it was me, i would keep trying the embassy and see what they say.
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-06 09:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresErrors on G-325a and I-129F

You can call the london consulate and ask there advice. They do answer calls but the cost is 1.20 a min. If they cannot answer your question then they may give you the 'code' to email the Embassy and they can then tell you what to do.

Saying that, my mums name and birth place was different on my birth certificate so i put the correct info and nothing was said. Also, at interview, if i remember correctly, they only want to see your passport and if your passport states what you put on the form then maybe you will be ok.

That being said, in this game you do not want a 'maybe'. Call the embassy and see what they say, the cost of the call will put your mind at rest so will therefore be worth it. I cannot remember the number but you can find it on here, or someone may be able to tell you it?


I just found this:

Operator Assisted Visa Information: 09042-450-100 (£1.20/min) Monday through Friday, between 8.00 am and 8:00 pm, and Saturday, between 09.00 am and 4.00 pm

Visa Information Line: 09068-200-290 (60p/min) 24 hrs only available in the U.K., within U.K. may be unavailable from some business telephones and mobile networks.

I did not know they had a visa information line so maybe try them first?

Good Luck!
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-06 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresErrors on G-325a and I-129F

Thanks AlinaH, I know the uscis would send RFE's when they see mistakes but we have been approved by them and now our file is with the London consulate which is why we're confused on what to do. One of the packet 3 forms (DS-230) also asks for other names used. We dont want to send packet 3 just yet (until we know for sure of what to do). If anyone else's got any more suggestions please do let us know.

You can call the london consulate and ask there advice. They do answer calls but the cost is 1.10 a min. If they cannot answer your question then they may give you the 'code' to email the Embassy and they can then tell you what to do.

Saying that, my mums name and birth place was different on my birth certificate so i put the correct info and nothing was said. Also, at interview, if i remember correctly, they only want to see your passport and if your passport states what you put on the form then maybe you will be ok.

That being said, in this game you do not want a 'maybe'. Call the embassy and see what they say, the cost of the call will put your mind at rest so will therefore be worth it. I cannot remember the number but you can find it on here, or someone may be able to tell you it?

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-06 08:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswithdraw of petitions

The topic says it all. I want to withdraw my petitions like asap. Is there a templete somewhere ? How do I go about doing this ?


Sorry to hear this.

If it is anything like England then you can just send a letter stating your name & beneficiary name stating you would like to stop the process, maybe send in a copy of your NOA1 for their reference.

Your really not that far in the process so you could probably just wait for your NOA2 and either send in a letter with both of your names and your case number or just not send in packet 3 forms. Eventually the NOA2 will expire and the beneficiary cannot go ahead without you as you will need to send in the Affidavit of Support forms.

Good Luck
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-19 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLondon and Christmastime...

thanks guys! yeah we have all of the paperwork completely ready... and then we realized that your passport number changes with every new passport (which i suppose makes sense. the idea being that if your passport got stolen, it couldnt be used, ect) but it also definitely has got us a bit worried about making all of our dates for everything. guess we can just hope for the best. i am hoping that bc of the hold up at CSC (no one processed for several months) us being at the beginning wave of new applications maybe we will get things a bit sooner because they wont be backlogged... oh well a girl can dream, right? haha

You said his passport is only 8 years old, i have an english passport and it is valid for 10 years, is his about to expire? Is he going to expedite his passport otherwise he will be waiting a few weeks which will hold up your medical. I am pretty sure i had to take my passport to the medical.

I had returned all of my packet 3 by November (had my medical end of Nov) but did not get an interview date until Feb 5th. I do not want to sound like a party pooper but it slows down A LOT in England because the embassy is closed for Christmas, Boxing Day and any other bank holidays plus New Year, i think you should prepare yourselves for a later wedding but i wish you all the best and hope it works out for you.

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-28 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and Wedding Plans

Hi all,

I'm curious as to how you all are planning to handle the actual marriage upon K1 approval and after POE.

Taking care of it at the courthouse and having a celebration later?

Waiting for packet 4 with interview date and planning a wedding from there?

I'd love to hear how you all are taking care of it!

I know a lot of people take care of it at the courthouse and have a celebration later but i really didnt want to do that so i had 5 weeks in america when we first sent off our I-129f and the rest i planned from England. Getting married in a church and having the reception in a hotel, have 60 guests (30 flying over from England).

Basically, i found 2 or 3 vendors that i liked, told them of my situation and just waited for a while. I was lucky cause i put down some deposits but all my vendors were willing to change the date if there were any problems with the visa and also were willing to return the deposit if i cancelled in enough time for the date to be taken by someone else. A few of my vendors were also happy to call me if someone else wanted my date, that way, if my visa had not been approved yet i could still decide if i wanted to book them and take the chance of losing the money if anything went wrong.

None of my guests booked there flights until we did get approved and i didn't booked certain vendors that i knew were not the most important (the car, DJ, Florist etc etc i booked once approved).

The other thing with Patrick and I was we received our visa beg Feb and i didn't move here til end June, plus knowing who i wanted to book i just called them straight up and put the deposit down. Too be honest, it was a gamble and i would have lost a bit of money if it didn't work out but luckily for me it did and i am going to have the wedding i always wanted. The upside of getting married abroad, only the people you truly like come, no paying for meals for family members you don't really like just cause they are family haha! :-)

All i would say is be up front with your vendors, tell them your situation and ask them how they can help you out (letting you be the first refusal for your date etc).

Good Luck!
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-23 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS Sized Photos


can anyone help. I have my interview in London in 2 weeks and I've just been reading up on it a bit. It seems the more I read the more questions I have!

I had sent in 2 photos for myself and my daughter with my forms, and have another 2 copies just in case I need them on the day. I read though that I need US sized photos and the normal photo booth ones won't be accepted. Apparently there are loads of stores surrounding the Embassy that offer US sized ones but my daughter is not coming to London with me.

Can anyone confirm if I definently need to source these and if so, give me suggestions on where to get them.

Warm regards,


When i had my interview i did not want to leave my photo's to the last minute as my interview was in the morning...the embassy actually have a photo booth in the waiting area but i used something called All you need to do is get someone to take a picture of you/your daughter behind a white screen and then upload the photo and they make sure it is up to american visa standards, you will recieve your pics in the post in about 2 days.

Hope that helps :-)
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-05 08:46:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (yorkshirerose22 @ Dec 10 2009, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance rang the DOS again today and still they havent recieved our package 3 but they signed for it on the 30th of november, whats going embasssy get your act together wacko.gif

They have received it, they just have not logged it and it took them about 3 weeks to log ours! Basically DOS can only see what is on the screens so if it is not logged then they will tell you London has not received it yet. Give it another week or two and call them back
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-10 13:04:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
[quote name='Justine+David' date='Dec 6 2009, 05:33 PM' post='3545576']
Poll: How many people are waiting for an interview in London,
and when did they "receive" your packet 3 response?

Claire and Troy........P3 delivered 11/09 - DOS says eligible for interview 11/20
Lioncub4................ P3 delivered 11/09 - DOS says eligible for interview 11/23
Chaz and Riggs....... P3 delivered 11/12 - DOS says eligible for interview 11/20
Jewel-8.................. P3 delivered 11/12 - DOS says eligible for interview 11/19
laura00412............. P3 delivered 11/12 - DOS says eligible for interview 11/19
pdcvcm.................. P3 delivered 11/16 - DOS says eligible for interview 11/25
frostymist............... P3 delivered 11/19
fulamuso.................P3 delivered 11/25 - DOS says eligible for interview 11/30
yorkshireRose22......P3 delivered 11/30
Andrew + Bethany...P3 delivered 11/26
Justine+David..........P3 delivered 12/4
lesleysizeland..........P3 delivered 12/01

lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-07 08:46:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (Andrew + Bethany @ Dec 4 2009, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, so I shouldn't be worrying that royal mail lied to me! I've been a cool headed person all my life, it's weird that when it comes to anything to do with this visa I become insanely nervous! laughing.gif

I sent mine back on the 6th November and the checklist on the 25th November. I phoned DOS last week and London had not logged anything. Does not mean they have not received it but looking back on this forum you can see London are slow to open and log things, im going to call again end of next week and hopefully they will have some news for me.

Also, DOS can only see what is on the computer so London have your package but have not logged it on the computer - hope that makes sense
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-04 16:31:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Hey, im just wondering if anyone can answer a couple questions for me.

Does anyone know if you send the forms for packet 3 off before the checklist does the embassy wait for the checklist before logging packet 3? I sent my forms off about 3 weeks ago and the checklist last week and i phoned the DOS yesterday but London had not logged my forms yet (i know im probably worrying as im sure they have them just have not opened them as they seem to take FOREVER with anything!)

Secondly, i posted my checklist with Royal Mail Signed for and it said it was delivered to the Embassy on the 26th, Thanksgiving Day, i thought they were closed on the 26th so how can this be?!

Thanks and good luck to all you guys waiting on an interview - i feel your pain, although i want an interview in Feb is the not knowing that is killing me!
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-02 03:42:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (yorkshirerose22 @ Nov 27 2009, 12:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think my medical could of been done soo much better. it was soo rushed, i wasnt impressed at all to say how much it cost me. i wasnt told showed or told a thing. the doctor also coul of been more professional.

Thats a shame as were paying a lot of money and also, you do stress about whether everything is ok for the interview (or i do at least). Even though everyone was really nice to me i definately do not think the medical is worth £190. In fact i think this whole visa process including the AOS is a complete rip off.
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-27 15:46:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
I wanted to share my experience with you all as i had my medical yesterday at the Knightsbridge doctors (Bentinck Mansions).

I got there early to find out where the place actually was and just checked with the reception staff that i was indeed booked into this one and not the other one! Yep, all confirmed so went off for a coffee and came back 10 mins before my appointment. Was asked for my questionnaire, passport and photo and was told to wait in the waiting room. After about 5 mins asked to fill out another tick checklist and sign the HIV form to say i was happy to have the test. I was called to get my chest x-ray and then was sent to the next doctor for a physical check up.

This consisted of listening to my chest, asking me questions like have i ever been addicted to drink/drugs (no), have i ever wanted to kill myself or another person (no), what medication(s) was i on (none), she asked me about my contraceptive pill, luckily i thought she would so brought the box along, she wrote some info down and then i was up on the bed. She felt my abdomen, chest area, stomach and checked i was definitely a girl (turned out i was telling the truth!) then she listened to me breathing and took my blood. After about another 10 mins of just chatting about my wedding, her, where she was from, the process for other foreign people coming into England and whether it is as tough as what we are going through she wished me well and i waited for my injection.

Final part was my typhoid injection - my 10 year booster was out and as i was there i just thought i might as well get it as i didn't want to hold my medical up. All other injections were up to date and that was it.

I paid the £215 crying.gif and left on first name terms 40 mins after my appointment started. All in all a pleasant experience, they were all very nice, one doctor even looked over my chest x-ray with me just to let me know there was nothing wrong and that is it. I am now just waiting on the blood tests coming back but other than that everything is fine. Yay, i was worried for nothing and if you are a 'fit bill of health' (this is what the docs called me) you will have NOTHING to worry about, its a breeze. Now only the interview is left to conquer! kicking.gif
lesleysizelandFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-27 04:53:00