CanadaMarriage Date on I-129F Form
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Oct 10 2007, 01:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks that's what I thought.
It's not on the actual form..I was just going to put it in the affidavit that I write with the intent to marry. I wanted to change the title of this post but it wouldn't let me.
Thanks so much!

I did not see this before I posted. Ignore the part where I said I assume you mean the statement of intent. I have about four different windows open right now.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-10 14:13:00
CanadaMarriage Date on I-129F Form
I assume you are talking about the statement of intent to marry. In that case, what they need to know is that you intend to comply with the requirement that you get married within 90 days of arrival in the US on the visa. It is probably okay to give a tentative wedding date, but make sure you also specify that you intend to get married within 90 days of his arrival whenever that may be.

Also--you probably know this, but just in case--make sure that you BOTH include a statement that you intend to marry within 90 days, and be sure to sign and date them.

Honestly I think it is a stupid requirement. They are asking you to prove something that can't really be proven or disproven, ie, intent. D'oh.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-10 14:08:00
CanadaDeath of Co-sponsor
I also want to offer my condolences to you, your husband, and your whole family.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-10 13:51:00
CanadaHealth insurance coverage for just a few days
Wow, we were assuming the travel health insurance he can get from Alberta would cover him for the week or two he is here before we have the ceremony, too.

This may or may not work, but I would try talking to the benefits manager from his employer. It is actually kind of ridiculous for them to refuse to cover you for those three days, considering there is probably a deduction from his paycheck to cover part of it. You are going to have to get the paperwork or whatever needs to be done all set ahead of time anyway so you don't find that you get sick two weeks after the marriage and have not been added to the plan yet.

Unfortunately, it is really hard to find decent individual health plans (as opposed to group coverage) even if it is not for only a few days. If it is possible, I have no idea how or where (but maybe someone else will).

Travel insurance (the kind that covers trip interruption, medical emergencies, et al) does work for this. I can't recall the logistics of this but my travel insurance covered my medical costs when I got dysentary in Peru even though I had health insurance. It may have been because of the deductible or it may have been because I had to make a claim anyway to cover the flight to Bolivia I ended up having to cancel. But travel insurance does work for medical expenses. I don't know if you can buy it from a US travel agent independant of booking a trip through them, though.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-11 15:01:00
CanadaWashington/BC border wait times redux
Thank you. That's very helpful.

I was wondering if Nexus might be a good idea. It's my parents who live in a border town, not us, but we almost always cross the border at least once a visit. That may change, though, since I don't think my parents renewed their passports.

It's actually freaky how empty the highway next to the Peace Arch is right now. It is only 9 am out there, but this is seriously doing my head in. It looks like we had "the rapture"!
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-11 11:17:00
CanadaWashington/BC border wait times redux
Eek, I sounded really whiny there. I did not mean to. I'm just a little frustrated because my fiance flew home the other day and I do not have a plane ticket in hand for our next visit yet.

Poo balls.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-10 16:53:00
CanadaWashington/BC border wait times redux
There was a link on Vancouver consulate's website for "border wait times" but it did not work. Does anyone have one? Maybe the BC or Washington DOT or border guard, I don't know. Hell, even a damn highway cam, like the one they have for Snoqualmie Pass, would be useful.

And if we must cross the border there to get my sweetie to/from the airport in Vancouver to my parents' house near Bellingham the week of US Thanksgiving, when are the best times to cross to avoid stupidly long line ups? He is thinking maybe if he flies in that Monday during the work day it won't be so bad.

If he takes the Airporter Shuttle instead of me driving up to get him, will that get to avoid the long lines?

Final question, what about taking the train? I know there is one, but how hard is it to get to the station from the airport?

This is actually kind of pissing me off because aside from getting to and from the airport, I have friends on the BC side of the border who I'd really like to see again. Personally, I hate shopping far too much to wait in line for 4 hours just to do the only thing I hate as much as waiting in traffic in a country that's cheaper. Ah well.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-10 16:44:00
CanadaHow do you know you got the visa
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 10 2007, 03:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got asked to raise my right hand...I felt like I was on the peoples court.

Oh and I have a real lame problem where I don't know my left from my right (yea I know - pathetic) and I wrote something in the air and was like: "ahh thats my right!" the gentlemen kind of smiled but must have also thought: "What kind of idiots are we letting into the Country?" lol

That's what I do, too. I did not know that was unusual! Learn something new every day.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-10 16:25:00
CanadaBall is in Washington's court
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Oct 10 2007, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lynette, you can thank Sharon for the way I am today she has been a big influance in my life since we met. I'm not so sure I can agree with your lovely evaluation of me but I do know that Sharon agrees whole heartedly with you because I read to her what is written about us and she can't beleive that others see in my writing what she herself sees in me. It is nice to be thought of as a good guy.

Aww, that is one of the sweetest things I've ever heard!

Best of luck to you and Sharon. As far as I can tell, you really are a good guy. You've always been supportive and kind to people on here.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-10 11:36:00
CanadaVery hard question
Well if you have always lived just across town from your mom, it is only natural that she is going to miss you, miss the way things always were, and worry about you starting a whole new life. But in the age of jet planes and voice-over internet protocol phones and such, it isn't as far as it was 100 years ago. If you get a job that transfers you to Vancouver, you will be even further away. If something happened to anyone while you were travelling overseas (or if THEY were!), you'd be further still. If you are moving from Ontario to New Jersey, you'll be closer by plane to your family than I am to mine, and I've been able to get home as needed to take care of my mom when she was recovering from surgery twice.

The period of having to wait for the AP is fairly short and you can get an emergency AP if needed. Also, K3 is a multiple entry visa. If the issue is being there for them years down the road when they are elderly, you can probably both go back to Canada then.

I think you have to follow your heart.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-12 16:43:00
CanadaUnusual Question
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Oct 12 2007, 09:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Great! Alright then, now it's time for... EVERYONE TO STRIP!!

Hey, I have some paint that needs to be stripped. Is that an offer?
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-12 11:49:00
CanadaUnusual Question
QUOTE (Reba @ Oct 12 2007, 06:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually, the salciousness of the professions in question are in the eye of the beholder. A job is a job is a job, and we do what we gotta do.

True story: I had a friend who was a master abaiter.

His job was to remove asbestos from buildings, and people who do that are called asbestos abaiters. Because he was a lead asbestos abaiter, his job title was master abaiter.

I think telling people his job title was one of his great pleasures in life.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-12 11:44:00
CanadaUnusual Question
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Oct 12 2007, 12:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I do not now nor have I ever believed for one minute that Laura is or ever was a stripper, pole-dancer or a memeber of any other salacious profession.

Member. Tee hee. He said member! And, well, pole.

Speaking of strippers, you know in the movie The Full Monty how they rehearse their big number to a different song every time they practice? How the hell are they supposed to actually get their moves down doing that? I mean, we're not talking about professional dancers here. Oh, and why didn't they just go with "I Believe in Miracles"? That song was way better than the one they ended up using.

I've never seen a real strip club (although my college roommate worked as a stripper and one of my friends from high school dated a male stripper once), but when one of my friends and her husband renewed their vows, we had a surprise "bridal shower"/bachelorette party for her the night before the wedding and her husband came out of the "cake" as a dancer. He did not take anything off, but the gals in attendance were all looking for change to pretend to put in his g-string and they were going for 20s, not 1s and 2s!
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-12 11:34:00
Canadagetting married on halloween
Oooh, a Halloween wedding sounds kind of fun, actually. In fact, this kind of gives me an idea.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-16 15:24:00
CanadaI got a new job!!!

Does being head cashier mean you get to boss other people around?

I work while my fiance visits, too. Granted, I have a very flexible job, but I do want to be able to have time off to go to the consulate with him for the interview, help him move, take a honeymoon after our wedding reception, and visit him in the meantime.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-16 15:42:00
CanadaWanted to share a poem
Aww, those are all so sweet!
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-17 11:20:00
CanadaComlex situation (for us) advice needed
First of all, I hope everything is okay.

Not to sound too pessimistic here, but I had to expedite the renewal of my passport last summer (because I was a dumbass and waited for it to expire), and although it WAS pretty quick, I did NOT have my new passport in the time they said it would take. It was a matter of a few extra days and the problem may have just been with the post office, plus she will probably go through a different office than I did (at least I think it is regional), but you might want to leave yourself a few extra days rather than booking your plane ticket the day after you expect her passport to arrive just to be safe.

Edited by SonoranSongbird, 17 October 2007 - 12:20 PM.

SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-17 12:16:00
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-17 13:39:00
CanadaStress taking its toll
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Oct 17 2007, 04:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I sure hope the consulate doesn't ask what kind Sharon like, I would be denied, but I will have some Heavenly Hash, and I think Sharon would love some French Vanilla.

That made coffee come out of my nose. (Heh, I'm glad the door to my office is closed; I would not really want to have to explain what was so funny....)

It also made me want some icecream (Sharon has excellent taste in ice cream, by the way), but that almost goes without saying since, well, almost anything can make me want ice cream (or pizza or cheesecake or... well, you get the picture).

I am glad to hear that Sharon was able to work out a more reasonable arrangement at work! That's wonderful news -- AND good for her for speaking up about it.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-18 11:05:00
CanadaStress taking its toll
I can't really add anything to what other people have said. Could you use one more virtual *hug*?
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-17 15:31:00
CanadaDoes my Birth Certificate look "Normal"
My fiance's birth certificate is hand written.

Mine had a space for "father's regular profession" but not for mother's.

Anyhoo, I'm sure they are aware that every state/province/country has its own form.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-22 10:15:00
Congratulations and have a WONDERFUL time!
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-16 16:30:00
CanadaI'm getting a visitor this week!!
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Oct 23 2007, 08:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She'll be scared to death no doubt.. travelling all the way to the US to meet *gulp* his momma wink.gif mess with her mind for me kay??

Hehe, ordinarily I'd probably say the same thing, but my fiance is going to meet my parents for the first time pretty soon so I can sort of empathize.

Have a really fun visit!
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-23 10:19:00
CanadaWhich one of these moves the fastest?
QUOTE (Krikit @ Oct 23 2007, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I loved the last one so it gets my vote! But #4 jogs my memory for a mini rant. What's with the popups in the new format?!!! I hate it. /rant

I have popup blocker on my computer so I have not seen those. I hate the new format, though. The default setting for font size is too small for anyone to read, it is s-l-o-o-o-o-oooooow as molasses, and I still have not figured out how to edit email addresses in my address book. I also don't particularly like the way it looks.

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement, Carla. I am trying really hard not to obsess over it but I'm not very good at that. About the Rams -- my coworker sold some of her Rams tickets to finance Hannah Montana tickets for her daughter. Six Rams tickets just about covered the cost of the two Hannah Montana tickets.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-23 15:24:00
CanadaWhich one of these moves the fastest?
Heh. This was supposed to be a poll but I tried to add it twice and couldn't. How embarrassing. Just so you all don't think I've completely lost my mind, the options were:

1) CSC
2) The Montreal consulate
3) The St Louis Rams running toward the goal line (hehehe)
4) Hotmail in its new format
5) The continental drift

But that's really one of those things that isn't funny anymore once you have to explain it. Oh well.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-23 11:45:00
CanadaWhich one of these moves the fastest?
I'm thinking it's the last one.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-23 11:34:00
CanadaThe Long Road Home
OMG that is the trip from Hell! I'm glad you are back safely though.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-23 15:01:00
CanadaWhoohoo yes yes yes!!
QUOTE (misa @ Oct 23 2007, 01:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I *totally* thought you got your interview date! tongue.gif

Yep, me too!

Good to see you have not had to evacuate, Brad.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-23 15:09:00
CanadaGood Luck PfcsBaby & piosenka!
QUOTE (trailmix @ Oct 24 2007, 02:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (flames9 @ Oct 24 2007, 03:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Kick butt, dont take no for an answer,lol

How does this work. You walk in and say in a loud voice "I'M HERE TO KICK BUTT"? tongue_ss.gif

In my case, kicking butt would involve standing on a chair or ladder so I could reach the person's butt.

QUOTE (flames9 @ Oct 24 2007, 02:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well not in a loud voice, you don't want to upset the other people waiting for visas!! Just come up to the wicket window, slowly bend over, so you can look the consulate worker in their beady untrustworthy eyes, say to them "you have two options, option 1, deny me, i then kick ur butt, or 2) approve me and no one gets there butt kicked, it's your choice, do you feel lucky? Well do ya? little consulate worker" Thats what i did! Was very effective.

Bwahahahaha! That made my day.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-24 16:06:00
CanadaGood Luck PfcsBaby & piosenka!
Good luck!

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-23 11:49:00
CanadaI made it
Welcome home!

What's amazing to me about the doggy-treats being confiscated is there is no guarantee that the ingredients in US-manufactured dog foods were not manufactured in China. Poor pup!
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-24 15:16:00
CanadaHappy Birthday Derekkj!!!
Happy cake and icecream day!
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-25 13:04:00
CanadaSSN adventures
QUOTE (Nini & Bee @ Oct 24 2007, 04:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The SSA branch we went to smelled like pee, which wasn't fun.

Note to self: don't take any allergy medicine before going for sweetie's Social Security card.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-24 16:45:00
CanadaI heart the Canada Board
I quoted Brad's post to compliment his specific choice of expletives so my post was also deleted.

I suppose it probably is just as well to delete it rather than let an all out slagfest evolve out of it (sorry, Brad).

I spent a lot of time reading posts on the K1 board before putting our petition together and there are quite a few people who probably are trying to be helpful but get a little full of themselves. I've kind of learned to take their posts with a few grains of salt and just figure out for myself how much weight or credence to give them. Even expletives can give good advice when they take a break from the written equivalent of listening to the sound of their own voice, too.

And that may just be easy for me to say because the worst I was ever on the receiving end of was a few people criticizing the way I answered someone's post because, although they assured me THEY knew EXACTLY what I was saying, they thought it was POSSIBLE that someone MIGHT interpret it some other way.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-24 16:25:00
CanadaI heart the Canada Board
I was just thinking that.

I can be having a really crappy day and then I log in here and see Liz Legend's little smiley things in her signature or someone like you or Carla having just the right words to encourage someone or someone else (usually Len or Ron) saying something that makes me laugh so hard I can hardly breathe.

Of course it is also nice seeing people getting their interviews so I know there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

The deli where I get my take out for lunch also does catering and events. Today there was a guy discussing having his wedding there and I wanted to cry. He and his fiancee can SET THE DATE!!!
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-23 17:23:00
CanadaWe're married finally!

Check PM in about 5 minutes, too.

Name change--you shouldn't need anything more than the marriage certificate to prove it's been changed, but you will probably have to fill out specific paperwork to change each document or piece of ID you need changed. It should be pretty straightforward, though.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-25 15:16:00
CanadaCheck cashed finally!
QUOTE (TheATeam @ Oct 30 2007, 10:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you! The NOA1 came in the mail yesterday! WOOHOO! Now I can stare at the website for updates! ~giggles~

Yeah, I know THAT feeling! Congratulations.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-30 13:26:00
CanadaSo Canadians - tell us about yourselves
I'm the USC, my charming wonderful sweetie is the Canadian. We did not meet on line, but I did meet the mutual friend who introduced us on a travel website.

That's the short version: we met through a mutual friend, whom I originally met on line. The longer version is this:

Our mutual friend organized a meeting of posters from that site (most of whom I'd already met at other meet-ups, which is actually a little embarrassing--I've met 94 posters from that site, which may mean I have no life...). I had a plane ticket from St Louis to Calgary and Edmonton to St Louis for a trip to the Rockies I had planned to take that very week that fell through, so I changed it to a round trip ticket to Edmonton for the long weekend and got to meet a very charming and appealing man. Alas, I assumed I would never see him again and that the feeling was not mutual, so I flew back home and went about my life as usual.

Turned out that a board he used to post on had recently imploded and he was looking for a new place to post, so he registered a handle on the travel board. We chatted some there. I made a post announcing that I was going to Stockbridge, Massachussetts, home of Alice's Restaurant, for the 4th of July Weekend and asked if anyone wanted a post card. He sent me a PM asking for one and giving me his address. From then on we exchanged post cards and Christmas cards, but still remained just casual acquaintances.

Flash forward to August 2006. I went to Edmonton again. I was planning a trip to New Zealand for my 40th birthday at the time, and of course I felt the need to boast incessantly about it. Apparently my now-fiance, who is 10 years older than me, thought I was even younger than I am (grrrr!!) until I mentioned that I had a 40th birthday coming up, so unbeknownst to me, this rekindled his interest in me.

I and one other poster on the travel site organize an annual pilgrimmage to the Twin Cities in the dead of winter. Yes, you read that right. My sweetie flew down for the 2007 one--mainly to see me, though I did not know this at the time. He and I were the only people who had flown in for the weekend, so we spent the entire day alone together that Sunday. Our first kiss was in the parking lot of a motel in Roseville, Minnesota! The next month we went on vacation together in the Caribbean and fell totally and completely in love.

Oh yeah. Neither of us has any tattoos or human children, but we have a very wonderful dog. I used to live in Tucson, Arizona, in the Sonoran Desert, and I love music, hence the screen name.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-05 11:16:00
CanadaLiz's list of stuff for the Mtl Interview
Who, li'l ole moi? whistling.gif

innocent.gif <--- Me

Heh, I actually did do that as a teenager, but it was to hide anything I was reading (always wholesome, of course!) inside a school book when I was supposed to be doing homework.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-31 11:49:00
CanadaLiz's list of stuff for the Mtl Interview
QUOTE (MarilynP @ Oct 30 2007, 10:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
don't forgot yourself... laughing.gif


Good luck, Liz. good.gif

If you decide to take Flames' advice about the, err, reading material, you might want to bring some innocuous magazine to put in front of it.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2007-10-31 11:30:00