CanadaChanging your name
Well we are getting married in 11 days, but I've already had a similar experience. I asked at my bank about opening a joint account with my fiance as soon as he gets here rather than waiting for the marriage certificate in case we cannot get that right away, and the woman said yes, that was fine, I can open a joint account with anyone even if they are not my spouse, but I'd need to keep it in my maiden name until we got the marriage certificate. I explained that this wasn't an issue since I was not planning to change my name, and she STILL felt the need to explain that after the marriage we would need to bring in a copy of the certificate to change my name on the account. #######?

I'd guess that about half my friends either kept their own names or added their husband's name to their own name, maybe slightly less than half. But among younger women, the trend seems to be much more toward just taking your husband's name.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-15 11:03:00
CanadaANOTHER U-Pack question
Relocubes---it wasn't that he couldn't use them for an international move, it was that he would have to go load it at their facility because they didn't have the equipment to transport the cube to his home. That actually makes no sense to me, but that is what he told me they told him. But what I said above (that they are only available for moves within Canada) is not accurate. I can't edit it now.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-21 11:20:00
CanadaANOTHER U-Pack question
Talked to the Upack lady and she was super helpful.

FYI--for anyone else with similar issues:

Yes, you can pick it up yourself from their facility and unload it there. You can also arrange to have them pick it up a few hours (instead of 3 days) after they drop it off. The other suggestion she made was to ask the city for a permit so we can park it in front of the house (she said something about them blocking off an area with yellow tape so that no one else would park there).

Proviso---I did not ask if this is the same for any city. The other thing is, if we pick it up ourselves, we will need to call them to change something about the delivery place (I don't really understand why, since I assume they will deliver it to the terminal in St Louis before bringing it to my house anyway).

About relocubes--this is what we thought we would be using. For whatever reason, though, they told him that the relocubes are only used for cross-Canada moves. What he loaded was a 26-foot trailer divided into five sections. I think one section is roughly the equivalent of a relocube (supposed to accomodate approximately one room worth of stuff). I know a lot of people here have used the relocubes so I assume it's either a recent change they made or maybe they just didn't have any cubes available when he booked it.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-21 10:50:00
CanadaANOTHER U-Pack question
Oh, thank you, Arivis! You posted after I did so I hadn't seen that.

I haven't seen the trailer because I flew to Edmonton to drive home with him AFTER he had loaded it already. But he said it was a 26 foot trailer with one section for his stuff. It would easily fit in my driveway, but manoverability is an issue.

I'm on hold with the UPack lady.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-21 10:37:00
CanadaANOTHER U-Pack question
Okay, I wasn't clear on this. My fiance loaded it up with the help of his brother and sister from the house in Edmonton he just sold. It is now either on its way from Edmonton or waiting at the ABF terminal in St Louis. It is the delivery at my house---OUR house now---where we have the parking issue. What I meant by picking it up ourselves (and I agree, it is almost unfathomable that they'd allow it) is to transfer it from the trailer to a Uhaul (which we CAN park in the driveway) at their terminal here in St Louis.

Ugh. Okay, the woman from UPack is going to call me back. I'm sure she will have an idea of what we can do (this MUST be something they have dealt with before) but I thought I'd ask here in case there are solutions neither of us has thought of that I could ask her about.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-21 10:28:00
CanadaANOTHER U-Pack question
Has anyone else dealt with this? Basically, I live in an old historic neighborhood with narrow brick streets. I'm on a corner, and neither street has parking on the side of the street my house is on. The street to the side of the house has legal parking on the opposite side, but there are almost always cars parked there. The street in front of my house has legal parking on the opposite side, but not directly in front. I do, however, have a big wide driveway behind the house.

Has anyone dealt with this? If so, what did you do?

The options I am going to ask the UPack lady about are:

1) parking it in my driveway, if they can (this would be ideal, but I doubt it is feasible)

2) parking it directly in front of my house and arranging for them to pick it up 3 hours later (we are hiring a moving company to unload that does local moves and charges by the hour---I am afraid we will get heat exhaustion if my poor fiance who is not used to this kind of weather does the heavy lifting himself)

Other than that, I really don't know what we can do. My fiance suggested that we could rent a UHAul and pick it up ourselves from their terminal. Has anyone done that? I can't imagaine they allow it. Any other ideas?

It is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot here. Just thought I'd throw in a gratuitous plea for sympathy.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-21 09:53:00
CanadaPortal, North Dakota POE and 5 days crossing prairie...
Not sure how many people cross here, but here is our review:

We got to the North Portal, SK/Portal, ND, crossing just before 6 pm on a Thursday evening. My parents live near the Peace Arch crossing, so it was surreal seeing only ONE booth for cars and one other for trucks and still only 4 cars lined up ahead of us. We waited maybe a little more than 5 minutes, and the guy in the booth asked my fiance a few questions (I forget what, exactly) and then told us to park and go inside to process the visa.

There is a tiny waiting room there, and the vast majority of people crossing seemed to go inside---I think almost everyone was hauling grain or barley or something by truck. We waited for about 30-35 minutes. They said they were looking at the paperwork, but I'm guessing that a lot of what they were doing was reading the instructions for how to process my fiance's visa. They told us they get a K1 couple about once every 6 months.

They called us up and asked very few questions---where were we going to live and when were we going to get married, hmm, I can't remember what else. Oh, they asked if he was going to be working in the US. Then they gave us information we pretty much already knew about applying for an AP. A lot of people have posted here about CBP officers giving incorrect information, so it was nice to see that they took the time to read it and find out the right information (even if we actually already knew more than they did). They made sure we knew we had 90 days and he couldn't leave the country until we filed for AOS. He told us we could apply for the AP if there were any family emergencies and then seemed very apologetic that it said it would take at least two months to get it.

After that, my fiance filled out some paperwork for importing his car, and then we were on our way.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-21 09:39:00
CanadaLindaB - Montreal interview today
Hope it went well.

It most likely did, so I will wish you congratulations right here and now.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-21 14:58:00
CanadaMedical and immunization questions redux
That's what he is going to do. Thanks, everyone. I don't know why we decided he needed to go to the health department instead of his own doctor to begin with. I think he was able to get in at the first place he went without an appointment and we assumed they would be more likely to have the vaccines on hand.

Now we are just waiting for Canada Post to hurry up and deliver packet 3.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-03-26 12:07:00
CanadaMedical and immunization questions redux
He does have a regular family doctor, and I think that may be easier than dealing with the health units or medicenters, less beaurocracy.

I think part of his concern is that he could get the titre and then get to the medical and find out it isn't good enough as proof and need to get the vaccines anyway after all that. But I see that there are at least a few people who used the titre results and got approved, so I will just tell him that.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-03-25 14:46:00
CanadaMedical and immunization questions redux
I don't even know why immigration requires the chickenpox vaccine. I've never had chickenpox and no one has ever suggested I get a vaccine for it.

He went to the local health unit and they could have given him the tetnus shot, but did not have the MMR or chickenpox vaccine on hand so they told him to get an appointment to go to the main one for the city. That's where the nurse told him he did not need to bother with the vaccines (except tetnus, the one vaccine he could have gotten at the local health unit to begin with). I guess if he had been more insistant, she would have told him to get a titre test like they told your husband.

Anyway, thank you for the link.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-03-25 13:04:00
CanadaMedical and immunization questions redux
Okay, but he tried to get the vaccines and they told him not to, so now he feels like he is going to be running around on a wild goose chase if he tries again rather than waiting for the medical appointment. For some reason I thought the titer results would take only a week, which is about the same time the medical results take, so that would not really help any.

Does anyone have a link that would show the medicenters in Edmonton? I did not come up with it on Dogpile, and I'm trying to figure out exactly where he can go where he will not be told (again!) not to bother because he is already immune. I need to convince him to make another attempt and not wait for the medical.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-03-25 12:43:00
CanadaMedical and immunization questions redux
First of all, has anyone gotten a packet 3 from Vancouver recently that has listed a new doctor who can do the medical in Edmonton? (ie, not Dr Chana, who no longer does them)

Second, I'm not sure whether we will have a new and yet un-reviewed doctor in Edmonton or Dr Viljoen in Calgary, but do the doctors who do the medical generally do titre tests?

Our situation with the immunizations is my fiance had both chickenpox and measles as a teenager (the illnesses, not the vaccines) and we assume he got the MMR vaccine as a child because it would have been required for him to go go school in Alberta, but he has no documentation of that (also we have some question as to the efficacy of it since it obviously did not protect him from getting measles). He went to the Health Department to just get all the vaccines, and the nurse there discouraged him from getting anythging other than the tetnus shot (which he needed because he was way overdue for it anyway). She gave him an immunization record showing he got the tetnus shot and wrote "immune" for mumps and rubella and "had disease" for chickenpox and measles, and she told him if that was not good enough he could come back.

Well, it was $48 to make an appointment because only the main downtown branch had any of the vaccines other than tetnus, so at this point he wants to just get either the shots or the titre test when he goes for the medical. I can't say I blame him--the nurse's attitude seemed to be she would do as little for him as possible and if he needed more he could just come back and pay for another appointment. I know from Dr Viljoen's website that he can get the vaccines there, but I'm a little concerned about the varicella one. The varicella (chickenpox) vaccine requires two shots 28 days apart, so I'm hoping that if he could do a titre at the medical and get the results of that with his other results he can avoid having to wait the 28 days. And I don't know if Dr Viljoen or whoever the new Edmonton doctor is (if there is one) would be able to do that. (He had a severe enough case of chickenpox that we are pretty confident the titer will show immunity to it.)

This process is a little frustrating right now.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-03-25 11:42:00
CanadaWe made it home!!
8 hours---I'm sooooo envious!! We just spent 5 days crossing the prairie! We found out first hand why North Dakota is the least visited state in the US---just try finding a bathroom there when you desparately need one (this is true of Saskatchewan as well, by the way, which, along with the border crossing not having a public restroom, contributed mightily to my desparate need to find a restroom before Minot....).

Glad you are home safely, Laura. And--just as importantly--I am glad to hear how very sweet your soon-to-be husband is. Awww!
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-21 09:11:00
CanadaPlease pray for Baby Declan
Of course we will both be praying for little Declan.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-08 10:46:00
CanadaMy fiance and I are no longer engaged!!!
Thank you, everyone. This sounds a bit sappy, but it was kind of a magic moment. I was barely aware anyone was in the room with us (and only even barely because my boss was doing most of the talking).

Not sure about pictures. There are only about 5 of them. The trailer with my husband's boxes is going to be delivered on Friday and it is going to be at least a little while before he is up and running with the computer to upload them to his photobucket site. He is also a lot more cautious about on line anonymity than I am so I will have to ask him if it is okay to post them. We will probably have a lot more (and better) pictures from the wedding in October.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-29 11:21:00
CanadaMy fiance and I are no longer engaged!!!
Thanks for the good wishes, everyone! And, Laura, good luck to you this coming weekend!

QUOTE (Jomo @ Jul 28 2008, 11:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can we meet him at the next STL meet-up??????

I was thinking of trying to arrange a get-together sometime soon. Probably in a few weeks, though--now we have to deal with AOS, unpacking the trailer, and all the stuff left to do for the big frou-frou wedding in October.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-28 11:41:00
CanadaMy fiance and I are no longer engaged!!!
We had a really tiny ceremony in my office on Saturday. My boss is an appeals court judge, so she could officiate. My aunt and uncle drove down from Chicago to be our witnesses, and we called my parents in Bellingham so they could listen in on speaker phone. I "wrote" our vows by combining a few different sets of vows I found on the internet with a set of sample vows my boss has in the office. Then we went to dinner at our favorite restaurant and my aunt read a toast my dad had emailed to her for the occasion. According to my dad, our marriage will have a lasting impact on the world---now that we no longer have to fly back and forth to visit each other every month, the airlines may go out of business!

So far I really love being married to this man. Last night we had a really wicked-a$$ thunderstorm, and he ran out in the yard to rescue our trash cans (I was afraid to do it) and he understood when I kept going upstairs to check on our dog, who was cowering in the hallway afraid of the wind and the thunder. Best of all, he keeps telling me how much he loves being married to me. *Beam!!*

Thanks also from both of us to everyone here who has provided advice and information and support. Getting the visa and crossing the border went smoothly because we knew what we were doing, and we couldn't have done it without you all.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-28 11:25:00
CanadaIntroducing Janet and Carnell Wingfield
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-28 11:28:00
CanadaOff the see the bureau
Congratulations, Laura!
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-28 11:56:00
CanadaUS Consulate Request: Proof of Canadian Citizenship
Does the request state what types of documents would be considered acceptable as proof? It really should. But I'm pretty sure (as others have said) that a copy of your Canadian passport would be sufficient. That does pretty irrefutably show you are a citizen. My husband was born in the UK and this was never an issue for us. We sent copies of his entry stamps as part of our evidence of meeting in the past 24 months, and that included copies of the face page of his Canadian passport so they already had that in our case.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-31 11:13:00
CanadaCalgary Medical Exam ~ Review ~ Dr. Viljoen
QUOTE (cattattude @ Jul 30 2008, 06:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He asks "how are you today?"

I say "fine thank you"

he says "you don't look fine?"

I say "I'm fine"

he says "so then what's with the long face?"

I'm a little pissed now, so I figure I'll just give him an honest answer "I am sure you can appreciate the annoyance of having to drive from Edmonton to Calgary for this exam."

He says "You should consider yourself lucky to even have a place to go. Dr. Chana in Edmonton retired from doing immigration medicals because he was sick of the complaining and whining immigration clients".

Wow, what complete and utter #######! I bet it's because you are supposed to be cute and smiley all the time because you are a woman. (I can't find the eyes rolling emoticon, but that should go here!)

Re Dr. Chana--I don't know but I think he got axed by the consulate (or whoever it is) because his decision to retire was awfully sudden if it was his choice (TheATeam made her appointment with him, and his office called back two or three days later to cancel because he was no longer doing the physicals).

My husband had a much better experience with Viljoen, but I think we were the only ones who did. I wanted him to get it in Vancouver for that reason too, but it turned out going to Calgary was much more convenient (his sister and nieces live there so he got in another visit). And now we think we need to get copies of the vaccination record from his office (for the I-693A?), which I'm not overwhelmingly looking forward to.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-07-31 11:04:00
CanadaHow to apply for SSN before submit AOS?
We did a fiance visa (K1) and never seriously considered a spousal visa (K3 or CR1) plus I don't know which type of spousal visa you've applied for (CR1 or K3). So take that as a proviso. Someone who did the same type of visa you are applying for may well have a better answer.

But it looks from what you wrote like you got married in Canada, then you returned to the US and she stayed in Canada, and then you applied for the visa. Your wife is in the US as a visitor from Canada without a visa (Canadians can visit the US for up to 6 months without a visa). Is that right? To adjust status, you have to first have a visa to adjust status from (K3 in your case--if you've applied for the CR1, she will have a permanent resident visa from the consulate to begin with). So the short answer is no, she can't apply for a social security card; she will have to wait until she has a visa.

I hope that helps and does not just confuse you more.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-06 09:27:00
CanadaPicking up Visa
I waited in that little plaza next to the consulate for my husband to pick up his visa. He came out by about 2:35. They have everyone picking up the visa that day go to the little window at the same time so they can explain how to activate it, and I think they do that at about 2:15. Just make sure they know what you are there for because there will be a really long line of people waiting for something else and you do not have to wait in it. Also, there is a pay parking lot directly across the street---the Pender Parcade I think.

SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-06 09:35:00
CanadaAnyone interviewing in Vancouver on August 27th?
Daly had her interview the same time as my husband so we got to meet her in the waiting room. She sent me a PM telling me we had the same interview date, but I think she just happened to see it in the time line I had in my signature since I was posting a lot at the time.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-08 11:23:00
CanadaAnyone interviewing in Vancouver on August 27th?
Good luck to Levi at the interview and congratulations on getting the interview date.

Happy birthday, Puppy Mama Stacey!
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-08 10:18:00
CanadaWe don't have the 3025 from Dr Viljoen
We've actually solved the problem, but maybe if anyone has answers to this it will help someone else.

My husband just called (as soon as I finished posting!). Dr Viljoen is mailing us the form, so we will wait until we get it (should take a week) to send everything in. They told him that they could not fax it but could mail it (presumably to protect his privacy) and they did not charge him for it. On the Hummingbird Medical site it says they do charge for extra copies of the medical.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-11 10:51:00
CanadaWe don't have the 3025 from Dr Viljoen
He did give a copy to my husband (we think) but we don't seem to have it anymore. When he got the medical, we didn't realize we would need this for AOS.

So two questions. First, has anyone requested copies of records from Dr Viljoen in Calgary? Is it hard to get a hold of whoever in his office would be responsible for sending them to you? Can they fax it? Second, do we really need this? I realize it is preferable to include it since it will clue in the adjudicator to look in the brown envelope from the medical. I also realize that there is about a 50/50 chance that they will have lost the medical altogether. But it seems that if the medical is in our file, then they will already have it, and if it is not, we are going to have to request a copy of the entire think from Dr. Viljoen's office (and likely pay for it). So if they have it, we should be okay without sending another copy, and if they don't have it, we are going to get an RFE and have to get a copy of the whole thing later and providing a copy of the 3025 now won't help us avoid that.

Have any of you submitted your AOS without a copy of even the DS3025? Has anyone gotten copies of records from Dr Viljoen after moving down?

This AOS stuff is making my head spin.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-11 10:40:00
Canada39 Things You Should Have Learned By Now
Heh. Those are good, Karen.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-11 16:52:00
CanadaMy Montreal Review
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-06-22 15:33:00
CanadaMarriage Certificate
You know the I-485 directions only say "a copy" of your marriage license--they do not specify whether it must be a certified copy or a photocopy would be okay. But the VJ guides and everything else I have ever seen say that it should be a certified copy. So I'm not sure, but I don't think the one you have is going to be enough (it also doesn't show that it's been "returned" to the county clerk--which may or may not matter).

Can you go to the county clerk's office in Manhattan and see if you can get one in person? We got ours on the spot when we brought the license back. All they did was photocopy the license we returned with the officiant and witness signatures filled in, but it also has a seal from Madison County and something on the bottom that says it is a certified copy of records.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-12 15:38:00
Canadai-131 form (Advance Parole)
QUOTE (Cassie @ Aug 13 2008, 12:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
even though you file for three different forms at the same time, they go off in different directions. If they ask for passport pictures in the AOS and the AP forms (as an example), you have to submit two sets of photographs, one set for each form.

i included a separate letter, indicating that I was applying for AOS, and AP as well. I then listed the reasons why I wanted AP (I had about six of them) and stated that I thought I would be using it at least once "mid-May" as well as a summertime trip (no specific dates indicated). Had no problems.

Thank you, Cassie. I actually did not know they would be separated like that, and the way you did the separate letter seems pretty sensible for our situation as well, so that was helpful for me too.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-13 09:26:00
Canadai-131 form (Advance Parole)
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Aug 12 2008, 04:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I said that because on another forum, specifically AOS, someone said they put down specific dates, and that's what it had on their AP, JUST those specific dates...some silly language that suggested that the document was for those specific dates.

I'd be wary of putting down specific dates for that reason as well. There is a section where you can check off either a box that says one trip only or a box that says "more than one." So, theoretically, you should be fine if you check the more than one trip box, but I wouldn't want to give them any reason to misunderstand. Processing AOS is supposedly slowing down and even if you think you will only be taking one specific trip before you get your green card (as we are--Calgary for Christmas), it is better to have it in case you plan another later than to not have it and find you need it.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-12 16:44:00
Canadai-131 form (Advance Parole)
Well keep in mind my husband and I are only just starting to fill out the AOS stuff too. There is a box that lets you check off either that you want it for a single use or for more than one trip. I'd say check the more than one trip box even if you only have one planned

I think the question about "why you qualify" and the one about what travel plans you have are two different questions. I don't have the form in front of me---I think so, though. How you qualify is you are applying for AOS. Why you need it you might want to go home. If you have specific plans---in your case, your HS reunion---you might mention that as well.

The form does seem to ask for very specific information and the directions say something about AP being an "extraordinary remedy" to be approved "rarely," but I don't think that's really true.

And you have to file when you file AOS after you are married, not immediately upon entry.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-12 15:09:00
CanadaCertificate of Credible Coverage or equivalent
After all this, we may not even need to do anything. The woman who coordinates benefits for the State of Illinois told me to contact the health insurance company directly and find out what preexisting conditions are excluded. Apparently not all are. I also need to find out if our prescription plan (which is through an entirely different insurance company than the medical care) has an exclusion. If he is covered for prescriptions from day one, there aren't any preexisting conditions to worry about (he takes a medication for high blood pressure --- between the med and his work out routine, his BP is normal and he has no associated health problems, so it really is just a matter of refilling the prescription before the 6 month period is over).

I will post to let you know what we do if we do pursue it.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-14 09:53:00
CanadaCertificate of Credible Coverage or equivalent
Thanks, Kathryn. I really am a bit baffled when people start using insurance company lingo with me, but your post makes sense and that is probably exactly what they are looking for, and it sounds easy enough.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-12 14:37:00
CanadaCertificate of Credible Coverage or equivalent
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Aug 12 2008, 02:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe it's something Alberta Health would just draw up for your health plan, considering they will think it's the silliest thing they've ever heard I think it is. laughing.gif

I know! I was thinking that too, only I don't know what to ask them to write up since I"m not sure I really know what they are asking for. I assume that what they want to know is that he was healthy enough not to be denied coverage by a previous plan (I guess---she did use the word "insurable"), and in Canada, it wouldn't be an issue. It is just a matter of avoiding the preexisting condition exclusion for the first six months, so it isn't a big deal, it's just that if we are allowed not to have an exclusion, I'd like to figure out how to do that. He's covered under our plan as of the 7th; we'll just have to pay out of pocket for him to renew a prescription he has the first time it runs out.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-12 14:32:00
CanadaCertificate of Credible Coverage or equivalent
Just finished the paperwork to get my lovely new hubby onto my health insurance plan and the benefits manager asked if he can get something called a certificate of credible coverage to show that he is "insurable." All this means is we get to have the 6-month exclusion for preexisting conditions waived. It would be nice since he has had coverage all his life, but it isn't critical. I know that it isn't something that is really an issue in Canada, so I'm wondering if they will have any idea what to send us. I didn't realize there was a way out of the 6-month preexisting condition exclusion at all, so this is actually some good news rather than an unexpected additional hurdle.

In other news, my mom got all weepy about what a nice outgoing message we have on our answering machine. I guess she likes hubby's voice better than mine. I'm her eldest child---so what's up with that?????
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-12 11:08:00
CanadaOur Wedding Pictures
What a beautiful setting for your wedding! And you both look so gorgeous and (most importantly!) so happy! Congratulations.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-05 11:13:00
CanadaTravelled here together?
A lot of people do this. Especially US-Canadian couples, because many of us drive down. I wasn't much help to my man when he moved---all I did was sit in the car as he drove across the prairie for five days---but I did go with him.
SonoranSongbirdFemaleCanada2008-08-13 17:06:00